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Notes to the Financial Statements<br />

Notes to the Financial Statements<br />

General Notes<br />

(1) General information on the preparation of<br />

financial statements<br />

The financial statements of <strong>DG</strong> HYP for the financial<br />

year <strong>2006</strong> have been prepared in accordance with the provisions<br />

of the German Commercial Code (Handelsgesetzbuch<br />

– “HGB”) and the German Accounting Directive for<br />

Banks (Verordnung über die Rechnungslegung der Kreditinstitute<br />

– “RechKredV”). They also comply with the<br />

requirements set out in the German Public Limited Companies<br />

Act (Aktiengesetz – “AktG”), and the German Pfandbrief<br />

Act (Pfandbriefgesetz – “PfandBG”).<br />

Given the non-materiality of all subsidiaries, in accordance<br />

with section 296 (2) of the HGB, the company has not<br />

prepared consolidated financial statements.<br />

All amounts have been quoted in euros, in accordance<br />

with section 244 of the HGB.<br />

(2) Accounting policies<br />

Loans and advances to banks/to customers<br />

Loans and advances to banks and customers are recognised<br />

at nominal value, in accordance with section 340e (2)<br />

of the HGB. Where their stated value of the loans differs<br />

from the amount disbursed, or cost, the amount of the difference<br />

is reported under deferred items and amortised in<br />

interest income over the term of the transaction.<br />

Loans and advances which are fully classified as current<br />

assets are valued strictly at the lower of cost or market. All<br />

existing individual lending risks are covered by specific loan<br />

loss provisions. Existing risks of default in the retail lending<br />

business are covered by recognising specific provisions at a<br />

flat rate. We have formed a tax-deductible general loan loss<br />

provision to cover expected loan losses which have been<br />

incurred but not identified as such at the balance sheet<br />

date. Special risks arising from banking operations are<br />

accounted for by the fund for general banking risks pursuant<br />

to section 340f of the HGB.<br />

Following the revocation of Statement 3/1977 issued by<br />

the Institute of Public Auditors in Germany (Institut der<br />

Wirtschaftsprüfer – “IdW”), we have adapted the procedure<br />

for recognising interest income on non-performing<br />

loans and advances during the year under review. Whilst in<br />

previous periods, our policy was to recognise interest claims<br />

until collateral had been realised in full, we now no longer<br />

recognise interest income where it becomes obvious during<br />

execution proceedings that the realisable proceeds will fall<br />

short of the carrying amount. The change in policy will<br />

result in a € 9.4 million shortfall in net interest income,<br />

with a corresponding reduction in loan loss provisions.<br />

Early repayment penalties charged for loan repayments<br />

or extensions during the fixed-interest term of a loan are<br />

fully recognised in interest income.<br />

Bonds and other fixed-income securities<br />

Securities issued by public-sector entities, or by banks<br />

under public-law, acquired within the scope of the bank’s<br />

public finance business, as well as Mortgage Backed Securities<br />

(MBS) held for investment, were accounted for as<br />

fixed assets. Premiums and discounts are amortised in<br />

interest income over the term of the securities. Other debt<br />

securities and other fixed-income securities are allocated to<br />

liquidity reserves, and valued strictly at the lower of cost or<br />

market, pursuant to section 253 (3) of the HGB.<br />

Securities transferred under repurchase agreements are<br />

accounted for, and valued (including accrued economic<br />

benefits) in line with their original classification, simultaneously<br />

recognising a liability equivalent to the agreed repurchase<br />

amount. The difference between the repurchase<br />

amount and the amount received is reported under<br />

deferred items and amortised in interest income over the<br />

term of the transaction.<br />

Participations and interests in affiliated companies<br />

Participations and interests in affiliated companies are<br />

carried at amortised cost.<br />

Intangible and tangible fixed assets<br />

Fixed assets are carried at cost less regular straight-line<br />

depreciation, where applicable. Movable fixed assets are<br />

predominantly depreciated on a straight-line basis, using<br />

the maximum rates permissible under tax laws, or<br />

degressively with a subsequent transfer to straight-line<br />

depreciation. Low-value assets are written off in full during<br />

their year of purchase. Standard software is reported<br />

under intangible assets, as prescribed by accounting standard<br />

HFA 11 issued the Main Committee of the IdW<br />

(IDW RS HFA 11).<br />

Goodwill capitalised upon the merger with Schleswig-<br />

Holsteinische Landschaft <strong>Hyp</strong>othekenbank Aktiengesellschaft<br />

Kiel (“SHL HYP”) is amortised over the expected<br />

useful life (15 years), pursuant to section 255 (4) sentence 3<br />

of the HGB, and in line with applicable tax rules.<br />

Deutsche Genossenschafts-<strong>Hyp</strong>othekenbank AG | Annual Report <strong>2006</strong><br />


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