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Business Administration - John F. Kennedy University

Business Administration - John F. Kennedy University


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College of<br />

Professional Studies<br />

College of Professional Studies Course Descriptions<br />

iPP 5018 integral Theory B 3<br />

Building on the foundation laid down in IPP 5017, this course<br />

continues the inquiry into the nuances of integral theory. In<br />

particular, we will delve more deeply into Ken Wilber’s AQAL<br />

theory—studying the relationship between the domains of<br />

subjectivity, intersubjectivity, and objectivity. In addition, we will<br />

explore how these three domains of reality interface at each level of<br />

being in the world. Students will study the integral methodo logical<br />

pluralism (IMP) of Wilber’s more advanced writings. Prerequisite:<br />

IPP 5017.<br />

iPP 5020 Cognitive Theory 2<br />

Explores the integral power of cognitive theory, the nature of<br />

conditioning, and the role of mental schemas in constructing<br />

meaning and interpreting reality.<br />

iPP 5021 integral applications to global and<br />

Social issues 2<br />

This course will explore how integral theory is being applied to<br />

global and social issues. Students will learn about integral work<br />

taking place in various countries to address poverty, the<br />

environment, post-war trauma, leadership, good governance,<br />

community well-being, and HIv/AIdS. Students will develop their<br />

own integral application to an issue of concern.<br />

iPP 5023 Jung and archetypal Psychology 2<br />

This course will push beyond the basics of Jungian and arche typal<br />

psychology to discuss the uses of his key concepts as a path for<br />

transformation. “no one grows alone,” said Jung, and our journey<br />

through his thought and some of its offshoots, including the work of<br />

James Hillman, will reflect off the alchemical image of the chymical<br />

wedding to discuss individuation as a practice of consciousness<br />

between people as well as within the self. We will also consider Jung’s<br />

claim that alchemy, the ancient art of gold-making, was a historical<br />

counterpart and forerunner of Jung’s complex psychology.<br />

iPP 5025 Somatic Psychology 2<br />

This course explores the basic concepts in the field of somatic<br />

psychology. Through breath, movement, and the study of somatic<br />

principles, students examine the body/mind connection and the<br />

importance of embodied life experiences.<br />

iPP 5027 integral Spirituality and Practice 2<br />

This course explores different spiritual traditions and meditative<br />

practices within the context of an integral model.<br />

iPP 5029 integral field Course 2<br />

This course provides students an opportunity to learn how to apply<br />

integral theory to real-world situations. The course is designed in<br />

partnership with local organizations, oriented around field trips and<br />

daily activities, and involves guided reflection processes. In both its<br />

design and curriculum, this course provides a transformative,<br />

insightful, and service-oriented educational experience.<br />

iPP 5030 Planetary Psychology 3<br />

This course focuses on the relationship between psyche and nature.<br />

Environmental psychology, ecological psychology, eco-psychology,<br />

and conservation psychology will be addressed with an integral<br />

context.<br />

iPP 5031 evolutionary Psychology 2<br />

Evolutionary psychology draws on evolutionary biology,<br />

paleoanthropology, genetics, and cognitive psychology to under stand<br />

the mind from an evolutionary perspective. This course explores<br />

intrapsychic processes, cooperation, mating and sex, parental care,<br />

perception and language, and environmental aesthetics. These<br />

explorations will be situated within an integral framework and<br />

contrasted with other evolutionary approaches to psychology,<br />

consciousness, and society. Prerequisite: IPP 5017.<br />

iPP 5032 neuropsychology 2<br />

In this course, students look at the role the body and emotions play<br />

in creating the experience of self, both neurologically and<br />

psychologically. The course explores the development of neural<br />

pathways in the brain in response to intersubjective relationships as<br />

well as an integral approach to psychopharmacology. The<br />

relationship between mystical experiences and the brain is also<br />

examined. The course includes clinical research as well as<br />

experi ential exercises. Prerequisite: IPP 5031.<br />

iPP 5033 living Systems: integral Perspectives 2<br />

An introduction to the basic principles of Living Systems Theory,<br />

which will be explored in the context of Ken Wilber's AQAL model.<br />

The course will include both theoretical and experiential<br />

components, and students will be asked at the end of the course to<br />

apply these principles and practices to a selected area of interest<br />

(ecology, psychological development, community/cultural<br />

development, education, business or spiritual leadership, etc). Preor<br />

co-requisite: PHr 3405.<br />

iPP 5040 Professional inquiry 2<br />

In this course, students will go through a personal assessment<br />

process of their work experience, skills, intentions, goals, and vision<br />

of present and future career options.<br />

iPP 5041 Professional application 1<br />

In this course, students will complete an internship of their choice.<br />

This may include on-site training, research, or other projects that<br />

directly relate to career goals. Prerequisite: IPP 5050.<br />

iPP 5045 integral inquiry 1–3<br />

This course offers a variety of topics related to communication and<br />

methods of self-exploration from an integral perspective.<br />

iPP 5049 Transpersonal Psychology 3<br />

This course explores the basic theorists in transpersonal psychol ogy<br />

including the work of Carl Jung, robert Assagioli, Stan Grof, and<br />

A.H. Almaas among others. Course also includes inquiry into states<br />

of consciousness including meditation, dreams, and peak<br />

experiences. Co-requisite: COr 3145.<br />

iPP 5051 integral research a 2<br />

This course is designed to expose students to the foundations of<br />

integral research and guide them in beginning a research project to<br />

be completed in the companion course, IPP 5052. Students will<br />

explore the history and concept of research design; identify topics<br />

for research using the first-, second-, and third-person approaches;<br />

and explore the tradition of action inquiry. Finally, students will<br />

complete a project proposal that will serve as their research guide<br />

for IPP 5052. Prerequisite: IPP 5900.<br />

136 College of Professional Studies Courses JOHn F. KEnnEdy UnIvErSITy

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