I-Berhad (7029-H) - Bursa Malaysia

I-Berhad (7029-H) - Bursa Malaysia

I-Berhad (7029-H) - Bursa Malaysia


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I-<strong>Berhad</strong> (<strong>7029</strong>-H)<br />

innovative<br />

intelligent interactive<br />

(formerly known as Neico Industries (M) <strong>Berhad</strong>)<br />

Incorporated in <strong>Malaysia</strong><br />

international<br />

annual report<br />


Logo Rationale<br />

Contents<br />

01<br />

02<br />

04<br />

05<br />

06<br />

07<br />

08<br />

10<br />

11<br />

12<br />

16<br />

20<br />

Introduction<br />

Corporate Profile<br />

Corporate Information<br />

Audit Committee<br />

Notice of<br />

Annual General Meeting<br />

Board of Directors<br />

Profile of Directors<br />

Senior Management Team<br />

Young Executive Team<br />

Chairman’s Statement<br />

CEO’s Review<br />

Calendar of Events<br />

24<br />

28<br />

28<br />

29<br />

30<br />

31<br />

32<br />

35<br />

36<br />

37<br />

58<br />

60<br />

Financial Statements<br />

Directors’ Report<br />

Statement by Directors<br />

Statutory Declaration<br />

Auditors’ Report<br />

Consolidated Balance Sheet<br />

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account<br />

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement<br />

Balance Sheet<br />

Profit And Loss Account<br />

Notes To The Accounts<br />

Analysis of Shareholdings<br />

List of Properties<br />

Proxy Form<br />

i has been adopted as both the corporate logo for I-<strong>Berhad</strong> and also as the<br />

brand name for its products. It was conceptualised to stand for intelligent,<br />

innovative, interactive and international.<br />

The logo resembles an i with the italicised ring representing the dot and<br />

it depicts I-Berh a d ’s futuristic outlook, one not bound by paradigm.<br />

It s y m b o l i s e s I-<strong>Berhad</strong>’s v i s i o n a ry attributes and re a d i n e s s to adopt and<br />

improve upon technology.<br />

Meanwhile, the vertical rectangle surpporting it depicts the power and<br />

s t rength that was built on a solid foundation, that of the Sumurwang Gro u p .<br />

The colour orange reflects its distinctiveness, freshness and vibrancy.<br />

Combined, it encapsulates the Company’s innovativeness, strength and the<br />

distinctive drive to be different.<br />

Innovation through technology in the new millennium. A commitment made<br />

by I-<strong>Berhad</strong> towards realising a vision of the intelligent home of tomorro w. . .<br />

a vision that begins with the on-going development of ‘thinking’ pro d u c t s<br />

for the home of today.<br />

Cover Rationale

02 I-<strong>Berhad</strong> was established on 2 February, 1967 under the name of Sanyo Industries (<strong>Malaysia</strong>)<br />

S d n B h d . It was l i s t e d on the Main Board of the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange on<br />

29 September 1969. And it assumed its current name on 12 August, 1999.<br />

The company commenced operations with the production of black and white television sets<br />

and refrigerators, and expanded its production to include electric fans and air conditioners.<br />

Over the next 15 years, it further expanded its product range with the introduction of rice<br />

cookers, colour television sets, microwave ovens, blenders and ceiling fans.<br />

The company was awarded the Prime Minister’s Quality Aw a rd in 1991 and obtained<br />

ISO 9002 status in July 1994. The products carries with it the mark of international standards<br />

such as from SIRIM in <strong>Malaysia</strong>, SISIR in Singapore and VDE in Germany.<br />

The company currently manufactures household electrical appliance, and has four product<br />

lines namely, air conditioners, rice cookers, fans, and refrigerators under its own ‘i’ brand<br />

name. It is also an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) and supports a number of<br />

renowned brand names, locally and internationally.<br />

The factory has an integrated manufacturing facility with a plastic injection moulding plant,<br />

metal stamping plant and painting plant supplying parts to its assembly lines. Some 400 staff<br />

are employed at its 24-acre factory in Taiping, Perak.<br />

The i range of home appliances were launched in August 1999. Developed based on the<br />

i concept, each of the product comes with intelligent features, that ensures the safety of<br />

the consumers.<br />

Corporate Profile<br />

The Company plans to venture into the manufacture of computers and peripherals, a step<br />

towards its objective to eventually make products for the Home of the Future.

Aerial view of the manufacturing plant in Kamunting, Taiping

04<br />

Directors<br />

Mr Lim Kim Hong – Chairman<br />

Tuan Haji Mat Hassan bin Esa<br />

Y.Bhg. Datuk Haji Mohamed Al Amin<br />

bin Haji Abdul Majid<br />

Mr Eu Hong Chew<br />

Madam Tey Siew Thuan<br />

Madam Ong Poh Ling<br />

Audit Committee<br />

Tuan Haji Mat Hassan bin Esa – Chairman<br />

Independent Non-Executive Director<br />

Y.Bhg. Datuk Haji Mohamed Al Amin<br />

bin Haji Abdul Majid<br />

– Independent Non-Executive Director<br />

Madam Tey Siew Thuan – Executive Director<br />

Secretary<br />

Madam Too Yet Lan<br />

Registered Office<br />

No. 3, Jalan Astaka U8/84<br />

Section U8, Bukit Jelutong<br />

40150 Shah Alam<br />

Selangor Darul Ehsan<br />

Tel : 03-745 4511<br />

Fax: 03-745 4514<br />

Corporate Information<br />

Registrars<br />

M & C Services Sdn Bhd<br />

11th Floor, Wisma Damansara<br />

Jalan Semantan, Damansara Heights<br />

50490 Kuala Lumpur<br />

Tel : 03-255 7188<br />

Fax: 03-255 0988<br />

Auditors<br />

Arthur Andersen & Co.<br />

Penthouse, 11th Floor, Kompleks Mutiara<br />

Jalan Anson, 10400 Penang<br />

Principal Bankers<br />

HSBC Bank <strong>Malaysia</strong> <strong>Berhad</strong><br />

Malayan Banking <strong>Berhad</strong><br />

Stock Exchange Listing<br />

Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange

Constitution<br />

Pursuant to the Board Meeting held on 9 July 1994, it was resolved that the Audit Committee be established<br />

to be in compliance with Section 15A of the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange Listing Requirements.<br />

Composition Of Members<br />

Chairman: Tuan Haji Mat Hassan bin Esa – Independent Non-Executive Director<br />

M e m b e rs: Y.Bhg. Datuk Haji Mohamed Al Amin bin Haji Abdul Majid – Independent Non-Executive Director<br />

Terms Of Reference<br />

a. to review:<br />

Madam Tey Siew Thuan – Executive Director<br />

i. with the external auditor, the audit plan;<br />

ii. with the external auditor, his evaluation of the system of internal accounting controls;<br />

iii. with the external auditor, his audit report;<br />

iv. the assistance given by the Company’s officers to the auditor;<br />

v. the scope and results of the internal audit procedures; and<br />

vi. the half-year and annual financial statements before submission to the Board, focusing<br />

particularly on<br />

– any changes in accounting policies and practices<br />

– major judgemental areas<br />

– significant adjustments resulting from the audit<br />

– the going concern assumption<br />

Audit Committee<br />

– compliance with accounting standards<br />

– compliance with stock exchange and legal requirements<br />

vii. any related party transactions that may arise within the company; and<br />

b. to consider the nomination of a person or persons as auditors together with other functions as may be<br />

agreed to by the Audit Committee and the Board of Directors.<br />


06<br />

I-<strong>Berhad</strong> (<strong>7029</strong>-H)<br />

(formerly known as Neico Industries (M) <strong>Berhad</strong>)<br />

Incorporated in <strong>Malaysia</strong><br />

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Thirty-Third Annual General Meeting of I-<strong>Berhad</strong> will be held at<br />

No. 3, Jalan Astaka U8/84, Section U8, Bukit Jelutong, 40150 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan on Thursday,<br />

27 April 2000 at 10.00 a.m. for the following purposes:<br />

A g e n d a<br />

1 . To receive and adopt the Audited Accounts of the Company for the year ended<br />

31 December 1999, together with the Directors’ and Auditors’ Reports thereon.<br />

2. To approve a first and final tax exempt dividend of 1% for the year ended 31 December 1999.<br />

3. To re-elect the following directors who retire by rotation pursuant to Article 96 of<br />

the Company’s Articles of Association:<br />

i. Mr Lim Kim Hong<br />

ii. Mr Eu Hong Chew<br />

iii. Madam Tey Siew Thuan<br />

iv. Madam Ong Poh Ling<br />

4. To re-appoint Messrs Arthur Andersen & Co. as Auditors of the Company and to authorise<br />

the Directors to fix their remuneration.<br />

5. To transact any other business of which due notice shall have been received.<br />

By Order of the Board<br />

Too Yet Lan<br />

Company Secretary<br />

Shah Alam<br />

Selangor Darul Ehsan<br />

Dated: 10 April 2000<br />

Notes:<br />

Resolution 1<br />

Resolution 2<br />

Resolution 3<br />

Resolution 4<br />

Resolution 5<br />

Resolution 6<br />

Resolution 7<br />

1 . A member entitled to attend and vote at the general meeting is entitled to appoint a proxy to attend and vote<br />

in his stead.<br />

Notice Of Annual General Meeting<br />

2 . A proxy need not be a member of the Company, but such appointment must comply with Section 149(1) (b) of<br />

the Companies Act, 1965 which states that a member shall not be entitled to appoint a person who is not a<br />

member of the Company as his proxy unless that person is an advocate, an approved company auditor or a<br />

person approved by the Registrar of Companies in a particular case.<br />

3 . All proxy forms duly executed should be deposited at the Registered Office of the Company at No. 3, Jalan Astaka<br />

U8/84, Section U8, Bukit Jelutong, 40150 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan not less than 48 hours before<br />

the time for holding the meeting or any adjournment there o f .

