14 2012 Schramberg (Black Forest) - NeNa Conference

14 2012 Schramberg (Black Forest) - NeNa Conference

14 2012 Schramberg (Black Forest) - NeNa Conference


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th<br />

13 <strong>Conference</strong> of Junior Neurocientists of Tübingen<br />

<strong>NeNa</strong><br />

Science and Education<br />

as Social Transforming Agents<br />

Registration deadline:<br />

st<br />

October 1 <strong>2012</strong><br />

Invited speaker:<br />

Miguel Nicolelis<br />

Contact & registration:<br />

www.neuroschool-tuebingen-nena.de<br />

th th<br />

November 12 - <strong>14</strong> <strong>2012</strong><br />

<strong>Schramberg</strong> (<strong>Black</strong> <strong>Forest</strong>)<br />

Modified from Luo (2002)

13 th <strong>NeNa</strong> <strong>2012</strong><br />

(,Neurowissenschaftliche Nachwuchskonferenz’ – ,<strong>Conference</strong><br />

of Junior Neuroscientists’)<br />

Welcome to the thirteenth anniversary of the <strong>NeNa</strong> in <strong>Schramberg</strong>, Germany. The <strong>NeNa</strong> is an<br />

annual conference organized by and for young scientists in neuroscience. Since its initiation<br />

in 1999, the <strong>NeNa</strong> has turned out to be an excellent forum for young researchers to present<br />

and discuss their scientific work besides sharing their knowledge and experiences with peers<br />

in an interdisciplinary and intercultural environment.<br />

This year’s <strong>NeNa</strong> topic "Science and Education as Social Transforming Agents" is aimed at<br />

emphasizing the importance of building a bridge between science and society, and how this<br />

interaction can be used to improve and develop society. As an example of how this can be<br />

translated into action, we are proud to announce that Prof. Dr. Miguel Nicolelis will be giving<br />

this year’s keynote lecture about his projects in Brazil, which focus on using science as an<br />

agent towards social transformation of a community.<br />

Prof. Dr. Miguel Nicolelis is a Professor at the Department of Neurobiology at Duke University<br />

Medical Center. His work focuses mainly on brain machine interfaces and how machines can<br />

be controlled through the use of neuronal population activity. Among the highlights of his<br />

work, are the proof of principle experiments in which monkeys learned to control robotic<br />

arms using their brain signals; and a novel spinal cord stimulator that eliminates paralytic<br />

symptoms in parkinsonian mice models.<br />

In addition, we are very glad that Tom Baden, currently a Bernstein Postdoctoral fellow at<br />

the Centre for Ophthalmology, Universitätsklinikum Tübingen, has kindly agreed to talk as<br />

a guest speaker about his Neuroscience teaching project in Africa.<br />

The conference in its present form would not have been possible without the contribution and<br />

support of various people. In particular, we would like to thank Professor Hans-Peter Thier<br />

as the initiator and patron of the <strong>NeNa</strong> conference. We would also like to thank Professor<br />

Horst Herbert, Dr. Katja Thieltges and Mrs. Dagmar Heller-Schmerold for supporting the<br />

organization in various ways. Furthermore, we want to express our gratitude to the Graduate<br />

Training Centre of Neuroscience / International Max Planck Research School Tübingen,<br />

Centre for Integrative Neuroscience CIN, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics<br />

and Hertie-Institute for Clinical Brain Research for their generous support.<br />

We wish you an interesting and enjoyable stay here in <strong>Schramberg</strong> and hope that you and<br />

your research plans benefit from your experience at <strong>NeNa</strong> <strong>2012</strong>. Have fun!<br />

This years organizers:<br />

Have fun!<br />

André Maia Chagas, Katharina Dobs, Lena Veit, Marc Junker, Pooja Viswanathan

Contents<br />

Timetable 1<br />

Talks 5<br />

Abhilash Dwarakanath<br />

Motion parallax serves as an independent cue in sound source disambiguation 6<br />

Almut Hoffmann<br />

Ontogeny of object permanence in the carrion crow ( Corvus corone) . . . . 7<br />

Anette Giani<br />

Towards multisensory awareness: Finding (neuronal) mechanisms that enable<br />

the detection and integration of audiovisual stimuli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8<br />

Ekaterina Volkova<br />

Motion Capture of Emotional Body Language in Narrative Scenarios . . . . 9<br />

Eliana Garcia<br />

Can extracephalic electric currents modulate brain oscillations and behavior? 10<br />

Evgeny Sheygal<br />

Grasping Familiar Objects: The influence of object recognition on neural substrates<br />

of prehension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11<br />

Fabricio Lima Brasil<br />

ERD-related BMI control depends on the integrity of the sensorimotor cortex 12<br />

Florian Soyka<br />

Modeling Self-Motion Perception based on the Vestibular System . . . . . . 13<br />

Galyna Pidpruzhnykova<br />

Laminar variability of detection thresholds in rat barrel cortex . . . . . . . . <strong>14</strong><br />

Gerrit Schwesig<br />

Pathway specific theta-gamma dynamics in the hippocampal-entorhinal circuit 15<br />

Josue Luiz Dalboni da Rocha<br />

DTI analysis on Alzheimer’s Patients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16<br />

Katarina Matic<br />

Quantitative Proteomics Reveals Differentially Regulated Proteins in Fmr1-<br />

KO Mouse and its Genetic Rescue Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17<br />

Lena Veit<br />

Neural correlates of abstract task-switching in carrion crows . . . . . . . . . 18<br />

Mohammad Khazali<br />

The effect of visual and vestibular tilt cues on the subjective visual vertical of<br />

rhesus monkeys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19<br />

Nicholas Del Grosso<br />

Interpreting (M)EEG: A first look at Dynamic Causal Modeling . . . . . . . 20<br />

Stephan Streuber<br />

The influence of different sources of visual information on joint action performance<br />

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21<br />


Thea Zander<br />

On the trail of intuitive coherence judgments: Exploring similarities and differences<br />

in the underlying processes of intuition and implicit memory . . . . 22<br />

Thomas Baden<br />

Higher Education in the Developing World: Teaching Neuroscience in Africa 23<br />

Poster 24<br />

ii<br />

Agnes Kroczek<br />

The influence of visual alcoholic stimuli on error processing depending on alcohol<br />

consumption patterns in healthy subjects: A combined NIRS-EEG study. 25<br />

Aleksandra Smilgin<br />

Purkinje cells of the monkey oculomotor vermis respond to saccades as well as<br />

to smooth pursuit initiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26<br />

Alessandro Nesti<br />

Human sensitivity to different motion intensities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27<br />

Balint Nagy<br />

Alteration of proliferation / differentiation of oligodendrocyte precursor cells<br />

by axonal activity in the corpus callosum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28<br />

Barbara Wirxel<br />

Predictable visual stimuli are perceived earlier than unpredictable events . . 29<br />

Ceren Battal<br />

Did you know, feel that you know or guess the answer? Comparing the neural<br />

correlates of intuitive and feeling-of-knowing responses in memory-based<br />

inferences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30<br />

Chen Chih-Yang<br />

Post-microsaccadic enhancement of slow control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31<br />

Daniel Arnstein<br />

Saccadic responses of Purkinje cells in the oculomotor vermis exhibit highly<br />

idiosyncratic eye position dependencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32<br />

David Jule Mack<br />

Better but not faster: Video game players show increased performance but not<br />

shorter reaction times in a visual search task . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33<br />

Elena Ilina<br />

Effects of a novel antiepileptic drug - Retigabine - on KCNQ2 mutations associated<br />

with epileptic encephalopathies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34<br />

Florian Häußinger<br />

Influence of static and dynamic physiological parameters on the measurement<br />

of neural activation with functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) . . . 35<br />

Frederico Azevedo, Leonardo Azevedo<br />

Effects of visual attention on neural processing in Rhesus´ V1 by simultaneous<br />

electrophysiology and BOLD-fMRI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36<br />

Gagan Narula<br />

Song discrimination ability of juvenile and adult zebra finches . . . . . . . . 37<br />

Janina Esins<br />

Comparing the other race effect and congenital prosopagnosia using a threeexperiment<br />

test battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Julia Veit<br />

Layer and stimulus specific effects of basal forebrain stimulation on neural<br />

responses in the primary visual cortex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39<br />

Konstantin Hartmann<br />

Neuronal correlates of visual working memory in the carrion crow (Corvus<br />

corona) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40<br />

Lili Feng<br />

Molecular Characterization of a Serine Pro-tease Htra1Implicated in AMD . 41<br />

Maike Hege<br />

Right prefrontal cortex alpha activity related to inhibition of responses . . . 42<br />

Marina Fridman<br />

Looking for the path not taken: an investigation of the influence of alternative<br />

motor plans during perceptual and value-based decisions . . . . . . . . . . . 43<br />

Natalja Gavrilov<br />

Rhesus monkey can switch volitionally between distinct call types . . . . . . 44<br />

Ninja Katja Horr<br />

Intuitive Decisional Processes in a Perceptual Discovery Task: An MEG Study. 45<br />

Pooja Viswanathan<br />

Task-specific color selectivity in prefrontal and parietal areas . . . . . . . . . 46<br />

Robin Kemmler<br />

Synaptic interations in the outer retina of the mouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47<br />

Sneha Viswanath<br />

The role of adenosine in the neurovascular coupling of the BOLD signal in<br />

early visual cortex of non-human primates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48<br />

Sonja Cornelsen<br />

Neuronal correlates of online control in reaching and grasping . . . . . . . . 49<br />

Sudarshan Sekhar<br />

Optimization of Subretinal Electrical Stimulation to Generate Naturalistic<br />

Spiking Responses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50<br />

Zong-Peng Sun<br />

Roles of different fastigial nuclei neurons in saccade direction tuning and saccadic<br />

adaptation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51<br />

Participants 52<br />



2<br />

Monday, 12 th November <strong>2012</strong><br />

10:15 am-12 pm Departure from Tübingen/ Station (10:30 am)<br />

12 pm-1 pm Lunch<br />

1 pm-3 pm Introduction Blitz<br />

3 pm-3:30 pm Florian Soyka<br />

Modeling Self-Motion Perception based on the Vestibular System<br />

3:30 pm-4 pm Coffee Break & occupy rooms<br />

4:30 pm-6:30 pm Galyna Pidpruzhnykova<br />

7 pm Dinner<br />

Laminar variability of detection thresholds in rat barrel cortex<br />

Josue Luiz Dalboni da Rocha<br />

DTI analysis on Alzheimer’s Patients<br />

Almut Hoffman<br />

Ontogeny of object permanence in the carrion crow (Corvus corone)<br />

Katarina Matic<br />

Quantitative Proteomics Reveals Differentially Regulated Proteins<br />

in Fmr1-KO Mouse and its Genetic Rescue Model

8 am-9 am Breakfast<br />

9 am-10:30 am Anette Giani<br />

Tuesday, 13 th November <strong>2012</strong><br />

Towards multisensory awareness: Finding (neuronal) mechanisms that<br />

enable the detection and integration of audiovisual stimuli<br />

Gerrit Schwesig<br />

Pathway specific theta-gamma dynamics in the hippocampalentorhinal<br />

circuit<br />

Fabricio Lima Brasil<br />

10:30 am-11 am Coffee Break<br />

11 am-12 pm Eliana Garcia<br />

ERD-related BMI control depends on the integrity of the sensorimotor<br />

cortex<br />

Can extracephalic electric currents modulate brain oscillations and<br />

behavior?<br />

Lena Veit<br />

12 pm-12:30 pm Thomas Baden<br />

12:30 pm-1:30 pm Lunch<br />

2 pm-4 pm Poster Session<br />

4 pm-4:30 pm Coffee Break<br />

Neural correlates of abstract task-switching in carrion crows<br />

Higher Education in the Developing World: Teaching Neuroscience in<br />

Africa<br />

5 pm-7 pm Miguel A. L. Nicolelis<br />

7 pm-8 pm Dinner<br />

Transforming Science - Science and Education as Social Transforming<br />

Agents<br />

8 pm-... pm Group Discussion<br />


4<br />

8:00 am-9 am Breakfast<br />

Wednesday, <strong>14</strong> th November <strong>2012</strong><br />

9:00 am-11 am Abhilash Dwarakanath<br />

Motion parallax serves as an independent cue in sound source disambiguation<br />

