The Graphic - Advocate

The Graphic - Advocate The Graphic - Advocate
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4 The Graphic-Advocate Legals September 14, 2011 POLICE REPORT Vehicle accident On Sept. 2 at about 6:30 p.m., llison C. Rinard, 16, rural anson, was driving west on D-26, pproaching the intersection with -65, went into the right ditch and tarted to broadside in the ditch, truck a fi eld drive, went airborne, olled at least twice and came o rest on its wheels, according o the Calhoun County Sheriff’s epartment. Rinard was cited for ailure to maintain control. Public Notice Notice of Trustee Election Twin Lakes Sewer District Notice is hereby given that in accordance ith Iowa Code Section 358.9 the Trustees of he Twin Lakes Sanitary Sewer District have alled the meeting for the purpose of election f two successors Trustee’s to serve a three 3) year term commencing January 1, 2012. aid election shall be held during the Annual eeting at Woody’s Restaurant at 7:00 p.m. n September 27, 2011. Each registered oter residing within the district and personally resent at such election shall have a right to ast a ballot. The Board of Trustees will meet at 6:00 .m. September 27, 2011 for a short monthly eeting. erry Staiert, Clerk win Lakes Sanitary Sewer District PUBLIC NOTICE Hoyle Hog Farm Site #2 located in Calhoun ounty, Iowa, plans to submit a Notice of Intent o the Iowa Department of Natural Resources to e covered under the NPDES General Permit o. 2. The storm water discharge will be from onstruction of a confi nement building located n NE1/4 SE1/4 Section 32 of Reading Township T86N-R31W) in Calhoun County, Iowa. Storm water will be discharged from one (1) oint source. From the construction site storm ater will travel east, southeast 150’ over the round to the road ditch at Waukon Avenue, hence North 2295’ to Reading Creek located in E1/4 NE1/4 Section 32, T86N R31W Reading wp. Calhoun County. Comments may be submitted to the Storm ater Discharge Coordinator, Iowa Department f Natural Resources, Environmental Protection ivision, 502 East 9 th Street, Des Moines, Iowa 0319-0034. The public may review the Notice f Intent from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday hrough Friday, at the above address after it has een received by the Department. ������ ��� ����� ������ ��� ����� IN THE MATTER OF THE TRUST: TRUST NOTICE VERA MAY IVES To all persons regarding Vera May Ives, deceased, who died on or about 10th day of August, 2011. You are hereby notifi ed that Terry Watters is the trustee of the Vera May Ives Trust. That, at this time, no probate administration is contemplated with regard to the above-referenced decedent’s estate. Any action to contest the validity of the trust must be brought in the District Court of Calhoun County, Iowa, within the later to occur of sixty (60) days from the date of second publication of this notice or thirty (30) days from the date of mailing this notice to all heirs of the decedent, spouse of the decedent and benefi ciaries under the trust whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be forever barred. Notice is further given that all persons indebted to the decedent or the trust are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned trustee and creditors having claims against the trust must mail them to the trustee at the address listed below via certifi ed mail, return receipt requested, and unless so mailed by the later to occur of sixty (60) days from the second publication of this notice or thirty (30) days from the date of mailing this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim is thereafter forever barred. Dated this 2nd day of September, 2011. Vera May Ives Trust Gregory J. Sextro Brink & Sextro, P.C. 309 Main Street Manning, IA 51455 Terry Watters 319 N. Michigan Street Lake City, Iowa 51449 Date of second publication 21st day of September, 2011. CITY OF LAKE CITY Fund Activity for Month Ending August 2011 14, 21 adv. Fund .............................................. Receipts ................................................Expenditures General Fund................................... $8,260.68 ........................................................$43,739.69 Road Use Tax ................................ $17,275.52 ........................................................$12,783.59 Employee Benefi t ................................... $0.00 ........................................................$12,182.50 Emergency Fund .................................... $0.00 .................................................................$0.00 Local Option Sales Tax .................. $16,141.65 .................................................................$0.00 Library Memorial ..................................... $0.00 .................................................................$0.00 Park Restoration ..................................... $6.66 .................................................................$0.00 Debt Service ........................................... $0.00 .................................................................$0.00 Street Projects ........................................ $0.00 .................................................................$0.00 Pool Project ..................................... $7,908.05 ...............................................................$92.95 Perpetual Care ....................................... $0.00 .................................................................$0.00 Water Utility ................................... $18,369.22 ........................................................$17,741.49 Sewer Utility................................... $14,913.26 ........................................................$10,932.26 Solid Waste Fund .......................... $11,044.78 ........................................................$20,537.78 Storm Sewer ....................................... $838.65 .................................................................$0.00 Total ............................................... $94,758.47 ...................................................... $118,010.26 ���������������������� Legal Notice The Calhoun County Board of Supervisors will hold their fi rst reading on the following Ordinance on Tuesday, September 20 th at 10:30 a.m., Boardroom, Courthouse, Rockwell City ORDINANCE #2011-2 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE COUNTY SUPERVISOR DISTRICTS AND ELECTION PRECINCTS BE IT ENACTED by the Board of Supervisors of Calhoun County, Iowa: Section1. Purpose: The purpose of this ordinance is to establish election precincts and county supervisor districts as the result of the population changes refl ected by the 2010 federal decennial census, in accordance with Iowa Code Sections 331.210A and 49.7 Section 2. Boundaries of Election Precincts: Calhoun County shall have ten (10) election precincts which boundaries shall be as follows: Precinct #1: Beginning at the corner of Marengo Ave. and 160 th St., S to 220 th St., W to Garber Ave., N to 160 th St., E to point of beginning. (Including the cities of Jolley and the portion of the city of Pomeroy within Butler Township). [Also described as all of Butler Township (including the cities of Jolley and the portion of Pomeroy within Butler Township)] AND beginning at the corner of Garber Ave. and 160 th St., S to 220 th St., W to Apache Ave., N to 160 th St., E to point of beginning. [Also described as all of Williams Township]. Precinct #2: Beginning at the corner of Ogden Ave. and 340 th St., S to 400 th St., W to Dakota Ave., N to 280th St., E to Inwood Ave, S to 340 th St., E to the point of beginning (Including the city of Lake City). [Also described as all of Elm Grove, Jackson and Calhoun Townships (including the cities of Lake City and Yetter)]. Precinct #3: Beginning at the corner of Zebulon Ave. and 280 th St., S to 340 th St., W to Upland Ave., N to 280 th St., E to point of beginning. (Including the cities of Somers and Rinard). [Also described as all of Cedar Township [including the cities of Somers and Rinard]. Precinct #4: Beginning at the corner of Upland Ave. and 220 th St., S to 280 th St., W to Preston Ave., N to 260 th St., W to Ogden Ave., N to 220 th St., E to point of beginning. [Also described as all of Center Township outside of the corporate limits of the city of Rockwell City] AND beginning at the corner of Upland Ave. and 280 th St., S to 340 th St., W to Ogden Ave., N to 280 th St., E to point of beginning. [Also described as all of Logan Township] AND beginning at the corner of Ogden Ave. and 220 th St., S to 260 th St., W to Norridge Ave., S to 280 th St., W to Inwood Ave., N to 220 th St., E to point of beginning. [Also described as all of Twin Lakes Township outside the corporate limits of the