Copyright & Disclaimer Information - Illinois Institute of Technology

Copyright & Disclaimer Information - Illinois Institute of Technology Copyright & Disclaimer Information - Illinois Institute of Technology


Illinois Institute of Technology Also covered are organization structure and design, the dynamics of individual and group interaction, organization climate, managerial styles, the implications of increasing work force diversity, coping with conflict, and methods for achieving organizational improvement. Issues in international business are dealt with at relevant points. Prerequisite: Junior standing. (3-0-3) Military Science MlLS 010 Freshman Recitation A structured tutorial and learning environment for first-year army ROTC students; development of improved academic abilities; and a better understanding of the military discipline. Students must be enrolled in their initial year of ROTC. (1-0- 1) MILS 101 U.S. Defense Establishment Discussion and practical application of fundamentals, principals and traits of leadership. An introduction to the history and practical application of the U.S. Army customs and traditions. A practical laboratory is required for Army ROTC cadets. (1-2-1) (C) MILS 102 Customs and Traditions of the Military An examination of the nation’s defense establishment. Emphasis is placed on the structural aspects and the authority relationships of the Department of Defense and the Department of the Army; constitutional provisions for the common defense; and the concept of civilian control of the military. A practical laboratory is requited for Army ROTC cadets. (1-2-1) (C) MILS 107 American Military History In-depth study of American military history through examination of evolvement of the Army and warfare. (3-2-3) MILS 147, 149, 247, 249, 347, 349, 447, 448 Aerobic Conditioning Participation in aerobic exercise program; evaluation of the level of cardiovascular fitness. (0-3-2) Copyright & Disclaimer Information: Copyright © 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007. CollegeSource®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation. CollegeSource® digital catalogs are derivative works owned and copyrighted by CollegeSource®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation. Catalog content is owned and copyrighted by the appropriate school. While CollegeSource®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation provides information as a service to the public, copyright is retained on all digital catalogs. Copyright & Disclaimer Information: Copyright © 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007. CollegeSource®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation. CollegeSource® digital catalogs are derivative works owned and copyrighted by CollegeSource®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation. Catalog content is owned and copyrighted by the appropriate school. While CollegeSource®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation provides information as a service to the public, copyright is retained on all digital catalogs. MILS 201 Fundamentals of Leadership, Organization and Planning Study and practical application of basic leadership techniques to include motivating and counseling. Emphasis on communication skills to include oral presentations and the Army writing style. A practical laboratory is required for Army cadets. (2-2-2) MILS 202 Leadership Dynamics Analytical study of American military history from its origin through the present. Emphasis on leadership, strategy, the principles of war, and growth of the military in the United States. A practical laboratory is required for Army ROTC cadets. (3-2-3) MILS 301 Military Operations and Tactics Introduction to the principles of war; practical exercises in small unit leadership and combined arms operations. Study of land navigation techniques and field communications equipment operating procedures with actual field application. A practical laboratory is required for Army ROTC cadets. Prerequisites: MILS 101; MILS 102; MILS 201 or the equivalent; and department approval. (3-2-3) (C) MILS 302 Organizational Leaders Detailed study of Army tactical combat doctrine to include organization, patrolling, offensive and defensive tactics at the small unit level. Advanced techniques of planning, organization, delegation and control with practical application. A practical laboratory is required for Army ROTC cadets. Prerequisites: MILS 101; MILS 102; MILS 201 or the equivalent; and department approval. (3-2-3) MILS 401 Training and Resource Management Nature of command and staff relationships; theory and application of U.S. Army training management doctrine; operations and intelligence functions; professional ethics. A practical laboratory is required for Army ROTC cadets. Prerequisites: MILS 101, MILS 102; MILS 201 or the equivalent; and department approval. (3-2-3) (C) Course Descriptions MILS 402 Military Law Study of the nature, structure, powers and procedures of the military justice system; reserve components of the Army; senior and subordinate relationships; obligations and responsibilities of an officer on active duty. A practical laboratory required for Army ROTC cadets. Prerequisites: MILS 101; MILS 102; and MILS 201 or the equivalent; and department approval. (3-2-3) (C) MILS 499 Advanced Independent Research Intensive research and study of selected topics. May be repeated for a maximum of six credit hours. A practical laboratory is required for Army ROTC cadets. Prerequisite: Department approval. (Credit: 1-4 hours) Marketing MKT 371 Marketing Introduction to the activities and decisions faced by marketing managers in modern organizations. Topics include: consumer and organizational buying behavior, marketing research, market segmentation, new product development, product line decisions, pricing channels, distribution, promotion, international marketing, and introduction to marketing strategic planning. (3-0-3) Offered in fall and spring. Mechanical, Materials and Aerospace Engineering MMAE 100 Introduction to the Profession I Introduces the student to the scope of the engineering profession and its role in society, develops a sense of professionalism in the student, confirms and reinforces the student’s career choices, and provides a mechanism for regular academic advising. Provides integration with other first-year courses. Applications of mathematics to engineering. Emphasis is placed on the development of professional communications and teamwork skills. (1-4-3) (C) IIT Undergraduate Bulletin 1999-2001 149

