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Near to Prestwick, is Newton, although it is now a part of<br />

Ayr Town, yet,<br />

in the day of Bruce and of Baliol it was a<br />

village containing forty-eight families. The well still known<br />

as Bruces well was at that time very much in the centre<br />

between Prestwick and Newton, so that Newton shared of the<br />

same priyileges which Bruce conferred upon Prestwick. At<br />

the present day there are still forty-eight freedoms that were<br />

conferred upon the fort3'^-eight families then resident in<br />

Newton. At that time there were several Alisons in this.<br />

place, as well as in Prestwick, who had freedoms conferred<br />

upon them, evidently the followers also of Alexander of<br />

Loupe, who died in Dundonald Castle in 1309, a castle which<br />

is nigh at hand. But such are the changes that are constantly<br />

occurring in human society, that none are now left<br />

remaining ; the onl}'- remembrance of the fact is the same<br />

name given to a street, a quarry, and a park in the village.<br />

The present inhabitants still remember Alison's Park and<br />

Alison's Quarry, although the park and the quarry have<br />

been gradually absorbed by that street which is still called<br />

the name of Alison.<br />

by<br />

A recapitulation in tabular form is as follows :<br />

Somerled (which is the same as the Gallic name Somhairle<br />

and the Hebrew name Samuel), Thane of Argyle and Lord<br />

of the Isles, married in 1135 a daughter of the King of Man,,<br />

and had three sons ; namely :<br />

Dugald, who obtained possession of the islands of Mull, Coll, and Jura,<br />

From liim are the McDugalds of Lorn or Argyle. He had a son Ewen,<br />

or John, but he died, and his isles went to his brother Ronald, or<br />

Reginald, the second son of Somerled.<br />

Ronald, or Reginald, got Isla and Cantyre. He had two sons, —<br />

Donald.<br />

Roderic.<br />

AngusMore got Bute and Arran. For his descendants, see the History of<br />

the Lords of the Isles.<br />

Donald, son of Ronald or Reginald, and grandson of Somerled. From<br />

him are the McDonalds. He had a son,—<br />

AngusMore. ~~ ~<br />

Roderick, son of Ronald or Reginald, and grandson of Somerled. From<br />

him are the McCroyes of Scottish history.<br />

AngusMore, son of Donald, son of Ronald or Reginald, sou of Sonieiled,<br />

had two — sons,<br />

Alexander or Alister, (see below.)<br />

Angus. The latter in those troublous times remained faithful to<br />

Robert the Bruce, .and on him wei"e conferred the lands of liis<br />

brother which were conliscated. He became tlie head of the<br />

MacAlisters, and his descendants arc often mentioned in Scottish<br />

history.<br />

' Allison<br />

and Alison are often employed by families nearly related as<br />

synonomous. In the Martyr's roll, Edinburgh, the name is sjielled Alisone.

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