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Boston Public Library - Electric Scotland


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ing and furnishirig accurate, comprehensive, and, therefore,<br />

valuable information concerning all the markets which the<br />

paper reported ; and upon all these markets the proprietor<br />

of the Reporter, so long as he was actually engaged in the<br />

conduct of the paper, was admitted to be the best informed<br />

man in New York. This fact brought Mr. Allison closely<br />

into personal contact with a large clientage, and made his<br />

judgment and opinions much sought after. It also led him<br />

into enterprises outside of the publishing business, and<br />

proved a source of profit to him in many ways. In addition<br />

to these interests, a perhaps inherited tendency to operate in<br />

real estate has led him to acquire from time to time tracts of<br />

land, chiefly on or in the vicinity of the Palisades, until he<br />

has become one of the largest land-owners in that section.<br />

As a publisher, financier, and real estate operator, William<br />

O. Allison has achieved successes which have won for him<br />

the admiration and respect that legitimate successes, born of<br />

industry and good judgment and gained by no sacrifice of<br />

integrity, gain for any man. He had enjoyed the confidence<br />

of merchants and financiers, for the most part many years<br />

his senior, to the extent that is rarely accorded a young man,<br />

long before he attained to that mile-post .in life which the<br />

lexicographers define as the beginning of middle age. And<br />

even before that period had been reached, he had gained a<br />

prominent place as a factor in very extensive<br />

'<br />

commercial<br />

and financial enterprises. But his most attractive qualities<br />

are best known to those who have come into the clos6r social<br />

contact with him, and are not measured by financial successes,<br />

nor influenced by them except as they have afforded<br />

him the opportunities for extending unostentatious and ofttimes<br />

unappreciated benefactions. When a man has made<br />

a good use of every opportunity that has presented itself to<br />

him, and has lived a thoroughly exemplary life amid surroundings<br />

shorn of none of the temptations which beset<br />

every man, it affords me much satisfaction to be permitted<br />

to record the facts to his praise, and I take it that in a<br />

sketch intended for the purpose to which this is to be put,<br />

I may be permitted to indulge this inclination without being<br />

guilty of that ostentation which is as far from my wishes, as<br />

it would be unjust and distasteful to him of whom I write.<br />

He married, Oc'. 22, 1884, Caroline Longstreet Hovey,<br />

daughter of Alfred Howard Hovey and Frances (Noxon)<br />

Hovey, of Syracuse, N. Y. Her parents died when she was<br />

very young. She was adopted by Hon. George F. Comstock<br />

and his wife, and took the name of Comstock. Mr. Com-

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