Evgeny Sheygal<br />

Grasping Familiar Objects: The influence of object recognition on<br />

neural substrates of prehension<br />

Nicholas Del Grosso<br />

Interpreting (M)EEG: A first look at Dynamic Causal Modeling<br />

Stephan Streuber<br />

11:00 am-11:30 am Coffee Break<br />

The influence of different sources of visual information on joint action<br />

performance<br />

11:30 am-12:30 pm Discussions / "Workshops"<br />

12:30 pm-1:30 pm Lunch<br />

1:30 pm-3:00 pm Ekatarina Volkova<br />

Motion Capture of Emotional Body Language in Narrative Scenarios<br />

Thea Zander<br />

On the trail of intuitive coherence judgments: Exploring similarities<br />

and differences in the underlying processes of intuition and implicit<br />

memory<br />

Mohammad Khazali<br />

The effect of visual and vestibular tilt cues on the subjective visual<br />

vertical of rhesus monkeys<br />

3:30 pm Departure to Tübingen


Talk 1<br />

Motion parallax serves as an independent cue in sound source<br />

disambiguation<br />

Abhilash Dwarakanath, Cesare Parise, Jessica Hartcher-O’Brien, Marc<br />

Ernst<br />

Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics<br />

In the absence of dominant cues to the distance of a sound source from the observer, estimating<br />

absolute or relative distance becomes difficult. Motion parallax may contribute to<br />

this estimation. However, its role as an independent cue has not yet been investigated. To<br />

address this issue, we designed an experiment that included logarithmically varying distance<br />

of sound source along the depth plane of the observer, elimination of distance related loudness<br />

using perceptual loudness equalization and to and fro (laterally) movement of subjects while<br />

the sounds were generated in three conditions a simultaneous playback, sequential playback<br />

and simultaneous playback of phase-interrupted sounds. Sequential presentation of the low<br />

and high sound subjects showed a substantial improvement in distance estimates relative<br />

to the baseline static condition. Improvement was also observed for the simultaneous phase<br />

interrupted sound condition. Here we demonstrate for the first time the existence of auditory<br />

motion parallax from lateral self- motion and show that it aids distance estimation of sound<br />

position. Interestingly, a bias to perceive low frequency sounds as farther away was also observed.<br />

Auditory depth perception is improved by lateral observer motion, which alters the<br />

inter-aural difference cues available.<br />


Talk 2<br />

Ontogeny of object permanence in the carrion crow ( Corvus corone)<br />

Almut Hoffmann, Vanessa Rüttler, Andreas Nieder<br />

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen - Institute for Neurobiology<br />

Object permanence refers to the knowledge that an object still exists when out of sight<br />

or displaced. Many animal species develop object permanence skills in a similar sequence<br />

as human infants, but few master the most complex aspects, such as representing invisible<br />

displaced objects (Piagetian Stage 6). We tested six developing hand-raised carrion crows on<br />

Piagetian object permanence and we could demonstrate that the competence of this ability<br />

developed gradually and that the crows reached Piagetian Stage 6. The overall pattern of<br />

the development and competence of object permanence in crows is similar to other corvid<br />

species. The absolute ages at which corvid species pass the tests seem to be a function of<br />

hatching-to-fledging time.<br />


Talk 3<br />

Towards multisensory awareness: Finding (neuronal) mechanisms that<br />

enable the detection and integration of audiovisual stimuli<br />

Anette Giani, Uta Noppeney<br />

Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics<br />

In daily life our sensory systems continuously receive complex information from different<br />

sensory modalities, such as vision, audition or touch. To form unified and coherent percepts<br />

this information needs to be integrated across the various senses; a process called multisensory<br />

integration. Multisensory information stemming from natural environments, such as market<br />

places or busy roads, can be extremely diverse. Moreover limited processing capacities allow<br />

only a small subset of the complex sensory information to enter awareness. Hence, two main<br />

questions arise: Which are the (neuronal) mechanisms that enable sensory awareness? And<br />

is perceptual awareness necessary for multisensory integration to occur? During my PhD I<br />

used magnetoencephalography (MEG) and psychophysical measurements, trying to find some<br />

answers to these questions, which I will be presenting during this talk.<br />


Talk 4<br />

Motion Capture of Emotional Body Language in Narrative Scenarios<br />

Ekaterina P. Volkova, Betty J. Mohler, Heinrich H. Bülthoff<br />

Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics<br />

We interact with the world we live in by moving in it. The interaction is versatile and includes<br />

communications through speech and gestures, which serve as media to transmit ideas and<br />

emotions. A narrator, be it a professional actor on the stage or a friend telling an anecdote,<br />

expresses her ideas (the content) and feelings (the emotional colouring) through the choice<br />

of words and syntactical structures, her prosody, facial expressions and body language. Our<br />

present focus is on emotional body language, which became a field of intensive research several<br />

decades ago. Before psychopsysical experiments or trajectory analysis can take place, a set<br />

of mocap (motion capture) data has to be accumulated. This can be done with different<br />

equipment setups and by now human motion can be captured fairly precisely at a high<br />

frame rate. One of the major decisions for the researchers however is the choice of scenarios<br />

according to which the actors are to perform motion. This question is especially tricky when<br />

we deal with emotions, since the problems of sincerity and naturalness come into play. There<br />

are several ways to induce emotions and moods in people, but for motion capture the socalled<br />

imagination technique has been used most frequently. The actors are asked to evoke<br />

an emotion in themselves by recalling a past event. The main drawbacks of this technique<br />

in mocap are the following: (1) it is still impossible to ensure that the emotions are sincere<br />

and the motion is natural and not artificial or exaggerated; (2) the emotional categories often<br />

rapidly succeed each other in random fashion; (3) the emotional scenarios can be very abstract<br />

and taken out of context. We have developed an experimental setup where the emotional body<br />

language can be captured in a maximally natural yet controlled manner. The participants are<br />

asked to imagine they are narrating a fairy-tale to children. They perform several tasks on the<br />

text before their acting in recorded. The setup allows the actors to narrate the story at their<br />

own pace, move freely and does not require them to learn the text by heart, yet the recorded<br />

data can be easily extracted and processed after the motion capture session. The resulting<br />

extracted data can then analysed for various features or used in perceptual experiments.<br />


Talk 5<br />

Can extracephalic electric currents modulate brain oscillations and<br />

behavior?<br />

Eliana Garcia Cossio, Matthias Witkowski,Stephen Robinson, Niels<br />

Birbaumer, Surjo Soekadar<br />

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen - Institute of Medical Psychology and<br />

Behavioural Neurobiology<br />

Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a non-invasive technique influencing cognition,<br />

motor function, learning and memory. Despite its impact in the treatment of neurologic<br />

and psychiatric disorders, the effects of these currents on brain oscillations remained an<br />

enigma because of the impossibility to record them simultaneously as electromagnetic noise<br />

substantially interferes with electro- and magnetoencephalographic (EEG/MEG) recordings.<br />

Here we introduce a novel technique to assess human neuromagnetic brain oscillations during<br />

simultaneous application of extracephalic electric currents. We show that tDCS has polarity<br />

dependent effects on the contingent magnetic variation (CMV), a slow cortical potential<br />

(SCP) associated with excitability changes in the cortex during preparation and execution<br />

of an externally cued motor task. While anodal stimulation applied to the primary motor<br />

cortex was associated with higher amplitudes of the CMV and faster reaction times, cathodal<br />

stimulation attenuated the CMV and resulted in slower reaction times. Sham stimulation<br />

had no effect on CMV and reaction times. This is the first study that investigated the online<br />

effects of tDCS on SCP providing evidence that brain oscillations and motor behavior can be<br />

specifically and purposefully modulated through externally applied electric currents.<br />


Talk 6<br />

Grasping Familiar Objects: The influence of object recognition on neural<br />

substrates of prehension<br />

Evgeny Sheygal, Marc Himmelbach, Jason Martin<br />

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen - Universitätsklinikum<br />

The grasping network of the human dorsal stream is widely believed to rely solely on absolute<br />

object properties like its size and distance. In our slow event fMRI Study we challenge this<br />

view by comparing the BOLD signals of healthy participants grasping monocolored geometric<br />

blocks vs. familiar everyday objects. Among the brain areas showing significant signal<br />

differences between the conditions we find the occipitotemporal cortex as well as the anterior<br />

intraparietal sulcus (aIPS) and the anterior supramarginal gyrus (aSMG). These findings are<br />

consistent with a small number of similar studies. Furthermore we conducted a control block<br />

design experiment to make sure that the resulting activations are not caused by passive viewing<br />

of the objects. We conveyed a region of interest analysis based on the activation peaks<br />

of the grasping experiment, and discovered no significant differnces for viewing familiar vs.<br />

geometric objects in these areas. Conclusively we hypothesize that object recognition plays<br />

an important role in simplifying prehension control during everyday grasping actions.<br />


Talk 7<br />

ERD-related BMI control depends on the integrity of the sensorimotor<br />

cortex<br />

Fabricio Lima Brasil, Marco Rocha Curado, Matthias Witkowski, Eliana<br />

Garcia Cossio, Ander Ramos Murguialday, Niels Birbaumer, Surjo<br />

Raphael Soekadar<br />

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen / Institute of Medical Psychology and<br />

Behavioral Neurobiology<br />

Introduction: An alpha variant wave called mu (µ) can be found over the motor cortex that<br />

is reduced with movement, or the intention to move - which is called event-related desynchronization<br />

(ERD). The thalamocortical network plays an important role in the generation of<br />

alpha activity. Hypothesis: ERD-related Brain Machine Interface (BMI) control depends on<br />

the integrity of the sensorymotor cortex. Background: Several studies show that sources of<br />

alpha ERD would be distributed in primary sensorimotor (M1-S1) and supplementary motor<br />

(SMA) areas. Electrode C3/C4 is placed over the hand area (EEG, 10/20 system). Methods:<br />

39 severely affected chronic stroke patients (18 mixed lesion, 21 subcortical lesion) underwent<br />

a 4-weeks of daily BMI training. Two sessions were compared: The better of first 2 and last<br />

2 days of the ipsilesional channel C. ERD was calculated using Matlab and statistics with<br />

SPSS. Results: Paired samples t-test showed no difference between groups comparing the<br />

beginning and the end of the training. Independent samples t-test showed that patients with<br />

cortical/subcortical lesions showed significant difference on the pre (p = .004) and on the<br />

post (p = .005) measurements. Only four patients improved more than 10% over training.<br />

All had the cortex intact and the thalamus affected. Conclusion: Our results suggest that<br />

ERDs generation is directly related with integrity of the sensorimotor cortex. Integrity of<br />

thalamus has a minor effect in the improvements of ERDs.<br />


Talk 8<br />

Modeling Self-Motion Perception based on the Vestibular System<br />

Florian Soyka<br />

Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics<br />

Understanding self-motion perception is important, e.g., for developing perception-based diagnostics<br />

for patients suffering from vestibular disorders, or for improving the realism of<br />

motion simulation. Here, self-motion perception was quantified with direction discrimination<br />

thresholds and reaction times for translational and rotational motions. Models based on the<br />

physiology of the vestibular system, which plays a central role in sensing inertial motions, are<br />

introduced that are able to describe psychophysical measurements. The Max Planck Institute<br />

CyberMotion Simulator was used to measure thresholds for 9 translational and 9 rotational<br />

motion stimuli with varying acceleration profiles. A forced-choice paradigm was used in which<br />

blindfolded participants had to judge the directions of motions with varying peak accelerations<br />

until the threshold acceleration was found that yielded a predefined performance level<br />

