adria airways - Bad Request

adria airways - Bad Request adria airways - Bad Request


Vaš brezplačni izvod - junij, julij | Your personal copy - June, July 2012 Destinacija Dunaj Destination vienna RobeRt waltl Veliko srce mini teatra /The Big hearT of Mini TeaTer KRižeVnišKa četRt / KriževnišKa quarter destinaciJa: klet / desTinaTion: BaseMenT olimpijec maRKo Račič / Olympic athlete marKO račič Adria Airways In-flight Magazine Guiseppe tartini / guiseppe TarTini Razbiti santoRinsKi steReotipi / BreaKing the SantOrini StereOtypeS reka in šaman / river and shaMan pot neKega oReščKa / the JOurney Of a Simple nut 03)

Vaš brezplačni izvod - junij, julij | Your personal copy - June, July 2012<br />

Destinacija Dunaj<br />

Destination vienna<br />

RobeRt waltl<br />

Veliko srce mini teatra /The Big hearT of Mini TeaTer<br />

KRižeVnišKa četRt / KriževnišKa quarter<br />

destinaciJa: klet / desTinaTion: BaseMenT<br />

olimpijec maRKo Račič / Olympic athlete marKO račič<br />

Adria Airways<br />

In-flight Magazine<br />

Guiseppe tartini / guiseppe TarTini<br />

Razbiti santoRinsKi steReotipi /<br />

BreaKing the SantOrini StereOtypeS<br />

reka in šaman / river and shaMan<br />

pot neKega oReščKa / the JOurney Of a Simple nut<br />


draGe potnice in<br />

cenJeni potniki!<br />

VeselI me, da Vas laHko V Imenu adrIe<br />

aIrways pozdraVIm na našem letalu.<br />

V adrii se zavedamo, da je za uspešno dolgoročno<br />

poslovanje družbe najpomembnejša kakovostno<br />

opravljena storitev. prizadevamo si, da bi vsak<br />

potnik že ob prihodu na letalo zaznal naše glavne<br />

vrednote – skrb za varnost ter prijaznost in udobje.<br />

naš trud za potnike je še večji v manj ugodnih<br />

gospodarskih razmerah, ko moramo izrabiti prav<br />

vse notranje in zunanje sile, da svojim potnikom<br />

zagotovimo kakovostno ponudbo. pri tem na<br />

nekatere dejavnike lahko vplivamo, na druge<br />

ne moremo. z letom 2012 smo se na podlagi<br />

smernic evropske unije vključili v sistem trgovanja<br />

z emisijami toplogrednih plinov, kar poleg visoke<br />

cene kerozina posredno vpliva na ceno letalskih<br />

vozovnic. na to žal ne moremo vplivati, vendar<br />

naša prodajna služba nenehno išče nove poti,<br />

kako potnikom v obliki najrazličnejših prodajnih<br />

akcij omogočiti cenovno ugodna potovanja.<br />

dobrih poslovnih odnosov pa ne gradimo samo<br />

s potniki, ampak tudi z ostalimi partnerji – tako<br />

s predstavniki posameznih letalskih družb kot<br />

tudi letališč, kjer pristajajo naša letala. <strong>adria</strong>, ki je<br />

redna članica mednarodnega združenja letalskih<br />

prevoznikov star alliance in je skupaj z ostalimi<br />

članicami maja praznovala 15-letnico ustanovitve<br />

združenja, ima že tradicionalno dobre<br />

povezave z družbami združenja. poleg tega smo<br />

se začeli dogovarjati še o sodelovanju na komercialnem<br />

področju z letalskimi prevozniki balkanske<br />

regije. Želimo si, da bi vsa naša poslovna<br />

prizadevanja pripomogla k temu, da bi čim več<br />

krajev postalo za vas še lažje dostopnih. tako kot<br />

prevozniki so tudi letališča naši zvesti partnerji.<br />

V tokratni izdaji In-Flight magazina lahko preberete,<br />

kako smo s posebnim dogodkom obeležili<br />

dvajseti jubilej linije ljubljana–zuerich, ko sta<br />

adrii v čast poletela tudi švicarska vojaška lovca<br />

F/a-18C Hornet. s ponosom dodajamo, da smo<br />

druga tuja letalska družba na svetu, ki ji je bila<br />

posvečena tolikšna pozornost.<br />

V kolikor se še niste odločili, kam boste šli letos na<br />

dopust, vam to poletje pripravljamo široko izbiro<br />

zanimivih počitniških ciljev. z letom na letalih<br />

adrie boste varno, hitro in udobno prispeli do več<br />

kot 19 evropskih mest in do številnih počitniških<br />

krajev v sredozemlju, kjer vas čaka obilo prijetnih<br />

doživetij. prav na vseh rednih linijah za vas pripravljamo<br />

vrsto ugodnih ponudb, ki so vam na voljo<br />

na naših spletnih straneh www.<strong>adria</strong>.si.<br />

Hvala vam za zaupanje in prijeten let!<br />

klemen Boštjančič,<br />

predsednik uprave<br />


Fotografija: Irena Herak<br />

dear passengers,<br />


Here at Adria we understand that providing quality<br />

services is of the utmost importance for the longterm<br />

success of a company’s business operations.<br />

We strive to make each and every passenger, from<br />

the moment they step on the plane, aware of our<br />

main values – assurance of safety, friendliness and<br />

comfort. Our care for passengers is even greater<br />

in less favourable economic circumstances, when<br />

all possible internal and external efforts have to be<br />

made in order to provide quality to our passengers.<br />

We have influence over some of the factors in<br />

these matters, but not over all of them. In keeping<br />

with EU guidelines, we have joined the Emissions<br />

Trading System in 2012; in addition to the high<br />

price of kerosene, this also has an indirect effect<br />

on the price of airline tickets. This is unfortunately<br />

something we have no control over; however, our<br />

sales department is constantly seeking new ways<br />

of providing our passengers with low-cost travel<br />

options in the form of special offers.<br />

Not only do we build good business relationships<br />

with our passengers, but also our partners – representatives<br />

of individual airlines, and the airports<br />

where our aircraft land. As a full member of Star Alliance,<br />

Adria joined the other members in celebrating<br />

the 15th anniversary of the global airline network<br />

in May. We are known for having traditionally<br />

good connections with other Star Alliance airlines.<br />

We have also initiated talks on cooperation in the<br />

commercial field with airlines in the Balkan region.<br />

It is our hope that our business efforts will contribute<br />

to making as many destinations as possible even<br />

more accessible to you. Along with the airlines, the<br />

airports are also our loyal partners. In this issue of<br />

In-Flight Magazine, you can read about how we<br />

marked the 20th anniversary of the Ljubljana-Zurich<br />

route with a special event that saw two Swiss F/A-<br />

18C Hornet fighter jets fly in honour of Adria. We can<br />

proudly say that we are the second foreign airline in<br />

the world to have been granted this privilege.<br />

If you have not yet decided where to go on vacation<br />

this year, we are preparing a wide choice of<br />

interesting summer destinations for you to consider.<br />

Safe, fast and comfortable – flying aboard an Adria<br />

aircraft will take you to more than 19 European<br />

cities and numerous holiday resorts in the Mediterranean,<br />

where you can enjoy countless pleasant<br />

experiences. We have a number of offers on every<br />

single regular route, which are available on our<br />

website www.<strong>adria</strong>.si.<br />

We thank you for your trust and wish you a<br />

pleasant flight.<br />

Klemen Boštjančič,<br />

President of the Management Board & CEO<br />


6<br />

<strong>adria</strong> <strong>airways</strong> In-Flight magazine<br />

revija <strong>adria</strong> <strong>airways</strong> In-Flight magazine je namenjena potnikom<br />

na poletih z adrio <strong>airways</strong>. <strong>adria</strong> In-flight magazine is complimentary<br />

on <strong>adria</strong> <strong>airways</strong> flights.<br />

Izdajatelj/publisher:<br />

<strong>adria</strong> <strong>airways</strong>, slovenski letalski prevoznik, d.d.<br />

<strong>adria</strong> <strong>airways</strong>, the airline of slovenia<br />

zgornji Brnik 130h, 4210 Brnik – aerodrom<br />

uredništvo / editorial: Barbara mihevc Bukovec<br />

tel. / phone + 386 4 259 4541<br />

e- mail: barbara.bukovec@<strong>adria</strong>.si<br />

oglaševanje / advertising: alenka dvoršak<br />

tel. / phone + 386 4 259 4526<br />

e- mail: alenka.dvorsak@<strong>adria</strong>.si<br />

slo enG<br />

oblikovanje in ad / design and ad: Idearna d.o.o.<br />

prevod / translated by: amidas<br />

alkemist, prevajalske storitve d.o.o.<br />

lektorica/ proofreader: Vera samohod<br />

Fotoliti / lithography: set, d.o.o.<br />

tisk / printed by: korotan – ljubljana, d.o.o.<br />

Issn 1318-0789<br />

naslovnica/Cover: Getty Images<br />

mnenja, izražena v tej publikaciji, so zgolj mnenja<br />

avtorjev ali intervjuvancev in ne odsevajo nujno<br />

stališč adrie <strong>airways</strong>. razmnoževanje brez pisnega<br />

dovoljenja je prepovedano. Izdajatelj ne prevzema<br />

nikakršne odgovornosti za nenaročeno gradivo.<br />

the opinions expressed in this publication are<br />

those of the authors or persons interviewed only<br />

and do not necessarily reflect the views of <strong>adria</strong><br />

<strong>airways</strong>. reproduction without written permission<br />

is prohibited. the publisher accepts no<br />

responsibility for unsolicited material.<br />

Brezplačen izvod / your personal copy<br />

54<br />

36<br />

86<br />

100<br />

42<br />

92<br />


Vsebina<br />

Contents<br />

36.<br />

42.<br />

48.<br />

54.<br />

62.<br />

adrIjIn potnik / AdrIA PASSENGER<br />

Robert waltl >><br />



matJaž potokar miha fras<br />

destinaciJa<br />

dunaJ<br />


miško kranJec<br />

WaCHaU, prestolniCa<br />

romantike<br />

WAchAu, thE homE of RomANcE<br />

saša suhadolnik<br />

ljubljana<br />

veliko srCe mini teatra<br />

thE BiG hEARt of miNi tEAtER<br />

matJaž potokar miha fras<br />

ljubljanske znamenitosti –<br />

križevniška četrt<br />

the sights of ljubljana –<br />

KRižEvNišKA QuARtER<br />

matJaž potokar miha fras<br />

68. maJa cimerman mateJ sitar<br />

dEStiNAcijA: KlEt<br />

dEStiNAtioN: BASEmENt<br />

74. olimpiJec marko račič -<br />

leGenda<br />

olymPic AthlEtE ANd lEGENd<br />

mARKo RAčič<br />

marJan žiberna iGor lapaJne<br />

80. reka in šaman:<br />

Vrnitev na začetek<br />

RivER ANd ShAmAN:<br />

A return to the Beginning<br />

marko frelih charles brewer carías,<br />

rafael santana, arhiV fundaciJe cisneros<br />

86. Violinist Giuseppe tartini -<br />

ponos pirana<br />

thE violiNiSt GiuSEPPE tARtiNi -<br />

The Pride of Piran/Pirano<br />

metoda kokole iGor lapaJne<br />

92. razbiti santorinski stereotipi<br />

V iskanju »atlantide«<br />

BREAKiNG thE SANtoRiNi<br />

StEREotyPES<br />

On the Search for “Atlantis”<br />

Jože balas<br />

100. pot nekeGa oreščka<br />

pravična trgovina v Burkini Faso<br />

thE jouRNEy of A SimPlE Nut<br />

Fair Trade in Burkina Faso<br />

noemie de pas tit brecelJ<br />


noVostI - neWs<br />

poletni Vozni red<br />

25. marca je stopil v veljavo poletni vozni red. <strong>adria</strong><br />

<strong>airways</strong> povezuje slovensko prestolnico z več kot<br />

170 rednimi leti tedensko z 18 destinacijami. adrijina<br />

letala vas popeljejo v amsterdam, Barcelono, Beograd,<br />

Bruselj, Carigrad, na dunaj, v Frankfurt, københavn,<br />

london, manchester, moskvo, muenchen, podgorico,<br />

prištino, sarajevo, skopje, zuerich in v tirano. kot<br />

članica združenja letalskih prevoznikov star alliance<br />

omogoča <strong>adria</strong> <strong>airways</strong> zelo dobre in cenovno<br />

ugodne povezave z destinacijami po vsem svetu.<br />

Vsakodnevno opravi združenje star alliance kar 20.500<br />

letov na 1.293 letališč v 190 državah.<br />

V poletni sezoni, ki jih opravlja <strong>adria</strong> <strong>airways</strong> v<br />

sodelovanju s turističnimi agencijami, povezuje s<br />

čarterskimi leti ljubljano s številnimi počitniškimi<br />

destinacijami, predvsem v sredozemlju. Iz ljubljane<br />

leti tedensko na naslednja letališča: v Grčijo v Heraklion,<br />

na rodos, kos, santorini, karpatos, kefalonijo,<br />

zakintos, skiatos, samos, Hios, lezbos, lefkas/preveza<br />

in v kavalo. leti tudi na menorco in v palmo de mallorco<br />

v španiji, na malto in v antalyo v turčiji. sharm<br />

el sheikh in Hurgada v egiptu sta edini čarterski destinaciji,<br />

kamor leti slovenski letalski prevoznik celo leto.<br />

redni poleti med prištino in nemškima mestoma<br />

Frankfurt in muenchen so v adrijinem voznem redu<br />

že od decembra 2010, od začetka letošnjega leta<br />

dalje pa adrijina letala povezujejo prištino tudi z<br />

italijansko Verono.<br />

Fotografija: marko Vavpotič<br />

8<br />

posloVni salon<br />

– izboljšana storitev za potnike, ki potujejo<br />

v poslovnem razredu<br />

adrijini potniki so na ljubljanskem letališču po<br />

novem deležni več udobja, saj začenjajo odslej svoja<br />

potovanja v prenovljenem in razširjenem poslovnem<br />

salonu. aerodrom ljubljana se je odločil za prenovo,<br />

saj želi dvigniti zavedanje, da je storitveno podjetje,<br />

kjer je skrb za potnike na prvem mestu. ker je to tudi<br />

naše vodilo že vrsto let, nam je v veliko zadovoljstvo,<br />

da se začne za potnika poslovnega razreda celovito<br />

potovanje z adrio <strong>airways</strong> tako prijetno. prenovljeni<br />

interjer poslovnega salona na letališču jožeta pučnika<br />

ljubljana je bil zasnovan v Gorenje design studiu v<br />

suMMer flighT<br />

schedule<br />

The 2012 summer flight schedule applies as of 25 March.<br />

Adria Airways operates over 170 scheduled flights every<br />

week, linking the Slovenian capital to 18 destinations. Adria<br />

aeroplanes will fly you to Amsterdam, Barcelona, Belgrade,<br />

Brussels, Copenhagen, Frankfurt, Istanbul, London, Manchester,<br />

Moscow, Munich, Podgorica, Pristina, Sarajevo,<br />

Skopje, Tirana, vienna and Zurich. As a member of Star<br />

Alliance, the association of air carriers, Adria Airways is able<br />

to offer excellent connections to destinations around the<br />

world at affordable prices. Star Alliance members operate<br />

20,500 flights daily to 1,293 airports in 190 countries.<br />

during the summer season, Adria Airways works with travel<br />

agencies to offer chartered flights connecting Ljubljana<br />

to a number of holiday destinations, particularly those in<br />

the Mediterranean. Adria operates weekly flights to these<br />

airports in greece: Heraklion, rodos, Kos, Santorini, Karpathos,<br />

Kefalonia, Zakynthos, Skiathos, Samos, Chios, Lesbos,<br />

Lefkas/Preveza and Kavala. Chartered flights to Menorca<br />

and Palma de Mallorca in Spain, to Malta and to Antalya in<br />

Turkey are also available. Sharm el Sheikh and Hurgada in<br />

Egypt are the only two destinations served by Adria Airways<br />

chartered flights all year round.<br />

Scheduled Pristina-Frankfurt and Pristina-Munich flights<br />

have been part of the Adria schedule since december 2010;<br />

as of the beginning of this year, the airline also operates<br />

scheduled flights between Pristina and verona in Italy.<br />

sodelovanju z arhitekturnim birojem Hišeriše arhitektura.<br />

z rešitvijo, ki so jo predlagali, so želeli potnikom<br />

vrniti izgubljeni čas letališke poti v obliki prijetne<br />

izkušnje, ki se v interjerju odraža v kombinaciji udobja<br />

dnevne sobe in sodobne pisarne v malem.<br />

Business lounge<br />

– Improved service for Business Class<br />

passengers<br />

The Adria business class passengers can enjoy more<br />

comfort in the renovated and enlarged business lounge<br />

at the Ljubljana airport as they await their flight. Aerodrom<br />

Ljubljana organised the renovation in order to raise<br />

awareness of the company as a service oriented company<br />

that always puts passengers first. Since this has also been<br />

our guiding principle for many years, it is a great pleasure<br />

to know that business class passengers can now start<br />

their journey with Adria Airways in such a comfortable<br />

manner. The renovated interior of the business lounge<br />

at the jože Pučnik Airport Ljubljana was designed by the<br />

gorenje design studio in collaboration with the architecture<br />

bureau Hišeriše arhitektura. Their proposed solution<br />

was intended to return passengers to a lost time of airline<br />

travel as an enjoyable experience, reflected in the interior<br />

designed as a combination of a comfortable living room<br />

and modern office.<br />

letalski preVozniki<br />

V tranziciJi,<br />

istanbul<br />

19. in 20. aprila je v Istanbulu potekal vrh »Letalski<br />

prevozniki v tranziciji« (Airlines in Transition), ki so<br />

se ga udeležili vodilni predstavniki letalskih družb<br />

s celega sveta. dogodek je organiziralo združenje<br />

CAPA – Centre for Aviation s sedežem v Sydneyu. g.<br />

Klemen Boštjančič, predsednik uprave Adrie Airways,<br />

je sodeloval kot vabljeni govorec pri okrogli mizi na<br />

temo o prihodnosti letalske industrije, ki se sooča<br />

s strukturno nestabilnostjo in spremembami (The<br />

Future Shape of an Industry Undergoing Structural<br />

Instability and Change). Med drugim so govorili o<br />

vplivu nizkostroškovnih letalskih prevoznikov na<br />

profitabilnost mrežnih letalskih prevoznikov ter<br />

vplivu lastniških struktur na industrijo.<br />

airlines in<br />

TransiTion, isTanBul<br />

The Airlines in Transition summit was held in<br />

Istanbul on 19 and 20 April, attended by key<br />

representatives of the world’s air carriers. The event<br />

was organised by CAPA – Centre for Aviation, based<br />

in Sydney. Adria Airways CEO Klemen Boštjančič<br />

attended the summit as the guest speaker at a<br />

round table discussion entitled “The Future Shape<br />

of an Industry Undergoing Structural Instability<br />

and Change”. The subjects of discussion included<br />

the influence of low-cost airlines on the profitability<br />

of network airlines and the effect of ownership<br />

structures on the industry.<br />

The key representatives also touched on other<br />

current issues such as the future of airline associations<br />

and non-member airlines, the evolution<br />

of the low-cost airline model and opportunities<br />

for generating profit.

© Corbis/Ipak Images aktualno<br />

- latest oFFers<br />

uJemi uGoden polet ...<br />

na vseh adrijinih rednih linijah imamo ugodne ponudbe po načelu<br />

»kupi prej, potuj ceneje«. da bi našo ponudbo še bolj približali vašim<br />

potrebam, imamo na voljo znižane cene potovanj tudi med tednom.<br />

adriJine e-noVice<br />

Vabimo vas, da obiščete naše spletne strani www.<strong>adria</strong>.si in se prijavite<br />

na adrijine e-novice. s tem boste enkrat mesečno obveščeni o naših<br />

novostih in posebnih ponudbah. e-novice bodo za vas vir dragocenih<br />

informacij in idej pri načrtovanju potovanja ali počitnic.<br />

naj bo obveščenost vaša prednost!<br />

last minute ponudba<br />

adrie <strong>airways</strong><br />

ali vedno prelistate dnevno časopisje? še posebej bodite pozorni<br />

med prebiranjem dela in nedela! posebna koda, vpeta v vsebino časnikov,<br />

vam na spletni strani www.<strong>adria</strong>.si omogoča izredno ugoden<br />

nakup vozovnice za določeno destinacijo. akcijska cena za posamezen<br />

let traja tri dni, oglaševane destinacije pa se dnevno spreminjajo.<br />

V london že za 119 eur<br />

119 eur je cena za povratno letalsko vozovnico na direktnih letih adrie<br />

<strong>airways</strong> z že vključenimi pristojbinami in brez stroška rezervacije preko<br />

http://www.<strong>adria</strong>.si/. povračila za že kupljeno vozovnico ni, sprememba<br />

rezervacije pa je možna z doplačilom 60 eur. akcija velja do<br />

zapolnitve prostih mest.<br />

lJublJana -<br />

beoGrad<br />

od<br />

from<br />

158 eur<br />

lJublJana -<br />

podGorica<br />

od<br />

from<br />

189 eur<br />

<strong>adria</strong> <strong>airways</strong> special offers!<br />

Special offers are available on all of Adria’s scheduled services on a<br />

“buy early, fly for less” basis. To make our services even more attractive,<br />

reduced fares are available for travel during the week.<br />

<strong>adria</strong> e-news<br />

Why not visit our website www.<strong>adria</strong>.si and subscribe to Adria’s E-news<br />

service? Once a month you will receive updates on new services and special<br />

offers – straight to your inbox! This means that E-news will be a valuable<br />

source of information and ideas when you are planning a journey or holiday.<br />

Let information be your advantage!<br />

<strong>adria</strong> <strong>airways</strong><br />

lasT MinuTe offers<br />

do you always look through the daily newspapers? From now on, pay<br />

special attention when you read delo and Nedelo! There is a special code<br />

hidden in the newspaper content that will allow you to book tickets for a<br />

particular destination at a lower price on www.<strong>adria</strong>.si. The special price for<br />

an individual flight is valid for three days and the destinations advertised<br />

change daily.<br />

fly To london for only €119<br />

For just €119, you can buy a return ticket for direct Adria Airways flights<br />

at http://www.<strong>adria</strong>.si/. With the exception of booking fees, all taxes are<br />

included in the price. Tickets cannot be refunded. Bookings can be changed<br />

subject to a €60 surcharge. The offer is valid until supplies last.<br />

pRiDRužite se nam na FacebooKu<br />

join us on FacebooK<br /><strong>adria</strong><strong>airways</strong><br />

saraJeVo -<br />

lJublJana -<br />

frankfurt<br />

pristina -<br />

lJublJana -<br />

copenhaGen<br />

od<br />

199 eur from 249 eur<br />

Vse navedene cene veljajo za povratna potovanja na adrijinih poletih in vključujejo vse ostale dajatve razen stroška rezervacije. število ponujenih sedežev po tej ceni je omejeno. ponudba velja v času trajanja veljavnosti<br />

In-flight magazina. The prices listed above are for Adria Airways return flights and include all taxes and fees except booking fees. There is a limited number of seats avaliable at this price; the offer is valid for the time the In-Flight<br />

Magazine is valid or longer.<br />

od<br />

from<br />

sleDite nam na twitteRju<br />

Follow us on twitteR<br /><strong>adria</strong>_<strong>airways</strong><br />


Fructal d.d., Tovarniška cesta 7, 5270 Ajdovščina<br />


14<br />


Vse, kar vas zanima o letalstvu<br />

Fotografija: rok Belič<br />

V tokratnI šteVIlkI odGoVarja<br />

kapItan Iztok kaVčIč na zanImIVo<br />

Vprašanje, kaJ se zGodi z<br />

letalom, če VanJ med letom<br />

udari strela.<br />

spoštovani potniki,<br />

verjetno se še spomnite, kako neprijetne so se<br />

nam zdele nevihte, ko smo bili še otroci. otroški<br />

strah je bil še večji, ko sta nevihtne oblake<br />

spremljala strela in grom. z odraščanjem smo<br />

se na strelo, ta naravni pojav, postopoma<br />

navajali in ga sprejeli takega, kot je, čeprav<br />

ga v celoti še nismo razumeli. ob nevihtah z<br />

grmenjem in strelami so nas starši mirili z besedami,<br />

da je strela zelo daleč. šteli smo sekunde<br />

med bliskom, ki jo je ustvarila strela, in samim<br />

gromom, saj je vsaka sekunda med udarom<br />

strele in gromom pomenila, kar seveda velja še<br />

danes, da je nevihta oddaljena od nas približno<br />

300 metrov . z vsako sekundo je bila nevarnost<br />

bolj oddaljena od nas.<br />

Glede razlage in razumevanja pojava strele si<br />

tudi znanstveniki niso edini. obstaja več teorij,<br />

ki pa so laiku precej nerazumljive. znano je, da<br />

pride pri pojavu strele do izenačevanja električne<br />

napetosti med oblakom in zemljo, lahko<br />

pa tudi med samimi oblaki. povedano nekoliko<br />

poenostavljeno, se v nevihtnem oblaku zaradi<br />

gibanj zračnih plasti, vodnih kapljic in drobnih<br />

delcev ustvarijo električne napetostne razlike.<br />

ko se ustvarijo pogoji – pride namreč do<br />

velikih razlik v napetosti in prevodnost zraka<br />

postane zadovoljiva –, se napetost izenači v<br />

obliki strele.<br />

z nevihtnimi oblaki in strelami se srečujemo<br />

tudi v letalstvu. nevihtni oblaki povzročajo<br />

turbulenco, točo in strele. da bi se izognili<br />

nevihtnim oblakom, so letala opremljena z<br />

vremenskimi radarji, ki nam nazorno pokažejo<br />

obliko, velikost in pozicijo teh oblakov. sama<br />

velikost oziroma oblika nevihtnega oblaka sicer<br />

ni pogoj za udar strele, ampak, kot že omenjeno,<br />

je pogoj določena razlika v električni<br />

napetosti v oblaku. letalo ustvari v letu med<br />

oblakom in zemljo oziroma med samimi oblaki<br />

zaradi svoje prevodne kovinske konstrukcije<br />

pogoje za izenačevanje napetostne razlike, kar<br />

pa je vzrok, da pride občasno do udara strele<br />

tudi v letalo.<br />

podobno kot avto je tudi letalo Faradayeva<br />

kletka, torej omejen prostor, ki razločuje električno<br />

polje. pri udaru strele v letalo so potniki<br />

popolnoma varni. seveda pa je ta naravni<br />

pojav zelo neprijeten za potnike zaradi samega<br />

poka in bliska, kar je še posebej opazno pri<br />

nočnih letih. letalo po udaru strele neovirano<br />

nadaljuje let. kljub temu da so konstrukcija letala<br />

in elektronske naprave primerno testirane<br />

in zaščitene v primeru takšnih okoliščin, letalo<br />

po vsakem zabeleženem udaru strele pregleda<br />

po pristanku tehnična ekipa. Včasih se zgodi,<br />

da je vstop oziroma izstop strele viden kot<br />

površinska ožganina, na konstrukciji letala pa<br />

ni posledic.<br />

sam sem v svoji letalski karieri že trikrat doživel<br />

udar strele med letom, vsakič brez posebnosti,<br />

če izključim, da sta bila pok in blisk tudi zame<br />

tisti trenutek neprijetno presenečenje. z letalom<br />

in elektronskimi napravami se ni zgodilo<br />

nič nenavadnega; vselej smo nadaljevali let in<br />

ga varno zaključili z običajnim pristankom.<br />

dragi potniki, kljub temu da smo že pošteno<br />

zakorakali v čas poletnih vročinskih neviht, ki<br />

jih običajno spremljajo tudi udarci strele, so<br />

skrbi popolnoma odveč, saj se posadka s pomočjo<br />

inštrumentov, ki so ji na voljo, nevihtnim<br />

oblakom izogiba, sama oblika letala pa poskrbi<br />

za to, da se vam ne bo prav nič zgodilo. morda<br />

bo ostala v nizu lepih in vznemirljivih doživetij<br />

z vaših počitnic le zanimiva zgodba.<br />

prijetno poletje vam želim!<br />

kaj pa vas zanima o letalstvu? Vaša vprašanja<br />

pričakujemo na elektronskem naslovu<br />


everything you wanted to know about aviation<br />

In tHIs Issue, CaptaIn<br />

Iztok kaVčIč answers<br />

tHe InterestInG<br />

questIon oF what<br />

happens to an<br />

aeroplane if it is<br />

struck by liGhtninG<br />

mid-fliGht.<br />

dear passengers,<br />

you probably still remember how anxious we were<br />

as children when the weather was stormy. The fear<br />

was even worse when storm clouds brought with<br />

them thunder and lightning. As we got older, we<br />

gradually got used to these natural phenomena<br />

and accepted them for what they are, even though<br />

we still did not understand them fully. during thunderstorms,<br />

our parents would try to reassure us by<br />

explaining that the lightning bolts are very far away.<br />

We would count the seconds between each bolt of<br />

lightning and rumble of thunder; with every second<br />

that passed between the sight of lightning and the<br />

sound of thunder, another 300m were added to the<br />

distance between us and the storm. Obviously, this<br />

rule still holds today. With every second that passed,<br />

the danger was further away from us.<br />

When it comes to explaining and understanding the<br />

phenomenon of lightning, even scientists have not<br />

yet reached a unanimous conclusion. There are several<br />

competing theories, none of which are entirely<br />

comprehensible to a layperson. What we do know is<br />

that when lightning occurs, there is an equalisation<br />

of voltage between the cloud and the ground or<br />

just between several clouds. Simply put, the movement<br />

of air layers, water drops and tiny particles<br />

that occurs inside a storm cloud creates changes in<br />

voltage. In the right conditions, when there is a large<br />

enough discrepancy in voltage and the air reaches a<br />

sufficient level of conductivity, the voltage equalises<br />

in the form of lightning.<br />

Storm clouds and lightning bolts are something we<br />

also encounter in aviation. Storm clouds cause turbulence,<br />

hail and lightning. In order to avoid storm<br />

clouds, every aeroplane is equipped with weather<br />

radar that clearly shows the shape, size and position<br />

of such clouds. The size and shape of a storm cloud<br />

does not affect the likelihood of a lightning strike;<br />

what matters is the discrepancy in voltage inside<br />

the cloud. Flying between a cloud and the ground or<br />

between clouds, the conductive metal construction<br />

of an aeroplane creates the right conditions for voltage<br />

equalisation, which is the reason why lighting<br />

sometimes strikes an aeroplane.<br />

Similarly to a car, an aeroplane also functions as<br />

a Faraday cage, i.e. an enclosed space that blocks<br />

out external electric fields. When lightning strikes<br />

an aeroplane, the passengers inside are perfectly<br />

safe. Obviously this natural phenomenon can<br />

be highly unpleasant due to the noise and flash,<br />

which is particularly noticeable on night flights. An<br />

aeroplane that has been struck by lightning will<br />

continue its flight unimpeded. Although the construction<br />

and electronic devices of aeroplanes are<br />

tested and protected against these circumstances,<br />

any aeroplane that has been struck by lightning<br />

will be additionally examined by a technical<br />

team upon landing. The entrance or exit point of<br />

the lightning bolt can sometimes be visible as a<br />

scorched area on the surface, but the aeroplane<br />

construction will remain undamaged.<br />

In the course of my career in aviation, I have<br />

personally experienced three mid-flight lightning<br />

strikes; none of them had any special consequences,<br />

excluding the momentary unpleasant surprise of<br />

the noise and flash. Nothing out of the ordinary<br />

happened to the aeroplane or its electronic devices;<br />

we were able to continue the flight safely and end it<br />

with a normal landing.<br />

dear passengers, even though we are well into the<br />

period of summer heat storms that are usually accompanied<br />

by lightning strikes, there is no cause for<br />

concern. Using the dedicated weather instruments,<br />

the flight crew will avoid storm clouds as much as<br />

possible, and the build of the aeroplane will ensure<br />

that you remain absolutely safe throughout the<br />

flight. At most, you will be left with another interesting<br />

story to add to the memorable and exciting<br />

adventures from your vacation.<br />

I wish you a pleasant summer!<br />

what would you like to know about aviation?<br />

send us your questions to the email address<br />

inflightmagazine@<strong>adria</strong>.si.<br />


16<br />


Fotografija: ©schweizer luftwaffe<br />

20 let poletoV<br />

med ljuBljano In zuerICHom

od leve proti desni: mag. alen mlekuž, direktor korporativnega komuniciranja, <strong>adria</strong> in zvone petek, predstavnik adrie v švici s članicama kabinskega osebja.<br />

from left to right: alen mlekuž, msc, Director corporate communications, <strong>adria</strong> and Zvone petek, <strong>adria</strong> representative and the head of the Zurich Office accompanied by cabin crew members<br />

