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It is significant that despite the fact that nine out of this<br />

group of eleven people objected in some way to the company's proposals<br />

regarding taxation^ the outcome of the negotiations and<br />

the subsequent agreement with BFG bears no evidence of their suggestions.<br />

Ultimately, BFG was granted a tax holiday of 16§ years (starting<br />

on the date it commenced planting), after which, and during a<br />

period of ten (10) years, the company would pay a maximum income<br />

tax of 25? of its net income. No taxes other than income tax would<br />

be levied. On distribution of net income the recipients would be<br />

exempt from all levies, duties or taxes, whether distributed as a<br />

dividend, or otherwise, and whether in cash, securities or<br />

property. In calculating "net income" BFG was awarded rights<br />

similar to those that had been granted to Firestone in relation to<br />

its fixing of a price for its produce. Income derived from sources<br />

outside Liberia was also completely exempt from any and all taxes,<br />

both now and in the future. Other authors (6) have drawn attention<br />

to a double deduction from gross income which is allowed under the<br />

agreement. Nevertheless, no change or amendment to the 1954<br />

Agreement was ever introduced.<br />

As BFG commenced planting on July 1, 1955 its period of income tax<br />

exemption expired on January 1, 1972. After that date, it started<br />

paying income taxes and it will continue to do so until December<br />

31, 1981, at a rate of 25 per cent. Jn the meantime, corporate<br />

income tax was raised in 1977 to 50? (on income exceeding<br />

$ 100,000). High ranking officials within the Ministry of Finance<br />

could not rule out the possibility that BFG would continue to pay<br />

25 per cent income taxes on its net income after 1981. Though in<br />

that year the Government could request a re-negotiation of this<br />

tax provision there would be no contractual obligation for BFG to<br />

respond to such a request (7).<br />

<strong>The</strong>se paradisical tax advantages did not prevent the company from<br />

attempting to evade certain tax provisions. As was stated in the<br />

concession agreement, the purpose of the tax holiday was to<br />

amortize Development Costs incurred during these 16| years, but<br />

BFG did not start the amortization of these costs on the date<br />

planting started, i.e. the effective date of the Agreement, but<br />

only after the plantation had started producing (1962/1963).<br />

However, after pressure from the Government BFG changed its methods.<br />

Under the 1954 Agreement BFG was granted two concession areas of<br />

300,000 acres each,.one being situated in Grand Bassa County, the<br />

other covering parts of Montserrado and Grand Cape Mount counties.<br />

<strong>The</strong> areas were:<br />

"(a) <strong>The</strong> lands in Grand Bassa County of the Republic, lying<br />

within twenty (20) miles of either side of the St.<br />

John River and bounded on the south by the Atlantic<br />

Coast line of the RepuLlic and on the. north by the<br />

boundary line of said County" (...)<br />

(b) <strong>The</strong> lands bounded on the east by the Si. Paul River;<br />

on the west by the. Plorro River; On the. south by a

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