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eleven persons were:<br />

Vice-President of Liberia, William R. Tolbert, Jr.<br />

Secretary of State, Gabriel L. Dennis<br />

Under-Secretary of State, J. Rudolph Grimes<br />

Assistant Secretary of State, George A. Padmore<br />

Secretary of the Treasury, William E. Dennis<br />

Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce, John W. Cooper<br />

Secretary of the Interior, Harrison Grigsby<br />

<strong>The</strong> Postmaster General, McKinley A. DeShield<br />

Director of the Bureau of the Budget, L.A. Marvey<br />

Acting Secretary of Public Instruction, Ellen Mills<br />

Scarbrough<br />

<strong>The</strong> Financial Advisor, Karl C. Olsen<br />

With the concession agreement granted to BFG in July 1954, the<br />

Government granted the company<br />

"the exclusive right and privilege, (..,), to engage in<br />

agriculture, forestry, and farming in all their branches,<br />

and all activities in connection therewith" within the<br />

concession area of 600,000 acres, "the exclusive right<br />

and privilege to cut and use any timber, and to collect<br />

and use any water, stones, rocks and other materials,<br />

which it may consider necessary or useful for all or<br />

any of its operations under the Concession (...) and<br />

which may be found within the Development Area or any<br />

lands occupied, (...) and the exclusive right and<br />

privilege, within the Development Area (...) to engage<br />

in any activities (...) including the carrying on of<br />

mining in all its branches, and all aciiviiies in<br />

connection therewith"<br />

such as selling and exporting. Mining operations and the harvesting<br />

of timber for export purposes would, however, require<br />

additional agreements with the Government. <strong>The</strong> company was further<br />

granted the right, though not exclusively,<br />

"to use any timber, water, stones, rocks and other materials<br />

within the public domain and at a distance not<br />

exceeding three (3) miles from such Development Area or<br />

Accessory Uorks and Installations." (2)<br />

It is noteworthy that the draft which was, sent by President<br />

Tubman to the Group of Eleven Officials only mentioned the<br />

granting to the company of the exclusive rights to carry on<br />

agricultural and related operations within certain areas for a<br />

specified number of years. Yet the company was granted exclusive<br />

mining rights. <strong>The</strong> granting of any mining rights, even if they<br />

were not exclusive ones, to BFG was rejected by five of the<br />

eleven officials (viz. Vice-President Tolbert,- State Secretary<br />

Dennis, Secretary of the Treasury Dennis, Interior Secretary<br />

Grigsby, and the Acting Secretary of Public Instruction Mills<br />

Scarbrough). Even the granting of an exclusive right to engage in<br />

agriculture, forestry, and farming was too broad for some, such as<br />

Gabriel L. Dennis (Secretary of State), Ellen Mills Scarbrough<br />

(Acting Secretary of Public Instruction), and Rudolph Grimes<br />

(Under-Secretary of State).<br />

Commenting on the extension of rights within a three miles zone<br />

beyond a Development Area or Accessory Works and Installations,<br />

only two persons rejected the whole idea (Vice-President Tolbert<br />

and John W. Cooper, the Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce),

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