Board of Directors<br />

“The proven track re c o rd of the directors is more than an added advantage. Their active involvement<br />

at the operating level gives them a golden opportunity to share their vast experiences. And their p re s e n c e<br />

enables the Company to forge together a strong team of professionals to turn the Company into a<br />

market leader. ”<br />

From left to right<br />

Too Yet Lan, Company Secretary<br />

Ong Poh Ling, Executive Director<br />

Tuan Haji Mat Hassan bin Esa, Director<br />

Lim Kim Hong, Chairman<br />

Y.Bhg. Datuk Haji Mohamed Al Amin bin Haji Abdul Majid, Director<br />

Eu Hong Chew, Chief Executive Officer<br />

Tey Siew Thuan, Executive Director<br />


08 Lim Kim Hong, 49, appointed Chairman on 15 July 1999. He has vast experience in many industries. He<br />

founded Sumurwang Sdn Bhd (Sumurwang) in 1980 to venture into the manufacture of spring mattresses in<br />

<strong>Malaysia</strong> under the “Dreamland” brand name.<br />

Lim was responsible for the successful listing of Sumurwang’s manufacturing arm, Dreamland Holdings Bhd,<br />

on the Main Board of the KLSE in 1987. In 1991, he diversified Dreamland Holdings into the steel industry and<br />

subsequently changed its name to Kanzen <strong>Berhad</strong> (Kanzen). In late 1993, he divested Sumurwang’s<br />

c o n t rolling interest in Kanzen in order to re o rganise Sumurw a n g ’s corporate stru c t u re to focus on three business<br />

a reas – manufacturing, pro p e rty development and financial services. In 1999, Lim through Sumurwang a c q u i re d<br />

the now I-<strong>Berhad</strong> to venture into the manufacturing of household electrical appliances.<br />

Tuan Haji Mat Hassan bin Esa, 47, appointed to the Board on 6 October 1990. A graduate of University<br />

Malaya with a Bachelor in Statistics and also holds a Masters in Business Administration majoring in<br />

Accounting and Investment from the New Hampshire College, United States of America.<br />

He commenced his career with Permodalan Nasional <strong>Berhad</strong> (PNB) and after 13 years with PNB, he then joined<br />

Permodalan Usahawan Nasional <strong>Berhad</strong> (PUNB) for the next six years and left as its Chief Executive Officer. He<br />

has 19 years of experience in marketing, corporate services, corporate planning, investment development,<br />

information technology and entrepreneur development. Currently holding the position of Chief E x e c u t i v e<br />

O fficer/Executive Director of Perbadanan Nasional <strong>Berhad</strong> (PNS), he also holds directorships in several other<br />

private companies.<br />

Y.Bhg. Datuk Haji Mohamed Al Amin bin Haji Abdul Majid, 45, appointed to the Board as Director<br />

on 15 May 1993. A graduate of University of Aston, United Kingdom, with a Bachelor of Science in<br />

Civil Engineering.<br />

He commenced his career with Perak State Development Corporation as the Project Engineer and subsequently<br />

left the public service to set up his own business, namely Panzana Enterprise Sdn Bhd to undertake constru c t i o n<br />

activities. Currently the Executive Chairman of the Company, he also sits on the Board of KUB <strong>Malaysia</strong> Berh a d ,<br />

Gabungan Pemborong Bumiputra Perak <strong>Berhad</strong>, Ancom <strong>Berhad</strong>, Zurich Insurance (M) <strong>Berhad</strong> and several other<br />

private companies.<br />

Profile Of Directors

Eu Hong Chew, 47, appointed Chief Executive Officer on 15 July 1999. Educated at the Royal Military<br />

College and possess a first class honours degree in Process and Mechanical Engineering from the University<br />

of Glasgow, United Kingdom. He also holds a Masters in Business Administration from the University of<br />

Bradford, United Kingdom.<br />

He has been associated with the Sumurwang Group for the past 17 years with many years of experience<br />

including charting the path for Sumurwang’s venture into Dreamland Holdings <strong>Berhad</strong>, its venture into<br />

the steel business and the acquisition of this Company.<br />

Prior to joining the Sumurwang Group, he was with PA Management Consulting Services as a consultant<br />

for 10 years, where he was also appointed Director of Studies for the Cranfield PA MBA Programme<br />

in <strong>Malaysia</strong>.<br />

Tey Siew Thuan, 46, appointed Executive Director on 15 July 1999. She has been with Kanzen <strong>Berhad</strong><br />

and the Sumurwang Group for the past 20 years.<br />

While with K a n z e n as its Executive Dire c t o r, she was responsible for the Company’s opening of<br />

six manufacturing plants in different parts of China as well as diversifying Kanzen’s businesses in China. She<br />

was also responsible for the penetration of Kanzen’s steel exports to the United States.<br />

Ong Poh Ling, 36, appointed Executive Director on 15 July 1999. A graduate of University of Wolverhampton,<br />

United Kingdom with an honours in law.<br />

She joined Dreamland Holdings <strong>Berhad</strong> in 1987 and later moved to Sumurwang Group in 1994 and was<br />

responsible for setting up and heading their respective corporate communications department. She was<br />

responsible for staging the RM10 million Sumurcity Aerospace Adventure which is the world’s largest<br />

aerospace exhibition underwritten by the Sumurwang Group in 1995.<br />

Too Yet Lan, 38, appointed Company Secre t a ry on 3 May 1999. She is an Associate Member of the<br />

Institute of Chart e red Secretaries and Administrators, United Kingdom and holds a Diploma in Commerc e<br />

(Business Management).<br />

She has extensive experience in corporate secretarial practice and has been actively involved in all the<br />

Sumurwang Group’s restructuring exercises, particularly its investments in public listed companies and was<br />

instrumental in the Group’s divestment of its controlling stake in Kanzen <strong>Berhad</strong> in 1994.<br />


10<br />

From left to right<br />

1. Chan Yit Hwa, B.Acctg (Hons), RA<br />

Financial Controller<br />

2 Tey Siew Thuan<br />

Executive Director<br />

3. Ong Poh Ling, LL.B (Hons)<br />

Executive Director<br />

4. Tuan Haji Mat Hassan bin Esa<br />

MBA, B.Statistics<br />

PNB Nominee Director/Chairman, I-Marcom<br />

5. Eu Hong Chew, MBA, B.Sc (Hons) Eng<br />

Chief Executive Officer<br />

Senior Management Team<br />

“Wisdom and experience are the two main forces that enable the I-<strong>Berhad</strong> senior management<br />

team to meet challenges far beyond the ord i n a ry and achieve greater heights of success. The senior<br />

management team combines wisdom in business decision making and years of experience to compete<br />

in a market that could be treacherous for any newcomer.”<br />

6. Lee Ming Suan<br />

General Manager, I-Industries<br />

7. Abdul Manan bin Ibrahim<br />

Deputy General Manager<br />

8. Lai Yuen Seong, B.Sc (Eng)<br />

General Manager, Manufacturing<br />

9. Wu Kin Yeap, B.Sc (Hons) Physics<br />

Senior General Manager, I-R&D

Young Executive Team<br />

“In a highly competitive world, a young executive team with ingenuity, creativity and dedication<br />

will be able to stay ahead of the competitors. This young energetic and vibrant team with its IT<br />

knowledge and capabilities will enable the Company to make the quantum leap and cut short the<br />

lengthy learning curve.”<br />

The young executive team is headed by Ricky Lim, 23, who is a graduate in Accounting from University<br />

of Melbourne, Australia and assisted by Charles Tan, 29, who holds a Bachelor of Science in Business<br />

Administration (Finance) from University of Kansas, USA, and also a Masters in Business Administration<br />

(Finance and Investment) from Washburn University, USA.<br />

The members of the team are: (front, from left) Jessica Lee, 25, a graduate in Social Science fro m<br />

University Science <strong>Malaysia</strong>; Tam Wai Yee, 24, a Business Administration graduate from University Malaya;<br />

Jane Ng, 24, a Science graduate from University Putra <strong>Malaysia</strong>: (back, from left) Charles Tan, Ricky Lim,<br />

Ian Looi, 27, an Arts graduate from California State University of Sacramento, USA; and Kim Ling Yew, 24,<br />

a graduate in Management Studies from University of Waikato, New Zealand.<br />


12<br />

Dear Shareholders,<br />

On behalf of the Board of Directors, I am pleased<br />

to present the Annual Report and Accounts of<br />

I-<strong>Berhad</strong> for the year ended 31 December 1999.<br />

When the new management took over I-<strong>Berhad</strong> on 4 August 1999, we charted a new business direction for<br />

the Company. In the past, the Company was mainly an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM). Although<br />

the products manufactured by the Company met the stringent quality standards set by the Japanese OEM<br />

buyers, there was hardly any sales under the Company’s own brand.<br />

We thus took the decision to introduce our own ‘i’ brand of products into the market. But more importantly,<br />

we positioned the ‘i’ brand as intelligent, innovative, interactive and international and competed with the<br />

leading brands in the country. We felt that this positioning is justified given the Company’s manufacturing<br />

track record as well as the current product technology.<br />

The Board recognises that the Company is operating in a highly competitive industry. The home appliances<br />

industry has a number of established players in the local market. However, the Company has been able to<br />

establish a “beachhead” in this industry because of our innovative and imaginative approach to create new<br />

demand for our products. Our performance in the past six months has shown that the domestic demand is<br />

still growing and that the momentum of growth will be sustained as the country’s economy is gaining strength.<br />

More importantly, the new management has managed to arrest the declining sales trend. The Company’s<br />

turnover peaked at RM139.6 million in the early 90s and since then, the turnover had been decreasing year<br />

by year. For the financial year ended 31 December 1999, the Company’s sales increased when compared<br />

to the previous year. This sales turnaround is even more impressive when the economic climate is taken<br />

into consideration.<br />

Over the past six months, we have transformed the Company from a purely domestic manufacturing concern<br />

into an aggressive marketing cum manufacturing concern. The transformation has yet to be completed. When<br />

completed in two to three years’ time, the Company will have home-grown technology, an internationally<br />

recognised brand and be a market leader.<br />

To support the expansion programme, the Company had on 20 January 2000 announced the following:<br />

1. Proposed bonus issue of 20,196,000 new ordinary shares of RM1.00 each;<br />

2. Proposed rights issue of:<br />

Chairman’s Statement<br />

a. 40,392,000 new ordinary shares of RM1.00 each and<br />

b. RM40,392,000 nominal value of 5-year 5% Irredeemable Convertible Unsecured Loan Stock (“ICULS”)<br />

with 40,392,000 free detachable warrants.


14<br />

Chairman’s Statement ... cont’d<br />

The above proposals will increase the share capital base of the Company to a level which will better reflect<br />

the Company’s current scale of operations and at the same time will reward our shareholders for their<br />

continuous support to the Group.<br />

The Company has also proposed an Executive Share Option Scheme of up to ten percent (10%) of the issued<br />

and paid-up share capital of the Company. The proposed scheme is intended to recognise and reward the<br />

contribution of eligible executives whose services are valued and considered vital to the operations and<br />

continued growth of the Company.<br />

Our medium to long term vision is to turn I-<strong>Berhad</strong> into a high tech company producing high tech products<br />

remains intact. Opportunities are now presenting themselves to enable the Company to move into the<br />

IT sector.<br />

Plans are afoot for the Company to venture into the manufacture of computers and peripherals as the<br />

first step towards achieving the Company’s objective to eventually make products for the Home of<br />

the Future.<br />

I am very grateful that all shareholders have stayed with the Company and given your continued support<br />

during the difficult times the Company went through. Today, the Management has given the Company a new<br />

lease of life that will eventually add value to your investment.<br />

I am confident that the Company, will achieve greater heights in profitability, and is poised to grow even<br />

stronger in the years ahead.<br />

The Board is pleased to recommend a final tax exempt dividend of 1%, subject to the approval of the<br />

Ministry of Finance.<br />

I would like to thank the Management and staff for their dedication, support and hard work; and also wish<br />

to express my appreciation to the shareholders, customers, business associates and bankers for their<br />

continued support.<br />

Lim Kim Hong<br />

Chairman<br />

Dated: 20 March, 2000


16<br />

CEO’s Review<br />

I am pleased to inform that since taking over<br />

the management of I-<strong>Berhad</strong> in August 1999,<br />

we have undertaken a two-pronged strategy of<br />

cost control and sales growth to turn the business around.<br />

When the new Management took over, the Company was mainly an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM)<br />

and its sales depended on the marketing strategy of its OEM customers. The Company’s ability to influence<br />

the demand for its products was limited. We thus embarked on a programme to market the product under<br />

our own brand name.<br />

The ‘i’ brand name was developed after a great deal of research. At the same time, the Company also<br />

identified and developed product features that would be incorporated into its products. Thus when we<br />

launched the products, we could offer something innovative, interesting and intelligent to the consumers.<br />

The result is that today, our products are well received by the market. In the short to mid-term, the Company<br />

will continue to focus on the existing four products – air conditioners, rice cookers, fans and refrigerators. We<br />

will continue to introduce new models for each of these product categories before extending the product<br />

range to other categories of home appliances.<br />

The growth in sales is also partly from the results of establishing our own sales distribution network<br />

nationwide. In this context, today we have over 500 dealers throughout the country and they are serviced by<br />

our national sales force. At the same time, we have also established a service network to provide after sales<br />

service to our customers.<br />

On the cost side, the Group has managed to reduce the manufacturing cost significantly. A value engineering<br />

programme enabled the Company to reduce the raw material costs. At the same time, productivity at the plant<br />

level has been increased by over 30%. A large and more consistent production volume has also enabled the<br />

Company to benefit from economies of scale.


