Pro praxi - Clio Cup

Pro praxi - Clio Cup

Pro praxi - Clio Cup


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Reportáž<br />

Toyoty Celica nebo Peugeotu 206 WRC na tratích světových rallye,<br />

začínalo být jasněji. Letošní pařížský autosalon se pak stal místem<br />

představení novinky i20 WRC. Složení posádek zatím nebylo oznámeno,<br />

do bojů o věnce chce ale korejský tým zasáhnout už v příštím<br />

roce, a tak se jejich jména jistě už brzo dozvíme.<br />

Bentley Continental GT3<br />

Naprosto nečekanou novinkou je závodní speciál Bentley Continen-<br />

tal GT3, kterým se věhlasná automobilka vrací na závodní dráhu.<br />

Nissan DeltaWing<br />

Hyundai i20 WRC<br />

prototypes development and support of these customers. At present<br />

the carmaker is going to launch the rally model 208 R2 on special<br />

stages and they also prepare the first on-track testing of the 208 R5 that<br />

had its debut in Paris show. Tuning and testing will begin according to<br />

the carmaker very soon. The first customers should get their cars in the<br />

second half of 2013. Until then Peugeot will to concentrate entirely on<br />

the 208 R2 that will roll out already at the end of this year.<br />

Hyundai i20 WRC<br />

Return of the Korean carmaker Hyundai to WRC was so secret that only<br />

a few people knew what was going on. When the carmaker hired Michel<br />

Nandan who had stood behind amazing success of Toyota Celica or<br />

Peugeot 206 WRC on the world rallies everything began to be clearer.<br />

So this year Paris Motor Show became the place of introduction of a<br />

new model i20 WRC. Members of the crews haven’t been announced<br />

yet but the Korean team wants to be involved in the fight for wreaths<br />

in next year. Therefore we will know their names very soon.<br />

Bentley Continental GT3<br />

The absolutely unexpected novelty is the prototype Bentley Continental<br />

GT3, which takes the famous carmaker back to the track. The car is<br />

based on the Continental GT Speed equipped with the W12 engine<br />

providing the output of 625 hp. The carmaker hasn’t released information<br />

concerning engine under the bonnet of the prototype yet. Only<br />

Nissan Signatech LMP2

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