Pro praxi - Clio Cup

Pro praxi - Clio Cup

Pro praxi - Clio Cup


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Technika<br />

20<br />

Jak se vyvíjela konstrukce vašich formulí?<br />

První model FS.01 byl stavěn především s ohledem na výdrž a pro<br />

získání zkušeností. Tomu odpovídala i jeho hmotnost 339 kg. Už<br />

od druhé formule jsme začali intenzivně pracovat na jejím snižování.<br />

U vozu FS.04 jsme dosáhli hmotnosti 223 kg, což u tohoto<br />

typu konstrukce s ocelovým rámem a koly o velikosti 13“ je velmi<br />

dobrý výsledek. Ty úplně nejlepší týmy se blíží k hranici 200 kg.<br />

Takže zde máme prostor při konstrukci našeho nového modelu<br />

FS.05.<br />

Detail výfukového potrubí FS.04.<br />

Detail of the FS.04 exhaust pipe.<br />

Motorsport-Ing. 2/2012<br />

Detail airboxu modelu FS.04.<br />

Detail of the FS.04 airbox.<br />

How was design of your formula developed?<br />

The first model FS.P1 was built mainly with respect to endurance<br />

and getting experience. That corresponded with its weight of 339 kg.<br />

Starting the second formula we began to work intensively on weight<br />

reduction. We reached 223 kg at the car FS.04 and that was a very<br />

good result for this type of construction with a steel frame and 13’’<br />

wheels. The very best teams are approaching the limit of 200 kg.<br />

So there is a space for us in the construction of our new model<br />

FS.05.<br />

Can you describe the newest existing model FS.04?<br />

The base is a hybrid frame, which consists of the steel tube frame with<br />

glued sandwich panels to increase stiffness. The panels consist of two<br />

plates of six layers of carbon fibre with 10 mm of vynicel plastic in<br />

between. Everything was glued into sections and made entirely at our<br />

school. Since the first model we have been using Yamaha YZF-R6<br />

engines. We try to produce more and more parts ourselves. The frame<br />

was welded completely by us. Axles and control arms, which were one<br />

of the most interesting parts, were cast from magnesium. Air intake<br />

was completely designed by us. It includes a carbon airbox of six layers<br />

and inside is a restrictor with 20 mm diameter. The tank from welded<br />

aluminium was also designed by us. All our cars have a sliding pedal<br />

unit that was again proposed by us. Likewise we propose an entire<br />

exhaust system. Virtually everything what I am talking about is proposed<br />

in dissertation works.

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