18 The new Management has also undertaken a programme to upgrade the existing plant and machinery. A new<br />

fin press has been added to the air-conditioning plant and several sectors of the plant were relocated and<br />

re-laid out. The result of all these activities is that efficiency and productivity have improved and is expected to<br />

improve further in the coming year.<br />

The new Management team also recognised that while the existing product and process technology are of<br />

international standing, the Company’s position would be eroded over time if we do not continue to enhance<br />

our technology. In view of this, the Company has set up an Incubator to co-ordinate the research and<br />

development work. The Company plans to grow the Incubator into a full fledged R&D facility over the<br />

coming years.<br />

The turnaround of the business could not have been achieved without the support of the staff. In this context,<br />

the Company has been able to establish a good working relationship with the Union both at the national as<br />

well as at the plant level. A new Collective Agreement has been entered into and all long outstanding<br />

industrial relations issues have been amicably resolved.<br />

Outlook for 2000<br />

I am pleased to inform that the Company started the millennium auspiciously without any problem from the<br />

Millennium Bug.<br />

In the coming year, the Company is well placed to benefit from the turnaround of the <strong>Malaysia</strong>n economy.<br />

The benefits of the cost reduction and productivity improvement programme are expected to contribute to the<br />

bottom line. At the same time, the Company will continue to invest in advertising and promotions to promote<br />

the ‘i’ brand name.<br />

Product wise, the Company will introduce the ceiling and cassette type of air-conditioners as well as extend<br />

the existing cooling capacity up to 6HP.<br />

Sales for the Group is expected to grow significantly and the Company is expected to be profitable in the<br />

coming years.<br />

Eu Hong Chew<br />

Chief Executive Officer<br />

Dated: 20 March, 2000<br />

CEO’s Review ... cont’d


20<br />

April 1999<br />

Sumurwang Group was offered to takeover<br />

the Company.<br />

May 1999<br />

Sumurwang acquired 44.46% stake in the<br />

Company.<br />

13 July 1999<br />

Sumurwang made a conditional Mandatory<br />

Calendar of Events<br />

Takeover Offer for the remaining 55.54% of the<br />

issued and paid-up share capital of the Company.<br />

15 July 1999<br />

Appointment of four additional board members<br />

representing Sumurwang Group; Lim Kim Hong,<br />

Eu Hong Chew, Tey Siew Thuan and Ong Poh Ling.<br />

3 August 1999<br />

Closing of Sumurwang’s conditional Mandatory<br />

Takeover Offer.<br />

12 August 1999<br />

The Company changed its name to I-<strong>Berhad</strong>.<br />

16 August 1999<br />

The ‘i’ logo was officially launched by<br />

the (then) Second Finance Minister and<br />

Entrepreneur Development Minister,<br />

YB Dato’ Mustapa Mohamed.<br />

17 August 1999<br />

The (then) Minister of Housing and Local<br />

Government, YB Dato’ Dr Ting Chew Peh<br />

launched the ‘i’ range of electrical<br />

household appliances.<br />

18 August 1999<br />

A stream of VIPs to show support for<br />

this Made-In-<strong>Malaysia</strong> product.<br />

a. The (then) Minister of Domestic Trade &<br />

Consumer Affairs, YB Datuk Megat Junid<br />

bin Megat Ayob.<br />

b. The Minister of Information, YB Tan Sri<br />

Khalil Yaacob.<br />

c. The Deputy Minister of Domestic Trade<br />

& Consumer Affairs, YB Datuk<br />

S Subramaniam.

19 August 1999<br />

The Company traded under the new stock<br />

name “IBHD”.<br />

Deputy Prime Minister, YAB Datuk Seri<br />

Abdullah Ahmad Badawi wishing the<br />

‘i’ name international success.<br />

24 August 1999<br />

a. Signing of Dealership Agreement with Senheng<br />

Electric Sdn Bhd and Carrefour <strong>Malaysia</strong>.<br />

b . O fficial launch of i-air conditioner’s inbuilt<br />

s u rge protector by the Minister of Science,<br />

Technology and the Enviro n m e n t ,<br />

YB Datuk Law Hieng Ding.<br />

2 September 1999<br />

a. Signing of Dealership Agreement with Makro<br />

Cash & Carry Distribution (M) Sdn Bhd and<br />

Hock Sin Leong Group Sdn Bhd.<br />

b. Official opening of the first i-Seminar<br />

by the (then) Minister of Housing & Local<br />

Government, YB Dato’ Dr Ting Chew Peh.<br />

Sept 1999<br />

Achieved a network of 300 outlets nationwide<br />

including Sabah & Sarawak.<br />

12 October 1999<br />

Official launch of i-home appliances<br />

website (www.iwantmyi.com) by<br />

the Minister of Science, Te c h n o l o g y<br />

& the Enviro n m e n t ,YB Datuk<br />

Law Hieng Ding.<br />

25 October 1999<br />

Official launch of i-incubator at the<br />

manufacturing plant in Taiping,<br />

Perak by the Minister of<br />

International Trade & Industry, YB<br />

Dato’ Seri Rafidah Aziz, and followed by a media<br />

tour of the plant.<br />

2 November 1999<br />

Signing of the S & P Agreement with Guthrie<br />

Property Development Holdings Sdn Bhd for the<br />

purchase of a three-storey industrial lot at Bukit<br />

Jelutong, Shah Alam to be used as i-Sales &<br />

Service Centre.<br />


22<br />

5 November 1999<br />

Tied-up with Guthrie Property Development<br />

Holdings Sdn Bhd for the supply of i-air conditioners<br />

to Guthrie’s property projects.<br />

25 December 1999<br />

a. Launch of i-range of rice cookers<br />

by the Minister of Domestic Trade &<br />

Consumer Affairs, YB Tan Sri Dato’<br />

Haji Muhyiddin bin Haji Mohd Yasin.<br />

b . Menteri Besar of S e l a n g o r, YAB Dato’ Seri<br />

Haji Abu Hassan bin Haji Omar<br />

endorsing another Made-In-<strong>Malaysia</strong><br />

quality product.<br />

Calendar of Events ... cont’d<br />

14 January 2000<br />

Announcement of 1999 fourth quarter<br />

unaudited results.<br />

20 January 2000<br />

P roposed a capital raising exercise to enlarge<br />

the Company’s paid-up capital.<br />

15 February 2000<br />

Official opening of i-Sales & Service Centre<br />

in Bukit Jelutong, Shah Alam by the Minister<br />

of Entre p reneur Development, YB Datuk Nazri<br />

Abdul Aziz.

Financial Statements<br />

24<br />

28<br />

28<br />

29<br />

30<br />

31<br />

32<br />

35<br />

36<br />

37<br />

58<br />

60<br />

Directors’ Report<br />

Statement By Directors<br />

Statutory Declaration<br />

Auditors’ Report<br />

Consolidated Balance Sheet<br />

Consolidated Profit And Loss Account<br />

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement<br />

Balance Sheet<br />

Profit And Loss Account<br />

Notes To The Accounts<br />

Analysis Of Shareholdings<br />

List Of Properties<br />

Proxy Form

24 The directors hereby submit their report together with the audited accounts of the Company and of the Group<br />

for the financial year ended 31 December, 1999.<br />

Principal Activities<br />

The principal activities of the Company are the manufacture of household electrical appliances and<br />

investment holding.<br />

The principal activities of the subsidiaries are described in Note 10 to the accounts.<br />

There have been no significant changes in these principal activities during the financial year.<br />

Change of Name<br />

The Company changed its name from Neico Industries (M) <strong>Berhad</strong> to I-<strong>Berhad</strong> on 12 August, 1999.<br />

Results<br />

Group Company<br />

RM RM<br />

Loss after taxation (5,491,616) (6,628,760)<br />

Retained profits brought forward and available for appropriation 3,496,872 3,825,365<br />

Less: Proposed first and final tax exempt dividend of 1% (201,960) (201,960)<br />

3,294,912 3,623,405<br />

Accumulated loss carried forward (2,196,704) (3,005,355)<br />

Dividends<br />

Since the end of the previous financial year, the Company paid a first and final tax exempt dividend of 6%<br />

amounting to RM1,211,760 on 27 September, 1999 in respect of the previous financial year.<br />

The directors now recommend a first and final tax exempt dividend of 1% amounting to RM201,960 in respect<br />

of the current financial year, subject to the approval from the Ministry of Finance.<br />

Reserves and Provisions<br />

There were no material transfers to or from reserves or provisions during the financial year, other than those<br />

disclosed in the accounts.<br />

Bad and Doubtful Debts<br />

Directors’ Report<br />

...for the year ended 31 Jan 1999<br />

Before the profit and loss accounts and balance sheets were made out, the directors took reasonable steps to<br />

ascertain that action had been taken in relation to the writing off of bad debts and the making of provision<br />

for doubtful debts and satisfied themselves that there were no known bad debts that need to be written off<br />

and that adequate provision had been made for doubtful debts.

