Mary C. Bollinger Marple Newtown High School Marple Newtown ...

Mary C. Bollinger Marple Newtown High School Marple Newtown ... Mary C. Bollinger Marple Newtown High School Marple Newtown ...
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<strong>Mary</strong> C. <strong>Bollinger</strong><br />

<strong>Marple</strong> <strong>Newtown</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

<strong>Marple</strong> <strong>Newtown</strong> <strong>School</strong> District<br />

<strong>Newtown</strong> Square, PA<br />

Governor’s Institute 2005<br />

Les Sports d’hiver en France

Language and Level<br />

French IV, French IV Honors<br />

Traditional schedule of 46 minute classes, five days a week<br />

Materials<br />

• Viens voir by Albert Valdman, et al. Scott, Foresman and Company, 1990.<br />

(Note: This is the last year we are using this series. In French I-III we are already<br />

using Discovering French by Jean-Paul and Rebecca Valette, MacDougall Littell,<br />

2004. In 2006 we will complete the textbook adoption and use the new series in<br />

French IV.)<br />

• “Les stations de montagne dans les Alpes françaises” (page of maps in<br />

Appendix 1)<br />

• “Les bambins tout schuss,” by Céline Lis, Ada Mercier, and Marion Tours,<br />

L’Express, January 26, 2004. (Appendix 2)<br />

• Websites<br /><br /><br /><br />

Objectives<br />

The standards addressed in this Unit and Lesson Plan include:<br />

COMMUNICATION Communicate in Languages other than English<br />

Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information,<br />

express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions<br />

Students will provide information and exchange opinions about ski resorts in the French<br />

Alps.<br />

Students will provide information and exchange opinions about ski resorts in the French<br />

Alps that provide special activities for children.<br />

Standard 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a<br />

variety of topics.<br />

Students will understand and interpret several websites in French about ski resorts in<br />

France.<br />

Students will understand and interpret an article from L’Express on ski resorts in France<br />

with activities for children.<br />

Standard 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of<br />

listeners or readers on a variety of topics.<br />

Students will present information about a ski resort to an audience of parents (the class).<br />

<strong>Mary</strong> C. <strong>Bollinger</strong><br />

<strong>Marple</strong> <strong>Newtown</strong> Senior <strong>High</strong><br />


CULTURES Gain Knowledge and Understanding of Other Cultures<br />

Standard 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between<br />

the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.<br />

Students will be able to discuss “les vacances de février” and its importance to French<br />

school children and families.<br />

Students will be able to identify and describe at least three ski resorts in the French Alps.<br />

CONNECTIONS Connect with other Disciplines and Acquire Information<br />

Standard 3.1: Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines<br />

through the foreign language.<br />

Students will practice math skills and basic international economics by converting meters<br />

to feet and euros to dollars.<br />

COMPARISONS Develop Insight into the Nature of Language and Culture<br />

Standard 4.2: Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture<br />

through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.<br />

Students will be able to compare winter vacation practices in France with those in the<br />

United States.<br />

COMMUNITIES Participate in Multilingual Communities at Home and Around<br />

the World<br />

Standard 5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.<br />

In February students will write to their keypals in Lillebonne (Normandy) asking them<br />

about their winter vacations.<br />

Overview<br />

This unit on winter sports is integrated with Chapter 7 in Viens voir and should take<br />

about two weeks to complete. This chapter is taught in September. Chapter 7 teaches<br />

students about the French post office and winter sports. Grammar topics are the verb<br />

recevoir, a review of the passé compose and an introduction to the imparfait. Students<br />

would begin the unit on winter sports after studying the second vocabulary section on<br />

winter sports vocabulary. Most students will have very little previous knowledge of<br />

winter sports and February school vacations in France. Some students will have gone<br />

skiing or participated in other winter sports.<br />

First, students will gain a knowledge and understanding of French ski resorts in the Alps<br />

through an internet activity in the tech lab. (Culture Standards 2.1. and 2.2) Next, they<br />

will read an article from L’Express on ski resorts in France with activities for children.<br />

They will interpret the article (Communication Standard 1.2), participating in pre-reading<br />

activities and discussing important features of each resort. Students will gain knowledge<br />

and understanding of the February vacation in France and compare winter vacations for<br />

American families. Students will practice interpersonal communication<br />

(Communication Standard 1.1) by sharing reactions and opinions to the article and<br />

engaging in role-play activities. Finally, they will work in groups to plan and present a<br />

