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Boston Public Library - Electric Scotland


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N. Y., Jan. 19, 1758, and died May 24, 1816, aged 58 years,<br />

4 months, 5 days. She died April 20, 1821, aged 58 years,<br />

5 months, 4 days. He was a physician ; resided in or near<br />

Goshen, N. Y., where he and his wife lived and where they<br />

are buried. Dr. Elmer was the son of Dr. Nathaniel Elmer,<br />

Sr., and his wife, Ann Thompson. Dr. Nathaniel is said to<br />

have been "remarkably humorous." Dr. William Elmer<br />

was always a companionable man ; was cheerful, and pleasant<br />

in his manners, and had a large vein of natural humor.<br />

Of Mrs. Elmer, his wife, her daughter, Sarah Maria, said,—<br />

" She was a kind, affectionate, self-denying mother, a woman<br />

of most correct principles and habits, a decided Christian as<br />

was also my father." He and his family were Presbyterians.<br />


1327. Micah Allison Elmer* (139!)), b. May 13, ITSl; m., Feb. 4, 1804, his<br />

second cousin, Elizabeth Allison. He d. Dec. 31, 1849.*<br />

1328. Horace Elmer* (1406a), b. Sept. 23, 1783; d. at Morristown, N. J.,<br />

June 1, 1850, and left a family.<br />

1329. Stephen Allison Elmer,* b. 1785; d. May, 1850; unmarried.<br />

1330. Sarah Maria Elmer* (1407), b. 1796; d. Dec. 12, 1874; m. Mahlon<br />

Ford.<br />

1331. Sarah Allison 3<br />

[1311] (Gen. Williara,2 Joseph i).<br />

She married, Nov. 2, 1773, William W. Thompson, who was<br />

sheriff of Orange county, N. Y., in 1785.<br />

He was born in 1815, at Clonakilty, county of Cork, Ireland. It is on<br />

tlie southeast coast.<br />

Edward Elmer, the emigrant ancestor of this American family, was a<br />

young man, probably not married, when he left England. He was a<br />

Puritan, and left England to escape the persecution to which that sect<br />

was subjected, as did those who came with him. It is probable<br />

that he<br />

came from the county of Essex, as did many of his fellow-passengers,<br />

and likely from Braintree, where Rev. Thomas Hooker preached before<br />

he came to Xew England. He with 123 passengers came in the ship<br />

Lion, which arrived in <strong>Boston</strong>, Mass., Sept. 16, 1632, having been twelve<br />

weeks on the ship and eight weeks from "Land's End." He settled<br />

first at Newton, now Cambridge, Mass., with Rev. Thomas Hooker and<br />

the others, and in June, 1635, he, with Mr. Hooker and his congregation,<br />

removed to Hartford, Conn., where he settled. Later he removed to<br />

Northampton, Mass., and returned to Hartford. He owned a farm at<br />

South Windsor, Conn., where he was killed by the Indians during King<br />

Philip's War, in 1676. A part of his farm is still owned by his descen-<br />

dant, Samuel E. Elmore, of Hartford, Conn. The emigrant, Edward<br />

Elmer, married . Mary Their son, Samuel Elmer,- married<br />

Elizabeth and lived in , Hartford, Conn. Their son, Dea. Jona-<br />

than Elmer,^ married Mary and lived in , Norwalk, Conn. Their<br />

youngest son. Dr. Nathaniel Elmer,* married Anne Thompson. Their<br />

son. Dr. William Elmer,' married Mary Allison, as mentioned above.<br />

(From MS. of Samuel E. Elmore, of Hartford, Conn.)<br />

' In some records he is called Michael.

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