city of Rockwell City]. AND beginning at the corner of Inwood Ave. and 220 th St., S to 280 th St., W to Dakota Ave., N to 220 th St., E to point of beginning. (Including the city of Lytton within the limits of Calhoun County) [Also described as all of Garfi eld Township including the city of Lytton within the limits of Calhoun County]. AND beginning at the corner of Ogden Ave. and 280 th St., S to 340 th St., W to Inwood Ave., N to 280 th St., E to point of beginning. [Also described as all of Lake Creek Township]. Precinct #5: Beginning at the corner of Zebulon Ave. and 220 th St., S to 280 th St., W to Upland Ave., N to 220 th St., E to point of beginning. (Including the city of Knierim). [Also described as all of Greenfi eld Township including the city of Knierim]. AND beginning at the corner of Yale Ave., and 180 th St., S to 220 th St., W to Shelby Ave., N to 190 th St., E to Udall Ave., N to 180 th St., E to point of beginning. [Also described as Lincoln 2] Precinct #6: Beginning at the corner of Yale Ave. and 160 th St., S to 180 th St., W to Udall Ave., S to 190 th St., W to Shelby Ave., N to 160 th St., E to point of beginning (Including the city of Manson) [Also described as Lincoln 1 (including the city of Manson)]. Precinct #7: Beginning at the corner of Zebulon Ave. and 340 th St., S to 400 th St., W to Upland Ave., N to 340 th St., E to point of beginning. (Including the city of Farnhamville). [Also described as all of Reading Township (including the city of Farnhamville)]. Precinct #8: All of the city of Rockwell City. Precinct #9: Beginning at the corner of Shelby Ave. and 160 th St., S to 220 th St., W to Marengo Ave., N to 160 th St., E to point of beginning (including the portion of the city of Pomeroy within Sherman Township) ‘Start ������������������������������������� Somewhere’ with one-kilometer walk ������������������ on October 7 Statewide ��������������������������������������������������������� walk kicks off Iowa Healthiest State Initiative From ���������������������������������������� Wellmark Blue Cross and Blue Sheild �taying � t doesn’t have to be dif� cult. That’s the message behind the Start Somewhere Walk- a statewide one-kilometer walk that will kick off the Iowa Healthiest State Initiative. The walk will be held on Friday, October 7, at noon, at locations around the state. Communities, schools, businesses, neighborhoods and other groups are encouraged to show their support for the Healthiest State Initiative by participating in the walk. Iowans can participate in the walk wherever they are – home, work, school, church – and commit to making Iowa the healthiest state in the nation by “starting somewhere.” Walking is an easy way to incorporate natural move- ������������������ CALHOUN COUNTY ment into your daily routine. A brisk walk after dinner, a stroll through the park, or even walking the dog are all great ways to get your blood pumping and improve your overall health and well-being. One kilometer is also not as far as you might think. One kilometer is equal to: ���������������������� ������������ �������������������������������� average person walking at a normal speed Walking one kilometer is not enough to change the health of our state, of course. But it is a symbolic � rst step on our journey. The Healthiest State Initiative is a privately-led public initiative focused on making Iowa the healthiest state in the ��������������������������� Clayton Garrels Calhoun County Farm Bureau Healthways Well-Being In- ����������������������������� �������� ���������� ���� ������ �������������������������������� that comprise our well-being. The areas include life evaluation, emotional health, physical health, healthy behavior, work environment and basic access. �������������������������������� ������������������ Visit www.IowaHealthiest- for more information on the Start Somewhere Walk, including how to pledge, how � nd a walk in your community, or how to organize your own event. ������������������������������� ���� ������� ����������� ����� ���� ����������������������������� �������Personal Health Assistant 24/7 ���1-800-724-9122,���� �������� Clayton Garrels 712 - 297 - 7574 846 High St. Rockwell City, Iowa 50579 [Also described as all of Sherman Township (including the portion of the city of Pomeroy within Sherman Township] Precinct #10: Beginning at the corner of Upland Ave. and 340 th St., S to 400 th St., W to Ogden Ave., N to 340 th St., E to point of beginning. (Including the city of Lohrville). [Also described as all of Union Township (including the city of Lohrville)]. Section 3. Supervisor Districts: The three Supervisor Districts shall be as follows: Supervisor District #1 contains voting precincts: #1, #6, #9 Supervisor District #2 contains voting precincts: #2, #7, #10 Supervisor District #3 contains voting precincts: #3, #4, #5, #8 Section 4. Effective Date: This ordinance shall be effective after its fi nal passage, approval, and publication as provided by law, for all elections after January 15, 2012. When developing Plan 3 Supervisor Districts, the Temporary County Redistricting Commission was not to take into consideration the political affi liation of registered voters, past election results, incumbent supervisors addresses, or any other demographic information beyond census head counts. The goal is to get the best plan for the county. Calhoun County has a total population of 9,670 and each district needs to be within the maximum allowable variation of 1%. The populations of the Plan 3 Supervisor Districts are as follows: District #1 is 3,205, District #2 is 3,238 and District #3 is 3,227. In accordance with the standards set by law to have ideal district population within the variation, Lincoln Township will be split into Lincoln 1 consisting of Sections 1-12 and 17 & 18 (which includes the City of Manson) to vote at the Manson Fire Station. Lincoln 2 (consisting of Sections 13-16 & 19- 36) will be joined with Greenfi eld Township (including the City of Knierim) to vote at the Knierim City Hall. In addition to the districts, the commission reviewed the precincts in the county. Precincts must lie in one legislative district, be composed of contiguous territory, must follow the census block boundaries, and cannot exceed 3,500. The commission decided to propose combining the townships of Calhoun, Jackson, Elm Grove and the cities of Lake City and Yetter into one precinct to vote at the Lake City Community Building. Lake Creek Township will be combined with Center, Logan, Twin Lakes, & Garfi eld Townships and the City of Lytton within the limits of Calhoun County to vote at the Courthouse basement, Northwest room. This reduces the number of precincts from eleven to ten. The plan was presented at a public hearing held August 23, 2011. Plans must be approved and submitted to the Secretary of State by October 15th, and will be effective for elections after January 15, 2012. Send Us Your New Address Before You Move Please, So We Can Send You Your Subscription! PROBATE NOTICE FAYE M. GAFFNEY THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT CALHOUN COUNTY IN THE ESTATE OF FAYE M. GAFFNEY Deceased. Probate No. ESPR501582 NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR, AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS. To All Persons Interested in the Estate of Faye M. Gaffney, Deceased, who died on or about August 18, 2011. You are hereby notifi ed that on the 23rd day of August, 2011, The Last Will and Testament of Faye M. Gaffney, deceased, bearing date of the 1st day of May, 2008, was admitted to probate in the above named court and that Keith Gaffney was appointed executor of the estate. Any action to set aside the will must be brought in the district court of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date of the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice to all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be forever barred. Notice is further given that all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors having claims against the estate shall fi le them with the clerk of the above named district court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance, and unless so fi led by the later to occur of four months from the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim is thereafter forever barred. Dated this 23rd day of August, 2011 Steven W. Hendricks Kersten Brownlee Hendricks LLP 805 Central Avenue, Suite 700 Fort Dodge, Iowa 50501 Attorney for Executor Keith Gaffney 1018 15 th Avenue Manson, Iowa 50563 Executor of Estate Date of second publication, 21st day of September, 2011. 