Business Administration - John F. Kennedy University

Business Administration - John F. Kennedy University

Business Administration - John F. Kennedy University


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Performance review and evaluation<br />

Following admission, there is an ongoing evaluation of each<br />

student’s academic performance and readiness to continue in the<br />

program. When an evaluation indicates that a student’s performance<br />

falls below the standards of the department of Counseling<br />

Psychology, a student may be required to take additional<br />

coursework, complete additional supervised field experience,<br />

undertake personal growth work, take a leave of absence, or<br />

withdraw from the program. The final decision is made by the<br />

department chair in consultation with the dean of the school.<br />

After one year in the program and completion of the courses listed<br />

below, students are given a year-end progress review. This year-end<br />

review is a supportive team process involving the review of written<br />

faculty feedback and evaluation, grade standing, and an assessment<br />

of the individual’s overall readiness to proceed further in the program.<br />

field Placement<br />

Students in the counseling psychology MA degree program gain<br />

therapeutic experience and develop clinical skills through required<br />

12 units of field placement. Students complete their field placement<br />

at the School’s Center for Holistic Counseling in Oakland, JFK<br />

<strong>University</strong>’s commu nity counseling centers in Sunnyvale or at<br />

another approved community-based site.<br />

The 12 units (four consecutive quarters) of supervised field<br />

placement are integral to students’ clinical training. Students are<br />

trained to conduct screening interviews, crisis intervention,<br />

assessment, referral, and community outreach. Students have<br />

ample opportunity to share their clinical experience with other<br />

trainees and to receive feedback on their work from skilled<br />

practitioners. Working with the guidance of experienced, licensed<br />

therapists, trainees are assisted in developing therapeutic skills<br />

through a variety of means, including individual and group<br />

supervision, training sessions, individual and family case semi nars,<br />

direct observation through one-way mirrors, and use of audio and<br />

videotape. Students may sometimes be required or have the option<br />

to take a fifth quarter of field placement.<br />

Supplemental field placement is for students who wish to gain<br />

clinical experience in addition to their required 12 units of field<br />

practicum and wish to count those hours of experience towards BBS<br />

licensure. In order to be eligible a student must complete at least 18<br />

quarter units of graduate coursework in the counseling program.<br />

Those 18 units must include Therapeutic Communication A–B<br />

(HSJ 5105–06, SPC 5323–24, or TPC 5213–14), Group Process A–C<br />

(HSJ 5101–03, SPC 5004–06, or TPC 5004–06), and Ethics and the<br />

Law (HSJ 5235, SPC 5631, or TPC 5235). After receiving permission<br />

from the field placement coordinator and the program chair or<br />

director, a student must register for the one-unit supplemental<br />

fieldwork course for each quarter.<br />

individual Psychotherapy<br />

The program considers it essential that a practicing therapist<br />

understand the therapy process on a first-hand and personal basis.<br />

All students in the counseling psychology program are required to<br />

complete at least 12 months or 48 hours of weekly individual<br />

psychotherapy with a licensed therapist. In some cases students<br />

may be required to complete more than the 12-month minimum<br />

requirement. Students receive no academic credit for this and must<br />

make financial arrange ments directly with the therapist. Students<br />

must start their psy chotherapy on or before the beginning of the<br />

second year in the program.<br />

College of Professional Studies<br />

Individual therapy gives students the opportunity to work on<br />

personal concerns and issues that may affect their work with<br />

clients. The therapist acts as an exemplar: students studying to<br />

become therapists have an opportunity to extend their expertise by<br />

direct supervision from an experienced professional. These hours<br />

can be applied toward MFT licensing requirements.<br />

Spiritual Practice requirement<br />

In keeping with the school’s recognition that daily spiritual practice<br />

is fundamental to growth in consciousness, students in the program<br />

are required to practice a daily spiritual discipline. Sitting<br />

meditation, somatic disciplines such as tai chi, yoga, or aikido, or<br />

the practice of other comparable disciplines are all acceptable<br />

possibilities. Students determine which discipline best serve their<br />

needs and are expected to articulate how the discipline has<br />

contributed to their individual growth in writing or during the<br />

year-end review.<br />

California MfT licensing requirements<br />

The Master of Arts degree in counseling psychology with a<br />

specializa tion in integral psychotherapy, somatic psychology,<br />

transpersonal psychology, or holistic studies meets the educational<br />

requirements for the California Marriage and Family Therapist<br />

(MFT) license. Licensing statutes and regulations are subject to<br />

future legislative or administrative revisions. (Counseling<br />

psychology students will be kept informed about MFT licensing<br />

requirements and changes as they occur.)<br />

A description of the requirements of the law (<strong>Business</strong> and<br />

Professional Code §§4980.37 and 4980.38), and the way in which<br />

the program meets these requirements are available from the<br />

College of Professional Studies.<br />

Ma in Counseling Psychology<br />

Somatic Psychology Specialization<br />

The central principle of somatic psychology is that soma and psyche<br />

are inseparable. Cognitive, emotional, spiritual, and bodily<br />

experience must therefore be actively included in therapeutic work.<br />

The MA degree program in Counseling Psychology with an<br />

emphasis in somatic psychology is a professional training in<br />

psychotherapeutic practice from an integrative, whole-person model.<br />

It provides students with professional clinical skills of assessment,<br />

diagnosis, and treatment with a particular emphasis on somatic<br />

processes, such as sensate experience, sensorimotor development,<br />

movement expression, structural patterning, and regulation of<br />

physiological states. This master’s-level degree program is one of a<br />

very few in the world that integrates the study of the body and<br />

psycho-emotional process in the practice of psychotherapy.<br />

The program offers a strong foundation in basic counseling theory<br />

and practice. It combines theoretical and experiential learning<br />

modalities and emphasizes personal attitudes and beliefs that<br />

become embodied and expressed in one’s posture, gesture, voice,<br />

movement, and ways of relating. Movement seminars explore the<br />

reciprocal rela tionship between movement and the psyche. Students<br />

learn to utilize movement and somatic awareness techniques to work<br />

through emotional blocks, allow tension patterns to unravel, and<br />

cultivate body-mind-spirit integration. Courses focusing on trauma<br />

and stress negotiation provide students with the clinical<br />

understanding of hyperaroused physiological states, the importance<br />

of working within the “window of tolerance,” and practical<br />

resourcing skills. Students are encouraged to pursue both spiritual<br />

JOHn F. KEnnEdy UnIvErSITy College of Professional Studies 91<br />

College of<br />

Professional Studies

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