At the date of this report, the directors are not aware of any circumstances which would require any amount<br />

to be written off as bad debts or render the amount of provision for doubtful debts in the accounts of the<br />

Company and of the Group inadequate to any substantial extent.<br />

Current Assets<br />

Before the profit and loss accounts and balance sheets were made out, the directors took reasonable steps to<br />

ensure that any current assets which were unlikely to be realised in the ordinary course of business including<br />

their values as shown in the accounting records of the Company and the Group have been written down to<br />

an amount which they might be expected so to realise.<br />

At the date of this report, the directors are not aware of any circumstances which would render the values<br />

attributed to the current assets in the accounts of the Company and the Group misleading.<br />

Valuation Methods<br />

At the date of this report, the directors are not aware of any circumstances which have arisen which render<br />

adherence to the existing methods of valuation of assets or liabilities of the Company and the Group<br />

misleading or inappropriate.<br />

Contingent and Other Liabilities<br />

At the date of this report, there does not exist:<br />

i. any charge on the assets of the Company or of the Group which has arisen since the end of the financial<br />

year which secures the liabilities of any other person; or<br />

ii. any contingent liability of the Company or of the Group which has arisen since the end of the financial year.<br />

No contingent or other liability has become enforceable or is likely to become enforceable within the period of<br />

twelve months after the end of the financial year which, in the opinion of the directors, will or may substantially<br />

a ffect the ability of the Company or of the Group to meet their obligations when they fall due.<br />

Change of Circumstances<br />

At the date of this report, the directors are not aware of any circumstances not otherwise dealt with in this<br />

report or the accounts of the Company or of the Group which would render any amount stated in the<br />

accounts misleading.<br />

Items of an Unusual Nature<br />

The results of the operations of the Company and of the Group during the financial year were not, in the opinion<br />

of the directors, substantially affected by any item, transaction or event of a material and unusual nature.<br />

There has not arisen in the interval between the end of the financial year and the date of this report any item,<br />

transaction or event of a material and unusual nature likely, in the opinion of the directors, to affect<br />

substantially the results of the operations of the Company or of the Group for the financial year in which this<br />

report is made.<br />


26 Significant Event<br />

The significant event is as disclosed in Note 22 to the accounts.<br />

Subsequent Events<br />

The subsequent events are as disclosed in Note 23 to the accounts.<br />

Directors<br />

The directors who served since the date of the last report are:<br />

Lim Kim Hong – appointed on 15 July, 1999<br />

Eu Hong Chew – appointed on 15 July, 1999<br />

Tey Siew Thuan – appointed on 15 July, 1999<br />

Ong Poh Ling – appointed on 15 July, 1999<br />

Y.Bhg. Datuk Haji Mohamed Al Amin bin Haji Abdul Majid, DMSM, BCM, AMP, JP<br />

Tuan Haji Mat Hassan bin Esa<br />

Y.A.M. Raja Dato’ Seri Ashman Shah Ibni Sultan Azlan Shah, SPCM<br />

– resigned on 17 May, 1999<br />

Low Bok Tek – resigned on 4 August, 1999<br />

Loh Hong Leong – resigned on 4 August, 1999<br />

Lum Weng Loy – resigned on 4 August, 1999<br />

Law Cheing Kiat @ Low Cheng Kiat – resigned on 4 August, 1999<br />

Tee Kok Seng – resigned on 4 August, 1999<br />

Law Hock Hing @ Low Chan Huat – resigned on 4 August, 1999<br />

Lau Chan Seng – resigned on 4 August, 1999<br />

In accordance with Article 96 of the Company’s Articles of Association, Lim Kim Hong, Eu Hong Chew,<br />

Tey Siew Thuan and Ong Poh Ling retire at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting and, being eligible, offer<br />

themselves for re-election.<br />

Directors’ Benefits<br />

During and at the end of the financial year, no arrangements subsisted to which the Company or its<br />

subsidiaries is a party with the object of enabling directors of the Company to acquire benefits by means of<br />

the acquisition of shares in or debentures of the Company or any other body corporate.<br />

Since the end of the previous financial year, no director has received or become entitled to receive a benefit<br />

(other than as shown in the accounts) by reason of a contract made by the Company or a related corporation<br />

with the director or with a firm of which he is a member, or with a company in which he has a substantial<br />

financial interest.<br />

Directors’ Report cont’d<br />

...for the year ended 31 Jan 1999

Directors’ Interests<br />

According to the register of directors’ shareholdings, the interests of directors in office at the end of the<br />

financial year in shares in the Company and its related corporations during the financial year were as follows:<br />

Number of ordinary shares of RM1 each<br />

1 January, 31 December,<br />

1999 Bought Sold 1 9 9 9<br />

Lim Kim Hong – indirect * – 8,980,832 – 8 , 9 8 0 , 8 3 2<br />

* By virtue of his interest in Sumur Ventures Sdn Bhd, a company incorporated in <strong>Malaysia</strong>, Lim Kim Hong<br />

is deemed interested in shares in the Company and all its subsidiaries to the extent Sumur Ventures<br />

Sdn Bhd has an interest.<br />

None of the other directors in office at the end of the financial year had any interest in shares in the Company<br />

or its related corporations during the financial year.<br />

Auditors<br />

Arthur Andersen & Co. retire and have indicated their willingness to accept re-appointment.<br />

Signed on behalf of the Board in accordance with a resolution of the directors<br />


Kuala Lumpur<br />

Dated: 20 March, 2000<br />


28 We, EU HONG CHEW and TEY SIEW THUAN, being two of the directors of I-BERHAD (formerly known as<br />

Neico Industries (M) <strong>Berhad</strong>), do hereby state that, in the opinion of the directors, the accompanying balance<br />

sheets of the Company and the Group as at 31 December, 1999 and the related profit and loss accounts of<br />

the Company and of the Group and cash flow statement of the Group for the year then ended, together with<br />

the notes thereto, give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company and of the Group as at<br />

31 December, 1999 and of the results of the Company and of the Group and cash flows of the Group for the<br />

year then ended, and have been properly drawn up in accordance with applicable approved accounting<br />

standards in <strong>Malaysia</strong>.<br />

Signed on behalf of the Board in accordance with a resolution of the directors<br />


Kuala Lumpur<br />

Dated: 20 March, 2000<br />

Statutory Declaration<br />

I, EU HONG CHEW, the director primarily responsible for the financial management of I - B E R H A D( f o rmerly known<br />

as Neico Industries (M) Berh a d ), do solemnly and sincerely declare that the accompanying balance sheets of the<br />

Company and the Group as at 31 December, 1999 and the related profit and loss accounts of the Company and of<br />

the Group and cash flow statement of the Group for the year then ended, together with the notes thereto are, to<br />

the best of my knowledge and belief correct, and I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same<br />

to be true and by virtue of the provisions of the Statutory Declarations Act, 1960.<br />

Subscribed and solemnly declared by )<br />

the abovenamed EU HONG CHEW )<br />

at Kuala Lumpur in Wilayah Persekutuan )<br />

on 20 March 2000. ) EU HONG CHEW<br />

Before me,<br />


Commissioner for Oaths<br />

Kuala Lumpur<br />

Statement By Directors

To the Shareholders of I-BERHAD (formerly known as Neico Industries (M) <strong>Berhad</strong>),<br />

We have audited the accounts of I-BERHAD (formerly known as Neico Industries (M) <strong>Berhad</strong>) (the Company)<br />

and the consolidated accounts of I-BERHAD (formerly known as Neico Industries (M) <strong>Berhad</strong>) AND ITS<br />

SUBSIDIARIES (the Group) as at 31 December, 1999. These accounts are the responsibility of the Company’s<br />

directors. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these accounts based on our audit.<br />

We conducted our audit in accordance with approved Standards on Auditing in <strong>Malaysia</strong>. Those standards<br />

require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the accounts are<br />

free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts<br />

and disclosures in the accounts. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant<br />

estimates made by the directors, as well as evaluating the overall accounts presentation. We believe that our<br />

audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.<br />

In our opinion,<br />

a. the accounts give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company and of the Group as at<br />

31 December, 1999 and of the results of the Company and of the Group and cash flows of the Group<br />

for the year then ended, and have been properly drawn up in accordance with the provisions of the<br />

Companies Act, 1965 and applicable approved accounting standards in <strong>Malaysia</strong>; and<br />

b. the accounting and other records and the registers required by the Act to be kept by the Company and<br />

its subsidiaries have been properly kept in accordance with the provisions of the Act.<br />

We are satisfied that the accounts of the subsidiaries that have been consolidated with the Company’s<br />

accounts are in form and content appropriate and proper for the purposes of the preparation of the<br />

consolidated accounts and we have received satisfactory information and explanations required by us<br />

for these purposes.<br />

The audit reports on the accounts of the subsidiaries were not subject to any qualification or any adverse<br />

comment made under subsection (3) of Section 174 of the Act.<br />

Arthur Andersen & Co. Lim Foo Chew<br />

No. AF 0103 No. 1748/01/02(J)<br />

Public Accountants Partner of the Firm<br />

Dated: 20 March, 2000<br />

Auditors’ Report<br />


30 1999 1998<br />

Current Assets<br />

Note RM RM<br />

Cash and bank balances 2,202,413 1,462,132<br />

Fixed deposits with licensed banks 283,254 6,000,000<br />

Trade debtors 4 14,573,748 10,841,028<br />

Other debtors 5 713,936 1,286,823<br />

Stocks 6 19,329,721 13,626,732<br />

Current Liabilities<br />

37,103,072 33,216,715<br />

Bank borrowings (secured) 8 297,414 804,432<br />

Trade creditors 9 9,449,903 4,178,978<br />

Other creditors 10,411,731 4,235,372<br />

Taxation 288,010 441,817<br />

Proposed dividend 201,960 1,211,760<br />

20,649,018 10,872,359<br />

Net Current Assets 16,454,054 22,344,356<br />

Quoted Investment, at Cost 11 7,769,354 9,065,757<br />

Fixed Assets 12 22,159,791 20,697,490<br />

Goodwill Arising on Consolidation 13 511,277 575,187<br />

Intangible Assets 14 62,594 62,594<br />

Hire-Purchase Creditor 15 – (1,938)<br />

Deferred Taxation – (92,800)<br />

Shareholders’ Funds<br />

Consolidated Balance Sheet<br />

... as at 31 December, 1999<br />

46,957,070 52,650,646<br />

Share capital 16 20,196,000 2 0 , 1 9 6 , 0 0 0<br />

Reserves 17 28,957,774 2 8 , 9 5 7 , 7 7 4<br />

(Accumulated loss)/Retained profits (2,196,704) 3,496,872<br />

The accompanying notes are an integral part of this balance sheet.<br />

46,957,070 52,650,646

1999 1998<br />

Note RM RM<br />

Turnover 18 62,324,514 59,474,084<br />

Loss before taxation 19 (5,560,526) (4,684,506)<br />

Taxation 20 68,910 (268,211)<br />

Loss after taxation (5,491,616) (4,952,717)<br />

Retained profits brought forward and available<br />

for appropriation 3,496,872 9,661,349<br />

Less: Proposed first and final tax exempt dividend<br />

Consolidated Profit And Loss Account<br />

... for the year ended 31 December, 1999<br />

of 1% (1998: 6%) (201,960) (1,211,760)<br />

3,294,912 8,449,589<br />

(Accumulated loss)/Retained profits carried forward (2,196,704) 3,496,872<br />

Loss per share 21 (27.19 sen) (24.52 sen)<br />

The accompanying notes are an integral part of this account.<br />


32 1999 1998<br />

Cash Flows from Operating Activities<br />

Note RM RM<br />

Loss before taxation (5,560,526) (4,684,506)<br />

Adjustments for:<br />

Amortisation of goodwill on consolidation 63,910 63,910<br />

Interest expense 20,289 37,045<br />

Interest income (249,138) (764,965)<br />

Gross dividends received from investment<br />

quoted in <strong>Malaysia</strong> (200,000) –<br />

Depreciation 2,841,772 3,587,234<br />

Loss/(Gain) on disposal of fixed assets 4,906 (218)<br />

Unrealised loss/(Gain) on foreign exchange 9,851 (12,688)<br />

Provision for doubtful debts 1,117,512 115,138<br />

Stocks written off 171,753 –<br />

Fixed assets written off 226,366 –<br />

Loss on disposal of quoted shares in <strong>Malaysia</strong> 77,715 –<br />

Provision for stock obsolescence – 65,742<br />

Stock obsolescence written back (27,536) –<br />

Operating loss before working capital changes (1,503,126) (1,593,308)<br />

(Increase)/Decrease in debtors (4,187,820) 4,378,845<br />

(Increase)/Decrease in stocks (5,847,206) 854,579<br />

Increase/(Decrease) in creditors 11,459,893 (8,653,621)<br />

Cash used in operations (78,259) (5,013,505)<br />

Tax paid (238,251) (853,685)<br />

Net cash used in operating activities (316,510) (5,867,190)<br />

Cash Flows from Investing Activities<br />

Cash outflow from acquisition of subsidiary – (2,207,752)<br />

Purchase of fixed assets (4,564,599) (2,019,874)<br />

Proceeds from disposal of fixed assets 27,001 3,700<br />

Purchase of quoted shares in <strong>Malaysia</strong> – (9,065,757)<br />

Proceeds from disposals of quoted shares in <strong>Malaysia</strong> 1,218,688 –<br />

