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Boston Public Library - Electric Scotland

Boston Public Library - Electric Scotland


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954. William L. Allison,' res. Neoga, Cumberland Co., 111.; m. Emily<br />

955. John L. Allison,' m. Deborah ; res. at Mattoon, Coles Co., 111.;<br />

he was killed near Vicksburg, Miss., in 1864.<br />

956. Joseph L. Allison' (963), b. Oct. 7, 1823, in Hancock Co., Ky.<br />

; lawyer;<br />

res. Marshall, Clark Co., 111.<br />

957. Francis A. Allison '<br />

(970), b. in Ky., Feb. 11, 1825 ; lawyer and farmer;<br />

res. Mattoon, Coles Co., 111. He m. 9.58.<br />

959.<br />

.<br />

Zippora<br />

Susan E. Allison,^ m. John Miller ; res. Nashville, Tenn.<br />

Eliza B. Allison,' m. Capt. James Hart both ; deceased, leaving four<br />

children.<br />

960. Alfred E. Allison' was killed in the battle of Perryville, Ky., in 1862;<br />

res. Paradise, Coles Co., 111. He m. Martha and , they had<br />

one child. His widow was again married to AVilliam Gi'een<br />

Vault; res. Etna, Coles Co., 111.<br />

961. Charles W. Allison ' was a private in Company I, 123d regiment, Illinois<br />

Volunteers, and served three years; is a justice of the<br />

jjeace; res. Etna, Coles Co., 111.<br />

962. Ann Mary Allison,' m. Walter Hadley; res. Bell Air, Crawford Co.,<br />

111.<br />

3<br />

963. Joseph L. Allison [956] (William,2 William i). He<br />

was born in Hancock county, Ky., Oct. 7, 1823; married,<br />

March 1, 1847, Harriet A. Easton, in Clark county. 111. He<br />

lived there in April, 1855 ;<br />

removed to Marshall, Clark county,<br />

111.; residence, Marshall, 111., in 1878.<br />

CHILDKEIir.<br />

964. Annie E. Allison.*<br />

965. Joseph L. 966.<br />

967.<br />

Allison,* photographer.<br />

Sarah M. Allison,* school teacher.<br />

Charles C. Allison,* printer.<br />

968.<br />

969.<br />

Edgar L. Allison.*<br />

Laura Mary Allison.*<br />

970. Francis A. Allison 3<br />

[957] (William,2 William i).<br />

He was born in Kentucky, Feb. 10, 1825, and in the following<br />

year was taken by his parents to Indiana, and in the spring<br />

of 1834 went with his parents to Etna, Coles county. He<br />

has lived in or in the vicinity of Mattoon, Coles county,<br />

for many years. Lawyer and farmer. He is said to be a<br />

second or more remote cousin to Judge James Young Allison,<br />

of Madison, Ind. (See Allisons of Indiana). Mr. Allison<br />

is a strong Republican, and made a warm canvass for Lincoln,<br />

in 1860. He and his brothers were very active politicians,<br />

good speakers, and able organizers ; all Republicans. The<br />

Allisons of this family are mostly Presbyterians, and Methodists.<br />

They are muscular, have broad shoulders, fair complexions,<br />

with light brown or black hair and blue eyes, and<br />

are peaceable and law-abiding people.<br />


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