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<strong><strong>IN</strong>TEGRATED</strong> <strong>URBAN</strong> <strong>WATER</strong> <strong>MANAGEMENT</strong> <strong>IN</strong><br />

BERL<strong>IN</strong> <strong>WITH</strong> FOCUS ON NATURAL <strong>WATER</strong><br />

TREATMENT <strong>IN</strong> A PARTIALLY CLOSED <strong>WATER</strong><br />

CYCLE<br />

Hella Schwarzmüller, Gesche Grützmacher, Regina Gnirss<br />

28.01.2011<br />

for the DWRP11<br />


The Berlin Centre of Competence for Water<br />

• Created by Veolia in 1999 during the partial privatisation<br />

of Berliner Wasserbetriebe to promote science, research<br />

and development in the field of water as well as education<br />

• since December 2001 non-profit network societey<br />


Main fields of research<br />


• Introduction<br />

– The Berlin situation<br />

Outline<br />

• Why a „semi-closed water cycle“?<br />

– Waste water treatment<br />

– Surface water treatment<br />

– Drinking water abstraction<br />

• Special focus: RBF/ MAR<br />

– Quantitative & qualitative aspects<br />

• Future challenges<br />

– Expected changes<br />

– Water treatment options<br />

– Management options<br />


• Introduction<br />

– The Berlin situation<br />

Outline<br />

• Why a „semi-closed water cycle“?<br />

– Waste water treatment<br />

– Surface water treatment<br />

– Drinking water abstraction<br />

• Special focus: RBF/ MAR<br />

– Quantitative & qualitative aspects<br />

• Future challenges<br />

– Expected changes<br />

– Water treatment options<br />

– Management options<br />


Berlin<br />

Havel<br />

Wannsee<br />

Havel<br />

The Berlin Situation<br />

29...35 m asl<br />

Spree<br />

Teltow -<br />

Plateau<br />

35...50 m asl<br />

6<br />

Barnim -<br />

Plateau<br />

35...65 m asl<br />

~ 40 km<br />

Spree<br />

~ 35 km<br />

Dahme<br />


• Water supply:<br />

– 202 mio. m³/ year<br />

– 7.857 km distribution networks<br />

– 9 water works<br />

– 953 wells<br />

Facts and figures<br />

7<br />

• Sewer systems:<br />

– 224 mio. m³/ year<br />

– 9.400 km sewers<br />

– 1.127 km pressure pipelines<br />

– 4 WWTP<br />

– 147 pump stations

Precipitation:<br />

- 570 mm/a (15 m³/s)<br />

Average discharge:<br />

- Spree: 25 m³/s<br />

- Havel: 15 m³/s<br />

Natural groundwater recharge:<br />

- 4.8 l/s*km² (4 m³/s)<br />

Drinking water demand:<br />

- 202 mio m³/a (6 m³/s)<br />

Havel<br />

Havel<br />

8<br />

Dahme<br />

Brunnengalerien<br />


• Introduction<br />

– The Berlin situation<br />

Outline<br />

• Why a „semi-closed water cycle“?<br />

– Waste water treatment<br />

– Surface water treatment<br />

– Drinking water abstraction<br />

• Special focus: RBF/ MAR<br />

– Quantitative & qualitative aspects<br />

• Future challenges<br />

– Expected changes<br />

– Water treatment options<br />

– Management options<br />


Water works<br />

Berlin’s Water Cycle<br />

U S E<br />

Surface water<br />

resource<br />

Groundwater<br />

resource<br />

10<br />

Waste water<br />

treatment plant

Waste water treatment<br />

• Conventional activated sludge treatment with N/P removal<br />

and secondary clarification<br />

– N removal: pre-denitrification<br />

– P removal: enhanced biological P-removal or chemical precipitation<br />

• Hydraulic retention times<br />

– biological stage: 15 h<br />

– sludge retention time: 18 d<br />

• Average effluent concentrations<br />

– TSS: 6 mg/L<br />

– TN inorg: 13 mg N/L<br />

– total-P: 0.5 mg P/L<br />

– DOC: 10 – 15 mg/L<br />

– BOD: < 3 mg/L<br />


• Non-polar trace organics<br />

– Sorbed onto activated sludge<br />

• Volatile trace organics<br />

– Stripped during aeration<br />

• Other<br />