<strong>Mary</strong> C. <strong>Bollinger</strong><br />

<strong>Marple</strong> <strong>Newtown</strong> Senior <strong>High</strong><br />


commercial on French television for a ski resort that features activities for children.<br />

(Presentational Communication phase, Standard 1.3)<br />

<strong>Mary</strong> C. <strong>Bollinger</strong><br />

<strong>Marple</strong> <strong>Newtown</strong> Senior <strong>High</strong><br />

Detailed Lesson Plan for the First Three Days<br />

Day one (and 20 minutes the previous day<br />

Standard 1.2: Students will understand and interpret several websites in French about<br />

ski resorts in France.<br />

Standard 2.1: Students will be able to identify and describe at least three ski resorts in<br />

the French Alps.<br />

Standard 3.1: Students will practice math skills and basic international economics by<br />

converting meters to feet and euros to dollars.<br />

On the day before the trip to the tech lab brainstorm with students using questions such<br />

as the following and writing important vocabulary on the board:<br />

1. Quels sont les sports d’hiver que vous pratiquez?<br />

2. Où est-ce qu’on va pour skier en France?<br />

3. Quelles sont les montagnes les plus hautes de la France.<br />

4. Comment s’appelle la region des Alpes françaises?<br />

(Use a map of France to point out ski areas.)<br />

5. Quelles sont les stations de montagne françaises que vous connaissez?<br />

6. Connaissez-vous les vacances de février pour les élèves français?<br />

7. Si vous consultez un site web sur les stations de montagne, quelles sortes de<br />

renseignements allez-vous trouver?<br />

Introduce in French the next day’s internet activity, but wait to distribute materials.<br />

In the tech lab the next day introduce the activity and then let students work<br />

individually at the computer.<br />

Warm up: review of previous day<br />

Où est-ce qu’on va pour skier en France?<br />

Quelles sont les montagnes les plus hautes de la France?<br />

Comment s’appelle la region des Alpes françaises?<br />

Distribute map of ski resorts in the French Alps (See Appendix 1) and directions for<br />

assignment and explain in French.<br />


français IV, français IVH<br />

Dr. <strong>Mary</strong> C. <strong>Bollinger</strong><br />

Activité à l’Internet sur les stations de montagne dans les Alpes françaises<br />

Choisissez deux stations de montagnes dans la liste et trouvez les renseignements<br />

suivants pour chaque station en consultant les sites web donnés. Vous devez utiliser les<br />

pages en français sur chaque site.<br />

Avoriaz La Plagne<br />

La Clusaz Les Ménuires<br />

Le Grand-Bornand Les Arcs<br />

Méribel Les Carroz-d’Arâches<br />

Val-Thorens<br />

Devoirs pour ce soir: Finissez ce travail. (note d’interro) Cherchez le nouveau<br />

vocabulaire dans un dictionnaire et soyez preparés à en discuter en classe.<br />

Questions<br />

1. Donnez trois raisons pour la bonne reputation de la station.<br />

2. Quelle est l’élévation de la station? Quelle est l’élévation de la plus haute<br />

montagne de la station?<br />

(1 meter = 3.28 feet<br />

To convert meters to feet, multiply the meters by 3.28)<br />

3. Votre frère aime les pistes noires (les plus difficiles), mais vous êtes debutant(e)<br />

et vous préférez les pistes vertes (les plus faciles). Combine de pistes y a-t-il pour<br />

vous et votre frère?<br />

4. Donnez cinq activités que vous voudriez faire en plein air et cinq activités à<br />

l’intérieur.<br />

5. Vous voulez louer un appartement studio pour 2 personnes pour la première<br />

semaine de février. Combien est-ce que vous allez payer en euros et en dollars?<br />

For example, on August 5 1 euro = 1.23 dollars<br />

To convert euros to dollars, simply multiply the euros by the current exchange<br />

rate in dollars (x 1.23 on August 5).<br />

<strong>Mary</strong> C. <strong>Bollinger</strong><br />

<strong>Marple</strong> <strong>Newtown</strong> Senior <strong>High</strong><br />


Renseignements Station 1<br />

Nom:<br />

Trois raisons pour la<br />

bonne reputation de la<br />

station<br />

<strong>Mary</strong> C. <strong>Bollinger</strong><br />

<strong>Marple</strong> <strong>Newtown</strong> Senior <strong>High</strong><br />

Les Stations de montagne dans les Alpes françaises<br />

Nom:<br />

Station 2<br />

L’élévation de la station ________mètres = ________ = “feet” ________mètres = ________ = “feet”<br />

