2011 Alumni D - Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering ...

2011 Alumni D - Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering ...

2011 Alumni D - Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering ...


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Andre Palmer<br />

Associate Professor, Ph.D., Th e Johns<br />

Hopkins University, 1998. Bioengineering<br />

& Hemoglobin-Based Oxygen Carriers<br />

Refereed Papers<br />

J. Elmer, P. Cabrales, N. Zhang, Q. Wang<br />

<strong>and</strong> A. F. Palmer, “Synthesis <strong>and</strong> biophysical<br />

properties of polymerized human<br />

serum albumins,” Biotechnology Progress 27: 290-296 (<strong>2011</strong>)<br />

J. Elmer, D. R. Harris <strong>and</strong> A. F. Palmer, “Purifi cation of hemoglobin<br />

from red blood cells using tangential fl ow fi ltration<br />

<strong>and</strong> immobilized metal ion affi nity chromatography,” Journal<br />

of Chromatography, B 879: 131-138 (<strong>2011</strong>)<br />

N. Zhang, Y. Jia, G. Chen, P. Cabrales <strong>and</strong> A. F. Palmer, “Biophysical<br />

properties <strong>and</strong> oxygenation potential of high molecular<br />

weight polymerized human hemoglobins maintained in<br />

the tense <strong>and</strong> relaxed quaternary states,” Tissue <strong>Engineering</strong>, A<br />

17: 927-940 (<strong>2011</strong>)<br />

N. Zhang <strong>and</strong> A. F. Palmer, “Development of a dichloroacetic<br />

acid-hemoglobin conjugate as a potential targeted anti-cancer<br />

therapeutic,” Biotechnology <strong>and</strong> Bioengineering, 108: 1413-<br />

1420 (<strong>2011</strong>)<br />

V. S. Bhatt, S. Saldivar-Lopez, D. R. Harris, C. G. Couto <strong>and</strong><br />

A. F. Palmer, “Structure of Greyhound hemoglobin: origin<br />

of high oxygen affi nity,” Acta Crystallographica, Section D 67:<br />

395-402 (<strong>2011</strong>)<br />

S. Rameez <strong>and</strong> A. F. Palmer, “A simple method for preparing<br />

poly(ethylene glycol) surface conjugated liposome encapsulated<br />

hemoglobins: physico-chemical properties, long-term<br />

storage stability, <strong>and</strong> their reactions with O 2, CO <strong>and</strong> NO,”<br />

Langmuir, 27: 8829-8840 (<strong>2011</strong>)<br />

N. Cantu-Medellin, D. A. Vitturi, C. Rodriguez, S. Murphy,<br />

S. Dorman, S. Shiva, Y. Zhou, Y. Jia, A. F. Palmer, R. P. Patel,<br />

“Eff ects of T- <strong>and</strong> R-state stabilization on deoxyhemoglobinnitrite<br />

reactions <strong>and</strong> stimulation of nitric oxide signaling,”<br />

Nitric Oxide Journal, 25: 59-69 (<strong>2011</strong>)<br />

Current Projects <strong>and</strong> Grants<br />

$1,875,000 Andre Palmer (PI) 2006-2012<br />

Mechanically stable blood substitutes Agency: National Institutes<br />

of Health Grant: R01HL078840<br />

$265,416 Andre Palmer (PI) 2009-<strong>2011</strong><br />

(ARRA) Mechanically stable blood substitutes, Agency: National<br />

Institutes of Health Grant: R01HL078840<br />

$530,548 Andre Palmer (PI), (PI, John Lannutti (Co-<br />

PI), Dave Farson (Co-PI) <strong>and</strong> Mariano Viapiano (Co-PI))<br />

2010-2013 Title: Nanofi ber-based sensors for oxygen determination<br />

in model glioblastomas Agency: National Science<br />

Foundation; Grant: CBET-1033991<br />

Michael Paulaitis<br />

Professor <strong>and</strong> Ohio Eminent Scholar,<br />

Ph.D., University of Illinois, 1976. Molecular<br />

Th ermodynamics, Role of Hydration<br />

in Biological Organization, Self-Assembly<br />

<strong>and</strong> Molecular Recognition, Multi-scale<br />

Modeling of Biological Interactions.<br />

Refereed Papers<br />

Hamsa Priya, M., L. R. Pratt <strong>and</strong> M. E. Paulaitis, “Eff ect of<br />

