Pro praxi - Clio Cup

Pro praxi - Clio Cup

Pro praxi - Clio Cup


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38<br />

ji jet celou pod plným plynem. Je to srdcovka, protože se do ní<br />

najíždí přes horizont. Při špatném najetí může být ale nebez-<br />

pečná.“<br />

A jak je to s pneumatikami a přilnavostí? „Rozhodně nejde o okruh,<br />

který nějak dramaticky žere gumy. Řadím ho někam k průměru.<br />

Má jemnější asfalt, ale s dobrou přilnavostí. Avšak hůř odvádí vodu<br />

a na tomto okruhu se v určitých místech při vydatném dešti vytvá-<br />

řejí jezírka. To je má zkušenost z předloňska a loňska. Jedná se<br />

hlavně o úsek v levotočivé zatáčce za třetím horizontem,“ varuje<br />

Passer.<br />

Pokud se ptáte na rekord okruhu, tak ten činí 1:41.600 a stanovil<br />

jej britský jezdec týmu ISR Racing Sam Bird, který zde testoval před<br />

dalším závodem Word Series by Renault konaným v Maďarsku.<br />

Bird je současně testovacím pilotem stáje Mercedes GP působící<br />

ve formuli 1.<br />

Na závěr ještě pár postřehů pilota Radicalu: „Musím ocenit prostorné<br />

boxy a velmi dobré zázemí okruhu s gigantickým parkovištěm.<br />

Běžně bývá v provozu servis a hlavně mycí box, což je hodně příjemné.<br />

Výhodou je také hotel v areálu okruhu.“<br />

Motorsport-Ing. 2/2012<br />

Text: Milan Jirouš, Foto: Slovakia ring<br />

variants which are in most cases very interesting. However, the most<br />

interesting are horizons. One corner follows after two horizons and this<br />

fact is important both for beginners and pilots who start here for the first<br />

time. Horizons are quite sharp and in an extreme case a car can lift from<br />

the road.”<br />

However, it is an extreme case that can be reached only at really high<br />

speed. Even beginners therefore don’t have to be afraid of the Slovakia<br />

ring. For that matter Zbynek Passer confirms that fact: “This circuit is<br />

suitable for all types of cars and drivers. It is safe, wide, its escape zones<br />

are well designed. So it doesn’t belong among those circuits where you<br />

have to pay a lot for a small mistake. The circuit is more challenging<br />

especially in the technical middle part. At beginning it will be difficult to<br />

you to remember an ideal line. It has much to do with the length of the<br />

circuit some corners of which are double curved. I have to mention also<br />

corner 2. It is far stretching very fast right-hand corner between the first<br />

and the second horizon. If you ride into it right way you can go through<br />

at full throttle. It is cardioids because you run into it over horizon. However,<br />

it can be dangerous in case you enter the corner in a wrong way.”<br />

What about tires and a grip? “It isn’t definitely a circuit which eats the<br />

rubber in a dramatic way. I classify it as an average. It has softer asphalt<br />

with a good grip. However it doesn’t take water away very well and there<br />

usually form big puddles during heavy rain. That was my experience<br />

from this year and last year. It refers especially to a part in the left-hand<br />

corner after the third horizon,” warns Passer.<br />

If you ask about the circuit record, it is 1:41:600 and it was set by the<br />

British driver of the ISR Racing Sam Bird who had tested here prior to next<br />

World Series by Renault race that took place in Hungary. Bird is also the<br />

test pilot of Mercedes GP operating in Formula 1.<br />

There are some other remarks of the Radical pilot: “I have to appreciate<br />

roomy pits and very good background of the circuit along with a giant<br />

parking lot. There is usually the service station and especially the car<br />

wash in operation. It is a very pleasant fact. A hotel within the circuit<br />

grounds is also a big advantage.”<br />

Text: Milan Jirouš, Photo: Slovakia ring

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