Untitled - eCommons@Cornell - Cornell University

Untitled - eCommons@Cornell - Cornell University

Untitled - eCommons@Cornell - Cornell University


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w ^rckmeyer, irv C- H- Dagnall, J. H. Skeen, J. G. Tarboux, G. E.<br />

fcA^ H- L; Schug, 0. K. Marti, T. McLean, M. G. Malti, R. F.<br />

Pn' * An2erman' P- R- Nash, A. L. O'Banion, E. M .<br />

Steo?g<br />


Candidates for admission as students should consult the Announcement of the<br />

Cotlege of Architecture, which the Secretary of the <strong>University</strong> will send free upon<br />

request.<br />

The College of Architecture is a professional school, designed to<br />

prepare students for taking up ultimately the independent practice<br />

of a profession. It offers courses leading to the degree of Bachelor of<br />

Architecture (B.Arch.), or that of Bachelor of Landscape Architec<br />

ture (B .L.A.) , or that of Bachelor of Fine Arts (B .<br />

.F.A.) The first of<br />

these courses is planned for the student who intends to practice archi<br />

tecture; it may be taken as a preparation for engaging in the manu<br />

facture of building materials or in the business of construction. The<br />

second is designed for the student who intends to practice landscape<br />

architecture. The third is adapted to the needs of the artist or pros<br />

pective practitioner of any of the decorative arts. The course of<br />

study leading to any of the three degrees requires, normally, five<br />

years of work.<br />

The college occupies the third and fourth floors and a portion of<br />

the basement of White Hall, and the top floor and a part of the second<br />

floor of Franklin Hall. The college offices, the college library, and<br />

the lecture and exhibition rooms occupy the third floor of White Hall,<br />

and the entire fourth floor of that hall is given to a suite of three<br />

drafting rooms which open together so as to form virtually a single<br />

room measuring 45 by 156 feet. On the top floor of Franklin are<br />

studios devoted to the work in freehand drawing, painting and<br />

modeling.<br />

Besides the use of various collections in the <strong>University</strong> Library,<br />

the college has in White Hall a large collection of books, photographs,<br />

and drawings, and about twenty-four thousand lantern slides of<br />

which constant use is made for the illustration of lectures upon his<br />

tory, theory, and construction.<br />

Administration. Dean of the College: F. H. Bosworth, jr.<br />

Architecture. Professors: F. H. Bosworth, jr., C A. Martin, O. M. Brauner,<br />

A. C. Phelps, George Young, jr., Christian Midjo, L. P. Burnham. Assistant<br />

Professors: G. R. Chamberlain, H. E. Baxter, W. K. Stone, George Fraser,<br />

Olympio Brindesi. Instructor: R. B. Grannis.<br />

Landscape Architecture. Professors: E. G. Davis, R. W. Curtis. Assistant<br />

Professors; E. D. Montillon, E. G. Lawson.<br />

The Fine Arts. Professors and Assistant Professors: Members of the Faculty<br />

of Architecture, of the Faculty of Landscape Architecture, and of the Faculty of<br />

Arts and Sciences.

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