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presented Jan. 25, 16S0, to the mayor's court; but before that date persons<br />

of note were seized, houses broken open, so it was not thought safe<br />

to proceed in the matter. One of tliese usurpers was Jacob Leystei', a<br />

captain of a train band. On Aug. 16, lOSl), he captured the fort, and by<br />

force of arms dragged thereto many persons of note. Among them was<br />

Mr. Robert Allison, a merchant and considerable trader in the city and<br />

province of New York.— Vol. Ill, p. 673. (Robert Allison is also indexed<br />

Robert Allinson.)<br />

Leyster was arbitrary, and claimed the title of lieutenant-governor.<br />

Later on, Robert Allison and others assaulted Leyster. On June 6, 1690,<br />

Robert Allison and about forty others went to the city hall and said it<br />

was their day to get the prisoners out of the fort. They gave " two or<br />

three huzzas" (according to depositions taken June 8, 1690), and went<br />

toward the fort. On the way they met Captain Leyster, Avho claimed to<br />

be lieutenant-governor, and " there beset him close." Allison seized his<br />

sword to wrest it from bin. During the scrimmage Leyster was roughly<br />

handled.<br />

On Dec. 30, 1701, the Protestants of New York sent an address to King<br />

William III expressing their loyalty, and asking to be relieved of evils<br />

brought upon them by those who were divesting the king's subjects of<br />

their rights and possessions, and dividing the same among themselves<br />

and their confedei-ates. This was signed by many citizens. Among the<br />

signatures were those of Robert Allison, John Ellison, and Thomas Ellisson.<br />

Oct. 2, 1702. Among the chief inhabitants who signed an address<br />

to Lord Cornbury, governor of New Y^ork, were Robert- Allison, Thomas<br />

Ellyseen, John Ellison. In a list of the freeholders and inhabitants of<br />

the county of Albany, N. Y., dated Dec. 30, 1701, is the name of Tennis<br />

Ellissen.<br />


In a letter dated " Cahos, Oct. 20, 1747," the French commander<br />

—"<br />

says, We have three Englishmen well treated and<br />

closely watched—John Hawkes, Matthew Ellison, and John<br />

Taylor." Hawkes commanded Fort Massachusetts in 1746.<br />

Lt. Gov. James DeLancey wrote as follows:<br />

New Y'ork, Jan. 31, 1755. Y'esterday the Lieutenant-Colonels (Robert)<br />

Ellison and Mercer came to this town. I have ordered horses to be got<br />

for them to cany them to Connecticut in their way to <strong>Boston</strong>, for which<br />

place they will set out as soon as the weather permits.— Vol. VI, p. 935.<br />

The 44th Reg't of Foot was commanded by Colonel Ellison,<br />

who was succeeded by James Abercromby March 13, 1756.<br />

In 1687 complaint was entered by the Royal African Company<br />

of England against Robert Allison for infringement of<br />

the charter by importing negroes, elephants' teeth, etc., into<br />

New York from Africa. In the same year he was charged<br />

with making a threat that he would " take the Ketch Adventure.''^<br />

In 1688 he petitioned to retain an Indian slave to be<br />

purchased in Honduras, which was rejected.<br />

Robert Allison had license to marry Hannah Bray, Nov.<br />

29, 1693.

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