(e.g. 75% correct answers). A similar task was used with supra threshold accelerations in order<br />

to measure reaction times for 4 translational and 4 rotational motions. The results show that<br />

thresholds and reaction times depend on the actual shape and duration of an acceleration<br />

profile. The proposed models were fit to threshold measurements and are able to describe<br />

thresholds for arbitrary motion profiles. In accordance with previous research, the estimated<br />

model parameters indicate that velocity storage does not influence rotational thresholds. For<br />

translational motions, it was found that the sensitivity to jerk (the time derivative of acceleration)<br />

is higher than previously assumed. Furthermore, the models identified based on<br />

threshold measurements are able to predict differences between reaction times for varying motion<br />

profiles measured in another group of participants. This is an important finding, because<br />

it links reaction times and threshold measurements. Therefore, future research will be able to<br />

identify self-motion perception models based on reaction times. This is advantageous, since<br />

reaction time tasks are more convenient for participants and require fewer trials, allowing for<br />

faster testing.<br />


Talk 9<br />

Laminar variability of detection thresholds in rat barrel cortex<br />

Galyna Pidpruzhnykova, Dominik Brugger<br />

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen<br />

Cortical microstimulation is a prospective technology for restoring lost sensory functions, like<br />

vision in blind patients. Optimization of microstimulation techniques involves increasing the<br />

spatial resolution of applied signals, which can be achieved by using smaller intensities for<br />

the stimulation. Here we investigated the effect of patterns of evoked activity on the percept<br />

in rat barrel cortex at different cortical depths. Rats were chronically implanted with sixteenmicroelectrode<br />

silicon probes and trained to respond to the stimuli by licking a water tube.<br />

Stimuli were delivered to eight different depths of rat barrel cortex ranging from 0.2 mm to<br />

1.6 mm. The obtained spatial profile of detection thresholds showed that the most sensitive<br />

cortical layer to microstimulation is layer IV of rat primary somatosensory cortex. Analysis of<br />

local field potentials showed temporally concentrated activation patterns for layers with lower<br />

detection thresholds, while for less sensitive layers the evoked activity was spatially combined<br />

and temporally spread, but this issue needs further investigation. The present results thus<br />

suggest application of microstimulation to cortical layer IV for maximally effective cortical<br />

stimulation.<br />


Talk 10<br />

Pathway specific theta-gamma dynamics in the hippocampal-entorhinal<br />

circuit<br />

Gerrit Schwesig, Anton Sirota<br />

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen<br />

Brain state dependent oscillatory neuronal dynamics as reflected in the local field potentials<br />

(LFPs) have been proposed to fascilitate and organize information transfer within and across<br />

brain structures. Detailed analysis of oscillatory interactions within neocortex and many<br />

subcortical structures however is often hampered by the fact that LFPs are volume averaged<br />

signals and local cytoarchitectonic complexities therefore often prevent sufficiently clear mapping<br />

of LFP sources to anatomical structures. In contrast, the hippocampal formation and<br />

its primary input-output partners the lateral and medial entorhinal cortices (LEC and MEC)<br />

lend themselves as a model system for this question because of their comparatively simple and<br />

spatially well defined circuit architecture including several unidirectional pathways targeting<br />

nonoverlapping dendritic compartments in Dentate Gyrus, CA3 and CA1. We used simultaneous<br />

high density recordings of local field potentials in all of the mentioned areas in freely<br />

moving rats to assess local and interregional dynamics in the theta and gamma range across<br />

layers of MEC and LEC cortex as well as subfields CA1, CA3 and Dentate Gyrus of Hippocampus.<br />

First we demonstrate different distributions of gamma rhythms between MEC and<br />

LEC. Furthermore we are able to show entorhinal-hippocampal pathway specific gamma synchronization,<br />

which emerges in different entorhinal layers, exhibits distinct frequency ranges<br />

and tends to occur at specific phases of ongoing theta oscillation. These specific mappings<br />

between oscillatory dynamics and well defined anatomical pathways may support the organization<br />

of hippocampal processing during encoding and retrieval processes.<br />


Talk 11<br />

DTI analysis on Alzheimer’s Patients<br />

Josue Luiz Dalboni da Rocha, Ivanei Bramati, Balint Varkuti, Fernanda<br />

Moll, Jorge Moll, Ranganatha Sitaram<br />

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen<br />

The current treatments for Alzheimers Disease (AD) are only able to slow the progression<br />

of mental deterioration, making early diagnosis essential to promote better quality of life for<br />

patients (Kalus, 2006). The worlds main standard criteria for the clinical diagnosis of AD are<br />

the NINCDS-ADRDA Alzheimer’s Criteria, from 1984. These criteria require neuropsychological<br />

and histological tests for the detection of AD. In the most recent years, anatomical,<br />

physiological and biochemical parameters which reflect specific features of disease have been<br />

incorporated to the diagnostic criteria. In terms of imaging based diagnosis, the Diffusion<br />

Tensor Imaging (DTI) is highly promising, whose development may provide much earlier evidences<br />

of the disease than the neuropsychological symptoms. DTI is a magnetic resonance<br />

imaging (MRI) technique to estimate the brain connectivity, providing connectivity atlas.<br />

In this work, AD and MCI patients are analyzed under the DTI technique in order to find<br />

patterns of abnormality in the brain connectivity, in contrast to control volunteers. To select<br />

these classification patterns, Graph Theory approaches are used as features. After the<br />

selection of a Region of Interest (ROI), the Support Vector Machine is applied as classifier.<br />


Talk 12<br />

Quantitative Proteomics Reveals Differentially Regulated Proteins in<br />

Fmr1-KO Mouse and its Genetic Rescue Model<br />

Katarina Matic ,Karsten Krug, Emily Osterweil, Mark Bear, Boris Macek<br />

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen - Interfaculty Institute for Cell Biology<br />

Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is the most common cause of heritable mental retardation, as well<br />

as leading identified cause of autism. It is caused by transcriptional silencing of the FMR1 gene<br />

that encodes the fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP). Nevertheless, pathogenesis of<br />

the disease is unknown. Exaggerated metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR5) signaling<br />

is a hallmark of the fragile X syndrome. Reversal of many FXS-related abnormalities can be<br />

achieved at the molecular level upon treatment of Fmr1 KO mice with mGluR5 antagonists<br />

such as MPEP and Fenobam. The Bear lab has recently shown that Fmr1 mutant mice with<br />

reduced mGluR5 expression (Fmr1 KO/mGluR5-het cross) are able to correct most of the<br />

features of the disorder relevant to the human FXS phenotype. We used quantitative mass<br />

spectrometry-based proteomics to perform global comparison of protein levels in isolated<br />

hippocampi of the WT, Fmr1 KO and Fmr1 KO/mGluR5-het cross mice. Two orthogonal<br />

quantitative proteomics approaches were applied - stable isotope-labeled (SILAC) mouse<br />

brain tissue as an internal standard for quantitation and label-free quantitation. We detected<br />

more than 8,000 and quantified over 4,000 proteins across the three analyzed genotypes. Preliminary<br />

results reveal high individual variability in measured protein levels between analyzed<br />

mice, but also identify more than 100 proteins significantly changed in the Fmr1 KO mice.<br />

mRNA of many of these proteins has recently been detected as a target of FMRP. Interestingly,<br />

some significantly regulated proteins were changing more than 2 fold between Fmr1-KO<br />

and Fmr1-KO/mGluR5 het KO. However, there was no overlap between statistically significant<br />

ratios. High ratio variability and relatively low overlap between significantly regulated<br />

proteins likely resulted from relatively few significant outliers in analyzed mice. None the less,<br />

proteins that are significantly changing between Fmr1-KO and Fmr1-KO/mGluR5 het KO<br />

may play a role in molecular mechanisms of genetic rescue.<br />


Talk 13<br />

Neural correlates of abstract task-switching in carrion crows<br />

Lena Veit, Andreas Nieder<br />

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen - Institute for Neurobiology<br />

Even though they lack a layered neocortex, birds, particularly corvids, have been shown to<br />

match or surpass primates in many cognitive tasks. The associative forebrain areas underlying<br />

these abilities evolved independently from different anatomical structures of the telencephalic<br />

pallium in birds and mammals. Therefore, the investigation of the neuronal mechanisms<br />

underlying cognitive functions in corvid birds will help to decipher the general principles and<br />

evolutionary constraints for the design of highly cognitive vertebrate brains. To study the<br />

neural underpinnings of executive control functions in corvids, we trained two carrion crows<br />

(Corvus corone) on an abstract rule-switching task which required them to flexibly apply<br />

rules to match two identical or two different visual images, respectively. They mastered this<br />

delayed rule-switching task with two sets of rule-cues from different modalities and novel<br />

sets of sample images each day (average performance 88.8% correct). We next recorded the<br />

activity of single neurons in the NCL (nidopallium caudolaterale), a proposed avian analogue<br />

of the mammalian prefrontal cortex (PFC). We found single NCL-neurons which showed<br />

elevated activity to one of the two behavioral rules. To control whether cells were merely<br />

responding to sensory properties of the rule cue, each rule (same or different) was instructed<br />

using one of two rule cues from different modalities. Many of the neurons encoded only the<br />

behavioral rule, abstracting over different sample images and the modality of the rule cue.<br />

In trials when the birds made an error, rule coding was weaker or even reversed, suggesting<br />

that the activity of the recorded neurons was relevant to the birds ´ behavior on a trial-by-trial<br />

basis. This represents, to our knowledge, the first combined recording of behavior and single<br />

unit activity in awake behaving corvids, introducing crows as a promising new model to study<br />

the neuronal basis of high-level cognition. The rule-coding NCL neurons resemble abstract<br />

rule neurons found in the primate PFC using very similar paradigms. Thus, there seems<br />

to be similar encoding of the task by rule-selective neurons in two functionally equivalent<br />

associative forebrain areas of different evolutionary origin. This suggests that animals which<br />

are able to learn this cognitively demanding task found similar neurophysiological solutions<br />

through convergent evolution.<br />


Talk <strong>14</strong><br />

The effect of visual and vestibular tilt cues on the subjective visual<br />

vertical of rhesus monkeys<br />

Mohammad Khazali, Nabil Daddaoua, Peter Dicke, Peter Thier<br />

Hertie-Institute for Clinical Brain Research<br />

Our perception of the world as upright is reliably stable despite frequent changes of the<br />

orientation of head and body. This is the result of an ecologically adequate reinterpretation<br />

of the orientation of the retinal image in the light of visual, vestibular and somatosensory<br />

information. The subjective visual vertical (SVV) is a measure of the percept visual upright.<br />

The SVV of human subjects roll tilted relative to gravity shows slight deviations from the<br />

ideal of a fully tilt-independent visual percept, although reports on the direction of this<br />

deviation vary for small static body roll tilts (

Talk 15<br />

Interpreting (M)EEG: A first look at Dynamic Causal Modeling<br />

Nicholas A. Del Grosso, Woosang Cho, Leonhard Läer<br />

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen - Institute of Medical Psychology<br />

Neural processes that underlie behavior are characterized between information passing between<br />

cell populations, not only by the singular activation of populations themselves. To<br />

model cognitive processes, causal connectivity models between neural sources are necessary.<br />

Dynamic Causal Modeling (DCM) is a Bayesian modeling framework that can be used to test<br />

causal relationships between neural sources. Unlike the sensor-driven analyses normally done<br />

in electrophysiology research, DCM and the Jenson neural mass model offer an opportunity<br />

for noninvasive electrophysiologists to generate and test theories of brain function while still<br />

playing on the strengths of whole-brain noninvasive electrophysiology. In our pilot study, we<br />

replicated the results of an auditory mismatch electroencephalography (EEG) study done by<br />

Garrido et al in 2008 showing that mismatch negativity signals are brought on by a combination<br />

of adaptation within the primary auditory cortex and top-down model adjustment<br />

from the superior temporal gyri and inferior frontal gyri. Further, we show how the Bayesian<br />

framework of DCM allows us to add in magnetoencephalography (MEG) data to produce<br />

stronger evidence for specific cognitive models.<br />


Talk 16<br />

The influence of different sources of visual information on joint action<br />

performance<br />

Stephan Streuber<br />

Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics<br />

Humans are social beings and they often act jointly together with other humans (joint actions)<br />

rather than alone. Successful joint action requires the understanding and the coordination<br />

of ones own actions with another persons actions. The research attempts to advance our<br />

knowledge about joint action coordination by extending existing research in two novel and<br />

important ways. First, prominent theories of joint action agree on visual information being<br />

critical for successful joint action coordination but are vague about the exact source of visual<br />

information being used during a joint action. However, in a real life interaction several sources<br />

of visual information exist which inform an interaction partner about the ongoing course of<br />

the interaction (e.g. visual information about objects, tools, other persons). Knowing which<br />

sources of visual information are used, however, is important for a more detailed characterization<br />

of the functioning of action coordination in joint actions. Second, previous studies<br />

investigating the role of visual information in social settings often constrain the experimental<br />

tasks to artificial laboratory settings. To examine joint action mechanisms under realistic<br />

conditions I devised experimental tasks that allowed a close-to-natural joint action. As a<br />

result the perceptual and motor components of the experimental tasks were less constrained<br />

allowing for a more natural interaction compared to previous studies. The current research<br />

examines the importance of different sources of visual information on joint action coordination<br />

under realistic settings. In three studies I examined the influence of different sources<br />

of visual information (Study 1), the functional role of different sources of visual information<br />