20 let letalske lInIje nItI nI tako dolGa doBa, če pa jo<br />

ponazorImo s šteVIlkamI, se šele pokaŽe, kaj pomenI leta In<br />

leta redno letetI na določeno destInaCIjo: od leta 1992<br />

do danes Je <strong>adria</strong> opraVila med obema kraJema skoraJ<br />

11.000 letoV, kar Je 22.000 pristankoV, in prepelJala<br />

nekaJ manJ kot 750.000 potnikoV.<br />

prvi let ljubljana–zuerich je bil 29. marca<br />

1992 in to leto jih je <strong>adria</strong> opravila<br />

še 150. za primerjavo: v letu 2011 so<br />

adrijina letala odletela na tej relaciji<br />

preko 1.000 letov.<br />

prva leta smo leteli petkrat tedensko, leta<br />

1998 pa smo uvedli že dva leta na dan.<br />

tretji let dnevno je opravljal naš takratni<br />

veliki konkurent swissair.<br />

po prelomnem letu za letalstvo 2001<br />

se je adrijin promet prepolovil, pa tudi<br />

novo nastali swiss ni dosegel takšnih<br />

rezultatov kot poprej swissair; promet<br />

na liniji je rasel počasi. ko se je swiss<br />

pridružil lufthansinemu koncernu, je<br />

opustil letenje v ljubljano; <strong>adria</strong> je pohitela<br />

s sklenitvijo pogodbe za letenje<br />

pod skupno oznako in uvedla še tretji<br />

– opoldanski let.<br />

leta 2007 smo prvič presegli številko<br />

50.000 potnikov na leto in jih lani prepeljali<br />

že 74.000. letos pričakujemo na<br />

tej liniji 80.000 potnikov. linija, ki je med<br />

adrijinimi destinacijami dolgo životarila<br />

in bila po številu potnikov in finančnih<br />

rezultatih šele na 15. mestu, sodi danes<br />

med tri naše najboljše.<br />

sprva so na tej linji leteli predvsem<br />

potniki, ki so preko ljubljane potovali<br />

na Balkan, zlasti v prištino in skopje, pa<br />

tudi v tirano in sarajevo. danes je njihov<br />

delež seveda še vedno pomemben,<br />

vendar je padel pod 20 %. skoraj 50 %<br />

potnikov je tako imenovanih »point<br />

to point« potnikov, zahvaljujoč vedno<br />

boljšim gospodarskim stikom med švico<br />

in slovenijo, pa tudi zato, ker imamo<br />

na liniji potnike iz avstrijske koroške,<br />

hrvaške Istre in kvarnerja ter iz Furlanije.<br />

pozabiti ne smemo tudi na turizem:<br />

vsak sedmi potnik leti v slovenijo kot<br />

turist, pa tudi slovenci radi poletijo na<br />

počitnice preko zuericha, še posebej<br />

z našimi star alliance partnerji, kot so<br />

swiss, singapore airlines, thai ...<br />

adrijina linija ljubljana–zuerich pa ni<br />

zgolj letalska povezava med dvema<br />

mestoma, ampak je tudi pomembna<br />

vez med dvema državama: že takoj po<br />

osamosvojitvi je adrijino predstavništvo,<br />

ki ima še danes sedež v centru zuericha,<br />

ponudilo svoje prostore za konzularne<br />

dejavnosti mlade države. kasneje je več<br />

kot 10 let v adrijini »slovenski hiši« v<br />

zuerichu poslovalo turistično predstavništvo<br />

slovenije, od leta 2010 pa je v<br />

adrijinem predstavništvu na loewenstrasse<br />

tudi konzulat republike slovenije;<br />

adrijin predstavnik zvone petek, ki že<br />

17 let vodi predstavništvo v zürichu, pa<br />

je častni konzul republike slovenije.<br />

ob 20-letnici linije je predstavništvo<br />

adrie marca organiziralo v zuerichu<br />

odmevno prireditev, ki so se je udeležili<br />

številni ugledni gostje iz slovenije<br />

in švice, okronal pa jo je panoramski<br />

polet v švicarske alpe, ki sta ga spremljala<br />

dva lovca švicarskega vojaškega<br />

letalstva – Fa 18. to je bil zgodovinski<br />

dogodek tudi zato, ker je bil adrijin<br />

pilot Iztok kavčič kot prvi tuji pilot<br />

deležen te časti.<br />


18<br />


od leve proti desni/ from left to right: Klemen boštjančič/<br />

predsednik uprave adrie/ president of the managementBoard & ceO;<br />

peter grünig/ letališče zuerich/ Zurich airport. Fotografija: natalie zalan<br />

Fotografija: m. Klemenc

Fotografija: natalie zalan<br />

Fotografija: natalie zalan<br />

20 years of<br />

ljuBljana-zurICH FlIGHts<br />

perHaps 20 years oF operatInG a reGular ConneCtIon Is not<br />

a Very lonG perIod, But wHen It Is expressed In numBers, It<br />

BeComes easIer to understand wHat It really means to Fly<br />

Between tHe same two destInatIons For years and years:<br />

from 1992 until today, <strong>adria</strong> has operated almost<br />

11,000 fliGhts, which means 22,000 landinGs. close to<br />

750,000 passenGers were transported between the<br />

two destinations.<br />

The first Ljubljana-Zurich flight took place<br />

on 29 March 1992 and was followed by a<br />

further 150 Adria flights that year. By comparison:<br />

in 2011 alone, Adria aeroplanes<br />

made over 1000 flights along this route.<br />

Initially we offered just five flights a week<br />

until two daily flights were introduced in<br />

1998. The third daily flight was operated<br />

by Swissair, one of Adria’s major competitors<br />

at that time.<br />

2001 was a turning point for aviation;<br />

Adria saw its traffic cut in half and the<br />

newly-established Swiss airline failed to<br />

match the results achieved by Swissair,<br />

its predecessor. Traffic along the<br />

Ljubljana-Zurich connection increased<br />

only gradually. Once Swiss joined the<br />

Lufthansa group and dropped its flights<br />

to Ljubljana, Adria quickly concluded a<br />

code-share agreement and introduced a<br />

third, midday flight.<br />

2007 was the first time that we carried<br />

over 50,000 passengers in a year, while<br />

last year saw as many as 74,000 passengers<br />

using this connection. In 2012, we<br />

expect 80,000. The Ljubljana-Zurich line,<br />

long one of the less popular Adria flights<br />

and ranking only 15th by the number of<br />

passengers and financial results, is today<br />

one of the top three best Adria lines.<br />

Initially, the connection was used<br />

mainly by passengers travelling through<br />

Ljubljana onward to destinations in<br />

the Balkans, particularly to Pristina and<br />

Skopje, as well as Tirana and Sarajevo.<br />

We still see a significant number of such<br />

passengers, although their share has<br />

dropped below 20%. Close to 50% of<br />

passengers are point to point passengers;<br />

this is thanks to the ever improving<br />

economic relations between Switzerland<br />

and Slovenia, but also because the connection<br />

is often used by passengers from<br />

Carinthia in Austria, Istra and Kvarner<br />

in Croatia and the Friuli region. Tourism<br />

is also an important factor. One out of<br />

every seven passengers flies to Slovenia<br />

as a tourist and Slovenians like to go on<br />

vacation via Zurich, especially flying with<br />

our Star Alliance partners such as Swiss,<br />

Singapore Airlines, Thai, etc.<br />

Adria’s Ljubljana-Zurich line is more than<br />

just a flight connection between two<br />

cities; it also represents an important bond<br />

between two countries. Immediately after<br />

Slovenia’s declaration of independence,<br />

the Adria office in Switzerland, even today<br />

located in the very heart of Zurich, offered<br />

its premises to be used for consular activities<br />

of the newly independent country.<br />

Later, Adria’s “Slovenian building” in Zurich<br />

hosted the Slovenian tourism office for<br />

more than a decade, and since 2010, the<br />

Adria office at Loewenstrasse has also<br />

housed the Consulate of the republic of<br />

Slovenia. Mr. Zvone Petek, Adria representative<br />

and head of the Zurich office for the<br />

last 17 years, also serves as the honorary<br />

consul of Slovenia.<br />

To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the<br />

Ljubljana-Zurich line, the Adria office<br />

in Zurich organised a highly publicised<br />

event in March that was attended by a<br />

number of prominent guests from Slovenia<br />

and Switzerland. The highlight of the<br />

event was a panoramic flight over the<br />

Swiss Alps in the company of two FA 18<br />

fighter jets from the Swiss air force. Adria<br />

pilot Iztok Kavčič was the first foreign pilot<br />

to receive this honour, making this a truly<br />

historical event in every respect.<br />


20<br />


Intervju/Interview with mateja krpač<br />

BesedIlo/TExT: barbara m. bukoVec<br />

Fotografija: osebni arhiv<br />

Gospa mateja krpač, doma Iz ljuBljane, Že enajst<br />

let ŽIVI In dela V zuerICHu. razpeta med sVojIm<br />

domačIm krajem In šVICo, ostaja ena adrIjInIH<br />

najzVestejšIH potnIC na lInIjI ljuBljana–zuerICH.<br />

V dVaJsetih letih obstoJa zračne poVezaVe<br />

med obema mestoma Je že Več kot 400-krat<br />

letela na teJ proGi. priJetna soGoVornica<br />

Je, strpna potnica in dobra poznaValka<br />

adriJine flote.<br />

Gospa krpač, verjetno se v trenutku,<br />

ko vstopite v katero od adrijinih letal,<br />

počutite povsem domače?<br />

po tolikih letih v adrijinih letalih je to čisto res.<br />

seveda občasno letim tudi na druge destinacije<br />

z drugimi letalskimi družbami, vendar se<br />

nikjer ne morem tako sprostiti kot na adrijinih<br />

poletih. pravzaprav se samo na adrii počutim<br />

res varno. morda zato, ker jo najbolj poznam,<br />

po imenih in na pogled pa poznam večino<br />

pilotov in kabinskega osebja. pa tudi zato,<br />

ker sem prepričana, da <strong>adria</strong> lepo skrbi za<br />

svoja letala, saj ima ne nazadnje na ljubljanskem<br />

letališču edini pooblaščeni center za<br />

vzdrževanje Crj letal v evropi. In seveda zato,<br />

ker je to »naša«, slovenska družba.<br />

Je res, da že po zvoku motorja ločite,<br />

katero letalo vas bo tokrat popeljalo?<br />

mislim, da tudi večina voznikov pozna zvok<br />

svojega osebnega vozila. ko se toliko let redno<br />

voziš z letali, postaneš pozoren tudi na njihov<br />

zvok. Vedno se vnaprej pozanimam, s katerim<br />

letalom bom letela, saj mi je prav po zvoku<br />

motorja kakšno letalo ljubše. se mi je pa tudi<br />

že zgodilo, da sem se kakšnega letala izogibala,<br />

ker se mi je dozdevalo, da mi zvok njegovega<br />

motorja ne ugaja. ko pa sem bila čez čas primorana<br />

leteti prav z njim, sem z zadovoljstvom<br />

opazila, da je tisti »čudni« zvok izginil.<br />

se morda spomnite kakšnega še posebej<br />

zanimivega trenutka nad oblaki?<br />

moram reči, da se mi je v vseh teh letih letenja<br />

nasmehnila sreča, da sem lahko letela v kokpitu.<br />

to je bilo nepozabno doživetje.<br />

a bi nam lahko glede na to, da precej svojega<br />

časa preživite na poti, svetovali, kaj<br />

pogrešate v naši ponudbi? morda bi lahko<br />

vam in vsem ostalim potnikom te poti še<br />

olajšali.<br />

Vedno se najde še kaj, kar bi se dalo izboljšati,<br />

vendar bi težko rekla, da kaj zares pogrešam. morda<br />

sem manj zahtevna kot drugi, vendar mi še<br />

nikoli ni nič manjkalo. malo za ’hec’ bi lahko rekla,<br />

da mi <strong>adria</strong> ob 3-urni zamudi iz zuericha v ljubljano<br />

ponudi celo 3-urno zamudo ob povratku v<br />

zuerich, tako da lahko doma v sloveniji preživim<br />

prav toliko časa, kot nameravam. so pa zamude v<br />

zadnjih časih, vsaj na moji relaciji, prava redkost.<br />

sicer pa se zame začne adrijina ponudba že z<br />

nakupom letalske karte, ki ga vedno opravim<br />

preko adrijinega predstavništva v zuerichu.<br />

Veliko stvari je, ki pri načrtovanju leta zahtevajo<br />

osebni kontakt in jih preko spleta ni mogoče<br />

urediti. pri tem se želim res iskreno zahvaliti<br />

gospodu zvonetu petku in njegovi ekipi za izjemen<br />

servis v vseh teh letih, kar živim v zuerichu.<br />

Velikokrat me celo pokličejo in opozorijo, da<br />

je pred vrati kakšen praznik, jaz pa še nimam<br />

rezervirane vozovnice ...













Ms. Krpač, the moment you board any <strong>adria</strong><br />

aeroplane, you probably feel right at home,<br />

is that correct?<br />

After so many years spent on Adria aeroplanes<br />

that’s completely true.<br />

Of course I sometimes fly to other destinations with<br />

other airlines, but I never feel as relaxed as I do on<br />

Adria flights. It’s only on Adria aeroplanes that I feel<br />

completely safe. Perhaps it’s because I’m so familiar<br />

with them; I know most of the pilots and cabin<br />

crew by name and by sight, and I am certain that<br />

Adria takes excellent care of its aeroplanes. I know<br />

that the Adria centre at the Ljubljana airport is the<br />

only authorised centre for the maintenance of Crj<br />

aeroplanes in Europe. And it’s also because Adria is<br />

“our” company, a Slovenian company.<br />

is it true that you can tell just from the engine<br />

noise which aeroplane you are about to fly on?<br />

I think that most drivers would recognise the<br />

sound of their car. After so many years of regular<br />

flying,you start to pay more attention to the<br />

aeroplane sounds. I always check in advance<br />

what type of aeroplane I’ll be flying on, because<br />

I do prefer the engine noise of some aeroplanes<br />

to others. It has happened before that I avoided<br />

a certain aeroplane, because I had convinced<br />

myself that I didn’t like the sound of its engine.<br />

But after a while, I was forced to fly on that very<br />

aeroplane, and I was happy to realise that the<br />

“strange noise” was gone.<br />

are there any particularly interesting moments<br />

above the clouds that you can recall?<br />

yes, after so many years of flying, I was fortunate<br />

enough to fly in the cockpit once. That was an<br />

experience that I'll never forget.<br />


NAD OBLAKI<br /><br />

considering how much of your time is spent<br />

travelling, is there anything that you have<br />

missed within our offer? something that<br />

would make your travels easier?<br />

Well, there is always something that could be<br />

improved, but it would be difficult for me to say<br />

that I really miss anything in particular. Perhaps I’m<br />

less demanding than other people, but I’ve never<br />

missed anything. On a lighter note, I could say that<br />

after a 3-hour delay on the Zurich-Ljubljana flight,<br />

Adria even offers a 3-hour delay on the return to<br />

Zurich, giving me the opportunity to spend exactly<br />

as much time at home in Slovenia as I’d planned.<br />

But in recent years, delays have been extremely<br />

rare, at least on my line.<br />

As far as I’m concerned, Adria’s offer starts with<br />

the purchase of flight tickets, which I always do at<br />

the Adria office in Zurich. When planning a flight,<br />

there are so many things that call for personal<br />

contact and simply can’t be done online. I’d like to<br />

take this opportunity to express my gratitude to Mr.<br />

Zvone Petek and his team for the excellent service<br />

throughout the years that I’ve lived in Zurich. They<br />

often even call me to warn me that a holiday is<br />

coming up and that I haven’t booked a ticket yet…


Fotografija: matevž paternoster<br />

22<br />

Ljubljana, Mestni muzej Ljubljana<br />

Več glav več ve<br />

pomembne glave na ogleD v<br />

mestnem mUzejU ljUbljana<br />

na kaj pomislite, ko je govora o pomembnih glavah? na državnike<br />

in župane, vladarje in plemiče, umetnike in filozofe? Vsi našteti so<br />

skozi stoletja oblikovali in vplivali na življenje v ljubljani. očitno so<br />

bili tako pomembni, da so znani in neznani kiparji ohranili njihove<br />

podobe v lesu, glini, marmorju in bronu vse do danes. tiste portrete<br />

pomembnežev, ki jih hrani mestni muzej ljubljana, si je sedaj<br />

mogoče ogledati na razstavi Več glav … iz kiparske zbirke mestnega<br />

muzeja ljubljana … več ve, ki je na ogled do konca leta.<br />

med znamenitimi portretiranci si lahko ogledate habsburškega<br />

cesarja Franca jožefa I., italijanskega kralja Viktorja emanuela III., jugoslovanska<br />

kralja aleksandra in petra karađorđevića, slavnega maršala<br />

radetzkega, papeža pija VI. in še marsikoga drugega. spogledujete<br />

se lahko z okamenelimi obličji slovenskih literatov, slikarjev, kiparjev<br />

in drugih kulturnikov, npr. pesnikom otonom Župančičem in igralko<br />

savo severjevo. predstavljate si lahko, kakšne lepotice so se sprehajale<br />

po ljubljanskih ulicah v časih, ko je ženskemu svetu narekovala<br />

modna merila cesarica sissi, ali kako je kipar v portretu utelesil<br />

usodno privlačnost svoje svakinje, kasnejše soproge.<br />

Vabljeni v mestni muzej ljubljana, Gosposka 15, od torka do nedelje<br />

med 10. in 18. uro, ob četrtkih pa do 21. ure.<br />

Več informacij na:<br />

Ljubljana, City Museum of Ljubljana<br />

Many Heads Are Better than One<br />

BuStS of PRomiNENt PEoPlE<br />

ExhiBitEd At thE city muSEum of<br />

ljuBljANA<br />

What is your definition of prominent people? Statesmen and mayors, rulers<br />

and aristocrats, artists and philosophers? Over the course of many centuries,<br />

all of these people have shaped and influenced life in Ljubljana. They were<br />

obviously prominent enough to be depicted in wood, clay, marble or bronze<br />

by celebrated as well as unknown sculptors, who preserved the image of these<br />

people until the modern day. The busts of important people in the collection<br />

held by the City Museum of Ljubljana are now part of an exhibition entitled<br />

“Many Heads … from the City Museum of Ljubljana sculpture collection …<br />

Are Better than One,” which will run until the end of this year.<br />

The portraits of the famous include the Habsburg Emperor Franz joseph I,<br />

King victor Emmanuel III of Italy, Kings Alexander and Peter Karađorđević of<br />

yugoslavia, the famous field marshal radetzky, Pope Pius vI and many more.<br />

you will also come face to face with the busts of Slovenian writers, painters,<br />

sculptors and other artists, e.g. the poet Oton Župančič and the actress Sava<br />

Sever. Imagine the beautiful women who lived in Ljubljana at a time when<br />

fashion trends were set by Empress Sissi, or imagine a sculptor expressing in a<br />

portrait the fatal attraction he felt towards his sister-in-law, who would later<br />

become his wife.<br />

visit the City Museum of Ljubljana, gosposka 15, open Tuesday to Sunday from<br />

10:00 to 18:00 and until 21:00 on Thursdays.<br />

For more information, please visit:


Ljubljana, Galerija Jakopič, MGML; 29. maj–2. september 2012<br />

mesec fotografije 2012<br />

magnUm prvič: obraz časa<br />

sloVenskI jaVnostI letošnje poletje<br />

prVIč oBšIrneje predstaVljamo<br />

aGenCIjo maGnum, najprestIŽnejšo<br />

FotoGraFsko aGenCIjo na sVetu, kI<br />

Velja za FotoGraFskI mIt 20. stoletja<br />

ter Vedno znoVa naVdIHuje noVe<br />

GeneraCIje FotoGraFoV.<br />

Izbor razstave »magnum prvič« (magnum's First) vključuje 83 originalnih<br />

črno-belih vintage fotografij svetovno priznanih fotografov, med<br />

njimi tudi ustanoviteljev magnuma, to so: robert Capa, marc riboud,<br />

werner Bischof, Henri Cartier-Bresson, ernst Haas, erich lessing, jean<br />

marquis in fotografinja Inge morath.<br />

V Galeriji jakopič v ljubljani se obeta nezamenljiva priložnost ogleda<br />

vrhunske svetovne klasične fotografije. razstava ne pomeni le<br />

presežka, ki bo navdušil poznavalce fotografije zaradi svoje slogovne<br />

in tehnične kvalitete ter ohranjenosti fotografij, temveč prinaša tudi<br />

izjemno zanimive zgodbe, ki so jih v svojih fotoreportažah obravnavali<br />

posamezni fotografi.<br />

tako fotografije Henrija Cartier-Bressona uprizarjajo zadnje dni življenja<br />

velikega indijskega voditelja Gandija in njegov pogreb. ernst Haas je<br />

avtor fotoreportaže o snemanju monumentalnega filmskega epa Howarda<br />

Hawksa dežela faraonov iz leta 1955. pristne podobe londonske<br />

družbe zgodnjih 50. let prinaša serija fotografij avstrijke Inge morath,<br />

medtem ko je francoski fotograf marc riboud v vrvežu dalmatinskih<br />

uličic med drugim ujel prenašanje velikega titovega portreta. morda<br />

najbolj znan fotoreporter vseh časov, robert Capa, je za prvo magnumovo<br />

razstavo prispeval tri fotografije baskovske pokrajine, najbolj<br />

eksotične pa so podobe fotografskega dnevnika wernerja Bischofa iz<br />

peruja, čileja, japonske, kambodže ... dva od treh še živečih avtorjev<br />

(poleg ribouda) – erich lessing in jean marquis – sta na razstavi znova<br />

predstavljena s podobami iz naše bližnje okolice: prvi s fotografijami<br />

dunajskih otrok in drugi z vedutami iz madžarske.<br />

Ljubljana, Jakopič Gallery, MGML; 29 May to 2 September 2012<br />

Month of Photography 2012<br />

mAGNum’S fiRSt: fAcE of timE<br />

tHIs summer wIll see tHe FIrst<br />

extensIVe exHIBItIon oF maGnum<br />

pHotoGrapHs In sloVenIa. maGnum<br />

Is tHe world’s most prestIGIous<br />

pHotoGrapHIC aGenCy, a 20tH<br />

Century pHotoGrapHy leGend<br />

and an InexHaustIBle sourCe oF<br />

InspIratIon For new GeneratIons oF<br />

pHotoGrapHers.<br />

Included in the Magnum’s First Exhibition are 83 black-and-white photographs,<br />

vintage originals by world famous photographers including Magnum<br />

founders: robert Capa, Marc riboud, Werner Bischof, Henri Cartier-Bresson,<br />

Ernst Haas, Erich Lessing, jean Marquis and Inge Morath.<br />

The jakopič gallery in Ljubljana is offering an unparalleled opportunity to see<br />

these superb examples of classic photography. The exhibition in itself is an<br />

extraordinary achievement that will impress photography experts with the<br />

high level of stylistic and technical quality, as well as with the excellent condition<br />

of the prints on show. just as importantly, the exhibition also presents a<br />

number of fascinating stories highlighted by individual photographers in their<br />

photojournalistic reports.<br />

The photographs taken by Henri Cartier-Bresson, for instance, show the last<br />

days of the great Indian leader gandhi, concluding with his funeral. Ernst<br />

Haas created a photo essay about the filming of Howard Hawks’ lavish 1955<br />

epic Land of the Pharaohs. Austrian photographer Inge Morath portrayed a<br />

series of genuine moments in London society of the early 1950s, while French<br />

photographer Marc riboud focused on the bustling streets of dalmatia,<br />

catching, among other scenes, a large portrait of Tito being carried around.<br />

robert Capa, perhaps the best known photojournalist of all time, contributed<br />

three photographs of the Basque landscape, but the most exotic images in<br />

Magnum’s First were taken from the photographic journal of Werner Bischof:<br />

photographs taken in Peru, Chile, japan, Cambodia … The work of Erich Lessing<br />

and jean Marquis, two of the three authors that are still alive today (the<br />

third being Marc riboud), is represented at the exhibition with images taken<br />

closer to Slovenia – Lessing’s photographs of children in vienna and Marquis’<br />

series of Hungarian photographs.<br />


24<br />


Ljubljana, 20. junij–13. september 2012<br />

ljUbljana<br />

Festival<br />

60. ljuBljana FestIVal Bodo 20.<br />

junIja uradno odprlI dunajskI<br />

FIlHarmonIkI pod taktIrko sloVIteGa<br />

sIra sImona rattla. častnI<br />

pokroVItelj konCerta je predsednIk<br />

drŽaVe dr. danIlo türk.<br />








dANILO TürK.<br />

Fotografija: arhiv snG opera in balet ljubljana<br />

prvi dogodek pa se je zgodil že 30. maja s fotografsko razstavo<br />

60 alenke slavinec v jakopičevem sprehajališču v parku tivoli.<br />

kongresni trg bo ljubljana Festival zasedel 21. junija s poletno<br />

nočjo, poklonom 50. obletnici slovenske popevke, ki je sicer tudi<br />

del velikega projekta mestne občine ljubljana junij v ljubljani, na<br />

katerem se bo odvila vrsta brezplačnih prireditev za vse generacije<br />

v izvedbi najvidnejših institucij. prva večja Festivalova gledališka<br />

predstava bo v juniju Gospoda Glembajevi beograjskega ateljeja<br />

212; v glavni vlogi nastopa Boris Cavazza. jani Golob bo krstno<br />

izvedel operno delo ljubezen kapital, študentje treh ljubljanskih<br />

akademij pa baročno opero orfej. zaradi velikega zanimanja bo<br />

ljubljana Festival gostil umetnino marija kogoja črne maske.<br />

poletje v ljubljani bo ponovno popestril violinist Vadim repin, ki bo<br />

nastopil skupaj z orkestrom slovenske filharmonije. ta bo spremljal<br />

tudi baletno skupino Béjart Ballet iz lozane ter enkratna operna<br />

solista, sopranistko Invo mula (svetovno prepoznavnost je med<br />

drugim doživela z glasom, ki ga je posodila divi plavilaguni v filmu<br />

peti element) in baritonista lea nuccija. med velikimi koncerti naj<br />

omenimo gostovanje skladatelja in pianista michaela nymana, ki je<br />

prispeval glasbo za nekaj večkrat nagrajenih filmov (med drugim<br />

klavir), komornega orkestra dunajskega koncertnega združenja<br />

in orkestra mariinskega gledališča iz sankt peterburga, ki mu bo<br />

dirigiral njegov direktor in umetniški vodja Valerij Gergijev. med<br />

lahkotnejšimi prireditvami bosta muzikal čarovnice iz eastwicka<br />

mestnega gledališča ljubljanskega in jesus Christ superstar, ki<br />

nastaja v londonski produkciji Bronowski. križanke bosta zagotovo<br />

dvignila na noge Vlado kreslin, ki tam nastopa že enaindvajsetič,<br />

in hudičev goslač, romski violinist roby lakatos. ljubljana Festival<br />

2012 se končuje v septembru: njegov iztek bosta zaznamovala<br />

Hommage à stravinsky, sodobni balet koreografa edwarda Cluga,<br />

in najnovejša predstava tomaža pandurja medeja.<br />

Festival ljubljana je ob obletnici prenovil spletno stran<br />, ki omogoča tudi nakup vstopnic, dejaven<br />

pa je tudi na socialnih omrežjih.<br />

However, the first Festival event happened even before the official opening:<br />

30 May sees the opening of the Alenka Slavinec photography exhibition<br />

entitled 60, located on the jakopič Promenade in Tivoli Park. The Ljubljana<br />

Festival continues at the Kongresni trg square on 21 june with Summer<br />

Night, a tribute to the 50th anniversary of Slovenian popular song. The concert<br />

is also a part of june in Ljubljana, an extensive project of the Ljubljana<br />

Municipality that will include a range of free events for all ages, organised<br />

by prominent institutions. The first major Festival theatre show is scheduled<br />

for june: a performance of The glembajs, staged by Belgrade’s Atelje 212 and<br />

starring Boris Cavazza in the lead role. There will also be a world premiere of<br />

jani golob’s opera Love Capital, while students of three Ljubljana academies<br />

will perform Orpheus, a baroque opera. due to popular demand, the<br />

Ljubljana Festival will also host Marij Kogoj’s masterpiece Black Masks. Once<br />

again, the summer in Ljubljana will be made a little bit hotter by violinist<br />

vadim repin performing with the Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra. The<br />

Orchestra will also accompany the Béjart Ballet Lausanne ballet company<br />

and two supreme opera soloists: soprano Inva Mula (famous among other<br />

things for being the voice behind the diva Plavalaguna in the film The Fifth<br />

Element) and baritone Leo Nucci. Some of the biggest Festival concert names<br />

include composer and pianist Michael Nyman, who has scored a number of<br />

award-winning films (including The Piano), the vienna Chamber Orchestra<br />

and the St. Petersburg Mariinsky Theatre Orchestra conducted by its artistic<br />

and general director, valery gergiev. Popular music is represented by the musicals<br />

The Witches of Eastwick by the Ljubljana City Theatre and jesus Christ<br />

Superstar by London’s Bronowski Productions. Audiences at the Križanke<br />

venue will be entertained by vlado Kreslin, returning for his 21st performance<br />

there, and romani violinist roby Lakatos, also known as “the devil’s fiddler”.<br />

The 2012 Ljubljana Festival ends in September with Hommage à Stravinsky,<br />

a contemporary ballet choreographed by Edward Clug, and Tomaž Pandur’s<br />

latest show, Medea.<br />

To mark its anniversary, the Ljubljana Festival has overhauled its website at<br />, where tickets are now available for purchase. The<br />

Festival is also active on various social networks.


Različna prizorišča<br />

II. mednarodni trienale keramike unicum 2012 – slovenija<br />

SEcoNd iNtERNAtioNAl tRiENNiAl of cERAmicS uNicum 2012 - SlovENiA<br />

Maribor<br />

na druGem trIenalu unICum 2012 Bodo orGanIzatorjI zVeze<br />

društeV sloVenskIH lIkoVnIH umetnIkoV In unICum 2012<br />

predstaVIlI Vse smerI ustVarjanja V teHnIkI keramIke In pomaGalI<br />

prI razumeVanju, presojanju pa tudI IzoBraŽeVanju<br />

na področju sodoBne keramIke. IzVedlI Ga Bodo V Več slo-<br />

VenskIH mestIH HkratI. spremljeValnI proGram Bo oBseGal<br />

poGoVore, delaVnICe, projekCIje FIlmoV In druGe doGodke.<br />

evropski kulturni in tehnološki center (ektC) maribor, dvorec Betnava<br />

– osrednja razstava del, ki so prispela na mednarodni razpis, in razstava<br />

študentskih del;<br />

15. 5.–30. 9. 2012<br />

European Cultural and Technological Centre (EKTC) Maribor, Betnava Manor<br />

– central exhibition of works received in response to an international call for<br />

participation and exhibition of student works,<br />

15 May to 30 September 2012.<br />

Ljubljana<br />

zdslu Galerija, vrt zdslu – razstava Vere stanković;<br />

7. 5.–30. 5. 2012<br />

ZdSLU gallery, ZdSLU garden – vera Stanković Exhibition,<br />

7 May to 30 May 2012.<br />

Galerija zdslu – razstava toneta demšarja;<br />

26. 4.–25. 5. 2012<br />

ZdSLU gallery – Tone demšar Exhibition,<br />

26 April to 25 May 2012.<br />

narodni muzej slovenije, metelkova, ljubljana – razstava izdelkov tovarne<br />

dekor ljubljana in študijska zbirka keramike in stekla stalne zbirke;<br />

15. 5.–30. 9. 2012<br />

National Museum of Slovenia – Metelkova, Ljubljana – exhibition of objects<br />

produced in the dekor Ljubljana factory and a ceramics and glass study collection<br />

from the Museum’s permanent exhibition,<br />

15 May to 30 September 2012.<br />

ljubljanski grad, kazemate – avtorska razstava vabljenih ustvarjalcev (mirsad<br />

Begić, jakov Brdar, ana Cajnko, tanja smole Cvelbar, dragica čadež, Vasilije<br />

Ćetković–Vasko, anton Flego, lovro Inkret, tomaž kržišnik, Franc novinc, eva<br />

lenassi peterson, karel plemenitaš, mojca smerdu, dušan tršar);<br />

23. 5.–31. 8. 2012<br />

Ljubljana Castle, Kazemate – exhibition of works created by guest artists<br />

(Mirsad Begić, jakov Brdar, Ana Cajnko, Tanja Smole Cvelbar, dragica čadež,<br />

vasilije Ćetković – vasko, Anton Flego, Lovro Inkret, Tomaž Kržišnik, Franc Novinc,<br />

Eva Lenassi Peterson, Karel Plemenitaš, Mojca Smerdu, dušan Tršar),<br />

23 May to 31 August 2012.<br />








Krajinski park Goričko<br />

Grad Grad – razstava del redukcijskega žganja;<br />

3. 4.–3. 6. 2012<br />

grad Castle – exhibition of reduction firing works,<br />

3 April to 3 june 2012.<br />

Slovenj Gradec<br />

koroška galerija likovnih umetnosti – stalna zbirka podarjenih del I. mednarodnega<br />

trienala keramike unicum 2009<br />

Koroška Art gallery – permanent collection of donated works from the First<br />

International Triennial of Ceramics Unicum 2009.<br />

Kostanjevica na Krki<br />

lapidarij Galerije Božidar jakac – soočanje avtorskega raziskovanja v<br />

umetniški keramiki;<br />

25. 5.–5. 8. 2012<br />

Božidar jakac gallery Lapidarium – facing original research in ceramic art,<br />

25 May to 5 August 2012.<br />

Ajdovščina<br />

pilonova galerija – razstava o keramični dediščini v prenovljenih notranjščinah<br />

arhitekta svetozarja križaja;<br />

maj, junij 2012<br />

Pilon gallery – exhibition on ceramic heritage in the renovated interiors designed<br />

by architect Svetozar Križaj,<br />

May and june 2012.<br />

Slovenska Bistrica<br />

Grasslov stolp – javni poziv slovenskim ustvarjalcem v keramiki;<br />

28. 5.–6. 9. 2012<br />

grassel Tower – open call for Slovenian artists working with ceramics,<br />

28 May to 6 September 2012.<br />

Novo mesto<br />

dolenjski muzej, knezova soba – razstava črne prazgodovinske lončenine;<br />

28. 10.–31. 5. 2013<br />

dolenjska Museum, Knezova soba room – exhibition of black prehistoric pottery,<br />

28 October to 31 May 2013.<br /><br />


26<br />


apt Foto<br />

Maribor in Novo Mesto, Junij<br />

pomladanska evropska prestolnica kulture 2012<br />

SPRiNGtimE iN thE EuRoPEAN cAPitAl of cultuRE 2012<br />

V sklopu eVropske prestolnICe kulture 2012 junIj na šIroko<br />

odpIra sVoja Vrata raznolIkIm kulturnIm doŽIVetjem. na<br />

odre V GledalIšča In na trGe laHko zaVIjete tako V marIBoru<br />

kot V VseH partnerskIH mestIH. V tokratnem IzBoru Vam ponujamo<br />

roCk opero, konjenIškI GledalIškI spektakel In akroBatsko<br />

predstaVo.<br />

Jasa na Otočcu, Grajska cesta, Otočec pri Novem mestu<br />

26. 6. ob 21.15 premiera in 27. 6. ob 21.15 ponovitev<br />

človeka z bombami<br />

projekt človeka z bombami na horizontalni ravni – z detonacijami<br />

glasbenega kolektiva siddharta – sproža in artikulira miselni in estetski<br />

dvoboj obeh avantgardistov, na vertikalni ravni pa performerji<br />

(gibalci, intermedijski umetniki, športniki) »teoretsko« komentirajo<br />

čas po postpostmoderni in iščejo novo dobo in status elitnega<br />

nasproti množičnemu. predstava je eksperiment brechtovske provenience,<br />

so potujitev časa in prostora ter sodelovanje emancipiranega<br />

gledalca notranji pogoj detonacije, podnaslova, ki skriva v sebi<br />

arzenal, glasbo, nacijo.<br />







Meadow on Otočec, Grajska cesta, Otočec near Novo mesto<br />

26 June at 21:15 – opening night, 27 June at 21:15 – repeat.<br />

tWo mEN With BomBS<br />

On the horizontal axis, the Two Men with Bombs Project triggers and articulates<br />

the mental and aesthetic battle of two avant-garde artists using musical<br />

detonations created by the Siddharta collective; on the vertical axis, the<br />

performers (dancers, intermedia artists, athletes) provide a theoretical commentary<br />

on the time after post-post-modernism and search for a new age<br />

and an elite status to counter mass consumption. The event is an experiment<br />

in Brechtian origins that symbolises the alienation of our time and space; the<br />

participation of an emancipated audience is an internal condition for detonations.<br />

The subtitle of the piece encompasses an arsenal, music, a nation.


