Business Administration - John F. Kennedy University

Business Administration - John F. Kennedy University

Business Administration - John F. Kennedy University


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and poor body image are considered in this course, along with<br />

socio-cultural factors that play a role. Eating as a mindful spiritual<br />

practice is also incorporated into this holistic approach to weight<br />

management. Prerequisites: HHE 5156.<br />

hhe 5180 Somatic education a 2<br />

This course presents a review of somatic modalities including those<br />

that are movement-and awareness-based and those that are<br />

touch-based. A strong experiential component is included so that<br />

students may enhance their own somatic awareness and function.<br />

hhe 5181 Somatic education B 2<br />

This course provides theory and techniques for how health educators<br />

(non-practitioners) may work with people one on one and in groups or<br />

classes to facilitate development of somatic awareness and enhanced<br />

function. Application possibilities and settings are considered. The<br />

course may also cover issues such as those that might come up while<br />

teaching movement classes and body awareness classes from basics of<br />

making people comfortable and adapting classes to particular health<br />

challenges, touch, and consequences of teaching practices such as yoga<br />

and Qi Gong divorced from the traditional spiritual component.<br />

Prerequisite: HHE 5180<br />

hhe 5183 Starting an integrative Center 2<br />

Since the early 90s, many integrative center prototypes have been tried<br />

and inherent business challenges have been discovered. Some centers<br />

have survived and some have not. For a center to be successful, the<br />

business model must be as developed as the vision. In this course,<br />

students will research what kind of inte grative centers are currently in<br />

operation nationally. We will investigate the models that have been<br />

successful and see how those best practices could be combined with<br />

the student’s vision for starting an integrative center. Students will work<br />

step by step on developing an initial business plan. Prerequisite: HHE<br />

5001.<br />

hhe 5200 integral research in health education 3<br />

Understanding the structure, language, and function of research is the<br />

goal of this class. Students are exposed to a variety of research<br />

methodologies within the context of integral theory, focusing on health<br />

care. Integral methodology merges 1st person, 2nd person and 3rd<br />

person perspectives. Each perspective involves unique modes of<br />

inquiry and respective research methodologies. Knowledge and<br />

comprehension of integral research will come through application and<br />

analysis of key concepts and measures. Students gain insight and<br />

experience using vital tools for a career in holistic health education,<br />

understanding the importance of research by participating actively in<br />

a heuristic research project. Prerequisites: COr 3145; HHE 5120; HHE<br />

5158.<br />

hhe 5225 foundations of holistic health education 2<br />

College of Professional Studies Course Descriptions<br />

hhe 5340 Support group facilitation 2<br />

Students gain both a theoretical understanding of support groups as<br />

well as practical knowledge with respect to planning and facilitating a<br />

support group. We discuss the differences between support groups and<br />

other kinds of educational or therapeutic groups, look at the particular<br />

skills a facilitator must cultivate, and talk about common issues and<br />

problems. Each week the students work on one aspect of developing<br />

their own group so that by the end of the course they have created a<br />

session-by-session model of a support group on a theme of their choice.<br />

hhe 5425 Moving and Sensing 3<br />

Movement expresses various qualities, structured, free-flowing, linear,<br />

waving, fast, slow, etc., and happens on all different levels: from visible<br />

externally to barely felt on the inside. Sensations are the very flesh of<br />

our inner experience, though our kinesthetic sense has often been<br />

overlooked. This course presents a conceptual and experiential inquiry<br />

into moving and sensing, covering current movement/somatic<br />

approaches. Students will explore movement and develop tools to<br />

enrich their own sensory awareness as well as to facilitate such growth<br />

in clients or students.<br />

hhe 5429 Whole-health Coaching 3<br />

This course introduces a coaching approach to holistic health and<br />

teaches skills and practices needed for working as a whole-health coach.<br />

Students learn how to listen deeply, ask masterful questions, create<br />

awareness, design actions, set goals, manage progress, and provide<br />

accountability—all at a mind, body, energy, spirit level. Issues and<br />

challenges particular to health coaching are covered. With this course<br />

as a foundation, students can go on to take additional hours of training<br />

and complete the necessary hours of practice and testing to become<br />

certified as a coach through AsOne Coaching Institute and the<br />

International Coach Federation. Prerequisite: HHE 5001.<br />

hhe 5505 Student review: Midpoint 0<br />

At the completion of the midpoint of the HHE program (completion<br />

of approximately 35 units), students are oriented to the second half of<br />

the program, which is more focused on professional preparation. A<br />

student satisfaction survey is given.<br />

hhe 5512 Physiology and Psychology of Stress 3<br />

does stress cause illness and disease? Why can we both worry ourselves<br />

sick and also exercise our cares away? What roles do stress reactivity<br />

and the ability to shift perception play in our ability to build both<br />

physical and psychological resiliency? These are a few of the questions<br />

we explore as we examine the nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular,<br />

digestive and immune systems and the impact of stress on these<br />

systems. As the speed of life increases, the need for a holistic approach<br />

to stress management becomes greater. As a class, we put together a<br />

holistic stress management program that can be used in many health<br />

education settings. Prerequisite: SCI 3110.<br />

This course overviews a holistic approach to health education. We<br />

consider health as an interdisciplinary field and look at its defining<br />

terms and their usage. during the course we touch upon such topics as<br />

salutogenesis; treating whole persons and not illnesses; health, wellness,<br />

and metaphors for healing; self-care and client/patient involvement;<br />

health and relationship; health and spirituality; health of individuals in<br />

communities and as part of the environment. We look into Integral<br />

Theory as an integrative model. Also tying everything together is a big<br />

theme of language, health, and education, and how to present ourselves<br />

in ways that reach people (clients, patients, and fellow professionals). hhe 5610 Ma integrative Project 2<br />

Prerequisite: HHE 5001.<br />

The MA Integrative Final Project course is designed to assist students<br />

JOHn F. KEnnEdy UnIvErSITy College of Professional Studies Courses 131<br />

hhe 5575 Supervised internship 1-3<br />

Students work with ways of bridging their work as students with what<br />

they hope to do as professionals by working for one quarter in a<br />

professional setting under the guidance of a mentor, keeping a journal,<br />

and describing their work in a paper. Prerequisite: Permission of<br />

instructor.<br />

College of<br />

Professional Studies

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