(Study 2), and the effect of social context on the use of visual information (Study 3) in a<br />

table tennis game. The results of these studies revealed that (1) visual anticipation of the<br />

interaction partner and the interaction object is critical in natural joint actions, (2) different<br />

sources of visual information are critical at different temporal phases during the joint action,<br />

and (3) the social context modulates the importance of different sources of visual information.<br />

In sum, this work provides important and new empirical evidence about the importance of<br />

different sources of visual information in close-to-natural joint actions.<br />


Talk 17<br />

On the trail of intuitive coherence judgments: Exploring similarities and<br />

differences in the underlying processes of intuition and implicit memory<br />

Thea Zander, Annette Bolte, Jan Born, Thomas Goschke, Kirsten G.<br />

Volz<br />

Werner Reichard Centre for Integrative Neuroscience<br />

So far, the scientific community did not agree upon a generally accepted definition of intuition.<br />

Although there are many different approaches to define intuition, some characteristic features<br />

can be found in all the definitions, thereby functioning as minimal definition of intuition<br />

(Glöckner & Wittemann, 2010). Mostly, intuitive decision making is considered to be a nonconscious<br />

process exerting a positive influence on people’s behavior by drawing on implicitly<br />

acquired knowledge and resulting in some sort of signal, feeling or interpretation. Superficially,<br />

at least, this minimal definition of intuition resembles that of implicit memory. Implicit<br />

memory phenomena are often described as processes that enable a facilitation of remembering<br />

and identification due to a preceding involuntary encoding of the stimulus (Schacter, 1992).<br />

Accordingly, the following key questions arise: Is establishing a clear demarcation between<br />

intuition and implicit memory feasible? If so, what are the distinguishing factors that are<br />

not immediately apparent? We conducted an fMRI study addressing exactly this question.<br />

The paradigm used was a semantic coherence task (Bolte & Goschke, 2005; Bowers et al.,<br />

1990), where we additionally implemented a priming condition to prompt implicit memory<br />

processing. Consequently, participants attent an fMRI experiment, in which intuition and<br />

implicit-memory related tasks have both to be completed. Hence, it is possible to compare<br />

the same participants on basis of the same material. Preliminary behavioural and fMRI results<br />

will be presented at the <strong>NeNa</strong>.<br />


Talk 18<br />

Higher Education in the Developing World: Teaching Neuroscience in<br />

Africa<br />

Thomas Baden, Godino Prieto , Laura Lucia<br />

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen<br />

Racing developments in transportation and information technology are transforming our<br />

planet into one global community. But this globalization does not benefit everybody equally.<br />

Despite traditional geo-political barriers waning, in many poorer areas of the world access to<br />

higher education and current scientific progress is still a scarce and valuable resource. Pivotal<br />

to long-term success and stability in these societies is the presence of a group of highly<br />

trained local knowledge workers with a broad outlook. Overcoming global inequality through<br />

education, as well as local empowerment has long been established as worldwide development<br />

goals; however, most existing projects focus at primary and secondary education, neglecting<br />

the role of the tertiary tier. Scientific education is pivotal to the ability of societies to innovate,<br />

move forward and integrate with the global information society. To date, most developing<br />

nations need to import their solutions, innovations and patents from abroad, while losing<br />

their most capable minds to Western universities and the knowledge economy beyond their<br />

borders. Providing top-level education to local elites in their home country is key to enabling<br />

developing societies to take their futures into their own hands and become valuable partners<br />

in the worldwide production of knowledge. To address this issue we launched a Neuroscience<br />

teaching project at Kampala International University (KIU), Uganda in autumn 2011 - the 1st<br />

of its kind in Africa. With generous support from companies as well as nonprofit organizations,<br />

we were able to provide up-to-date scientific knowledge and equipment to a selected group of<br />

students from the region. We linked up current research agendas with locally relevant issues<br />

and conveyed key strategies in neuroscientific research, highlighting how top-level scientific<br />

research can be performed locally with limited budget. Following successful completion of<br />

this pilot project we secured further funding towards annual repetition and expansion of the<br />

course for the years to come. But inequality exists in all areas of higher education. To surpass<br />

the limits of personal expertise we actively seek to promote and publicize our approach to<br />

motivated individuals in other disciplines.<br />



Poster 1<br />

The influence of visual alcoholic stimuli on error processing depending on<br />

alcohol consumption patterns in healthy subjects: A combined NIRS-EEG<br />

study.<br />

Agnes Kroczek, Florian Häußinger, Andreas J. Fallgatter, Ann-Christine<br />

Ehlis<br />

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen<br />

In this study error processing was assessed by EEG recordings of event-related potentials<br />

(ERP) simultaneously to the measurement of the hemodynamic response using Near-Infrared<br />

Spectroscopy (NIRS). The simultaneous measurement combines the high temporal resolution<br />

provided through EEG with the enhanced spatial resolution of cortical structures gained by<br />

NIRS. The evaluation of own performance (action monitoring) and especially error-processing<br />

is fundamental to decision making processes. Deficiencies in decision making are prominent<br />

for substance abuse disorders like alcoholism. The error related negativity (ERN) and the<br />

error-positivity (Pe) are ERPs associated with error processing altered in alcoholic patients.<br />

This study revealed differences in error processing even in a healthy population depending on<br />

the alcohol consumption patterns. A modified Eriksen Flanker Task was used to prompt error<br />

commission while alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages were depicted in order to examine the<br />

influence of alcohol-associated cues on error processing. Compared to light social drinkers,<br />

heavy social drinkers exhibited diminished ERN amplitudes. This difference was even more<br />

pronounced in trials where a visual alcoholic cue preceded error commission. Differences<br />

with the same tendency were reported in studies investigating error monitoring in alcoholics<br />

compared to healthy controls. This preliminary data indicates alterations in neural activation<br />

patterns during error processing as a possible marker for a higher risk to develop a substance<br />

abuse disorder.<br />


Poster 2<br />

Purkinje cells of the monkey oculomotor vermis respond to saccades as<br />

well as to smooth pursuit initiation<br />

Aleksandra Smilgin, Peter W. Dicke, Peter Thier<br />

Hertie-Institute for Clinical Brain Research<br />

Saccades and smooth pursuit eye movements (SPEM) are two types of goal directed eye movements<br />

whose kinematics differ profoundly, a fact that may have contributed to the notion that<br />

the underlying neuronal substrates may be separated to a large extent. By the same token,<br />

early work on the oculomotor role of the cerebellum seemed to suggest that also this part<br />

of the brain might dedicate distinct modules to the two types of goal directed movements,<br />

namely the flocculus/ paraflocculus to SPEM and the oculomotor vermis (OMV) to saccades.<br />

Yet, it became clear very soon that lesions of the OMV not only impair saccades but also<br />

the initiation of SPEM and that one may find saccade as well as SPEM related Purkinje<br />

Cell simple spikes (PC SS) responses in the OMV. Moreover, the early work by Suzuki and<br />

Keller (J. Neurophysiol. 1988) seemed to indicate that at least some PCs are sensitive to<br />

both saccades and SPEM, a puzzling finding in view of the very different kinematic demands<br />

of the two. We set out to compare the preferences of so far 80 eye movement related PC<br />

SS units recorded from the OMV for saccades and SPEM. Out of these, 76 (95%) exhibited<br />

significant responses to both saccades and SPEM initiation. In accordance with previous observations,<br />

individual PCs responses showed highly idiosyncratic patterns (eg. bursts, pauses,<br />

burst-pause sequences etc.) which were similar for the saccades and SPEM in roughly half<br />

(42,5%) of the sample neurons. We have previously demonstrated that even the responses<br />

of individual SPEM related PCs allow a reasonable description of SPEM initiation with eye<br />

velocity being the major kinematic variable reflected in the discharge (Dash et al., Cereb.<br />

Cortex <strong>2012</strong>). In order to figure out if the same holds for saccades, we fitted the responses<br />

of individual PCs with a linear model with eye position, velocity and acceleration as independent<br />

variables. Independent of the type of eye movement, eye position and velocity were<br />

able to explain a substantial amount of the discharge variance. Yet, eye velocity sensitivity<br />

was substantially higher for SPEM, thereby compensating for the much lower eye velocities.<br />

This finding suggests that OMV PC SS might deploy signals primarily used to optimize eye<br />

movements in the face of viscous forces.<br />

Acknowledgement: This work was supported by the European commission; Marie Curie Initial<br />

Training Network, contract number PITN-GA-2009-2382<strong>14</strong><br />


Poster 3<br />

Human sensitivity to different motion intensities<br />

Alessandro Nesti, Karl Beykirch, Paolo Pretto, Heinrich H. Bülthoff<br />

Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics<br />

Sensory information processes leading to human self-motion perception have been modelled<br />

in the past in terms of visual and inertial stimulations and their interactions. The models,<br />

validated through many psychophysical experiments, rely on the assumption that our sensitivity<br />

to supra-threshold self-motion is not affected by motion intensity. In other words,<br />

the relationship between motion stimulus intensity and human sensitivity to motion is assumed<br />

to be linear. However, recent studies have shown that this relationship is non-linear,<br />

in particular at higher motion intensity. Therefore, the implementation of nonlinearities in<br />

the computational models of human motion perception would increase their accuracy over a<br />

wider range of motion stimulus intensity. Here we test human sensitivity for sinusoidal yaw<br />

rotation in darkness at frequencies of 0.5 Hz and 1 Hz and velocity amplitudes ranging between<br />

0 and 90 deg/s. In a two interval force choice experimental paradigm, subjects undergo<br />

two consecutive rotations in the same direction for each trial. One of these movements is<br />

repeated unchanged in every trial, while the other systematically varies in amplitude. Subjects<br />

are asked to report after each trial which one of the two movements was stronger. An<br />

adaptive staircase adjusts the motion for every trial to identify the smallest detectable change<br />

in stimulus intensity (differential threshold). Results show a power law relationship between<br />

differential thresholds and stimulus intensity, meaning that sensitivity decreases as motion<br />

becomes stronger. No frequency effect is observed. These findings are of particular interest for<br />

the field of vehicle motion simulation, where knowledge about self-motion perception is widely<br />

exploited to overcome the physical limitations of motion-based simulators. Furthermore, the<br />

identification of perceptual nonlinearities in multisensory stimulation will guide future work<br />

into understanding the neural mechanisms responsible for self-motion perception.<br />


Poster 4<br />

Alteration of proliferation / differentiation of oligodendrocyte precursor<br />

cells by axonal activity in the corpus callosum<br />

Bálint Nagy, Maria Kukley<br />

Werner Reichardt Centre for Integrative Neuroscience<br />

Neuron-glial antigen 2 (NG2) expressing oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs) differentiate<br />

into myelinating oligodendrocytes during central nervous system (CNS) maturation. However,<br />

OPCs are present and remain proliferative in the adult CNS. Whether these remaining<br />

OPCs are responsible only for myelination during adulthood or if they have some additional<br />

functions in the adult CNS is not known. In the CNS, including the corpus callosum<br />

OPCs receive glutamatergic synaptic input from axons. In vitro culture studies show that the<br />

proliferation and differentiation of OPCs are modified by activation of 2-amino-3-(3-hydroxy-<br />

5-methyl-isoxazol-4-yl)propanoic acid (AMPA)-sensitive glutamate receptors. Therefore it’s<br />

possible that the proliferation and / or differentiation of OPCs are directly regulated by the<br />

glutamate release from callosal axons through AMPA receptors. Nevertheless, this has not<br />

been shown in in vivo studies. In my work I use the combination of in vivo electrophysiology,<br />

ex vivo electrophysiology (whole cell patch clamp from OPCs in brain slices) and immunohistochemistry<br />

