Proceedings World Bioenergy 2010

Proceedings World Bioenergy 2010

Proceedings World Bioenergy 2010


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Ukraine. Personal interview, 19 March 2007, Kyiv,<br />

Ukraine<br />

23. Fominykh, O., a manager at LLC “Agrarna<br />

spivdruzhnist” - Green Energy. Personal interview,<br />

26 May 2009, Kyiv, Ukraine<br />

24. Listopad, V. Rol’ Ukrainy na mirovom rynke syr’ya<br />

dlya proizvodstva biodiselya [The Role of Ukraine<br />

on the <strong>World</strong> Market for Biodiesel Feedstock<br />

Production]. (2009).<br />

25. Zhelezna, T. & Morozova, O. Lushpynnya<br />

sonyashnyku dlya teplovyh potreb [Sunflower Husk<br />

for Heat]. Zelena energetyka 24-25 (2007).<br />

26. Svintsitskiy, R., UTEM sales director. Personal<br />

interview, 28 December 2009, Kyiv, Ukraine<br />

27. Kucheruk, P., Matveev, Y. & Plugatar, O.<br />

Ekonomichni aspekty rozvytku biogazovyh<br />

tehnologiy v Ukrayini [Economic Aspects of Biogas<br />

Technologies in Ukraine]. Kommunalnoe<br />

hozyaystvo 6, 30-31 (2007).<br />

28. Matveev, Y. The state of biogas technologies<br />

development in Ukraine. Presentation (2009).<br />

29. Korol, O. The Bioethanol Program. Presentation<br />

(2009).<br />

30. Oliynyk, Y., a consultant at SEC Biomass. Personal<br />

interview, 22 September 2009, Kyiv, Ukraine<br />

31. Zhovmir, M., Oliynyk, Y. & Chaplygin, S. Soloma<br />

obigriye sela [The Straw will Heat the Villages].<br />

Zelena energetyka 5, 28-29 (2007).<br />

32. UTEM Implementation of economically sound<br />

modern technologies. Issues of the day: OJSC<br />

UTEM is the only in Ukraine manufacturer of<br />

licensed straw boilers. (2009).<br />

33. Avdeev, A. UTEM Engineering Leaflet. (2008).<br />

34. SEC Biomass Scientific Engineering Centre<br />

"Biomass". Information bulletin. (2009).<br />

35. OJSC "Bryg" Zernosushilnye kompleksy na<br />

biomasse [Grain drying units on biomass].<br />

Oborudovanie dlya zernosushil'noy i<br />

zernopererabatyvayushchey promyshlennosti<br />

[Equipment for Grain Drying and Grain Processing<br />

Industry] (<strong>2010</strong>). URL: http://www.brigzerno.com.ua/pr19.htm<br />