Fotografija: mario de Curto<br />

Univerzitetni športni center Leona Štuklja, Maribor; 5. in 6. 6. 2012 ob 21.00<br />

Chouf ouchouf:<br />

CHoUF oUCHoUF /<br />

še enkrat dobro poglej –<br />

akrobatska predstava<br />

zimmermann & de perrot in Groupe acrobatique de tanger (akrobatska<br />

skupina iz tangerja). simbioza dveh nekonvencionalnih švicarskih umetnikov,<br />

znanih po nenavadnih spektaklih, polnih absurdnega humorja<br />

in dovršene vizualne podobe, ter mladeničev in mladenk, dedičev<br />

tradicionalne maroške poulične akrobatike. navdušujoča predstava,<br />

polna energije in neverjetnih akrobatskih točk, osvaja najodličnejše<br />

mednarodne odre in nagrade.<br />

Hipodrom Kamnica, Maribor; 12., 13. in 14. 6. 2012 ob 21.00<br />

konjenikova pot –<br />

konjeniški gledališki spektakel<br />

Veliki konjeniški spektakel z več kot 30 konji pasme luzitanec je delo<br />

slovitega francoskega režiserja, producenta in konjeniškega mojstra Bartabasa,<br />

ki je v nekdanjih kraljevih konjušnicah gradu Versailles osnoval<br />

akademijo za gledališče s konji. doživite konjeništvo – ne kot športno<br />

disciplino, ampak kot umetnost, ki združuje eleganco konjskega telesa z<br />

magično močjo gledališča.<br /><br />

Leon Štukelj University Sports Centre, Maribor, 5 and 6 June 2012 at 21:00<br />

chouf ouchouf:<br />

chouf ouchouf /<br />

look, but take a Real Good look,<br />

acrobatic show<br />

Zimmermann & de Perrot and groupe acrobatique de Tanger (Acrobatic<br />

group of Tangier). The symbiosis of two unconventional Swiss artists, famous<br />

for creating unusual spectaculars filled with absurd humour and featuring<br />

highly perfected visuals, and a group of young people continuing the tradition<br />

of Moroccan street acrobatics. This exciting show, bursting with energy and<br />

featuring breathtaking acrobatic performances, has been performed on the<br />

most respected international stages and has been winning countless awards.<br />

Kamnica Hippodrome, Maribor, 12, 13 and 14 June 2012 at 21:00.<br />

thE WAy of thE EQuEStRiAN,<br />

a horse theatrical spectacular<br />

This grand horse spectacular featuring over 30 Lusitano horses was developed<br />

by the renowned French director, producer and equestrian expert<br />

Bartabas, who founded the Equestrian Arts Academy at the royal stables<br />

of versailles. Experience equestrianism not as a sports discipline but as an<br />

art form that combines the elegance of the horse’s body with the magical<br />

power of theatre.<br />


28<br />


Dunaj, paviljon Otta Wagnerja<br />

PaviljOn Otta<br />

Wagnerja na<br />

KarlsPlatzu je<br />

sPet ODPrt<br />

Do začetka novembra<br />

znamenito secesijsko zgradbo so<br />

prenovili, v njej pa so razstavljena<br />

dela otta wagnerja.<br />

otto wagner (1841–1918) je kot<br />

arhitekt, umetnik, teoretik urbanističnega<br />

načrtovanja in profesor<br />

na dunajski akademiji za likovno<br />

umetnost pomagal odpreti pot<br />

dunajskemu modernizmu. njegovi<br />

načrti so združevali učinkovite<br />

tehnične in gradbene rešitve z<br />

izjemnim estetskim učinkom.<br />

V nekdanji postajni stavbi dunajske<br />

mestne železnice (hitri tranzitni<br />

vlak) je danes razstava, ki priča<br />

o življenju in delu tega velikega<br />

avstrijskega arhitekta. znamenita<br />

zgradba na karlsplatzu nudi od<br />

l. 2005 avtentično domovanje<br />

manjši zbirki del otta wagnerja, ki<br />

jo sestavljajo dokumenti, wagnerjevi<br />

načrti in arhitekturne makete.<br />

razstava v paviljonu otta wagnerja,<br />

ki jo je organiziral dunajski<br />

muzej, prikazuje same začetke<br />

wagnerjevih najslavnejših del in<br />

arhitekturnih projektov, kot so<br />

npr. secesijska cerkev na steinhofu,<br />

stavba poštne hranilnice ali<br />

prelomni projekt postaje mestne<br />

železnice. razstava razkriva tudi<br />

wagnerjevo identiteto radikalnega<br />

teoretika in polemičnega pisca,<br />

ki je nasprotoval tradicionalizmu<br />

in »idiličnosti«.<br />

poleg številnih dokumentov sta v<br />

zbirki tudi dve maketi wagnerjevih<br />

zgradb. obiskovalci dojemajo<br />

razstavo kot poklon arhitektu,<br />

ki jih vabi, naj odkrijejo dunaj z<br />

njegove perspektive.<br />

amsterdam<br />

HOlanDsKi<br />

festival<br />

Od 1. do 26. junija<br />

Holandski festival, vodilni mednarodni<br />

festival performativne<br />

umetnosti na nizozemskem, se<br />

ponovno vrača v času od 1. do 26.<br />

junija. Festival že od l. 1947 ponuja<br />

nizozemskim in mednarodnim<br />

obiskovalcem pregled najboljših<br />

in najbolj priznanih performansov<br />

z vsega sveta.<br />

na sporedu je privlačna mešanica<br />

gledališke, glasbene, plesne, operne,<br />

filmske in vizualne umetnosti,<br />

pa tudi performansi z zahoda in<br />

drugih delov sveta v najrazličnejših<br />

jezikih. Festivalski program se<br />

dosledno osredotoča na prehajanje<br />

med disciplinami in vedno<br />

vključuje performanse, ki ustrezajo<br />

najvišjim umetniškim standardom.<br />

med festivalskimi lokacijami so<br />

tudi najbolj zanimiva gledališka<br />

prizorišča v amsterdamu, kot npr.<br />

muziekgebouw aan 't Ij na reki Ij,<br />

gledališče Carré ob reki amstel,<br />

muziektheater v središču mesta<br />

ter stadsschouwburg in westergasfabriek<br />

v trendovski četrti<br />

westerpark.<br /><br />

Kassel, nemčija<br />

dOCuMenta (13)<br />

Od 9. junija do 16. septembra<br />

9. junija bodo v nemškem kasslu<br />

odprli razstavo doCumenta (13).<br />

Vse od ustanovitve l. 1955 velja<br />

doCumenta za eno ključnih<br />

mednarodnih razstav sodobne<br />

umetnosti na svetu, ki ponuja<br />

čas za razmislek o odnosu med<br />

umetnostjo in družbo. razstavo<br />

organizirajo vsakih pet let, odprta<br />

pa je sto dni.<br />

na letošnji doCumentI se bo<br />

srečalo več kot 160 umetnikov in<br />

drugih sodelujočih z vsega sveta,<br />

predstavili pa bodo najrazličnejše<br />

umetniške prakse, kot so: kiparstvo,<br />

performans, inštalacije, raziskovanje<br />

in arhiviranje, slikanje, fotografija,<br />

film, kuratorstvo, tekstualna<br />

in avdio dela, pa tudi druge<br />

eksperimente v estetiki, umetnosti,<br />

politiki, književnosti, znanosti in<br />

ekologiji. umetniška direktorica<br />

Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev dojema<br />

doCumento (13) kot obliko poizvedovanja<br />

in uživanja v materialih.<br />

njen intuitivni pristop je podoben<br />

pristopu umetnikov in drugih udeležencev,<br />

ki jih je izbrala za letošnje<br />

sodelovanje. 13. doCumenta bo<br />

tako ponujala presenetljivo prizorišče<br />

za zastavljanje vprašanj, ki<br />

oblikujejo naše dojemanje življenja<br />

v sedanjosti.<br />

letošnja razstava tako priča o<br />

edinstvenosti našega odnosa<br />

do predmetov in naše fasciniranosti<br />

nad njimi. Vsaki zgodbi<br />

predmeta s težavno preteklostjo<br />

se posveča na svojstven način,<br />

prav tako vsem spreminjajočim<br />

se konotacijam. predmeti so iz<br />

prvinskih, zemeljskih materialov:<br />

od masivnega, izklesanega<br />

kamna do keramike (trajne, pa<br />

vendar lomljive). razstavljeni so<br />

ekscentrični, negotovi in krhki<br />

predmeti, pradavni in sodobni<br />

predmeti, nedolžni predmeti in<br />

predmeti, ki so nekaj izgubili;<br />

uničeni predmeti, poškodovani<br />

predmeti in neuničljivi predmeti,<br />

ukradeni predmeti, skriti ali<br />

prikriti predmeti, predmeti, ki se<br />

umikajo, predmeti v zavetišču,<br />

travmatizirani predmeti. »uganka«<br />

doCumente (13) je paradoks,<br />

prostor s številnimi skrivnostmi,<br />

prostor nasilja in prostor morebitnega<br />

ozdravljenja.<br /><br />

Köbenhavn<br />

jazz festival<br />

KÖBenHavn<br />

Od 6. do 15. julija<br />

jazz festival v köbenhavnu je<br />

eden največjih in najbolj spoštovanih<br />

glasbenih dogodkov te<br />

vrste v evropi. na njem se srečujejo<br />

ljudje iz glasbene industrije,<br />

privrženci jazza in ljubitelji kulture<br />

na splošno. odvija se na prizoriščih<br />

po vsej danski prestolnici.<br />

Festival se poklanja svobodi in<br />

valovanju jazzovske glasbe kot<br />

umetniške oblike ter njenemu<br />

obravnavanju glasbene estetike.<br />

V jazzu je nujno poskušati kaj novega,<br />

obenem pa ohranjati nekaj<br />

klasične izraznosti – to je podlaga<br />

za dolgotrajen uspeh in sposobnost<br />

zapeljevanja vedno novih<br />

poslušalcev leto za letom.<br />

med posebne značilnosti festivala<br />

sodijo številni brezplačni<br />

koncerti po vsem mestu, ki so<br />

veliko pripomogli k temu, da je<br />

köbenhavnski jazz festival postal<br />

najpomembnejši javni festival v<br />

danski prestolnici. poleg tega je<br />

zaščitni znak festivala tudi predstavljanje<br />

jazza v edinstvenih okoljih.<br />

tako lahko poslušalci uživajo<br />

na koncertih v najimenitnejših<br />

mestnih koncertnih dvoranah,<br />

pa tudi na stari vzhodnonemški<br />

ribiški ladji, v nekdanji tiskarni in<br />

v častitljivem, veličastnem parku<br />

pivovarne Carlsberg.<br />

köbenhavnski jazz festival ponuja<br />

tudi odlično priložnost za raziskovanje<br />

in doživljanje mesta samega<br />

– in njegovih najboljših strani.<br /><br />

london, Muzej victoria and<br />

albert<br />

BritansKO<br />

OBliKOvanje<br />

1948–2012:<br />

inOvaCije v<br />

MODerni DOBi<br />

Do 12. avgusta<br />

leta 1948 so v londonu potekale<br />

prve olimpijske igre po drugi<br />

svetovni vojni. »skromne igre«<br />

(kot so jim rekli) so potekale v<br />

času gospodarske krize v mestu,<br />

porušenem zaradi bombardiranja,<br />

vendar so zagotovile podlago za<br />

spravo in obnovo. leta 2012 Velika<br />

Britanija znova gosti olimpijske<br />

igre in čeprav duh ostaja enak,<br />

se je okolje, v katerem bodo<br />

potekale, v celoti spremenilo.<br />

Britansko oblikovanje 1948–2012<br />

ponuja pregled teh sprememb z<br />

raziskovanjem stavb, predmetov,<br />

podob in zamisli, ki so jih ustvarili<br />

oblikovalci in umetniki, izobraženi<br />

ali živeči v Veliki Britaniji.


Vienna, Otto Wagner Pavilion<br />

otto WAGNER<br />

PAvilioN oN<br />

KARlSPlAtz<br />

REoPENEd<br />

Until the beginning of November<br />

The Art Nouveau landmark building<br />

has been redesigned. It houses an<br />

exhibition of works by Otto Wagner.<br />

As an architect, artist, theoretician on<br />

urban planning, and professor at the<br />

vienna Academy of Fine Arts,<br />

Otto Wagner (1841-1918) helped to<br />

pave the way for viennese Modernism.<br />

His designs combined effective<br />

technical and construction solutions<br />

with high aesthetic quality.<br />

The former station building of the<br />

vienna Stadtbahn (rapid transit<br />

train) contains an exhibition<br />

documenting the life and work of<br />

the great Austrian architect. Since<br />

2005, the landmark building on<br />

Karlsplatz has provided an authentic<br />

setting for a small Otto Wagner<br />

collection consisting of documents,<br />

designs by Otto Wagner, and architectural<br />

models.<br />

The exhibition in the Otto Wagner<br />

Pavilion is organised by Wien<br />

Museum and covers the origins of<br />

Wagner's most famous designs and<br />

architecture projects, such as the<br />

Art Nouveau church at Steinhof, the<br />

Postsparkasse building or the pioneering<br />

Stadtbahn station project.<br />

It also documents Otto Wagner's<br />

identity as a radical theoretician<br />

and polemic writer against all<br />

things traditionalist and "idyllic".<br />

In addition to numerous documents,<br />

the collection also includes<br />

two models of Otto Wagner buildings.<br />

visitors will find it is a homage<br />

to the architect himself, which<br />

invites them to discover vienna from<br />

his perspective.<br />

Amsterdam<br />

hollANdfEStivAl<br />

June 1-26<br />

As the leading international<br />

performance arts festival in the<br />

Netherlands, the Holland Festival<br />

is back once again this year from<br />

1-26 june. Since 1947, the festival<br />

has been providing dutch and<br />

international theatregoers with a<br />

survey of the best and most widelyacclaimed<br />

performance pieces<br />

from around the world.<br />

The festival offers a heady mix of<br />

theatre, music, dance, opera, film<br />

and visual arts, as well as Western<br />

and non-Western performance<br />

pieces in a variety of languages.<br />

Its programming consistently<br />

emphasises discipline crossovers<br />

and always includes pieces of the<br />

highest artistic standards.<br />

The festival graces the stages of<br />

some of the city's most exciting<br />

theatrical locations, such as<br />

Muziekgebouw aan 't Ij on the Ij<br />

river, Carré Theatre on the Amstel,<br />

centrally-located Muziektheater<br />

and Stadsschouwburg and Westergasfabriek<br />

in the hip district of<br />

Westerpark.<br /><br />

Kassel, Germany<br />

documENtA (13)<br />

From June 9 to September 16<br />

On june 9 dOCUMENTA (13)<br />

will open to the public in Kassel.<br />

Since it was established in 1955,<br />

documenta has been regarded as<br />

a key international exhibition of<br />

contemporary art worldwide and<br />

a moment of reflection on the relationship<br />

between art and society.<br />

It takes place every five years, and<br />

runs for 100 days.<br />

Over 160 artists and other participants<br />

from around the world will<br />

meet and present a variety of artistic<br />

practices, including sculpture, performance,<br />

installation, research<br />

and archiving, painting, photography,<br />

film, curatorial, text-based<br />

and audio works as well as other<br />

experiments in the fields of aesthetics,<br />

art, politics, literature, science,<br />

and ecology. For the Artistic director<br />

Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, dOCU-<br />

MENTA (13) is a form of inquiry and<br />

indulgence in materials. Her intuitive<br />

approach resembles that of the<br />

artists and other participants she<br />

has chosen to work with. Thus, the<br />

13th edition of documenta will be a<br />

surprising stage to present questions<br />

that shape our notion of life in the<br />

present.<br />

This exhibition speaks about the<br />

uniqueness of our relationship with<br />

objects and our fascination with<br />

them. It explores the individual and<br />

troubled histories of these objects,<br />

and their shifting connotations.<br />

The materials of these objects are<br />

earthly: from solid carved stone to<br />

ceramics (permanent yet breakable).<br />

There are eccentric, precarious,<br />

and fragile objects, ancient and<br />

contemporary objects, innocent<br />

objects and objects that have lost<br />

something; destroyed objects,<br />

damaged objects and indestructible<br />

objects, stolen objects, hidden<br />

or disguised objects, objects on retreat,<br />

objects in refuge, traumatized<br />

objects. The “riddle” of dOCUMENTA<br />

(13) is a paradox, a space of many<br />

secrets, a space of violence, and a<br />

space of potential healing.<br /><br />

Copenhagen<br />

coPENhAGEN<br />

jAzz fEStivAl<br />

July 6 to 15<br />

Copenhagen jazz Festival is one of<br />

the largest and most respected music<br />

events of its kind in Europe and serves<br />

as a rendezvous for trades people,<br />

jazz enthusiasts and culture-minded<br />

folks in general. It takes place all over<br />

the danish capital.<br />

The festival pays tribute to the freedom<br />

and fluctuations of jazz music<br />

as an art form and its treatment of<br />

musical aesthetics. It is a necessity<br />

for jazz to try something new,<br />

while preserving its more classical<br />

expression - that is the basis for its<br />

enduring success, making it capable<br />

of seducing new audiences,<br />

year after year.<br />

The many free, outdoor concerts<br />

around town are one of the<br />

festival’s special features and help<br />

to make Copenhagen jazz Festival<br />

the city’s most important public<br />

festival. In addition, the festival has<br />

made the presentation of jazz in<br />

unique surroundings its trademark.<br />

Thus the public is able to enjoy<br />

concerts in the city’s best concert<br />

halls, on an old, East-german<br />

trawler, in a disused printing plant<br />

and Carlsberg Brewery’s venerable,<br />

stately gardens.<br />

Copenhagen jazz Festival also<br />

provides an excellent occasion for<br />

experiencing the city itself - from its<br />

best side.<br /><br />

London, Victoria and Albert<br />

Museum<br />

BRitiSh dESiGN<br />

1948–2012:<br />

iNNovAtioN iN<br />

thE modERN AGE<br />

Until 12 August<br />

In 1948 London hosted the first<br />

Olympic games after the Second<br />

World War. The "Austerity games"<br />

(as they became known) took place<br />

at a time of economic crisis in a city<br />

devastated by bombing, but they<br />

provided a platform for reconciliation<br />

and reconstruction. In 2012<br />

Britain welcomes the Olympics once<br />

more, and while the spirit remains,<br />

the context in which they are taking<br />

place has entirely changed. British<br />

design 1948–2012 traces those<br />

changes by exploring buildings, objects,<br />

images and ideas produced by<br />

designers and artists born, trained<br />

or based in Britain.<br />


F: Arhiv Anton Podbevšek Teater<br />

European Capital of Culture<br />

NE pREZRITE!<br />

HIgHLIgHTS!<br />

konjEnikova<br />

pot<br />



F: Arhiv Rock Otočec, d.o.o.<br />

GEnEralni pokrovitElji / GEnEral SponSorS:<br />

F: Agathe Poupeney<br />

12.-14.<br />

JUN<br />

2012<br />

FEStival<br />

lEnt<br />

26. - 27.<br />

JUN<br />

2012<br />

roCk<br />

OTOČEC<br />


konjEnikova pot<br />

THE Way Of THE RIdER (La VOIE dE L‘écuyER)<br />

Doživite konjeništvo: ne kot športno disciplino, ampak kot umetnost, ki združuje eleganco<br />

konjskega telesa z magično močjo gledališča.<br />

HipoDrom kamNica<br />

experience equestrianism: not as a sports discipline, but as an art form that combines the elegance<br />

of equine bodies with the magic of theatre.<br />

hiPPOdROme KAmNicA<br />

F: Arhiv Narodni dom<br />



umetniška akcija človeka z bombami je poklon avantgardnemu gestusu, ki se je izpostavil,<br />

zavzel nepopularno držo, ponudil novo etiko, novo vizijo, nov sistem vrednotenja in<br />

imaginacije in postal nova paradigma slovenske umetnosti.<br />

otočec, Novo mesto<br />

Two men With Bombs is a rock opera and an interactive tribute to Anton Podbevšek, a poet and<br />

avant-garde pioneer from Novo mesto who released the homonymous collection of poems in 1925.<br />

OTOčec, NOvO mesTO<br />

22. JUN<br />

07. JUl<br />

2012<br />

28. JUN<br />

01. JUl<br />

2012<br />

FEStival lEnt<br />

“Festival Lent” je eden izmed pomembnejših slovenskih festivalov<br />

in predstavlja eno ključnih kulturno-turističnih prireditev v sloveniji.<br />

po mestu, maribor<br />

The “Festival Lent” is one of the most important slovenian festivals<br />

and represents one of the key cultural-tourist events in slovenia.<br />

ARROuNd The ciTy, mARiBOR<br />


Pestro koncertno dogajanje bodo dopolnjevale<br />

najrazličnejše delavnice, natečaji in tekmovanja.<br />

otočec, Novo mesto<br />

The concerts will be accompanied by various workshops,<br />

contests, and competitions.<br />

OTOčec, NOvO mesTO<br />

Nakup vstopNic mogoč Na<br />

ticket purchase at<br /><br /><br />

This year we celebrate our 15th Anniversary.<br />

So on behalf of all our Member Airlines,<br />

who are committed to working hard for you,<br />

now and in the future,<br />

I’d like to say thank you.<br />

Mark Schwab, CEO Star Alliance Services GmbH.<br />

Come and celebrate with us from 14th May 2012 at<br />

Information correct as at 18APR12<br />

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038<br />

adrIjIn<br />

potnik<br />

BesedIlo: matJaž potokar FotoGraFIje: miha fras<br />

robert waltl >><br />

Direktor in Umetniški voDja mini teatra<br />

»nI napačnIH VloG. z Vsako, kI sem sI jo IzBral alI jo je predme postaVIlo ŽIVljenje, sem nekaj prIdoBIl, se<br />

nečesa naučIl. so samo slaBe alI doBre predstaVe,« praVI roBert waltl. njeGoVe dosedanje VloGe so res<br />

zelo razlIčne. je dIrektor In umetnIškI Vodja mInI teatra, predsednIk unIme – društVa sloVenskIH lutkoVnIH<br />

umetnIkoV In prIjateljeV lutk, IGraleC In lutkar (če je to dVoje potreBno ločItI), reŽIser, kulturnI<br />

anImator, pa tudI menedŽer, oBlIkoValeC In poVezoValeC kulturneGa ter urBaneGa prostora, dedek<br />

mraz In mIklaVŽ, če naštejem samo nekatere njeGoVe VloGe.<br />

katera od množice vlog, ki jih igrate, vam je najbolj pri srcu?<br />

težko bi oddvojil eno od druge. povezujejo se med sabo, ene ustvarjalcem<br />

bolj zagotavljajo pogoje za delo, v drugih sem sam kreativec. V kreativnem<br />

delu se v zadnjih letih bolj kot igri posvečam režiji, saj sem v tem času<br />

režiral preko šestdeset predstav. In to ni malo. V povprečju delam petnajst<br />

ur na dan, največ energije od naštetih vlog pa mi, žal, jemlje vsakodnevna<br />

borba za denar, ki ga gledališče potrebuje za svojo dejavnost. umetniško<br />

v zadnjih desetih letih zagotovo ne morem mimo svoje monodrame B. m.<br />

koltesa »noč čisto na koncu gozdov« in prve virtualne lutkovne predstave<br />

na svetu »palčica«, ki sem jo režiral in odigral na številnih festivalih že v<br />

dvaindvajsetih jezikih. Gotovo pa me je prepoznavno oblikovala tudi vloga<br />

dedka mraza, ki jo igram že dvajset let in po kateri sem morda najbolj znan<br />

v širšem slovenskem prostoru.<br />

pogosto potujete?<br />

po naravi sem radoveden in rad potujem. z našimi predstavami sem obiskal<br />

že vse kontinente, še raje pa v drugih kulturnih okoljih oblikujem nove predstave.<br />

trenutno režiram v Belorusiji, po Hrvaški in Bosni, sodeloval sem tudi<br />

z Buljanom pri režijah in študijskih projektih v newyorški lamami, v umbriji,<br />

Franciji. kamorkoli pridem, se počutim kot doma in uživam v različnosti.<br />

moje trenutno veselje je projekt puppet nomad academy. to je vseevropski<br />

projekt antičnega prenašanja znanj od starejših na mlajše, od bolj izkušenih<br />

na manj izkušene. slovenski igralci so izjemni, nimajo pa časa za lutkarstvo.<br />

s projektom želimo predvsem zbuditi ljubezen do lutk, zato sodelujemo<br />

z mojstri iz različnih držav: slovenije, Hrvaške, madžarske, češke, slovaške,<br />

estonije, Belgije, armenije, Belorusije in srbije. letos končujemo pna II in

adrIjIn potnik<br />


adrIjIn potnik<br />

40<br />

začenjamo tretjo izdajo, v kateri se nam pridružuje še nemčija. pomembno<br />

vlogo ima tudi raziskovanje postdramskega gledališča.<br />

mini teater ste začeli v majhni dvoranici na ljubljanskem gradu?<br />

začel sem na cesti, iz nič. pred štirinajstimi leti sem najprej zagnal urbani<br />

gledališki festival za najmlajše mini poletje. če je pokojni primož lorenz<br />

želel spodbuditi zanimanje za stari del mesta skozi glasbo, sem sam želel<br />

oživiti ljubljanska dvorišča, atrije in trge s prireditvami za najmlajše. Že<br />

takoj smo jim ponudili več kot 150 brezplačnih predstav, koncertov, delavnic<br />

in celo varstvo za otroke. ena od lokacij je bila tudi ljubljanski grad. V<br />

najem smo dobili klet in jo lastnoročno preuredili v dvorano. po festivalu<br />

nismo nehali in jeseni istega leta uprizorili prvo lastno premiero. začela sva<br />

z Ivico Buljanom kot gledališčem »dveh«, on kot režiser, sam kot igralec in<br />

režiser. do danes smo naredili okrog 100 lastnih predstav, v katerih igra več<br />

kot 150 igralcev. razvijamo različne principe igre, tehnologije lutk, predstav,<br />

vanje vključujemo najboljše sodelavce iz evrope in sveta. prevladuje<br />

koprodukcijski način sodelovanja z gledališči iz nekdanjega jugoslovanskega<br />

in evropskega kulturnega prostora; večkulturnost – kot ideja evrope – v<br />

našem gledališču v resnici živi.<br />

naše predstave so hitro prerasle začetno zasnovo predvsem po zahtevnosti.<br />

pravi preboj se je najprej zgodil v tujini, kjer so nas že zgodaj nagrajevali in<br />

vabili na pomembne festivale. sodelovali smo z najbolj eminentnimi režiserji.<br />

doma se nam je odprlo z nagradami na Borštnikovih srečanjih, začenši s<br />

schneewittchen after party, kasneje z macbethom po shakespearu in lani s<br />

predstavo Bartleby, pisar. privilegij mini teatra je eksperimentiranje, po čemer<br />

se ločimo od drugih gledališč. naš končni cilj je raziskovanje nečesa novega.<br />

mini teater neguje duh skupine, kakršno so razvili Brook, kantor, Grotowski,<br />

living theatre. Igralca vključujemo v skupino, sozvočje celote, velikodušnosti<br />

do partnerja v ustvarjanju in do občinstva.<br />

kakovost mt dokazujejo tudi nagrade. še bolj pa ste ponosni na<br />

podiranje plotov in povezovanje ex jugoslovanskega kulturnega,<br />

pa tudi novega evropskega prostora.<br />

kakovost predstave ni vezana na države. Ideja mini teatra se je zelo razširila<br />

po okolici. ljudje iz nekdanjega skupnega jugoslovanskega kulturnega<br />

prostora nas iščejo, želijo sodelovati, se zgledovati po naših izkušnjah. mini<br />

teater je zasebno gledališče, ki se za razliko od ostalih zasebnih gledališč<br />

obrača k umetniškemu in ne h komercialnemu gledališču. za nas se<br />

zanimajo gledališčniki iz srbije, madžarske, Francije, švice, ogledujejo si<br />

naš model. ne, da si ne bi želeli finančno uspešnih predstav, nista pa temu<br />

podrejena koncept in program našega gledališča. z Ivico ga razumeva<br />

kot raziskovalni laboratorij. Vanj povabiva vse, ki delijo naše poglede. našo<br />

širino v zadnjem času prepoznavajo tudi v Bruslju.

lani ste začeli oživljati križevniško ulico z enkratno predstavo v<br />

počastitev sedemdesetletnice pesnika tomaža šalamuna.<br />

Že ko smo z mojim in Ivičinim denarjem ter s sredstvi norveškega finančnega<br />

mehanizma tu gradili gledališče, sem začel raziskovati križevniško.<br />

Želel sem izvedeti, kdo je tukaj živel. odkril sem fantastične podatke o<br />

teh dvesto metrih ulice, za katero veliko ljubljančanov sploh ne ve.<br />

tu je živelo veliko pomembnih osebnosti, od prešerna, kosovela, linharta,<br />

Valvazorja, kemika in nobelovca preglja do slikarja jelovška, kiparja robbe,<br />

mecena Blaža Crobatha, njegove hčere luize pesjakove, čopa, smoleta, ane<br />

jelovškove in drugih. Fasciniran sem bil nad zoisovim krožkom in ljudmi, ki<br />

so zahajali v njegovo hišo: od papeža, ki je nekoč obiskal ljubljano in spal v<br />

zoisovi palači, pa do metternicha, ki se je udeležil znamenitega ljubljanskega<br />

kongresa svete alianse. našel sem tudi anekdotične zapise iz tistih časov.<br />

metternich je recimo po gostitvi v zoisovi palači v svojih spominih zapisal,<br />

da so bili zoisova žena in otroci grdi kot sedem smrtnih grehov.<br />

s prireditvami želimo ljubljančane zvabiti na ulico, da se družijo in so<br />

ponosni na izročilo križevniške. postavili smo klopi, posadili drevje in rože.<br />

šalamunova sedemdesetletnica je bila idealna priložnost, da se z Ivico<br />

oddolživa temu velikemu svetovljanu. performans pa je pomagal odkriti vse<br />

skrite kotičke, ki jih ponuja križevniška z okolico.<br />

kakoVost predstaVe nI Vezana na<br />

drŽaVe. Ideja mInI teatra se je zelo<br />

razšIrIla po okolICI.<br />

lJudJe iz nekdanJeGa skupneGa<br />

JuGosloVanskeGa kulturneGa<br />

prostora nas iščeJo, želiJo<br />

sodeloVati, se zGledoVati po<br />

naših izkušnJah.<br />

adrIjIn potnik<br />


42<br />


TExT: MaTjaž poToKar PHOTOgrAPHy: Miha fras<br />

robert waltl >><br />

managing anD artistiC DireCtor oF mini teater<br />







which of the multitude of roles that you play<br />

is closest to your heart?<br />

It would be difficult for me to separate them into<br />

individual roles. They are all interconnected; some<br />

of them give artists better conditions for creating,<br />

while in others I do the creating myself. As far<br />

as creative work goes, I have been focusing on<br />

directing rather than acting in recent years – I have<br />

directed over sixty shows. That is a lot. On average,<br />

I work some fifteen hours per day, but unfortunately<br />

most of my energy is expended on the daily<br />

struggle for money, which is indispensable for the<br />

theatre and its activities. Looking at the artistic side<br />

of my work over the last decade, I am proud of my<br />

monodrama The Night just Before the Forests by B.<br />

M. Koltes and the world’s first virtual puppet show,<br />

Thumbelina, which I directed. I have performed<br />

Thumbelina at countless festivals in 22 different<br />

languages. Last but not least, I have obviously<br />

been greatly shaped and influenced by the role of<br />

dedek Mraz, whom I have been playing for two<br />

decades now. This role is perhaps what I am best<br />

known for among the general public in Slovenia.<br />

do you travel often?<br />

I am naturally curious, and I love to travel. I have<br />

taken our shows to every single continent, but my<br />

favourite thing to do is create new shows in other<br />

cultural environments. I am currently directing in<br />

Belarus, Croatia and Bosnia; together with Ivica<br />

Buljan, I have participated in directing and study<br />

projects at the La MaMa in New york, in Umbria, in<br />

France … I feel at home anywhere I go. I just enjoy<br />

the differences, the diversity.<br />

My biggest pleasure at the moment is the Puppet<br />

Nomad Academy. This pan-European project<br />

takes its cues from Antiquity and aims to facilitate<br />

the transfer of knowledge from older people to<br />

younger, from the more experienced to the less.<br />

Slovenian actors are magnificent, but they have no<br />

time for puppetry. With this project, we are looking<br />

to awaken the love of puppets in people and to this<br />

end we are working with master puppeteers from<br />

a number of countries: Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary,<br />