Net dividends received from investment<br />

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement<br />

... for the year ended 31 December, 1999<br />

quoted in <strong>Malaysia</strong> 172,000 –<br />

Net cash used in investing activities (3,146,910) (13,289,683)

Cash Flows from Financing Activities<br />

1999 1998<br />

Note RM RM<br />

Dividend paid (1,211,760) (1,211,760)<br />

Interest paid (21,260) (37,045)<br />

Interest received 249,138 764,965<br />

Drawdown of bankers acceptance – 95,000<br />

Repayment of hire-purchase creditor (22,145) (19,809)<br />

Repayment of bankers acceptance (225,000) –<br />

Net cash used in financing activities (1,231,027) (408,649)<br />

Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents (4,694,447) (19,565,522)<br />

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year 7,082,700 26,648,222<br />

Cash and cash equivalents at end of the year A 2,388,253 7,082,700<br />

A. Cash and Cash Equivalents<br />

Cash and cash equivalents included in the consolidated cash flow statement comprise the following balance<br />

sheet amounts:<br />

1999 1998<br />

RM RM<br />

Cash and bank balances 2,202,413 1,462,132<br />

Bank overdraft (97,414) (379,432)<br />

Fixed deposits with licensed banks 283,254 6,000,000<br />

2,388,253 7,082,700<br />


34 B. Segment Information<br />

Cash flows from<br />

Operating Investing Financing<br />

activities activities activities Total<br />

1999 RM RM RM RM<br />

Manufacturing (4,850,865) (804,135) (1,261,053) (6,916,053)<br />

Trading 4,534,355 (3,561,463) 30,026 1,002,918<br />

Investment – 1,218,688 – 1,218,688<br />

Total (316,510) (3,146,910) (1,231,027) (4,694,447)<br />

1998<br />

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement cont’d<br />

... for the year ended 31 December, 1999<br />

Manufacturing (6,032,168) (4,223,926) (408,649) (10,664,743)<br />

Trading 164,978 – – 164,978<br />

Investment – (9,065,757) – (9,065,757)<br />

Total (5,867,190) (13,289,683) (408,649) (19,565,522)<br />

The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement.

Current Assets<br />

1999 1998<br />

Note RM RM<br />

Cash and bank balances 1,174,609 1,264,588<br />

Fixed deposits with licensed banks 103,254 6,000,000<br />

Trade debtors 4 996,465 7,484,225<br />

Other debtors 5 618,307 532,328<br />

Stocks 6 18,314,720 13,307,500<br />

Due from subsidiaries 7 12,749,296 2,536,802<br />

Current Liabilities<br />

33,956,651 31,125,443<br />

Trade creditors 9 9,118,939 4,016,930<br />

Other creditors 5,989,625 3,642,534<br />

Due to a subsidiary 7 303,479 199,467<br />

Taxation 288,010 284,062<br />

Proposed dividend 201,960 1,211,760<br />

15,902,013 9,354,753<br />

Net Current Assets 18,054,638 21,770,690<br />

Due from a Subsidiary 7 4,198,727 4,207,085<br />

Investment in Subsidiaries 10 3,350,660 3,300,660<br />

Quoted Investment, at Cost 11 7,769,354 9,065,757<br />

Fixed Assets 12 12,775,040 14,634,947<br />

Shareholders’ Funds<br />

Balance Sheet<br />

... as at 31 December, 1999<br />

46,148,419 52,979,139<br />

Share capital 16 20,196,000 20,196,000<br />

Reserves 17 28,957,774 28,957,774<br />

(Accumulated loss)/Retained profits (3,005,355) 3,825,365<br />

The accompanying notes are an integral part of this balance sheet.<br />

46,148,419 52,979,139<br />


36 1999 1998<br />

Note RM RM<br />

Turnover 18 58,259,763 57,555,457<br />

Loss before taxation 19 (6,628,760) (4,660,519)<br />

Taxation 20 – –<br />

Loss after taxation (6,628,760) (4,660,519)<br />

Retained profits brought forward and available<br />

Profit And Loss Account<br />

... for the year ended 31 December, 1999<br />

for appropriation 3,825,365 9,697,644<br />

Less: Proposed first and final tax exempt dividend<br />

of 1% (1998: 6%) (201,960) (1,211,760)<br />

3,623,405 8,485,884<br />

(Accumulated loss)/Retained profits carried forward (3,005,355) 3,825,365<br />

The accompanying notes are an integral part of this account.

1. Principal Activities<br />

The principal activities of the Company are the manufacture of household electrical appliances and<br />

investment holding.<br />

The principal activities of the subsidiaries are described in Note 10.<br />

There have been no significant changes in these principal activities during the financial year.<br />

2. Change of Name<br />

The Company changed its name from Neico Industries (M) <strong>Berhad</strong> to I-<strong>Berhad</strong> on 12 August, 1999.<br />

3. Significant Accounting Policies<br />

a. Basis of Accounting<br />

The accounts have been prepared under the historical cost convention modified by the revaluation of<br />

certain land and buildings and comply with applicable approved accounting standards in <strong>Malaysia</strong>.<br />

b. Basis of Consolidation<br />

The consolidated accounts include the accounts of the Company and all its subsidiaries made up to<br />

the end of the financial year. The results of subsidiaries acquired during the year are included in the<br />

consolidated profit and loss account from the date of their acquisition. Inter-company transactions are<br />

eliminated on consolidation and the consolidated accounts reflect external transactions only.<br />

The excess of the purchase price over the fair value of the net assets of subsidiaries at the date of<br />

acquisition is included in the consolidated balance sheet as goodwill arising on consolidation.<br />

Goodwill arising on consolidation is amortised over 10 years.<br />

c. Investments<br />

Investments in subsidiaries and other investments are stated at cost less provision for any permanent<br />

diminution in value.<br />

d. Currency Conversion and Translation<br />

Transactions in foreign currencies during the year are converted into Ringgit <strong>Malaysia</strong> at rates of<br />

exchange approximating those ruling at the transaction dates. Foreign currency monetary assets<br />

and liabilities at the balance sheet date are translated into Ringgit <strong>Malaysia</strong> at rates of exchange<br />

approximating those ruling at that date. All exchange gains or losses are dealt with in the profit<br />

and loss accounts.<br />

Notes To The Accounts<br />

... as at 31 December, 1999<br />


38 3. Significant Accounting Policies (cont’d)<br />

e. Fixed Assets and Depreciation<br />

Fixed assets are stated at cost or valuation less accumulated depreciation.<br />

Depreciation is not provided on factory equipment in progress and renovation in progress. Long<br />

leasehold land is depreciated over the period of the leases which will expire between the years 2068<br />

and 2080. Depreciation of other fixed assets is provided on a straight line basis calculated to write off<br />

the cost or valuation of each asset over its estimated useful life.<br />

The principal annual rates of depreciation are:<br />

Buildings Over 45 – 50 years<br />

Plant and machinery and factory equipment 6% to 18%<br />

Office equipment, furniture, fittings and fixtures and renovation 10% to 18%<br />

Motor vehicles 18% to 20%<br />

The long leasehold land and buildings of the Company were revalued in 1982 whereas the long<br />

leasehold land and buildings of the subsidiary were revalued in 1997. No revaluation has been done<br />

since the aforesaid revaluation dates. The directors have not adopted a policy of regular revaluation<br />

of such assets. As permitted under the transitional provisions of International Accounting Standard<br />

No. 16 (Revised) adopted by the <strong>Malaysia</strong>n Accounting Standards Board, those assets are stated at<br />

their values at the revaluation dates less accumulated depreciation.<br />

f. Stocks<br />

Stocks are stated at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Cost includes, where appropriate,<br />

direct materials, direct labour, direct charges and production overheads determined on a first-in,<br />

first-out basis.<br />

g. Retirement Benefits<br />

R e t i rement benefits for unionised members are determined by an independent actuarial valuation,<br />

which is based on the schedule of benefits stipulated in the re t i rement benefit plan. Such benefits<br />

a re funded and contributions to The Retirement Benefits Trust Fund are charged to the profit and loss account.<br />

Actuarial assessments are made periodically.<br />

h. Deferred Taxation<br />

Deferred taxation is provided under the liability method for all material timing differences except<br />

w h e re there is reasonable evidence that these timing diff e rences will not reverse in the foreseeable future .<br />

i. Intangible Assets<br />

Intangible assets comprise pre l i m i n a ry and pre-operating expenses and will be written off upon<br />

commencement of operations.<br />

Notes To The Accounts (cont’d)<br />

...31 December, 1999

4. Trade Debtors<br />

Group Company<br />

1999 1998 1999 1998<br />

RM RM RM RM<br />

Trade debtors 15,465,662 10,956,166 1,047,326 7,521,252<br />

Less: Provision for doubtful debts (891,914) (115,138) (50,861) (37,027)<br />

5. Other Debtors<br />

14,573,748 10,841,028 996,465 7,484,225<br />

Group Company<br />

1999 1998 1999 1998<br />

RM RM RM RM<br />

Other debtors 1,054,672 1,286,823 677,654 532,328<br />

Less: Provision for doubtful debts (340,736) – (59,347) –<br />

6. Stocks<br />

713,936 1,286,823 618,307 532,328<br />

Group Company<br />

1999 1998 1999 1998<br />

RM RM RM RM<br />

Finished goods 9,038,354 5,686,415 8,150,450 5,550,156<br />

Work in progress 2,880,619 2,688,693 2,838,633 2,629,140<br />

Raw materials and consumable stocks 7,448,954 5,317,366 7,363,843 5,193,946<br />

19,367,927 13,692,474 18,352,926 13,373,242<br />

Less: Provision for stock obsolescence (38,206) (65,742) (38,206) (65,742)<br />

7. Due from Subsidiaries/Due to a Subsidiary<br />

19,329,721 13,626,732 18,314,720 13,307,500<br />

The amount due (current portion) is unsecured, interest free and has no fixed term of repayment.<br />

