Business Administration - John F. Kennedy University

Business Administration - John F. Kennedy University

Business Administration - John F. Kennedy University


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internship overview<br />

The internships in the Sport Psychology program are a key<br />

component of the educational process. The fieldwork experience<br />

is the cornerstone of the program. It allows students to gain a<br />

hands-on education in the role of being a sport psychology<br />

professional. Because of the importance placed on the intern ships,<br />

a student should approach this aspect of the program with a<br />

willingness to structure his or her experience in a manner that will<br />

optimize the educational value.<br />

The internships will help students:<br />

• Learn how to teach optimal performance techniques in an<br />

applied setting;<br />

• Increase awareness of the interpersonal relationships between<br />

themselves and their clients;<br />

• Learn to be aware of their personal style and approach;<br />

• Learn to integrate theories and techniques of sport psychol ogy<br />

into diverse settings;<br />

• Learn how to conduct oneself as a professional in the areas of<br />

flexibility, accountability, ethical behavior, and responsibility;<br />

• Become skilled in educating potential clients on the benefits of<br />

sport psychology skills and securing an internship site;<br />

• network with others in the field as well as with potential<br />

employers;<br />

• Use sport psychology techniques with clients as both life skills<br />

and mental training skills for sport.<br />

Students should develop internships to work with specific groups<br />

they may not have worked with in the past. This includes group<br />

and individual clients, unfamiliar sport experiences, athletes of<br />

various sports and developmental levels, and any other setting that<br />

will increase effectiveness. Approaching the fieldwork experience<br />

in this fashion will allow students to gain competence in many areas<br />

toward becoming effective sport psychology professionals.<br />

The interns are monitored by the fieldwork coordinator. during<br />

the internship, students will work one on one with a supervisor<br />

assigned by the fieldwork coordinator. Here the students will work<br />

on various areas as they pertain to the internship experi ence. They<br />

will assess their strengths and weaknesses which may be improved<br />

upon as a sport psychology consultant. Students will also attend a<br />

group supervision class (case seminar) where they can share ideas<br />

with their classmates and get feedback from the case instructor.<br />

To receive credit for each internship, students must follow the<br />

internship contract and policies, and fulfill all internship<br />

require ments (see internship packet). Samples of reasons a student<br />

would not get credit for an internship are:<br />

• not receive a passing score on the Supervisor’s Assessment of<br />

Intern (see form for details);<br />

• Failure to turn in weekly tapes to supervisor;<br />

• Failure to meet weekly with supervisor;<br />

• Failure to attend case class consecutively during the course of<br />

the internship;<br />

• Failure to stay with clients through the end of the season (even<br />

if this exceeds 11 weeks);<br />

• Consistently acting in an unprofessional and unethical man ner<br />

at his/her internship;<br />

• Failure to get minimum required contact hours;<br />

• Failure to turn in all informed consents to fieldwork coordina tor<br />

after first week of internship;<br />

• Failure to turn in all completed paperwork by their due dates.<br />

• Students who are not meeting the requirements of a fieldwork<br />

experience or who engage in conduct incompatible with the<br />

standards of graduate education or the practice of sport<br />

psychol ogy may be dismissed.<br />

Prerequisites<br />

Students need to complete the following courses before starting<br />

any internships:<br />

PSP 5815 Performance Enhancement A<br />

PSP 5816 Performance Enhancement B<br />

PSP 5800A Sport Psychology A<br />

PSP 5811 Counseling Skills A<br />

PSP 5826 Psychological dimensions of youth Sport<br />

PSP 5803A Ethics and Professional Issues in Sport Psychology A<br />

leaP Program<br />

College of Professional Studies<br />

The mission of the Life Enhancement through Athletic and<br />

Academic Participation program (LEAP) is to help at-risk children<br />

and adolescents to succeed in school and life. The “hook” of the<br />

LEAP program is participation in interactive and non-traditional<br />

games or in organized sports. LEAP uses sport participation as a<br />

catalyst to help youth learn more effective life skills and coping<br />

techniques.<br />

The LEAP program provides a bridge to opportunity by helping<br />

youth:<br />

• Improve personal decision making;<br />

• recognize choices have consequences;<br />

• Promote personal responsibility and accountability;<br />

• Improve positive self-concept, self-worth, and self-confi dence;<br />

• Learn skills to deal with anger and frustration in appropriate<br />

ways;<br />

• Learn to work together to solve problems;<br />

• Learn the discipline necessary to be successful in sports, school,<br />

and life.<br />

LEAP accomplishes these goals through participation in either an<br />

interactive and non-traditional games environment or taking part<br />

in sports. The LEAP program tailors sport psychology principles<br />

and techniques to the needs of each specific group.<br />

JOHn F. KEnnEdy UnIvErSITy College of Professional Studies 113<br />

College of<br />

Professional Studies

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