PEG End-Group Hydrophobicity on Lysozyme Interactions<br />

in Solution Characterized by Light Scattering,” Langmuir,<br />

27:13713 (<strong>2011</strong>).<br />

Hamsa Priya, M., H. S. Ashbaugh <strong>and</strong> M. E. Paulaitis, “Co-<br />

Solvent Preferential Molecular Interactions in Aqueous Solutions,”<br />

J. Phys. Chem., B 115:13633 (<strong>2011</strong>).<br />

Current Projects <strong>and</strong> Grants<br />

$100,000 <strong>2011</strong> - 2012<br />

Characterization & Synthesis of Mimetic Cell-Secreted Exosomes<br />

for Cell Signaling; MRSEC Proto-IRG Seed Grant<br />

$263,754 2010 - 2012<br />

Exosome miRNA in Th yroid Cancer Progression.<br />

NIH DCB Acitivities to Promote Research Collaborations<br />

$49,394 <strong>2011</strong>-2012<br />

CANPBD II: MicroRNA expression profi ling for tumor-cell<br />

secreted microvesicles. National Science Foundation<br />

$23,360 2009-<strong>2011</strong><br />

Cell Trap, NIH ARRA<br />

James Rathman<br />

Professor, Ph.D., University of Oklahoma,<br />

1987. <strong>Chemical</strong> informatics, interfacial<br />

phenomena, molecular self-assembly<br />

Awards <strong>and</strong> Honors<br />

College of <strong>Engineering</strong> Charles E. MacQuigg Outst<strong>and</strong>ing<br />

Teaching Award (<strong>2011</strong>)<br />

Current Projects <strong>and</strong> Grants<br />

$12,500 James Rathman 10/2010-2/<strong>2011</strong><br />

Cell Membrane Interactions with Small Molecules, L’Oreal<br />

Foundation<br />

$522,000 Prabir Dutta (PI), James Rathman, James<br />

Waldman, (Co-PIs) 4/<strong>2011</strong>-4/2014<br />

Impact of the Physiochemical Properties of Engineered<br />

Nanomaterials on Th eir Cellular Uptake <strong>and</strong> Potential<br />

Toxicity in the Gastrointestinal Tract Environment, National<br />

Institute of Food <strong>and</strong> Agriculture (NIFA)<br />

$148,000 James Rathman 4/<strong>2011</strong>-12/2013<br />

Development <strong>and</strong> Implementation of Chemoinformatics <strong>and</strong><br />

Statistical Methods for Assessing <strong>Chemical</strong> Toxicity Evidence<br />

From Multiple Sources, Altamira, LLC<br />

David Tomasko<br />

Professor, Ph.D., Univ. of Illinois Urbana-<br />

Champaign, 1992. Molecular Th ermodynamics,<br />

Supercritical Fluid Processing,<br />

Polymer Processing, <strong>Engineering</strong><br />

Education<br />

Refereed Papers<br />

Guo, Z., Burley, A., Kusaka, I., Lee, L.J.,<br />

Koelling, K.W., Tomasko, D.L., “CO 2 Bubble Nucleation in<br />

Polystyrene: Experimental <strong>and</strong> Modeling Studies,” J. Appl.<br />

Pol. Sci., available online <strong>2011</strong>, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/<br />

app.36422.<br />

Talreja, M., Kusaka, I., Tomasko, D.L., “Analyzing Surface<br />

Tension in Higher Alkanes <strong>and</strong> their CO 2 Mixtures,”<br />

Fluid Phase Equilibria, available online <strong>2011</strong>, http://dx.doi.<br />

org/10.1016/j.fl uid.<strong>2011</strong>.12.019.<br />

Argemí, A., Ellis, J.L., Saurina, J., Tomasko, D.L., “Development<br />

of a polymeric patch impregnated with naproxen as a<br />

model of transdermal sustained release system,” J. Pharm.<br />

Sci., <strong>2011</strong> 100(3), 992-1000.<br />

Current Projects <strong>and</strong> Grants<br />

$2,500,000 Tomasko, David (PI) 2008-2013<br />

Ohio’s Sustainable Science <strong>and</strong> <strong>Engineering</strong> Talent Expansion<br />

Program(OSTEP) – Bridges to Success National Science<br />

Foundation; Co-PIs: S. Olesik, J. Ridgway, L. Mayer<br />


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