Czech republic, Slovakia, Estonia, Belgium, Armenia,<br />

Belarus and Serbia. In 2012, we are wrapping<br />

up PNA II and getting started on the third stage,<br />

where we will be joined by germany. Exploration of<br />

postdramatic theatre also plays an important role.<br />

is it true that you started Mini teater in a<br />

small hall in the ljubljana castle?<br />

I started on the street, from nothing. Fourteen years<br />

ago, I established an urban theatre festival for children,<br />

Mini poletje (Mini Summer). In the same way<br />

that the late Primož Lorenz was looking to reawaken<br />

the interest in the old part of town through music,<br />

I wanted to revive the courtyards, gardens and<br />

squares of Ljubljana through children’s events. As<br />

soon as we started, we were offering over 150 free<br />

shows, concerts, workshops and even a babysitting<br />

service. The Ljubljana Castle was one of the<br />

venues. We hired the basement, took matters into<br />

our own hands and converted the basement into<br />

a hall. After the festival ended, we just kept going,<br />

and in autumn that year, the first of our very own<br />

shows premiered. Ivica Buljan and I started out as<br />

“a theatre of two” – he directed, I acted and directed.<br />

Up until today, we have put on some 100 of our own<br />

shows featuring over 150 actors. We develop various<br />

principles of acting, puppet technology and shows,<br />

and we include in them the best partners from<br />

Europe and the rest of the world. Our main mode of<br />

collaboration is co-production with theatres from<br />

the former yugoslav and European cultural space.<br />

Multiculturalism as the idea behind Europe is actually<br />

alive in our theatre.<br />

Our shows quickly outgrew the original premise,<br />

particularly in complexity. The first breakthrough<br />

happened abroad – very soon, we started<br />

receiving awards and invitations to important<br />

festivals. We worked with eminent directors. In<br />

Slovenia, things took off with awards we received<br />

at various Borštnik Theatre Festivals, starting with<br />

Schneewittchen After Party, followed by Macbeth<br />

after Shakespeare and last year’s Bartleby, the<br />

Scrivener. Mini teater has the privilege of being<br />

able to experiment; that is what sets us apart<br />

from other theatres. Our aim is always to explore<br />

something new. Mini teater nurtures the group<br />

spirit developed by Brook, Kantor, grotowskiand<br />

the Living Theatre. An actor becomes part of the<br />

group, a contributor to the harmony of the whole,<br />

a recipient of the generosity of his or her creative<br />

partner and of the audience.<br />

The many awards are proof of MT’s quality.<br />

But there is something that makes you<br />

even prouder: breaking down fences and<br />

establishing connections within the former<br />

yugoslav cultural space, as well as the new<br />

european space.<br />

The quality of a show is not linked to a particular<br />

country. The concept of Mini teater has expanded<br />

throughout the region. People from the once<br />

shared yugoslav cultural space are contacting us,<br />

looking to collaborate with us and to follow our<br />

example, learn from our experience. Mini teater is<br />

a privately owned theatre, but unlike other private<br />

theatres, its focus is art rather than commercial<br />

drama. Theatre people from Serbia, Hungary,<br />

France and Switzerland are all expressing interest<br />

in us and looking at our model of operation.<br />

Of course we want our shows to be financially<br />

successful, but we will not compromise on the<br />

concept and programme in order to achieve<br />

that. Ivica and I see our theatre as a research lab.<br />

Anyone who shares our views is welcome here.<br />

Our reputation has recently been recognised even<br />

in Brussels.

as soon as we started,<br />

we were oFFerInG<br />

oVer 150 free<br />

shows, concerts,<br />

workshops and eVen<br />

a babysittinG serVice.<br />

last year you temporarily brought life back<br />

to the Križevniška ulica street through a<br />

one-off show honouring the 70th birthday of<br />

poet Tomaž Šalamun.<br />

My explorations of Križevniška started while we<br />

were still building our theatre here, using Ivica’s<br />

money, my money and funds from the Norwegian<br />

Financial Mechanism. I wanted to find<br />

out who lived here. I discovered some fantastic<br />

information about this street, these 200 m that<br />

most people in Ljubljana have probably never<br />

even heard of.<br />

So many important figures lived here – from<br />

poets and writers Prešeren, Kosovel, Linhart, čop,<br />

Smole and valvasor to chemist and Nobel Prize<br />

winner Pregl, painter jelovšek, sculptor robba,<br />

patron of the arts Blaž Crobath and his daughter<br />

Luiza Pesjakova, Ane jelovšek and others. I was<br />

fascinated by the Zois circle and the many people<br />

who visited his house – including the pope, who<br />

once visited Ljubljana and spent the night in<br />

the Zois mansion, and Metternich, who came to<br />

attend the famous Congress of Laibach (the modern<br />

Ljubljana), a conference of the Holy Alliance. I<br />

have also uncovered a number of anecdotes from<br />

those days. After his visit to the Zois mansion, for<br />

instance, Metternich wrote in his memoirs that<br />

Zois’s wife and children were as ugly as sin!<br />

Our hope is that these events will bring the people<br />

of Ljubljana out on the street, where they can<br />

meet and socialise. We want them to be proud<br />

of the history of Križevniška. We have put up<br />

benches, planted trees and flowers. šalamun’s<br />

70th birthday was the perfect opportunity for<br />

Ivica and I to repay this great, cosmopolitan<br />

man. Meanwhile, the performance helped us to<br />

discover the many hidden corners of Križevniška<br />

and the surrounding area.<br />

adrIa passenGer<br />


044<br />

dunaJ, dunaJ, samo ti …, GoVori tekst<br />

znane pesmice, kI opeVa Vsem znano prelepo<br />

mesto oB donaVI. kdo pozna to eVropsko<br />

prestolnICo Bolje kot tIstI, kI tja poGosto<br />

odHajajo In se tudI Vedno znoVa Vračajo? ena<br />

takIH zVestIH oBIskoValk je adrIjIna steVardesa<br />

manCa knaFlIč. zaupala nam je nekaj VtIsoV In<br />

korIstnIH namIGoV o dunaju.

FotoGraFIje: miško kranJec<br />

Wien, wIen, nur du allein ...

avstrijska prestolnica je res nekaj posebnega, vsak lahko najde<br />

tam kaj zase. dunaj je privlačen za ljubitelje umetnosti, glasbe,<br />

zgodovine, za sladokusce … Vendar moramo malce spremeniti<br />

krpanovo misel »če greš na dunaj, moraš postiti trebuh<br />

zunaj!« namreč – če greš na dunaj, nikakor ne smeš pustiti<br />

trebuha zunaj, saj človeka na vsakem koraku čaka kaj slastnega.<br />

pa nikar ne hodite v to mesto samo za en dan, saj bi bil greh,<br />

če ne bi vsaj malo začutili mestnega vrveža. okusiti morate<br />

kulinarične specialitete, slišati straußov valček in se v mislih vrniti<br />

v čas monarhije in blaginje. seveda pa ne gre brez nakupa<br />

kakšne malenkosti, ogleda številnih muzejev, dvorcev in palač,<br />

ki pričajo o bogati zgodovini Habsburžanov. dunajčani so še<br />

vedno zelo ponosni na svojo preteklost in jo radi razkazujejo.<br />

dunaj je čudovit v vseh letnih časih: spomladi, ko zacveti<br />

na tisoče meni tako ljubih vrtnic; poleti, ko se mesto spremeni<br />

v letovišče in lenobno vzdušje v starih kavarnah spominja<br />

na nek drugačen, pretekli čas. Vožnja s ’fijakarjem’ nas popelje<br />

v bogate čase monarhije, topot konjskih kopit obljublja<br />

nepozabno doživetje avstrijske prestolnice. pozimi pa, ko v<br />

predbožičnem času zaživijo sejmi z neštetimi stojnicami, si<br />

greješ roke s kozarcem punča med sprehodom iz schönbrunna<br />

do Gloritte.<br />

ko sem na dunaju, se nikakor ne morem odreči slastnemu<br />

dunajskemu zrezku, ki ga najbolje pripravijo v legendarni<br />

gostilni Figlmüller, kjer je v času sezone brez rezervacije zelo<br />

težko dobiti prosto mesto. pisan mozaik govoric z vsega sveta<br />

izpričuje, da sega sloves gostilne daleč onkraj meja domovine.<br />

zrezek, ki ti ga postrežejo, je nepozaben: značilno tanek in<br />

ogromen presega krožnikov premer, kot bi želel kljubovati<br />

sodobnim smernicam malih porcij na ogromnih krožnikih; s<br />

pregovorno najboljšo skorjico v mestu (drobtine so iz posebnih<br />

žemljic, ki jih pečejo samo za Figlmüller), z rezinico limone<br />

in skledo krompirjeve solate z bučnim oljem. Božansko! V Figlmüllerju<br />

ne boste našli piva in sladic, imajo pa zato prvovrstno<br />

vinsko karto in vsega le ducat jedi prvorazredne kakovosti.<br />

uglajeni natakarji, gospodje pri poznih petdesetih v elegantnih<br />

oblekah, poskrbijo, da je obedovanje v eni najstarejših krčem v<br />

mestu nepozabno doživetje.<br />

mestnemu vrvežu se najraje umaknem v eno od mnogih<br />

galerij. letos so ob 150-letnici rojstva secesijskega umetnika<br />

Gustava klimta na različnih prizoriščih pripravili vznemirljive<br />

razstave. leopold museum tako predstavlja klimtova dela iz<br />

svoje lastne zbirke, dopolnjena z deli iz pomembnih avstrijskih<br />

in mednarodnih zbirk. najbolj so me navdušili klimtovi komentarji,<br />

njegove opombe, s katerimi so dela opremljena; tako se je<br />

med ogledom odvijal zanimiv dialog med mojo interpretacijo<br />

in klimtovim videnjem lastnih stvaritev. za ogled meni najljubšega<br />

poljuba pa še skok do gradu Belvedere.<br />

!<br />

<strong>adria</strong> leti na liniji<br />

ljubljana Dunaj<br />

3 krat dnevno

48<br />

WiEN, WiEN,<br />

NuR du AllEiN ...<br />

PHOTOgrAPHy: MiŠKo Kranjec<br />







The Austrian capital is truly something special. There is something for everyone<br />

here. vienna appeals to lovers of art, music, history, good food … However,<br />

literary hero Martin Krpan’s advice – “If you are going to vienna, leave your belly<br />

at the door!” – should be altered slightly. If you are going to vienna, the last thing<br />

you should do is leave your belly at the door, because there is something delicious<br />

waiting for you at every step. And you should spend more than just one day in<br />

the city – it would really be a shame not to experience the city life properly. you<br />

have to taste the local cuisine, hear a waltz by Strauss and let your imagination<br />

wander back to the time of the monarchy, with its splendour and opulence. Of<br />

course you should also buy a little something and visit some of the many museums,<br />

mansions and palaces that testify to the rich history of the Habsburgs. The<br />

people of vienna are still very proud of their past, and they love to show it off.

you sHould spend more tHan<br />

just one day In tHe CIty –<br />

it would really be a shame<br />

not to experience the city life<br />

properly.<br />

vienna is magnificent in every season: in spring, when thousands of roses<br />

that I love so dearly are in bloom; in summer, when the city transforms into<br />

a holiday resort and the lazy atmosphere in old coffeehouses evokes memories<br />

of a different era that is long gone. A carriage ride reminds us of wealthy<br />

monarchs who once ruled here, and the sound of horse hooves promises an<br />

unforgettable experience in the Austrian capital. And then there is the winter<br />

season, the time before Christmas when the city is alive with traditional Christmas<br />

fairs and you can buy a glass of punch to warm your hands as you walk<br />

through Schönbrunn to the gloriette.<br />

whenever i am in vienna, i simply have to treat myself to a delicious<br />

vienna-style steak. The finest steaks are served at the legendary Figlmüller<br />

restaurant; if you are in vienna during high season, make a reservation as it is<br />

virtually impossible to get a table without one. The hubbub of languages from<br />

all over the world shows that the reputation of this restaurant far exceeds the<br />

borders of Austria. you will never forget the steak that you eat there: characteristically<br />

thin and enormous, it hangs over the edge of the plate as if to spite<br />

the modern trend of tiny portions on huge plates; the steak has the best crust<br />

in town (the crumbs are made from buns baked specially for Figlmüller) and it<br />

comes with a slice of lemon and a bowl of potato salad with pumpkinseed oil.<br />

divine! you will not find beer or desserts at Figlmüller, but they do have a first rate<br />

wine list; they only offer about half a dozen of dishes, but every one of them is<br />

exceptionally good. The courteous waiters – gentlemen in their late 50s, dressed<br />

in elegant suits – will make sure that your lunch at one of the oldest restaurants<br />

in vienna is an experience that you will cherish forever.<br />

To get away from the bustling city streets, i like to visit one of the many<br />

galleries in vienna. This year, in celebration of the 150th anniversary of the<br />

birth of Art Nouveau artist gustav Klimt, a number of exciting exhibitions<br />

have been organised at various locations. The Leopold Museum houses an<br />

exhibition of Klimt’s art from its permanent collection, with added works<br />

from other important Austrian and international collections. The thing that I<br />

enjoyed most was Klimt’s commentary, his notes that accompany the paintings;<br />

they led to an interesting dialogue between my personal interpretation<br />

and Klimt’s perception of his own creations. And finally, a quick visit to the<br />

Belvedere Castle to see my favourite – The Kiss.<br />

!<br />

<strong>adria</strong> flies between<br />

ljubljana&Vienna<br />

3 times daily

050<br />

»prost!« odmeVa Iz VseH kotIčkoV<br />

waCHaua, približno 35 km<br />

dolGe doline ob donaVi, do<br />

koder Je dobro uro VožnJe s<br />

cesarskeGa dunaJa.

prestolnICa romantike<br />

wachau, idilična destinacija, velja za eno najstarejših<br />

in najlepših vinskih območij v evropi,<br />

kjer se toči najboljše belo vino, ki ga premorejo<br />

naši sosedje. povrhu tega ta očarljiva pokrajina<br />

uživa zaščito unesca, zato ostaja prepredena z<br />

romantičnimi mesteci, pol porušenimi gradovi<br />

in skrivnostnimi samostani, ki burijo domišljijo.<br />

dovolj razlogov torej, da sem se tja odpravila<br />

na kozarček ...<br />

ob obisku wachaua ne gre brez obveznega<br />

postanka v kakšnem izmed simpatičnih lokalnih<br />

»heurigenov« oziroma po naše – vinotočev pod<br />

vejo. ta mala družinsko vodena »podjetja«, na<br />

pročeljih katerih se ponavadi vzpenja vsaj sto let<br />

stara trta, so prava zakladnica ne le odličnega<br />

vina, pač pa tudi nenavadnih zgodb in pisanih<br />

vaških junakov. ko pokukamo v njihov svet, dobimo<br />

občutek, kot bi stopili nazaj v čas. Ženski<br />

je prostor še vedno namenjen le za štedilnikom,<br />

lokalni barčki so ponosni na še vedno ločene<br />

prostore za moške in ženske. zakaj že? moški<br />

so krepki, ponavadi zardelih lic in prav radi<br />

vam povedo kakšno anekdoto. z dvignjenim<br />

kozarcem hitijo razlagat, da so prvo trto zasadili<br />

v teh krajih že rimljani, prvo letino pa pridelali<br />

menihi, ki so v času strogega vladanja marije<br />

terezije lahko edini proizvajali alkohol. seveda le<br />

v verske namene.<br />

»danes, hvala bogu, takih omejitev ni več,« se<br />

zakrohota walter, lastnik enega izmed dvesto<br />

vinotočev v tej mali dolini. »danes sami<br />

BesedIlo In FotoGraFIje: saša suhadolnik<br />

poskrbimo, da je naše vino nekaj posebnega,«<br />

še doda in mi razloži, da z izjemo ene same<br />

vinoteke lokalni vinogradniki služijo izključno<br />

s prodajo obiskovalcem, ki se ustavijo pri njih.<br />

njihovega vina zato ne najdemo niti v najbolj<br />

imenitnih restavracijah dunaja. kakšna ekskluzivnost!<br />

In gredo še dalje: imajo svoje združenje<br />

vinarjev in poseben romantičen način razvrstitve<br />

vin, ki ga ne najdemo nikjer drugje na svetu.<br />

tako so recimo kategorijo vina z največ alkohola<br />

poimenovali smaragd po majhnih wachauskih<br />

zelenih kuščarjih, ki se tako kot grozdi radi<br />

grejejo na soncu. ob taki prispodobi se ti vsako<br />

vino zdi še boljše. splača se tudi poizvedeti, kaj<br />

izbrati z vinske karte. odgovor na to vprašanje je<br />

bil povsod soglasen: absolutno belo – zeleni veltlinec,<br />

rumeni muškat ali rizling. rdeče vino tu<br />

močno zaostaja v kvaliteti, kar ni presenetljivo,<br />

če se ozreš po terasastih vinogradih – skalnata,<br />

hribovita pokrajina narekuje uspeh belih sort. In<br />

odličnega belega vina, kot sem kmalu ugotovila.<br />

škandali, tatovi in izkopane kosti<br />

a kaj je tisto, kar wachau poleg res spektakularne<br />

pokrajine in prvovrstnega vina loči od drugih<br />

vinskih pokrajin? marsikdo bi se strinjal, da njena<br />

pestra, na trenutke kar precej čudaška zgodovina.<br />

V njej prav gotovo zaseda prvo vrsto tako<br />

imenovani »škandal z antifrizom«. da, prav ste<br />

prebrali. pred tridesetimi leti je poskušalo nekaj<br />


waCHau, prestolnica romantike<br />


wachauskih »iznajdljivcev« pridelati zelo drago<br />

in sladko ledeno vino. to vino zahteva zmrzal, ki<br />

pa je zaradi blage klime v wachauu ni, in tako<br />

so prišli na idejo, da bi sladkost vina dosegli z<br />

dodajanjem antifriza. ni treba posebej poudariti,<br />

da je po razkritju prevare sledil velik škandal<br />

in avstrijsko vinogradništvo je potrebovalo<br />

leta, da si je opomoglo. toda na srečo se je na<br />

koncu stvar izkazala kot pozitivna. od takrat se<br />

v wachauu prav zaradi te sramote še toliko bolj<br />

trudijo, da pridelajo vino le najboljše kvalitete –<br />

seveda brez »antifriza«. tega menda dodajajo le<br />

še porednim turistom.<br />

česa takega nisem želela preizkusiti, zato sem<br />

kot pridna turistka nadaljevala raziskovanje v<br />

prikupnem mestecu dürnstein, ki se ponaša z<br />

edino modro katoliško cerkvico daleč naokoli.<br />

»ste gledali film robin Hood s kevinom Costnerjem?<br />

se spomnite, da se ob koncu filma pojavi<br />

angleški kralj richard levjesrčni in ga vsi sprašujejo,<br />

kje se je mudil? no, verjemite ali ne, richard<br />

je bil takrat v wachauu!« vzhičeno razlaga lokalni<br />

vodič tega mesteca in nam pokaže pravljične<br />

razvaline nekdanjega gradu dürnstein, kjer naj bi<br />

bil richard preživel nekaj svojih zaporniških dni.<br />

če je verjeti legendi in vodiču, naj bi bil pogumnega<br />

kralja richarda ob vrnitvi iz križarskih vojn<br />

tja zaprl njegov sovražnik. richard je bil izpuščen<br />

iz zapora po plačani odkupnini, toda medtem ko<br />

je nekaj mesecev iz svoje celice užival fantastičen<br />

razgled na hribčke, posejane s trto, se je že<br />

zaljubil v wachau. po izpustitvi je zato tam ostal<br />

ter užival v vinu in dekletih. posledice tega so<br />

še vedno prisotne, kajti če se danes zaljubite<br />

na terasah wachaua, se zna zgoditi, da bo vaš<br />

izbranec potomec richarda levjesrčnega.<br />

V wachauu marsikdo pusti svoje srce. tudi<br />

znameniti italijanski pisatelj umberto eco si je za<br />

prizorišče v svojem najbolj znanem romanu Ime<br />

rože izbral prav wachauski samostan melk. ne<br />

moreš mu zameriti, samostan je resnično eden<br />

najlepših na svetu, in ko se sprehajaš po njegovi<br />

znameniti knjižnici, ki hrani več kot sto tisoč knjig,<br />

tudi sam v mislih kuješ srednjeveške spletke.<br />

wachau je v vsakem pogledu bogata dolina.<br />

Vrednost nepremičnine tu zlahka doseže milijon<br />

evrov, a domačini kljub temu ostajajo preprosti.<br />

ni sledu o razkošnih avtomobilih in dragih<br />

oblačilih, proste dni vsi preživljajo doma. danes<br />

služijo predvsem na račun vina in turizma, a tudi<br />

pred nekaj stoletji so v teh krajih že znali »pošteno«<br />

obogateti. Brutalni baroni, ki so živeli v<br />

gradovih ob donavi, so od ladij, ki so plule mimo,<br />

zahtevali plačilo in v primeru, če si jih zavrnil, so<br />

ti prijazno ponudili na izbiro: stradati do smrti ali<br />

skočiti v smrt. ni kaj, »prijetni« časi.<br />

podobno pretresljiva je še danes cerkvica sv.<br />

mihaela, ki se nahaja prav na sredi wachauske doline<br />

in ima izredno majhno in čudovito urejeno<br />

pokopališče. še nedolgo nazaj so tam pokopavali<br />

vaščane, a le začasno. ko je na pokopališču<br />

zmanjkalo prostora, so pokojne preprosto odkopali<br />

in kosti prestavili v kostnico ter s tem naredili<br />

prostor za nove. kosti so še vedno na ogled, sicer<br />

le skozi majhno špranjo velikih masivnih vrat, a že<br />

to je dovolj, da se ti postavijo kocine pokonci.<br />

waCHau, prestolnica romantike<br />

romantično, oranžno in dišeče<br />

wachau je poseben še iz enega razloga. tu so<br />

poleg trte doma tudi marelice. preko sto tisoč<br />

mareličnih dreves uspeva v tej magični dolini<br />

in iz marelic so domačini ustvarili pravo tržno<br />

nišo. prikupne majhne trgovinice so na vsakem<br />

koraku in ponujajo vse iz marelic – marelični<br />

liker in žganje, marelično čokolado in milo ter<br />

seveda odlično marelično marmelado in grenčico.<br />

zaradi marelic se splača priti v te kraje<br />

spomladi, ko drevesa zacvetijo v vsem svojem<br />

sijaju, ali pa julija, ko oranžno obarvajo dolino –<br />

vonj in razgled sta takrat res nekaj posebnega.<br />

sama sem želela doživeti wachau v najlepši luči,<br />

zato sem se podala na pot s kolesom. skozi dolino<br />

namreč poteka znamenita 200-kilometrska<br />

kolesarska pot od nemškega passaua do dunaja<br />

in prav kilometri, ki se vijejo skozi prekrasne<br />

vinograde, so najbolj vredni truda. na kolesu ti<br />

hitro postane jasno, zakaj je wachau priljubljena<br />

destinacija za poroke. za navdušene fotografe<br />

je raj, »škljocaš« lahko na vsakem koraku, a te je<br />

hkrati strah, da fotografije ne bodo uspele zajeti<br />

naravne lepote, ki jo vidi oko.<br />

nIč ne de, še Vedno sI<br />

laHko utrGaš Grozd,<br />

prIVoščIš skok V<br />

donaVo In sI Vtisneš<br />

te trenutke V<br />

spomin. za druGič.<br />


waCHau, the home of romance<br />

54<br />

Wachau,<br />

thE homE of<br />

RomANcE<br />

TExT ANd PHOTOgrAPHy: saŠa suhadolniK<br />















When visiting Wachau, stopping in a charming<br />

local “Heuriger” – a tavern serving its own wine of<br />

the most recent year – is a must. In addition to this,<br />

these small family “companies”, usually found in<br />

buildings covered in hundred-year-old vines, are<br />

veritable treasure troves of unusual stories and colourful<br />

local characters. Take a peek into their world<br />

and you will feel as though you have travelled back<br />

in time. Here, women still belong in the kitchen<br />

and local bars are proud of having separate rooms<br />

for men and women. Why is this? The local men<br />

– strong, stout, usually red-faced – will be happy<br />

to share an anecdote with you. raising their glass,<br />

they will explain that the first vines were planted<br />

here by the ancient romans, while the first wine<br />

was produced by monks, the only people to hold<br />

alcohol licences under the strict rule of Maria Theresa.<br />

Strictly for religious purposes, of course.<br />

“Thank god those laws no longer apply today,”<br />

Walter laughs; he is the owner of one of about<br />

two hundred wine taverns in this small valley.<br />

“Nowadays, we ourselves make sure that our wine<br />

is special,” he adds and explains that, with the<br />

exception of a single wine cellar, local wine-growers<br />

make a living exclusively by selling wine to visitors<br />

who stop by. Their wines can’t even be found in the<br />

finest restaurants in vienna. That is real exclusivity!<br />

But they have gone even further: they have<br />

founded their own wine-growers’ association and<br />

use a particularly romantic and unique system for<br />

classifying wines. For instance, the category of wine<br />

with the highest alcohol content is named Smaragd<br />

(Emerald) after the tiny Wachau lizards that love the<br />

sun just as much as the local grapes do. Metaphors<br />

such as this make any wine taste better. It is also<br />

worth asking for a recommendation from the wine<br />

list. Everywhere, the answer was unanimous: absolutely<br />

a white wine – grüner veltliner, yellow Muscat<br />

or riesling. Local red wines lag far behind in quality,<br />

which is hardly surprising; look around the terraced<br />

vineyards and you will see rocky, hilly terrain, ideal<br />

for white wines. Excellent white wines, as I would<br />

soon discover.<br />

scandals, Thieves and Bare Bones<br />

Other than the truly spectacular landscape and<br />

first-rate wine, what is it that makes Wachau<br />

different from any other wine-growing region?<br />

Most people would agree that it is the colourful and<br />

sometimes frankly bizarre history, in which pride of<br />

place undoubtedly goes to what is known as the<br />

“antifreeze scandal”. yes, you read right. Thirty years<br />

ago, a group of particularly resourceful Wachauers<br />

attempted to produce a very expensive and<br />

sweet ice wine. But in order to produce ice wine,<br />

you need frost, and Wachau has a mild climate.<br />

So the idea came to make wine sweeter by adding<br />

antifreeze. When the scheme was uncovered, it<br />

naturally caused considerable scandal and it took<br />

Austrian wine-growers many years to recover their<br />

reputation. But fortunately the final outcome was a<br />

positive one. Ever since the scandal, the shame has<br />

made Wachauers work even harder to produce only<br />

the finest quality wine – without any help from antifreeze,<br />

of course. Nowadays, it is only used to spice<br />

up the drinks of the most obnoxious tourists.<br />

Not wanting to experience anything of that sort,<br />

I remained on my best behaviour and continued<br />

my explorations in dürnstein, a charming town<br />

boasting the only blue Catholic church far and<br />

wide. “Have you seen robin Hood, the movie<br />

starring Kevin Costner? remember when English<br />

king richard the Lionheart appears at the end of<br />

the movie and everybody is wondering where he’d<br />

been? Believe it or not, richard the Lionheart spent<br />

that time in Wachau!” says a local guide, bursting

take a peek Into tHeIr world and you will feel as thouGh you haVe<br />

traVelled back in time.<br />

with excitement as he shows us around the<br />

fairytale-like remains of what was once dürnstein<br />

Castle. richard the Lionheart is said to have spent<br />

some time in jail here. If legend and our tour guide<br />

are to be believed, the brave King richard, returning<br />

home from the Crusades, was incarcerated<br />

in dürnstein castle by an enemy. After receiving<br />

the ransom money, King richard was released<br />

but, having spent several months in a prison cell<br />

offering magnificent views over the nearby hills<br />

covered in vines, he had already fallen in love with<br />

Wachau. After his release, he stayed in Wachau for<br />

a while, enjoying the local wines and women. The<br />

consequences of his stay are still evident today: fall<br />

in love on the terraces of Wachau and it could very<br />

well be that your chosen one is a descendant of<br />

richard the Lionheart.<br />

Many people have left their heart in Wachau. Even<br />

the famous Italian author Umberto Eco chose<br />

the Wachau monastery of Melk as the setting of<br />

his most widely known novel, The Name of the<br />

rose. And who could blame him? Melk is truly one<br />

of the most beautiful monasteries in the world;<br />

walking around its famous library, home to over<br />

100,000 books, one can’t help dreaming up various<br />

medieval schemes.<br />

Wachau is a rich valley in every sense of the word.<br />

The value of property here easily climbs to a million<br />

euros, but despite everything, the locals remain<br />

modest. There is no trace of luxury cars or expensive<br />

clothing; holidays are usually spent at home.<br />

Today, people here make most of their money<br />

from wine and tourism, but even some centuries<br />

ago they knew how to earn an “honest” living. The<br />

merciless barons who lived in the castles along the<br />

danube demanded payment from passing boats<br />

and ships. If you turned them down, they kindly offered<br />

you two choices: to starve to death or plunge<br />

to death. Ah, the good old days!<br />

The church of St. Michael offers a similarly jarring<br />

experience. Located in the very centre of<br />

the Wachau valley, this church has a tiny but<br />

beautifully maintained graveyard. Until recently,<br />

deceased villagers were still buried here – but<br />

only temporarily. When there was no more room<br />

in the graveyard, they would simply exhume the<br />

remains and move the bones to an ossuary in order<br />

to make room for new burials. The exhumed<br />

bones can still be seen today, though you can<br />

only catch a glimpse of them through a small<br />

crack in the large, solid door, but that is enough<br />

to make your hair stand on end.<br />

romantic, orange and fragrant<br />

There is something else that makes Wachau so<br />

waCHau, the home of romance<br />

special. In addition to vines, this is also the home<br />

of apricots. There are over 100,000 apricot trees<br />

growing in this magical valley and the locals<br />

have successfully established a marketing niche.<br />

There are charming little shops at every step,<br />

selling everything that can possibly be made<br />

from apricots – apricot liqueur and spirits, apricot<br />

chocolate, apricot soap and, obviously, superb<br />

apricot marmalade and apricot brandy. It is<br />

worth coming to Wachau in the spring when the<br />

apricot trees are in full bloom or in july to see the<br />

whole valley glowing orange – the fragrance and<br />

the view are truly unforgettable.<br />

Wanting to experience Wachau in the best possible<br />

way, I set off on a cycling trip. There is a famous<br />

200km cycle route from Passau in germany to<br />

vienna in Austria that leads through the valley. The<br />

route twists and turns through these magnificent<br />

vineyards, repaying you for your effort and making<br />

it all worthwhile. Cycling through Wachau, you<br />

will soon discover why it is such a popular wedding<br />

destination. This is a paradise for photography<br />

enthusiasts; you can snap away at every step and<br />

still worry that your photographs will never capture<br />

all the natural beauty that your eyes can see. But<br />

never mind; you can still pluck a grape, take a swim<br />

in the danube and save these special moments in<br />

your mind. For next time.<br />


056<br />

Veliko srce<br />

BesedIlo: matJaž potokar FotoGraFIje: miha fras<br />

mInI teatra

zasebna gleDališča V sloVeniji<br />

niso Več ReDKost, RepeRtoaRno<br />

umetnišKa pač. mini teateR je eno<br />

ReDKih gleDališč, Ki sVojo pRepoznaVnost<br />

gRaDi na pRogRamu<br />

in KaKoVosti. Vse to DoKazujejo<br />

nagRaDe in želja po poVezoVanju<br />

s poDobnimi iDejami V šiRšem<br />

eVRopsKem pRostoRu.<br />

V zadnjih letih je teater s Križevniške eno največkrat<br />

nagrajenih gledališč v sloveniji. enkrat<br />

so njihove predstave bolj namenjene otrokom<br />

kot odraslim, bolj eliti kot množicam in bolj<br />

ekscentrikom kot ostalim, drugič pa je ravno<br />

obratno. na prvi pogled zgleda vse skupaj<br />

kot paradoks, v resnici pa gledališče deluje<br />

odlično in uspešno.<br />

in kaj pomeni odlično delovanje? Vsekakor<br />

dejstva, da so lani spravili pod streho več kot<br />

240 uprizoritev za otroke, 90 predstav za odrasle<br />

in skupaj privabili več kot 70.000 gledalcev.<br />

predstave so pogosto razprodane, sapramiška<br />

svetlane makarovič je doživela že stoto<br />

ponovitev. in nagrade? Kakovosten program<br />

že nekaj let zapored pobira najvišje nagrade na<br />

borštnikovem srečanju in drugih najpomembnejših<br />

letnih pregledih domače gledališke bere.<br />

Ker ni prerokov v domovini, pomenijo odlično<br />

delovanje tudi številna gostovanja po evropi<br />

in severni ameriki. gostovanje predstave macbeth<br />

po shakespearu v kultnem newyorškem<br />

gledališču la mama prav gotovo sodi med bolj<br />

prestižno. gledališki paradoks presega ljubezen<br />

do otrok in njihovih ustvarjalnih potreb ter inovativni<br />

in kontroverzni postdramski program.<br />


58<br />

danes je mInI teater<br />

pojem sodobneGa<br />

in kakoVostneGa<br />

repertoarneGa<br />

Gledališča za Vse<br />

GeneraciJe.<br />

mini teater je nastal pred štirinajstimi leti iz poletnega<br />

otroškega festivala. na ljubljanskem gradu<br />

so waltl in zanesenjaki najprej sami uredili zapuščeno<br />

dvorano. za izvedbo festivala ob prelomu<br />

tisočletja je waltl prodal družinsko dragocenost,<br />

sliko Ivana Groharja. Vsi nastopajoči, brez izjeme,<br />

pa so se odpovedali honorarjem. ljubiteljem<br />

gledališča in slikarja Groharja se ob tem gotovo<br />

naježi koža. po prvem festivalu so ostali v dvorani<br />

na gradu in začeli uprizarjati lastne predstave. še<br />

danes jih postavljajo tam, čeprav domujejo tudi v<br />

stari ljubljani, na križevniški ena.<br />

kako je dotrajana in zapuščena meščanska hiša<br />

v srcu starega mesta postala čudovito adaptiran<br />

center za sodobno gledališko umetnost, je dolga<br />

zgodba. zaradi predanosti, trme, organizacijske<br />

spretnosti ter norosti waltla in Buljana postaja<br />

vizija iz tunela pod ljubljanskim gradom,<br />

za lutkovnim gledališčem, resničnost. danes je<br />

mini teater pojem sodobnega in kakovostnega<br />

repertoarnega gledališča za vse generacije.<br />

V programu za mlado občinstvo posveča<br />

teater posebno pozornost inovativnim<br />

umetniško-vzgojnim projektom. predstava<br />

palčica je recimo zasnovana kot prva virtualna<br />

predstava na svetu. računalniška animacija<br />

in lutkovna igra si podajata roko. otroci so<br />

navdušeni, saj imajo možnost sooblikovanja<br />

predstave. Vsaka situacija je v igri sestavljena<br />

iz dveh ali več različnih rešitev. otroci skupaj<br />

z animatorjem določijo potek igre in izberejo<br />

značaje za ustrezno situacijo. andersenova<br />

pravljica je oblikovana kot igra z močnim<br />

poudarkom na skupinskem, ustvarjalnem delu.<br />

Gledališče je s palčico sodelovalo na več kot<br />

tridesetih gostovanjih in festivalih po evropi,<br />

vsakič v jeziku dežele, v kateri je gostovalo.<br />

predstava pekarna mišmaš svetlane makarovič<br />

je danes vedno bolj aktualna zgodba. pesnica<br />

naslika dobroto skromnega peka mišmaša, ki<br />

daje revnim otrokom kruh zastonj.