L’élévation de la plus<br />

haute montagne de la<br />

station<br />

Pistes noires et pistes<br />

vertes<br />

Cinq activités en plein air<br />

Cinq activités à l’intérieur<br />

Studio 2 personnes pour la<br />

1ère semaine de février<br />

________mètres = ________ = “feet”<br />

________mètres = ________ = “feet”<br />


Day Two<br />

Warm up (discussion of the homework)<br />

(List some of the information on the board. Have students hand in papers after the discussion.)<br />

• Quelles stations de montagne avez-vous choisies? Pourquoi sont-elles célèbres?<br />

• Quelles activités en plein air/à l’intérieur avez-vous choisies?<br />

• Combine de pistes noires et de pistes vertes y a-t-il dans ces stations?<br />

• Quelle est l’élévation de cette station? De la plus haute montagne de la station?<br />

• Combine allez-vous payer pour louer un appartement studio pour deux personnes pendant la première<br />

semaine de février?<br />

Reading activity<br />

Reading selection: “Les bambins tout schuss,” by Céline Lis, Ada Mercier, and Marion Tours,<br />

L’Express, January 26, 2004. (Appendix 2)<br />

Standard 1.1: Students will provide information and exchange opinions about ski resorts in the French Alps<br />

that provide special activities for children.<br />

Standard 1.2: Students will understand and interpret an article from L’Express on ski resorts in France with<br />

activities for children.<br />

Standard 2.1: Students will be able to discuss “les vacances de février” and its importance to French school<br />

children and families.<br />

Standard 4.2: Students will be able to compare winter vacation practices in France with those in the United<br />

States.<br />

Pre-reading activities<br />

Brainstorming<br />

1. Expliquez les vacances de février en France.<br />

2. (Draw an imaginary family on board or use a picture.) Cette famille veut faire un séjour en famille dans<br />

une station de montagne dans les Alpes françaises. Qu’est-ce que les parents doivent considerer avant<br />

de choisir un station?<br />

3. Faites une liste de vocabulaire pour les sports d’hiver. (Use visuals when possible.)<br />

Predicting/Language preparation<br />

(Distribute article.)<br />

• Faites remarquer la date de l’article.<br />

• Lisez le titre de l’article, la phrase d’introduction et les titres de chaque section. Quel est le sujet de cet<br />

article?<br />

• Connaissez-vous le terme “schuss” en anglais? (Expliquer “descendre tout schuss” = descendre<br />

directement en suivant la plus grande pente.) Pourquoi a-t-on utilisé ce terme dans le titre?<br />

• Introduire les nouvelles expressions essentielles, par exemple:<br />

Faire un stage<br />

Une activité ludique<br />

Une course<br />

Skimming/scanning with a partner(See the next page.)<br />

<strong>Mary</strong> C. <strong>Bollinger</strong><br />

<strong>Marple</strong> <strong>Newtown</strong> Senior <strong>High</strong><br />


Reading selection: “Les bambins tout schuss,” by Céline Lis, Ada Mercier, and Marion<br />

Tours, L’Express, January 26, 2004.<br />

Do the following skimming and scanning activities with a partner.<br />

Skimming = getting the gist<br />

1. Skim the reading and list in your notebook as many words as possible that are English words or very<br />

similar to English words. (5 minutes)<br />

2. Skim as many sections as possible. List in your notebook one fact you understood in each section.<br />

(5 minutes)<br />

Scanning = can find the details<br />

A. Scan the reading and match the description with the appropriate mountain resort(s).<br />

Description Stations de montagne<br />

La station est populaire avec les gens qui aiment le<br />

toboggan<br />

La station offre une semaine avec un grand choix<br />

d’activités<br />

La station offre des activités en plein air le soir<br />

On y apprend à construire des igloos.<br />

Read the article on La Clusaz and answer in French the following questions.<br />

1. Pourquoi cette station est-elle bonne pour les debutants?<br />

2. Si vos enfants aiment la biologie, qu’est-ce qu’ils peuvent faire dans cette station?<br />

3. Expliquez la 2e Full Moon.<br />

4. Qu’est-ce que les petits enfants peuvent faire le soir?<br />

5. Votre frère n’a que 4 ans? Qu’est-ce qu’il peut apprendre?<br />

<strong>Mary</strong> C. <strong>Bollinger</strong><br />

<strong>Marple</strong> <strong>Newtown</strong> Senior <strong>High</strong><br />


