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il ' ii - Northern Research Station - USDA Forest Service


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Nature and Natural Resources and may be placed into Review of gall midge species including zoogeographithree<br />

categories indicating the degree of threat: extinct, cal diagnoses. Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae.<br />

endangered Or vulnerable (Skuhrav_i 1994). Sim<strong>il</strong>arly, 18 58" 79-126.<br />

gall midge species considered threatened, were found in<br />

the swiss gall midge fauna (Skuhrav_i and Skuhravy Sklahrav_i,M. 1995. A zoogeographical analysis of the<br />

1997). fam<strong>il</strong>y Cecidomy<strong>ii</strong>dae (Diptera) in the Czech Republic A<br />

and in Slovak Republic. Diptera Bohemoslovaca. 7: •<br />

An outbreak of two gall midges, Harrisomyia vitrina and 159-163.<br />

Drisina glutinosa, associated with Acer pseudoplatanus,<br />

was probably associated with environmental deteriora- Skuhrav_i, M.; Blasco-Zumeta, J.; Skuhravy, V. 1993.<br />

tion through pollution stress (Skuhrav_i and Skuhravy Gall midges (Diptera, Cecidomy<strong>ii</strong>dae) of Arag6n *<br />

.1986). The main reasons for population increases and (Spain): a review of species found in the period 1890outbreaks<br />

of Haplodiplosis marginata, larvae of which 1990 with new records for the Monegros region.<br />

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member countries of the European Community and the Skuhrav_i, M.; Skrzypczynska, M. 1983. A review of gall<br />

Counc<strong>il</strong> of Europe. Explanatory notes by A. Noirfalise. midges (Cecidomy<strong>ii</strong>dae, Diptera) of Poland. Acta<br />

Counc<strong>il</strong> of Europe, Strasbourg. Rolled map and Zoologica Cracov. 26(12)" 387-420. (In Polish, with<br />

explanatory text: 1-80. English summary.)<br />

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36: 1-8.<br />


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