Course Descriptions MMAE 101 Introduction to the Profession II Continuation of MMAE 100, primarily through short projects. Prerequisite: MMAE 100. (1-4-3) (C) MMAE 200 introduction to Mechanics Equilibrium concepts. Statics of a particle. Statics of a system of particles and rigid bodies, Distributed forces, centroids and center of gravity. Friction. Kinetics of particles: Newton’s Laws of motion, energy and momentum. Kinematics of particles. Dynamics of rotating bodies. Credit for this course is not applicable to BSME, BSMME and BSAE programs. Prerequisites: PHYS 123, MATH 152, CS 105. Corequisites: MATH 252. (3-0-3) MMAE 201 Mechanics of Solids I Free body diagrams. Equilibrium of a particle, a system of particles, and a rigid body. Distributed forces, centroids, centers of gravity, and moments of inertia. Analysis of structures. Friction. Internal loads in bars, shafts and beams. Stress and strain in axially loaded members. Prerequisites: CS 105, MMAE 101, PHYS 123. Corequisite: MATH 152. (3-0-3) MMAE 202 Mechanics of Solids II Stress and strain relations, mechanical properties. Axially loaded members. Torsion of circular shafts. Plane stress and strain, Mohr’s circle, stress transformation. Elementary bending theory, normal and shear stresses in beams, beam deflection. Combined loading. Prerequisite: MMAE 201. (3-0-3) MMAE 271 Engineering Materials and Design Mechanical behavior of metals, polymers, ceramics and composites, laboratory testing methods including tension, torsion, hardness, impact, toughness, fatigue and creep. Evaluation of structural performance in terms of material processing, service conditions and design. Prerequisites: MS 201, MMAE 201. Corequisite: MMAE 202. (2-3-3) (C) Copyright & Disclaimer Information: Copyright © 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007. CollegeSource®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation. CollegeSource® digital catalogs are derivative works owned and copyrighted by CollegeSource®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation. Catalog content is owned and copyrighted by the appropriate school. While CollegeSource®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation provides information as a service to the public, copyright is retained on all digital catalogs. Copyright & Disclaimer Information: Copyright © 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007. CollegeSource®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation. CollegeSource® digital catalogs are derivative works owned and copyrighted by CollegeSource®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation. Catalog content is owned and copyrighted by the appropriate school. While CollegeSource®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation provides information as a service to the public, copyright is retained on all digital catalogs. MMAE 303 Mechanics of Solids III Analysis of stress and strain. Design of torsional and bending structural elements. Energy methods. Curved beams. Thick-walled cylinders, spinning disks. Stability of columns. Stress concentration, stress intensity factors, fractures toughness. Fatigue. Theories of failure and yield. Design applications. Prerequisites: MMAE 202, MMAE 271, MATH 251, MATH 252. (3-0-3) MMAE 304 Mechanics of Aerostructures Loads on aircraft, and flight envelope. Stress, strain and constitutive relations. Torsion of open, closed and multicell tubes. Bending of multi-cell tubes. Energy methods. Castigliano’s theorems. Structural instability. Prerequisites: MMAE 202, MATH 251, MATH 252. (3-0-3) MMAE 305 Dynamics Kinematics of particles. Kinetics of particles: Newton’s laws of motion, energy: momentum. Systems of particles. Kinematics of rigid bodies. Plane motion of rigid bodies: forces and accelerations, energy, momentum. Prerequisite: MMAE 201. Corequisite: MATH 252. (3-0-3) MMAE 310 Fluid Mechanics Basic properties of fluids in motion. Lagrangian and Eulerian viewpoints, material derivative, streamlines, etc. Continuity, energy and linear and angular momentum equations in integral and differential forms. Integration of equations for one-dimensional flows and application to problems. Incompressible viscous flow; Navier- Stokes equations, parallel flow, pipe flow, and the Moody diagram. Introduction to laminar and turbulent boundary layers and free surface flows. Lab Component: Introduction to measurements of fluid properties and basic features of fluid flows; flow through pipes and channels, flow-induced forces on bodies; First Law of Thermodynamics: six laboratory experiments in small groups supplemented by demonstrations and films. Prerequisites: MATH 251, MATH 252. Corequisites: MMAE 305, MMAE 320. (3-3-4) (C) IIT Undergraduate Bulletin 1999-2001 MMAE 311 Compressible Flow Regimes of compressible perfect-gas flow. Steady, quasi one-dimensional flow in passages. Effects of heat addition and friction in ducts. Design of nozzles, diffusers and wind tunnels. Simple waves and shocks in unsteady duct flow. Steady two-dimensional supersonic flow including oblique shocks and Prandtl-Meyer expansions. Prerequisites: MMAE 310, MMAE 320. (3-0-3) MMAE 312 Aerodynamics of Aerospace Vehicles Analysis of aerodynamic lift and drag forces on bodies. Potential flow calculation of lift on two-dimensional bodies; numerical solutions; source and vortex panels. Boundary layers and drag calculations. Aerodynamic characteristics of airfoils; the finite wing. Prerequisites: MMAE 310, MMAE 320, MMAE 350. (3-0-3) MMAE 313 Fluid Mechanics Same as MMAE 310 without the laboratory component. Prerequisites: MMAE 305, MATH 251, MATH 252. Corequisite: MMAE 320. (3-0-3) MMAE 320 Thermodynamics Introduction to thermodynamics. Thermodynamic concepts: properties; the first and second laws, energy analysis of thermodynamic systems, flowing and nonflowing, including power and refrigeration systems. Second-law limitations. Prerequisites: CHEM 124, PHYS 224, CS 105, MATH 251. Corequisite: MATH 252. (3-0-3) MMAE 321 Applied Thermodynamics Second-law analysis of engineering systems. Chemical Equilibrium. Thermodynamics of non-reacting systems. Water-air mixtures. Phase diagrams. Thermodynamics of reacting systems. Combustion. Fuel cells. Analysis and design of refrigeration and power generation systems. Prerequisites: MMAE 320, MATH 251. Corequisite: MMAE 310. (3-0-3)

