A System of Heraldry - Clan Strachan Society

A System of Heraldry - Clan Strachan Society A System of Heraldry - Clan Strachan Society

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3o OF THE PARTITION AND REPARTITION LINES these two letters I understand the New Register of the Lyon Office ; so that those blazons, marked with these letters, are to be found matriculated there. ALEXANDER ALEXANDER of Au.cb.mull, some time Bailie of Aberdeen, parted per pale, argent and sable, a cheveron between two mullets in chief, and a crescent in base, all counter-changed ; crest, a hand sustaining a pair of balances of equal scales : motto, ^uod tibi ne alteri. N. R. ROBERT ALEXANDER of Boghall, parti argent and sable, a cheveron betwixt a writing-pen, fesse-ways, in chief, and a crescent in base, all counter-changed ; crest, a hand holding a quill : motto, Fidem serva. N. R. JAMES ALEXANDER of Kinglassy, parti argent and sable, a cheveron bruised at the top, and, in base, a crescent counter-changed, quartered with the arms of the name of Aiton ; crest, a horse-head couped gules, bridled argent : motto, Ducitur non trahitur. N. R. The Right Honourable the Earls of MJDDLETON, Lords Clermont and Fettercairn, parted per fesse, or and gules, a lion rampant within a double tressure, flowered and counter-flowered with flower-de-luces, all counter-changed j crest, a tower embattled sable, and on the top of it a lion rampant ; supporters, two eagles sable, armed and crowned, or : motto, Fortis in arduis. This noble family is the principal one of the ancient surname of Middleton, so called from their lands, which lie in the sherifFdom of Kincardine, as Sir George Mackenzie in his Manuscript, who tells us, that the ancient evident, now extant of the family, is a charter of King William's, conh'rming a donation of King Duncan's, of the lands of Middleton, to Malcolm the son of Kenneth, from whence they took the surname, and were designed Middletons of that Ilk, till they sold these lands, and were thereafter designed Middletons of Cadham, till the year 1660, that John Middleton, for his eminent loyalty and bright parts, was advanced by King Charles II. to be Earl of Middleton, and High Commissioner to the Parliament of Scotland ; and then got a concession of the double tressure to be added to his arms. He was succeeded in his titles and dignities, by his son Charles Earl of Middleton, who was secretary of state for Scotland, and afterwards for England.. The other branches of the family of Middleton, whose arms are to be found in the Lyon Register, are these : Captain ROBERT MIDDLETON, descended of the family of MIDDLETON of Kill- hill, parted per fesse, or and gules, a lion rampant within a bordure embattled, all counter-changed ; crest, a boar's head erased and erected, azure; motto, Guard jourself. Captain LAURENCE MIDDLETON, descended of Middleton of Clcrkhill, who. was a fifth brother of Killhill, carried the same, only with the variation of having the bordure nebule ; crest, an ape sitting on the top of a tree, all proper ; motto, Arte y Marte. JOHN MIDDLETON, merchant in Frasersburgh, descended 'of the Middletons of Fettercairn, parted per fesse, or and gules, a lion rampant counter-changed of the same, armed and langued azure, holding in his dexter paw an astrolabe, proper ; motto, My hope is in God. MR JoftN MIDDLETON, a minister of the gospel in England, in the county of Essex, second lawful son to Mr Alexander Middleton, principal of the King's College in the university of Aberdeen, parted per fesse, or and gules, a lion rampant within a bordure, indented and counter-changed of the same. The surname of CRAIK, coupe, argent and vert, in chief three roses, gules ; and in base a ship, or, with sails thirled up. The surname of ALISON, parted per bend, gules and or; a flower-de-luce coun- ter-changed, as in Mackenzie's Heraldry, Clan M'lver, or Clan Kiver, quarterly, or and gules, over all a bend sable, as in Mr Thomas Crawfurd's Manuscript of Blazons. The Lord WIDDRINGTON in Lincolnshire, in England, quarterly, argent and a , bend sable. The paternal ensign of the ancient surname of CAMPBELL, ao I observed before, i composed of the four principal partition lines, parti, coupe, tranche, faille, which divide the field into eight gironal segments, ordinarily blazoned with us, gironne of

