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c. Prefinancing. The term "prefinancing," as related to NATO<br />

infrastructure, means the act of financing by NATO host country or<br />

NATO user with its own funds, in accordance with agreed NATO<br />

common-funding procedures, with intent to recoup the prefinanced funds<br />

from NATO eventually, of projects or items which are required<br />

immediately and have been approved for common financing, or are still<br />

being considered for possible inclusion in a NATO infrastructure program.<br />

3. BUDGET <strong>POLICY</strong><br />

a. Construction of Infrastructure Facilities<br />

(1) Common Funding. The Under Secretary of Defense, Comptroller<br />

has assigned the Department of the Army as executive agent with the<br />

responsibility for programming, budgeting, funding, accounting, and<br />

reporting of the United States' share of the NATO infrastructure<br />

program as an item in the military construction program.<br />

(2) Correlation. The Department of Defense military construction<br />

program and the NATO infrastructure program must be closely<br />

correlated beginning at the initiating level and by each higher echelon<br />

of command, so the maximum amount of the U.S. construction<br />

requirements will be funded in the NATO common-funded<br />

infrastructure program in conformance with U.S. policy to keep to a<br />

minimum the amount of U.S. dollars being invested in real property<br />

facilities in the NATO area.<br />

(3) NATO Host Nation Infrastructure Support. Standard life safety,<br />

fire protection, environmental, and energy conservation items which<br />

exceed the NATO minimum military requirement are not eligible for<br />

NATO infrastructure funding and normally must be conjunctively<br />

funded. In those instances when the United States acts as a host<br />

nation, these items will be funded by the annual MILCON project,<br />

"NATO Host Nation Infrastructure Support." In addition, the "NATO<br />

Host Nation Infrastructure Support" project will provide funding for<br />

roads, utilities, and unfunded administrative costs.<br />

(4) Prefinancing. If a decision is made that U.S. military urgencies,<br />

when weighed against the risk of failing to secure common funding,<br />

require that a project for U.S. use be prefinanced by Department of<br />

Defense (DoD) appropriations, it may be funded, as appropriate, from<br />

appropriations for military construction, procurement, or if the project<br />

costs not more than 20 percent of the amount specified by law as the<br />

maximum amount for a minor military construction project,<br />

appropriations available for operation and maintenance (O&M and<br />

RDT&E) may be utilized. In such instances, the prescribed NATO<br />

procedures for prefinancing will be followed in order to assure<br />

ultimate recoupment of U.S. funds. Such recoupments, when<br />

collected, are credited to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization<br />

Financial Management Policy<br />


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