– Not being removed during<br />

conventional waste water<br />

treatment<br />

– Bio-degradation in surface<br />

waters<br />

– > Subsurface passage?<br />

– > Dilution effects by mixing?<br />

Trace organics removal<br />

12<br />

Location AAA<br />

(μg/L)<br />

Estrone<br />

(ng/L)<br />

Carbamazepine<br />

(μg/L)<br />

Inflow STPs 10-15 60-150 2-5<br />

Effluent STPs 3-9 2-20 2-5<br />

Surface water ( ) 0.4-1.6 0.5-2 0.2-0.9<br />

Bank filtrate (< 1 month travel time) 0.1-0.2

Surface Water quality aspects<br />

• Surface water treatment plants<br />

Lake Tegel:<br />

– Phosphorous removal (-99%)<br />

– Precipitation/ Coagulation/<br />

Flocculation<br />

– Sedimentation<br />

– Post precipitation<br />

– Filtration<br />

13<br />

Oberhavel<br />

Pumpwerk<br />

Oberhavel<br />

Tegeler See<br />

Fläche: 4 km²<br />

Durchschnittliche Tiefe: 6,6 m<br />

Maximale Tiefe: 15 m<br />

Volumen: 24,6 Mio. m³<br />

theoretische Aufenthaltszeit: 3 bis 4 Monate bei 3 m³/s<br />

Überleitung zur OWA<br />

und Rückleitung von<br />

gereinigtem Wasser<br />

Tegeler F ließ<br />

Blankenfelder<br />

Graben<br />

OWA - Tegel<br />

Inbetriebnahme im August 1985<br />

Wasserwerk Tegel<br />

Ableiter vom<br />

Klärwerk<br />

Nordgraben<br />

ehemalige Rieselfelder<br />

Außerbetriebnahme 1986<br />

Klärwerk Schönerlinde<br />

Inbetriebnahme 1986<br />

Verteilbauwerk<br />

Arkenberge<br />

Panke<br />

Buchholzer Graben<br />

Panke<br />

Verteilbauwerk<br />


Grundwassergewinnung<br />

Drinking water abstraction<br />

• Abstraction by<br />

– ~ 700 vertical filter wells<br />

– 2 radial collector wells<br />

• All situated along lakes / rivers<br />

– Ideal situation for RBF<br />

– Subsurface passage as<br />

main treatment step<br />

14<br />

Abb.: BWB

well<br />

aeration<br />

Drinking water production<br />

Principle of post-treatment in all Berlin waterworks<br />

filtration<br />

15<br />

storage<br />

Fe & Mn removal<br />

no chlorination,<br />

no addition of chemicals<br />


• Introduction<br />

– The Berlin situation<br />

Outline<br />

• Why a „semi-closed water cycle“?<br />

– Waste water treatment<br />

– Surface water treatment<br />

– Drinking water abstraction<br />

• Special focus: RBF/ MAR<br />

– Quantitative & qualitative aspects<br />

• Future challenges<br />

– Expected changes<br />

– Water treatment options<br />

– Management options<br />


Grundwassergewinnung<br />

Groundwater recharge<br />

60 % 30 % 10 %<br />

17<br />


Berlin<br />

• Qualitative issues<br />

– Insufficient surface water quality in the 19 th century (without technical<br />

treatment)<br />

� First „groundwater“ production plant at Lake Tegel<br />

• Quantitative issues<br />

– Insufficient natural groundwater recharge<br />

� Wells were drilled close to surface waters to supplement naturally<br />

recharged water with bank filtrate<br />

• Political issues<br />

Why was MAR implemented?<br />

– During the cold war West Berlin needed to maintain an independent<br />

drinking water production<br />

� Installation of infiltration ponds in Tegel and Spandau.<br />


Bank filtration & managed aquifer recharge<br />

• Bank filtration<br />

– Supplementing groundwater resources by surface water infiltration<br />


• Elimination processes:<br />

filtration<br />

sorption<br />

degradation<br />

precipitation<br />

Water Quality Aspects<br />

mixing<br />

20<br />

ambient groundwater

Bank filtration & Managed aquifer recharge<br />

• Aquifer recharge<br />

– Replenish Groundwater by surface water via infiltration ponds<br />

surface water<br />

Q Q<br />

pond<br />

aquifer<br />

21<br />

unsaturated zone<br />

abstraction<br />

Greskowiak et al. (2007)