14, 21 adv PROBATE NOTICE KATHERINE F. TREMAN THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT CALHOUN COUNTY IN THE ESTATE OF KATHERINE F. TREMAN Deceased. Probate No. ESPR501587 NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR, AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS. To All Persons Interested in the Estate of Katherine F. Treman, Deceased, who died on or about August 25, 2011. You are hereby notifi ed that on the 7th day of September, 2011, The Last Will and Testament of Katherine F. Treman, deceased, bearing date of the 6 th day of May, 2005, was admitted to probate in the above named court and that a Jack R. Gray was appointed executor of the estate. Any action to set aside the will must be brought in the district court of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date of the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice to all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be forever barred. Notice is further given that all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors having claims against the estate shall fi le them with the clerk of the above named district court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance, and unless so fi led by the later to occur of four months from the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim is thereafter forever barred. Dated this 7th day of September, 2011 Jack R. Gray Gray & Gidel, Attorneys at Law 423 Court Street, P.O. Box 266 Rockwell City, IA 50579 Attorney for Executor Jack R. Gray P.O. Box 266 Rockwell City, IA 50579 Executor of Estate Date of second publication, 21st day of September, 2011. 14, 21 adv 24-7 Orthopaedic Care ������� ���� Total Joints Spine Care Fracture Care Sports Medicine ���������� ������� ��������������� ������ Stewart Memorial Community Hospital is proud to offer Orthopaedic services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. From consultations to emergency surgery, our Orthopaedic team of Dr. Lee Hieb, Dr. Thomas Dulaney, and Dr. Christopher Nelson are here to help. Appointments are available every week at Stewart Memorial Community Hospital in Lake City, and no referral is necessary. With over 30 years of combined Orthopaedic Surgery experience, you can rely on our Orthopaedic team to provide outstanding Orthopaedic care... all in the comfort of our state-of-the-art surgery center. To learn more about the Orthopaedic Surgery Services offered at Stewart Memorial Community Hospital in Lake City visit our website at �����������������������. ����������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������ Rockwell City Council Proceedings September 6, 2011 7:00PM Mayor Heinlen called the meeting to order with the following members present: Hepp, Hendricks, Dawson, Lange and Roller. Motion by Hepp, second by Dawson, approving the agenda; unanimous. Motion by Lange, second by Roller, to approve the consent agenda of the August 15 meeting minutes, bills as submitted and native wine permit for Parkside Flowers; unanimous. This being the time and place, Mayor Heinlen opened the public hearing for proposed action on a proposal to enter into a loan agreement for the purpose of paying the cost of acquiring a fi re truck. There were no written or oral comments. Motion by Hendricks, second by Dawson to close the public hearing, unanimous. After due consideration and discussion, motion by Hendricks, second by Dawson to approve Resolution 11-21 to contract indebtedness and enter into a General Obligation Fire Truck Acquisition Loan agreement in a principal amount not to exceed $250,000, for the purpose of paying the cost of acquiring a fi retruck. Ayes - Hepp, Hendricks, Dawson, Lange and Roller. Nays - none. Motion by Lange, second by Hendricks to waive the excess sewer charges for 140 Stewart Street due to watering of lawn because of waterline repairs; unanimous Motion by Roller, second by Hendricks to allow Warner Circle Drive to be closed from 6:00AM – 2:00PM on September 24 for an auction with permission from all neighbors that would be affected; unanimous. Motion by Hepp, second by Lange to allow Lewis Street from Grant to Elm to be closed for a block party on September 24 from 5:00PM to midnight ; unanimous. Motion by Lange, second by Dawson to allow Richmond Street to be closed from Fifth and Sixth for a block party on September 24 from 5:00Pm to Midnight; unanimous. Brent and Shelly Keiser requested permission to receive an easement to be able to maintain and repair a water line and electricity that will run from their house down the alley in city right of way between Richmond Street and Court Street. Motion by Roller, second by Hendricks to approve the easement; unanimous. Motion by Roller, second by Hepp to have the Mayor sign the Airport Terminal Apron Grant Agreement; unanimous. Motion by Hepp, second by Lange to have Ferguson Waterworks send out notices for meter installation at a cost of $20/meter; unanimous. Clerk Smidt told the council that the county ambulance service gave their 60 day notice on September 2, 2011 to release them from their lease for the city emergency services building. There was discussion over concerns of trees hanging into streets. Lowell Stoolman will contact a local business about renting a truck to potentially trim trees. Mayor Heinlen called for further business and, with none, motion by Roller, second by Hepp to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 PM; unanimous. Next meeting Monday, September 19 at 7:00 P.M. Warrants 51630 - 51727 Attest: Phil R. Heinlen, Mayor Kelly Smidt, City Clerk ACCO, Valve ........................................1057.78 AFLAC, Cancer ......................................514.44 Ag Source Laboratories, Lab Analysis.. 968.82 Allied Insurance, Insurance Premium ...3265.45 Baker & Taylor, Books ............................638.99 Beisser Inc, Bandstand Project ............2407.50 Bomgaars, Tool Boxes .................................. 859.28 Calhoun County Imp, Repair ....................18.75 Calhoun County Reminder, Ads .............190.90 Calhoun County Repub, Refund.............100.00 Calhoun County Treas, Coat/Patch ....14671.99 Carlson Autobody And Re, Repair ..........459.69 Carroll Refuse Service, Collection .......7627.00 Caseys General Stores Inc, Fuel............228.34 Center Point Publishing, Books ..............124.02 Champion Chrysler, Vehicle Repairs ......632.85 City Of Rockwell City, City Repay .............44.70 David Ahlrichs, Custodial Contract .........320.00 Doolittle Oil Co, Aviation Fuel ...............4423.92 Ed Roehr Safety Products, Pd Supplies .135.29 Electronic Engineering, Battery .................... 150.00 EMC Insurance Companies, Premium .2417.47 Equitable Financial Co, Deferred Comp ...80.00 Hepp Service Center Inc, Repairs ........... 23.60 Hovey Construction, Water Proj .........23272.59 IA Offi ce Supply Inc, Offi ce Supplies ......148.80 Iowa League Of Cities, Fy 12 Dues ........818.00 Iowa Rural Water Assn, Fall Conf ...........100.00 IPERS, Ipers .........................................4471.40 Jane Spencer, Cc Deposit Refund ...........50.00 Joes Tire & Auto, Repairs .........................36.00 Joni Hepp, Health Insurance Ded.......... 750.00 Kum & , Fuel ...........................................563.55 Librarians Choice, Childrens Books ....... 211.01 Lifetime, Dvds .........................................212.90 Linda Layman, Cc Deposit Refund ...........50.00 Meyco Pool Repairs, Pool Cover .........2300.00 Michael Todd Co, Gloves ........................223.93 Mid American Publishing , Ad/Publi ........164.22 Mid American Energy, Gas/Electric ......6335.86 MTI Distributing, Repairs ..........................76.28 Municipal Supply Inc, supplies .............1278.00 N.A.F.T.A, Fed/Fica Tax ........................3884.26 North American Salt, Softner Salt .........3323.40 Petty Cash, Postage .................................48.33 Postmaster, Postage/Bills .......................264.88 Recorded Books, LLC, Audi Books ........128.15 Star Energy, Fuel ..................................1514.78 Swanson Hardware, Supplies ................ 311.22 The Penworthy Company, Books ..........136.72 The Travelers-Amd, Workers Comp .....4626.16 Treasurer – State W/H, State Taxes ....1278.00 Treasurer – State (S.T.), Sales Tax.......1469.00 True North Companies, Premiums .....12025.87 Union State Bank, Savings .....................500.00 United Bank Of Iowa, Return Check.......232.78 Us Cellular, Cellular Service .....................89.47 Vernon Manufacturing, Valve ..................417.50 Visions Auto, Vehicle Repair ...................381.70 Webb’s Feed, Lime ...................................35.80 Weiss Plumbing, Repairs .......................190.97 Windstream Iowa Comm, Telephone ...... 116.82 Paid Total .......................................... 113399.13 THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS DEADLINE News & Advertising Friday @ NOON The Graphic-Advocate 712-464-3188 712-297-7544

