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Business Administration - John F. Kennedy University


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College of<br />

Undergraduate Studies<br />

College of Undergraduate Studies Course Descriptions<br />

arts & Consciousness [a&C] Courses<br />

These courses are offered on the Berkeley campus.<br />

a&C 4020 history of Contemporary art 3<br />

Examination and discussion of art since 1980. Concepts and<br />

philosophies which define the art of “now” are examined in depth.<br />

Study of current trends and ideas and their impact on students’<br />

artwork is emphasized. Slide lectures, assigned reading, and<br />

independent research papers are required.<br />

a&C 4022 art of the World 3<br />

A survey of world art from the Paleolithic to Early Modern era.<br />

Emphasis is placed on diverse cultural perspectives and compari sons<br />

of various cultural approaches to art and its place in culture.<br />

Comparisons of east Asian, Islamic, European, and tribal art will be<br />

the central focus of the course. Slide lectures, assigned read ing, and<br />

independent research papers are required.<br />

a&C 4024 Modern art 3<br />

This course explores European Modernism and its impact on world<br />

culture and contemporary ideas of art and creativity. Ideas such as<br />

automatism, expressionism, abstraction, and conceptual ism will be<br />

examined as a way of contextualizing and clarifying the role of<br />

contemporary art in society.<br />

a&C 4307 Visual Communications a 3<br />

An introduction to the skills and conceptual foundations of effective<br />

visual communications. Using a combination of digital and<br />

traditional art materials, the class will explore the technical tools and<br />

philosophical assumptions regarding the nature of communication<br />

through symbol, image, text, color, and compo sition. Through<br />

weekly assignments and critiques, class members will develop skills<br />

and insights needed for further exploration of the field. Basic<br />

competence in appropriate digital media will be a central outcome<br />

as will broadened awareness and ability in the use of cultural<br />

signifiers and signs in visual art.<br />

a&C 4308 Visual Communications B 3<br />

Continuation of work in A&C 4307, this course emphasizes advanced<br />

skills in digital image-making. Develops further ability to integrate<br />

conceptual skills into development of powerful and effective visual<br />

images. Expands digital skills to include website design and the use<br />

of appropriate software for the creation of basic online venues for<br />

visual communication. Individual projects and individual work with<br />

the instructor strengthen the links between graphic work and<br />

primary artistic interests and direction for each student. Students<br />

develop improved technical ability and clearly marketable career<br />

skills in design and digital art.<br />

a&C 4338 introduction to Performance art,<br />

improvisation, and Poetics 3<br />

An introduction to the foundational modalities, practices, and<br />

contexts of movement, improvisation, and poetics as solo and<br />

ensemble explorations in performance. Using the body and voice as<br />

the primary media of expression, the class will introduce students to<br />

the basic forms and traditions of movement, improvisation, and<br />

poetics as a gateway into personal and social transformation. The<br />

class will provide ample structures and opportunities for creative<br />

experimentation and self-discovery. We will strengthen the<br />

mind-body connection and deepen intuitive impulses, exploring a<br />

range of traditions in the per forming arts.<br />

a&C 4510 Visual Culture a 3<br />

An exploration of the relationship between art and culture,<br />

specifically pertaining to the visual arts. Using examples from a<br />

variety of societies, the notions of visuality and representation as<br />

integral to the concept of culture will be discussed. of central<br />

importance will be the presentation of the visual cultures devel oped<br />

from the time of modernity to the present. Some of the issues<br />

discussed will be the development of different technolo gies and their<br />

impact on ethics, concepts of ownership authen ticity, representation,<br />

and the making of societies of spectacle. First part of a two-quarter<br />

sequence.<br />

a&C 4520 Visual Culture B 3<br />

The second part of the two-quarter visual culture requirement, this<br />

course will combine studio work and the study of ethnogra phy.<br />

Students will examine diverse cultures and select one in particular,<br />

either contemporary or historical, from which to create original<br />

artwork made with that culture’s cultural perspec tives and<br />

philosophical perspectives. Students will work in any media of their<br />

choice. Specific cultural requirements and formal expectations will<br />

be carefully considered in discussion and evaluation of student<br />

artwork.<br />

a&C 4530 art, archetype, and Creative Process 3<br />

An examination of individual identity within the context of history,<br />

cultural philosophy, and creative process. Strong empha sis is placed<br />

on the making of images and objects as tools for self-inquiry. Links<br />

between creativity, spirituality, and the physical process of<br />

object-making will be explored in depth. Relationships between<br />

meaning, aesthetic intent, and psychological archetype will be<br />

examined through class work and out-of-class assign ments. A variety<br />

of creative modalities such as drawing, painting, sound, performance,<br />

and language will be used. Intensive self-examination, studio<br />

practice, and academic study will help students explore the universal<br />

dimensions of their individual artwork.<br />

a&C 4660 individual Mentorship 1–5<br />

Individual studio practice with an approved mentor selected from a<br />

network of working visual artists in the Bay Area is provided.<br />

Students meet individually with mentors several times over the<br />

course of the quarter to develop technical, conceptual, and<br />

professional skills. A written assessment of the mentorship is<br />

required.<br />

a&C 4665 Mentorship extension 1–3<br />

Students are permitted to continue working on an individual,<br />

community, or group mentorship without incurring an incom plete.<br />

a&C 4670 Media of Sacred arts 1–3<br />

varying courses explore the relationship between creativity and<br />

spiritual practice. Courses highlight the creation of art intended<br />

specifically for sacred and transformative process. various courses<br />

will focus on mask-making, music, movement, or mixed media in<br />

the creation of sacred art. Courses address the use of sacred art from<br />

diverse cultural settings. Students are engaged in studio assignments.<br />

This course may be retaken for additional credit.<br />

a&C 4675 group Studio Practice 1–3<br />

Group studio practice involves any of a variety of courses that address<br />

the formal, technical, and experiential aspects of art-making. varying<br />

courses exploring the transpersonal aspects of drawing, painting,<br />

52 College of Undergraduate Studies Courses JoHN F. KENNEDy UNIvERSITy

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