<strong>Illinois</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Technology</strong><br />

Also covered are organization structure<br />

and design, the dynamics <strong>of</strong> individual<br />

and group interaction, organization<br />

climate, managerial styles, the implications<br />

<strong>of</strong> increasing work force diversity,<br />

coping with conflict, and methods for<br />

achieving organizational improvement.<br />

Issues in international business are dealt<br />

with at relevant points. Prerequisite:<br />

Junior standing. (3-0-3)<br />

Military Science<br />

MlLS 010<br />

Freshman Recitation<br />

A structured tutorial and learning environment<br />

for first-year army ROTC<br />

students; development <strong>of</strong> improved<br />

academic abilities; and a better understanding<br />

<strong>of</strong> the military discipline.<br />

Students must be enrolled in their initial<br />

year <strong>of</strong> ROTC. (1-0- 1)<br />

MILS 101<br />

U.S. Defense Establishment<br />

Discussion and practical application<br />

<strong>of</strong> fundamentals, principals and traits <strong>of</strong><br />

leadership. An introduction to the<br />

history and practical application <strong>of</strong> the<br />

U.S. Army customs and traditions.<br />

A practical laboratory is required for<br />

Army ROTC cadets. (1-2-1) (C)<br />

MILS 102<br />

Customs and Traditions<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Military<br />

An examination <strong>of</strong> the nation’s defense<br />

establishment. Emphasis is placed on<br />

the structural aspects and the authority<br />

relationships <strong>of</strong> the Department <strong>of</strong><br />

Defense and the Department <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Army; constitutional provisions for the<br />

common defense; and the concept <strong>of</strong><br />

civilian control <strong>of</strong> the military. A practical<br />

laboratory is requited for Army<br />

ROTC cadets. (1-2-1) (C)<br />

MILS 107<br />

American Military History<br />

In-depth study <strong>of</strong> American military<br />

history through examination <strong>of</strong> evolvement<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Army and warfare. (3-2-3)<br />

MILS 147, 149, 247, 249,<br />

347, 349, 447, 448<br />

Aerobic Conditioning<br />

Participation in aerobic exercise program;<br />

evaluation <strong>of</strong> the level <strong>of</strong> cardiovascular<br />

fitness. (0-3-2)<br />

<strong>Copyright</strong> & <strong>Disclaimer</strong> <strong>Information</strong>: <strong>Copyright</strong> © 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007. CollegeSource®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation. CollegeSource® digital catalogs are derivative works owned and copyrighted by CollegeSource®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation. Catalog content is owned and copyrighted by the appropriate school. While CollegeSource®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation provides information as a service to the public, copyright is retained on all digital catalogs.<br />