(IHC) to demonstrate if the axonal activity modifies the proliferation and<br />

differentiation of OPCs in mice. I stimulated the axons in vivo in the corpus callosum with<br />

chronically implanted electrodes to increase the glutamatergic release onto the OPCs. I have<br />

recorded extracellular field potentials both from anesthetized and freely moving animals to<br />

show that the stimulation is functioning and triggers action potentials through the corpus<br />

callosum. The stimulation paradigm I used caused a large increase in myelination, especially<br />

in the cortex. However, the OPCs´ number did not change in the corpus callosum, although<br />

it increased in the cortex with this stimulation paradigm. It has been shown that ex vivo<br />

the OPCs´ synapses undergo activity dependent modifications. The long term effects of increased<br />

glutamatergic synaptic input on the OPCs´ glutamate receptor-properties have not<br />

been tested. The synaptic AMPA receptor properties and the proliferation of these cells are<br />

both regulated by the activity of the axons. That would mean that the AMPA receptor properties<br />

differ in the different proliferative states. With the use of whole cell patch clamp I will<br />

be able to test this hypothesis.<br />


Poster 5<br />

Predictable visual stimuli are perceived earlier than unpredictable events<br />

Barbara Wirxel, Axel Lindner<br />

Hertie-Institute for Clinical Brain Research<br />

How is it possible that we timely react to visual events despite the significant processing<br />

delays within the visual system? This delay is estimated to be already about 100ms in higher<br />

visual areas, a delay which is relevant if one needs to initiate fast reactions, such as catching a<br />

ball in flight or initiating escape. To compensate such delays the sensorimotor system employs<br />

predictive mechanisms. Yet, it is currently unclear whether delay compensation already occurs<br />

on a strictly perceptual level. Hence, we tested whether predictability of a visual stimulus<br />

affects the time of perceived stimulus onset. Specifically, we hypothesized that predictable<br />

visual stimuli have an earlier perceived onset compared to non-predictable stimuli. We tested<br />

our hypothesis in a psychophysical experiment, in which we initially screened 34 subjects in a<br />

dual task that engaged temporal interval judgements. In the middle of a black screen streams<br />

of individual letters were presented. Each letter was presented for 300ms with a 1000ms<br />

default interval between letters. The sequence of letters was either in alphabetic order and<br />

thus predictable or, alternatively, the last letter of a sequence was chosen at random and<br />

thus not predictable. In each trial subjects had to indicate whether or not the last letter<br />

agreed with the alphabetic order. Moreover, subjects had to estimate whether the duration<br />

of the last interval, which was of varying length, was either longer or shorter as compared<br />

to the preceding intervals of 1000ms duration. Varying the length of the last interval allowed<br />

us to estimate the point of subjective equivalence (PSE) between intervals. As we expected<br />

predictable letters to be perceived earlier, the PSE should be larger in predictable sequences<br />

than the PSE in non-predictable ones. Since our experiment required precise timing we applied<br />

rather strict exclusion criteria to both trials and subjects. For the 10 subjects that survived<br />

these criteria there was a significant shift of the PSE towards larger values for predictable<br />

sequences (median shift: 33.3 ms; p=0.043). Hence, our findings show that predictable visual<br />

stimuli are in fact perceived earlier than non-predictable ones. This suggests that even the<br />

perceptual system is compensating for delays in sensory information processing, allowing us<br />

to establish a timely percept of our environment.<br />


Poster 6<br />

Did you know, feel that you know or guess the answer? Comparing the<br />

neural correlates of intuitive and feeling-of-knowing responses in<br />

memory-based inferences<br />

Ceren Battal, Hanna Fechner, Lael Schooler, Kirsten Volz<br />

Werner Reichardt Centre for Integrative Neuroscience<br />

How do people make decisions when time is limited and information is scarce? One suggestion<br />

is by using simple heuristics. The recognition heuristic (RH) is a decision-making strategy<br />

that uses recognition to make inferences from one’s memory about the environment. This is<br />

an ecologically rational strategy, when considering binary-choice tasks, where one object is<br />

recognized and another is not, resulting in a higher gain of inference on the recognized object.<br />

Phenomenological data has revealed that people report to rely on a feeling of knowing (FOK)<br />

when their decisions follow the RH (Volz et al., 2006, 2010). Feeling of knowing has been a<br />

research topic since the mid-sixties and is conceived of as a reliable metacognitive state in<br />

which the exact information cannot be recalled but a sense of knowing (the correct answer) is<br />

experienced. Thus, in studies on metacognitive judgments in the memory domain, as well as<br />

in studies on heuristic decision making, people report relying on a FOK the correct answer.<br />

To test whether decision processes with different/characterized by different phenomenological<br />

states are the same or different, we compared their neural correlates.<br />


Poster 7<br />

Post-microsaccadic enhancement of slow control<br />

Chih-Yang Chen, Ziad M. Hafed<br />

Werner Reichardt Centre for Integrative Neuroscience<br />

Active sensation poses unique challenges to sensory systems because moving the sensor necessarily<br />

alters the input sensory stream. Sensory input quality is additionally compromised<br />

if the sensor moves rapidly, as during rapid eye movements, making the period immediately<br />

after the movement critical for recovering reliable sensation. Here, we studied this immediate<br />

post-movement interval for the case of tiny microsaccades during fixation, which rapidly jitter<br />

the "sensor" exactly when it is being voluntarily stabilized to maintain clear vision. We characterized<br />

retinal-image slip in monkeys immediately after tiny microsaccades, by analyzing<br />

post-movement ocular drifts. We observed enhanced slip velocity by up to 28% relative to<br />

pre-microsaccade levels, and for up to 50 ms after movement end. Moreover, we employed a<br />

technique to trigger full-field image motion contingent on real-time microsaccade detection,<br />

and we used the initial ocular following response to this motion as a proxy for changes in early<br />

visual motion processing caused by microsaccades. When the full-field image motion started<br />

during microsaccades, ocular following was strongly suppressed, consistent with detrimental<br />

retinal effects of the movements. However, when the motion started after microsaccades, there<br />

was up to 73% increase in ocular following speed, suggesting an enhanced motion sensitivity.<br />

These results suggest that the interface between even the smallest possible saccades and<br />

"fixation" includes a period of faster-than-usual image slip, as well as an enhanced responsiveness<br />

to image motion, and that both of these mechanisms need to be considered when<br />

interpreting the pervasive neural and perceptual modulations frequently observed around the<br />

time of microsaccades.<br />


Poster 8<br />

Saccadic responses of Purkinje cells in the oculomotor vermis exhibit<br />

highly idiosyncratic eye position dependencies<br />

Daniel Arnstein, A. M. Friemann, P. W. Dicke, P. Thier<br />

Hertie-Institute for Clinical Brain Research<br />

Many Purkinje cells (PCs) in the oculomotor vermis (OMV) of the monkey cerebellum exhibit<br />

saccade-related bursts or pauses of their simple spike (SS) discharge, signals thought to play<br />

a central role in the fine-tuning of saccades. There are two reasons to ask if these saccaderelated<br />

responses are orbital position dependent. 1. The OMV receives substantial input<br />

from parietal and frontal areas involved in the planning and execution of saccades via the<br />

dorsal pontine nuclei. In parietal area LIP, and probably also other cortical eye fields, neurons<br />

discharge bursts for saccades to a particular location in retinal coordinates, but this discharge<br />

is scaled by a gain factor whose size depends linearly on the starting position of the eyes.<br />

These "gain fields" have been proposed to play an important role in the transformation of<br />

spatial coordinates between different reference frames. As the OMV has been implicated in<br />

the temporal control of saccades rather than in the spatial coding, gain fields may no longer<br />

be necessary and one might expect that gain modulation is eliminated along the cerebrocerebellar<br />

pathway. 2. On the other hand, the execution of the saccade plan requires that the<br />

motor commands controlling the eye muscles take eye position-dependent forces exerted by<br />

the oculomotor plant into account. Anecdotal observations suggest that the SS discharge of<br />

OMV PCs might compensate for these forces. In order to test if the SS discharge of PCs in<br />

the monkey OMV exhibits orbital position dependency, we recorded a preliminary sample of<br />

PCs while the animals performed fixed-vector saccades, guided by visual targets, from one of<br />

nine eye starting positions in a 20°x20°grid. More than three-quarters of the SS responses of<br />

PCs were saccade-related, and more than half of the saccade-related PCs were modulated by<br />

eye starting position, even when saccade metrics were included as regressors of no interest in<br />

order to account for subtle differences in saccade metrics between the starting positions. Eye<br />

starting position also influenced the baseline firing rate in about one-third of the PCs, but<br />

even when these neurons were excluded, almost half of PCs showed eye position dependency.<br />

However, the eye position dependencies exhibited by PCs were highly idiosyncratic. Only a<br />

few PCs showed planar gain fields reminiscent of those reported in LIP, whereas other PCs<br />

showed a highly irregular eye position dependency with no obvious structure.<br />


Poster 9<br />

Better but not faster: Video game players show increased performance but<br />

not shorter reaction times in a visual search task<br />

David Jule Mack, Helene Wiesmann, Uwe J. Ilg<br />

Hertie-Institute for Clinical Brain Research<br />

Nowadays, video games are an omnipresent medium. A survey among teenagers showed that<br />

60% are consuming video games on a daily basis. The ramifications of these games remain<br />

unclear. Negative effects like increased aggressive behavior have been shown as well as beneficial<br />

outcomes like generally faster reaction times (RTs). In our own study we correlated video<br />

game consumption to shorter eye movement RTs. As a follow-up study, we now posed the hypothesis<br />

that this decrease is due to faster attentional processing, rather than an adjustment<br />

of the motor program. We used Nakayama’s visual search task, where test persons (TPs)<br />

have to report the presence and orientation of an oddball, to test our hypothesis. By varying<br />

the cue lead time (CLT) in respect to the search array, the CLT with the TP’s maximum<br />

detection performance can be used as measure of speed for covert attention shifts, without<br />

resorting to manual RTs. 116 TPs aged 15 to 27 years were measured. TPs that played more<br />

than 4 hours per week were classified as players. Contradictory to our hypothesis CLTs of<br />

peak performance were not shorter in players (171 vs. 169 ms, p=0.9613). But they showed<br />

higher peak (79 vs. 72%, p=0.001) and mean (62 vs. 54%, p=0.0007) performances. Our<br />

results suggest that not the actual attention shift is faster in players, but that they deploy a<br />

more efficient strategy to assess the stimulus relevance. This would fit to other findings which<br />

imply that players are better in processing task relevant information.<br />


Poster 10<br />

Effects of a novel antiepileptic drug - Retigabine - on KCNQ2 mutations<br />

associated with epileptic encephalopathies.<br />

Elena Ilina, Katja Detert, Holger Lerche, Snezana Maljevic<br />

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen<br />

Epilepsy is a common and multifaceted neurological disorder characterised by seizures, which<br />

result from hypersynchronous, excessive neuronal activity. Despite the wide variability of<br />

antiepileptic drugs, one third of patients still does not respond to a conventional treatments.<br />

Therefore, there is a need for novel options of treatment. Retigabine is a third-generation anticonvulsant<br />

compound that has recently been approved by the USFDA as adjunctive therapy<br />

of partial onset seizures. The drug activates potassium currents, thus reducing the neuronal<br />

excitability. Retigabine specifically targets the M-type potassium current, which is carried<br />

by neuronal voltage-gated Kv7 (KCNQ) potassium channels. Mutations affecting the Kv7.2<br />

channel subunit are known as the most common cause of benign familial neonatal seizures<br />

(BFNS), a rare epileptic syndrome appearing in the first days of life with a spontaneous remission<br />

within weeks to months. Recently seven novel Kv7.2 mutations have been associated<br />

with the more severe outcome - an epileptic encephalopathy with developmental delay. When<br />

expressed in Xenopus oocytes, these seven mutations revealed a severe loss-of-function, and<br />

a dominant-negative effect on WT Kv7.2/7.3 channels has been observed for some of them.<br />

This study aims to reveal the effects of Retigabine on the Kv7.2 epileptic encephalopathy mutations<br />

expressed as homo- or hetero- (with Kv7.3 subunits) multimeres in Xenopus oocytes<br />

and analysed using automated two-voltage clamp technique and application of different concentrations<br />