Artificial recharge at the Tegel water works<br />

22<br />

Microsieve<br />

Infiltration pond

Artificial recharge at the Spandau water works<br />

„Kuhlake“ Pond operation<br />


n = 170 sites<br />

Comparing Berlin to other BF/ AR sites<br />


n = 170 sites<br />

Comparing Berlin to other BF/ AR sites<br />


Development of Hydrogeological Methods<br />

Transsect at Lake Wannsee<br />

Tracer<br />

lake observation wells<br />

- sewage indicators<br />

(e.g. Gd-DTPA, chloride, EDTA)<br />

- substances with clear seasonality<br />

(e.g. stable isotopes, temperature)<br />

� Travel times:<br />

< 3 months to > 10 years<br />

� Bank filtration share: 30 % to 60 %<br />

26<br />

production well<br />

Picture TUB<br />

~ 40 m

Basis for Process Understanding: Hydrochemistry<br />

Transsect at Lake Wannsee<br />

aerobic<br />

anaerobic<br />

� bank filtrate passes through different redox zones<br />

� different degradation mechanisms can apply<br />

27<br />

Picture TUB

Challenges and research topics<br />

• Hydraulics / Hydrochemistry<br />

– Different permeability of the<br />

banks<br />

– Retarded oxygen depletion due<br />

to low temperatures<br />

– Formation of a clogging layer<br />


• Introduction<br />

– The Berlin situation<br />

Outline<br />

• Why a „semi-closed water cycle“?<br />

– Waste water treatment<br />

– Surface water treatment<br />

– Drinking water abstraction<br />

• Special focus: RBF/ MAR<br />

– Quantitative & qualitative aspects<br />

• Future challenges<br />

– Expected changes<br />

– Water treatment options<br />

– Management options<br />


• Climate change<br />

Expected changes<br />

– Increase in waste water share due to less summer precipitation<br />

– Extreme weather events leading to combined sewer overflows<br />

– Rising temperatures shifting redox zonation<br />

• Legislation:<br />

– Quality standards for trace organic substances requiring higher<br />

efforts for waste water treatment<br />

• Impact of upstream mining activities<br />

– Flooding of abandoned open-pit mines<br />

– Decreased discharge of the Spree river<br />

– Increased sulfate loads<br />


• Drinking water abstraction:<br />

Future challenges<br />

– Does subsurface passage remove relevant waste-water<br />

contaminants, toxins produced by algaea blooms, pathogens?<br />

– Which are the key parameters that define the Berlin BF & AR<br />

system?<br />

– Can future changes (temperature, recharge etc.) impact drinking<br />

water quality?<br />

Research projects of<br />


Water treatment options<br />

• Advanced waste water or drinking water treatment:<br />

– Ozonation in combination with subsurface passage<br />

� oxidation of persistent trace organics (e.g. carbamazipine,<br />

sulfamethoxazole)<br />

� possible removal of by-products by subsurface passage<br />

– PAC dosing:<br />

32<br />

Miehe (2010)

Combination of different treatment methods<br />

e.g. with<br />

� Ozonation<br />

� Aeration & rapid filtration (Fe, Mn)<br />

� Activated carbon (trace substances)<br />

� Disinfection (pathogens)<br />

Depending on surface water quality and<br />

hydrogeological framework<br />


Management options<br />

• Identification of sources & treatment at the source:<br />

– e.g. treating x-ray contrast media in hospitals<br />

• Management of loads:<br />

– quality controlled water<br />

abstraction<br />

• Life Cycle Assessment:<br />

– Comparison of different<br />

options with respect<br />

to their carbon footprint<br />

KW<br />

34<br />

WW<br />

WW<br />

WW<br />

WW<br />

WW<br />

OWA<br />

WW<br />

KW<br />

KW<br />

KW<br />

KW<br />

WW<br />

WW<br />

WW<br />

12<br />

Bezirke<br />

KW<br />

WW<br />

Mensch<br />

KW<br />

Broll (2005)

Thank you for your attention<br />

• If you want to learn more…<br />

– www.kompetenz-wasser.de<br />


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