5th EuropEan MolEcular IMagIng MEEtIng - ESMI

5th EuropEan MolEcular IMagIng MEEtIng - ESMI

5th EuropEan MolEcular IMagIng MEEtIng - ESMI


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<strong>5th</strong> <strong>EuropEan</strong> <strong>MolEcular</strong> <strong>IMagIng</strong> <strong>MEEtIng</strong> – EMIM2010<br />

overview poster presentations – per title<br />


In vivo MRI multicontrast kinetic analysis of intracellular trafficking of liposomes 114<br />

Diffusion-weighted MRI for differentiation of breast lesions at 3.0 Tesla: a new biomarker for breast imaging 115<br />

Imaging tumour apoptosis with 68Ga-labelled AnnexinA5 derivatives early after cancer therapy 116<br />

68 Ga-RGD-based PET tracers for imaging αν β 3 expression: a comparative study 117<br />

Influence of anaesthetics on tumor tracer uptake in radiopeptide receptor imaging (PRI) and radionuclide therapy (PRRT) 118<br />

Optical imaging of oral squamous cell carcinoma and cervical lymph node metastasis using near-infrared fluorescent<br />

probes in a mouse model – a pilot study 119<br />

Spectral unmixing of red and green luciferases for in vivo bioluminescence imaging 120<br />

High resolution redox imaging of intact cells by rxYFP, a ratiometric oxidation- sensitive fluorescent protein<br />

Assessment of antiangiogenic therapy effects in preclinical tumour models: Implementation of a novel contrast -<br />

121<br />

enhanced 3 D scanning technique and comparison to established ultrasound imaging protocols<br />

Influence of the BMP pathway on cell cycle regulation and its differentiation inducing potential on brain<br />

122<br />

tumor initiating cells 123<br />

A near infrared fluorescent-based method for imaging breast cancer induced osteolysis 124<br />

Near infrared fluorescent probes for whole body optical imaging of 4T1-luc2 mouse breast cancer development<br />

and metastasis 125<br />


Improved animal models to study tumor growth and spontaneous metastases: bioluminescence imaging<br />

characterization of the HT-29 human colorectal cancer cell line<br />

Development of dorsal skin-fold window chamber for the analysis of blood vessel modifications induced by<br />

126<br />

electropermeabilization<br />

Characterization and evaluation of a tumor specific RGD optical probe for time-domain near-infrared<br />

127<br />

fluorescence imaging 128<br />

18F labeling of insulin via click chemistry<br />

Whole-body distribution, pharmacokinetics and dosimetry of radioiodinated fully humanized anti-VAP-1<br />

129<br />

antibody – a PET imaging study of rabbits 130<br />

Pharmacological characterization of iodine labeled adenosine kinase inhibitors<br />

Determining the nasal residence time of protein-polymer conjugates for nasal vaccination using a novel<br />

131<br />

imaging technique 132<br />

Nanotubes as mutli-modality vehicles for imaging and therapy of cancer 133<br />

Early assessment of temozolomide treatment efficacy in glioblastoma using [ 18F]FLT PET imaging 134<br />

Sensitive time-gated FRET microscopy of G-Protein coupled receptors using suicide enzymes, lanthanide cryptates and<br />

fluorescent ligands 135<br />


Selection of a nanobody scaffold with low renal retention 136<br />

In vitro assessment of androgen mediated uptake of 18F-FDG, 11C-choline and 11C-acetate in prostate cancer 137<br />

Comparison of two 68Gallium-labeled octreotide analogues for molecular PET(CT) imaging of neuroendocrine tumours 138<br />

Real time per operative optical imaging for the improvement of tumour surgery in an in vivo micro-metastases model 139<br />

Fluorescence imaging modalities for imaging gastrointestinal tumor models<br />

Assessment of effectiveness and toxicity of the therapy with somatostatin analogue labelled 90Y-DOTATATE in<br />

140<br />

patients with non-functional pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours (PNT)<br />

Intra operative near-infrared fluorescent imaging of colorectal liver metastases using clinically available Indocyanine<br />

141<br />

Green in a syngene rat model 142<br />

Molecular imaging of resistance to EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors by 18F-FLT PET/CT and its reversal in non small cell<br />

lung cancer 143<br />


Synchronised Cardiac and Lung CT in Rodents Using the Mobile CT Scanner LaTheta 144<br />

Molecular imaging of neurovascular inflammation in a mouse model of focal cerebral ischemia using Ultra small<br />

Superparamagnetic Particles of Iron Oxide (USPIOs) targeted to vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) 145<br />

Scintigraphy with the use of 123I-IL-2: a new promising tool for cardiovascular risk assessment in patients with high<br />

cardiovascular risk 146<br />

<strong>EuropEan</strong> SocIEty for <strong>MolEcular</strong> <strong>IMagIng</strong> – <strong>ESMI</strong><br />


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