ecology of phasmids - KLUEDO - Universität Kaiserslautern

ecology of phasmids - KLUEDO - Universität Kaiserslautern

ecology of phasmids - KLUEDO - Universität Kaiserslautern


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Life history & potential population growth 36<br />

∑<br />

Equation 3-3 F x = F d L f a f<br />

where F d = Mean number <strong>of</strong> fertilized eggs produced per day and female<br />

L f = Mean adult lifetime <strong>of</strong> females<br />

af = Number <strong>of</strong> females<br />

For the calculation <strong>of</strong> ΣFx knowledge about the sex ratio <strong>of</strong> a population is inevitable. Female-biased<br />

populations will result in higher values for the net per capita rate <strong>of</strong> increase R and hence in faster<br />

growth. Replacing ΣFx in Equation 3-2 by F d L f a f shows that the proportion <strong>of</strong> females in the<br />

M. diocles lab population (estimated by the sex ratio) is included by the term af/a0.<br />

The outlined model in Equation 3-1 describes the infinite exponential population growth in the absence<br />

<strong>of</strong> limiting factors. Such hypothetical populations do not reflect biological facts. Factors affecting<br />

population growth can act on every life stage <strong>of</strong> an organism. Here, I assessed the effect <strong>of</strong> limiting<br />

factors in the first life stage. More precisely, I estimated egg mortality due to fungal infestation and<br />

failed hatching. A reduction in hatching will result in a lower net per capita rate <strong>of</strong> increase R (or basic<br />

reproductive rate R0 respectively) because a0 > ax and fewer females enter the reproductive adult stage.<br />

The population will still grow exponentially but the proportion <strong>of</strong> eggs that fail to hatch decelerates the<br />

increase. This model assumes that failed hatching is constant.<br />

3.3 Results<br />

3.3.1 Demographic population parameters and life history traits<br />

In the M. diocles lab population sex ratio was balanced (females : males = 1.01; Table 3-1). Females and<br />

males showed a pronounced sexual dimorphism, differing significantly in size and weight. In average,<br />

females weighed more than three times more and were ca. 20 % longer than males (Table 3-1).<br />

Consistently, it took females approximately 8 days longer to develop from nymph to adult, resulting in a<br />

total developmental period <strong>of</strong> 108 days (Table 3-1).<br />

Mean adult lifetime differed significantly between sexes, with females living approximately 13 days<br />

longer than males (i.e., 60 vs. 47 days; cf. Table 3-1). Generally adult lifetimes varied enormously<br />

among individuals. At maximum an individual female tripled average adult lifetime and lived for 177<br />

days. Likewise maximum lifetime for males was more than twice as long as male mean adult lifetime.<br />

Females produced in average 0.66 eggs per day (Table 3-1). But individual females posed up to ten eggs<br />

in one day. Mean egg production was modestly related to female weight (RS = 0.43; cf. Figure 3-1).<br />

In average nymphs hatched after 71 days. Duration <strong>of</strong> egg development ranged considerably from 35 to<br />

172 days but clearly peaked with 50 % <strong>of</strong> all nymphs emerging between days 68 and 74 after<br />

oviposition (Figure 3-2).

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