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44 SAMUEL Allison's will.<br />

two settlements in different hemispheres, in Aghadowey, Ireland,<br />

and Londonderry, New Hampshire. Over them is a<br />

dark slate stone tablet bearing this inscription :<br />

"Here lies thebodys of Mr. Samuel Alison & Mrs. Katlierine Alison his<br />

wife. He departed this life 6th Sept. AD. 1760, in ye 70th year of his<br />

age. She departed this life 13th Jany AD. 1760, in ye 77th year of her<br />

age."<br />

*John Morison was the ancestor of many of the Morisons of Peterborough,<br />

N. H., while .James Morison was the ancestor of the Morrisons of<br />

Windham, being the father of the author's great-grandfather, Lieut.<br />

Samuel Morison, in this line: James,' Lieut. Samuel,' Samuel,* Jeremiah,*<br />

Leonard Allison Morrison.s<br />


2. Janet Allison 2 (6), b. probably in Aghadowey, Ireland, in 1712 or<br />

1713; m. Samuel, son of John Morison, who d. in 1736; res.<br />

Londonderry, N. H., and d. Jan. 8, 1800, aged 87 years.<br />

3. Rebecca Allison,^ b. about 1717; m. Robert Gray. They apparently<br />

removed to Biddeford, county of York, Me. On Oct. 10, 1757,<br />

Robert and Rebecca Gray, of Biddeford, sold land in Londonderry,<br />

N. H., to James Paul, of Londonderry.^<br />

4. Martha Allison ^<br />

(1.5), b. Londonderry, N. IL, March 31, 1720; m.<br />

Lieut. Samuel Morison, of Windham, N. H., and d. there Dec.<br />

3, 1761, aged 41 years, 8 months, 4 days.<br />

5. Samuel Allison' (21), b. in Londonderry, N. H.,in 1722; m. Jennette,<br />

daughter of Andrew and Betty (Christy) McFarland; res. Lon-<br />

donderry, N. H., and d. June 5, 1792.<br />

John Gray, of Londonderry, N. H., was one of the original proprietors.<br />

His home lot Avas in the English Range, near the west end of<br />

Beaver pond, and between the lots of Joseph Kidder and Benjamin Kidder.<br />

Some of his descendants are supposed to be in Worcester county,<br />

Mass.<br />

There is a tradition in the New Hampshire family that there were<br />

three brothers of the name of Allison who landed in 1718. According to<br />

this aiithority, Samuel Allison located in Londonderry, N. H., while,<br />

later, his brothers went to Jamestown, Va. One of them went to Savannah,<br />

Ga., and there died childless. The other remained in Jamestown,<br />

Va., and is the ancestor of many of the Allison name in Virginia, Tennessee,<br />

Kentucky, and Oliio.<br />

1. The memorial stones to Thomas Steele and his wife record that he<br />

d. Feb. 22, 1748, and that she d. Oct. 9, 1759, aged 73 years.<br />

2. John Morison,^ with his family, removed to Peterborough, N. H., in<br />

1750 or 1751, and was one of its first settlers. He d. there June<br />

14, 1770, aged 98 years. His wife, Margaret Wallace, d. April<br />

18, 1769, aged 82 years.<br />

Aghadowey is near Coleraine, and at the present time the Morrisons,<br />

the Steeles, and Allisons are living as ,<br />

neighbors.<br />


In the name of God amen the fifteen Day of August one thousand<br />

seven hundred and sixty I Samuell Allison of Londonderry within his<br />

Maj"' provance of New liampshir in Newingland Yoman being very sick<br />

and weak in boday — but perflte Mind and Memery thanks be given to

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