36. Kuzmin, N., a chief engineer at OJSC “Bryg”.<br />

Telephone interview. 1 February <strong>2010</strong>, Lund,<br />

Sweden<br />

37. NVT "Technology" Oborudovanie i technologii.<br />

Ispolzovanie netraditsionnykh vidov topliva<br />

[Equipment and Technologies. The Use of<br />

Unconventional Fuels]. (2009).<br />

38. RETRA Zagalni kharaketrystyky kotliv "RETRA<br />

3M" [General Parameters of RETRA 3M Boilers].<br />

RETRA: Kotly na tverdom toplive [RETRA: Boilers<br />

on Solid Fuels] (2009).<br />

URL: http://www.retra.com.ua/page.php?2<br />

39. TM "Ukrsetka" Stalnoy otopitelnyi kotel na<br />

biotoplive (soloma, drevesina, pellety, shelukha<br />

semechki, stebli kukuruzy i podsolnechnika i t.d.)<br />

[Biofuel-fired Steel Heating Boiler (straw, wood,<br />

pellets, sunflower husk, corn and sunflower stems,<br />

etc.)]. Alternativnaya energetika: Otoplenie<br />

[Alternative energy: Heating] (2008).<br />

URL: http://www.ukrsetka.com/index.php?productI<br />

D=285<br />

40. Toropets, O., a director of heat generator production<br />

company "NVT-Technology". Personal interview.<br />

3 June 2009, Chernihiv, Ukraine<br />

41. FuelAlternative Rynok biotopliva. Ukraina: export<br />

106 world bioenergy <strong>2010</strong><br />

(Biofuel market. Ukraine: Export). FuelAlternative<br />

1, 1-4 (2009).<br />

42. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Decree #276-p On<br />

Approval of State Targeted Scientific Technical<br />

Development Programme on Biofuel Production<br />

and Consumption. (2009).<br />

URL: http://zakon1.rada.gov.ua/cgibin/laws/main.cgi?nreg=276-2009-%F0<br />

43. Verkhovna Rada Ukrayiny Law of Ukraine #1391-VI<br />

On Changes to Some Laws of Ukraine on Support of<br />

Biofuel Production and Consumption. (2009).<br />

URL: http://zakon1.rada.gov.ua/cgibin/laws/main.cgi?nreg=1391-17<br />

44. Geletukha, G. & Konshyn, Y. Kiotskyi protocol ta<br />

dodatkovi invetytsiyi v energozberezhennya [Kyoto<br />

Protocol and Additional Investments in Energy<br />

Saving]. EtaR 4, 28-33 (2007).<br />

45. Aldrich, H. & Fiol, C. Fools Rush In? The<br />

Institutional Context of Industry Creation. The<br />

Academy of Management Review 19 (4), 645-670<br />

(1994).<br />

46. DiMaggio, P. & Powell, W. The Iron Cage Revisited:<br />

Institutional Isomorphism and Collective<br />

Rationality in Organisational field. The New<br />

Institutionalism in Organizational Analysis (1991).<br />

47. Mizruchi, M. & Fein, L. The Social Construction of<br />

Organisational Knowledge: A Study of the Uses of<br />

Coercive, Mimetic, and Normative Isomorphism.<br />

Administrative Science Quarterly 44, 653-689<br />

(1999).<br />

48. Alsos, G.A., Ljunggren, E. & Pettersen, L.T. Farmbased<br />

Entrepreneurs: What Triggers the Start-up of<br />

New Business Activities? Journal of Small Business<br />

and Enterprise Development 10 (4), 435-443<br />

(2003).<br />

49. Mitchell, R., Agle, B. & Wood, D. Toward a Theory<br />

of Stakeholder Identification and Salience: Defining<br />

the Principle of Who and What Really Counts.<br />

Academy of Management Review 22 (4), 853-856<br />

(1997).<br />

50. Neville, B., Menguc, B. & Bell, S. Stakeholder<br />

Salience Reloaded: Operationalising Corporate<br />

Social Responsibility. 1883-1889, (2003).<br />

51. Antonik, I., director and co-founder of agricultural<br />

enterprise “Rapsodiya”. Telephone interview,<br />

21 January <strong>2010</strong>, Lund, Sweden<br />

52. Demydov, O., leading energy expert at OJSC<br />

“Lebedynskyi Seed Plant”. Telephone interview,<br />

4 December 2009, Lund, Sweden<br />

53. Tkachynskyi, M., first deputy head of Chechelnyk<br />

regional administration, Vinnytsya province.<br />

Telephone interview, 30 November 2009, Lund,<br />

Sweden<br />

54. Geletukha, G. & Globenko, A. Dogovir pryimannyaperedachi<br />

#8-09 [Contract оn Taking over and<br />

Transfer #9-09]. (2009).<br />

55. Belay, V., a teacher of Physics at Vyshyuvate<br />

secondary school, Rozivka region, Zaporizzhya<br />

province. Telephone interview, 27 November 2009,<br />

Lund, Sweden<br />

56. Belay, V. Teplogeneratory na solomi - teplo dlya<br />

silskyh shkil [Straw-fired boilers - heat for village<br />

schools in Ukraine]. Zelena energetyka 4, 5-6<br />

(2009).<br />

57. Belay, V. Vykorystannya solomy dlya opalyuvannya<br />

prymishchennya Vyshyuvatskoyi zagalnoosvitnyoyi<br />

shkoly [Straw Use for the Heating of Vyshnyuvate

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