murakami, haruki - Norwegian wood

murakami, haruki - Norwegian wood murakami, haruki - Norwegian wood


"I can leave," I said. "No," said Hatsumi. "Please stay. It's better with you here." "At least have dessert," said Nagasawa. "I don't mind, really." The three of us went on eating in silence for a time. I finished my fish. Hatsumi left half of hers. Nagasawa had polished off his duck long before and was now concentrating on his whisky. "That was excellent sea bass," I offered, but no one took me up on it. I might as well have thrown a rock down a deep well. The waiters took away our plates and brought lemon sherbet and espresso. Nagasawa barely touched his dessert and coffee, moving directly to a cigarette. Hatsumi ignored her sherbet. "Oh boy," I thought to myself as I finished my sherbet and coffee. Hatsumi stared at her hands on the table. Like everything she wore, her hands looked chic and elegant and expensive. I thought about Naoko and Reiko. What would they be doing now? I wondered. Naoko could be lying on the sofa reading a book, and Reiko might be playing "Norwegian Wood" on her guitar. I felt an intense desire to go back to that little room of theirs. What the hell was I doing in this place? "Where Watanabe and I are alike is, we don't give a shit if nobody understands us," Nagasawa said. "That's what makes us different from everybody else. They're all worried about whether the people around them understand them. But not me, and not Watanabe. We just don't give a shit. Self and others are separate." "Is this true?" Hatsumi asked me. "No," I said. "I'm not that strong. I don't feel it's OK if nobody understands me. I've got people I want to understand and be understood by. But aside from those few, well, I feel it's kind of hopeless. I don't agree with Nagasawa. I do care if people understand me." "That's practically the same thing as what I'm saying," said Nagasawa, picking up his coffee spoon. "It is the same! It's the difference 250

etween a late breakfast or an early lunch. Same time, same food, different name." Now Hatsumi spoke to Nagasawa. "Don't you care whether I understand you or not?" "You don't get it, do you? Person A understands Person B because the time is right for that to happen, not because Person B wants to be understood by Person A." "So is it a mistake for me to feel that I want to be understood by someone - by you, for example?" "No, it's not a mistake," answered Nagasawa. "Most people would call that love, if you think you want to understand me. My system for living is way different from other people's systems for living." "So what you're saying is you're not in love with me, is that it?" "Well, my system and your - " "To hell with your fucking system!" Hatsumi shouted. That was the first and last time I ever heard her shout. Nagasawa pushed the button by the table, and the waiter came in with the bill. Nagasawa handed him a credit card. "Sorry about this, Watanabe," said Nagasawa. "I'm going to see Hatsumi home. You go back to the dorm alone, OK?" "You don't have to apologize to me. Great meal," I said, but no one said anything in response. The waiter brought the card, and Nagasawa signed with a ballpoint pen after checking the amount. Then the three of us stood and went outside. Nagasawa started to step into the street to hail a taxi, but Hatsumi stopped him. "Thanks, but I don't want to spend any more time with you today. You don't have to see me home. Thank you for dinner." ,,Whatever," said Nagasawa. "I want Toru to see me home." "Whatever," said Nagasawa. "But Watanabe's practically the same as me. He may be a nice guy, but deep down in his heart he's incapable 251

etween a late breakfast or an early lunch. Same time, same food,<br />

different name."<br />

Now Hatsumi spoke to Nagasawa. "Don't you care whether I<br />

understand you or not?"<br />

"You don't get it, do you? Person A understands Person B because the<br />

time is right for that to happen, not because Person B wants to be<br />

understood by Person A."<br />

"So is it a mistake for me to feel that I want to be understood by<br />

someone - by you, for example?"<br />

"No, it's not a mistake," answered Nagasawa. "Most people would call<br />

that love, if you think you want to understand me. My system for<br />

living is way different from other people's systems for living."<br />

"So what you're saying is you're not in love with me, is that it?"<br />

"Well, my system and your - "<br />

"To hell with your fucking system!" Hatsumi shouted. That<br />

was the first and last time I ever heard her shout.<br />

Nagasawa pushed the button by the table, and the waiter<br />

came in with the bill. Nagasawa handed him a credit card. "Sorry<br />

about this, Watanabe," said Nagasawa. "I'm going<br />

to see Hatsumi home. You go back to the dorm alone, OK?" "You<br />

don't have to apologize to me. Great meal," I said, but<br />

no one said anything in response.<br />

The waiter brought the card, and Nagasawa signed with a ballpoint<br />

pen after checking the amount. Then the three of us stood and went<br />

outside. Nagasawa started to step into the street to hail a taxi, but<br />

Hatsumi stopped him.<br />

"Thanks, but I don't want to spend any more time with you today. You<br />

don't have to see me home. Thank you for dinner."<br />

,,Whatever," said Nagasawa.<br />

"I want Toru to see me home."<br />

"Whatever," said Nagasawa. "But Watanabe's practically the same as<br />

me. He may be a nice guy, but deep down in his heart he's incapable<br />


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