Business Administration - John F. Kennedy University

Business Administration - John F. Kennedy University

Business Administration - John F. Kennedy University


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College of<br />

Undergraduate Studies<br />

College of Undergraduate Studies Course Descriptions<br />

under stress; it examines significant aspects of relationships<br />

including codependence and addictive relationships, loving<br />

relationships, and relationships in transition. May be repeated for<br />

credit with a change of topic.<br />

PYJ 4000 Community Psychology 3<br />

Looks at the application of psychology in relation to the com munity.<br />

Students will look at issues such as the nature of com munity,<br />

community involvement, community organizations and how they<br />

work, conflict resolution and mediation, and diversity and how the<br />

field of psychology relates to and can possibly help in regard to these<br />

issues.<br />

PYC /PYJ 4005 learning and Cognition 3<br />

This survey course addresses historical and current theoretical<br />

assumptions and approaches to learning and cognition. Special<br />

attention is given to the relationship between learning and cognitive<br />

process. Topics addressed include operant condition ing, social<br />

learning theory, learning styles, perception, memory, problem<br />

solving, thinking, and intelligence.<br />

PYC /PYJ 4010 Psychological assessments<br />

and outcomes 3<br />

This course looks at the latitude and utilization of various<br />

psychological assessment tools. The assumptions, limits, and<br />

challenges to psychological assessment will also be addressed. The<br />

focus will be on the construction and evaluation of psycho logical<br />

tests and their performance in clinical situations. Students will be<br />

engaged in self-assessment in their learning experience.<br />

PYC 4120 emotions, intelligence, and awareness 3<br />

Although emotions have long been considered to be secondary, if<br />

not detrimental, to our mental efficiency in finding success in life,<br />

mounting evidence demonstrates that thinking is literally impossible<br />

without feeling, that it plays an organizing role in thought itself, and<br />

that true success is totally dependent upon a highly developed<br />

emotional life. EQ is as important as, if not more so than, IQ. This<br />

course will examine the evidence and search for practical ways of<br />

developing an intelligent heart and a compassionate mind.<br />

PYC 4200 Jungian Psychology 3<br />

An examination of Jung’s life and works including the basic<br />

structures of Jungian theory, the nature and structure of the psyche,<br />

and the four functions of consciousness.<br />

PYC 4203 humanistic Psychology 3<br />

This course explores the major concepts, theories, techniques,<br />

applications, and trends in the field of humanistic psychology, often<br />

called the Third Force in psychology. Influenced by humanism,<br />

existentialism, and phenomenology, humanistic psychology is<br />

fundamentally interested in human capacities and potentials.<br />

Humanistic psychology helped to birth the human potential<br />

movement, transpersonal psychology, and positive psychology. The<br />

course examines the nature of self, love, creativity, spontaneity, play,<br />

warmth, ego-transcendence, autonomy, responsibility, authenticity,<br />

meaning, transcendental experience, courage, and other topics of<br />

vital human interest.<br />

PYC /PYJ 4205 Transpersonal Psychology 3<br />

The philosophical and empirical foundations of transpersonal<br />

psychology and the transpersonal principles used in counseling are<br />

explored. Theorists include Roberto Assagioli, Ken Wilber, Stanislav<br />

Grof, Francis vaughn, and A.H. Almaas.<br />

PYC 4207 integral Psychology 3<br />

This introduces the five elements of Ken Wilber’s integral theory,<br />

including quadrants, levels, lines, states, and types, and examines<br />

their relevance to psychology and as a framework for today’s world.<br />

This course also explores different transpersonal psychological<br />

theories and philoso including those of Carl Jung, Roberto Assagioli,<br />

A.H. Almaas, and Stanislav Grof. Topics include models of<br />

consciousness and human development, the relationship of Self/self;<br />

and the potential of Integral Psychology to deepen our<br />

understanding of; and help bring about, personal psycho-spiritual<br />

development, as well as socialiglobal change.<br />

PYC 4209 Spiritual Counseling 3<br />

This course introduces the basic approaches, knowledge, and skills<br />

involved in interfaith spiritual counseling. Interfaith spiritual<br />

counseling is a companioning process that helps individuals to<br />

sense, savor, and integrate the presence and movement of spirit in<br />

their lives and to cultivate their spiritual lives. We will study<br />

interfaith and cross-cultural perspectives on spiritual experience,<br />

examine different approaches to spiritual discernment, discuss the<br />

spiritual counseling process, learn contemplative listening skills,<br />

explore the nature of prayer, and practice offering spiritual support<br />

and guidance.<br />

PYC 4211 evolutionary Psychology 3<br />

The course is designed to introduce and critically assess the exciting<br />

and often controversial movement of Evolutionary Psychology. The<br />

emerging new field of psychology is emphatically interdisciplinary,<br />

involving all of the following: evolutionary theory, paleoanthropology,<br />

cognitive psychology, philosophy, ethics, sociology,<br />

religion, and political theory. The course will be a focused<br />

engagement that will give the student a working familiarity with<br />

both the breadth of inquiry and the goals of Evolutionary<br />

Psychology.<br />

PYC 4213 Planetary Psychology 3<br />

This course explores a psychology of ecological homecoming. We<br />

will survey various perspectives and approaches that deal with the<br />

psychological dimension of our relationship with the environment,<br />

including mainstream ecology, deep ecology, bioregionalisin,<br />

ecopsychology, ecotherapy (applied ecopsychology), integral<br />

ecology, and the relatively new field of terrapsychology, the deep<br />

study of our psychological connections to specific places.<br />

PYC /PYJ 4217 Creativity and intuition 3<br />

Explores from a psychospiritual and interdisciplinary perspective<br />

the theories and processes in the development of creativity and<br />

intuition. Students engage in various forms of creative expression<br />

such as writing, drawing, and guided imagery.<br />

PYC 4218 healing Stories 3<br />

This course explores how stories and myths powerfully influence<br />

our perceptions, desires, values, and behaviors. Indeed, they shape<br />

our personal and social identities. By becoming aware of the nature<br />

of stories and storytelling, we learn to deconstruct false and<br />

disempowering stories and to create truer and more empowering<br />

ones. In this course we will examine powerful stories that not only<br />

portray the themes of healing and transformation but also have the<br />

64 College of Undergraduate Studies Courses JoHN F. KENNEDy UNIvERSITy

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