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a letter dated Dec. 9, 1878, he said: "• I have never regretted<br />

my name ; have always been thankful that my lot has been<br />

cast in this country that ; my forefathers emigrated to America,<br />

and that they settled in this beautiful country between<br />

the Yadkin and Catawba rivers, where we have good land,<br />

fine water, a healthy and delightful climate, peaceable and<br />

quiet citizens ; where we can worship God according to the<br />

dictates of our own consciences, with none to molest or make<br />

us afraid."<br />


623. Esther Phifer Allison,* b. 1843; m., in 1866, Capt.<br />

of South Carolina.<br />

Samuel E. "White<br />

624. Joseph Young Allison,"*<br />

b. 1846. He was educated at Davidson college,<br />

N. C., and at the University of Virginia, and became a<br />

lawyer ; practised three years, disliked tlie profession, studied<br />

for the ministry at Columbia, S. C, graduated in 1876, and<br />

became a clergyman; in 1887 was i^astor of a church in Baton<br />

Rouge, La. He m. Carrie Davant, of South Carolina, in 1876.<br />

He was a delegate to the General Assembly of the church at<br />

Knoxville, Tenn., in 1878.<br />

625. John Phifer Allison,^ b. 1848 ; m., 1880, Annie Craige, of Salisbury,<br />

N. C; merciiant. He succeeded his father in business in Con-<br />

cord, N. C.<br />

626. Mary Louise Allison,"i b. 18."J0 d. ; 1879.<br />

627. E. Adaline Allison,* b. 18.52; m., in 1875, Col. John M. White of<br />

Soutli Carolina, who d. in 1877.<br />

628. William Henry Allison,* b. 1854 ; d. 1854.<br />

()29. Caroline Jane Allison,* b. 1855 d. ; 1857.<br />

630. Ann Susan Allison,* b. 1857; d. 18.59.<br />

631. Robert Washington Allison,* b. 1862 d. 1865.<br />

;<br />

.<br />

He was<br />

632. James Allison 3<br />

[612] (Thomas,^ Robert i<br />

).<br />

born April 29, 1823, at Poplar Tent, Cabarrus county, N. C;<br />

married, Aug. 3, 1847, Mary Clarissa Johnston. He settled<br />

on a farm in Cabarrus county, eleven miles northeast of Concord,<br />

N. C. Mrs. Allison and her husband were members of<br />

the Bethpage church. She was fond of Sunday-school work,<br />

and was a teacher of a large class of ladies in that church.<br />

She was a strong-minded and pious woman. She died Jan.<br />

17, 1860, and is buried in the cemetery at Poplar Tent<br />

church. He surrendered with Lee at Appomattox, walked<br />

to his home, and on April 26, 1865, married Mary L. N.<br />

Kilpatrick. She died in June, 1887, and he married, third,<br />

in Aug., 1890, Mary S. Scott, of Taylorsville, N. C. Since<br />

the fall of 1868 he has been a merchant at Davidson College,<br />

N. C, where he resides.<br />


633. Thomas Johnston Allison* (643), b. May 30, 1849; clergyman; res.<br />

at Way Cross, Ga.<br />

634. Allison.* b. .Julv 9, 18.54; d. July 9, 18.54.<br />

635. Victor Alexander Allison,* b. July 14, 'l856; d. Dec. 25, 18.56.<br />

635a. Minnie Louisa Allison,* b. Nov. 17, 18.58; d. Oct. 12, 1863.

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