VelIko srCe mini teatra<br />


če so VelIko otroško srCe, IznajdljIVost In<br />

orGanIzaCIjska enerGIja roBerta waltla<br />

en pol paradoksa mInI teatra, Je druGi del<br />

paradoksa praV GotoVo estetska in<br />

proGramska usmeriteV iVice bulJana.<br />

zlobna in jezična jedrt pa hoče za vsako ceno<br />

izvedeti, kako mišmašu uspe speči tako dober<br />

kruh. letošnja obnovitev je nastala v okviru<br />

mednarodnega evropskega projekta puppet nomad<br />

academy II, ki ga podpira kulturni program<br />

evropske komisije.<br />

postdramski del programa je usmerjen k izbranim<br />

avtorjem, kot so: j. m. koltes, H. miller, j. Genet,<br />

e. jelinek. H. Gulbert , a. rimbaud, a. s. puškin<br />

in H. C. andersen. In ko smo pri imenih avtorjev,<br />

seveda ne smemo izpustiti današnjih sodelavcev,<br />

ki oživljajo gledališče. tudi na deskah mini teatra<br />

so zasijali: milena zupančič, marko mandič in Veronika<br />

drolc, jurij souček, ana karić, senka Bulić<br />

in janez pipan, olga kacjan …<br />

če so veliko otroško srce, iznajdljivost in organizacijska<br />

energija roberta waltla en pol paradoksa<br />

mini teatra, je drugi del paradoksa prav gotovo<br />

estetska in programska usmeritev Ivice Buljana.<br />

začelo se je z zanimanjem za modernistične<br />

pesnike in dramatike, nadaljevalo z gledališkimi<br />

kritikami in z dramaturgijami. danes o Buljanu<br />

lahko govorimo kot o enem najboljših<br />

evropskih režiserjev tega trenutka.<br />

predaval je na académie expérimentele des<br />

théatres v parizu, la mama school v new<br />

yorku, Bruslju in v moskvi. svoje znanje prenaša<br />

VelIko srCe mini teatra<br />

na študente v šolah national théatre v saint<br />

etiennu in rennesu v Franciji. do leta 2002 je<br />

bil direktor Hrvaškega narodnega gledališča v<br />

splitu. je soustanovitelj mini teatra v ljubljani<br />

ter ustanovitelj in umetniški vodja svetovnega<br />

gledališkega festivala v zagrebu. nagradili so ga<br />

na Hrvaškem, v Franciji, na kubi, slovaškem in<br />

seveda v sloveniji. kar dvakrat je prejel Borštnikovo<br />

nagrado za najboljšo predstavo: leta 2007<br />

za režijo predstave oedipus Iva svetine in dve<br />

leti kasneje za režijo predstave Heinerja müllerja<br />

macbeth po shakespearu. letos je Ivica Buljan<br />

dobil tudi nagrado prešernovega sklada za režije<br />

predstav v zadnjem času.<br />

V mini teatru se vseh priznanj vedno veselijo,<br />

a so z njimi tudi pazljivi, saj jih vse nagrade in<br />

vsaka posebej zavezujejo. dobro se jim zdi, da<br />

smo slovenci z letošnjo prešernovo nagrado<br />

Ivici Buljanu spet pokazali, da znamo biti odprti<br />

in brez predsodkov. pa tudi, da opazimo uspešne<br />

in prodorne tuje ustvarjalce na naših odrih,<br />

čeprav bi o nagrajencu težko govorili kot o tujcu.<br />

kdor vsaj enkrat prestopi prag te pravljične<br />

hiše, zlepa ne pozabi topline in dobre energije,<br />

ki se kopiči med temi zidovi. prav takšno je tudi<br />

srce tega gledališča. Veliko! In sprehod po stari<br />

ljubljani gotovo ne bi bil izpolnjen brez obiska<br />

križevniške kulturne četrti, ki v poletnih časih<br />

zažari v vsej svoji skrivnostnosti.<br />


62<br />

thE BiG hEARt of miNi tEAtER<br />

TExT: MaTjaž poToKar PHOTOgrAPHy: Miha fras<br />




This is evident from Mini teater's many awards<br />

and the desire to connect with similar ideas<br />

throughout Europe. Situated on Križevniška ulica<br />

street, Mini teater has become one of Slovenia’s<br />

most award winning theatres in recent years.<br />

Sometimes their shows are aimed more at children<br />

rather than adults, the elite rather than the<br />

masses, eccentrics rather than the more conventional<br />

– and sometimes it is the other way around.<br />

This might seem like a paradox at first glance, but<br />

in reality the theatre is functioning perfectly and<br />

with considerable success.<br />

So what does “functioning perfectly” actually<br />

mean? For a start, it means that last year they put<br />

on more than 240 performances for children and<br />

90 performances for adults, attracting a total of<br />

over 70,000 audience members. The shows often sell<br />

out; Svetlana Makarovič's Sapramiška has recently<br />

celebrated its 100th performance. And the awards?<br />

For several years in a row, Mini teater’s quality<br />

programme has been winning the top awards at<br />

the Borštnik Theatre Festival and other recognised<br />

annual reviews of Slovenian theatre. But a prophet<br />

is not without honour except in his own country, so<br />

even more telling perhaps are the many guest performances<br />

throughout Europe and North America,<br />

including prestigious venues such as the cult New<br />

york theatre La MaMa, which hosted a guest performance<br />

of Macbeth after Shakespeare. The theatre<br />

paradox surpasses a mere affection for children and<br />

their creative needs, as well as the innovative and<br />

controversial post-dramatic programme.<br />

Fourteen years ago, Mini teater developed from<br />

a summer children’s festival. Waltl and his small<br />

band of enthusiasts started by renovating an<br />

abandoned hall in the Ljubljana Castle with their<br />

own hands. To finance the festival at the end of the<br />

last millennium, Waltl even sold a family heirloom<br />

– an Ivan grohar painting – while every single<br />

performer waived any appearance fee. This would<br />

undoubtedly horrify theatre and Ivan grohar fans.<br />

Following that first festival, the performers stayed<br />

on in the Castle hall and started putting on their<br />

own shows. Performances are still staged there<br />

today, although the theatre now has a permanent<br />

home in the old part of Ljubljana, at Križevniška 1.<br />

How does one turn a dilapidated, abandoned<br />

building in the heart of the old town into a beautifully<br />

adapted centre of modern theatrical art? That<br />

is a long story. But thanks to Waltl and Buljan’s<br />

dedication, stubbornness and organisational talent,<br />

along with a pinch of madness, the vision that<br />

first appeared in the tunnel under the Ljubljana<br />

Castle, behind the Puppet Theatre, is gradually becoming<br />

a reality. Today, Mini teater is synonymous<br />

with a modern, high quality repertory theatre for<br />

all generations.<br />

The programme aimed at a younger audience<br />

especially focuses on innovative projects that<br />

combine art with an educational aspect. For<br />

instance, Thumbelina has been designed as the<br />

world’s first virtual show, where computer animation<br />

and puppetry go hand in hand. Children love<br />

it because they have the opportunity to influence<br />

the show. Every situation within the show has<br />

two or more possible outcomes. guided by a<br />

coordinator, the children determine how the show<br />

will continue and choose the characters for each<br />

individual situation. Andersen’s fairy-tale has been

eimagined as a show with a strong emphasis on<br />

team work and creativity. Mini teater has taken<br />

Thumbelina to over thirty festivals and events<br />

throughout Europe, always performing the show<br />

in the language of the host country.<br />

These days, the story of Svetlana Makarovič’s<br />

Mišmaš Bakery is increasingly topical. The poet<br />

writes about the kind and humble baker Mišmaš,<br />

who hands out free bread to impoverished children.<br />

Meanwhile, the mean, malicious jedrt is willing<br />

to go to any length to discover how Mišmaš<br />

manages to bake such delicious bread. This year’s<br />

reprise is part of Puppet Nomad Academy II, an<br />

international European project supported by the<br />

European Commission’s culture programme.<br />

The post-dramatic portion of the programme is<br />

focused on select authors such as j. M. Koltes, H.<br />

Miller, j. genet, E. jelinek, H. gulbert , A. rimbaud, A.<br />

S. Pushkin and H. C. Andersen. But we should also include<br />

in this list the many artists keeping the theatre<br />

alive today. To list just some of the stars who have<br />

shone on the Mini teatre stage: Milena Zupančič,<br />

Marko Mandič and veronika drolc, jurij Souček, Ana<br />

Karić, Senka Bulić and janez Pipan, Olga Kacjan …<br />

If the large, childlike heart, inventiveness and<br />

organisational energy of robert Waltl is half of the<br />

paradox that is Mini teater, the second half is completed<br />

by Ivica Buljan’s aesthetics and focus on the<br />

programme. It all started with an interest in modernist<br />

poets and playwrights and continued with<br />

theatre reviews and dramaturgy. Today, Ivica Buljan<br />

is arguably one of the best European directors of his<br />

time. He has lectured at the Académie expérimentele<br />

des théatres in Paris and the La MaMa School in New<br />

york, as well as in Brussels and Moscow. He shares his<br />

knowledge with students at the National Théatre in<br />

Saint Etienne and in rennes, France. Until 2002, Buljan<br />

worked as the managing director of the Croatian<br />

National Theatre in Split. He is the co-founder of Mini<br />

teater in Ljubljana and the founder and artistic director<br />

of the World Theatre Festival in Zagreb. Buljan<br />

has received various awards in Croatia, France, Cuba,<br />

Slovakia and, obviously, Slovenia. He is a two-time<br />

winner of the Borštnik Award for best show: in 2007<br />

for directing Ivo Svetina's Oedipus and in 2009 for<br />

directing Heiner Müller's Macbeth after Shakespeare.<br />

This year, Ivica Buljan also won a Prešeren Fund<br />

Award for his direction of recent shows.<br />

At Mini teater, they are always glad of the awards,<br />

but at the same time the awards make everyone<br />

involved even more focused, as they see each and<br />

every prize and plaque as a standard to live up to.<br />

They are happy to see Slovenia demonstrate once<br />

again that it can be open-minded and unprejudiced,<br />

as demonstrated by granting this year's<br />

Prešeren Award to Ivica Buljan. Similarly, they are<br />

happy that successful and original foreign artists<br />

working on Slovenian stages do not go unnoticed,<br />

although in this case, the award winner could<br />

hardly be described as a foreigner. Anyone who<br />

has ever entered this magical fairy-tale building<br />

will remember the feeling of warmth and positive<br />

energy stored inside these walls forever. And the<br />

best description for the heart of this theatre? Big!<br />

No walk in the old part of Ljubljana would be<br />

complete without a visit to the Križevniška cultural<br />

quarter, especially in the summer time when the<br />

whole area glows with a special aura of mystery.<br />

IF tHe larGe, CHIldlIke Heart, InVentIVeness<br />

and orGanIsatIonal enerGy oF roBert waltl<br />

Is HalF oF tHe paradox tHat Is mInI teater, the<br />

second half is completed by iVica bulJan’s<br />

aesthetics and focus on the proGramme.<br />


064<br />

ljuBljanske znamenItostI<br />

križevniška<br />

četrt<br />

ste se kdaj VprašalI, zakaj je petek, 13., slaB dan? zGodoVInskI VIrI trdIjo, da je FranCoskI kralj FIlIp lepI V<br />

petek, 13. oktoBra 1307, aretIral In kasneje poBIl Vse člane templjarskeGa reda. templjarjI so BIlI pred-<br />

HodnIkI krIŽnIškeGa reda In so tudI V sloVenIjI pustIlI sVoje zGodoVInske sledI. kdo ne pozna krIŽank In<br />

krIŽeVnIške ulICe V samem Centru sloVenske prestolnICe? tam so V desetem In enajstem stoletju razVIlI<br />

sVojo postojanko templjarjI, nato so jIH zamenjalI krIŽnIkI.<br />

BesedIlo: matJaž potokar FotoGraFIje: miha fras<br />

ko se po ulici sprehajajo turisti in posedajo po popisanih klopeh, marsikdo<br />

ne ve, zakaj so klopi popisane z imeni: France prešeren, ana jelovšek, Ivan<br />

mrak ali Blaž Crobath. ne vedo, zakaj je ta ulica okrašena z zelenjem in rožami,<br />

zakaj deluje domače. takoj opazijo portale, dvorišča, lokale, umetniške<br />

galerije in gledališče, začutijo drugačnost. zasluga, da je danes ulica, ki<br />

nosi ime po katoliškem redu, živa in igriva, gre predvsem zanesenjakom,<br />

zbranim okrog mini teatra. najprej so z nje odpihnili prah in ruševine z zgodovinskega<br />

spomina. ugotovili so, da je močno tlakovana tudi z usodami<br />

pomembnih literatov, slikarjev in drugih umetnikov ter znanstvenikov in<br />

njihovih mecenov, prijateljev in sorodnikov. pod vodstvom roberta waltla<br />

in arhitekta denisa petrovčiča so med mestnim muzejem in novim Bregom<br />

ustvarili novo kulturno četrt. na ulico so postavili majhne likovne instalacije,<br />

označevalne table, napise, zelenje in cvetje ter klopi za branje in druženje.<br />

odpihnimo z ulice prah zgodovine še mi! še preden je dobila današnje<br />

ime, se je imenovala ribiška. V okolici so živeli ribiči in na lokaciji okrog<br />

današnje gostilne pod skalco sušili svoje mreže. še pred njimi so tod živeli

morda je še Bolj pomemBno, da se tudI danes ŽIVljenje In kultura nIsta<br />

umaknIla z ulICe. želJa snoValceV, prenesti enerGiJo žiVlJenJa iz<br />

Gledališča na ulico, se uresničuJe.<br />

koliščarji, rimljani in srednjeveški ljubljančani. način življenja meščanov<br />

v baroku lahko še danes zaslutimo v čudovitih atrijih in na tristo let starih<br />

hrastovih stropih nekaterih stavb.<br />

še bolj je ulica zanimiva zaradi literarnih in arhitekturnih usod. na vogalu<br />

križevniške in Brega še vedno stoji zoisova palača. Žiga zois jo je dokončal<br />

leta 1760. V njej je baron gostil prijatelje iz prosvetljenskega krožka: antona<br />

tomaža linharta, Valentina Vodnika, Blaža kumerdeja in mnoge druge.<br />

njegov sin michelangel je kasneje uredil pred hišo tudi prvi park v ljubljani.<br />

palača je bila v zoisovem času znana kot najbolj gostoljubna ljubljanska<br />

hiša za visoke goste. V njej je prespal eden od papežev pa tudi avstrijski<br />

diplomat metternich. arhitekt jože plečnik je kulturnemu mecenu zoisu<br />

postavil v neposredni bližini palače kamnito piramido. morda samo kot<br />

pomnik, nemara pa tudi kot navdih bodočim študentom Fakultete za<br />

arhitekturo, ki danes študirajo nasproti piramide.<br />

V zgodnjem baroku so na drugem vogalu ulice zgradili Codellijevo hišo.<br />

krIŽeVnIška četrt<br />

danes je znana predvsem kot Gostilna Vitez, gostišče pa je v hiši že od leta<br />

1574. V prešernovih časih jo je posedoval njegov prijatelj andrej smole. na<br />

portal hiše je znameniti kipar Francesco robba izklesal viteza s šlemom<br />

na glavi. V drugem nadstropju Codellijeve hiše so odkrili zanimive freske<br />

slovenskega baročnega slikarja jelovška.<br />

na številki 8 je svoje zadnje dni, pred smrtjo v domačem tomaju, preživel<br />

pesnik srečko kosovel. tam so mladi kosovel, mile klopčič, Bratko<br />

kreft, Ivo Grahor, angelo Cerkovnik, anton ocvirk in drugi ustanovili tudi<br />

literarno-dramatični krožek Ivan Cankar. Vanj so se kasneje vključili tudi<br />

gledališčniki mira danilova, slavko jan, emil kralj in Ferdo delak. še kasneje<br />

je v palači živel tudi dramatik Ivan mrak. ulica je prepojena z biografijami<br />

ljudi in s številnimi zgodovinsko-umetniškimi lokacijami.<br />

morda je še bolj pomembno, da se tudi danes življenje in kultura nista<br />

umaknila z ulice. Želja snovalcev, prenesti energijo življenja iz gledališča na<br />

ulico, se uresničuje. običajno se dogajanje najbolj razmahne poleti.<br />


krIŽeVnIška četrt<br />

66<br />

takrat zaživi četrt s posebno energijo. turisti, sosedje, otroci, meščani in<br />

umetniki se srečujejo, brez odra, neposredno na ulici.<br />

kulturno četrt so avgusta lani odprli s performansom »jaz, po katerem<br />

se lahko imenuje ljubljana« v režiji Ivice Buljana, s katerim so počastili<br />

sedemdesetletnico največkrat prevajanega slovenskega pesnika tomaža<br />

šalamuna. zvedavim pogledom je performans razprl skrite lokacije križevniške.<br />

peklensko dvorišče, križanke, križevniška cerkev in celotna četrt so<br />

utripali v izbranih besedah pesnika. performerji so bili seveda najpomembnejši<br />

sodelavci mini teatra, razen njih pa še nekateri gosti. četrt je za en<br />

večer spet postala umetniška pravljica, prisotni pa smo začutili magično<br />

moč skupnega prostora.<br />

tu potekajo tudi ustvarjalne delavnice in predstave mini poletja, Festivala<br />

črk, Festival srednjeveške in renesančne glasbe, branja poezije in proze ter<br />

manjši koncerti, srednjeveški dnevi v ljubljani in spoznavni večeri. tudi<br />

zato postaja ljubljana svetovna kulturna metropola. križevniška kulturna<br />

četrt danes prerašča ozke ulične okvire. če je bil njihov načrt najprej<br />

pomagati igralcem, umetnikom, pouličnim gledališčnikom in drugim, so<br />

današnje ambicije že večje. počasi se vanjo vključujejo vse bližnje kulturne<br />

in znanstvene ustanove, od dvornega trga s slovensko akademijo znanosti<br />

in umetnosti (sazu) do narodne in univerzitetne knjižnice (nuk) in<br />

mestnega muzeja.<br />

kulturnega oživljanja ulic, četrti in sosesk v slovenski prestolnici pa ni<br />

opaziti samo v križevniški, saj jo že nadgrajujeta in posnemata še dve<br />

ljubljanski četrti. lani je tako zaživela tudi kulturna četrt tabor. kulturno<br />

in družabno oživljanje soseske ter sodelovanje med prebivalci na taboru<br />

nadgrajujejo tudi s trajnostnim razvijanjem četrti in njenimi ekološkimi<br />

popravki. predvsem z namenom podpore umetniškim projektom, aktualni<br />

glasbeni ustvarjalnosti in nevladnim organizacijam pa nastaja tudi<br />

kulturna četrt šiška.

krIŽeVnIška četrt<br />

alI postaja sloVensko GlaVno mesto zato kaj Bolj prIjazno do sVojIH<br />

preBIValCeV? praV GotoVo. to dokazujejo tudI nekatere sprememBe V<br />

oBnašanju. preBIValCI oŽIVljenIH predeloV ljuBljane se med seBoj poznajo<br />

In tudI pozdraVljajo. kot Včasih na Vasi ali V manJših mestih. V hitrih<br />

in trpkih časih pa take Geste šteJeJo preceJ Več, kot Je Videti na<br />

prVi poGled.<br />


krIŽeVnIška quarter<br />

68<br />

The Sights of Ljubljana –<br />

KRižEvNišKA QuARtER<br />

TExT: MaTjaž poToKar PHOTOgrAPHy: Miha fras<br />










ErS HAd THEIr POST HErE.<br />

Many of the tourists walking along the street or lounging on the inscribed<br />

benches have no idea why the benches bear these names: France Prešeren,<br />

Ana jelovšek, Ivan Mrak or Blaž Crobath. They do not know why this street is<br />

filled with greenery and flowers, why it feels so homey. But they immediately<br />

spot the portals, courtyards, cafes, art galleries and the theatre; they feel<br />

that there is something different about this place. The fact that this street,<br />

named after a Catholic order, is so full of life and playfulness today is largely<br />

thanks to the group of enthusiasts focused around Mini teater. They started<br />

by sweeping away the dust and removing the ruins from the street’s historical<br />

memory. Their efforts were repaid with the discovery that the street was<br />

paved with the fates of a number of great authors, painters and other artists,<br />

scientists and their patrons, friends and relatives. Led by robert Waltl and architect<br />

denis Petrovčič, this small group of people established a new cultural<br />

quarter between the City Museum and the renovated Breg area. They filled<br />

the street with small sculptures and installations, information signs, inscriptions,<br />

greenery, flowers and benches for reading and chatting to friends.<br />

Let’s join Mini teater and sweep the centuries-old dust from the street! Before the<br />

name change, it was known as ribiška ulica (Fisherman Street); it was inhabited<br />

by fishermen who dried their nets where the Pod skalco restaurant stands today.<br />

Even earlier, this area was inhabited by lake dwellers. They were followed by romans<br />

and the medieval people of Ljubljana. We can still imagine the way people<br />

lived here during the Baroque period just by looking at the magnificent atria and<br />

300-year-old oak ceilings of some buildings.<br />

What makes this street even more fascinating are the many literary and architectural<br />

fates that played out here. The Zois mansion still stands on the corner<br />

of Križevniška and Breg today. Finished in 1760, the mansion was where baron<br />

Žiga Zois hosted friends from the enlightenment circle – Anton Tomaž Linhart,<br />

valentin vodnik, Blaž Kumerdej and many more. Later, Ljubljana’s first park was<br />

built in front of the mansion by Zois’s son Michelangel. In Zois’s lifetime, the<br />

mansion was known as the most hospitable house in Ljubljana for important<br />

guests, accommodating even a pope and Austrian diplomat Metternich. In<br />

memory of Žiga Zois, this great patron of culture, architect jože Plečnik built a<br />

stone pyramid in close vicinity to the mansion. The pyramid serves as a tribute<br />

as well as perhaps an inspiration to future architects spending their days at the<br />

Faculty of Architecture across the road from it.<br />

In the Early Baroque, the Codelli house was built on the other street corner. Today<br />

the home of the vitez restaurant, the building has hosted inns and restaurants<br />

since 1574. In Prešeren’s lifetime, the inn was owned by his friend Andrej Smole.<br />

The stone portal of the Codelli house, depicting a knight wearing a helmet, is<br />

the work of famous sculptor Francesco robba, while the second floor houses<br />

fascinating frescoes created by the Slovenian Baroque painter jelovšek.<br />

In the house at number 8, poet Srečko Kosovel spent his last days before returning<br />

to his home town of Tomaj to die. Number 8 was where the young Kosovel,

Mile Klopčič, Bratko Kreft, Ivo grahor, Angelo Cerkovnik, Anton Ocvirk and others<br />

founded the Ivan Cankar Literary and drama Circle that was later joined by theatre<br />

people such as Mira danilova, Slavko jan, Emil Kralj and Ferdo delak. Later,<br />

the mansion became the home of playwright Ivan Mrak. The street is brimming<br />

with life stories and countless historically and artistically significant locations.<br />

Perhaps even more significantly, life and culture continue to exist on the street<br />

today. The creators’ desire to transfer vital energy from the theatre out onto<br />

the street is becoming a reality. Summer is usually the most active time. The<br />

quarter vibrates with special energy. Tourists, neighbours, children, city dwellers<br />

and artists meet directly on the street, without the barriers created by the stage.<br />

The cultural quarter was inaugurated in August 2011 with a performance<br />

of jaz, po katerem se lahko imenuje Ljubljana (I, Whom Ljubljana Could<br />

Be Named After), directed by Ivica Buljan and staged in honour of the 70th<br />

birthday of Tomaž šalamun, Slovenia’s most translated poet. The performance<br />

served to reveal the hidden locations of the Križevniška to curious eyes. The<br />

Courtyard of Hell, Križanke, Križevniška church and the entire quarter breathed<br />

in time with the poet’s creations. The performers were comprised of Mini<br />

teater’s most important collaborators and select guests. On that special night,<br />

the quarter was revived as an art fairytale; everyone present felt the magical<br />

power of a shared space.<br />

Today, the quarter is the venue of many creative workshops and shows that are<br />

part of the Mini Summer Festival. It also plays host to the Festival of Letters, the<br />

Festival of Medieval and renaissance Music, poetry and prose readings, smallscale<br />

concerts, medieval days in Ljubljana and introductory evenings. Sharing<br />

the credit for Ljubljana becoming an international cultural metropolis, the<br />

Križevniška cultural quarter is now starting to outgrow the narrow constraints of<br />

the street. The initial plan was simply to help actors, artists, street performers and<br />

others, but now ambitions have grown to include the nearby cultural and science<br />

institutes, from the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts on the dvorni<br />

trg square to the National and University Library and the City Museum.<br />

krIŽeVnIška quarter<br />

The cultural revival of Ljubljana’s streets, quarters and neighbourhoods is<br />

spreading beyond the Križevniška, with two new quarters already building<br />

on its example. Last year, the Tabor cultural quarter was inaugurated, with<br />

inhabitants reviving the cultural and social aspects of the neighbourhood<br />

and expanding upon them through sustainable, environmentally friendly<br />

development. The šiška cultural quarter, on the other hand, is focused<br />

primarily upon supporting art projects, musical creativity and non-governmental<br />

organisations.<br />

Is all tHIs makInG tHe CapItal oF<br />

sloVenIa a FrIendlIer CIty For Its<br />

InHaBItants? wItHout a douBt. tHIs<br />

Is nowHere more eVIdent tHan In<br />

CertaIn sHIFts In people’s attItudes.<br />

people lIVInG In tHe reVIVed<br />

neIGHBourHoods are startInG to<br />

reCoGnIse and Greet eaCH otHer<br />

on tHe street. Just like in the old<br />

days in VillaGes and smaller<br />

towns. and in these stressful<br />

and difficult times, Gestures<br />

such as a simple GreetinG mean<br />

a lot more than it appears at<br />

first Glance.<br />


068<br />

DestinaCija<br />

klet<br />

BesedIlo: maJa cimerman FotoGraFIje: mateJ sitar

destInaCIja: klet<br />

VarnostnI pas je zateGnjen, GlaVa počIVa na Belem preGrInjalu VzGlaVnIka, pIlot naznanI »Crew prepare For take oFF«, motorjI<br />

BrnIjo, Vse Glasneje In Glasneje. zdaj, zdaj BI me moralo V ŽelodCu majčkeno, a zelo prIjetno zVItI, kot me Vedno, ko se<br />

letalo odlepI od tal In raHlo naGne krIla na stran …, zdaj, zdaj ..., ampak oBčutek Izostane. ker tokrat ne sedIm na letalu<br />

In ne BrenčIm nekje med oBlakI protI kakšnI daljnI destInaCIjI, temVeč V kletI aleša wallanda V marIBoru. na potI V košček<br />

zGodoVIne nekeGa moŽa.<br />

»Bil je srečen dan, ko sem začel leteti,« pravi walland, medtem ko zniža<br />

glasnost zvočnikov, ki predvajajo zvoke vzleta. »moja mama je na tomboli<br />

zadela polet na douglasu dC-3 in podarila ga je meni. takrat sem imel pet<br />

let, ampak vsega se zelo dobro spomnim.«<br />

douglas dC3 zato zavzema med njegovimi modelskimi letali prav posebno<br />

mesto, čeprav so vsi, približno štiri ducat jih je, ki visijo na njegovem<br />

kletnem nebu, neločljivo povezan s kakšnim spominom.<br />

»na takšnem tovornem letalu B-707 so iz maribora v arabske države<br />

vozili kure in jajca, na teh so se pri nas urili piloti swissaira, na tem jumbo<br />

jetu md-11 pa se je v kanadi ponesrečil moj prijatelj, pilot in kapitan urs<br />

zimmermann.«<br />

zamisli se, medtem ko od nekod privleče plastične letalske kozarce in<br />

postreže z ananasovim sokom. pomigne proti mizi, kjer je steklena posoda,<br />

polna majhnih vrečk prigrizkov letalskih družb iz vsega sveta.<br />


destInaCIja: klet<br />


destInaCIja: klet<br />

»nekateri so še prav sveži, z mojih nedavnih potovanj,« pravi z nasmehom.<br />

kdor pozna toliko zgodb, kot jih walland, tudi na letenje gleda drugače.<br />

pravi, da izredno nerad leti kot običajen potnik. V svoji karieri se je preveč<br />

razvadil, ko je kot letalski inženir lahko sedel s posebno dovolilnico spredaj<br />

pri pilotih in ves čas natančno vedel, kaj se dogaja. zdaj mu postaja<br />

med turbulencami neprijetno in se zato drži pregovora, ki ga je nekoč<br />

slišal: »nikoli pijan v službo, nikdar trezen na letalo.« seveda je v tem<br />

dobršen del šale, ampak kot povsod je v vsaki šali tudi nekaj resnice.<br />

walland je kot mladenič želel postati pilot. najprej je gradil modele letal<br />

in uspešno sodeloval na tekmovanjih v modelarstvu. s sedemnajstimi<br />

je začel letati z jadralnim letalom, v katerem se je uspel obdržati v zraku<br />

tudi do osem ur. dokler ni moral na stranišče. svojemu cilju je sledil na<br />

letalski akademiji v zagrebu, vendar pilot zaradi poškodbe hrbtenice<br />

potem le ni postal.<br />

»danes se mi zdi, da je bilo bolje tako,« pravi.<br />

morda je za letalstvo res naredil več na tleh, kot bi mogel v zraku. na različnih<br />

delovnih mestih, do vključno direktorskega, je bil na mariborskem<br />

letališču že od njegovega ustanavljanja leta 1975 pa vse do upokojitve<br />

pred nekaj leti.<br />

ampak čisto brez tega norega letalskega sveta ni mogel niti po upokojitvi.<br />

zato si je omislil svoje kokpitsko pribežališče, kamor lahko povabi<br />

prijatelje ali pa se umakne v svoj svet, ki je hkrati pod zemljo in nad njo. V<br />

neznansko obilico detajlov, ki jih lahko ustvari samo strastno zbirateljsko<br />

življenje. V objem vžigalnikov, prtičkov, pisal in priznanj letalskih družb,<br />

pilotskih čepic, reklamnih posterjev, knjig o letenju, fotografij in video<br />

posnetkov. V paralelno realnost, ki je še na hodniku blokovske kleti, kakršnih<br />

je v mariboru na tisoče, nepredstavljiva.<br />

Iz zvočnikov zdaj prihajajo zvoki Glenna millerja. ker je bil glasbenik med<br />

vojno član air Forcea in je umrl v letalski nesreči nad rokavskim prelivom,<br />

ima vso pravico za obstoj v wallandovem kletnem panteonu. In kot<br />

zanalašč zazvoni telefon, na drugi strani pa je alešev nekdanji inštruktor<br />

letenja in prijatelj z isto strastjo, da se dogovorita za naslednji polet.<br />

»to je uŽItek, kI sI Ga ne pustIm<br />

VzetI. na sopIlotoVem sedeŽu se mI<br />

V majHnem motornem letalu nad<br />

prelepo štajersko čIsto spremenI<br />

perspektIVa.« letalec na nebu<br />

ostane letalec tudi na zemlJi in<br />

še pod nJo ...<br />


destInatIon: basement<br />

74<br />

dEStiNAtioN: BASEmENt<br />

TExT: Maja ciMerMan PHOTOgrAPHy: MaTej siTar<br />











“It was a happy day when I started flying,” says Walland, as he turns down the<br />

volume of the speakers that are broadcasting the sounds of the take-off. “My<br />

mother won a flight in a douglas dC-3 at a raffle, and gave her prize to me. I<br />

was five years old at the time, but I remember it all very well.”<br />

That is why the douglas dC-3 occupies a special place in his collection of<br />

model aeroplanes, although each of the models hanging from the ceiling –<br />

there are around four dozen of them – is tied up with a specific memory.<br />

“A Boeing 707 cargo aircraft like that one used to carry chickens and eggs from<br />

Maribor to the Arab countries. Swissair pilots trained here on these. This is the<br />

Md-11 airliner piloted by my friend Urs Zimmermann that crashed in Canada.”<br />

Lost in thought, he pulls out some plastic airline cups from somewhere and<br />

serves pineapple juice. He points towards the table, where a glass bowl is full of<br />

little packets of in-flight snacks from airlines from all over the world. “Some of<br />

them are still fresh, from my recent travels,” he says with a smile.<br />

Someone who knows as many stories as Walland does also sees flying in a<br />

different way. He tells me he hates flying like an ordinary passenger. Over the<br />

course of his career he grew too used to a different way of flying, when his<br />

special aircraft engineer’s permit allowed him to sit up front with the pilots and<br />

he always knew exactly what was going on. These days he finds turbulence<br />

unpleasant and sticks faithfully to a maxim he once heard: “Never go to work<br />

drunk, never board a plane sober.” A joke, of course, but, as always, one that<br />

contains a grain of truth.<br />

As a young man Walland wanted to become a pilot. To begin with he built<br />

model aircraft and enjoyed success in aircraft modelling competitions. At the<br />

age of 17, he started flying a glider and was soon capable of staying aloft for<br />

up to eight hours. Until he needed to go to the bathroom, in fact. He continued<br />

to follow his dream at the Academy of Aviation in Zagreb, but a back injury<br />

meant that he could not become a pilot.<br />

“Today it seems to me that perhaps it was better that way,” he says.<br />

It could be that he really did achieve more for aviation on the ground than he<br />

would have been able to in the air. Over the course of his career at Maribor Airport<br />

– a career that lasted from the airport’s founding in 1975 until his retirement a few<br />

years ago – he occupied a number of different positions, including that of director.

