murakami, haruki - Norwegian wood

murakami, haruki - Norwegian wood murakami, haruki - Norwegian wood


There was nothing I could say, and so I said nothing. ""What's wrong?' she says to me. "You like it this way, don't you? I knew you would the first time I met you. I know you like it. It's much better than doing it with a man - isn't it? Look how wet you are. I can make you feel even better if you'll let me. It's true. I can make you feel like your body's melting away. You want me to, don't you?' And she was right. She was much better than my husband. And I did want her to do it even more! But I couldn't let it happen. "Let's do this once a week,' she said. "Just once a week. Nobody will find out. It'll be our little secret'." "But I got out of bed and put on my dressing-gown and told her to leave and never come back. She just looked at me. Her eyes were absolutely flat. I had never seen them like that before. It was as if they were painted on cardboard. They had no depth. After she stared at me for a while, she gathered up her clothes without a word and, as slowly as she could, as though she were making a show of it, she put on each item, one at a time. Then she went back into the piano room and took a brush from her bag. She brushed her hair and wiped the blood from her lips with a handkerchief, put on her shoes, and left. As she went out, she said, "You're a lesbian, you know. It's true. You may try to hide it, but you'll be a lesbian until the day you die'." "Is it true?" I asked. Reiko curved her lips and thought for a while. "Well, it is and it isn't. I definitely felt better with her than with my husband. That's a fact. I had a time there when I really agonized over the question. Maybe I really was a lesbian and just hadn't noticed until then. But I don't think so any more. Which is not to say I don't have the tendencies. I probably do have them. But I'm not a lesbian in the proper sense of the term. I never feel desire when I look at a woman. Know what I mean?" I nodded. 188

"Certain kinds of girls, though, do respond to me, and I can feel it when that happens. Those are the only times it comes out in me. I can hold Naoko in my arms, though, and feel nothing special. We go around in the flat practically naked when the weather's hot, and we take baths together, sometimes even sleep in the same bed, but nothing happens. I don't feel a thing. I can see that she has a beautiful body, but that's all. Actually, Naoko and I played a game once. We made believe we were lesbians. Want to hear about it?" "Sure. Tell me." "When I told her the story I just told you - we tell each other everything, you know - Naoko tried an experiment. The two of us got undressed and she tried caressing me, but it didn't work at all. It just tickled. I thought I was going to die laughing. Just thinking about it makes me itchy. She was so clumsy! I'll bet you're glad to hear that." "Yes I am, to tell the truth." "Well, anyway, that's about it," said Reiko, scratching near an eyebrow with the tip of her little finger. "After the girl left my house, I found a chair and sat there spacing out for a while, wondering what to do. I could hear the dull beating of my heart from deep inside my body. My arms and legs seemed to weigh a ton, and my mouth felt as though I'd eaten a moth or something, it was so dry. But I dragged myself to the bathroom, knowing my daughter would be back soon. I wanted to clean those places where the girl had touched and licked me. I scrubbed myself with soap, over and over, but I couldn't seem to get rid of the slimy feeling she had left behind. I knew I was probably imagining it, but that didn't help. That night, I asked my husband to make love to me, almost as a way to get rid of the defilement. Of course, I didn't tell him anything - I couldn't. All I said to him was that I wanted him to take it slow, to give it more time than usual. And he did. He concentrated on every little detail, he really took a long, long time, and the way I came that night, oh yes, it was like nothing I had 189

"Certain kinds of girls, though, do respond to me, and I can feel it<br />

when that happens. Those are the only times it comes out in me. I can<br />

hold Naoko in my arms, though, and feel nothing special. We go<br />

around in the flat practically naked when the weather's hot, and we<br />

take baths together, sometimes even sleep in the same bed, but<br />

nothing happens. I don't feel a thing. I can see that she has a beautiful<br />

body, but that's all. Actually, Naoko and I played a game once. We<br />

made believe we were lesbians. Want to hear about it?"<br />

"Sure. Tell me."<br />

"When I told her the story I just told you - we tell each<br />

other everything, you know - Naoko tried an experiment. The two of<br />

us got undressed and she tried caressing me, but it didn't work at all. It<br />

just tickled. I thought I was going to die laughing. Just thinking about<br />

it makes me itchy. She was so clumsy! I'll bet you're glad to hear<br />

that."<br />

"Yes I am, to tell the truth."<br />

"Well, anyway, that's about it," said Reiko, scratching near an<br />

eyebrow with the tip of her little finger. "After the girl left my house, I<br />

found a chair and sat there spacing out for a while, wondering what to<br />

do. I could hear the dull beating of my heart from deep inside my<br />

body. My arms and legs seemed to weigh a ton, and my mouth felt as<br />

though I'd eaten a moth or something, it was so dry. But I dragged<br />

myself to the bathroom, knowing my daughter would be back soon. I<br />

wanted to clean those places where the girl had touched and licked<br />

me. I scrubbed myself with soap, over and over, but I couldn't seem to<br />

get rid of the slimy feeling she had left behind. I knew I was probably<br />

imagining it, but that didn't help. That night, I asked my husband to<br />

make love to me, almost as a way to get rid of the defilement. Of<br />

course, I didn't tell him anything - I couldn't. All I said to him was that<br />

I wanted him to take it slow, to give it more time than usual. And he<br />

did. He concentrated on every little detail, he really took a long, long<br />

time, and the way I came that night, oh yes, it was like nothing I had<br />


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