<strong>Copyright</strong> & <strong>Disclaimer</strong> <strong>Information</strong>: <strong>Copyright</strong> © 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007. CollegeSource®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation. CollegeSource® digital catalogs are derivative works owned and copyrighted by CollegeSource®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation. Catalog content is owned and copyrighted by the appropriate school. While CollegeSource®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation provides information as a service to the public, copyright is retained on all digital catalogs.<br />

MILS 201<br />

Fundamentals <strong>of</strong> Leadership,<br />

Organization and Planning<br />

Study and practical application <strong>of</strong> basic<br />

leadership techniques to include motivating<br />

and counseling. Emphasis on<br />

communication skills to include oral<br />

presentations and the Army writing<br />

style. A practical laboratory is required<br />

for Army cadets. (2-2-2)<br />

MILS 202<br />

Leadership Dynamics<br />

Analytical study <strong>of</strong> American military<br />

history from its origin through the present.<br />

Emphasis on leadership, strategy,<br />

the principles <strong>of</strong> war, and growth <strong>of</strong> the<br />

military in the United States. A practical<br />

laboratory is required for Army<br />

ROTC cadets. (3-2-3)<br />

MILS 301<br />

Military Operations and Tactics<br />

Introduction to the principles <strong>of</strong> war;<br />

practical exercises in small unit leadership<br />

and combined arms operations.<br />

Study <strong>of</strong> land navigation techniques<br />

and field communications equipment<br />

operating procedures with actual field<br />

application. A practical laboratory<br />

is required for Army ROTC cadets.<br />

Prerequisites: MILS 101; MILS 102;<br />

MILS 201 or the equivalent; and<br />

department approval. (3-2-3) (C)<br />

MILS 302<br />

Organizational Leaders<br />

Detailed study <strong>of</strong> Army tactical combat<br />

doctrine to include organization,<br />

patrolling, <strong>of</strong>fensive and defensive<br />

tactics at the small unit level. Advanced<br />

techniques <strong>of</strong> planning, organization,<br />

delegation and control with practical<br />

application. A practical laboratory<br />

is required for Army ROTC cadets.<br />

Prerequisites: MILS 101; MILS 102;<br />

MILS 201 or the equivalent; and<br />

department approval. (3-2-3)<br />

MILS 401<br />

Training and Resource Management<br />

Nature <strong>of</strong> command and staff relationships;<br />

theory and application <strong>of</strong> U.S.<br />

Army training management doctrine;<br />

operations and intelligence functions;<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>essional ethics. A practical laboratory<br />

is required for Army ROTC<br />

cadets. Prerequisites: MILS 101, MILS<br />

102; MILS 201 or the equivalent; and<br />

department approval. (3-2-3) (C)<br />

Course Descriptions<br />

MILS 402<br />

Military Law<br />

Study <strong>of</strong> the nature, structure, powers<br />

and procedures <strong>of</strong> the military justice<br />

system; reserve components <strong>of</strong> the Army;<br />

senior and subordinate relationships;<br />

obligations and responsibilities <strong>of</strong> an<br />

<strong>of</strong>ficer on active duty. A practical laboratory<br />

required for Army ROTC cadets.<br />

Prerequisites: MILS 101; MILS 102;<br />

and MILS 201 or the equivalent; and<br />

department approval. (3-2-3) (C)<br />

MILS 499<br />

Advanced Independent Research<br />

Intensive research and study <strong>of</strong> selected<br />

topics. May be repeated for a maximum<br />

<strong>of</strong> six credit hours. A practical laboratory<br />

is required for Army ROTC cadets.<br />

Prerequisite: Department approval.<br />

(Credit: 1-4 hours)<br />

Marketing<br />

MKT 371<br />

Marketing<br />

Introduction to the activities and decisions<br />

faced by marketing managers<br />

in modern organizations. Topics<br />

include: consumer and organizational<br />

buying behavior, marketing research,<br />

market segmentation, new product<br />

development, product line decisions,<br />

pricing channels, distribution, promotion,<br />

international marketing, and introduction<br />

to marketing strategic planning.<br />

(3-0-3) Offered in fall and spring.<br />

Mechanical, Materials and<br />

Aerospace Engineering<br />

MMAE 100<br />

Introduction to the Pr<strong>of</strong>ession I<br />

Introduces the student to the scope<br />

<strong>of</strong> the engineering pr<strong>of</strong>ession and its<br />

role in society, develops a sense <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essionalism<br />

in the student, confirms<br />

and reinforces the student’s career<br />

choices, and provides a mechanism for<br />

regular academic advising. Provides<br />

integration with other first-year courses.<br />

Applications <strong>of</strong> mathematics to engineering.<br />

Emphasis is placed on the<br />

development <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essional communications<br />

and teamwork skills. (1-4-3) (C)<br />

IIT Undergraduate Bulletin 1999-2001 149

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