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the state, it may stimulate them to higher deeds,<br />

nobler lives.<br />

influence them to<br />

This work was undertaken to gratify my own curiosity to know all<br />

the accessible facts relating to the origin, history, and life and death<br />

of my ancestor. Charter Samuel AUison, of Scotch blood, of London-<br />

derry, New Hampshire, together with that of his widely scattered descendants.<br />

The place selected for his abode in the New World became<br />

widely noted as the home of a stalwart people.<br />

There is no locality, in New Hampshire, whose early local history has<br />

so deep an interest, or about which clings so much of fascination, as that<br />

of the original township of Londonderry, embracing the present towns<br />

of Windham, Derry, Londonderry, and a part of Hudson and Salem.<br />

Not that its soil was fertile, or that dormant riches lay in ground,<br />

forest, rock, or waters, for in none of these was the secret of its strong<br />

hold on the minds and in the hearts of antiquarians, scholars, and the<br />

general public.<br />

It was in a higher source, in an element of greater<br />

value, power, and influence, than in any or in all of these combined.<br />

It was in the inhabitants themselves. The first settlers were a peculiar<br />

people, and they, or their fathers, were twice exiles ; first, from Scot-<br />

land, their Fatherland, to the " green fields of Erin," which at London-<br />

derry and the Boyne water they helped to save to King<br />

William and<br />

Protestantism in 1688-'89 ; second, to the wilderness wilds of London-<br />

were of Scotch blood, some of them<br />

dei'ry, N. H., in 1719. They<br />

were of Scotch birth, some were " accidentally born " in Ireland.<br />

Strong and rugged in their mental characteristics, having great cour-<br />

age and tenacity of purpose, they were valiant colonists of a frontier,<br />

capable of subduing a wilderness, of founding and building a state,<br />

and leaving the impress of their willing hands, strong minds, and<br />

valiant deeds, in the settlement they founded, the state they benefited,<br />

and in illustrious descendants who have worthily filled the higher<br />

positions in the community, the state, and the nation. Sixteen men<br />

with their families composed the advance guard of the infant colony.<br />

In 1718 they came from the north of Ireland, part if not aU from the<br />

parish of Aghadowey, county of Londonderry, some eight miles from<br />

Coleraine, and forty miles from the city of Londonderry. Samuel<br />

Allison, previously mentioned, was one of that stalwart company.<br />

This work, as such labor always does, fascinated me. It expanded<br />

greatly. In my investigations other important, equally large, and<br />

equally respectable branches of Alisons or AUisons were found, their his-<br />

tory and genealogy procured. This includes the lines of Allisons in<br />

Orange and Rockland counties. New York, with those numerous ones in

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