September 14, 2011 Local News The Graphic-Advocate 5 Judgments: Hauge Associates vs. Matthew/Angela Dobbins, judgment for plaintiff for $1623.41 + 2.18% interest from 8-4-11 and $105.00 Court Cost. Heartland Bank vs. Charles/ Lorrie A. Stuart Learned, judgment for plaintiff for $1229.97 + 2.11% interest from 8-1-11 and $85.00 Court Cost. Doug’s Tire & Auto vs. Larry Waters, judgment for plaintiff for $731.19 + 2.18% interest from 7-27- 11 and $85.00 Court Cost. Magistrate Judgments: State of Iowa vs. Jennifer Kay Weber, Registration Violation, Fine $100.50. City of Rockwell City vs. Anastasia Chatterton, Dog Barking, Fine $195.00. State of Iowa vs. Justin Leist, Criminal Mischief 3 rd Degree, djudication to 5 th Degree, 2 years robation to Calhoun County heriff, 5 days jail, $125.00 Law nforcement Initiative Surcharge, 100.00 Court Cost, $450.00 estitution, $260.00 jail fee, $90.00 ttorney fees. Business And Professional Directory NORINE TV ������������� ������������ �������������������� �������������� ������������������ 712-297-0443 403 4th Street, Rockwell City Cell 712-830-9038 Home 712-464-8646 Southern Calhoun Ag Services, Inc. Tom & Heather McClue SALES REPRESENTATIVES FOR PIONEER BRAND PRODUCTS Lohrville Warehouse 510 First Street 712-465-2008 Lohrville, IA 51453 Independent Insurance Agent ������������������ ����������������� ������������������ PO Box 236, Lohrville, IA 51453 ������������������������ This Space AVAILABLE Call Teresa (712) 464-3188 State of Iowa vs. Thomas Dean Hemmingsen, Operation Without Registration, Fine $127.50. State of Iowa vs. Kelley Dewayne Branscum, Failure to Comply With Safety Reg. Rules, Fine $127.50. State of Iowa vs. Ryan McDonald, Minor Using Tobacco-1 st Offense, Fine $50.00. State of Iowa vs. Rebekah Errit, Violation-Financial Liability, Fine $735.00; Fail to Maintain Control, Fine $195.00. Speeding: Fine $114.00-Keith Charles Kersten; Richard R. Altenburger, Grafton, OH; Randy Wade Kruse, Lake City; Jennifer Jo Meyer, Des Moines; Reuben Eugene Ashbaugh, Rockwell City; Fine $119.00-Jared Dale Nelson, Sheldon; Fine $141.00-Rodney Joseph Wetherell, Hudson; Christina Ann Carr, Gowrie; Trent Allen Johnson, Ankeny; Nicholas Russell Roan, Sioux City; Fine $168.00-Daniel Otis Wiggins. Warranty Deed: Ryan Hicks to Michael L. Spangler, Amber D. Spangler, S 10’ Lot 3, All Lot 4, N Where the Best Come to Serve! At Shady Oaks Care Center, we are seeking world-class people to serve our residents and uphold our mission of “Dignity in Life”. We are currently looking for a part-time evening Culinary Host(ess) with hours from 4:15p to 7:30p including every other weekend. If you are interested in more information, please contact: Shady Oaks Care Center Attn: People Development Coordinator 1409 W Main St Lake City, IA 51449 712/464-3106 Mandatory Pre-Employment Drug Screen/Equal Opportunity Employer MEYER’S ELECTRIC Master Electrician Electrical Contractor Boom Truck Lake City, Iowa 51449 (712) 210-0348 This Space AVAILABLE Call Teresa (712) 464-3188 Call Tom Anderson at: (877) 465-6495 404 Elm St., Lohrville auto, home, commercial, crop, farm, health, life... Lake City Storage 505 St. Clair Street 712 - 464 - 3398 Sizes Available 10 x 24 8 x 10 BERRY HEARING AID & AUDIOLOGY CENTER Lake City Center - Woodlawn Pharmacy Woodlawn & Main Street 2nd Thursday of each month, 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. 1-800-728-7821 “Helping People Hear Since 1949” COURTHOUSE NEWS 27’ Lot 5, Bk. 2, Beacham’s Addn. Farnhamville. Rev. $125.60. Mark A. Kurtz, Karen B. Kurtz to Dennis Lens, John J. Lenz, Trustee, John J. Lenz Revocable Trust, NWFRL1/4, 49.94 Acre Tract Section 07-89-32. Rev. $663.20. Dennis Lenz, Jean Lenz to Michael R. Lenz, Trustee, Sandra L. Lenz, Trustee, Michael Lenz Revocable Trust, Sandra Lenz Revocable Trust, NWFRL1/4, 49.94 Acre Tract Section 07-89-32. Quit Claim Deed: Carl S. Nelsen, Lori S. Nelsen to Ryan Kraft, Lot 6-8, Bk. 5, Original Town Lohrville. Trustee’s Deed: Michael R. Lenz, Trustee, Sandra L. Lenz, Trustee, Michael Lenz Revocable Trust, Sandra Lenz Revocable Trust to Dennis Lenz, SE1/4 E 120 Acre Tract Except 5.46 Acre Tract 380.49’ x 625’ Section 25-89-33. Rev. $331.20. Harold G. Pell to Brandon B. Betten, Brian L. Betten, W1/2 SE1/4 Section 25-88-34. Rev. $1,253.60. United Bank of Iowa to John Niedowicz, Connie Niedowicz, N This Space AVAILABLE Call Teresa (712) 464-3188 For All Your Insurance Needs Call: Agents, Inc. 331 Court Rockwell City, IA Telephone: 712-297-7589 or 1-800-297-7589 Wilkins NAPA Parts Hwy. 175 East Lake City, IA 464-3163 ������������������� Steven W. Hendricks Attorney at Law General practice of Law and settlement of estates