Boston Public Library - Electric Scotland

Boston Public Library - Electric Scotland

Boston Public Library - Electric Scotland


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box and a bayonet. These relics are now in the possession<br />

of the Demarest branch of his descendants. He was of<br />

medium size, wiry, and active. From his father he received<br />

a large farm, and he married, and settled down to the duties<br />

of a farmer and the quarrying of brown stone. His homestead,<br />

a large frame dwelling, with a kitchen extension on<br />

the end, was situated on the west side of Miniscongo creek,<br />

opposite to the spot where Peck's rolling mill now stands.<br />

This building was standing recently.<br />

Some years after the death of his wife he sold eight thousand<br />

dollars' worth of land, and divided the proceeds among<br />

his children. His son, Abraham, and his daughters, Catherine<br />

and Margaret, received land from him and aid in<br />

erecting<br />

their buildings, and all were situated adjoining each other<br />

on the mountain side of the road to Ramapo, beginning<br />

about one eighth of a mile beyond the Mount Repose cemetery<br />

and running west. He gave to his son, Jonas Allison<br />

a place on the opposite side of this road and half a mile<br />

farther west, on the east side of the hill. The subject of this<br />

sketch spent the last years of his life in the homes of his<br />

children. He died Dec. 20, 1848, and the remains of himself<br />

and wife now repose in Mount Repose cemetery in Haverstraw,<br />

N. Y., and the place is marked by old brown headstones<br />

in good preservation.<br />

Mr. Allison married, in 1781 or 1782, Mary Storms, who<br />

was born at Haverstraw, June 20, 1760, and who died there<br />

March 24, 1824. She was stout, had black hair and eyes<br />

and an amiable disposition, and was full of courage and<br />

patriotism. They resided at Haverstraw, N. Y.<br />


N. Y.<br />

1716. Benjamin Allison,'^ b. Sept. 13, 1782; d. Feb. 10, 1842; single. The<br />

later years of his life were spent in the home of his brother,<br />

Abraham Allison, where he died. He was buried in the Pres-<br />

byterian churchyard on Calico hill, and included in 1889 in<br />

the grounds of Elisha Peck.<br />

1717. Kebecca Allison," b. Feb. 17, 1784; d. June 7, 1863. She m. Christopher<br />

Cosgrove, April 19, 1801. He was a house carpenter.<br />

They res. in New York, N. Y., and then in Haverstraw, N. Y.,<br />

where he died Nov. 12, 1842. Mrs. Cosgrove was live feet six<br />

inches in height, stout built, and good featured. Her complexion<br />

was dark, her hair and eyes were black. Her powers<br />

of endurance were great, and she had gi-eat perseverance and<br />

energy. Sixteen children were born to her in twenty-two<br />

years, fifteen of them maturing with sound bodies and pure<br />

morals, and all were well trained in habits of industry. They<br />

all became active, zealous Christians and highly esteemed citizens,<br />

and were members of the Presbyterian or Methodist<br />

Episcopal church. She d. June 7, 1863. Children except eldest<br />

b. in Haverstraw, N. Y. :<br />


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