IN ARMORIES. . 'jighf, or and sable ; by the mistake of the engraver, in the Plate of the Achievements, it is sable and or, and so in several blazons in the Register of Arms. I here give the blazon of the achievement of his Grace JOHN Duke of ARGYLE, Earl of GREENWICH, &-c. chief of the ancient and honourable surname of CAMP- BELL, quarterly, first and fourth gironne of eight pieces, or- and sable, second and third argent, a galley or lymphad, sable; sails furled up, flag and pinnets Hying, and oars in action, for the lordship of Lorn ; surrounded with the principal ensign of the most noble Order of the Garter, with the George pendant, as one of thr Knights Companions of the said Order ; timbred with crown, helmet, and mamv lings, befitting his quality ; and on a wreath of his tinctures, for crest, a boar's head couped, or; with the motto on an escrol, Ne obliviscaris ; and for supporters, two lions gardant gules, armed and langued azure, standing on a compartment, whereon are these words, Vix ea nostra voco; and behind the shield are placed a batton and sword accolle saltierways, the one being gules seme of thistles, or, and ensigned with an imperial crown, and the crest of Scotland ; and the other, a sword proper, hilled and pommelled or, being the two badges of the Great Master of the Household, and High Justiciar of the Kingdom of Scotland ; as in the Plate of Achievements. The Right Honourable HUGH CAMPBELL, Earl of LOUDON, descended of old of the ancient family of LOCHOW, afterwards Earls and Dukes of Argyle, carried the same gironal segments of different tinctures as his progenitors have done. The first of them, Duncan Campbell, in the reign of King Robert the Bruce, married Susanna Crawfurd, heiress of Loudon, as is evident by that king's charters ; upon which account, in place of the tinctures or and sable, the family has ever since been in use to have, for their tinctures, gules and ermine, being these in the bearing of Crawfurd of Loudon, viz. gules, a fesse. ermine. The achievement of the present Earl of Loudon, is gironne of eight gules and ermine, surrounded with a collar of the most ancient and noble Order of the Thistle, or that of St Andrew, with the badges thereat pendant : Which arms are timbred with crown, helmet, and mantlings, agreeable to his quality ; and, on a wreath of his tinctures, for crest, an eagle displayed with two heads within a flame of fire, and on an escrol for ; motto, / bide my time ; supported on the dexter by a man armed at all points, holding a spear, proper ; and, on the sinister, by a lady richly apparelled, holding in her hand a missive letter as in the Plate ; of Achievements.. The Right Honourable JOHN Earl of BREADALBANE, Lord GLENORCHY, quarterly, first, the paternal coat of Campbell, as descended of a younger son of the family of Lochow, now dignified with the title of Duke of Argyle. Secondly, argent, a lymphad sable, and oars in action. Thirdly, or, a fesse cheque, azure and argent, as being descended of one of the co-heiresses of Stewart of Lorn ; and the fourtli as the first : Which arms are adorned with crown, helmet, and mantlings, befitting his quality, and on a wreath of the tinctures of his paternal bearing : For crest, a boar's head erased, proper ; supporters, two stags, proper ; attired and unguled or ; motto, Follow me. The other cadets of the noble family of Argyle, I add here, as they stand recorded in our Modern Register : Sir HUGH CAMPBELL of Calder, quarterly, or, a hart's head cabossed, sable, attired gules, for the name of Calder, the heiress of which name and lands, one of his progenitors married. Secondly, gironne of eight, or and sable, for Campbell. Thirdly, argent, a galley with her oars in action, sable, for Lorn. Fourthly, or, on a fesse, azure, three buckles of the first ; crest, a swan, proper ; crowned, or ; motto, Be mindful : Supported on the dexter by a lion rampant, gardant gules, armed or; and on the sinister, by a hart, proper. Sir JAMES CAMPBELL of Lawers, gironne of eight, sable and or, within a bordure vair; crest, a boar's head erected and erased, azure; motto, Fac fc? spera. Sir GEORGE CAMPBELL of Cesnock, as descended of the family of Argyle and Loudon, carried both their arms thus, recorded in the Lion Register 1672 ; gironne of eight pieces, or and sable, for Argyle, within a bordure gules, charged with eight escalops of the first ; and a canton, also gironne of eight pieces, ermine and gules, "for Loudon; crest, a phoenix head erased, or; with thjs motto, Constanter fc? pru- denter. Sir COLIN CAMPBELL of Aberuchill, Baronet, and one of the Senators of the 3 r

IN ARMORIES. .<br />

'jighf, or and sable ; by the mistake <strong>of</strong> the engraver, in the Plate <strong>of</strong> the Achievements,<br />

it is sable and or, and so in several blazons in the Register <strong>of</strong> Arms.<br />

I here give the blazon <strong>of</strong> the achievement <strong>of</strong> his Grace JOHN Duke <strong>of</strong> ARGYLE,<br />

Earl <strong>of</strong> GREENWICH, &-c. chief <strong>of</strong> the ancient and honourable surname <strong>of</strong> CAMP-<br />

BELL, quarterly, first and fourth gironne <strong>of</strong> eight pieces, or- and sable, second and<br />

third argent, a galley or lymphad, sable; sails furled up, flag and pinnets Hying,<br />

and oars in action, for the lordship <strong>of</strong> Lorn ; surrounded with the principal ensign<br />

<strong>of</strong> the most noble Order <strong>of</strong> the Garter, with the George pendant, as one <strong>of</strong> thr<br />

Knights Companions <strong>of</strong> the said Order ; timbred with crown, helmet, and mamv<br />

lings, befitting his quality ; and on a wreath <strong>of</strong> his tinctures, for crest, a boar's<br />

head couped, or; with the motto on an escrol, Ne obliviscaris ; and for supporters,<br />

two lions gardant gules, armed and langued azure, standing on a compartment,<br />

whereon are these words, Vix ea nostra voco; and behind the shield are placed a<br />

batton and sword accolle saltierways, the one being gules seme <strong>of</strong> thistles, or, and<br />

ensigned with an imperial crown, and the crest <strong>of</strong> Scotland ; and the other, a<br />

sword proper, hilled and pommelled or, being the two badges <strong>of</strong> the Great Master<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Household, and High Justiciar <strong>of</strong> the Kingdom <strong>of</strong> Scotland ; as in the<br />

