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-33-<br />

European. Its expense paid Ly the money of the<br />

European, until it declared its independence.. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

lavished their money on the esiaLlishment of<br />

schools, churches and other agencies for the elevation<br />

of successive Lodies of Negro colonists (*,,)*<br />

It was a European, too, who made possible, the annexation<br />

of the State of daryland in Liberia to the<br />

Republic (,.,) (but) By Organic law we shut him out<br />

from citizenship, and de.nied him the rights of holding<br />

real estate in fee simple. (...)<br />

<strong>The</strong>. European having stood shoulder to shoulden. with<br />

us in the Organization and building up of this State<br />

naturally expected his reward. Shut out from privilelge<br />

and propertyp but one thing remained with which<br />

to compensate him for his Services, that was<br />

Commercial Treedom (,..) But our policy of Commercial<br />

freedom to the. European lasted but fifteen<br />

short years." (9 8)<br />

Barclay refers here to the 1850 - 1864 period,, as the first<br />

Ports of Entry Law (enacted in 1849) had been repealed during<br />

the following two years (see above). He expressed open disagreement<br />

with the 1864 Ports of Entry law while continuing:<br />

"(,..) In 7863, on a suspicion thai Europeans incited<br />

the natives to rebel, but probably at the dictation<br />

of Liberian traders, then all-powerful with the<br />

electorate, the Port of Entry bill was passed,(. »»)<br />

<strong>The</strong> restrictive poficy has been persisted in for<br />

forty years. Are our traders richer than they were<br />

in 1864? Has the national capital increased? Did<br />

the exclusion of the European trader prevent native<br />

wars? (...) He is still our banker. He still furnishes<br />

capital for our Lusiness enterprises. His<br />

money is still Leing poured out to build churches,<br />

to pay ministerst serving not only native Lut also<br />

Americo-LiLerian congregations. He is still founding<br />

schools and colleges for our youth, (**,)" (99)<br />

Concluding, he ends with the most surprising admission of this<br />

Inaugural Address, accepting Liberia's economic dependance,<br />

stating:<br />

"(...) Ue can only save and develop our hinterland<br />

Ly the help of the European trader. (...)" (100)<br />

However, during his eight-year Administration President Arthur<br />

Barclay was not successful in realising (parliamentary) support<br />

for a basic change.<br />

In his 1904 Inaugural Address President Barclay repeatedly indicated<br />

that he was aware of the U.S. policy with respect to<br />

China around the turn of the century, notably the <strong>Open</strong> <strong>Door</strong><br />

Policy which opened up this country (China) for European and<br />

American trading and other economic influences and prevented<br />

further seizure of territory by imperialistic European Powers.<br />

It is highly probably that President Barclay wanted something<br />

similar with respect to Liberia. Between 1883 and 1900 Liberia<br />

had seen its territory considerably reduced by European colonial

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