The amount due (long term portion) represents long term advance to a subsidiary. It is unsecured, interest<br />

free and not repayable within the next 12 months.<br />


40 8. Bank Borrowings (Secured)<br />

Group<br />

1999 1998<br />

RM RM<br />

Bank overdraft 97,414 379,432<br />

Bankers acceptance 200,000 425,000<br />

297,414 804,432<br />

The bank overdraft and bankers acceptance carry interest ranging from 8.80% to 10.05% and 3.00% to<br />

6.25% per annum re s p e c t i v e l y.<br />

The bank facilities are secured by a debenture for RM1 million over all fixed and floating assets of a subsidiary.<br />

9. Trade Creditors<br />

Group Company<br />

1999 1998 1999 1998<br />

RM RM RM RM<br />

Trade creditors 7,036,626 3,695,122 6,705,662 3,533,074<br />

Bills payable 2,413,277 483,856 2,413,277 483,856<br />

10.Investment in Subsidiaries<br />

9,449,903 4,178,978 9,118,939 4,016,930<br />

Company<br />

1999 1998<br />

RM RM<br />

Unquoted shares, at cost 3,350,660 3,300,660

The following are the subsidiary companies, all of which are incorporated in <strong>Malaysia</strong>:<br />

Paid-up Effective interest Principal<br />

Name of Company capital 1999 1998 activities<br />

RM % %<br />

I-Services Sdn Bhd 2 100 100 Trading of household<br />

(formerly known as electrical appliances.<br />

Neico Sales & Services Sdn Bhd)<br />

I-R&D Sdn Bhd 10,000 100 100 Currently dormant<br />

(formerly known as other than letting out<br />

I-Supplies Sdn Bhd and its premises during<br />

Neico Electrical Products Sdn Bhd) the year. Intended to<br />

handle all research and<br />

development activities<br />

including construction<br />

of a research and<br />

development centre<br />

for the Group.<br />

I-Industries Sdn Bhd 250,000 100 100 Fabricating of steel<br />

(formerly known as wire products and<br />

Neico Technology Sdn Bhd) metal stamping parts<br />

for electrical appliances.<br />

I-Marcom Sdn Bhd 50,000 100 – Marketing communications,<br />

promotions and provisions<br />

of after sales service for<br />

household electrical<br />

appliances.<br />


42 11.Quoted Investment, at Cost<br />

Group and Company<br />

1999 1998<br />

RM RM<br />

Quoted shares in <strong>Malaysia</strong>, at cost 7,769,354 9,065,757<br />

Market value 7,198,800 7,800,000<br />

12.Fixed Assets<br />

Group Beginning Transfer End of<br />

1999 of year Additions Disposals in/(out) year<br />

Valuation/Cost<br />

At valuation:<br />

RM RM RM RM RM<br />

Long leasehold land 3,660,985 – – – 3,660,985<br />

Buildings 10,480,015 – – – 10,480,015<br />

At cost:<br />

Long leasehold land 224,873 – (2,253) – 222,620<br />

Freehold land – 715,140 – – 715,140<br />

Buildings 1,614,716 2,184,860 – – 3,799,576<br />

Plant and machinery and<br />

factory equipment 50,156,693 930,991 (3,436,923) 532,564 48,183,325<br />

Factory equipment<br />

in progress 585,577 – – (532,564) 53,013<br />

Office equipment, furniture,<br />

fittings and fixtures<br />

and renovation 5,161,922 733,608 (543,586) – 5,351,944<br />

Motor vehicles 1,325,283 – (83,825) – 1,241,458<br />

Renovation in progress 33,200 – (33,200) – –<br />

Total 73,243,264 4,564,599 (4,099,787) – 73,708,076

12.Fixed Assets (cont’d)<br />

Accumulated Depreciation<br />

At valuation:<br />

Beginning Transfer End of<br />

of year Additions Disposals in/(out) year<br />

RM RM RM RM RM<br />

Long leasehold land 239,473 46,020 – – 285,493<br />

Buildings 2,819,104 225,245 – – 3,044,349<br />

At cost:<br />

Long leasehold land 2,959 2,929 – – 5,888<br />

Freehold land – – – – –<br />

Buildings 94,531 39,400 – – 133,931<br />

Plant and machinery and<br />

factory equipment 44,290,581 2,187,336 (3,322,460) – 43,155,457<br />

Factory equipment<br />

in progress – – – – –<br />

Office equipment, furniture,<br />

fittings and fixtures<br />

and renovation 4,298,455 210,692 (487,881) – 4,021,266<br />

Motor vehicles 800,671 130,150 (28,920) – 901,901<br />

Renovation in progress – – – – –<br />

Total 52,545,774 2,841,772 (3,839,261) – 51,548,285<br />


44 12.Fixed Assets (cont’d)<br />

Net Book Value<br />

At valuation:<br />

Beginning End of<br />

of year year<br />

RM RM<br />

Long leasehold land 3,421,512 3,375,492<br />

Buildings 7,660,911 7,435,666<br />

At cost:<br />

Long leasehold land 221,914 216,732<br />

Freehold land – 715,140<br />

Buildings 1,520,185 3,665,645<br />

Plant and machinery and<br />

factory equipment 5,866,112 5,027,868<br />

Factory equipment<br />

in progress 585,577 53,013<br />

Office equipment, furniture,<br />

fittings and fixtures 863,467 1,330,678<br />

and renovation<br />

Motor vehicles 524,612 339,557<br />

Renovation in progress 33,200 –<br />

Total 20,697,490 22,159,791

12.Fixed Assets (cont’d)<br />

Arising from<br />

Group Beginning acquisition Transfer End of<br />

1998 of year Additions of subsidiary Disposals in/(out) year<br />

Valuation/Cost<br />

At valuation:<br />


Long leasehold land 3,660,985 – – – – 3,660,985<br />

Buildings 10,480,015 – – – – 10,480,015<br />

At cost:<br />

Long leasehold land – 224,873 – – – 224,873<br />

Buildings 1,614,716 – – – – 1,614,716<br />

Plant and machinery<br />

and factory<br />

equipment 47,685,692 312,519 1,042,849 – 1,115,633 50,156,693<br />

Factory equipment<br />

in progress 937,535 763,675 – – (1,115,633) 585,577<br />

Office equipment,<br />

furniture, fittings<br />

and fixtures<br />

and renovation 4,290,225 620,607 261,992 (10,902) – 5,161,922<br />

Motor vehicles 1,144,594 65,000 115,689 – – 1,325,283<br />

Renovation in<br />

progress – 33,200 – – – 33,200<br />

Total 69,813,762 2,019,874 1,420,530 (10,902) – 73,243,264<br />


46 12.Fixed Assets (cont’d)<br />

Accumulated Depreciation<br />

At valuation:<br />

Arising from<br />

Beginning acquisition Transfer End of<br />

of year Additions of subsidiary Disposals in/(out) year<br />


Long leasehold land 190,532 48,941 – – – 239,473<br />

Buildings 2,597,341 221,763 – – – 2,819,104<br />

At cost:<br />

Long leasehold land – 2,959 – – – 2,959<br />

Buildings 60,592 33,939 – – – 94,531<br />

Plant and machinery<br />

and factory<br />

equipment 40,627,308 2,974,689 688,584 – – 44,290,581<br />

Factory equipment<br />

in progress – – – – – –<br />

Office equipment,<br />

furniture, fittings<br />

and fixtures<br />

and renovation 4,003,278 163,915 138,682 (7,420) – 4,298,455<br />

Motor vehicles 633,563 141,028 26,080 – – 800,671<br />

Renovation in<br />

progress – – – – – –<br />

Total 48,112,614 3,587,234 853,346 (7,420) – 52,545,774

12.Fixed Assets (cont’d)<br />

Net Book Value<br />

At valuation:<br />

Beginning End of<br />

of year year<br />

RM RM<br />

Long leasehold land 3,470,453 3,421,512<br />

Buildings 7,882,674 7,660,911<br />

At cost:<br />

Long leasehold land – 221,914<br />

Buildings 1,554,124 1,520,185<br />

Plant and machinery<br />

and factory<br />

equipment 7,058,384 5,866,112<br />

Factory equipment<br />

in progress 937,535 585,577<br />

Office equipment,<br />

furniture, fittings<br />

and fixtures<br />

and renovation 286,947 863,467<br />

Motor vehicles 511,031 524,612<br />

Renovation in<br />

progress – 33,200<br />

Total 21,701,148 20,697,490<br />


48 12.Fixed Assets (cont’d)<br />

Company Beginning Transfer End of<br />

1999 of year Additions Disposals in/(out) year<br />

Valuation/Cost<br />

At valuation:<br />

RM RM RM RM RM<br />

Long leasehold land 1,014,000 – – – 1,014,000<br />

Buildings 7,822,000 – – – 7,822,000<br />

At cost:<br />

Buildings 1,614,716 – – – 1,614,716<br />

Plant and machinery<br />

and factory<br />

equipment 48,956,960 930,716 (3,436,923) 532,564 46,983,317<br />

Factory equipment<br />

in progress 585,577 – – (532,564) 53,013<br />

Office equipment, furniture,<br />

fittings and fixtures 4,815,102 19,755 (512,437) – 4,322,420<br />

Motor vehicles 1,194,594 – (83,825) – 1,110,769<br />

Renovation in progress 33,200 – (33,200) – –<br />

Total 66,036,149 950,471 (4,066,385) – 62,920,235<br />

Accumulated Depreciation<br />

At valuation:<br />

Long leasehold land 184,471 11,136 – – 195,607<br />

Buildings 2,738,996 172,085 – – 2,911,081<br />

At cost:<br />

Buildings 94,531 35,523 – – 130,054<br />

Plant and machinery<br />

and factory equipment 43,515,263 2,084,750 (3,322,460) – 42,277,553<br />

Factory equipment<br />

in progress – – – – –<br />

Office equipment, furniture,<br />

fittings and fixtures 4,116,158 164,314 (478,547) – 3,801,925<br />

Motor vehicles 751,783 106,112 (28,920) – 828,975<br />

Renovation in progress – – – – –<br />

Total 51,401,202 2,573,920 (3,829,927) – 50,145,195

12.Fixed Assets (cont’d)<br />

Net Book Value<br />

At valuation:<br />

Beginning Transfer End of<br />

of year Additions Disposals in/(out) year<br />

RM RM RM RM RM<br />

Long leasehold land 829,529 818,393<br />

Buildings 5,083,004 4,910,919<br />

At cost:<br />

Buildings 1,520,185 1,484,662<br />

Plant and machinery and<br />

factory equipment 5,441,697 4,705,764<br />

Factory equipment<br />

in progress 585,577 53,013<br />

Office equipment, furniture,<br />

fittings and fixtures 698,944 520,495<br />

Motor vehicles 442,811 281,794<br />

Renovation in progress 33,200 –<br />

Total 14,634,947 12,775,040<br />

Company<br />

1998<br />

Valuation/Cost<br />

At valuation:<br />

Long leasehold land 1,014,000 – – – 1,014,000<br />

Buildings 7,822,000 – – – 7,822,000<br />

At cost:<br />

Buildings 1,614,716 – – – 1,614,716<br />

Plant and machinery and<br />

factory equipment 47,685,692 155,635 – 1,115,633 48,956,960<br />

Factory equipment<br />

in progress 937,535 763,675 – (1,115,633) 585,577<br />

Office equipment, furniture,<br />

fittings and fixtures 4,212,887 613,117 (10,902) – 4,815,102<br />