Plate <strong>of</strong> Achievements.<br />

The Right Honourable HUGH CAMPBELL, Earl <strong>of</strong> LOUDON, descended <strong>of</strong> old <strong>of</strong><br />

the ancient family <strong>of</strong> LOCHOW, afterwards Earls and Dukes <strong>of</strong> Argyle, carried the<br />

same gironal segments <strong>of</strong> different tinctures as his progenitors have done. The<br />

first <strong>of</strong> them, Duncan Campbell, in the reign <strong>of</strong> King Robert the Bruce, married<br />

Susanna Crawfurd, heiress <strong>of</strong> Loudon, as is evident by that king's charters ; upon<br />

which account, in place <strong>of</strong> the tinctures or and sable, the family has ever since<br />

been in use to have, for their tinctures, gules and ermine, being these in the bearing<br />

<strong>of</strong> Crawfurd <strong>of</strong> Loudon, viz. gules, a fesse. ermine. The achievement <strong>of</strong> the present<br />

Earl <strong>of</strong> Loudon, is gironne <strong>of</strong> eight gules and ermine, surrounded with a collar <strong>of</strong><br />

the most ancient and noble Order <strong>of</strong> the Thistle, or that <strong>of</strong> St Andrew, with the<br />

badges thereat pendant : Which arms are timbred with crown, helmet, and mantlings,<br />

agreeable to his quality ; and, on a wreath <strong>of</strong> his tinctures, for crest, an<br />

eagle displayed with two heads within a flame <strong>of</strong> fire, and on an escrol for ; motto,<br />

/ bide my time ; supported on the dexter by a man armed at all points, holding a<br />

spear, proper ; and, on the sinister, by a lady richly apparelled, holding in her<br />

hand a missive letter as in the Plate ;<br />

<strong>of</strong> Achievements..<br />

The Right Honourable JOHN Earl <strong>of</strong> BREADALBANE, Lord GLENORCHY, quarterly,<br />

first, the paternal coat <strong>of</strong> Campbell, as descended <strong>of</strong> a younger son <strong>of</strong> the family<br />

<strong>of</strong> Lochow, now dignified with the title <strong>of</strong> Duke <strong>of</strong> Argyle. Secondly, argent, a<br />

lymphad sable, and oars in action. Thirdly, or, a fesse cheque, azure and argent,<br />

as being descended <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> the co-heiresses <strong>of</strong> Stewart <strong>of</strong> Lorn ; and the fourtli<br />

as the first : Which arms are adorned with crown, helmet, and mantlings, befitting<br />

his quality, and on a wreath <strong>of</strong> the tinctures <strong>of</strong> his paternal bearing : For crest, a<br />

boar's head erased, proper ; supporters, two stags, proper ; attired and unguled or ;<br />

motto, Follow me.<br />

The other cadets <strong>of</strong> the noble family <strong>of</strong> Argyle, I add here, as they stand recorded<br />

in our Modern Register : Sir HUGH CAMPBELL <strong>of</strong> Calder, quarterly, or, a hart's<br />

head cabossed, sable, attired gules, for the name <strong>of</strong> Calder, the heiress <strong>of</strong> which<br />

name and lands, one <strong>of</strong> his progenitors married. Secondly, gironne <strong>of</strong> eight, or<br />

and sable, for Campbell. Thirdly, argent, a galley with her oars in action, sable,<br />

for Lorn. Fourthly, or, on a fesse, azure, three buckles <strong>of</strong> the first ; crest, a swan,<br />

proper ; crowned, or ; motto, Be mindful : Supported on the dexter by a lion rampant,<br />

gardant gules, armed or; and on the sinister, by a hart, proper.<br />

Sir JAMES CAMPBELL <strong>of</strong> Lawers, gironne <strong>of</strong> eight, sable and or, within a bordure<br />

vair; crest, a boar's head erected and erased, azure; motto, Fac fc? spera.<br />

Sir GEORGE CAMPBELL <strong>of</strong> Cesnock, as descended <strong>of</strong> the family <strong>of</strong> Argyle and<br />

Loudon, carried both their arms thus, recorded in the Lion Register 1672 ; gironne<br />

<strong>of</strong> eight pieces, or and sable, for Argyle, within a bordure gules, charged with eight<br />

escalops <strong>of</strong> the first ; and a canton, also gironne <strong>of</strong> eight pieces, ermine and gules,<br />

"for Loudon; crest, a phoenix head erased, or; with thjs motto, Constanter fc? pru-<br />

denter.<br />

Sir COLIN CAMPBELL <strong>of</strong> Aberuchill, Baronet, and one <strong>of</strong> the Senators <strong>of</strong> the<br />

3 r

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