Phone 712-297-7567 “where caring makes the difference” For your long term or respite care needs Speech - Physical - Occupational Therapy Offered Daily! (712) 297-8918 Rockwell City, Iowa Your Professional “Insurance for Farm, Town, Insurance Center Auto, Crop & Business” Johnson Insurance Agency Carl E. Johnson Lake City 712-464-3115 Custom Tops by Don Daisy Specializing in Custom Counter Tops Don Daisy 202 E. Main St. Lanesboro, IA, 51451 712-830-2573 “Let Years of Experience make your Kitchen Beautiful” Rockwell City Lohrville, Iowa Gray & Gidel Attorneys at Law General Practice of Law Settlement of Estates Rockwell City 297-7514 56’ Lots 1, 2, Bk. 27, Original Town Lake City. Rev. $39.20. Dale L. Christensen, Arlene J. Christensen to Robert L. Block, Sara M. Block, NE1/4 SE1/4 12.5 Acre Tract Section 11-86-34 and NE1/4 SE1/4 .929 Acre Tract Section 11- 86-34. Rev. $423.20. John Niedowicz, Connie Niedowicz to Richard Lamberty, Beverly M. Lamberty, N 56’ Lot 1, 2, Bk. 27, Original Town Lake City. Rev. $64.80. Leo Beschorner, Trustee, Mercedes Beschorner Revocable Trust to LKMKM LLC W1/2 SE1/4 Section 21-86-31. No Rev. Clarence E. Peters to NEW Cooperative Inc., N 65’ lot 2, Bk. 41, 6 th Addn. Pomeroy. Rev. $23.20. Mortgage: Michael Spangler, Amber Spangler to Homeservices Lending LLC, S 10’ Lot 3, All Lot 4, N 27’ Lot 5, Bk. 2, Beacham’s Addn. Farnhamville. Dennis L. Lenz, Jean A. Lenz to Farm Credit Services of America, SE1/4 E 120 Acre Tract Except 5.46 Acre Tract 380.49’ x 625’ Section 2 nd Annual Titan Golf Tournament 4 person best ball September 18 th , 10 am Lake City Country Club Fun Contests: Scratch off fantasy golf!! Silent Auction of many unique items! Food, Fun & Fellowship Cool Titan Giveaways!! Junior Division Golf - Adult Division Golf Come Come join the join fun!! the fun!! All All Proceeds Proceeds to to Bleacher Project Bleacher Project Cost: $25.00 per person Call LCCC for sign-up 464-3344 This Space AVAILABLE Call Teresa (712) 464-3188 25-89-33. Brian L. Betten, Diane Betten, Brandon B. Betten to United Bank of Iowa, W1/2 SE1/4 Section 25-88- 34. Brandon B. Betten to United Bank of Iowa SW1/4 NW1/4 Section 33- 89-33. Robert L. Block, Sara M. Block to United Bank of Iowa, NE1/4 SE1/4 12.5 Acre Tract Section 11-86-34 and NE1/4 SE1/4 .929 Acre Tract Section 11-86-34. Duane W. Sporleder, Deborah J. Sporleder to Iowa Savings Bank, SW1/4 NE1/4 Outlot 4 S 175’ Section 07-86-33. Richard F. Lamberty, Beverly M. Lamberty to Iowa State Bank, N 56’ Lot 1, 2, Bk. 27, Original Town Lake City. Mortgage Release: United Bank of Iowa, First Bank & Trust Co. to D. Dean DeVries, Marilyn S. DeVries, W1/2 SW1/4 Bk. 2, Smith’s 1 st Addn. Lake City. Union State Bank to Steven C. Moberg, Carol E. Moberg, E1/2 NEFRL1/4 Except RR Section - Stone Coated Metal Roofing - Seamless Gutters (Aluminum & Steel) - Leaf-X Gutter Protection - Vinyl Decking/ Fencing - Replacement Vinyl Windows Van Horn Insurance Agency, Inc. Lisa Borkowski & Renee Wright Glidden - Lohrville 712 - 659 - 2264 This Space AVAILABLE Call Teresa (712) 464-3188 Redenius Construction New Construction Additions Remodeling Garages Window Replacement Siding Sheetrock/Texturing Ceramic Tile Gary Redenius 464-3398 Lake City, Iowa Since 1979 02-87-33 and E1/2 SE1/4 Except Easement Section 02-87-33 and W1/2 SE1/4 Section 32-88-33. Affi davit: Michael R. Lenz to Michael R. Lenz, Trustee, Sandra L. Lenz, Trustee, SE1/4 E 120 Acre Tract Except 5.46 Acre Tract 380.49’ x 625’ Section 25-89-33. Helen R. Lenz Estate to Dennis L. Lenz, Casandra Catherine Lenz, Natalie Marie Lenz, Brent Christopher Lenz, Troy James Lenz, SE1/4 E 120 Except 5.46 Acre Tract 380.49’ x 625’ Section 25-89-33. Vern Hout Jr. to Claudette Kay Hout, S1/2 NE1/4 Section 29-89-33. Clarence E. Peters to Barbara A. Peters, N 65’ Lot 2, Bk. 41, 6 th Addn. Pomeroy. Plat of Survey: Robert D. Wortman, Survey to State of Iowa, SE1/4 Outlot 15, 1.46 Acre Tract Section 25-88-33. Jeffrey M. Krueger, Surveyor to Sally Frotshcer, SW1/4 NW1/4 Parcel A 2.36 Acre Tract. Deadline News & Advertising Friday @ Noon The Graphc-Advocate 712-464-3188 • 712-297-7544 Gorden's Greenhouse & Garden Center ������������������������������ ��������� ������������������� ����������������������� Fall Hours: Monday - Wednesday - Friday - Saturday 9-2 205 E. 6th St., Lake City 712-464-3434 Phone: (712) 464-3580 Toll Free: 800-358-5028 E-Mail: Lake City, IA 51449 This Space AVAILABLE Call Teresa (712) 464-3188 David L. Willis Attorney at Law General Practice of Law Settlement of Estates Lake City 712-464-3101 For All Your Insurance Needs In Lake City See Your Local Agent Tracy Wetter 108 N. Illinois Lake City, IA 712-464-7905

