MiPACS Storage

MiPACS Storage MiPACS Storage

<strong>MiPACS</strong><br />

Image Approval & <strong>Storage</strong><br />

deleting, saving, approving, & storing<br />

digital images

POLICY<br />

• to assure integrity and security, all digital<br />

images must be saved, approved, and<br />

stored to the DICOM server<br />

• images that remain on the local server can<br />

be modified or lost

Before Images are Approved<br />

(see other How To Programs)<br />

• images must in the correct template<br />

• multiple templates of same examination<br />

must be consolidated<br />

• images must be mounted correctly<br />

• series and study must be named correctly<br />

• unexposed SP plates must be deleted<br />

• undiagnostic images must be deleted

Image Status<br />

• the status of images is found in the Task<br />

Pane, under Series View

<strong>MiPACS</strong> icons<br />

icon with red triangle, images not approved &<br />

stored on local server<br />

Icon all black, images approved but stored on<br />

local server<br />

icon with gold barrel, images approved &<br />

stored on DICOM server

Non-Approved Images

Non-Approved Images<br />

• marked with a top left red corner<br />

• cannot be printed, exported, or copied

Non-Approved Images<br />

• images must be non-approved to delete,<br />

rearrange in template, or consolidate<br />

• these tasks must be completed before<br />

approval and sending to DICOM server

Deleting Non-Approved Images<br />

• who can:<br />

– dentists, residents, TAs,<br />

and some hygienists<br />

• how to:<br />

1. highlight series or image<br />

and click “X”<br />

2. click delete on keyboard<br />

3. select Tools>Delete

Approved Images

Approved Images<br />

• image properties are locked<br />

– contrast, brightness, rotation, template position<br />

• cannot be deleted<br />

• can only be approved with Approval rights<br />

• can only Change Approval with rights

Who Can Approve Images?<br />

• dentists, residents, TAs, &<br />

some hygienists<br />

• how to approve:<br />

1. click on series to highlight,<br />

click Save & Approve icon<br />

2. Right click image, select<br />

Change Approval

Change Approval of Images<br />

• who can:<br />

– dentists, residents, TAs,<br />

some hygienists<br />

• Change Approval<br />

– approves Not Approved<br />

– unapproves Approved<br />

• NO EFFECT<br />

• reverts to original on reopen

Error Messages when Approving<br />

• anatomic description must be known to approve<br />

• when using P1, Occlusal, or wrong template, the<br />

following error message may pop-up

• click OK to error message<br />

• in Task Pane, go to<br />

Properties, Anatomic<br />

information, Description<br />

• click on None, when drop<br />

down opens highlight<br />

correct descriptor<br />

• release mouse<br />

• approve series

• or click OK to error message<br />

• click blue Image Info icon<br />

• or right click image and select show Image Info<br />

• select Region, Modifier, and Laterality

Error Messages when Approving<br />

• when approving scanned images or when<br />

approving images moved to a new template, this<br />

error message pops-up

• click OK to error message<br />

• go to Properties, Object,<br />

Conversion Type<br />

• click on None, when drop<br />

down opens highlight<br />

correct descriptor<br />

– Digitized Film<br />

– Scanned Image<br />

• release mouse<br />

• approve series

Images are Approved but Not<br />

Stored on DICOM Server<br />

• a series can be approved but not sent to<br />

DICOM server<br />

• only time to approve and not store is when<br />

DICOM server is down<br />

• the icon is black without the yellow barrel

To Store on DICOM Server<br />

• right click on series,<br />

select Store to<br />

DICOM server now<br />

• click Store to DICOM<br />

server on pop-up

Approved and Stored Images

Images Approved and Stored on<br />

DICOM Server<br />

• appear with gold barrel<br />

• images cannot be altered, rearranged in<br />

template, or deleted

Modifying and Saving Images<br />

• if series is approved and on DICOM server<br />

– modifications and annotations can be made<br />

and series is renamed and saved as “derived”<br />

series on DICOM<br />

– the original series remains unchanged<br />

• if series is not approved & on local server<br />

– modifications and annotations will<br />

permanently alter the original series

Deleting Series & Images<br />

series approved & on DICOM server<br />

• approved series can only be altered or<br />

deleted by submitting request to:<br />

– Dr. Conover conover@nova.edu<br />

– Dr. Hogge mg1161@nova.edu<br />

– Dr. Kodish jkodish@nova.edu

The End

Hooray! Your file is uploaded and ready to be published.

Saved successfully!

Ooh no, something went wrong!