Devoirs: Lisez attentivement “Les bambins tout schuss”. Cherchez le vocabulaire difficile<br />

dans un dictionnaire. Choisissez vos trois stations préférées et écrivez deux raisons pour expliquer<br />

pourquoi vous avez choisi chaque station.<br />

Day 3<br />

Warm up<br />

(Discussion of homework assignment and preparation for the introduction of the performance assessment.)<br />

Avec un partenaire choisissez une station de montagne que vous voulez presenter à la classe. (Monitor<br />

groups to encourage a variety of choices. Assign partners since these groups will be the groups for the<br />

performance assessment. Have groups present informally to another group.)<br />

Extensions/Assessment<br />

Introduce performance assessment, “Un Spot publicitaire pour une station de montagne”, and start work with a<br />

partner. Brainstorm first the characteristics of a good commercial for this assignment. (See directions for the<br />

assignment on the next two pages and the rubric in Appendix 3.)<br />

In February students will write to their keypals in Lillebonne (Normandy) asking them about their winter<br />

vacations.<br />

<strong>Mary</strong> C. <strong>Bollinger</strong><br />

<strong>Marple</strong> <strong>Newtown</strong> Senior <strong>High</strong><br />


Un Spot publicitaire pour une station de montagne<br />

Present with visuals a commercial on French television for a ski resort that features activities for<br />

children.<br />

Objectives<br />

Communication standard 1.1: Students will provide information and exchange opinions about<br />

a ski resort and its activities for children.<br />

Communication standard 1.2: Students will understand and interpret an article from<br />

L’Express on ski resorts in France with activities for children.<br />

Communication Standard 1.3: Students will present information about a ski resort to an<br />

audience of parents (the class).<br />

Culture Standard 2.1 and Comparisons Standard 4.2: Students will be able to discuss “les<br />

vacances de février” and compare winter vacations in the U.S.<br />

Connections Standard 3.1: Students will practice math skills and basic international<br />

economics by converting meters to feet and euros to dollars.<br />

Detailed Description<br />

In the Fall French parents plan “les vacances de février” for their children. Imagine that you are working in the<br />

marketing department of a ski resort that features special activities for children. Your task is to prepare a twominute<br />

commercial for television persuading parents to spend a week at your resort for the family vacation.<br />

Each group of two or three students:<br />

1. Writes a two-minute commercial in French featuring a ski resort in France with activities for children.<br />

Students should do the following:<br />

• Choose a ski resort from the list in the article “Les bambins tout schuss” by Céline Lis, Ada<br />

Mercier, and Marion Tours, L’Express, January 26, 2004.<br />

• Select an interesting format—dialogue, short skit, interview, etc.<br />

• Feature at least three reasons why parents should choose your resort.<br />

• Explain options for lodging<br />

• Use new vocabulary from Chapter 7 and the reading “Les bambins tout schuss”.<br />

• Include prices, the telephone number, and web address (if available). Give prices in euros and<br />

dollars for your American viewers.<br />

• Use correct French syntax and forms.<br />

2. Types, double-spaced, a rough draft of the script for the commercial.<br />

3. Revises the rough draft and submits one good copy on the day the final performance assessment is due.<br />

The final copy should be typed, double-spaced, one inch margins, size 12 font.<br />

4. Prepares a colorful, neat and attractive poster to illustrate your ad.<br />

<strong>Mary</strong> C. <strong>Bollinger</strong><br />

<strong>Marple</strong> <strong>Newtown</strong> Senior <strong>High</strong><br />


5. Presents the commercial in class using stage props when appropriate. Each student may have one 4” x<br />

6” note card with cues. Students should not be reading from their notes. Students should memorize<br />

and practice their ads, working on pronunciation and expression.<br />

Students graded on: script, oral presentation, poster<br />

Time to complete: two weeks<br />

Deadlines<br />

Rough draft of the script Date<br />

Presentation or video and final copy of the script Date<br />

Grading Criteria for the Final copy of the script and the presentation or video<br />

Test grade (weight 3) according to the attached rubric<br />

Specific<br />

• An interesting format for the ad.<br />

• Three reasons why parents should choose your resort featured in the ad.<br />

• Options for lodging explained.<br />

• New vocabulary used from Chapter 7 and the reading “Les bambins tout schuss”.<br />

• Prices given in euros and dollars.<br />

• Telephone number and web address (if available) provided<br />

• Correct French syntax.<br />

• Two-minute presentation of commercial with one 4” x 6” note card with cues per student.<br />

• Fluent delivery, good pronunciation and expression<br />

General<br />

• The final copy of the script is typed, double-spaced, one inch margins, size 12 font.<br />