September 14, 2011 Local News<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Graphic</strong>-<strong>Advocate</strong> 5<br />

Judgments: Hauge Associates vs.<br />

Matthew/Angela Dobbins, judgment<br />

for plaintiff for $1623.41 + 2.18%<br />

interest from 8-4-11 and $105.00<br />

Court Cost.<br />

Heartland Bank vs. Charles/<br />

Lorrie A. Stuart Learned, judgment<br />

for plaintiff for $1229.97 + 2.11%<br />

interest from 8-1-11 and $85.00<br />

Court Cost.<br />

Doug’s Tire & Auto vs. Larry<br />

Waters, judgment for plaintiff for<br />

$731.19 + 2.18% interest from 7-27-<br />

11 and $85.00 Court Cost.<br />

Magistrate Judgments: State<br />

of Iowa vs. Jennifer Kay Weber,<br />

Registration Violation, Fine $100.50.<br />

City of Rockwell City vs.<br />

Anastasia Chatterton, Dog Barking,<br />

Fine $195.00.<br />

State of Iowa vs. Justin Leist,<br />

Criminal Mischief 3 rd Degree,<br />

djudication to 5 th Degree, 2 years<br />

robation to Calhoun County<br />

heriff, 5 days jail, $125.00 Law<br />

nforcement Initiative Surcharge,<br />

100.00 Court Cost, $450.00<br />

estitution, $260.00 jail fee, $90.00<br />

ttorney fees.<br />

Business And Professional Directory<br />


�������������<br />

������������<br />

��������������������<br />

��������������<br />

������������������<br />

712-297-0443<br />

403 4th Street, Rockwell City<br />

Cell 712-830-9038<br />

Home 712-464-8646<br />

Southern Calhoun Ag<br />

Services, Inc.<br />

Tom & Heather McClue<br />



Lohrville Warehouse 510 First Street<br />

712-465-2008 Lohrville, IA 51453<br />

Independent Insurance Agent<br />

������������������<br />

�����������������<br />

������������������<br />

PO Box 236, Lohrville, IA 51453<br />

������������������������<br />

This Space<br />


Call Teresa<br />

(712) 464-3188<br />

State of Iowa vs. Thomas Dean<br />

Hemmingsen, Operation Without<br />

Registration, Fine $127.50.<br />

State of Iowa vs. Kelley Dewayne<br />

Branscum, Failure to Comply With<br />

Safety Reg. Rules, Fine $127.50.<br />

State of Iowa vs. Ryan McDonald,<br />

Minor Using Tobacco-1 st Offense,<br />

Fine $50.00.<br />

State of Iowa vs. Rebekah Errit,<br />

Violation-Financial Liability, Fine<br />

$735.00; Fail to Maintain Control,<br />

Fine $195.00.<br />

Speeding: Fine $114.00-Keith<br />

Charles Kersten; Richard R.<br />

Altenburger, Grafton, OH; Randy<br />

Wade Kruse, Lake City; Jennifer Jo<br />

Meyer, Des Moines; Reuben Eugene<br />

Ashbaugh, Rockwell City; Fine<br />

$119.00-Jared Dale Nelson, Sheldon;<br />

Fine $141.00-Rodney Joseph<br />

Wetherell, Hudson; Christina Ann<br />

Carr, Gowrie; Trent Allen Johnson,<br />

Ankeny; Nicholas Russell Roan,<br />

Sioux City; Fine $168.00-Daniel<br />

Otis Wiggins.<br />

Warranty Deed: Ryan Hicks to<br />

Michael L. Spangler, Amber D.<br />

Spangler, S 10’ Lot 3, All Lot 4, N<br />

Where the Best Come to Serve! At Shady Oaks Care Center, we<br />

are seeking world-class people to serve our residents and uphold<br />

our mission of “Dignity in Life”. We are currently looking for a<br />

part-time evening Culinary Host(ess) with hours from 4:15p to<br />

7:30p including every other weekend.<br />

If you are interested in more information, please contact:<br />

Shady Oaks Care Center<br />

Attn: People Development Coordinator<br />

1409 W Main St Lake City, IA 51449<br />

712/464-3106<br /><br /><br />

Mandatory Pre-Employment<br />

Drug Screen/Equal Opportunity Employer<br />

MEYER’S<br />


Master Electrician<br />

Electrical Contractor<br />

Boom Truck<br />

Lake City, Iowa 51449<br />

(712) 210-0348<br />

This Space<br />


Call Teresa<br />

(712) 464-3188<br />

Call Tom Anderson at:<br />

(877) 465-6495<br />

404 Elm St., Lohrville<br /><br />

auto, home,<br />

commercial,<br />

crop, farm,<br />

health, life...<br />

Lake City<br />

Storage<br />

505 St. Clair Street<br />

712 - 464 - 3398<br />

Sizes Available<br />

10 x 24 8 x 10<br />



Lake City Center - Woodlawn Pharmacy<br />

Woodlawn & Main Street<br />

2nd Thursday of each month, 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.<br />