(0, 1 − 100µM) of Retigabine. We are especially interested whether the severe<br />

dominant-negative effect can be reversed by Retigabine, which would make it a promising<br />

compound for the treatment of this severe epileptic syndrome.<br />


Poster 11<br />

Influence of static and dynamic physiological parameters on the<br />

measurement of neural activation with functional near-infrared<br />

spectroscopy (fNIRS)<br />

Florian Häußinger, Sebastian Heinzel, Thomas Dresler, Ann-Christine<br />

Ehlis, Andreas Jochen Fallgatter<br />

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen - Universitätsklinikum<br />

We have conducted a simulation study in which we found a strong connection between fNIRS<br />

sensitivity and scalp-cortex distance (SCD). By simulating NIR light scattering and absorption<br />

in human head tissue models it could be shown that a high SCD leads to a decreased<br />

volume of light absorbing gray matter and therefore the sensitivity of fNIRS to measure<br />

hemodynamic changes in the cortex is decreased, while it is increased in the scalp. The<br />

head circumference, an easily assessable parameter, was positively correlated with SCD. We<br />

used the simulated volumes of light absorbing scalp (Vscalp) and gray brain matter (Vgray)<br />

to examine the feasibility of fNIRS to measure low frequency oscillations usually observed<br />

within resting state paradigms. We found the signal-to-noise ratio of fNIRS within a frequency<br />

window of [0.01, 0.02] Hz to be significantly correlated with Vscalp and within [0.02,<br />

0.05] to be significantly correlated with Vgray. These findings suggest that fNIRS is feasible<br />

for resting state paradigms, but also that not the whole range of the low frequency window<br />

is accessible. We also conducted a simultaneous fNIRS-fMRI study in which participants<br />

performed a working memory paradigm. We found the SCD to decrease the amplitude of<br />

hemodynamic responses to stimuli as measured by fNIRS. Beyond that, we observed a different<br />

impact of extracranial hemodynamics (as measured by fMRI) on fNIRS-signals. The<br />

signal that maps concentration changes of oxygenated hemoglobin (oxy-signal), was severely<br />

impacted by skin blood flow, whearas the deoxy-signal was hardly affected. By conducting a<br />

simultaneous fNIRS-fMRI session during an inter-temporal choice paradigm, we found an interesting<br />

correlation between brain activation as measured by fMRI and a personality trait of<br />

the participating subjects. In contrast, this correlation could not be found with fNIRS. The<br />

influence of task-evoked extracranial signals impairing especially the oxy-signal may have<br />

been the limiting factor.<br />


Poster 12<br />

Effects of visual attention on neural processing in Rhesus´ V1 by<br />

simultaneous electrophysiology and BOLD-fMRI<br />

Frederico A. C. Azevedo, Leonardo A. C. Azevedo, Nikos Logothetis,<br />

Georgios Keliris<br />

Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics<br />

Attention is a cognitive function thought to enhance our ability to select, process, and perceive<br />

only a behaviorally relevant fraction of the immense sensory input impinging on our receptors<br />

(Knudsen, 2007). Early electrophysiological studies in primates demonstrate that attention<br />

can modulate substantially the firing rate of single cells in extrastriate visual areas but has no<br />

or little impact in the primary visual cortex (Moran & Desimone, 1985). In contrast, attention<br />

has been linked to strong bloodoxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) signal modulations in human<br />

subjects (Gandhi et al., 1999). Our goal is to understand how selective visual spatial attention<br />

modulates the neuronal activity in primary visual cortex (V1) and how these effects are<br />

reflected in the different signals (single unit activity, local field potentials, and BOLD). To this<br />

end, we have trained two rhesus macaques to perform an orientation-change detection task in<br />

high field fMRI scanners (4.7T, 7T) while we can simultaneously acquire high-resolution fMRI<br />

maps and electrophysiological signals. Preliminary results suggest that attention modulates<br />

the BOLD and electrophysiological signals in distinct ways. We are currently trying to address<br />

the layer specificity of the effects by using MRI compatible multicontact probes and implanted<br />

RF coils that provide ultra-high resolution maps of the fMRI activations.<br />


Poster 13<br />

Song discrimination ability of juvenile and adult zebra finches<br />

Gagan Narula, Aleks Jovalekic, Joshua Herbst, Richard Hahnloser<br />

University of Zurich<br />

Human infants and adults have been shown to be equally competent in perceiving phonetic<br />

categories of their native language. Surprisingly, studies have shown that infants below the<br />

age of 8 to 9 months can perceive differences in acoustically similar phonetic categories in nonnative<br />

languages, while adults cannot. This discriminative ability falls sharply after the age of<br />

10 months, which is considered to be an effect of continuous exposure to sounds of the native<br />

language, possibly associated with allocation of resources for the representation of the same.<br />

Alternatively, the apparent loss could also result from simply aging within a critical sensory<br />

period, which can be viewed as a reduction in the total neural capacity to represent speech and<br />

not as a specific increase in the representation of the native language. To distinguish between<br />

these possibilities, one would need to compare the phoneme discrimination performance of<br />

normally raised adult subjects with those of adults acoustically isolated at a young age - an<br />

unethical experiment in humans. This motivates the use of an appropriate animal model. We<br />

study the auditory discrimination ability of the songbird species zebra finch (Taeniopygia<br />

guttata), since it is also a vocal learner. In our experiment, we present a novel operant<br />

conditioning protocol designed to train juvenile and adult zebra finches, both male and female,<br />

on a difficult auditory discrimination task using zebra finch song syllables as stimuli. Through<br />

controlled alteration of the duration of the stimuli we can create two artificial categories of<br />

syllables: ¨shortänd ¨ long ¨ , to determine how well zebra finches learn the boundary between<br />

them. Our prediction is that young birds learn faster and have finer discrimination abilities<br />

than adults.<br />


Poster <strong>14</strong><br />

Comparing the other race effect and congenital prosopagnosia using a<br />

three-experiment test battery<br />

Janina Esins, Johannes Schultz, Bo Ra Kim, Christian Wallraven,<br />

Isabelle Bülthoff<br />

Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics<br />

Congenital prosopagnosia, an innate impairment in recognizing faces, as well as the otherrace-effect,<br />

the disadvantage in recognizing faces of foreign races, both influence face recognition<br />

abilities. Here we compared both phenomena by testing three groups: German congenital<br />

prosopagnosics (cPs), unimpaired German and unimpaired South Korean participants (n=23<br />

per group), on three tests with Caucasian faces. First we ran the Cambridge Face Memory<br />

Test (Duchaine & Nakayama, 2006 Neuropsychologia 44 576-585). Participants had to<br />

recognize Caucasian target faces in a 3AFC task. German controls performed better than<br />

Koreans (p=0.009) who performed better than prosopagnosics (p=0.0001). Variation of the<br />

individual performances was larger for cPs than for Koreans (p = 0.028). In the second experiment,<br />

participants rated the similarity of Caucasian faces (in-house 3D face-database)<br />

which differed parametrically in features or second order relations (configuration). We found<br />

differences between sensitivities to change type (featural or configural, p=0) and between<br />

groups (p=0.005) and an interaction between both factors (p = 0.019). During the third experiment,<br />

participants had to learn exemplars of artificial objects (greebles), natural objects<br />

(shells), and faces and recognize them among distractors. The results showed an interaction<br />

(p = 0.005) between stimulus type and participant group: cPs where better for non-face<br />

stimuli and worse for face stimuli than the other groups. Our results suggest that congenital<br />

prosopagnosia and the other-race-effect affect face perception in different ways. The broad<br />

range in performance for the cPs directs the focus of our future research towards looking for<br />

different forms of congenital prosopagnosia.<br />


Poster 15<br />

Layer and stimulus specific effects of basal forebrain stimulation on neural<br />

responses in the primary visual cortex<br />

Julia Veit, Anwesha Bhattacharyya, Robert Kretz, Gregor Rainer<br />

Universität Fribourg<br />

Acetylcholine is an important neuromodulator for regulating activity and plasticity in the<br />

cortex. Cholinergic projections to the cortex originate in the basal forebrain (BF). We use<br />

microstimulation of this region to investigate cholinergic effects on visual processing in the<br />

primary visual cortex (V1) of tree shrews. We recorded spiking activity and local field potentials<br />

(LFPs) from 109 locations through all cortical layers in 9 anesthetized animals with<br />

pairs or triplets of tetrodes during visual stimulation with binary sparse noise. The spectrum<br />

of spontaneous LFP activity typically showed a decrease in low frequency power (

Poster 16<br />

Neuronal correlates of visual working memory in the carrion crow (Corvus<br />

corona)<br />

Konstantin Hartmann, Lena Veit, Andreas Nieder<br />

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen - Institute for Neurobiology<br />

Working memory is the ability to temporarily store and manipulate currently important<br />

information to produce goal-directed behaviour. Working memory is thus a cardinal feature<br />

of all sorts of intelligent behaviours and has been studied intensively in mammals, especially<br />

in primates. In primates, neural correlates of working memory are located in the prefrontal<br />

neocortex (PFC) of the frontal lobe. Contrary to mammals, birds show a very differently<br />

evolved brain and do not possess a neocortex. Still, there is no doubt that bird show superior<br />

working memory abilities. Especially corvids are known for their intelligent behaviours that<br />

include high-level cognition. The convergent brain structure representing working memory<br />

in corvids remains elusive. Research on pigeons, however, suggests that a distinct region in<br />

the avian telencephalic pallium, the nidopallium caudolaterale (NCL), serves as the avian<br />

analog of the primate PFC. To investigate neural correlates of working memory in the avian<br />

brain, we trained carrion crows to perfrom a computer-controlled visual delayed matchingto-sample<br />

task, a classic task involving a working memory period. In this task, a sample<br />

image is displayed on a touch screen for 500 ms that the crow needs to encode and memorize<br />

during the following delay period (1000 ms) showing no stimulus at all. Next, four test<br />

images are presented on the touch screen, and the bird is forced to peck the image identical<br />

to the sample image. This behavioural protocol allows us to exclude confounding factors<br />

like reward-expectation and motor-preparation. After the crows proficiently mastered the<br />

task, we extracellularly recorded single unit activity from the behaving corvids´ NCL. As a<br />

neuronal correlate of working memory, we found neurons with sustained activity during the<br />

delay period. These neurons selectively varied their firing rate during the delay period as a<br />

function of the preferred visual stimulus to remember, as statistically analyzed with a nonparametric<br />


Poster 17<br />

Molecular Characterization of a Serine Pro-tease Htra1Implicated in AMD<br />

Lili Feng, Elöd Körtvely, Andreas Vogt , Karsten Boldt , Marius Ueffing<br />

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen<br />

Molecular Characterization of a Serine Protease Htra1 Implicated in AMD The degeneration<br />

of the retina has already begun by the time the patient is diagnosed with age-related macular<br />

degeneration (AMD) in the clinic, implying on going proteolysis process. Genome-wide<br />

association studies established two major risk haplotypes on chromosome 1 and chromosome<br />

10. This latter locus harbours three genes including Htra1. Being a member of the trypsin<br />

family of serine protease, Htra1 is an attractive candidate for playing a causative role in<br />

the pathogenesis. This secreted protease is known to regulate the availability of insulin-like<br />

growth factors (IGFs) by cleaving IGF-binding proteins, and repressing signalling mediated<br />

by TGF-beta family members. Nevertheless, our results obtained from yeast two-hybrid and<br />

co-immunoprecipitation experiments indicate that Htra1 plays an instrumental role also in<br />

further process. Interestingly, Htra1 was found to interact with complement factor D (CFD).<br />