But he would not have been able to retire without taking some of the crazy<br />

world of aviation with him. And so he devised his cockpit refuge, a place to<br />

invite his friends or retreat into his own world, a world that is simultaneously<br />

below and above the ground. Into an incredible wealth of details that only a<br />

life passionately devoted to collecting can create. Cigarette lighters, napkins,<br />

writing implements and commendations from airlines, pilot’s caps, advertising<br />

posters, books about flying, photographs and videos. A parallel reality<br />

that is unimaginable even in the corridor outside this basement beneath a<br />

tower block, identical to so many others in Maribor.<br />

Now the sounds of glenn Miller are coming from the speakers. The great<br />

bandleader was a serving Air Force officer who died when his plane plunged<br />

into the English Channel, so he has every right to exist in Walland’s basement<br />

pantheon. As if on cue, the telephone rings: it is Aleš’s former flying instructor, a<br />

friend who shares the same passion, calling to talk about their next flight.<br />

“That is a pleasure I will never give up. Sitting in the co-pilot’s seat of a small plane<br />

above the beautiful štajerska countryside gives me an entirely new perspective.”<br />

An aviator remains an aviator even six feet under.<br />

destInatIon: basement<br />

“It was a Happy day wHen I started FlyInG,” says walland, as He turns down<br />

tHe Volume oF tHe speakers tHat are BroadCastInG tHe sounds oF tHe<br />

take-oFF. “my mother won a fliGht in a douGlas dc-3 at a raffle,<br />

and GaVe her prize to me. i was fiVe years old at the time, but i<br />

remember it all Very well.”<br />


074<br />

olImpIjeC<br />

marko račič<br />

BesedIlo: marJan žiberna<br />

FotoGraFIje: iGor lapaJne in osebni arhiV marka račiča<br />

V njeGoVI dneVnI soBI je med šteVIlnImI prIznanjI In druGImI odlIčjI, kI<br />

prIčajo o njeGoVem dolGem In dejaVnem ŽIVljenju, tudI pokal z napIsom<br />

»leGenda«. preJel Ga Je od »sVoJe« atletske zVeze sloVeniJe. marko<br />

račič Je praV to: leGenda.<br />

poznam ga, vsaj na videz, okroglo 30 let. kot osnovnošolec, ki ga je začela<br />

srkati vase neubranljiva privlačnost atletike, sem ga začel srečevati na<br />

atletskih stadionih – vitkega, sivolasega gospoda živahnih gibov, ki je budno<br />

skrbel, da so tekmovanja potekala skladno s pravili in v poštenem duhu. V<br />

naslednjih letih sem ga v tem okolju srečal še velikokrat. V zadnjem desetletju<br />

so se najina pota križala veliko redkeje, a vsakič posebej sem se čudil,<br />

kako malo se je medtem spremenil; kot da bi se ga čas komaj dotaknil. ko<br />

sem se konec aprila oglasil pri njem doma, v ljubljanski šiški, sem se lahko<br />

ponovno prepričal o tem, kako vitalen je. tako kot vselej je imel kup načrtov<br />

in obveznosti, povezanih z atletiko, ki ji je ob svoji družini posvetil življenje.<br />

marko račič, ki je 25. aprila praznoval 92. rojstni dan, je najstarejši slovenski<br />

udeleženec poletnih olimpijskih iger. V londonu je leta 1948 kot član<br />

jugoslovanskega moštva nastopil v teku na 400 m in v štafeti 4 x 400 m.<br />

»potovali smo elegantno, z orient expressom do pariza, kjer smo prestopili<br />

na direktni vlak za london, ki je zapeljal na trajekt čez rokavski preliv<br />

in nas pripeljal na cilj,« se spominja poti na olimpijske igre. a povojno<br />

obdobje je bilo tudi čas pomanjkanja. »ker so rekli, da bo hrana slabša,<br />

smo morali s seboj pripeljati cele kartonaste škatle salam, ki pa so bile<br />

nekaj dni po našem prihodu, ko smo jih odprli, vse plesnive.« navodilo<br />

vodstva reprezentance, kako naj tekmuje, je bilo precej nenavadno: naj<br />

že od samega začetka teče hitro, da bo v čast mladi jugoslovanski državi.<br />

»po 300 metrih sem imel tako trde noge, da nisem vedel, ali bom sploh<br />

pritekel do cilja. ampak zgodil se je skoraj čudež, bil sem drugi v skupini<br />

legenDa<br />

in se uvrstil v četrtfinale.« V nadaljnje tekmovanje se sicer ni prebil, a je<br />

na svoj olimpijski nastop upravičeno ponosen. »to je nekaj, kar te spremlja<br />

vse življenje. kamorkoli pridem, rečejo, da sem olimpijec, čeprav<br />

nisem osvojil medalje.«<br />

Že kot 11-letni fantič, ki je skupaj s štirimi brati in sestrami živel v rožni<br />

dolini v ljubljani, kjer je njegov oče, ravnatelj zavoda za žensko domačo<br />

obrt, kupil manjšo hišo, je telovadil pri sokolu. »poleti smo se ukvarjali<br />

tudi z atletiko. nekoč sem v teku na 100 m, ki se je odvijal na stezi ob<br />

nogometnem stadionu za današnjo bencinsko črpalko na Viču, dosegel<br />

dober čas, kar je bilo objavljeno v časopisu, ki je poročal o dejavnostih<br />

sokolov. kmalu potem se je oglasil trener iz Ilirije, enega od treh predvojnih<br />

ljubljanskih atletskih klubov, in začel sem trenirati. prvič sem kot atlet<br />

nastopil prav na svoj rojstni dan leta 1937. oče nad tem ni bil navdušen,<br />

prav tako ni bilo posluha na učiteljišču, ki sem ga kasneje obiskoval. tekmovali<br />

smo celo pod izmišljenimi imeni. jaz sem si omislil priimek čičar,<br />

torej svoj priimek, prebran v nasprotni smeri …,« se smeje ob spominih<br />

na neke danes težko pojmljive čase.<br />

»leta 1938 sem bil še kot mladinec rezerva v jugoslovanski članski štafeti 4<br />

x 100 m, ki je nastopila v Beogradu na balkanskih igrah, in bi bil zato skoraj<br />

izključen iz šole. nisem se mogel pravočasno vrniti domov, da bi ujel začetek<br />

pouka, ki se je tedaj začenjal 15. septembra. a sem se obrnil na draga ulago,<br />

ki je takrat služboval v Beogradu na ministrstvu za ljudsko telesno vzgojo.

olImpIjeC marko račič - leGenda<br />

78<br />

ulaga, ki je bil prvi slovenec z visokošolsko športno izobrazbo, mi je izdal<br />

potrdilo, ki me je rešilo pred izključitvijo. dobil sem ’le’ ukor.«<br />

po končanem učiteljišču je dobil službo v zgornjem tuhinju. a že po nekaj<br />

mesecih se je njegova šolniška kariera za vedno končala; zaradi začetka<br />

vojne se je vrnil v ljubljano. Iz istega razloga se je za več let prekinila njegova<br />

športna pot. medvojna leta je preživel kot uslužbenec na železnici. »leta<br />

1940 sem na prigovarjanje prijatelja prestopil iz Ilirije v takratno železničarsko<br />

športno društvo Hermes in to je kasneje, ko so ljubljano okupirali Italijani,<br />

svojim članom pomagalo tako, da so nas zaposlili na železnici, kjer smo<br />

bili kolikor toliko varni pred aretacijami in preganjanji.« dve leti je služboval v<br />

črnomlju in iz tega obdobja se spominja tudi, kako je pestoval igralca radka<br />

poliča raca. »V črnomlju smo se tisti, ki smo bili povezani z osvobodilno<br />

fronto, dobivali pri poličevih. radko, racev oče, je bil tedaj v partizanih in<br />

njegova žena ga je dvakrat obiskala. Vsakič se je potem rodil otrok; eden od<br />

njiju je bil rac …«<br />

takoj po vojni, junija 1945, mu je prišel pred oči razpis višje šole za telesno<br />

kulturo v Beogradu, kamor je odšel na sprejemne izpite in jih opravil bolje<br />

kot kdorkoli drug. še isto leto je tudi postal prvak jugoslavije v teku na 200<br />

metrov. »slovenski atleti, za razliko od Hrvatov, ki so trenirali in tekmovali<br />

za ndH (nezavisno državo Hrvatsko), in srbov, med vojno nismo trenirali<br />

in tekmovali. tako smo se vključili v kulturni molk, ki ga je razglasila<br />

osvobodilna fronta. zato je bilo veliko presenečenje, ko sem po vsega<br />

nekaj mesecih treninga postal državni prvak.« ta naslov je v tekih na 100 in<br />

200 metrov ter v štafetah, kjer je dosegel kar 18 državnih rekordov, osvojil<br />

še večkrat. tudi na 200 in 300 metrov je večkrat izboljšal državni rekord. za<br />

jugoslovansko reprezentanco je nastopil tridesetkrat, poleg londonskih<br />

olimpijskih iger tudi na dveh evropskih prvenstvih pa na balkanskih in<br />

sredozemskih igrah, meddržavnih dvobojih …<br />

V Beogradu je ostal 20 let. V tem času je doštudiral na dIF-u (državnem<br />

inštitutu za fizkulturo) in odslužil vojaško obveznost. resno je tekmoval do<br />

leta 1952, kasneje pa le še občasno. leta 1953 je za nekaj mesecev odšel<br />

na dodatno športno izobraževanje na švedsko. »znal sem kolikor toliko<br />

nemško, in so me poslali. takrat sem obžaloval, da se nisem bolje naučil<br />

nemščine. pred vojno me je treniral otto klein, po rodu avstrijec, ki je bil<br />

nekakšen glavni atletski trener dravske banovine, kamor je tedaj spadal<br />

precejšen del slovenije. znal je slovensko, a me je kot gimnazijca vprašal,<br />

če bi se morda raje pogovarjal v nemščini. takrat smo bilo proti nemcem<br />

že precej nastrojeni, in sem to zavrnil.«<br />

še v času aktivne kariere in študija je poleg samega sebe treniral še vrsto<br />

drugih atletov, sicer pa je bil kot profesor telesne vzgoje zaposlen v<br />

jugoslovanski vojski, kjer je predaval na vojaških šolah in akademijah. V<br />

letih 1960–1968 je bil selektor ženske državne atletske reprezentance. kot<br />

strokovni opazovalec in sodelavec je bil prisoten na letnih olimpijskih igrah<br />

v rimu, münchnu in montrealu ter na zimskih v Innsbrucku in sarajevu. leta<br />

1965 se je z družino – poročil se je z dekletom, ki jo je poznal še iz otroštva<br />

– vrnil v ljubljano. Vsa nadaljnja leta je bil dejavno vpet v atletiko kot sodnik,<br />

trener, funkcionar, statistik … prav na področju statistike so njegove zasluge<br />

izjemne: slovenska in jugoslovanska atletika bi brez številnih publikacij, ki<br />

jih je pripravil, vedela o svojih koreninah veliko manj, kot ve. kot mojstra<br />

tega področja so ga povabili k organizaciji olimpijskih iger v sarajevu l.<br />

1984, kjer je s svojo izredno natančnostjo in organizacijskimi sposobnostmi<br />

skrbel, da so bili rezultati in številni drugi podatki vedno pravočasno na voljo<br />

novinarjem, funkcionarjem, javnosti ... kasneje je sodeloval še pri organizaciji<br />

univerzijade v zagrebu, evropskega atletskega prvenstva v splitu in številnih<br />

drugih tekmovanj.<br />

marko račič je še vedno zelo dejaven pri organizaciji atletskih tekmovanj,<br />

pripravlja svojo biografijo, ukvarja se z atletsko statistiko. na vprašanje,<br />

kako je pri svojih letih tako čil, odgovarja, da so to geni. »moj oče je umrl<br />

za pljučnico, star 93 let,« pravi. In pa zmernost: »ne ukvarjam se obsedeno<br />

s športom, kot to počnejo mnogi moji znanci. nikoli nisem bil asket, a<br />

nikoli tudi nisem v ničemer pretiraval. Vedno sem se držal načela svojega<br />

predavatelja fiziologije, ki je zagovarjal 'zakon zmerne obremenitve'. tudi<br />

kot atlet sem dal na tekmovanju vse od sebe, na treningu pa me ni kaj<br />

dosti motilo, če so bili drugi boljši.«<br />

»telovadbi« pa pripisuje zasluge, da je njegov spomin kljub letom še<br />

vedno izvrsten: mnenja je, da ga je najbrž prav statistika, to nenehno<br />

pretresanje podatkov, ohranila bistrega. Več kot dobro tudi ve, da za temi<br />

na videz suhoparnimi številkami stojijo življenja ljudi, ki so se, podobno<br />

kot on, strastno predajali svoji veliki ljubezni – atletiki. morda je prav<br />

zato marko račič tako veder, pozitiven človek. tako ne more biti nobeno<br />

presenečenje, da je med priznanji, ki krasijo njegov dom, tudi »odličje« z<br />

napisom »najboljši dedi na svetu«.

»tekmoVali<br />

smo celo pod<br />

izmišlJenimi<br />

imeni. Jaz sem si<br />

omislil priimek<br />

čičar, toreJ<br />

sVoJ priimek,<br />

prebran V<br />

nasprotni<br />

smeri …«<br />


80<br />

Olympic Athlete and Legend<br />

mARKo RAčič<br />

TExT: Marjan žiBerna<br />

PHOTOgrAPHy: igor lapajne and MarKo račič’s privaTe archive<br />





rAčIč TrULy IS – A LEgENd.<br />

I have known him – at least by sight – for some 30 years now. When I was<br />

still in primary school and the irresistible attraction of athletics was just beginning<br />

to draw me in, I would often see Mr. račič in track and field stadiums<br />

– a slim, silver-haired, lively man keeping a watchful eye over the competitions<br />

to make sure that everything was in accordance with the rules and in<br />

the spirit of fair play. In the following years, that was the environment where I<br />

would frequently encounter him. In the last decade, our paths crossed much<br />

less often, but whenever they did, I would regularly be astonished at how<br />

little he had changed in the mean time; it was as if time had barely touched<br />

him. When I stopped by at his home in the Ljubljana quarter of šiška at the<br />

end of April, I noticed yet again how full of life he is. As usual, he had a heap<br />

of plans and commitments in connection with athletics, the thing that<br />

means most to him after his family.<br />

On 25 April, Marko račič celebrated his 92nd birthday. He is the oldest surviving<br />

Slovenian athlete who took part in the summer Olympics. As a member of<br />

the yugoslav Olympic team, he competed in the 400m dash and the 4x400m<br />

relay race in 1948 in London. “We travelled in style; we took the Orient Express<br />

to Paris where we switched to a direct train to London. The train was loaded<br />

onto a ferry to cross the Channel and bring us to our destination,” Mr. račič remembers<br />

his journey to the Olympic games. But the post-war period was also<br />

a time of shortages. “They told us that the food there wouldn’t be much good,<br />

so we had to bring a few cardboard boxes of salami with us. But by the time<br />

we opened the boxes a few days after our arrival in London, they were covered<br />

in mould.” He also received rather unusual instructions from the national team<br />

management on how he should run the race – he was told to run as fast as<br />

he could from the very start in order to bring honour to the young country of<br />

yugoslavia. “After 300m, my legs were so stiff that I wasn’t sure whether I would<br />

even make it to the finish. But thanks to something close to a miracle, I finished<br />

second and made it to the quarter-final.” While Mr. račič did not make it to the<br />

next round of the competition, he is justifiably proud of his participation in the<br />

Olympics. “It’s something that stays with you for the rest of your life. Wherever I<br />

go, they call me an Olympian, even though I didn’t win a medal.”<br />

He spent his childhood in a small house in Ljubljana’s rožna dolina quarter. He<br />

had four siblings, and his father was the director of the Institute for Women’s<br />

Handicrafts. Even as an 11-year-old boy, Marko was a member of the Sokol<br />

gymnastics organisation. “In the summer, we sometimes did athletics. At one<br />

100m race on the track in the football stadium behind where the filling station<br />

stands today in vič, I achieved a good result and it was published in the<br />

newspaper that reported about Sokol activities. Soon after, I was contacted by<br />

an Ilirija coach – one of the three pre-war athletics clubs in Ljubljana – and I<br />

started my training.My first appearance as an athlete was on my birthday in<br />

1937. My father was not happy about it. I didn’t find much understanding at<br />

the teachers’ training college I attended later either," he laughs, remembering<br />

a difficult era long ago that we find hard to imagine today. We would even<br />

compete under made-up names. I chose the surname čičar, which was my<br />

own surname read backwards …” laughs Mr. račič, remembering a difficult<br />

era long ago that we find hard to imagine today.<br />

“In 1938, still in the youth team, I was the reserve runner for the yugoslav<br />

national team competing in the 4x100m dash at the Balkan games in<br />

Belgrade. I was almost expelled from school because of it. I wasn’t able to<br />

come back home before school started, which was on 15 September in those<br />

days. But I contacted drago Ulaga; at that time, he worked in Belgrade at<br />

the Ministry of Public Health Education. Ulaga, the first Slovenian to have a<br />

university-level education in sports, gave me a certificate that saved me from<br />

expulsion. In the end, I was only reprimanded.”<br />

After graduating from teachers’ training college, he found work in Zgornji<br />

Tuhinj. But just a few months later, his brief teaching career was over forever;<br />

he returned to Ljubljana when the war broke out. For the same reason, his<br />

sports career was on hold for several years. He spent the war years working<br />

for the railway. “In 1940, my friend convinced me to change from Ilirija to<br />

Hermes, which was the railway’s sports club at the time. Later, when Ljubljana<br />

was under Italian occupation, Hermes helped its members to get jobs at the<br />

railway, where we were relatively safe from persecution and arrests.” For two<br />

years, he worked in črnomelj; one of his memories from this time is holding the<br />

baby who would grow up to become the actor radko Polič – rac. “In črnomelj,<br />

those of us with connections to the Liberation Front would meet in the Polič<br />

house. radko, rac’s father, had joined the partisans and his wife went to visit<br />

him twice. After each visit, a baby was born; one of them was rac …”<br />

Soon after the war, in june 1945, he noticed a call for applications published by<br />

the college of physical education in Belgrade; he took the entrance examination<br />

and scored higher than any other applicant. That very same year,<br />

he became the yugoslav champion in the 200m dash. “Unlike Croats, who<br />

trained and competed for the NdH (Independent State of Croatia), and Serbs,<br />

Slovenian athletes didn’t train and compete during the war. It was our way<br />

of joining the cultural embargo declared by the Liberation Front. So it was a<br />

great surprise when I became the national champion after just a few months<br />

of training.” He would win this title several times more in the 100m and 200m<br />

dashes and in relay races, where he set 18 national records. He also set several<br />

national records in the 200m and 300m dashes. As a member of the yugoslav<br />

national team, he took part in thirty competitions, from the London Olympic<br />

games and two European championships to the Balkan and Mediterranean<br />

games, competitions against other national teams, etc.<br />

He remained in Belgrade for 20 years. during this time, he finished his studies<br />

at the National Institute of Physical Education and completed his military<br />

service. He competed seriously until 1952 and occasionally after that. In 1953,<br />

he was sent to Sweden for a few months for additional sports education. “I<br />

could speak some german, so they sent me. I regretted then that I hadn’t learnt<br />

more german. Before the war, my coach was Otto Klein, who was Austrian by<br />

birth; he was more or less the leading athletics coach in the drava Banovina,<br />

which covered a large part of Slovenia at the time. He could speak Slovenian,<br />

but since I was in the upper secondary school, he asked me if I’d prefer to talk in<br />

german. At that time, we were quite opposed to germans already, so I refused.”

during his active career and studies, he trained a number of other athletes in<br />

addition to himself; later, he was employed as a professor of physical education<br />

in the yugoslav army, lecturing at military schools and academies.<br />

From 1960 to 1968, he was the selector of the women’s national athletics team.<br />

As an expert observer and contributor, he attended the summer Olympic<br />

games in rome, Munich and Montreal as well as the winter Olympic games<br />

in Innsbruck and Sarajevo. In 1965, he returned to Ljubljana with his family; he<br />

had married a girl whom he knew since they were children. In the following<br />

decades, he remained actively involved in athletics as a referee, coach, official<br />

and statistician. He made some extraordinary achievements in statistics; it<br />

is largely owing to the countless publications he compiled that we know as<br />

much about the history of Slovenian and yugoslav athletics as we do. As an<br />

expert in this field, he was invited to participate in the organisation of the<br />

Sarajevo Olympics in 1984. His unfailing accuracy and organisational abilities<br />

ensured that the results and other relevant information were always quickly<br />

made available to reporters, officials and the public. Later he also participated<br />

in the organisation of the Universiade in Zagreb, the European athletics championship<br />

in Split and many other competitions.<br />

olympIC atHlete marko račič<br />

we would eVen Compete under made-up names. I CHose tHe surname<br />

čIčar, wHICH was my own surname read BaCkwards …” lauGhs mr.<br />

račič, rememberinG a difficult era lonG aGo that we find hard to<br />

imaGine today.<br />

Marko račič remains highly involved in organising athletics competitions; he<br />

is also working on his autobiography and still compiles statistics related to athletics.<br />

When I marvel at how fit he is considering his age, he says it is all down<br />

to good genes. “My father died of pneumonia at 93,” he tells me. He also owes<br />

his fitness to moderation: “I don’t exercise as obsessively as a lot of the people I<br />

know. I was never exactly ascetical, but I never overdid anything either. I have<br />

always followed the principle of my physiology lecturer; he believed in ‘the law<br />

of moderate loading.’ Even as an athlete, I would give it my all at competitions,<br />

but I never minded if others beat me in training.”<br />

The credit for his memory, still excellent despite his age, goes to “exercise” – he believes<br />

that it is statistics, the constant sifting through piles of data, that has kept<br />

his mind so sharp. He is also well aware that behind these numbers, so tedious at<br />

first glance, there are the lives of people who shared his passion for athletics, their<br />

greatest love. Perhaps that is why Marko račič is such a cheerful and positive<br />

person. It is no surprise to find among the many cups and medals decorating his<br />

home a plaque with the inscription “The World’s greatest grandpa”.<br />



eka in šaman:<br />

VrnIteV<br />

na začetek<br />

BesedIlo: marko frelih<br />

FotoGraFIje Iz Venezuele: charles brewer carías<br />

FotoGraFIje z razstaVe: rafael santana<br />

FotoGraFIje predmetoV: arhiV fundaciJe cisneros<br />

V sloVenskem etnoGraFskem muzeju Bo še do začetka septemBra 2012 odprta<br />

VelIka Gostujoča razstaVa z nasloVom »orInoCo – IndIjanCI amazonskeGa deŽeVneGa<br />

Gozda«. razstaVa je nastala V sodeloVanju s FundaCIjo CIsneros (Funda-<br />

CIón CIsneros), kI razpolaGa z Izjemno muzejsko zBIrko predmetoV manj znanIH<br />

etnIčnIH skupIn V VenezuelI. Iz nerVozneGa VsakdanjeGa sVeta, prepredeneGa z<br />

dIGItalIzaCIjo In GloBalIzaCIjo, VzBudI Vstop V muzejske soBane skoraj sleHernemu<br />

oBIskoValCu oBčutek, da se je znašel V čaroBnem okolju, V katerem prInašajo<br />

predmetI, slIke In tekstI osrednje, zelo preprosto sporočIlo razstaVe: čloVek je<br />

del naraVe, zato naj ŽIVI z njo V HarmonIjI!<br />


eka In šaman: VrniteV na začetek<br />

84<br />

V spremenjenem stanju doŽIVI VIzIjo, V katerI<br />

odpotuje V neznanI sVet onostranstVa In laHko<br />

oBVladuje neskončne dImenzIje –<br />

od podzemlJa do nebeških VišaV.<br />

okoli 600 eksponatov je razstavljenih po sklopih, ki vodijo obiskovalca iz<br />

enega prostora v drugega. najprej je predstavljeno naravno geografsko<br />

okolje Venezuele, od koder izhajajo ljudstva, zastopana na razstavi. uvod<br />

v srečanje z njimi je izjemno slikovita narava z nenavadnimi rastlinami in<br />

živalmi. ta ljudstva spoznavamo po njihovih osnovnih značilnostih, tudi<br />

po nakitu in barvanju obraza in telesa. nakit je tako kot glavnina eksponatov<br />

narejen iz naravnih materialov. ker razstava omenja slavno reko, je<br />

razumljivo, da je prikazan način ribolova in življenja na njej in ob njej. med<br />

ročnimi izdelki prevladujejo košare in pladnji. Bogata paleta izdelkov je še<br />

posebej zanimiva zaradi nenavadnih motivov, povezanih z mitološkimi<br />

zgodbami. domačini stalno živijo v stiku z mitičnimi predniki in duhovi<br />

pragozda. Vse se med seboj prepleta in takšno 'prepletanje' najdemo tudi<br />

v pletarskih mojstrovinah.<br />

na razstavi zagotovo pritegne največjo pozornost duhovni svet staroselcev,<br />

ki je največkrat povezan s šamanskimi obredi. šaman ima glavno vlogo v<br />

strukturi družbe. odgovoren je za njeno homogeno delovanje in rešuje vse<br />

težave, ki se pojavijo od znotraj (npr. bolezni, prepiri) ali od zunaj (npr. napad<br />

sovražnika). prav tako se 'spopade' z nevihto, grmenjem in drugimi naravnimi<br />

katastrofami. odgovoren je za dobro letino in uspešen ulov. šaman je<br />

tisti, ki pozna pot do duhov pragozda. za obred se vedno skrbno pripravi, še<br />

posebej je natančen pri krašenju telesa in uporabi zdravilnih pripomočkov.<br />

na razstavi so prikazani različni šamanski rekviziti in okrasje, med katerim<br />

izstopajo t. i. pernate krone. sestavljene so iz pletene vlaknaste osnove, na<br />

katero je pritrjeno perje svetih ptic: rumeno, rdeče in zeleno perje macawa,<br />

oranžno tukanovo, zeleno papigino in črno perje curassowa. skozi trans, ki<br />

ga doseže s pomočjo psihoaktivnih sredstev, kot je npr. rastlina jopo, stopi<br />

v stik z bogovi in gozdnimi duhovi ter mitičnimi predniki. V spremenjenem<br />

stanju doživi vizijo, v kateri odpotuje v neznani svet onostranstva in lahko<br />

obvladuje neskončne dimenzije – od podzemlja do nebeških višav. šamanizem<br />

ima med domačini v venezuelskem pragozdu zelo veliko arhaičnih<br />

potez in je v marsičem podoben obredom nekdanjih šamanov v sibiriji. to<br />

so tiste oblike (npr. plezanje na kozmično drevo, preobrazba v ptico), ki so<br />

zelo univerzalne in jih pozna veliko starih kultur.<br />

Harmonija pa ni prisotna samo v okolju, kjer živijo staroselci deževnega<br />

pragozda, ampak zajema dimenzije celotnega vesolja. to ponazarja tudi<br />

obred warime, ki ga pozna ljudstvo de’áruwa (piaroa). ob plesu in glasbi<br />

pojejo o stvarjenju, poveličujejo rodovitnost narave in ji izražajo svojo<br />

hvaležnost. V mističnem obredu se obračajo k mitološkim prednikom,<br />

divjim prašičem. plesalci imajo celo telo prekrito z oblačili iz ličja, na glavi<br />

pa konično pokrivalo, ki predstavlja divjega prašiča. obred izvajajo samo<br />

moški. Ženske spremljajo nastop plesalcev z velikim navdušenjem, saj je to<br />

osrednji dogodek za celotno skupnost, ki zagotavlja obilje v prihodnosti in<br />

hkrati poveže vse prisotne z božanskimi silami prednikov.<br />

na razstavi v slovenskem etnografskem muzeju je warime predstavljen v<br />

zadnjem prostoru in obredna oblačila ustvarjajo videz negibnih statuet.<br />

toda čim dlje jih gledaš, tem bolj si prepričan, da se bodo nevidni plesalci<br />

vsak trenutek premaknili.

IVer and sHaman: a return to the beGinninG<br />

86<br />

river and Shaman:<br />

A REtuRN to thE<br />

BEGiNNiNG<br />

TExT: MarKo frelih<br />

PHOTOgrAPHy FrOM vENEZUELA: charles Brewer carías<br />

PHOTOgrAPHy FrOM THE ExHIBITION: rafael sanTana<br />

PHOTOgrAPHy OF ExHIBITS: cisneros foundaTion archive<br />














There are some 600 objects exhibited in sections that guide the visitor from<br />

one room to the next. First we are introduced to the natural and geographical<br />

environment of venezuela, the home of the peoples represented in the<br />

exhibition. The picturesque nature, filled with unusual plants and strange<br />

animals, serves as the introduction to the ethnic groups of venezuela. We<br />

learn about them through their basic characteristics, including the jewellery<br />

they wear and the style in which they paint their faces and bodies. Like the<br />

majority of exhibits, the jewellery is made of natural materials. Since the title of<br />

the exhibition refers to the famous river, it is understandable that fishing and<br />

the way of life on the river are also depicted. Among the handmade artefacts,<br />

baskets and trays are the most commonly represented. The wide array of<br />

objects is made particularly interesting by the unusual motifs connected with<br />

various mythological stories. The natives have remained in touch with their<br />

mythical ancestors and the spirits of the rainforest. Everything is intertwined,<br />

and this type of intertwining continues in the masterpieces of weaving art.<br />

The most interesting thing to discover at the exhibition is undoubtedly the<br />

indigenous people’s spiritual world, which typically includes shamanic rituals.<br />

The shaman plays the most important part in the structure of the society. He is<br />

responsible for its homogeneity and solves any problems stemming from the<br />

inside (e.g. illnesses, arguments) or the outside (e.g. enemy attack). The shaman<br />

will also “deal with” storms, thunder and other natural disasters. He is responsible<br />

for a good harvest and successful hunting. The shaman knows how to<br />

communicate with the spirits of the rainforest. He always prepares meticulously<br />

for any ritual and is particularly careful when it comes to decorating the<br />

body or using medicine. The exhibition includes a number of shaman’s tools

and decorations, among which the feather crowns are particularly stunning.<br />

These crowns consist of a base made of woven fibres, to which feathers of sacred<br />

birds have been attached: yellow, red and green macaw feathers, orange<br />

toucan feathers, green parrot feathers and black curassow feathers. Using psychoactive<br />

substances such as the yopo plant, the shaman goes into a trance<br />

and is able to contact gods, spirits of the forest and mythical ancestors. In this<br />

altered state, he experiences a vision in which he travels into an unknown<br />

world, into the beyond, where he has the power to control endless dimensions<br />

from the nether world to the heavens. The shamanism that is practiced in the<br />

ethnic groups of the venezuelan rainforest has many archaic characteristics;<br />

in many ways, it is similar to the rituals once performed by shamans in Siberia.<br />

These rituals (e.g. climbing the cosmic tree, transformation into a bird) are<br />

highly universal and typical of many ancient cultures.<br />

There is harmony in the environment inhabited by the indigenous rainforest<br />

peoples; it is the same harmony that encompasses the dimensions of the entire<br />

universe. This is symbolised in the Warime ritual performed by the de’áruwa<br />

(Piaroa) people. Accompanied by dancing and music, they sing about creation,<br />

praise the fertility of nature and express their gratitude to nature. In this<br />

mystical ritual, they also address wild boars, their mythological ancestors.<br />

