Boston Public Library - Electric Scotland

Boston Public Library - Electric Scotland

Boston Public Library - Electric Scotland


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egations from the Amity lodge, No. 103, F. and A. M., Amitychapter,<br />

No. 31, R. A. M., Columbia lodge. No. 63, I. O.<br />

O. F., all of Jersey City, six clergymen, and the workmen in<br />

his employ, members of his family, and a large number of<br />

friends. They were met by the Stony Point lodge of F. and<br />

A. M., and the procession, including over fifty carriages, slowly<br />

proceeded to the Methodist Episcopal church. The day was<br />

serene and lovely. Five clergjanen participated in the services,<br />

four of whom, Messrs. Lowrie, Coit, Ellison, and Monroe,<br />

had been pastors of the deceased. His remains were<br />

interred in the family plot in Mount Repose cemetery. He<br />

had accumulated a large property and left his family in good<br />

circumstances, with a wise provision for the continuance of<br />

the business by his sons.<br />

He married, at the home of her parents in Haverstraw,<br />

Catherine, daughter of Christopher and Rebecca (Allison)<br />

Cosgrove. She was born in Haverstraw, N. Y., Jan. 15, 1819 ;<br />

died in Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 12, 1845, and her remains are<br />

interred in Mount Repose cemetery. She was reared to a<br />

life of useful industry, and in the love and fear of God.<br />

Possessing an amiable disposition, with a -bright, cheerful<br />

expression of countenance, she became the sunshine of her<br />

home, and greatly endeared to her husband and family. Her<br />

early death was partly due to her rather delicate physical<br />

organization. She possessed a fine mind, with deep religious<br />

convictions. She died as she had lived, in the full consciousness<br />

of her Saviour's love. She was a member of the Methodist<br />

Episcopal church.<br />

Mr. Allison married, second, Sept. 17, 1845, at the home of<br />

her parents in Haverstraw, Jane Eliza Cosgrove, a sister of<br />

his first wife. She was born in that place Feb. 9, 1817.<br />

Brought up on the old homestead, under the guidance of her<br />

remarkable mother, she acquired habits of useful industry in<br />

doing her full share in the varied duties of farm life, which<br />

included assisting in garden work, gathering fruits in season,<br />

husking corn, milking, churning, baking, cooking, spinning,<br />

and sewing, thus fitting her to become a model housewife.<br />

She was converted early in life and joined the Methodist<br />

Episcopal<br />

church. Since then she has found the comforts<br />

and consolations of religion her highest joy and support in<br />

the many afflictions she has been called to endure. She is<br />

about five feet, seven inches in height, and large framed.<br />

She has dark hair (now gray), regular features, and black<br />

expressive eyes, a mild and forbearing disposition ; is domestic<br />

in her tastes and habits, and cherishes a loving devo-

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