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30, 1792 ; married, Sept. 26, 1817, Anna, daughter<br />

of John<br />

and Annie (Hamilton) Allen, of Brookfield, Mass., where<br />

she was born Jan. 13, 1793. She died in <strong>Boston</strong>, Mass.,<br />

Aug. 28, 1868, aged 75 years, 7 months. She was living with<br />

her married daughter, Mrs. Lamb. Mr. Allison was a hatter ;<br />

learned his trade in Charlestown, Mass. ;<br />

went to Brookfield,<br />

Mass., in 1817, and there he made his home for thirty-two<br />

years ; removed to <strong>Boston</strong>, Mass., where he was killed by the<br />

bursting of a boiler, dying in the Massachusetts General<br />

Hosi^ital June 13, 1854. He and his wife were members of<br />

the Orthodox Congregational church.<br />


163. Walter Edwin Allison/ b. Nov. 27, 1818: d. March 4, 1819.<br />

164. Sarah Stone Allison/ b. March 29, 1821; m., Oct. 1, 1843, Charles<br />

Churchill Lamb. He was b. in Phillips ton, Mass., April 23,<br />

1808, and is son of Jonas- and Hannah (Sawyer) Lamb, of<br />

Phillipston, and grandson of Israel and Lucy (Wheeler) Lamb,<br />

of Templeton, Mass. Mr. Lamb was a book-keeper for more<br />

than fifty years, and retired Oct. 1, 1889; res. No. 125 Wai-ren<br />

Ave., <strong>Boston</strong>, Mass. Children, b. <strong>Boston</strong>, Mass^:<br />

I. Sarah Anna Lamb,« b. Avig. 7, 1844; m., Nov. 19, 1872, Charles Fred-<br />

erick Wise, of <strong>Boston</strong>, Mass., b. October, 1844; clerk with<br />

Devoe & Co., paints and oils. New York city; res.- No. 826<br />

Union St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Child: Lester Drummond Wise,^<br />

b. Oct. 8, 1879.<br />

II. Charles Allison Lamb,« b. Dec. 30, 1846; m., Sept. 17, 1874, Martha L.,<br />

dau. of Joel Pike, of <strong>Boston</strong>, Mass. She was b. Dec. 25, 1848,<br />

in Philadelphia, Penn., but lived in <strong>Boston</strong> after her twelfth<br />

year. He is general manager of the National Tube Works,<br />

corner of Clinton St., Chicago, 111.; res. No. 497 West .lackson<br />

St., Chicago, 111. Children: Charles Holmes Lamb,' b. Cambridge,<br />

Mass., Sept. 7, 1876. Mabel Howard Lamb,' b. <strong>Boston</strong>,<br />

III.<br />

Mass., Sept. 26, 1877.<br />

Edward Wlieeler Lamb," b. Nov. 23, 1849; d. March IV.<br />

14, 1850.<br />

Frank Hooker Lamb," b. Sept. 2, 1851 res. No. 495 West Jackson<br />

;<br />

St., Chicago, 111. He is a book-keeper and cashier of the<br />

National Tvibe Works, corner of Clinton St., Chicago. He m.,<br />

June 9, 1879, Clara Jane, dau. of William and Jane (Allen)<br />

Dane, of West Brookfield, Mass., where she was b. in 1853.<br />

Child, b. Chicago, 111.: Roy Dane Lamb,' b. July, 1882; d.<br />

July, 1882.<br />

V. Nellie Florence Lamb," b. Nov. 13, 1859; res. No. 125 Warren Ave.,<br />

<strong>Boston</strong>, Mass.<br />

165. Walter Harris Allison," b. May 15, 1832; single; was a soldier from<br />

Ciiicago, in an Illinois regiment, and served during the war;<br />

was disabled in the service, and never recovered;<br />

is in the<br />

Soldier's Home, Chelsea, Mass. Before his enlistment he was<br />

in "Long John Wcntworth's" printing office for nine years.<br />

166. JohnStinson* [50] (Janet Allison,^ Capt. Samuel,^<br />

Samuel^). He was born in Dunbarton, N. H., Nov. 13, 1789 ;<br />

died Aug. 13, 1875. He married, Feb. 18, 1819, Betsey,<br />

daughter of David and Mary (Stark) Stinson, of New Bos-

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