The dancers cover their bodies with bast clothing and wear conical hats on<br />

their heads. The hats represent wild boars. The ritual is performed solely by<br />

men. The women watch the dancers with great enthusiasm – this is an event<br />

of the highest importance for the whole community; it ensures that they will<br />

continue to live in abundance and establishes a connection between people<br />

and the divine forces of their ancestors.<br />

rIVer and sHaman: a return to the beGinninG<br />

at tHe exHIBItIon In tHe sloVenIan<br />

etHnoGrapHIC museum, warIme<br />

Is presented In tHe FInal room,<br />

wItH rItual ClotHInG GIVInG tHe<br />

appearanCe oF motIonless statues.<br />

the lonGer you spend lookinG<br />

at them, howeVer, the more<br />

you are conVinced that the<br />

inVisible dancers are Just<br />

about to burst into moVement.<br />


086<br />

BesedIlo In FotoGraFIje:<br />

dr. metoda kokole (zrc sazu)<br />

iGor lapaJne (zrc sazu)<br />

Violinist<br />

Giuseppe<br />

tartini<br />

ponos pirana

na skrajnem juGozaHodnem delu sloVenIje, kjer se modrI<br />

ValoVI jadranskeGa morja zaGanjajo V Bele skale nasIpoV,<br />

se dVIGuje starodaVno mesto pIran. zGodnejše naselje je<br />

sVojo današnjo oBlIko doBIlo V času, ko je mesto še sodIlo<br />

pod upraVo Beneške repuBlIke, kI je trajala od konCa 13.<br />

stoletja do leta 1797. piran z zaledJem Je še danes uradno<br />

dVoJezično sloVensko-italiJansko mesto.<br />

prav beneška arhitektura in kulturni vplivi so<br />

mu dali odločilen pečat, ki je na vsakem koraku<br />

viden še danes. tipično mediteransko mesto je<br />

stisnjeno na ozek jezik kopnine in s svojimi ozkimi<br />

ulicami in strminami, ki vodijo do osupljivih<br />

razglednih točk, je povečini uspelo ohraniti svoje<br />

kulturnozgodovinsko bogastvo, ki privablja<br />

številne obiskovalce iz celega sveta.<br />

V tem mestu se je v zatonu zlate dobe beneškega<br />

časa rodil Giuseppe, četrti otrok mestnega<br />

veljaka, uspešnega trgovca in lastnika več posesti<br />

v bližnjem strunjanu, Giovannija antonia<br />

tartinija po rodu iz Firenc, in njegove piranske<br />

žene Catterine, rojene zangrando. krščen je bil<br />

8. aprila 1692 v tedaj novozgrajeni krstilnici ob<br />

zvoniku in bogato opremljeni župni cerkvi sv.<br />

jurija, ki se dviga na vrhu griča visoko nad impozantnimi<br />

loki obokov obzidanega morskega<br />

VIolInIst Giuseppe tartini<br />

obrežja. V družinski hiši tik ob starem notranjem<br />

mestnem pristanišču je Giuseppe tartini, ki se<br />

je pozneje neizbrisno zapisal med najslavnejše<br />

glasbenike svojega časa, preživljal svoja brezskrbna<br />

otroška leta.<br />

Velika hiša, ki jo je prav glasbenikov oče razširil<br />

v današnjo velikost, še danes kraljuje med pomembnimi<br />

mestnimi stavbami na osrednjem piranskem<br />

trgu, urejenem na notranjem mestnem<br />

pristanišču, ki je bilo leta 1894 zasuto. V okviru<br />

velikopotezno zasnovanih prireditev ob dvestoti<br />

obletnici rojstva najslavnejšega meščana, »prve<br />

violine evrope«, »učitelja narodov«, skladatelja<br />

in glasbenega misleca so novi trg poimenovali<br />

tartinijev trg in na njem postavili violinistov bronasti<br />

kip. tartini ima vse od takrat prvenstvo med<br />

kulturnimi poudarki, ki jih vsak obiskovalec zazna<br />

ob prihodu v staro mestno jedro pirana.<br />


VIolInIst Giuseppe tartini<br />

90<br />

Hiša tartini, danes sedež skupnosti Italijanov Giuseppe<br />

tartini piran, je lepo obnovljena in gosti<br />

za javnost odprto spominsko sobo, posvečeno<br />

Giuseppu tartiniju. za to skrbi pokrajinski muzej<br />

»sergej mašera« piran. V njej so poleg ene od<br />

ohranjenih mojstrovih violin še nekateri osebni<br />

predmeti in več dokumentov, izposojenih iz<br />

zbirk pokrajinskega arhiva. zadnji hrani velik<br />

del glasbenikove korespondence in njegovih<br />

spisov o glasbi. med njimi so tudi nekatera dela,<br />

ki so bistveno vplivala na razvoj evropskega<br />

violinizma v 18. stoletju.<br />

tudi sosednja cerkvica sv. petra se od tartinijevega<br />

časa ni mnogo spremenila, in če se<br />

desno od nje po ozki kamnito tlakovani ulici<br />

povzpnemo nekaj deset metrov, smo že pred<br />

vhodom v starodavni samostan, v katerem še<br />

danes domujejo mali bratje iz reda sv. Frančiška.<br />

slikovit križni hodnik in ob njem ležeča cerkev<br />

sta prav taka, kot ju je poznal mladi Giuseppe<br />

tartini, ki se je tam nedvomno večkrat mudil s<br />

svojim uglednim in premožnim očetom; ta je<br />

postal leta 1699 zaščitnik tega samostana in<br />

pridobil pravico do družinske grobnice, ki se<br />

nahaja v sredini cerkvene ladje.<br />

Giuseppe tartini je bil vse življenje na razne<br />

načine povezan s tem redom. oče ga je<br />

prvotno namenil za redovnika ali duhovnika, a<br />

se je ognjeviti mladenič, ki je bil pri šestnajstih<br />

letih poslan v padovo, raje odločil za neduhovno<br />

življenje. slovel je kot odličen mečevalec.<br />

pri osemnajstih letih se je poročil, zaradi česar<br />

je moral zbežati. zatekel se je v minoritski<br />

samostan v assisiju, kjer se je posvetil glasbi in<br />

violini. prav njegova izvrstna igra na to glasbilo<br />

mu je v naslednjih letih pomagala iz anonimnosti<br />

v vrh evropske glasbene elite. ustalil se<br />

je v padovi, kjer je z izjemo triletnega premora<br />

v pragi deloval kot violinist, učitelj, skladatelj in<br />

glasbeni mislec vse do smrti leta 1770. pokopan<br />

je v padovi.<br />

Giuseppe tartini je pustil neizbrisen pečat v<br />

evropski glasbeni kulturi predvsem kot inventivni<br />

virtuoz na violini in pedagog. njegovo šolo<br />

so spoštljivo imenovali »šola narodov«, saj je<br />

imel poleg italijanskih tudi učence iz Francije,<br />

nemčije, dalmacije itd. ustvaril je blizu 400<br />

del za violino, predvsem koncertov in sonat,<br />

med katerimi je zagotovo najslavnejša tista, ki<br />

jo spremlja romantično obarvana zgodba o<br />

nadnaravnem izvoru, Vražji trilček, ki naj bi ga<br />

tartini zapisal na podlagi sanj, v katerih mu je<br />

leta 1713 sonato zaigral sam vrag.<br />

Veliki violinist ni nikoli pozabil rodnega pirana<br />

in družine. z bratom in predvsem nečakom si je<br />

bolj ali manj redno dopisoval in jima z oporoko<br />

zapustil svoje imetje. zato se danes v piranu<br />

nahaja bogata zapuščina njegovih rokopisov,<br />

korespondence in teoretskih razprav, ena od

VIolIna, na katero je zelo Verjetno IGral tudI tartInI, je danes eksponat<br />

V tartInIjeVI spomInskI soBI, za njeno VItalnost pa redno skrBI mladi<br />

sloVenski Violinist žiGa faGanel in z nJo občasno tudi nastopa.<br />

njegovih violin ter nekaj osebnih predmetov.<br />

tartinijeva glasbena dela so ostala v arhivu<br />

padovanske bazilike oz. pri njegovih učencih.<br />

mesto piran je seveda na svojega slavnega<br />

meščana in glasbenika ponosno in njegovo prisotnost<br />

je zaznati na vseh nivojih. po Giuseppu<br />

tartiniju se imenujeta osrednji trg s spomenikom<br />

in njegova rojstna hiša, v imenu ga nosi<br />

skupnost Italijanov v tem mestu, prav tako ena<br />

od osrednjih mestnih kulturnih ustanov Gledališče<br />

tartini, obiskovalci lahko bivajo v Hotelu<br />

tartini, kjer pijejo čaj iz tartinijevih skodelic in si<br />

nazdravijo z vinom znamke Giuseppe tartini, ali<br />

pa si v čokoladnici na tartinijevem trgu kupijo<br />

slastne praline linije Giuseppe tartini.<br />

za prisotnost duha osebnosti in glasbe Giuseppa<br />

tartinija med meščani in obiskovalci najzvesteje<br />

skrbi že imenovana skupnost Italijanov, ki od leta<br />

1996 vsako leto v aprilu in vse do poletnih mesecev<br />

pripravlja sklope prireditev omaggio a tartini<br />

– poklon tartiniju. te obsegajo od koncertov, razstav,<br />

strokovnih srečanj do otroških delavnic. sicer<br />

pa poleti redno poteka tudi glasbeni festival tartini.<br />

poleg najširši publiki namenjenih prireditev<br />

se je tartinija od leta 1992 že trikrat še posebej<br />

spomnila tudi muzikološka stroka. osrednja znanstvena<br />

ustanova, ki se ukvarja s starejšo glasbeno<br />

dediščino, muzikološki inštitut zrC sazu, bo<br />

tako v letu 2013 ponovno priredil mednarodno<br />

študijsko srečanje, namenjeno razpravi o stanju<br />

raziskav življenja in dela Giuseppa tartinija.<br />

VIolInIst Giuseppe tartini<br />

še posebno živahno je v piranu letošnje leto, saj<br />

vse kulturne ustanove v mestu združene praznujejo<br />

okroglo 320. obletnico rojstva Giuseppa<br />

tartinija. V aprilu se je že zvrstila vrsta dogodkov,<br />

koncerti, predstavitev novonapisanega<br />

romana o tartiniju, odprtje številnih razstav<br />

itd., ki domačine in obiskovalce opozarjajo na<br />

Giuseppa tartinija. koncerti se nadaljujejo v poletnih<br />

mesecih in v načrtu je prenova spominske<br />

sobe pa izdaja Cd-ja s tartinijevo glasbo itd.<br />

ponos in spomin na Giuseppa tartinija v piranu<br />

živita in se bosta nedvomno uresničevala v<br />

najrazličnejših oblikah tudi v prihodnosti.<br />


92<br />

The violinist giuseppe Tartini –<br />

thE PRidE of PiRAN/PiRANo<br />

TExT: MeToda KoKole, phd (Zrc saZu)<br />

PHOTOgrAPHy: igor lapajne (Zrc saZu)<br />

At the southwesternmost point of Slovenia, where<br />

the blue waves of the Adriatic Sea caress the white<br />

rocks of the reinforced shore, stands the ancient<br />

town of Piran/Pirano. The earlier settlement grew<br />

into its current form during the time between the<br />

late 13th century and 1797 when the town was<br />

still governed by the republic of venice. Piran and<br />

its surroundings have survived as a bilingual area<br />

until the modern day, with Slovenian and Italian<br />

as the official languages. It was the venetian<br />

architecture and cultural influences that gave the<br />

town its characteristic nature and appearance that<br />

still define it today. A typical Mediterranean town,<br />

Piran is crowded on a small peninsula, its narrow<br />

streets leading up a steep slope that rewards the<br />

visitors with breathtaking panoramic views. For<br />

the most part, the town’s wealth of cultural and<br />

historical heritage have survived and still attract<br />

visitors from all over the world.<br />

It was in this town, during the decline of the<br />

golden venetian age, that giuseppe was born as<br />

the fourth child of giovanni Antonio Tartini and<br />

his wife Catterina, née Zangrando, who was from<br />

Piran. Born in Florence, giovanni Antonio, a successful<br />

merchant and owner of several properties<br />

in the nearby Strunjan, became an important<br />

citizen of Piran. His son giuseppe was christened<br />

on 8 April 1692 in the newly built baptistery next<br />

to the bell tower and the richly decorated parish<br />

church of St. george. The church stands on the top<br />

of the hill, rising high above the imposing arches<br />

of the sea shore embankment below. The Tartini<br />

family home was situated at the old inner harbour,<br />

and this is where giuseppe Tartini, who would later<br />

join the ranks of the most renowned musicians of<br />

his time, spent his carefree childhood years.<br />

Even in the present day, the large building – expanded<br />

to its current size by the musician’s father<br />

– continues to dominate the important town<br />

buildings in the central Piran square, opened in<br />

1894 on the place of the drained old inner harbour.<br />

As part of the extensive celebrations commemorating<br />

the 200th birth anniversary of Piran’s most<br />

famous inhabitant, “the first violin of Europe”, “ the<br />

teacher of nations”, composer and music theorist,<br />

the new square was named after Tartini and a<br />

bronze statue of the violinist was unveiled there.<br />

Ever since, Tartini has been the main focus of the<br />

many cultural highlights that visitors cannot fail to<br />

notice when entering the old town centre of Piran.<br />

Today, the Tartini’s old home is the seat of the Italian<br />

Community “giuseppe Tartini” of Piran; it has<br />

been beautifully renovated and houses a memorial<br />

room dedicated to giuseppe Tartini. The memorial<br />

room is managed by the “Sergej Mašera” regional<br />

Museum of Piran. In addition to one of the preserved<br />

violin, once played by the virtuoso Tartini, the room<br />

exhibits include also some of his personal items and<br />

a number of original documents on loan from the<br />

regional Archives, keeper of a number of Tartini’s<br />

letters and writings about music. Some of these writings<br />

have fundamentally affected the development<br />

of European violinism in the 18th century.<br />

The neighbouring church of St. Peter has not<br />

changed much since Tartini’s days either; a walk up<br />

the narrow paved street to the right of the church<br />

leads to the entrance of the ancient Minorite<br />

monastery still inhabited by the monks. The picturesque<br />

cloister and the church situated next to the<br />

monastery still look exactly as they did in Tartini’s<br />

time. giuseppe was probably its frequent visitor as<br />

his wealthy and influential father became in 1699<br />

one of the monastery’s benefactors, gaining thus<br />

the right to the family tomb located in the middle<br />

of the nave.<br />

Throughout his life, giuseppe Tartini was in various<br />

ways connected to the Order of the Minorites.<br />

Initially, his father intended him for church, but the<br />

fiery young man, sent by his family to Padua at sixteen,<br />

rather chose a secular life. He was renowned<br />

for his fencing and at eighteen he married and<br />

was consequently forced to escape from Padua. He<br />

hid in the Minorite monastery in Assisi, where he<br />

focused on music and violin. due to his virtuosity<br />

on violin he rose from complete anonymity to the

very top of the European music elite in the following<br />

years. Tartini eventually settled down in Padua,<br />

where – except for a three-year stay in Prague – he<br />

continued to work as violinist, teacher, composer<br />

and musical theorist until his death in 1770. He is<br />

buried in Padua.<br />

giuseppe Tartini has left a deep imprint on the European<br />

music culture. He was especially renowned<br />

as an inventive virtuoso on his instrument and a<br />

pedagogue. His school was revered as “the school<br />

of nations” as beside Italian students he had pupils<br />

from France, germany, dalmatia, etc. He wrote<br />

close to 400 compositions for violin, prevailingly<br />

concertos and sonatas. The most famous of the<br />

latter is undoubtedly the devil’s Trill, according to<br />

the a romantic legend of its supernatural origin,<br />

composed in 1713 after Tartini had allegedly dreamt<br />

of the devil himself playing for him this sonata.<br />

The great violinist never forgot his native Piran<br />

and his family. He regularly corresponded with his<br />

brother and especially his nephew, bequeathing<br />

him his worldly possessions. This is why Piran can<br />

boast today with a rich legacy of Tartini’s manuscripts,<br />

letters and theoretical discussions, one<br />

of his violins and several personal items. Tartini’s<br />

musical works, however, remained in the hands of<br />

his pupils and employers and are now kept in the<br />

archives of the Paduan Basilica.<br />

tHe tartInI FamIly Crypt In tHe CHurCH of st.<br />

francis (sV. frančišek) near the minorite<br />

monastery.<br />

The town of Piran is justly proud of its famous<br />

‘son’ and musician. giuseppe Tartini’s presence<br />

can be felt everywhere. The main town square is<br />

named after the musician and is dominated by<br />

his bronze statue. His birth house is called the Tartini<br />

House, and he gave name to the local Italian<br />

community. The Tartini Theatre is one of Piran’s<br />

leading cultural institutions. Meanwhile, visitors<br />

to the town can stay in the Hotel Tartini, drink<br />

tea from Tartini cups, toast with giuseppe Tartini<br />

wine or buy delicious guiseppe Tartini pralines<br />

from the chocolate shop in Tartini square.<br />

The spirit of Tartini’s personality and music has been<br />

most faithfully kept alive by the Italian Community<br />

“giuseppe Tartini”. Since 1996 this institution has<br />

been organising the Omaggio a Tartini – Homage<br />

to Tartini, a festival that runs from April through the<br />

summer months and comprises countless concerts,<br />

exhibitions, lectures and children’s workshops. Additionally,<br />

the Tartini Festival of Music is held every<br />

summer. Setting aside events aimed at the general<br />

public, Tartini has been since 1992 at the focus of<br />

already three scholarly meetings. Another international<br />

musicological conference dedicated to the<br />

state of research on giuseppe Tartini’s life and works<br />

is planned for 2013 by the Institute of Musicology of<br />

the Scientific research Centre of the Slovenian Academy<br />

of Sciences and Arts – the leading institution<br />

specialised in early music heritage in Slovenia.<br />

This year giuseppe Tartini is in special focus of<br />

various cultural institutions of Piran as they have<br />

joined forces to celebrate the 320th anniversary of<br />

his birth. April has already seen a number of events,<br />

concerts, a presentation of a new novel about<br />

Tartini, several exhibitions, etc., all of which keep<br />

the memory of Tartini alive among inhabitants<br />

of Piran and visitors alike. The concerts are set to<br />

continue in the summer months. There are plans<br />

for the renovation of the memorial room, and a<br />

new Cd with Tartini’s music is to come out soon.<br />

giuseppe Tartini is the pride of Piran and a memory<br />

of this illustrious musician is more than alive and<br />

will undoubtedly continue in various ways also in<br />

the future.<br />


092<br />

Razbiti santorinski stereotipi<br />

V Iskanju<br />

»atlantide«<br />

kar pomnim, sem Vedno potoVal<br />

in odkriVal sVet V tako imenoVani<br />

»low budGet ruzak« izVedbi, pa<br />

naj je šlo za boliVijsKi altiplano ali<br />

buenos aiRes na zahoDu, potepanje po<br />

sulawesijsKih gozDoVih in KitajsKih<br />

puščaVsKih RoKaVih puščaVe gobi na<br />

VzhoDu in nič DRugače tuDi po eVRopi.<br />

BesedIlo In FotoGraFIje: Jože balas

azBItI santorInskI stereotipi<br />

96<br />

tokrat sVa sI s prIjateljICo lIlI na tak načIn prIVoščIla tudI santorInI, le da sem namesto ’ruzaka’ Vzel star koVček na koleščkIH,<br />

prI tem pa pozaBIl sVoje utrujene trekInG superGe zamenjatI z BelImI sandalI – in že zaradi teGa sem močno izstopal med<br />

potniki V letališki čakalnici, čepraV si teGa res nisem želel.<br />

santorini je res sanjski, vsaj tako se ga prodaja od 70. let, še posebej pa nekje<br />

od 80. let prejšnjega stoletja, ko je film sommer lovers povzročil pravo invazijo<br />

generacije mladih, ki so kot začarani iskali po otoku romantične kraje, na<br />

katerih se je darryl Hannah ljubila s svojimi soigralci. In ni minilo dosti časa,<br />

ko je santorini zavladal kikladskemu otočju. seveda se ta razcvet ne more in<br />

se tudi ne bo mogel nikoli primerjati z razcvetom skrivnostne minojske kulture,<br />

ki je nekoč cvetela na tem otoku, da ne govorimo o ugibanjih, da naj bi<br />

prav ta vulkanski otok predstavljal zadnje ostanke legendarne atlandite, če<br />

že ni celo kriv za njeno uničenje in izginotje. no, sam vulkan je še vedno živ,<br />

zadnji izbruh, pa sploh ne tako tragičen, se je zgodil pred desetletji, danes pa<br />

se na njegovem kraterju brezksrbno, a množično drenjajo turisti, ki v gosjem<br />

redu in pri skoraj 40 stopinjah dokaj neprijetne vročine dobesedno šibajo<br />

gor in dol, pozirajo in se celo sončijo, tlačijo kamne v žepe in že hitijo nazaj v<br />

majhno pristanišče, da ne zamudijo svoje ladje, trajekta ali pa kakšnega večjega<br />

čolna, ki vozi po točno določenem urniku in zamudnikov prav nič ne<br />

tolerira. od tam hitijo na thirasio, kjer si tisti najbolj utrujeni lahko za kakšno<br />

uro oddahnejo in mogoče celo kaj pojejo v kakšni od ne prav avtentičnih in<br />

prijetnih restavracij na obali; drugi pa se lahko sami ali pa s pomočjo osličkov<br />

povzpnejo na kaldero otoka, od koder se razprostira prelep razgled na star<br />

vulkanski krater celotnega otoka oziroma na tisto, kar je po tisti nesrečni<br />

ekploziji pred tisočletji od njega še ostalo. In če se te male restavracije ne<br />

morejo ravno pohvaliti s svežimi ribami in ostalimi morskimi specialitetami<br />

– v vasi je namreč ne samo premalo ribičev, ampak tudi prebivalcev –, da<br />

bi lahko nalovili in nahranili takšne trume turistov, ki se vsakodnevno valijo<br />

v to malo pristaniško mesto, se malo bolj skromni turist lahko zadovolji tudi<br />

s prijetno ledeno ohlajenim pivom in preprostim girosom, kljub velikemu<br />

ladijskemu prometu pa tudi s kristalno čisto vodo, ki odlično regenerira pregreto<br />

telo. tako kot mali therasia tudi santorini glede na število turistov sam<br />

enostavno ne premore zadostiti vsem potrebam po gurmanskih užitkih,<br />

zato se velika večina hrane vozi tja s celine in okoliških otokov. domačini<br />

se, če se že morajo, raje ukvarjajo s turizmom in njegovimi derivati kakor s<br />

kakšno drugo dejavnostjo, saj enostavno ne morejo konkurirati grosističnim<br />

»uvoznikom«. zato ne bodite presenečeni, če se bodo na vašem krožniku<br />

znašle odmrzneje ribe, raki, hobotnice ... restavracije in gostilne, ki bi<br />

gostom lahko ponudile dnevno sveže ulovljene »domače« ribe, je namreč<br />

neverjetno težko najti. mogoče še najlažje pri kakšnem domačinu ali pa v<br />

manjšem družinskem penzionu, sveže ulovljene so namreč prodane že za<br />

celo sezono vnaprej prestižnim restavracijam in hotelom. enako je z ostalo<br />

hrano, saj kakšnega razširjenega poljedelstva ni opaziti na obronkih vulkana,<br />

niti kmetij ne ali pa bog ne daj prašičjih ali kurjih farm – te bi se v tej vročini<br />

prej zavohale; tovrstno meso je namreč kar pogosto tako na jedilnikih kot<br />

tudi na samih krožnikih. edino, kar je opaziti, so nasadi paradižnika – ta s santorinija<br />

naj bi dosegel svetovno slavo – in vinska trta; vinogradov je kar nekaj,<br />

zelo urejenih, napisi ob cestah vabijo v različne vinske kleti raznovrstnih<br />

vsebin. drugače pa je santorini poln lokalov, kjer ponujajo različne specialitete<br />

in še enkrat specialitete; in tu velja tako kot povsod po svetu za nasvet<br />

vprašati lokalce, saj je »turist trap« lokalov enostavno preveč, tako cenovno<br />

kot tudi po kvaliteti. In kadarkoli sva se ravnala po nasvetu domačinov, sva<br />

jedla dobro in tudi poceni, in kadakoli sva lokal izbrala brez pomisleka, sva<br />

bila lačna in praznih žepov. kljub stereotipu, da je prehrana na santoriniju<br />

pregrešno draga, je to še en stereotip, ki ne velja. Veliko je lokalov, kjer se<br />

da jesti zelo dobro, celo odlično, pa se cene bistveno ne razlikujejo od<br />

povprečnih cen pri nas. Že samo dejstvo, da ne jeste ob glavni ulici, ampak<br />

se zapeljete v sosednjo vas, kjer turistov skorajda ni, pomeni, da takega izleta<br />

ne boste nikoli pozabili.<br />

santorini je seveda znan tudi po svojih vulkanskih črnih plažah. posebnost<br />

jim daje že omenjeni vulkanski pesek, ki pa ga seveda ni na vsaki plaži. največja<br />

in menda najbolj znana plaža je ’šodrasta’, nekatere so tudi kamnite,<br />

in kaj hitro te lahko nepredvidljvi morski valovi položijo po tleh. na teh<br />

plažah se ponavadi niti ne gnete toliko turistov, kot bi človek pričakoval<br />

po predhodnem jutranjem ogledovanju, so pa seveda urejene nekako po<br />

cenovnih razredih. sem spadajo oblazinjena ležišča z mizicami, obvezno<br />

senco, »tlakovanimi« potmi ipd.

santorInI je V prVI VrstI turIstIčen<br />

otok, od teGa ŽIVIjo njeGoVa slaVa<br />

In VečIna preBIValstVa pa tudI tujCeV.<br />

in brez skrbi, tudi tam se da<br />

prežiVeti dopust sorazmerno<br />

poceni, kar razbiJa še en<br />

stereotip o tem sanJskem otoku.<br />


azBItI santorInskI stereotipi<br />

98<br />

In ker je poleti ponavadi peklensko vroče, bife pa je šele čez cesto, imate<br />

na voljo zvonec, ponekod tudi telefon, in vaša ohlajena bira je v trenutku<br />

pri vas. seveda pa obstajajo tudi malo manj prestižne plaže, preproste,<br />

brez osnovne »infrastrukture«, zato pa daleč od ponorelega sveta.<br />

In čeprav se zdi, da je santorini eno samo veliko turistično naselje, predstavljajo<br />

največjo nevarnost, da se zataknete v kakšni zakotni ulici, prav<br />

turisti s plavajočih hotelov, pravih križark, ki se drenjajo v pristanišču pod<br />

pečinami. domači vodniki jih s čolniči, avtobusi, pa tudi z osli tako rekoč<br />

od zore do mraka prevažajo do pečin, na katerih domujejo značilne bele<br />

vasice Fira, Imeroviglija in oia. ozke ulice se spremenijo v počasni multinacionalni<br />

gosji red, fotografiranje kakšnega portala ali pa zanimivega detajla<br />

ulice postane misija nemogoče. polne so ulice, polne gostilne, restavracije<br />

in ’kafiči’, polne so ’štacune’. takrat se zdi, da je še najbolje, da si poiščete<br />

hladno senco v eni od 120 cerkva na otoku.<br />

pred ogledom mestnih znamenitosti vrh kaldere se splača najprej pogledati<br />

v pristanišče, kjer se proti popoldnevu sidrajo ogromne križarke<br />

in napovedujejo, da se je neznosno pretesnih ulic oie najbolje izogniti;<br />

nekaj prostih motivov je le še pod milim nebom, pa še ta se že kakšno<br />

uro pred sončnim zahodom tudi zagrne. strehe, balkoni, zidovi, terase<br />

so namreč zasedeni do zadnjega centimetra, čakajoč, da sonce potone v<br />

noč in utopi še en zgrešen in zavajajoč stereotip. skratka, zaradi sončnega<br />

zahoda vam res ni treba hoditi na santorini. pa tudi zaradi rajskih plaž<br />

ne, tudi ne zaradi pristne grške kulinarike, sirtakija ... ampak kot sem že<br />

omenil, vse je stvar osebnega okusa; in ne pozabite, da vam v tem trenutku<br />

daje napotke nekdo, ki se za to pot ni niti primerno obul. Imate torej<br />

vsaj en dober razlog, da me ne jemljete resno in vseeno odkrijete svojo<br />

»atlantido« v njenem popolnem blišču in slavi.<br />

Vendar pa vas santorini lahko vseeno preseneti s svojo preprostostjo, saj<br />

ponuja tudi nekaj vsakdanjega zadovoljstva in užitkov. Že sama perisa,<br />

njene plaže veljajo za ene najlepših, je pravo olajšanje in nasprotje<br />

»industrijskim« mestom na vrhu kaldere; če pa z glavne ceste zavijete<br />

malo na slepo, se lahko na snežno belih ulicah pyrgosa počutite celo<br />

osamljeno. kakor koli, tam imajo tudi kulinarične zanimivosti popolnoma<br />

drugačen okus. In če hočete pobegniti stran od gneče, vas lahko stranske<br />

ceste čisto po naključju pripeljejo do prijaznih domačinov, ki se še vedno<br />

preživljajo na način, kot so se preživljali njihovi dedi, res pa je, da jih je le<br />

še za vzorec. In te poti vas lahko na koncu presenetijo še s kakšno drugo<br />

znamenitostjo, pa naj si bodo to kakšne skrite in neobljudene plaže,<br />

snežno bele crekvice, ostanki mogočnih mlinov na veter, osamljenih<br />

zaselkov ... Vendar ne pričakujte preveč: santorini je v prvi vrsti turističen<br />

otok, od tega živijo njegova slava in večina prebivalstva pa tudi tujcev. In<br />

brez skrbi, tudi tam se da preživeti dopust sorazmerno poceni, kar razbija<br />

še en stereotip o tem sanjskem otoku.

Breaking the Santorini<br />

Stereotypes<br />

oN thE SEARch<br />

foR “AtlANtiS”<br />

TExT ANd PHOTOgrAPHy: jože Balas<br />

For as long as I can remember, I have always done my world travelling and<br />

exploring the low budget way, with a backpack on my back, regardless of<br />

whether I was going to Altiplano or Buenos Aires in the West, discovering<br />

the forests of Sulawesi or the Chinese parts of the gobi desert in the East<br />

or simply wandering around Europe. This time around, my friend Lili and I<br />

went backpacking to Santorini, except that I replaced my backpack with an<br />

old suitcase on wheels. Unfortunately, I had neglected to replace my worn<br />

out trekking shoes with white sandals, which made me stick out like a sore<br />

thumb from the remaining passengers waiting at the airport gate even<br />

though that was the last thing I wanted.<br />

Santorini has been marketed as a dream paradise ever since the 1970s, but<br />

even more so since the 1980s when the film Summer Lovers caused a veritable<br />

invasion of a whole generation of young people who would wander around the<br />

island in a daze, looking for the romantic locations where daryl Hannah had<br />

made love to her co-stars. It did not take long for Santorini to become the most<br />

popular destination in The Cyclades. Obviously, this boost in popularity does<br />

BreakInG tHe santorInI stereotypes<br />

not even come close to the boom of the mysterious Minoan culture that once<br />

flourished on the island. There are also several theories claiming that the volcanic<br />

island of Santorini is actually what remains of the legendary island of Atlantis<br />

or that an eruption of the Santorini volcano was what caused the destruction<br />

and disappearance of Atlantis. The volcano is still active today, although it last<br />

erupted (with only minor consequences) some decades ago, and its crater is now<br />

surrounded by endless queues of carefree tourists. Ignoring the unpleasant 40°<br />

C heat, they race up the hill and pose for a photo or even sunbathe for a while;<br />

then they stuff a few rocks in their pockets and rush back to the small harbour<br />

in order to catch their ship, ferry or even just a large boat that runs on a tight<br />

schedule and has no time to wait for latecomers. From there, tourists hurry on to<br />

Therasia, where the most tired among them take an hour to rest and maybe get<br />

something to eat in one of the none too authentic or pleasant restaurants along<br />

the shore. Others climb, either on their own or with the help of rented donkeys,<br />

up to the caldera, which offers wonderful views of the island’s old volcanic crater<br />

or rather what is left of it after that destructive eruption thousands of years ago.<br />

There are not enough fishermen – or even inhabitants in general – in Therasia<br />

to bring in the amount of fresh fish and other seafood that would be required<br />

to feed the hordes of tourists coming in to this tiny harbour town every day. But<br />

even so, the ice cold beer and simple gyros on offer in the small local restaurants<br />

should be enough to satisfy any but the most demanding of tourists. Add to this<br />

the refreshing water that has remained crystal clear despite the heavy ship traffic<br />

and you have everything you need to regenerate your overheated body. Much<br />

like the tiny Therasia, Santorini gets far too many tourists to be able to satisfy<br />

their search for gourmet pleasures, so the majority of the food is brought in from<br />

the mainland and the neighbouring islands. If they have no other choice, the<br />

locals prefer to work in tourism and related branches rather than in any other<br />

industry, since it is virtually impossible to compete with the wholesale “importers”.<br />


BreakInG tHe santorInI stereotypes<br />


don’t be surprised if you are faced with defrosted fish, crab and octopus on<br />

your plate. It is incredibly difficult to find a restaurant or tavern that is able to<br />

serve daily fresh, locally caught fish to its guests. your best chance is probably<br />

with a local or a small family inn, but most of the freshly caught fish is sold<br />

to the prestigious restaurants and hotels in advance for the entire season.<br />

The same goes for other kinds of food; there are hardly any fields or farms<br />

to be seen on the slopes of the volcano. There are no pig or poultry farms<br />

either (you would definitely be able to smell them in this heat), even though<br />

pork and chicken are frequently served and consumed here. The only things<br />

you do see are fields of tomatoes – Santorini tomatoes are world famous<br />

– and a considerable number of well-maintained vineyards, with roadside<br />

signs advertising various wines and wine cellars. Santorini is bursting at the<br />

seams with restaurants and taverns offering various “local specialities”. Like<br />

anywhere else in the world, the best thing to do if you want to avoid the<br />

overpriced, low quality tourist traps is to ask a local for a recommendation.<br />

Every time we followed the locals’ advice, we enjoyed a good meal at a low<br />

price, while choosing a random tavern without consulting anybody inevitably<br />

resulted in an empty stomach and empty pockets. despite this, the claim<br />

that restaurants on Santorini are hugely expensive is another stereotype<br />

that is simply not true. There are plenty of places where you can find a good<br />

– even great – meal at a price no different to the average prices in Slovenia.<br />

Not to mention the fact that forgoing a restaurant on the main street and<br />

driving to a neighbouring village instead where there are hardly any tourists<br />

is something that will make your vacation truly memorable.<br />

Santorini is also famous for its black beaches. They are coloured black by the<br />

volcanic sand, which is only present on some beaches. The largest and most<br />

popular beach is covered in pebbles; some of the other beaches are rocky and<br />

the unpredictable waves can soon knock you off your feet. These beaches are<br />

generally not as crowded with tourists as you would expect after the first morning<br />

walk, but they do differ by price. The more prestigious beaches feature padded<br />

sun loungers and tables in the shade, paved paths, etc. Since it is normally<br />

boiling hot in the summer and the bar is across the road, you are provided with<br />

a bell or sometimes even a telephone that you can use to order a cold beer.<br />