Motor vehicles 1,144,594 50,000 – – 1,194,594<br />

Renovation in progress – 33,200 – – 33,200<br />

Total 64,431,424 1,615,627 (10,902) – 66,036,149<br />


50 12.Fixed Assets (cont’d)<br />

Accumulated Depreciation<br />

At valuation:<br />

Beginning Transfer End of<br />

of year Additions Disposals in/(out) year<br />

RM RM RM RM RM<br />

Long leasehold land 173,335 11,136 – – 184,471<br />

Buildings 2,570,393 168,603 – – 2,738,996<br />

At cost:<br />

Buildings 60,592 33,939 – – 94,531<br />

Plant and machinery and<br />

factory equipment 40,627,308 2,887,955 – – 43,515,263<br />

Factory equipment<br />

in progress – – – – –<br />

Office equipment, furniture,<br />

fittings and fixtures 4,000,985 122,593 (7,420) – 4,116,158<br />

Motor vehicles 633,563 118,220 – – 751,783<br />

Renovation in progress – – – – –<br />

Total 48,066,176 3,342,446 (7,420) – 51,401,202<br />

Net Book Value<br />

At valuation:<br />

Long leasehold land 840,665 829,529<br />

Buildings 5,251,607 5,083,004<br />

At cost:<br />

Buildings 1,554,124 1,520,185<br />

Plant and machinery and<br />

factory equipment 7,058,384 5,441,697<br />

Factory equipment<br />

in progress 937,535 585,577<br />

Office equipment, furniture,<br />

fittings and fixtures 211,902 698,944<br />

Motor vehicles 511,031 442,811<br />

Renovation in progress – 33,200<br />

Total 16,365,248 14,634,947

12.Fixed Assets (cont’d)<br />

The long leasehold land and buildings of the Company were revalued in 1982 on the basis of existing use<br />

by an independent professional valuer.<br />

The long leasehold land and buildings of the subsidiary were revalued in 1997 on open market basis by an<br />

independent professional valuer and the revaluation surplus was capitalised by the directors of the subsidiary.<br />

Had the fixed assets been carried out at historical cost less depreciation, the net book value of each class<br />

of fixed assets that would have been included in the accounts as at the end of the financial year would<br />

be as follows:<br />

Group Company<br />

1999 1998 1999 1998<br />

RM RM RM RM<br />

Long leasehold land 2,064,641 2,092,768 114,814 116,367<br />

Buildings 3,537,145 3,656,812 1,553,161 1,631,060<br />

5,601,786 5,749,580 1,667,975 1,747,427<br />

Included in fixed assets of the Company are fully depreciated assets costing RM37,273,239<br />

(1998: RM35,379,331).<br />

D e f e rred taxation on the surplus arising from the revaluation of long leasehold land and buildings of the<br />

G roup and of the Company is not provided as it is not the intention of the directors to dispose these assets.<br />

Included in the above fixed assets of the Group is a motor vehicle held under hire-purchase with net book<br />

value of RM55,610 (1998: RM69,512).<br />

13. Goodwill Arising on Consolidation<br />

Group<br />

1999 1998<br />

As at 1 January 639,097 –<br />

Arising from the acquisition of I-Industries Sdn. Bhd.<br />

(formerly known as Neico Technology Sdn. Bhd.) – 639,097<br />

639,097 639,097<br />

Less: Accumulated amortisation (127,820) (63,910)<br />

As at 31 December 511,277 575,187<br />


52 14.Intangible Assets<br />

Group<br />

1999 1998<br />

Preliminary expenses 2,300 2,300<br />

Pre-operating expenses 60,294 60,294<br />

Included in pre-operating expenses for the year is:<br />

62,594 62,594<br />

Auditors’ remuneration – 1,500<br />

15.Hire-Purchase Creditor<br />

Group<br />

1999 1998<br />

Total payable 1,955 25,559<br />

Less: Interest-in-suspense (17) (1,476)<br />

1,938 24,083<br />

Less: Due within 12 months included in other creditors (1,938) (22,145)<br />

The future hire-purchase payments are analysed as follows:<br />

Year ending 31 December,<br />

– 1,938<br />

1999 – 23,604<br />

2000 1,955 1,955<br />

Total hire-purchase payments 1,955 25,559<br />

Less: Amount representing interest (17) (1,476)<br />

Principal of future hire-purchase payments 1,938 24,083<br />

16.Share Capital<br />

Ordinary shares of RM1 each:<br />

1999 1998<br />

RM RM<br />

Authorised 30,000,000 30,000,000<br />

Issued and fully paid 20,196,000 20,196,000

17.Reserves<br />

Non-distributable reserve:<br />

Group and Company<br />

1999 1998<br />

Share premium 21,176,295 21,176,295<br />

Revaluation reserve 5,161,479 5,161,479<br />

Distributable reserve:<br />

18. Turnover<br />

26,337,774 26,337,774<br />

General reserve 2,620,000 2,620,000<br />

28,957,774 28,957,774<br />

Turnover for the Group and the Company represents the invoiced value of sales less returns.<br />

The cost of sales incurred in relation to the Gro u p ’s turnover amounted to RM59,602,964<br />

(1998: RM61,109,139).<br />

The cost of sales incurred in relation to the Company’s turnover amounted to RM59,645,347<br />

(1998: RM60,332,329).<br />


54 19.Loss Before Taxation<br />

Loss before taxation is stated<br />

after charging:<br />

Group Company<br />

1999 1998 1999 1998<br />

RM RM RM RM<br />

Auditors’ remuneration 48,000 32,500 27,000 27,000<br />

Depreciation 2,841,772 3,587,234 2,573,920 3,342,446<br />

Directors’ emoluments 402,390 692,333 263,000 692,333<br />

Amortisation of goodwill on<br />

consolidation 63,910 63,910 – –<br />

Rental expenses 88,360 157,092 7,850 55,368<br />

Royalty 661,387 977,861 661,387 977,861<br />

Provision for retirement benefits 652,551 220,492 652,551 220,492<br />

Interest expense 20,289 37,045 – 2,322<br />

Loss on disposal of fixed assets 4,906 – 4,906 –<br />

Provision for doubtful debts 1,117,512 115,138 73,181 37,027<br />

Stocks written off 171,753 – 171,753 –<br />

Provision for disposal of<br />

manufacturing waste 974,740 – 974,740 –<br />

Loss on disposal of quoted<br />

shares in <strong>Malaysia</strong> 77,715 – 77,715 –<br />

Fixed assets written off 226,366 – 204,551 –<br />

Provision for stock obsolescence – 65,742 – 65,742<br />

and crediting:<br />

Gain on disposal of fixed assets – 218 – 218<br />

Gross dividends received<br />

from investment quoted<br />

in <strong>Malaysia</strong> 200,000 – 200,000 –<br />

Gain on foreign exchange 7,159 903,696 7,159 903,696<br />

Rental income 42,000 – 35,388 35,388<br />

Interest income 249,138 764,965 219,112 764,965<br />

Stock obsolescence written back 27,536 – 27,536 –

20. Taxation<br />

Group Company<br />

1999 1998 1999 1998<br />

RM RM RM RM<br />

Current year provision – (70,000) – –<br />

Taxation underprovided<br />

in respect of prior years (23,890) (105,411) – –<br />

Deferred taxation 92,800 (92,800) – –<br />

68,910 (268,211) – –<br />

T h e re is no tax charge for the year as the Company is in a tax loss position.<br />

As at 31 December, 1999, the Company has unabsorbed tax losses of approximately RM8,136,000<br />

(1998: RM5,047,000), unabsorbed capital allowances of approximately RM4,380,000 (1998:<br />

RM2,274,000) and unabsorbed reinvestment allowances of RM2,053,000 (1998: RM1,176,000), which<br />

can be used to offset against future taxable profits, subject to agreement with the Inland Revenue Board.<br />

As at 31 December, 1999, the Company has a potential deferred tax benefit of approximately<br />

RM3,788,000 (1998: RM1,818,000), arising principally from unabsorbed tax losses, unabsorbed capital<br />

allowances and unabsorbed reinvestment allowances carried forward, the effects of which are not<br />

included in the accounts as there is no assurance beyond any reasonable doubt that future taxable income<br />

will be sufficient to allow the benefit to be realised.<br />

As at 31 December, 1999, the Company has tax exempt balance available for distribution under the<br />

Promotion of Investment Act, 1986 and Income Tax Act, 1967 amounting to approximately RM881,000<br />

and RM5,009,000 (1998: RM881,000 and RM6,221,000) respectively, both of which are subject to<br />

agreement with the Inland Revenue Board.<br />

21.Loss Per Share<br />

The basic loss per share for 1999 is calculated by dividing the Group’s loss after taxation of RM5,491,616<br />

by the number of ordinary shares in issue of 20,196,000.<br />

The basic loss per share for 1998 is calculated by dividing the Group’s loss after taxation of RM4,952,717<br />

by the number of ordinary shares in issue of 20,196,000.<br />


56 22.Significant Event<br />

During the year, a wholly owned subsidiary, I-Marcom Sdn Bhd (IMSB) was incorporated with an initial<br />

paid up share capital of RM2. On 4 August, 1999, the paid up share capital was increased from RM2 to<br />

RM50,000 comprising 50,000 ordinary shares of RM1 each. The principal activity of IMSB is marketing<br />

communications, promotions and provisions of after sales service for household electrical appliances.<br />

IMSB commenced operation during the financial year.<br />

23.Subsequent Events<br />

Subsequent to the year end,<br />

a. the Company announced the following:<br />

i. Proposed bonus issue of 20,196,000 new ordinary shares of RM1.00 each on the basis of<br />

one (1) new ordinary share for every one (1) existing ordinary share held;<br />

ii. Proposed rights issue of:<br />

– 40,392,000 new ordinary shares of RM1.00 each; and<br />

– RM40,392,000 nominal value of 5-year 5% irredeemable convertible unsecured loan<br />

stock (“ICULS”)<br />

with 40,392,000 free detachable warrants on the basis of two (2) new ordinary shares and<br />

RM2.00 nominal amount of ICULS with two (2) free detachable warrants for every one (1) existing<br />

share held before the proposed bonus issue.<br />

The above exercise is subject to approval by the relevant authorities and the shareholders.<br />

b. the Company disposed of the balance of its investment in quoted shares of Pensonic Holding <strong>Berhad</strong><br />

for approximately RM11,562,000 with a gain of approximately RM3,798,000.

