Business Administration - John F. Kennedy University

Business Administration - John F. Kennedy University

Business Administration - John F. Kennedy University


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TPC 5105 Professional integrative Project B 2<br />

Students take this course when ready to complete their paper and<br />

give an oral presentation on it. This is the second in a two-course<br />

sequence. Prerequisites: TPC 5104 and permission of the instructor.<br />

TPC 5140 expressive Movement 3<br />

This course will be a holistic, experiential journey through the<br />

moving body, exploring the mind, body, spirit connection and some<br />

educational/therapeutic uses of expressive movement. The<br />

coursework will include readings, drawing, writing, movement, and<br />

visualization.<br />

TPC 5141 Spiritual Systems 2<br />

Students select from a variety of spiritual systems, exploring the<br />

underlying theory of the system and engaging in in-depth prac tice.<br />

Sample topics may include African-based spirituality, music and<br />

spirituality, art as a spiritual practice, and nature-based spirituality,<br />

among others.<br />

TPC 5152 Marriage and family Counseling a 3<br />

An introduction to major family systems theories, methods for<br />

assessment of interaction patterns, and intervention strategies<br />

appropriate to separation, divorce, and family dysfunction. Spousal<br />

or partner abuse assessment, detection, and intervention will be<br />

addressed. Also covers relationships between family systems theory<br />

and transpersonal theory. Prerequisites: TPC 5006, TPC 5161, and<br />

TPC 5193.<br />

TPC 5153 Marriage and family Counseling B 3<br />

Applies principles and methods of marriage and family counsel ing,<br />

and marriage and family systems theory to specific problems (e.g.,<br />

spousal abuse, terminal illness, psychosomatic family members, and<br />

addictive families). Transpersonal issues in work ing with optimal<br />

family systems are also explored. Prerequisite: TPC 5152.<br />

TPC 5158 Child Therapy 3<br />

Psychological/developmental issues of childhood are explored from<br />

traditional and transpersonal perspectives. The develop mental<br />

impact of such issues as family dysfunction and child abuse are<br />

discussed. various practical therapeutic methods for working with<br />

children are reviewed.<br />

TPC 5161–62 fundamentals of<br />

Transpersonal Counseling a–B 2/2<br />

Covers basic postulates of transpersonally oriented counseling.<br />

Surveys Jungian psychology, transpersonal approaches to<br />

psy chotherapy, psychosynthesis, imagery and movement psychology,<br />

and myth, art, and ritual in counseling. Prerequisite: PyC /PyJ 3200.<br />

TPC 5171–72 Systems of<br />

Transpersonal Counseling a–B 3/3<br />

A specific therapeutic approach to psychotherapy is explored in<br />

depth (e.g., Jungian-archetypal, expressive arts therapy,<br />

existential-transpersonal psychotherapy, or transperson ally oriented<br />

analysis). May be repeated for credit with a change of topic.<br />

TPC 5192 individual development<br />

and the family life Cycle a 3<br />

Covers how the development of the self is conceptualized and<br />

perceived, both personally and therapeutically, from a variety of<br />

College of Professional Studies Course Descriptions<br />

traditional and transpersonal perspectives including Jungian, object<br />

relations, self-psychology, and self-in-relation theory. deepens<br />

understanding of how developmental arrest has an impact on adult<br />

development and becomes expressed in relation ships.<br />

TPC 5193 individual development<br />

and the family life Cycle B 3<br />

Focuses on traditional and transpersonal views of the family life cycle<br />

and ways it is influenced by and independent of the devel opmental<br />

experiences of individual members in their families of origin. By<br />

drawing on research, literature and personal experi ence, students<br />

explore specific dynamics of the family life cycle. Prerequisite: TPC<br />

5192.<br />

TPC 5203–05 diagnosis, assessment, and<br />

Therapeutic Strategy a–C 3/3/2<br />

A review of traditional and transpersonal diagnostic systems<br />

including dSM-Iv and alternative typologies (such as the<br />

Ennea gram, a phenomenological approach, or a body-oriented<br />

approach), assessment methods including interviewing and<br />

projec tive and objective testing, and therapeutic strategies<br />

appropriate to different diagnostic categories.<br />

TPC 5213 Therapeutic Communication a 3<br />

development and application of communication skills to indi vidual,<br />

couple, and family therapy. Students learn centering, attention and<br />

listening skills, and means of discriminating between content and<br />

process.<br />

TPC 5214 Therapeutic Communication B 3<br />

Training in recognizing transference and countertransference issues<br />

and in making effective therapeutic interventions. Assess ment of<br />

communication patterns in dysfunctional, functional, and optimal<br />

individual, couple, and family systems are explored. Prerequisite:<br />

TPC 5213.<br />

TPC 5231 Sexuality 2<br />

The sexual response cycle, male and female sexuality, and sexual<br />

development and dysfunction are discussed from physiological,<br />

psychological, sociocultural, and transpersonal perspectives.<br />

Therapeutic approaches are explored as they apply to individuals,<br />

families, and couples.<br />

TPC 5235 Psychological Testing 3<br />

This survey course is designed to help students understand the basic<br />

concepts and applications of psychological testing and the<br />

psychometric properties of psychological tests. This course will<br />

emphasize the appropriate applications and limitations of many of<br />

the current psychological tests—especially with regard to their use<br />

with people of non-dominant cultures. Issues of validity and ethics<br />

will be reviewed in this regard.<br />

TPC 5245 Psychopharmacology 3<br />

An introduction and general overview of psychopharmacology as it<br />

relates to the practice of psychotherapy. Current medications,<br />

research in psychopharmacology and psychoneurology will be<br />

covered. In addition alternative medicine, natural remedies and<br />

cultural issues from a holistic perspective will be covered as will the<br />

relationship between the psychotherapist and physician in medication<br />

management.<br />

JOHn F. KEnnEdy UnIvErSITy College of Professional Studies Courses 157<br />

College of<br />

Professional Studies

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