murakami, haruki - Norwegian wood

murakami, haruki - Norwegian wood

murakami, haruki - Norwegian wood


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"There aren't any trees around here," I said. "And even if there were,<br />

you're too wobbly to do any climbing."<br />

"You're always so damn sensible, you ruin everything. I'm drunk<br />

'cause I wanna be drunk. What's wrong with that? And even if I am<br />

drunk, I can still climb a tree. Shit, I'm gonna climb all the way to the<br />

top of a great, big, tall tree and I'm gonna pee all over everybody!"<br />

"You wouldn't happen to need the toilet by any chance?"<br />

"Yup.<br />

I took Midori to a pay toilet in Shinjuku Station, put a coin in the slot<br />

and bundled her inside, then bought an evening paper at a nearby<br />

stand and read it while I waited for her to come out. But she didn't<br />

come out. I started getting worried after 15 minutes and was ready to<br />

go and check on her when she finally emerged looking pale.<br />

"Sorry," she said. "I fell asleep."<br />

"Are you OK?" I asked, putting my coat around her shoulders.<br />

"Not really," she said.<br />

"I'll take you home. You just have to get home, take a nice, long bath<br />

and go to bed. You're exhausted."<br />

"I am not going home. What's the point? Nobody's there. I don't want<br />

to sleep all by myself in a place like that."<br />

"Terrific," I said. "So what are you going to do?"<br />

"Go to some love hotel around here and sleep with your arms around<br />

me all night. Like a log. Tomorrow morning we'll have breakfast<br />

somewhere and go to lectures together."<br />

"You were planning this all along, weren't you? That's why you called<br />

me."<br />

"Of course.<br />

"You should have called your boyfriend, not me. That's the only thing<br />

that makes sense. That's what boyfriends are for."<br />

"But I want to be with you."<br />

"You can't be with me," I said. "First of all, I have to be back in the<br />

dorm by midnight. Otherwise, I'll break curfew. The one time I did<br />


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