1-800-728-7821 “Helping People Hear Since 1949”<br />


27’ Lot 5, Bk. 2, Beacham’s Addn.<br />

Farnhamville. Rev. $125.60.<br />

Mark A. Kurtz, Karen B. Kurtz<br />

to Dennis Lens, John J. Lenz,<br />

Trustee, John J. Lenz Revocable<br />

Trust, NWFRL1/4, 49.94 Acre Tract<br />

Section 07-89-32. Rev. $663.20.<br />

Dennis Lenz, Jean Lenz to Michael<br />

R. Lenz, Trustee, Sandra L. Lenz,<br />

Trustee, Michael Lenz Revocable<br />

Trust, Sandra Lenz Revocable<br />

Trust, NWFRL1/4, 49.94 Acre Tract<br />

Section 07-89-32.<br />

Quit Claim Deed: Carl S. Nelsen,<br />

Lori S. Nelsen to Ryan Kraft, Lot<br />

6-8, Bk. 5, Original Town Lohrville.<br />

Trustee’s Deed: Michael R.<br />

Lenz, Trustee, Sandra L. Lenz,<br />

Trustee, Michael Lenz Revocable<br />

Trust, Sandra Lenz Revocable<br />

Trust to Dennis Lenz, SE1/4 E 120<br />

Acre Tract Except 5.46 Acre Tract<br />

380.49’ x 625’ Section 25-89-33.<br />

Rev. $331.20.<br />

Harold G. Pell to Brandon B.<br />

Betten, Brian L. Betten, W1/2 SE1/4<br />

Section 25-88-34. Rev. $1,253.60.<br />

United Bank of Iowa to John<br />

Niedowicz, Connie Niedowicz, N<br />

This Space<br />


Call Teresa<br />

(712) 464-3188<br />

For All Your<br />

Insurance Needs<br />

Call:<br />

Agents, Inc.<br />

331 Court<br />

Rockwell City, IA<br />

Telephone: 712-297-7589<br />

or 1-800-297-7589<br />

Wilkins<br />

NAPA Parts<br />

Hwy. 175 East<br />

Lake City, IA<br />

464-3163<br />

�������������������<br />

Steven W. Hendricks<br />

Attorney at Law<br />

General practice of Law<br />

and settlement of estates<br />

Phone 712-297-7567<br />

“where caring makes the difference”<br />

For your long term<br />

or respite care<br />

needs<br />

Speech - Physical -<br />

Occupational <strong>The</strong>rapy<br />

Offered Daily!<br />

(712) 297-8918<br /><br />

Rockwell City, Iowa<br />

Your Professional “Insurance for Farm, Town,<br />

Insurance Center Auto, Crop & Business”<br />

Johnson<br />

Insurance Agency<br />

Carl E. Johnson<br />

Lake City 712-464-3115<br />

Custom Tops by Don Daisy<br />

Specializing in Custom Counter Tops<br />

Don Daisy<br />

202 E. Main St.<br />

Lanesboro, IA, 51451<br />

712-830-2573<br />

“Let Years of Experience make<br />

your Kitchen Beautiful”<br />

Rockwell City Lohrville, Iowa<br />

Gray & Gidel<br />

Attorneys at Law<br />

General Practice of Law<br />

Settlement of Estates<br />

Rockwell City 297-7514<br />

56’ Lots 1, 2, Bk. 27, Original Town<br />

Lake City. Rev. $39.20.<br />

Dale L. Christensen, Arlene J.<br />

Christensen to Robert L. Block, Sara<br />

M. Block, NE1/4 SE1/4 12.5 Acre<br />

Tract Section 11-86-34 and NE1/4<br />

SE1/4 .929 Acre Tract Section 11-<br />

86-34. Rev. $423.20.<br />

John Niedowicz, Connie<br />

Niedowicz to Richard Lamberty,<br />

Beverly M. Lamberty, N 56’ Lot 1,<br />

2, Bk. 27, Original Town Lake City.<br />

Rev. $64.80.<br />

Leo Beschorner, Trustee, Mercedes<br />

Beschorner Revocable Trust to<br />

LKMKM LLC W1/2 SE1/4 Section<br />

21-86-31. No Rev.<br />

Clarence E. Peters to NEW<br />

Cooperative Inc., N 65’ lot 2, Bk.<br />

41, 6 th Addn. Pomeroy. Rev. $23.20.<br />

Mortgage: Michael Spangler,<br />

Amber Spangler to Homeservices<br />

Lending LLC, S 10’ Lot 3, All Lot 4,<br />

N 27’ Lot 5, Bk. 2, Beacham’s Addn.<br />

Farnhamville.<br />

Dennis L. Lenz, Jean A. Lenz to<br />

Farm Credit Services of America,<br />

SE1/4 E 120 Acre Tract Except 5.46<br />

Acre Tract 380.49’ x 625’ Section<br />

2 nd Annual Titan Golf Tournament<br />

4 person best ball<br />

September 18 th , 10 am<br />

Lake City Country Club<br />

Fun Contests: Scratch off fantasy golf!!<br />

Silent Auction of many unique items!<br />

Food, Fun & Fellowship<br />

Cool Titan Giveaways!!<br />

Junior Division Golf - Adult Division Golf<br />

Come<br />