24.Significant Related Party Transactions<br />

1999 1998<br />

Group RM RM<br />

Sales to companies with common directors – 419,115<br />

Company<br />

Purchases from a subsidiary 1,359,918 1,239,608<br />

Sales to subsidiaries 26,464,438 5,283,736<br />

Rental of machinery and equipment<br />

receivable from a subsidiary 35,388 35,388<br />

The directors are of the opinion that the above transactions have been entered into in the normal course<br />

of business and have been established under terms that are no less favourable than those arranged with<br />

third parties.<br />

25.Segmental Analysis<br />

(Loss)/Profit Total<br />

before assets<br />

1999 Turnover taxation employed<br />

Manufacturing 60,670,169 (7,170,931) 61,366,753<br />

Trading 29,514,089 1,772,805 24,309,576<br />

Investment – – 7,769,354<br />

90,184,258 (5,398,126) 93,445,683<br />

Consolidation adjustments (27,859,744) (162,400) (25,839,595)<br />

1998<br />

62,324,514 (5,560,526) 67,606,088<br />

Manufacturing 60,272,141 (4,590,489) 61,416,354<br />

Trading 5,983,205 (11,844) 2,945,072<br />

Investment – – 9,065,757<br />

66,255,346 (4,602,333) 73,427,183<br />

Consolidation adjustments (6,781,262) (82,173) (9,809,440)<br />

59,474,084 (4,684,506) 63,617,743<br />

An analysis by geographical segments has not been presented as the Group’s activities are primarily<br />

in <strong>Malaysia</strong>.<br />

26.Currency<br />

All amounts are stated in Ringgit <strong>Malaysia</strong> (RM).<br />


58 Authorised Share Capital<br />

The authorised share capital of the Company is RM30,000,000 divided into 30,000,000 ordinary shares of<br />

RM1.00 each.<br />

Issued and Paid-up Share Capital<br />

The total issued and paid-up share capital of the Company is RM20,196,000 divided into 20,196,000 ordinary<br />

shares of RM1.00 each.<br />

Voting Rights<br />

Shareholders are entitled to one vote per ordinary share held.<br />

Analysis of Shareholdings<br />

Size of Shareholdings No. of % of No. of % of<br />

Shareholders Shareholders Shares held Shares held<br />

1 – 499 371 16.07 53,401 0.26<br />

500 – 5,000 1661 71.94 2,948,879 14.60<br />

5,001 – 10,000 159 6.89 1,201,214 5.95<br />

10,001 – 100,000 115 4.98 3,073,974 15.22<br />

100,001 – 1,000,000 1 0.04 170,000 0.84<br />

Above 1,000,000 2 0.08 12,748,532 63.13<br />

Total 2,309 100.00 20,196,000 100.00<br />

Substantial Shareholders as per Register of Substantial Shareholders<br />

Name of Shareholders No. of % of<br />

Shares held Issued Capital<br />

1. Sumurwang Sdn Bhd 8,980,832 44.47<br />

2. Amanah Raya <strong>Berhad</strong> 3,767,700 18.66<br />

Skim Amanah Saham Bumiputra<br />

Analysis Of Shareholdings<br />

... as at 3 March, 2000<br />

3. Sumur Ventures Sdn Bhd 8,980,832 * 44.47<br />

4. Lim Kim Hong 8,980,832 ** 44.47<br />

* Deemed interested by virtue of its interest in Sumurwang Sdn Bhd.<br />

* Deemed interested by virtue of his interest in Sumur Ventures Sdn Bhd.

Twenty Largest Shareholders as at 3 March, 2000<br />

Name of Shareholders No. of % of<br />

Shares held Issued Capital<br />

1. Sumurwang Sdn Bhd 8,980,832 44.47<br />

2. Amanah Raya Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd 3,767,700 18.66<br />

Skim Amanah Saham Bumiputera<br />

3. Bank Simpanan Nasional 170,000 0.84<br />

4. Botly Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd 100,000 0.49<br />

Pledged Securities Account for Wong Tak Ming<br />

5. Syarikat Nominee Bumiputra (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd 95,000 0.47<br />

Pledged Securities Account for AA Anthony &<br />

Co Sdn Bhd (2555PENG)<br />

6. Liang Kee Oil Palm Estate Sdn Bhd 90,000 0.44<br />

7. Lim Shiu Ho 82,000 0.41<br />

8. Siew Cheng Wan 80,000 0.40<br />

9. Citicorp Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd 79,000 0.39<br />

Pledged Securities Account for Foong Yoke Peng (471165)<br />

10. Hong Leong Finance <strong>Berhad</strong> 79,000 0.39<br />

Pledged Securities Account for Loye Tuan Bee<br />

11. Ng Leng Huat 74,000 0.37<br />

12. JB Securities Sdn Bhd IVT (C11) 63,000 0.31<br />

13. Lim Yew Ming 62,000 0.31<br />

14. Leong See Cheong 62,000 0.31<br />

15. Moo Sai Chin 59,000 0.29<br />

16. JF Apex Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd 58,000 0.29<br />

Pledged Securities Account for Goh Poh Kim<br />

17. Ke-Zan Nominees (Asing) Sdn Bhd 56,640 0.28<br />

Kim Eng Securities (Private) Limited for<br />

Tanglin Investments (Private) Limited<br />

18. Lee Thian Fook @ Lee Tian Fook 55,000 0.27<br />

19. Foong Hon Kheong 49,662 0.24<br />

20. Phileo Allied Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd 45,000 0.22<br />

Pledged Securities Account for Lee Hong Eng<br />

Total 14,107,834 69.85<br />


60 Location Description Tenure Size Approximate Net Book<br />

I-<strong>Berhad</strong><br />

List Of Properties Held<br />

... as at 3 March, 2000<br />

Age of the Value as at<br />

Buildings 31 Dec 1999<br />

1. Lot 4799 Q.T. (R) L & M Office, Leasehold for a 4.08 Between 30 RM3,333,998.72<br />

2/69, Mukim of factory & term of 99 years acres to 31 years<br />

Asam Kumbang, warehouse expiring on<br />

Kamunting Industrial 11 July 2068<br />

Estate,Taiping, – Unexpired term<br />

Perak Darul Ridzuan is 69 years<br />

2. Lot 5813 Q.T. (R) L & M Factory & Leasehold for a 2.00 24 years RM1,792,098.13<br />

3/69, Mukim of warehouse term of 99 years acres<br />

Asam Kumbang, expiring on<br />

Kamunting Industrial 11 July 2068<br />

Estate, Taiping, – Unexpired term<br />

Perak Darul Ridzuan is 69 years<br />

3. Lot 6675 H.S. (D) L & M Factory & Leasehold for a 2.76 Between 21 RM1,695,628.92<br />

2/77, Mukim of warehouse term of 99 years acres to 23 years<br />

Asam Kumbang, expiring on<br />

Kamunting Industrial 10 January 2076<br />

Estate, Taiping, – Unexpired term<br />

Perak Darul Ridzuan is 77 years<br />

4. Lot 6676 H.S. (D) L & M Vacant Leasehold for a 6.27 N/A RM304,227.04<br />

195/75, Mukim of factory term of 99 years acres<br />

Asam Kumbang, land expiring on<br />

Kamunting Industrial 20 October 2074<br />

Estate, Taiping, – Unexpired term<br />

Perak Darul Ridzuan is 75 years<br />

5. Lot 779 H.S. (D) L & M Vacant Leasehold for a 1.79 N/A RM88,020.84<br />

15/81, Mukim of factory term of 99 years acres<br />

Asam Kumbang, land expiring on<br />

Kamunting Industrial 23 February 2080<br />

Estate, Taiping, – Unexpired term<br />

Perak Darul Ridzuan is 81 years

Location Description Tenure Size Approximate Net Book<br />

I-Marcom Sdn Bhd<br />

Age of the Value as at<br />

Buildings 31 Dec 1999<br />

6. Lot No SDF 31 Showroom, Freehold 0.58 1 year RM2,896,124.00<br />

Part of Block Title Office & acres<br />

H.S. (D) 132118 warehouse<br />

No. P.T. 17304<br />

Mukim Damansara,<br />

Daerah Petaling,<br />

Negeri Selangor<br />

Darul Ehsan<br />

I-R&D Sdn Bhd<br />

7. Lot 5658, P.N. 119473 Office, Leasehold for a 3.98 26 years RM3,945,457.00*<br />

Mukim of factory & term of 99 years acres<br />

Asam Kumbang, warehouse expiring on<br />

Kamunting Industrial 29 January 2072<br />

Estate, Taiping, – Unexpired term<br />

Perak Darul Ridzuan is 73 years<br />

8. Lot 6704, P.N. 104498 Warehouse Leasehold for a 3.75 N/A RM1,353,121.00*<br />

Mukim of & vacant term of 99 years acres<br />

Asam Kumbang, factory expiring on<br />

Kamunting Industrial land 4 S e p t e m b e r2 0 7 4<br />

Estate, Taiping, – Unexpired term<br />

Perak Darul Ridzuan is 75 years<br />

* These properties were revalued on 5 June 1997<br />


I/We<br />

of<br />

Form of Proxy<br />

being a member/members of I-<strong>Berhad</strong> hereby appoint<br />

of<br />

or failing him<br />

of<br />

I-<strong>Berhad</strong> (<strong>7029</strong>-H)<br />

(formerly known as Neico Industries (M) <strong>Berhad</strong>)<br />

Incorporated In <strong>Malaysia</strong><br />

as my/our proxy to vote for me/us on my/our behalf at the Thirty-Third Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held at<br />

No. 3, Jalan Astaka U8/84, Section U8, Bukit Jelutong, 40150 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan on Thursday, 27 April 2000<br />

at 10.00 a.m. or at any adjournment thereof in the manner indicated below:<br />

No. Resolutions For Against<br />

1. Adoption of Audited Accounts for the year ended<br />

31 December 1999 and the Directors’ and Auditors’ Reports thereon<br />

2. Approval of tax exempt dividend of 1%<br />

3. Re-election of Mr Lim Kim Hong as Director<br />

4. Re-election of Mr Eu Hong Chew as Director<br />

5. Re-election of Madam Tey Siew Thuan as Director<br />

6. Re-election of Madam Ong Poh Ling as Director<br />

7. Re-appointment of Messrs Arthur Andersen & Co. as Auditors<br />

Please indicate with a cross (“X”) in the spaces provided how you wish your vote to be cast. In the absence of specific directions,<br />

your proxy may vote or abstain from voting at his discretion.<br />

Signed this day of 2000<br />

Signature(s)/Common Seal of the shareholder(s)<br />

Notes:<br />

1. A member entitled to attend and vote at the general meeting is entitled to appoint a proxy to attend and vote in his stead.<br />

2. A proxy need not be a member of the Company, but such appointment must comply with Section 149 (1) (b) of the Companies Act, 1965<br />

which states that a member shall not be entitled to appoint a person who is not a member of the Company as his proxy, unless that<br />

person is an advocate, an approved company auditor or a person approved by the Registrar of Companies in a particular case.<br />

3. All proxy forms duly executed should be deposited at the Company’s Registered Office at No. 3, Jalan Astaka U8/84, Section U8,<br />

Bukit Jelutong, 40150 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan not less than 48 hours before the time for holding the meeting or any<br />

adjournment thereof.<br />

No. of shares held

I-<strong>Berhad</strong><br />

No. 3, Jalan Astaka U8/84<br />

Section U8, Bukit Jelutong<br />

40150 Shah Alam, Selangor<br />

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