In 1926: living at the edge of time - Monoskop

In 1926: living at the edge of time - Monoskop

In 1926: living at the edge of time - Monoskop


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284 CODES<br />

limit <strong>of</strong> this experiment by identifying total knowl<strong>edge</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> laws <strong>of</strong><br />

n<strong>at</strong>ure with <strong>the</strong> st<strong>at</strong>us <strong>of</strong> divinity. But even such divine wisdom could not<br />

guarantee perfect happiness among <strong>living</strong> beings: "Such a man came<br />

close to being God; and if God himself was unable to make his cre<strong>at</strong>ures<br />

happy, <strong>the</strong>re is reason to believe th<strong>at</strong> this was impossible" (185). Although<br />

Maeterlinck coins <strong>the</strong> particularly appropri<strong>at</strong>e expression "absorption<br />

in God" (185) for <strong>the</strong> constitution <strong>of</strong> transcendental concepts<br />

from <strong>the</strong> observ<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>of</strong> n<strong>at</strong>ure, he himself practices <strong>the</strong> absorption <strong>of</strong><br />

God into popular science-a practice th<strong>at</strong> now pervades <strong>the</strong> intellectual<br />

scene. Henri de Mon<strong>the</strong>rlant pursues a similar str<strong>at</strong>egy <strong>of</strong> oscill<strong>at</strong>ion<br />

between Immanence and Transcendence: "The more intim<strong>at</strong>e our rel<strong>at</strong>ions<br />

with n<strong>at</strong>ure become, <strong>the</strong> closer we get to <strong>the</strong> supern<strong>at</strong>ural" (Album<br />

Mon<strong>the</strong>rlant, 107). Starting out quite conventionally by comparing bees<br />

and wasps to different types <strong>of</strong> human social life, <strong>the</strong> philosopher Theodor<br />

Lessing ends up discovering in n<strong>at</strong>ure wh<strong>at</strong> used to be defined as<br />

Transcendence: "But when autumn comes, with <strong>the</strong> cold wind sweeping<br />

over <strong>the</strong> fields and food becoming scarcer and scarcer, <strong>at</strong> last something<br />

mystical happens, so strange th<strong>at</strong> it truly touches on ultim<strong>at</strong>e mysteries<br />

<strong>of</strong> redemption. A whole popul<strong>at</strong>ion is extinguished. Only a single fertile<br />

wasp creeps around <strong>the</strong> roots and dwelling places <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> earth, preserving<br />

for <strong>the</strong> new year <strong>the</strong> memory <strong>of</strong> a vanished world <strong>of</strong> forms. Might<br />

Buddha have discovered <strong>the</strong> secret <strong>of</strong> Nirvana in <strong>the</strong> solitary life <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se<br />

wild wasps?" (Lessing, 256-257). Lessing is not <strong>the</strong> only intellectual who<br />

tries to connect <strong>the</strong>ology and <strong>the</strong> observ<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>of</strong> n<strong>at</strong>ure with Asian<br />

thought. <strong>In</strong> its fourth year, <strong>the</strong> influential Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift fur<br />

Liter<strong>at</strong>urwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte (German Quarterly for Literary<br />

Studies and <strong>In</strong>tellectual History) publishes an essay th<strong>at</strong> tries to<br />

legitimize <strong>the</strong> growing affili<strong>at</strong>ion between transcendental specul<strong>at</strong>ion and<br />

empirical science in <strong>the</strong> West by likening it to a similar rel<strong>at</strong>ionship in<br />

<strong>the</strong> <strong>In</strong>dian intellectual tradition: "<strong>In</strong> this sense, <strong>the</strong> character <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

spiritual world <strong>of</strong> <strong>In</strong>dia is determined by <strong>the</strong> close rel<strong>at</strong>ionship between<br />

yoga and empirical science ... The sciences medi<strong>at</strong>e practical knowl<strong>edge</strong><br />

about <strong>the</strong> types and effects <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> various metamorphoses, in which <strong>the</strong><br />

divine presents itself in <strong>the</strong> world <strong>of</strong> appearances. Yoga, however, is <strong>the</strong><br />

only means by which one may grasp <strong>the</strong> absolute essence <strong>of</strong> this 'being'<br />

beyond <strong>the</strong> veil <strong>of</strong> its metamorphoses" (Zimmer, 56-57). [see Uncertainty<br />

vs. Reality]<br />

The most rhetorically complex way <strong>of</strong> absorbing Transcendence into

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