Because the risk haplotype of complement factor H (CFH) is very strongly associated with<br />

the disease, this interaction may further strengthen the involvement of the complement alternative<br />

pathway in in the development of the symptoms. On the other hand, the physiological<br />

significance of the Htra1-CFD interaction has still remained unknown.<br />


Poster 18<br />

Right prefrontal cortex alpha activity related to inhibition of responses<br />

Maike Hege, Krunoslav Stingl<br />

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen<br />

Cognitive inhibition is a crucial executive function required to control responses to external<br />

stimuli. A task frequently used to study the inhibition of responses to certain stimuli is the<br />

go-nogo task. Neuroimaging studies have shown that the prefrontal cortex is activated more<br />

strongly on nogo trials and necessary for correct performance on this task. However, time<br />

courses and frequency spectrum of activity in prefrontal cortex have so far not been explored<br />

in human subjects. We recorded magnetic brain activity from 20 lean, female subjects during<br />

a go-nogo task requiring inhibition to food or toys pictures. We observed increased activation<br />

in right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (rDLPFC), right temporal gyrus, and bilateral medial<br />

cortex on nogo and increased activation in postcentral gyrus on go trials. Extracted time<br />

courses of rDLPFC activation showed increased activation on nogo trials in comparison to<br />

go trials, reaching the maximum difference at around 250 ms. In the frequency domain, we<br />

observed increased activation in the alpha frequency band (8-12 Hz) in nogo trials localized<br />

to rDLPFC. Furthermore, errors on nogo trials were associated with increased alpha activity<br />

in frontal sensors in the prestimulus interval. In conclusion, our data gives further insight into<br />

rDLPFC function during cognitive inhibition and points out a central role for alpha activity<br />

in correct performance during go-nogo task.<br />


Poster 19<br />

Looking for the path not taken: an investigation of the influence of<br />

alternative motor plans during perceptual and value-based decisions<br />

Marina Fridman, Axel Lindner<br />

Werner Reichardt Centre for Integrative Neuroscience<br />

The affordance competition hypothesis states that some types of decision making happen<br />

not only through a competition between goals but also between the motor plans of how to<br />

achieve these goals. In addition to neurophysiological studies that have shown alternative<br />

action plans in parietal and premotor cortex, behavioral studies suggest that reach trajectories<br />

can likewise reflect competing motor plans in difficult perceptual decisions. We sought<br />

to replicate these results in a perceptual decision task as well as in a novel, more naturalistic,<br />

value-based decision task. In the latter, participants saw two landscape images in each<br />

trial and had to point to their preferred image. In the perceptual decision task, participants<br />

judged the direction of motion of a moving dot stimulus by pointing to an arrow symbol. In<br />

both tasks we manipulated choice difficulty; in the value-based decision task, difficulty was<br />

determined by whether a clear favorite was present (easy) or not (difficult) in the image pair.<br />

In the perceptual decision task, difficulty was controlled by varying the ratio of dots moving<br />

in each direction. All reach decisions were performed in a virtual environment where, unlike<br />

previous studies, participants had no visual feedback of their hand. After each reach, participants<br />

were asked to report their perceived pointing direction by setting a cursor into that<br />

direction. According to the affordance competition hypothesis, we expected to see evidence<br />

of alternative motor plans in the reach trajectory during difficult decisions, namely in the<br />

shape of trajectories curved towards the unchosen goal, or in a shift of reach endpoints in the<br />

same direction. We also predicted that the perceived pointing direction, which is thought to<br />

depend on corollary discharge of an outgoing motor plan, would change to reflect the motor<br />

plan to the unchosen goal in more difficult choices. Although the manipulation of both experiments<br />

worked, as evidenced by our ability to predict choices in the easy condition (p

Poster 20<br />

Rhesus monkey can switch volitionally between distinct call types<br />

Natalja Gavrilov, Steffen R. Hage, Andreas Nieder<br />

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen - Institute for Neurobiology<br />

Speech is one of the key distinguishing features that defines us as human and allows us sophisticated<br />

audio-vocal communication. A necessary criterion for language production is volition.<br />

Speech sounds that we learn throughout our lives can be uttered or withheld on command.<br />

Vocal utterances of non-human primates, our closest phylogenetic relatives, however, are genetically<br />

determined and generally assumed to be highly affective and tightly bond to specific<br />

motivational states. Whether nonhuman primates can decouple their vocalizations from the<br />

accompanied motivational state and instrumentalize them in a goal-directed way remains a<br />

matter of debate for decades. So far, all attempts trying to show that non-human primates<br />

are able to volitionally control their vocalizations failed, were of anecdotal evidence, suffered<br />

from severe methodological shortcomings or confirmed that nonhuman primates produce adequate<br />

motivationally based responses to hedonistic stimuli rather than demonstrating the<br />

capability to volitionally vocalize on command. We trained a rhesus monkey to perform a<br />

computer-controlled "go/nogo" detection task by using its vocalization as a response. The<br />

monkey was required to utter different types of vocalizations in response to distinct arbitrary<br />

visual stimuli to receive a reward. The obtained data were analyzed by applying signal detection<br />

theory (SDT). As a measure of sentitivity, the d-prime-values were calculated. Our<br />

results show that the monkey was able to instrumentalize its vocal utterances in response<br />

of arbitrary visual cues. Importantly, the monkey was able to respond with different vocalizations<br />

in response of different arbitrary visual cues to receive a reward. Throughout the<br />

experimental sessions, the mean d-prime values for grunts and for coos were 1.97 and 1.8,<br />

respectively. This indicates that it was able to decouple its vocal output from a motivational<br />

state. Our results show that monkeys are able to volitionally initiate their vocal output. This<br />

capacity might constitute an obligate communication precursor for the evolution of speech in<br />

the primate lineage. The present study paves the way to study evolutionary aspects of human<br />

speech control in a nonhuman primate.<br />


Poster 21<br />

Intuitive Decisional Processes in a Perceptual Discovery Task: An MEG<br />

Study.<br />

Ninja Katja Horr, Christoph Braun, Kirsten Volz<br />

Werner Reichardt Centre for Integrative Neuroscience<br />

Everyday life decisions are often made immediately without consciously thinking through all<br />

possible alternatives and steps of reasoning. Such kinds of decisions can be considered as<br />

intuitive. Taking a look at different attempts to define intuitional mechanisms three common<br />

definition criteria can be worked out: (1) Intuitional mechanisms are not necessarily conscious,<br />

i.e. though reflecting upon them might make them reportable, during the decision itself they<br />

are not, (2) they are strong enough to lead to quick behavioral outcomes and (3) they depend<br />

on prior experience in the sense of not consciously retrieved memory contents that lead<br />

to a decision or solution. Taking those definition criteria into account the present study<br />

uses a modified version of the Waterloo Gestalt Closure Task to operationalize intuition<br />

as the "preliminary perception of coherence" (Bowers et al., 1990). The temporal dynamics<br />

of neuronal mechanisms underlying such coherence judgements are examined with MEG.<br />

Methods and Results from the pilot study are presented and an outlook is given.<br />


Poster 22<br />

Task-specific color selectivity in prefrontal and parietal areas<br />

Pooja Viswanathan, Andreas Nieder<br />

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen - Institute for Neurobiology<br />

Sensory stimuli often need to be categorized to drive behavior and decisions. The neural<br />

correlates of color categorization, like other categories, have been studied in recent years. It<br />

has been suggested that neurons in the inferior temporal (IT) cortex, that forms the ventral<br />

stream with areas V2 and V4, represent color categories by modulating their firing rates.<br />

These responses also change to represent the behavioral threshold, thus, suggesting a key role<br />

of the IT cortex in color cognition. However, color categorization has not been investigated<br />

in prefrontal or parietal cortices that are often studied in relation to cognitively challenging<br />

categorizations. We recorded neurons from the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex along the bank of<br />

principal sulcus (PFC) and the ventral intraparietal (VIP) area while the monkeys performed<br />

a delayed match to sample color task. The monkeys matched the color of a sample stimulus to<br />

that of test stimuli presented sequentially after a delay period. A color match was reported<br />

by releasing a bar held throughout the trial and rewarded subsequently. Five colors were<br />

selected after testing for above 95% behavioral discrimination performance and presented<br />

foveally as colored dots against a gray background circle. The exact location of the colored<br />

circles within the gray background circle and their total area was varied from trial to trial.<br />

Neurons from both areas show significant modulation (ANOVA, p

Poster 23<br />

Synaptic interations in the outer retina of the mouse<br />

Robin Kemmler, Thomas Euler, Timm Schubert<br />

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen<br />

At the very first synapse of the visual system, the photoreceptor synapse, horizontal cells<br />

(HCs) provide inhibitory feedback to cone photoreceptors (cones). This feedback is thought<br />

to dynamically adapt the working range of cones to the ambient light and to contribute an<br />

outer retinal component to the generation of antagonistic receptive fields. Based on data<br />

from different vertebrate species, three distinct types of mechanisms have been proposed to<br />

be involved in the feedback from HCs to cones: hemichannel-based ephaptic, pH-mediated<br />

and GABAergic feedback (reviewed in Thoreson and Mangel, Prog Retin Eye Res, <strong>2012</strong>).<br />

Here we aim at investigating which of these feedback mechanisms are present in the mouse<br />

retina and, in case there are multiple candidates, whether these mechanisms operate in parallel<br />

or under different conditions. As all feedback mechanisms described so far modulate<br />

cone output, our approach was to assess the effect of HC feedback on light-evoked Ca2+<br />

responses measured in cone terminals of a transgenic mouse using two-photon microscopy. In<br />

this mouse line (HR2.1:TN-XL; Wei et al., J Neurosci, <strong>2012</strong>), cones selectively express the<br />

Ca2+ biosensor TN-XL under the control of the human red opsin promoter. Feedback mechanisms<br />

were pharmacologically dissected using light stimuli of different polarity (stimuli darker<br />

or brighter than background light intensity) and contrast. Application of Carbenoxolone, a<br />

gap junction blocker, increased both resting Ca2+ level and amplitude of light-evoked Ca2+<br />

responses, suggesting the presence of hemichannel-mediated ephaptic feedback in mouse.<br />

Clamping extracellular pH with HEPES reversibly reduced the initial peak of dark-evoked<br />

Ca2+ responses, which argues against an involvement of protons in inhibitory feedback from<br />

HCs to cones but rather suggests that protons play a role in an "excitatory" feedback mechanism<br />

shaping cone responses to dark flash-stimuli. Finally, preliminary experiments in which<br />

we mimicked a potential GABAergic feedback mechanism by applying GABA, decreased the<br />

amplitude of light-evoked Ca2+ responses, consistent with the GABAergic HC feedback hypothesis.<br />

Our data support the presence of ephaptic and GABAergic feedback functioning as<br />

inhibitory feedback mechanisms in the mouse retina. A pH-mediated mechanism, however,<br />

may provide ¨ facilitory ¨ feedback from HCs to cones. Thus, all three feedback mechanisms may<br />

be employed in the outer retina to shape the synaptic output from cones.<br />


Poster 24<br />

The role of adenosine in the neurovascular coupling of the BOLD signal in<br />

early visual cortex of non-human primates<br />

Sneha Viswanath, Daniel Zaldivar, Veronika Von Pfoestl, Alexander<br />

Rauch, Nikos K. Logothetis<br />

Werner Reichardt Centre for Integrative Neuroscience<br />

In this study, CPX, an antagonist of adenosine was used to determine the role of adenosine in<br />

uncoupling the vascular and neuronal response observed by the BOLD signal after a strong<br />

visual stimulation in primary visual cortex (V1). We systemically and locally applied CPX<br />

and pharmacologically manipulated the sensory response in the early visual cortex of anaesthetized<br />

macaques. Pharmacological magnetic resonance imaging (phMRI) in combination<br />

with electrophysiology was used to determine the impact of CPX on V1. Results were obtained<br />

from recordings of the BOLD and electrophysiological activity during the injections.<br />

Systemic application of CPX resulted in a disruption of the visual modulation in the BOLD<br />

signal. Local applications of CPX resulted in a decrease in the power of low LFP and an<br />

increase in the power of MUA. In addition it resulted in a decrease in the CV and FF. No<br />

significant changes were observed in the BOLD signal after systemic application of phosphate<br />

buffered saline, which was used as a control. The results show that we indeed observe dissociation<br />

between the vascular and the neuronal activity during adenosinergic modulation.<br />

Apparently adenosine reduces functional hyperaemia, which is reflected by the reduction in<br />

BOLD signal, while underlying neuronal activity is increased, indicated by an increase in<br />

MUA. Further studies have to be conducted using simultaneous sampling of neurochemicals<br />

and phMRI to fully elucidate the functional role of adenosine for the vascular and neuronal<br />

interplay in V1.<br />


Poster 25<br />

Neuronal correlates of online control in reaching and grasping<br />

Sonja Cornelsen, Marc Himmelbach, Axel Thielscher<br />

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen - Universitätsklinikum<br />