Come<br />

join the<br />

join<br />

fun!!<br />

the fun!!<br />

All<br />

All<br />

Proceeds<br />

Proceeds<br />

to<br />

to<br />

Bleacher Project<br />

Bleacher Project<br />

Cost: $25.00 per person<br />

Call LCCC for sign-up 464-3344<br />

This Space<br />


Call Teresa<br />

(712) 464-3188<br />

25-89-33.<br />

Brian L. Betten, Diane Betten,<br />

Brandon B. Betten to United Bank<br />

of Iowa, W1/2 SE1/4 Section 25-88-<br />

34.<br />

Brandon B. Betten to United Bank<br />

of Iowa SW1/4 NW1/4 Section 33-<br />

89-33.<br />

Robert L. Block, Sara M. Block to<br />

United Bank of Iowa, NE1/4 SE1/4<br />

12.5 Acre Tract Section 11-86-34<br />

and NE1/4 SE1/4 .929 Acre Tract<br />

Section 11-86-34.<br />

Duane W. Sporleder, Deborah J.<br />

Sporleder to Iowa Savings Bank,<br />

SW1/4 NE1/4 Outlot 4 S 175’<br />

Section 07-86-33.<br />

Richard F. Lamberty, Beverly M.<br />

Lamberty to Iowa State Bank, N 56’<br />

Lot 1, 2, Bk. 27, Original Town Lake<br />

City.<br />

Mortgage Release: United Bank<br />

of Iowa, First Bank & Trust Co. to D.<br />

Dean DeVries, Marilyn S. DeVries,<br />

W1/2 SW1/4 Bk. 2, Smith’s 1 st<br />

Addn. Lake City.<br />

Union State Bank to Steven C.<br />

Moberg, Carol E. Moberg, E1/2<br />

NEFRL1/4 Except RR Section<br />

- Stone Coated<br />

Metal Roofing<br />

- Seamless Gutters<br />

(Aluminum & Steel)<br />

- Leaf-X Gutter<br />

Protection<br />

- Vinyl<br />

Decking/ Fencing<br />

- Replacement<br />

Vinyl<br />

Windows<br />

Van Horn<br />

Insurance Agency,<br />

Inc.<br />

Lisa Borkowski<br />

& Renee Wright<br />

Glidden - Lohrville<br />

712 - 659 - 2264<br />

This Space<br />


Call Teresa<br />

(712) 464-3188<br />

Redenius<br />

Construction<br />

New Construction Additions<br />

Remodeling Garages<br />

Window Replacement Siding<br />

Sheetrock/Texturing Ceramic Tile<br />

Gary Redenius<br />

464-3398<br />

Lake City, Iowa<br />

Since 1979<br />

02-87-33 and E1/2 SE1/4 Except<br />

Easement Section 02-87-33 and<br />

W1/2 SE1/4 Section 32-88-33.<br />

Affi davit: Michael R. Lenz to<br />

Michael R. Lenz, Trustee, Sandra<br />

L. Lenz, Trustee, SE1/4 E 120 Acre<br />

Tract Except 5.46 Acre Tract 380.49’<br />

x 625’ Section 25-89-33.<br />

Helen R. Lenz Estate to Dennis<br />

L. Lenz, Casandra Catherine<br />

Lenz, Natalie Marie Lenz, Brent<br />

Christopher Lenz, Troy James Lenz,<br />

SE1/4 E 120 Except 5.46 Acre Tract<br />

380.49’ x 625’ Section 25-89-33.<br />

Vern Hout Jr. to Claudette Kay<br />

Hout, S1/2 NE1/4 Section 29-89-33.<br />

Clarence E. Peters to Barbara A.<br />

Peters, N 65’ Lot 2, Bk. 41, 6 th Addn.<br />

Pomeroy.<br />

Plat of Survey: Robert D.<br />

Wortman, Survey to State of Iowa,<br />

SE1/4 Outlot 15, 1.46 Acre Tract<br />

Section 25-88-33.<br />

Jeffrey M. Krueger, Surveyor<br />

to Sally Frotshcer, SW1/4 NW1/4<br />

Parcel A 2.36 Acre Tract.<br />

Deadline<br />

News & Advertising<br />

Friday @ Noon<br />

<strong>The</strong> Graphc-<strong>Advocate</strong><br />

712-464-3188 • 712-297-7544<br />

Gorden's Greenhouse<br />

& Garden Center<br />

������������������������������<br />

���������<br />

�������������������<br />

�����������������������<br />

Fall Hours:<br />

Monday - Wednesday - Friday - Saturday 9-2<br />

205 E. 6th St., Lake City<br />

712-464-3434<br />

Phone: (712) 464-3580 Toll Free: 800-358-5028<br />

E-Mail:<br />

Lake City, IA 51449<br />

This Space<br />


Call Teresa<br />

(712) 464-3188<br />

David L. Willis<br />

Attorney at Law<br />

General Practice of Law<br />

Settlement of Estates<br />

Lake City<br />

712-464-3101<br />

For All Your Insurance Needs<br />

In Lake City<br />

See Your<br />

Local Agent<br />

Tracy Wetter<br />

108 N. Illinois<br />

Lake City, IA<br />


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