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Boston Public Library - Electric Scotland


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49. Samuel Stinson,* b. Sept. 17, 1787; d. when a youns man; single.<br />

.50. John Stinson* (10(3), b. Nov. 13, 1789; res. Dunbarton, N. H.<br />

51. Archibald Stinson ^(170), b. March 14, 1791; res. Hammond, St.<br />

Lawrence county.<br />

52. James Stinson* (181), b. July 20, 1794; res. Harbour Creek, Penn.<br />

53. Jeremiah Page Stinson* (189), b. July 20, 1798; d. Sept. .5, 1827.<br />

54. Andrew Allison^ [25] (Captain Samuel,^ SamueF).<br />

He was born in what is now East Derry, N. H. (then Lon-<br />

donderry), on Feb. 26, 1754. He married, Feb. 5, 1784,<br />

Sarah, daughter of Dea. Eli and Sarah (Chenery) Morse, of<br />

Dublin, N. H. She was born in 1769, and died July 2,<br />

1799. In 1783, he located in that town on lots Nos. 16 and<br />

17, in the Sixth range, which had been purchased by his<br />

father, Samuel Allison. The home first established was on<br />

lot 16. Mr. Allison's second wife was Mrs. Betsey (Carter)<br />

Evans, of Peterborough, N. H., whom he married in October,<br />

1802. In early life, in his father's home in Londonderry,<br />

Mr. Allison listened with delight to the stories and<br />

anecdotes told by Dr. Matthew Thornton, who was a visitor<br />

there, and he recounted them to his Dublin friends in the<br />

years of his mature life. He was large in size, fleet of foot,<br />

hot tempered, quick to take offence. In the town of his<br />

adoption he became a prominent actor, and frequently filled<br />

public positions; was moderator of the annual meetings in<br />

1802 and 1810 ; town clerk in 1794, '95, '96, and '97, and<br />

selectman in 1795, 1802, 1803, and 1808 ; representative in<br />

1808 and 1818. His death occurred in Dublin, May 28,<br />

1841.<br />


55. Sarah Allison,* b. March 13, 1787; d. May 5, 1878, aged 91 yrs., 2<br />

mos., 8 days. In young womanhood she engaged to marry a<br />

young man, a neighbor. Her household goods were ready;<br />

but consumption seized her lover. She tenderly cared for hi'm<br />

during his sickness; she was faithful to her early love, and<br />

during a long life she waited in the joyous hope of meeting<br />

him in a land where there is no more death, and where partings<br />

are unknown.<br />

56. Ebenezer Allison* (192), b. March 18, 1789; m. Phebe Phelps, in<br />

1816; res. Brownville, N. Y. ; son, Harlow Allison,8 res. Lanark,<br />

Jefferson county, N. Y.<br />

57. Eli Allison* (204), b. Dec. 25, 1791; res. Dublin, N. H.; d. March 25,<br />

1860.<br />

58. Samuel Allison,* b. March 20, 1795; m., Jan. 28, 1857, Mrs. Maria<br />

Piper, widow of Artemus Piper, dau. of Benjamin and Phebe<br />


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