Boston Public Library - Electric Scotland

Boston Public Library - Electric Scotland

Boston Public Library - Electric Scotland


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X. S.<br />

1032. Sarah Allison,^ b. in 1780, d. 18.37. She m. Charles Eathbun, and<br />

res. in Fahnouth and Newport, N. S. Children, all deceased :<br />

I. Joseph Rathbun.6<br />

II. Charles Rathbun.s<br />

III. Sarah Rathbun.«<br />

IV.<br />

V.<br />

Agnes Rathbun.*<br />

John Rathbun."<br />

VI. Allison Rathbun.«<br />

VII.<br />

1033.<br />

Mary Rathbun.«<br />

John Allison' (1080), b. 1782, d. 1034.<br />

1865; m. Hannah Smith.<br />

Joseph Allisons (1082), b. 1785, d. 1035.<br />

1839; m. his cousin, Mrs. Anna<br />

(Pre.scott) O'Brien.<br />

Elizabeth Allison," b. 1787, d. 1858. She m. John Elder, res. Falmouth,<br />

N. S. They are dead, and no descendants are living.<br />

Childi'en:<br />

I. Rebecca Elder,« d. in 1872.<br />

II. William Elder,^ d. when 19 years of age.<br />

III. Bessie Elder,^ d. of consumption in early life.<br />

IV. Mary Elder,« d. of consumption in early life.<br />

V. Margaret Elder,* m. J. Brown, of Falmouth, N. S., and d. without<br />

children at an early age.<br />

VI. Nancy Elder,* d. of consumption when young.<br />

VII. Sai-ah Elder,* d. of consumption when young.<br />

1036. Ann Allison «<br />

(1088), b. in 1790, d. in 1866; m. Hon. Hugh Bell; res.<br />

Halifax, N. S.<br />

1037. William Allison =^<br />

(1092), b. in 1792 in Newport, N. S.; d. 1851, in<br />

<strong>Boston</strong>, Mass. He res. at Woodside, Newj)ort, N. S.<br />

1038. James Vv'hidden Allison'^ (1114), b. in 1795, d. in 1867; res. Newport,<br />

N. S.<br />

1039. Mary Jane Allisons (1122), is deceased. She m. Winthrop Sargent,<br />

of Barrington, N. S.<br />

1040. David Allison," b. 1804, d. 18.58. He m. Mary Fairbanks, who is<br />

still living at the age of 92 years. He was a leading merchant<br />

of Halifax, and a member of the firm of Fairbanks &<br />

Allison. He had six children; one, a daughter, is living. His<br />

only son died in eai'ly boyhood. Children:<br />

1041. Fanny Allison,* m. Dr. S. Wells, of the English navy. She d. many<br />

years ago in Bermuda.<br />

1042. Harriet F. Allison,* res. Morris St., Halifax, N. S.<br />

1043. Joseph Allison,* d. in childhood.<br />

*<br />

1044. Joseph Allison [1006] (Joseph,^ William, 2 John i).<br />

He was born at Drumnaha, near Limavady, county of Lon-<br />

donderry, Ireland, sometime before the emigration of his<br />

parents to Nova Scotia in 1769 ; residence Horton, N. S. He<br />

married Alice, daughter of Israel Harding, a Loyalist. He<br />

represented Horton in the provincial legislature from 1808<br />

to 1815 ; residence, Horton, N. S.<br />


1045. Samuel Leonard Allisons (1134), res. Queens county, N. S.<br />

1046. Joseph Allison," m. Amelia Delancy, and had three daughters.

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