• French syntax and forms correct.<br />

• Colorful, neat and attractive poster to illustrate your ad.<br />

• Followed directions (on time, as assigned).<br />

<strong>Mary</strong> C. <strong>Bollinger</strong><br />

<strong>Marple</strong> <strong>Newtown</strong> Senior <strong>High</strong><br />


<strong>Mary</strong> C. <strong>Bollinger</strong><br />

<strong>Marple</strong> <strong>Newtown</strong> Senior <strong>High</strong><br />

Appendix 1<br />


<strong>Mary</strong> C. <strong>Bollinger</strong><br />

<strong>Marple</strong> <strong>Newtown</strong> Senior <strong>High</strong><br />

Appendix 2<br />


<strong>Mary</strong> C. <strong>Bollinger</strong><br />

<strong>Marple</strong> <strong>Newtown</strong> Senior <strong>High</strong><br />


<strong>Mary</strong> C. <strong>Bollinger</strong><br />

<strong>Marple</strong> <strong>Newtown</strong> Senior <strong>High</strong><br />


<strong>Mary</strong> C. <strong>Bollinger</strong><br />

<strong>Marple</strong> <strong>Newtown</strong> Senior <strong>High</strong><br />

Appendix 3<br />

Rubric for “Un Spot publicitaire pour une station de montagne”<br />

Student Name: ________________________________________________________________<br />

30% Script of the commercial (<strong>Marple</strong> <strong>Newtown</strong> Writing rubric)<br />

Grade _______________ x .3 = __________<br />

Grading on presentation of commercial and the poster:<br />

5 Honors 2 Needs improvement<br />

4 Good 1 Poor<br />

3 Acceptable 0 Not done<br />

40% Presentation of commercial<br />

Individual fluency __________ x 2 = __________<br />

Individual French __________ x 2 = __________<br />

Pronunciation/Expression<br />

Creativity __________ x 2 = __________<br />

Group performance __________ x 2 = __________<br />

Total points (out of 40) on the presentation) __________<br />

30 % Poster<br />

Appropriate information __________ x 2 = __________<br />

Effective word choice/correctness of French __________ x 2 = __________<br />

Attractive, well-planned, organized __________ x 2 = __________<br />

Total points (out of 30) on the poster __________<br />

Final grade “Un Spot publicitaire pour une station de montagne”<br />

(Total of content, presentation, and poster grades) _________<br />


<strong>Marple</strong> <strong>Newtown</strong> <strong>School</strong> District/Foreign Language Department<br />

Rubric for Writing Assessments 2006<br />

6--Honors 5--Excellent 4--Good 3--Average 2--Weak 1--Poor 0--No response<br />

Focus<br />

•demonstrates an awareness of audience and task<br />

•establishes and maintains a clear purpose<br />

•sustains a single point of view<br />

•exhibits clarity of ideas<br />

6 5 4 3 2 1 __________ x 1 = ____________<br />

Content<br />

•information and details are specific to topic<br />

•information and details are relevant to focus<br />

•ideas are fully developed<br />

6 5 4 3 2 1 __________ x 2 = ____________<br />

Organization<br />

•logical order or sequence is maintained<br />

•paragraphs deal with one subject<br />

•logical transitions are made within sentences and between paragraphs<br />

•introduction and conclusions are evident<br />

6 5 4 3 2 1 __________ x 2 = ____________<br />

Style<br />

•precise language<br />

•effective word choice<br />

•voice, tone, originality<br />

•Variety of sentence structures, types, and lengths<br />

6 5 4 3 2 1 __________ x 6 = ____________<br />

Conventions<br />

•mechanics: spelling and accents, capitalization, punctuation<br />

•grammar (for example, gender of nouns, articles, possessive adjectives, pronouns, subject-verb agreement, adjective agreement, verb<br />

forms and tenses, prepositions)<br />

•sentence completeness<br />

•word order/sentence structure<br />

•Use of formal and informal "you"<br />

6 5 4 3 2 1 __________ x 6 = ____________<br />

Comments:<br />

Raw Score ____________<br />

<strong>Mary</strong> C. <strong>Bollinger</strong><br />

<strong>Marple</strong> <strong>Newtown</strong> Senior <strong>High</strong><br />

+ 100<br />

____________<br />

divided by 2<br />

Final Grade ____________<br />


<strong>Mary</strong> C. <strong>Bollinger</strong><br />

<strong>Marple</strong> <strong>Newtown</strong> Senior <strong>High</strong><br />


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