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Business Administration - John F. Kennedy University


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College of<br />

Professional Studies<br />

College of Professional Studies Course Descriptions<br />

iPP 5507 Seminar in integral Studies<br />

This course offers a variety of topics on issues related to integral and<br />

holistic philosophies.<br />

iPP 5510 Psychosynthesis 2<br />

Explores the principles and practices of psychosynthesis, a<br />

transpersonal psychology developed by roberto Assagioli. Topics<br />

include the integration of sub-personalities, development of different<br />

aspects of the will, the use of guided imagery, and other techniques<br />

for integrating body, mind, and spirit.<br />

iPP 5550 degree Completion 0<br />

This course will present the requirements and expectations to<br />

successfully complete the degree requirements for the student’s<br />

program.<br />

iPP 5600a Planning a Thesis a 0.5<br />

In this course, students will explore their thesis topics and clarify the<br />

major questions to be addressed.<br />

iPP 5600B Planning a Thesis B 0.5<br />

In this course, students will complete a literature review of their topic,<br />

and an exploration of their research methodology. Final assignment<br />

is a complete 15-20 page thesis proposal. Prerequisite: IPP 5600A.<br />

iPP 5610 Ma integrative Project 2<br />

In this class, students prepare their final integrative paper and<br />

presentation. This includes a personal statement, psychological and<br />

spiritual theory, and application of coursework within a professional<br />

and social context. Prerequisites: IPP 5052.<br />

iPP 5615 Thesis 1—3<br />

Students write a master’s thesis under the supervision of selected<br />

faculty members. Prerequisite: IPP 5600B.<br />

iPP 5995 independent Study in integral Studies 1—3<br />

Independent study allows students to do in-depth research on a<br />

particular topic. Students work independently with consent and<br />

supervision by a faculty member.<br />

integral Theory [iTh] Courses<br />

iTh 5005 integral Theory: The five elements 3<br />

This course will be an introduction to the theoretical model that<br />

provides the foundation and structure for the program. It will be the<br />

first course in the sequence of three integral theory courses. This<br />

course will provide a basic introduction to the central five elements<br />

of the theoretical model guiding the pro gram. It will provide the<br />

foundation upon which more in-depth understanding of the model<br />

will be developed.<br />

iTh 5006 integral Theory: integral Methodological<br />

Pluralism 3<br />

This course provides an exploration of the advanced core concepts<br />

of integral theory and their applications. The material builds on<br />

topics covered in ITH 5005 and extends the discussion into the<br />

sophisticated underpinnings of the integral approach focusing on the<br />

eight methodological families, post-metaphysics, and perspectives.<br />

iTh 5009 integral Theory: applications 3<br />

This course provides students with an opportunity to explore the<br />

integral approach in action. Through exploring various applica tions<br />

of both the basic and advanced components of the integral model,<br />

students gain a working understanding of how to apply the model to<br />

their own lives and professions.<br />

iTh 5039 developmental Psychology 3<br />

This course explores how the development of the self is<br />

con ceptualized and perceived within a variety of perspectives<br />

including Piaget, Kegan, object-relations theory, self-psychology, and<br />

others. Full spectrum development from pre-personal to personal<br />

and transpersonal will be covered. These theories will be expressed<br />

within an integral developmental model.<br />

iTh 5043 integral life Practice 2<br />

This course focuses on applying the integral model to an individ ual’s<br />

own path of transformation. Using various modules, students<br />

construct a practice program for their own lives that meets them at<br />

their growing edge.<br />

iTh 5047 Phenomenological inquiry 2<br />

This course will use first-person techniques to explore somatic,<br />

emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of one’s direct awareness. It<br />

will draw on various traditions—philosophical, psychological, and<br />

religious—for encountering one’s interiority. Emphasis will be placed<br />

on the experiential correlates to various developmental stages.<br />

iTh 5054 Types: enneagram 3<br />

The Enneagram will be presented as a model for understanding<br />

defense strategies against experiencing and expressing one’s essential<br />

self. The course will focus on developmental perspec tives and<br />

intersubjective dynamics.<br />

iTh 5057 Multiple intelligences 2<br />

This course will present the research for the various lines of<br />

development and help students explore their own capacities<br />

(cognitive, interpersonal, moral, somatic) and how to develop these<br />

dimensions of themselves.<br />

iTh 5059 States of Consciousness 2<br />

This course examines altered states of consciousness including<br />

hypnosis, mediation, and dreams as well as creative, ecstatic, and<br />

mystical states. Students explore characteristics and scientific<br />

implications of these states and research current thinking through<br />

personal projects and study.<br />

iTh 5061 integral Spirituality 2<br />

This course will look at the world’s great religions and examine their<br />

unique role in premodern times as well as their increasingly<br />

important yet surprising role in the modern and postmodern world.<br />

Based largely on Wilber’s recent book Integral Spirituality, students<br />

will explore in depth what these religions might offer today’s world.<br />

Key concepts to be covered include integral post-metaphysics, myths<br />

of the given, and the conveyor belt. Specific emphasis is placed on<br />

first-, second-, and third-person method ologies for understanding<br />

this material and for synthesizing and applying it to one’s life practice.<br />

138 College of Professional Studies Courses JOHn F. KEnnEdy UnIvErSITy

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