Reach-to-grasp movements recruit regions of the parieto-frontal network that can be subdivided<br />

into two neuronal circuits. The dorsomedial circuit, which is traditionally associated<br />

with reaching, comprises the superior parietal occipital cortex (SPOC), the medial intraparietal<br />

sulcus (mIPS), and the dorsal part of the premotor cortex (PMd). The dorsolateral<br />

circuit is associated with grasping and includes the anterior intraparietal sulcus (aIPS), which<br />

is highly interconnected with the ventral part of the premotor cortex (PMv) (Tanne-Gariepy<br />

et al., 2002; Tomassini et al., 2007). However, recent findings argue against a strict functional<br />

separation of both circuits and indicate a modulation of the functional connectivity by the<br />

required amount of online control (Grol et al., 2007). To investigate the functional overlap<br />

of the circuits during online control, we employed a perturbation paradigm that allowed us<br />

to separate the BOLD signal reflecting online control from that of the planning phase. During<br />

fMRI, participants had direct sight of the two target objects that were either unchanged<br />

throughout the movement (unperturbed) or could change their location (reaching perturbed),<br />

size (grasping perturbed), or both after movement onset. We acquired whole-brain functional<br />

images. Based on anatomical landmarks and specific contrasts regions-of-interests (ROIs)<br />

were determined. Importantly, the ROI analyses revealed that neither SPOC, aIPS, mIPS,<br />

nor PMd differed significantly in the comparison of perturbed reaching and perturbed grasping<br />

although the selection of the ROIs was biased in favour of either condition. However,<br />

a comparison of grip size corrections revealed significant differences in the right mIPS, and<br />

the right PMd. A similar pattern emerged for the connectivity analysis that revealed no<br />

modulations of the connectivity for the contrast reaching perturbed and grasping perturbed.<br />

However, during grip size corrections, coupling was increased between SPOC and aIPS, mIPS<br />

and aIPS, and also between PMd and aIPS, indicating a functional overlap of the dorsolateral<br />

and dorsomedial circuit. This argues against a strict functional separation of both circuits<br />

but rather suggests two widely congruent systems that show a slight relative bias towards<br />

either reaching or grasping.<br />


Poster 26<br />

Optimization of Subretinal Electrical Stimulation to Generate Naturalistic<br />

Spiking Responses<br />

Sudarshan Sekhar, Daniel Rathbun, Eberhart Zrenner<br />

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen - Institute of Ophthalmic Research<br />

Introduction: Our aim is to restore vision to the blind via a subretinal prosthesis. To date,<br />

the Tübingen subretinal implant project has realized the best clinical results of any visual<br />

prosthetic device. However, substantial improvements are still possible through the implementation<br />

of more sophisticated neural coding principles. Our strategy is to characterize the<br />

differences in the spiking responses of mouse retinal ganglion cells to visual and electrical<br />

stimulation and then optimize the association between visual inputs and the electrical output<br />

of the implant to reduce these differences. Methods: Our visual stimulus is a 60 second<br />

¨natural scene ¨movie, while our electrical stimuli consists of a series of monophasic, square<br />

voltage pulses with varying voltages and durations. To quantitatively compare visual and<br />

electrical responses, we calculate information content [Magri et al, BMC Neurosci., 2009],<br />

spike train similarity [Victor et al, Curr. Op. Neurobiol., 2005] and coding precision and reliability<br />

[Berry et al., PNAS, 1997]. Results: We will calculate the information contained in<br />

the spike trains about either visual or electrical stimuli to determine whether responses to<br />

the currently used set of electrical stimuli are capable of encoding as much information as is<br />

found in visual responses. However, since there are many potential codes that could produce<br />

the target amount of information without being interpretable by the brain, we will quantify<br />

the reliability and precision of spiking events to ensure that these visual response statistics<br />

are also well matched by electrical stimulation. Finally, we will quantify how similar repeated<br />

responses to the same stimulus are as well as how similar electrical responses are to visual<br />

responses with the end goal of developing a method of generating electrical stimuli from<br />

visual input whose responses fall within the distribution of normal responses for any given<br />

visual stimulus. Conclusions: The quantities discussed above will serve as a first indication<br />

of how good current prosthetic strategies are at eliciting naturalistic spiking responses. Our<br />

final aim is to improve the algorithm through which light is converted to voltage signals at<br />

each pixel of the Tübingen retinal implant such that the elicited ganglion cell spikes in blind<br />

patients more closely match those of healthy subjects for any given visual stimulus.<br />


Poster 27<br />

Roles of different fastigial nuclei neurons in saccade direction tuning and<br />

saccadic adaptation<br />

Zong-Peng Sun, Marc Junker, Fahad Sultan, Peter Dicke, Aleksandra<br />

Smilgin, Peter Thier<br />

Hertie-Institute for Clinical Brain Research<br />

Improving motor behavior based on learning is a key function of the cerebellum. What is the<br />

code the cerebellum uses to adjust the behavior? Many efforts have been made to understand<br />

the function of the cerebellar cortex in motor tasks. Our understanding of the cerebellar<br />

function has historically been based on the precise that the cerebellar cortex is the site of<br />

information processing, or at least memory storage and retrieval. However, as to the deep<br />

cerebellar nuclei (DCN), which are in a key position within cerebellar circuitry and play an<br />

important role in exclusively integrating inputs from the brain stem, the inferior olive, and<br />

the spinal cord with the output of the cerebellar cortex, little is known of the different functions<br />

that the DCN neurons have to provide in a goal-directed task, such as a saccadic eye<br />

movement or in the adaptation of such a motor task. Furthermore, recent studies in rodents<br />

showing differences in morphological and electrophysiological properties between various populations<br />

of neurons in DCN have remained elusive as to their function. Our investigation will<br />

improve our understanding of different functions of DCN neurons. As an only output of the<br />

cerebellum, the roles of Purkinje cells in saccadic eye movement and motor learning have<br />

been well studied, however, as an important station on the way of purkinje cells output, few<br />

studies have conducted on the role of fastigial nuclei in motor learning. The Purkinje cells<br />

of the oculomotor vermis have been well studied and are known to converge on neurons of a<br />

subpart of the DCN, the caudal fastigial nucleus. Different populations of neurons have been<br />

described within this nucleus based on their neurotransmitter content (i.e., Glutamatergic,<br />

GABAergic and Glycinergic) and based on their projection target site. However, the various<br />

populations of neurons of the DCN and the relationship between them and motor learning<br />

remain poorly understood. Our study aims to reveal the roles of different fastigial nuclei neurons<br />

in saccade direction tuning and saccadic adaptation according to their firing properties<br />

(both spontaneous discharge patterns and saccade-related discharge patterns) in vivo.<br />


Participants<br />

52<br />

Name Email Address<br />

Organizers<br />

André Maia Chagas andre.chagas@klinikum.uni-tuebingen.de<br />

Katharina Dobs katharina.dobs@tuebingen.mpg.de<br />

Lena Veit lena.veit@uni-tuebingen.de<br />

Marc Junker marc.junker@uni-tuebingen.de<br />

Pooja Viswanathan pooja.viswanathan@student.uni-tuebingen<br />

Participants<br />

Abhilash Dwarakanath abhilash.dwarakanath@tuebingen.mpg.de<br />

Agnes Kroczek Agnes.Kroczek@med.uni-tuebingen.de<br />

Aleksandra Smilgin a_smilgin@yahoo.com<br />

Alessandro Nesti alessandro.nesti@tuebingen.mpg.de<br />

Ali Zaidi ali.zaidi@tuebingen.mpg.de<br />

Almut Hoffmann almut.hoffmann@ntz.de<br />

Anette Giani anette.giani@tuebingen.mpg.de<br />

Anne Suffel Anne.Suffel@gmx.de<br />

Balint Nagy nagyblint@yahoo.com<br />

Barbara Wirxel barbara.wirxel@uni-tuebingen.de<br />

Bartosz Kula bartoszkula@op.pl<br />

Ceren Battal battal.ceren@gmail.com<br />

Chang Yan sunnykirk119@gmail.com<br />

Chen Chih-Yang chen.chih-yang@cin.uni-tuebingen.de<br />

Daiju Abe leongougeon1980@gmail.com<br />

Daniel Arnstein danarnstein@gmail.com<br />

David Jule Mack david-jule.mack@student.uni-tuebingen.de<br />

Dong-Seon Chang dongseonc@gmail.com

Name Email Address<br />

Ekaterina Volkova ekaterina.volkova@tuebingen.mpg.de<br />

Elena Ilina ielenas4c@yandex.ru<br />

Eliana Garcia elilife@gmail.com<br />

Emily Fan eypfan@gmail.com<br />

Erick Ortiz erick.ortiz@med.uni-tuebingen.de<br />

Evgeny Sheygal evgeny.sheygal@student.uni-tuebingen.de<br />

Fabricio Lima Brasil fabriciobrasil@gmail.com<br />

Felix Moll felix87moll@googlemail.com<br />

Florian Franzen Florian.Franzen@student.uni-tuebingen.de<br />

Florian Häußinger florian.haeussinger@med.uni-tuebingen.de<br />

Florian Soyka florian.soyka@tuebingen.mpg.de<br />

Frederico Azevedo frederico.azevedo@tuebingen.mpg.de<br />

Gagan Narula gagan_narula1986@hotmail.com<br />

Galyna Pidpruzhnykova galyna.pidpruzhnykova@gmail.com<br />

Gerrit Schwesig gerrit.schwesig@gmx.de<br />

Gina Eom gina.eom@gmail.com<br />

Hamed Bahmani hamed.bahmani@tuebingen.mpg.de<br />

Jan Winchenbach jan.winchenbach@dzne.de<br />

Janina Esins janina.esins@tuebingen.mpg.de<br />

Josue Luiz Dalboni da Rocha josuedalboni@yahoo.com.br<br />

Juan Sehuanes jfsehuanes@gmail.com<br />

Julia Veit julia.veit@unifr.ch<br />

Katarina Matic katarina.matic@uni-tuebingen.de<br />

Katharina Stegen Katharinastegen@yahoo.de<br />

Katrin Franke katrin_fr88@gmx.de<br />

Konstantin Hartmann konstantin.hartmann@student.uni-tuebingen.de<br />

Leonardo Azevedo leonardocazevedo@gmail.com<br />

Lili Feng lili.feng@uni-tuebingen.de<br />

Lothar Freißmann LuH-Freissmann@web.de<br />

Madison Carr madisonrcarr@gmail.com<br />

Maike Hege maike.hege@med.uni-tuebingen.de<br />

Manuel Schweighauser manuel.schweighauser@uni-tuebingen.de<br />


Name Email Address<br />

54<br />

Marco Curado marco.curado@gmail.com<br />

Marina Fridman aniram06@gmail.com<br />

Mehtap Bacioglu mbacioglu@gmail.com<br />

Mohammad Khazali tetaretajoin@hotmail.com<br />

Mojtaba Soltanlou soltanlou@gmail.com<br />

Natalja Gavrilov natalja.gavrilov@student.uni-tuebingen.de<br />

Nele Hellbernd nele.hellbernd@web.de<br />

Nicholas Del Grosso delgrosso.nick@gmail.com<br />

Ninja Katja Horr Ninja78278@aol.com<br />

Rahim Malekshahi rahim.malekshahi@student.uni-tuebingen.de<br />

Robin Kemmler robin.kemmler@gmx.net<br />

Rümeysa Gündüz anterbea@hotmail.com<br />

Ruxandra Barzan ruxandrabarzan@gmail.com<br />

Sneha Viswanath snehav86@gmail.com<br />

Sonja Cornelsen sonja.cornelsen@uni-tuebingen.de<br />

Stephan Streuber stephan.streuber@tuebingen.mpg.de<br />

Stine-Carlotta Dehnke stine-carlotta.dehnke@student.uni-tuebingen.de<br />

Sudarshan Sekhar sudsa89@gmail.com<br />

Svenja Espenhahn S.Espenhahn@gmx.de<br />

Thea Zander thea.zander@cin.uni-tuebingen.de<br />

Theano Mintsi theano.mintsi@epfl.ch<br />

Thomas Baden thomas.baden@uni-tuebingen.de<br />

Urszula Mihulowicz urszula.mihulowicz@klinikum.uni-tuebingen.de<br />

Vineet Arora vineetarora8@gmail.com<br />

Zong-Peng Sun sunzongpeng1987@163.com


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