Obviously there are less prestigious beaches as well – simple and without the<br />

basic “infrastructure”, but quiet and far from the crowds.<br />

Although Santorini can seem like an enormous tourist village, you are actually<br />

more likely to get stuck in a side street in a crowd of tourists from one of<br />

the “floating hotels” – the many cruise ships jammed in the harbour below<br />

the cliffs. From dusk till down, these tourists are ferried by local guides on<br />

boats, buses and donkeys to the cliffs to see the characteristic whitewashed<br />

villages of Fira, Imerovigli and Oia. The narrow streets gradually turn into<br />

one long multinational queue, and taking a picture of a portal or interesting<br />

detail in the street becomes mission impossible. The streets are crowded,<br />

the restaurants, taverns and cafes are crowded and the shops are crowded.<br />

In this situation, it seems that the best thing to do is to relax in the cool and<br />

refreshing shade of one of the island’s 120 churches.<br />

Before seeing the town sights at the top of the caldera, it is worth stopping<br />

at the harbour. The enormous cruise ships mooring there towards the<br />

afternoon are a sure sign that the narrow streets of Oia will be overcrowded<br />

and are best to be avoided. The only place to find a few opportunities for taking<br />

pictures is out in the open, but even that loses its appeal about an hour<br />

before sunset. Every square centimetre on the roofs, balconies, walls and<br />

terraces is filled with people waiting to see the day turn into night; and so<br />

another misleading stereotype is broken. The sunset is definitely not a good<br />

enough reason to come to Santorini. Neither are the paradise beaches, genuine<br />

greek cuisine, sirtaki … In the end, everything comes down to personal<br />

taste; and remember, the person giving you advice right now is someone<br />

who didn’t even manage to wear the right shoes for this trip. So you have<br />

at least one good reason not to take me seriously and discover “Atlantis” for<br />

yourself in all its splendour and glory.<br />

BreakInG tHe santorInI stereotypes<br />

Santorini may still surprise you with its simplicity – it does offer some simple<br />

pleasures and enjoyment. Perissa is a revelation, its beaches – considered to<br />

be among the most beautiful on the island – the antidote to the “industrial”<br />

towns at the top of the caldera. Take a few turns off the main road and you<br />

might actually find yourself all alone on the snow white streets of Pyrgos.<br />

Even the culinary specialities have an entirely different taste there. If you are<br />

looking to escape the crowds, stick to the side roads; with a bit of luck, they<br />

will lead you to the friendly locals still making their living in the tradition<br />

of their grandparents. Unfortunately, very few of them remain. Or maybe<br />

the side roads will reward you in some other way, be it with a hidden and<br />

deserted beach, a pristine white church, the remains of a majestic windmill<br />

or a lonely village …<br />

santorInI Is aBoVe all a tourIst<br />

Island. tHat Is wHat perpetuates<br />

Its reputatIon and proVIdes tHe<br />

majorIty oF Its populatIon, as<br />

well as a numBer oF ForeIGners,<br />

wItH a lIVInG. and don’t worry,<br />

eVen on santorini you can<br />

haVe a relatiVely low budGet<br />

Vacation, breakinG another<br />

stereotype about this island<br />

paradise.<br />


100<br />

pot nekega oreščka<br />

BesedIlo/FotoGraFIje: noemie de pas/tit brecelJ<br />

pRaVična tRgoVina V<br />

burkini faso

ali si lahKo pReDstaVljamo,<br />

KoliKo poti opRaVi majhen inDijsKi<br />

oReščeK, pReDen se znajDe pReD<br />

Vami? si lahko zamislimo, koliko<br />

lJudi Ga predela in obdela,<br />

koliko ust »nahrani« in koliko<br />

družin osreči?<br />


104<br />

zgodba o indijskem oreščku ali akažuju, kot se<br />

tudi imenuje, se je začela v porečju amazonke,<br />

kjer so ga v 16. stoletju odkrili portugalci. V naslednjih<br />

stoletjih so drevo zasadili v afriki in aziji. na<br />

začetku so ga sadili le na obrežja rek, saj je zaradi<br />

svojih globokih korenin preprečeval erozijo tal.<br />

sistematično so drevo začeli izkoriščati v Indiji,<br />

kjer je sredi 20. stoletja indijski orešček postal<br />

pomemben izvozni pridelek – država je bila še do<br />

osemdesetih let prejšnjega stoletja vodilna pridelovalka,<br />

predelovalka in izvoznica, šele v zadnjih<br />

letih je primat prepustila Vietnamu in Braziliji.<br />

Indijski oreh gre med predelavo skozi vrsto dolgotrajnih<br />

procesov, ki zahtevajo veliko človeške<br />

delovne sile – v glavnem so to ženske, ki jih<br />

delodajalci zaradi deprivilegiranega socialnega<br />

statusa plačujejo manj kot moške. ko je oreh<br />

končno pripravljen na izvoz, se predelovalec<br />

sooči z zapletenimi zakonitostmi mednarodne<br />

trgovine, zahtevami izvoznikov in uvoznikov,<br />

grosistov in trgovcev. države zahodne afrike, ki<br />

so po številu pridelanih »surovih« orehov med<br />

vodilnimi na svetu, 90 odstotkov svojega pridelka<br />

takoj izvozijo in tako izgubijo več kot 50 milijonov<br />

evrov, ki bi jih lahko ustvarile s predelavo. mednarodne<br />

razvojne agencije, med katerimi je tudi<br />

razvojna fundacija Billa Gatesa, so v zadnjih letih<br />

vložile veliko truda, da bi ta trend obrnile.<br />

pot našega oreščka se je začela v zahodni afriki<br />

na obrobju drugega največjega mesta v Burkini<br />

Faso, Bobu dioulassu. natančneje, v zadrugi<br />

yanta, eni od mnogih predelovalnih obratov na<br />

jugozahodu Burkine Faso. zadrugo je leta 2002<br />

ob pomoči burkinskega ministrstva za okolje<br />

in luksemburške razvojne agencije luxdev<br />

ustanovilo več kot 900 žensk, ki so se do tedaj<br />

preživljale z nezakonito sečnjo lesa v zaščitenem<br />

gozdu na obrobju mesta. temeljna ideja ministrstva<br />

je bila, da se ženskam ponudi priložnost<br />

za izboljšanje življenjske ravni in obenem zaščiti<br />

gozdne površine pred divjim izsekavanjem.<br />

zadrugo zdaj sestavlja 32 ženskih skupin, ki<br />

predelujejo karitejevo maslo, pridelujejo med,<br />

sezam, hibiskus in lokalna žita ter predelujejo<br />

indijske oreščke.<br />

Izvirni namen projekta yanta je bil, da bi čim več<br />

dodane vrednosti končnega izdelka ustvarilo<br />

lokalno prebivalstvo. predvsem je to pomembno<br />

v širšem kontekstu mednarodne trgovine,<br />

kjer zaradi nepravičnih trgovinskih zakonitosti<br />

večino dodane vrednosti pridelkov na jugu<br />

ustvarjajo podjetja na severu. s podobnimi projekti<br />

države na jugu tako niso le vir surovin, ki jih<br />

severu prodajajo pod ceno, temveč same ustvarijo<br />

del dodane vrednosti. V tem duhu je lahko<br />

Burkina Faso zgled ostalim državam v regiji, saj<br />

je največja izvoznica predelanih indijskih orehov<br />

v zahodni afriki. Veliko burkinskih pridelovalcev<br />

in predelovalcev je v zadnjem času pridobilo<br />

certifikate za ekološko pridelavo, med njimi leta<br />

2011 tudi zadruga yanta.<br />

Ženske so v zadnjih desetih letih prehodile dolgo<br />

in pomembno pot. »še pred kratkim sem za<br />

golo preživetje izsekavala gozd, zdaj imam trajen<br />

vir dohodka. naučila sem se pisati in brati, pred<br />

tremi leti so me izvolili za predsednico zadruge,«<br />

mi je zaupala petdesetletna nathalie, mati osmih<br />

otrok z dolgo in težko osebno zgodbo za sabo.<br />

»projekt je resnično naredil veliko za nas: prej smo<br />

bile lačne in izčrpane, zdaj smo lepe in imamo<br />

veliko upanja,« je v smehu dodala. Veliko žensk<br />

se je naučilo brati v lokalnem jeziku djoula, nekatere<br />

so se naučile govoriti francosko. skoraj vse<br />

članice imajo (vsaj) del leta zagotovljen reden vir<br />

dohodka, kar jim v družbi, kjer moški upravljajo z<br />

viri prihodka, zagotavlja finančno neodvisnost in<br />

enakovrednejši status v gospodinjstvu. V obratu<br />

za predelavo indijskih oreščkov vlada delovno<br />

vzdušje: v skladišče prihajajo prve vreče orehov,<br />

v učilnici poteka opismenjevanje članic zadruge,<br />

maimouna je pravkar v sončni pečici »spekla«<br />

veganske piškotke ... Ženske z optimizmom<br />

gledajo v prihodnost, predvsem pa so ponosne<br />

na solidarnost, ki jih povezuje, in na pot, ki so jo<br />

prehodile v zadnjih letih.<br />

nathalie in ostale vodilne v zadrugi so se zadnje<br />

leto aktivno pripravljale na konec desetletnega<br />

projekta. kljub temu da se bo julija letos<br />

projekt zaključil, bosta burkinsko ministrstvo in<br />

luxdev še naprej finančno podpirala zadrugo.<br />

svet mednarodne trgovine, zapleten sistem<br />

izvoznikov, špediterjev, uvoznikov, certifikatov,<br />

strogih določil eu in neznan svet trženja<br />

in komuniciranja so preprosto prezapleteni<br />

za tako mlado zadrugo, kot je yanta, mi je v<br />

neformalnem pogovoru priznal predstavnik<br />

organizacije luxdev. zadrugi je na srečo lansko<br />

leto in letos obljubil švicarski izvoznik odkup<br />

večine predelanih orehov. zorenje plodov indijskega<br />

oreha se nagiba v drugo polovico, prve<br />

vreče orehov so že v skladišču. letos bo pridelek<br />

slabši, indijski trgovci pa so ponovno »uspeli«<br />

zvišati odkupno ceno »surovih« orehov. upajo

Ženske z<br />

optImIzmom<br />

Gledajo V<br />

prIHodnost,<br />

predVsem pa so<br />

ponosne na<br />

solidarnost,<br />

ki Jih poVezuJe,<br />

in na pot, ki so<br />

Jo prehodile V<br />

zadnJih letih.<br />

le, da bo v skladišču dovolj orehov za predelavo<br />

in da je »prodajni oddelek« zadruge<br />

uspel zagotoviti delo do konca leta. kljub<br />

temu ženske še niso izgubile upanja in se<br />

pripravljajo na nov cikel dela.<br />

hranilne vrednosti<br />

tako kot večina oreščkov so indijski oreščki<br />

polni beljakovin in vlaknin. kljub visoki<br />

vsebnosti maščob vsebujejo dobre maščobe<br />

in se tako uvrščajo med oreščke z malo<br />

maščobami. Izmed drugih oreščkov (mandljev,<br />

orehov, lešnikov in ostalih) imajo celo<br />

najmanj maščob.<br />

zdravilne učinkovine<br />

Indijski oreščki so zdrava prehrana,<br />

predvsem za srčne bolnike, saj znižujejo<br />

tveganje za bolezni srca in ožilja. ker imajo<br />

visoke vrednosti nenasičenih maščobnih<br />

kislin, pomagajo pri vzdrževanju dobrega<br />

holesterola.<br />

burkina faso<br />

država v zahodni afriki, »ujeta« med mali,<br />

slonokoščeno obalo, niger, Benin in togo.<br />

trenutno brez pomembnih in strateških<br />

surovin je Burkina Faso predvsem<br />

poljedelska država – več kot 80 odstotkov<br />

prebivalstva goji bombaž, koruzo in ostala<br />

lokalna žita. »kjer ni nafte, tam vlada mir,«<br />

pravijo Burkinci, ki so zelo ponosni na svojo<br />

kulturno izročilo in na to, da 62 etničnih<br />

skupin živi skupaj v miru.

tHe journey oF a simple nut<br />

106<br />

Can you ImaGIne How<br />

Far a small CasHew<br />

nut Has traVelled<br />

BeFore It FInally<br />

reaCHes you?<br />

The journey of a<br />

Simple Nut<br />

fAiR tRAdE iN<br />

BuRKiNA fASo<br />

TExT/PHOTOgrAPHy: noeMie de pas/TiT Brecelj<br />






















The processing of cashew nuts consists of a long<br />

line of lengthy processes that require large numbers<br />

of workers; these are mostly women, whose<br />

underprivileged social status means that they are<br />

paid lower wages than men. Once the cashews<br />

are finally ready to be exported, the processor is<br />

faced with complex international trade laws and<br />

the demands imposed by exporters and importers,<br />

wholesalers and retailers. The countries in Western<br />

Africa that rank among the leading producers of<br />

“raw” cashews export as much as 90% of their produce<br />

immediately, thus losing over EUr 50 million<br />

that could have been earned by processing the<br />

nuts. In recent years, international development<br />

agencies – including the Bill & Melinda gates<br />

Foundation aimed at global development – have<br />

been investing a lot of effort into trying to reverse<br />

this trend.<br />

Our cashew nut’s journey starts in Western Africa,<br />

on the outskirts of Burkina Faso’s second largest<br />

city, Bobo-dioulasso. More precisely, it starts at the<br />

yanta co-operative, one of the many processing<br />

plants in Southwestern Burkina Faso. With support<br />

from the Burkina Faso Ministry of the Environment<br />

and the Luxembourg development agency<br />

Luxdev, the co-operative was founded in 2002 by<br />

over 900 women who had previously eked out a<br />

living by chopping wood illegally in a protected<br />

forest on the city’s outskirts. The Ministry’s intention<br />

was to provide women with an opportunity<br />

to improve their quality of life while at the same<br />

time protecting forests from illegal logging. The<br />

co-operative currently comprises 32 groups of<br />

women; they produce honey, sesame, hibiscus<br />

and local grains and process shea butter and<br />

cashew nuts.<br />

Originally, the aim of the yanta project was to<br />

ensure that as much added value for the end<br />

product as possible was generated by the local<br />

population. This is particularly important in the<br />

wider context of international trade, where unbalanced<br />

trade laws mean that most of the added<br />

value for products from the South is generated<br />

by companies in the North. rather than remaining<br />

mere sources of raw materials that are then<br />

underpriced in the North, countries in the South<br />

can now generate a share of the added value<br />

themselves, thanks to projects such as yanta. It is<br />

this spirit that has made Burkina Faso an example<br />

for other countries in the region and the largest<br />

exporter of processed cashew nuts in Western<br />

Africa. In recent years, many of Burkina Faso’s producers<br />

and processors have successfully acquired<br />

certificates for organic production. The yanta<br />

co-operative joined their ranks in 2011.<br />

In the last ten years, the women have made a long<br />

and important journey. “It was only recently that<br />

I still had to cut down trees in the forest in order<br />

to survive, but now I have a permanent source of<br />

income. I've learnt to read and write; three years<br />

ago, I was elected president of the co-operative,”<br />

says 50-year-old Nathalie, mother of eight and a<br />

woman with a long and difficult personal history.

“This project has truly done a lot for us: we used<br />

to be hungry and exhausted, but now we’re<br />

beautiful and filled with hope,” she laughs. Many<br />

of the women have learnt to read dioula, the local<br />

language, and some have even learnt to speak<br />

French. virtually every member of the co-operative<br />

has a guaranteed regular source of income for (at<br />

least) part of the year; in a society where sources<br />

of income are managed by men, this gives the<br />

women financial independence and a more equal<br />

status in the household. There is an industrious<br />

atmosphere in the cashew nut processing plant:<br />

the first bags of cashews are being delivered to<br />

the warehouse, the classroom is filled with cooperative<br />

members learning to read, Maimouna<br />

has just “baked” a fresh batch of vegan cookies in<br />

the solar oven … The women are optimistic about<br />

their future, but most of all they are proud of the<br />

solidarity that binds them together and of the<br />

journey that they have made in recent years.<br />

For the last year, Nathalie and other co-operative<br />

leaders have been actively preparing for the end of<br />

the ten-year project. However, despite the fact that<br />

the project is coming to an end this year in july,<br />

the Burkina Faso Ministry of the Environment and<br />

Luxdev will continue to provide financial support<br />

for the co-operative. The world of international<br />

trade, the complex system of exporters, forwarding<br />

agents, importers, certificates and strict EU<br />

provisions and the unfamiliar world of marketing<br />

and communication are simply too complicated<br />

for a co-operative as relatively young as yanta,<br />

admitted a Luxdev representative in an informal<br />

conversation. Fortunately, last year as well as<br />

this year, a Swiss exporter has pledged to buy<br />

the majority of the processed cashews from the<br />

co-operative. The cashew tree fruits are almost<br />

ripe, and the first bags of nuts have been stored<br />

in the warehouse. The harvest will be smaller this<br />

year; meanwhile, Indian traders have successfully<br />

driven up the purchase price of “raw” cashews<br />

yet again. The women, however, refuse to give up<br />

hope. They are starting the preparations for a new<br />

cycle of work.<br />

they hope that<br />

the Volume of<br />

cashews in the<br />

warehouse<br />

will suffice<br />

for processinG<br />

and tHat tHe CooperatIVe’s<br />

“sales<br />

department” wIll<br />

suCCeed In proVIdInG<br />

tHem wItH work<br />

untIl tHe year Is out.<br />

tHe journey oF a simple nut<br />

nutritional value<br />

Like most nuts, cashews are bursting with protein<br />

and fibre. Their fat content is relatively high,<br />

but since a large share of it consists of good fats,<br />

cashews are considered to be low-fat nuts. In fact,<br />

they actually contain less fat than any other nuts<br />

(almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, etc.).<br />

Medicinal properties<br />

Cashews are a healthy food; they reduce the risk<br />

of cardiovascular diseases, so they are particularly<br />

recommended for heart patients. Since cashew nuts<br />

are high in unsaturated fatty acids, they contribute<br />

to maintaining a good level of blood cholesterol.<br />

Burkina faso<br />

This Western African country borders Mali, Côte<br />

d’Ivoire, Niger, Benin and Togo. Currently without<br />

any important and strategic raw materials, Burkina<br />

Faso is predominantly an agricultural country –<br />

more than 80% of the population is occupied with<br />

cultivating cotton, corn and other local grains.<br />

“Where there is a lack of oil, there is an abundance<br />

of peace,” say the locals, justifiably proud of their<br />

cultural heritage and of the fact that in Burkina<br />

Faso there are as many as 62 different ethnic groups<br />

living in peaceful coexistence.<br />



V London<br />

po zmago!<br />

Oglej si Oi v živO!<br />

OdpOtuj v LOndOn kOt navijač!<br />

Sodeluj v nagradnih igrah sponzorjev Teama Slovenie ali OKS-a in<br />

odpotuj v London z najboljšim slovenskim timom.<br />

Sponzorji Teama Slovenie in Olimpijski komite Slovenije bodo prvič odpeljali več kot sto<br />

slovenskih navijačev na olimpijske igre z olimpijskijskim navijaškim letalom. Poteguj se<br />

za svoj sedež na olimpijskem letalu in odpotuj v London skupaj s Petro Majdič.<br />

vEč na: @TeamSlovenia<br />

Slovenia Olympic Team<br />



Kontrola zraËnega prometa Slovenije, d.o.o.<br />

SLOVENIA CONTROL, Slovenian Air Navigation Services, Limited<br />

Kotnikova 19a, SI-1000 Ljubljana,<br />

p: +386 1 47 34 850, faks/f: +386 1 47 34 860, e:<br />

Še vedno tkemo nevidne niti<br />

med nebom in zemljo<br />

ter vas varno vodimo že 20 let.

flyljubljana<br />

Nagrajujemo vašo zvestobo.<br />

Program flyljubljana omogoča udobnejša in ugodnejša<br />

potovanja z Letališča Jožeta Pučnika Ljubljana.<br />

� Brezplačno članstvo<br />

� Ugodnejši letališki nakupi<br />

� Udobnejša in ugodnejša letalska potovanja<br />

� Posebne ponudbe izbranih partnerjev<br />

� Nepozabna doživetja<br />

Pridružite se nam!<br />

Izpolnite spletno pristopnico na ali s<br />

telefonom poskenirajte kodo.<br />

Pristopnice so na voljo tudi na okencih za prijavo na let v odhodni<br />

avli na letališču.<br />

Foto: Cirkus


Zelena. Aktivna. Zdrava.<br />

V deželi gozdov in voda vas čakajo navdihi aktivnega življenja.<br />

Spoznajte prizorišča zmagovalcev!<br />


Svetovna prvakinja v veleslalomu.<br />

Doma s slovenskih smučišč.<br />


Srebrna medalje na OI 2008. Jadra tudi<br />

po slovenskem morju.<br />


Srebrna medalja na EP v plavanju 2010.<br />

Sprošča se v slovenskih zdraviliščih.<br />


Najboljši slovenski olimpijski maratonec.<br />

Zmaguje tudi na maratonu v Ljubljani.<br />


Prvi slovenski golfist na European Tour.<br />

Vadi na slovenskih igriščih.<br />


Svetovni rekorder v vztrajnostnem<br />

kolesarjenju. Trenira v Logarski dolini.<br />


Prva olimpijska medalja za Slovenijo –<br />

zlata na OI 2000. Vesla na Bledu.<br />


Organizira tekme v konjeništvu.<br />

Na slovenskem Krasu!<br />


Zmagovalec SP 2011 v slalomu na divjih<br />

vodah. Doma premaguje reko Sočo.<br />


Legendarna dobitnica olimpijske medalje<br />

v teku na smučeh. Ljubi Pohorje!<br />

Izberite svoja doživetja na


Green. Active. Healthy.<br />

The inspiration for a more active lifestyle can be found in this land of<br />

woods and water. Familiarize yourself with the scenery of winners!<br />


The first female giant slalom world<br />

champion is at home on Slovenia’s ski<br />

slopes.<br />


Our 2008 Olympic sailing silver<br />

medallist trains in the Adriatic Sea, off<br />

the coast of Slovenia.<br />


The European swimming silver medallist<br />

takes time out at Slovenia’s health<br />

resorts.<br />


Slovenia’s Olympic marathon hopeful<br />

is a multiple champion on the streets of<br />

Ljubljana.<br />


The first Slovenian to make the European<br />

tour has a choice of world-class courses<br />

at home.<br />


Slovenia’s world-record holding ultracyclist<br />

trains in the beautiful Logarska<br />

valley.<br />


The first Slovenian gold medal winner at<br />

Sydney 2000 rows on Lake Bled.<br />


Organise equestrian competitions on the<br />

world famous Slovenian Karst.<br />


The 2011 canoe slalom world champion<br />

loves to train on the Soča river.<br />


Our Olympic cross-country skiing<br />

medallist loves Pohorje.<br />

Choose your experience at


nekaj osnovnih podatkov A few facts<br />

površina (v km2) 20 273<br />

gozdovi 11 854<br />

travniki 5 593<br />

polja in vrtovi 2 471<br />

sadovnjaki 402<br />

vinogradi 163<br />

dolžina meje (v km)<br />

s hrvaško 546<br />

z avstijo 324<br />

z italijo 235<br />

z madžarsko 102<br />

obala (v km) 46,6<br />

najvišja točka<br />

triglav 2864 m<br />

gostota naseljenosti<br />

(prebivalcev/km) 98<br />

prebivalstvo 2 milijona<br />

glavno mesto: ljubljana<br />

večja mesta:<br />

maribor, celje, Kranj, Velenje<br />

podnebje:<br />

alpsko, celinsko, sredozemsko<br />

jezik: uradni jezik je<br />

slovenščina, na območjih<br />

z mešanim prebivalstvom<br />

pa tudi madžarščina in<br />

italijanščina.<br />

pri stiku s tujci uporabljajo<br />

prebivalci slovenije največkrat<br />

angleščino, nemščino,<br />

italijanščino in francoščino.<br />

denarna valuta: Denarna valuta<br />

je evro (euR). tuje valute lahko<br />

zamenjate na mejnih prehodih,<br />

v bankah, menjalnicah in<br />

hotelih.<br />

prazniki<br />

1. in 2. januar novo leto<br />

8. februar prešernov dan, slovenski kulturni praznik<br />

8. april velika noč<br />

27. april dan upora proti okupatorju<br />

(druga svetovna vojna)<br />

1. in 2. maj praznik dela<br />

25. junij dan državnosti<br />

15. avgust marijino vnebovzetje<br />

31. oktober dan reformacije<br />

1. november dan spomina na mrtve<br />

25. december božič<br />

26. december dan samostojnosti<br />

territory area (in sq. km) 20273<br />

forests 11 854<br />

grassland 5 593<br />

fields and gardens 2 471<br />

orchards 402<br />

vineyards<br />

border length (in km)<br />

163<br />

with croatia 546<br />

with austria 324<br />

with italy 235<br />

with hungary 102<br />

coastline (in km)<br />

highest point<br />

46.6<br />

triglav<br />

population density<br />

2864 m<br />

(inhabitants/km) 98<br />

population 2 million<br />

capital: ljubljana<br />

major towns:<br />

maribor, celje, Kranj, Velenje<br />

climate: alpine, continental,<br />

mediterranean<br />

language: the official language<br />

is slovene, as well as hungarian<br />

and italian in areas of mixed<br />

population.<br />

people who live in slovenia<br />

most commonly use english to<br />

communicate with foreigners,<br />

then german, italian and<br />

French.<br />

currency: the currency is the<br />

euro (euR). Foreign currency<br />

may be exchanged at border<br />

crossings, in banks, exchange<br />

offices and hotels.<br />

holidays<br />

january 1 & 2 new Year’s holiday<br />

February 8 prešeren Day, slovene Day of culture<br />

april 8 easter sunday and monday<br />

april 27 Day of uprising against the occupation<br />

(ww2)<br />

may 1 & 2 labour Day, pentecost<br />

june 25 statehood Day<br />

august 15 assumption Day<br />

october 31 Reformation Day<br />

november 1 all saints’ Day<br />

December 25 christmas Day<br />

December 26 independence Day

manchester<br />

ibiza<br />

london<br />

barcelona<br />

menorca<br />

palma de mallorca<br />

amsterdam<br />

brussels<br />

Frankfurt<br />

zurich<br />

Djerba<br />

Verona<br />

copenhagen<br />

munich<br />

malta<br />

Vienna<br />

ljubljana<br />

sarajevo<br />

Dubrovnik<br />

podgorica<br />

tirana<br />

Kerkira/corfu<br />

belgrade<br />

lefkas<br />

pristina<br />

skopje<br />

Kefalonija<br />

zakinthos<br />

skiatos<br />

thessaloniki<br />

thassos<br />

lesbos<br />

chios<br />

mykonos<br />

santorini<br />

heraklion<br />

istanbul<br />

samos<br />

Kos<br />

Rhodos<br />


antalya<br />

moscow<br />

cairo<br />

hurghada<br />

larnaca<br />

sharm el sheikh<br />

tel aviv<br />

aqaba<br />


redni poleti<br />

Scheduled Flights<br />

zimsKi in poletni Vozni ReD<br />

Iz/from<br />

ljubljana/Brnik nm/km<br />

Iz/from priŠtinA<br />

čas poleta/<br />

Flight time<br />

(a320/Crj)<br />

AMsterDAM 606/1122 1.35 h<br />

bArCelonA 686/1270 1.46 h<br />

belgrADe 267/494 0.65 h<br />

brussels 559/1035 1.26 h<br />

CopenhAgen 641/1187 1.39 h<br />

frAnkfurt 420/778 1.07 h<br />

istAnbul 781/1446 1.53 h<br />

lonDon 757/1402 1.56 h<br />

MAnChester 868/1608 2.11 h<br />

MosCow (shereMetyevo) 1120/2074 2.35 h<br />

MuniCh 224/415 0.41 h<br />

pristinA 622/1150 1.50 h<br />

poDgoriCA 365/676 1.25 h<br />

sArAjevo 222/411 0.41 h<br />

skopje 413/765 1.07 h<br />

tirAnA 474/878 1.14 h<br />

viennA 153/283 0.30 h<br />

züriCh 334/619 0.56 h<br />

viennA - frAnkfurt<br />

frAnkfurt 930/1722 2.50 h<br />

MuniCh 646/1196 2.00 h<br />

veronA 650/1204 2.00 h<br />

čarterski poleti<br />

Charter Flights<br />

winteR anD summeR timetable<br />

Iz/from<br />

ljubljana/Brnik nm/km<br />

čas poleta/<br />

Flight time<br />

(a320/Crj)<br />

AntAlyA 966/1789 2.35 h<br />

AqAbA 1454/2692 3.18 h<br />

CAiro 1276/2363 3.25 h<br />

Chios 738/1367 2.10 h<br />

DjerbA 796/1474 2.20 h<br />

Dubrovnik 292/541 1.05 h<br />

herAklion 832/1540 2.15 h<br />

hurghADA 1533/2839 3.45 h<br />

ibizA 799/1480 2.20 h<br />

kArpAthos 996/1844 2.35 h<br />

kefAlonijA 585/1083 1.45 h<br />

kerkirA (Corfu) 523/968 1.35 h<br />

kos 873/1616 2.20 h<br />

lArnACA 1197/2216 3.00 h<br />

lefkAs (prevezA) 567/1050 1.40 h<br />

lesbos (Mitiline) 746/1381 2.10 h<br />

MAltA 670/1241 2.00 h<br />

MenorCA 646/1196 1.55 h<br />

Mykonos 793/1468 1.56 h<br />

pAlMA De MAllorCA 723/1339 2.10 h<br />

rhoDos 947/1753 2.30 h<br />

sAMos 823/1524 2.10 h<br />

sAntorini 836/1548 2.15 h<br />

shArM el sheikh 1505/2787 3.45 h<br />

skiAtos 632/1170 1.50 h<br />

thAssos (kAvAlA) 563/1043 1.45 h<br />

tel Aviv 1286/2382 2.57 h<br />

thessAloniki 571/1057 1.24 h<br />

zAkinthos 632/1170 1.50h<br />

<strong>adria</strong> <strong>airways</strong> has used the map or europe exclusively as an illustration of its flight connections and without any political or other implications.

120<br />


Flota - fleet<br />

Ilustracije: miha Žnidar<br />

airbus a319<br />

število/total 2<br />

dolžina/length 33.84 m<br />

Višina/Height 11.76 m<br />

razpon kril/wingspan 34.10 m<br />

Hitrost/Cruising speed 900 km/h<br />

Višina poleta/max. altitude 11 700 m<br />

dolet/range 6 650 km<br />

št. potnikov/passenger capacity 135<br />

airbus a320<br />

število/total 1<br />

dolžina/length 37.57 m<br />

Višina/Height 11.75 m<br />

razpon kril/wingspan 31.10 m<br />

Hitrost/Cruising speed 900 km/h<br />

Višina poleta/max. altitude 11 700 m<br />

dolet/range 3 890 km<br />

št. potnikov/passenger capacity 180<br />

bombardier Crj-900<br />

število/total 4<br />

dolžina/length 32.50 m<br />

Višina/Height 7.57 m<br />

razpon kril/wingspan 23.20 m<br />

Hitrost/Cruising speed 882 km/h<br />

Višina poleta/max. altitude 12 496 m<br />

dolet/range 3 600 km<br />

št. potnikov/passenger capacity 86<br />

bombardier Crj-200 lr<br />

število/total 6<br />

dolžina/length 26.77 m<br />

Višina/Height 6.22 m<br />

razpon kril/wingspan 21.21 m<br />

Hitrost/Cruising speed 860 km/h<br />

Višina poleta/max. altitude 12 496 m<br />

dolet/range 3 285 km<br />

št. potnikov/passenger capacity 48/50

NAj se poletje zAčNe<br />

na krilih doživetij!<br />

Split že od 69 € London Luton že od 119 € Istanbul že od 149 €<br />

Število razpoložljivih sedežev je omejeno. Navedene cene veljajo za povratna potovanja začeta v Ljubljani ter vključujejo prevoznino, vse<br />

letališke in ostale pristojbine ter strošek internetne rezervacije. Informacije in rezervacije na www.<strong>adria</strong>.si, brezplačni številki 080 13 00,<br />

prodajnih mestih Adrie Airways in pri vseh pooblaščenih potovalnih agencijah.<br />


122<br />


dobrodošli v letalu adrie <strong>airways</strong><br />

spoštoVanI potnIkI, Vaše zadoVoljstVo je naš uspeH. da BI BIlo potoVanje z namI čIm Bolj prIjetno, nam doVolIte, da Vas opozorImo<br />

na nekaj napotkoV, kI so pomemBnI za Vaše udoBje In Varnost pred poletom, med njIm In po prIstanku.<br />

pred poletom<br />

ekonomski in poslovni razred<br />

na večini adrijinih prog izmenično letijo letala tipa airbus a-319, a-320,<br />

Canadair regional jet Crj-200lr in Crj-900.<br />

Vozovnica za potovanje v poslovnem razredu je izdana po veljavni tarifi za<br />

poslovni razred in velja eno leto z možnostjo rezervacije, plačila in prevzema<br />

kadarkoli, omogoča pa tudi druge ugodnosti, kot so: sprememba datumov<br />

potovanja brez doplačila, večja količina brezplačne prtljage, uporaba<br />

poslovnih salonov na letališčih idr.<br />

V ekonomskem razredu potujejo potniki z vozovnicami po ekonomskih<br />

tarifah, ki so nižje in vsebujejo določene omejitve.<br />

nakup vozovnice prek spleta<br />

letalsko vozovnico lahko najceneje in hitro rezervirate<br />

ter kupite na adrijini spletni strani www.<br />

<strong>adria</strong>.si. to velja le za polete na adrijinih<br />

letih. nakup prek interneta je zaščiten z<br />

varnostnim certifikatom. elektronske<br />

vozovnice prejme potnik po elektronski<br />

pošti.<br />

V primeru, da potrebujete letalsko<br />

vozovnico, kjer bodo vključeni tudi<br />

drugi prevozniki, vas prosimo, da<br />

pokličete naš klicni center za rezervacije<br />

in prodajo letalskih vozovnic na<br />

telefonskih številkah 386 1 369 10 10 in<br />

080 13 00.<br />

Potujte z elektronsko vozovnico<br />

na vseh rednih poletih slovenskega letalskega prevoznika je možno<br />

leteti z elektronsko vozovnico.<br />

potnik dobi ob nakupu potniški kupon, ki velja kot račun, in načrt poti<br />

(itinerar) v ovitku adrie <strong>airways</strong>. dokument lahko prejme tudi na svoj elektronski<br />

naslov in ga natisne sam. to dokumentacijo mora imeti s seboj ves<br />

čas potovanja. pri okencu za prijavo na let se identificira s potnim listom ali<br />

osebno izkaznico. uslužbenec izda potniku vstopni kupon za let, s katerim<br />

ta vstopi v letalo. elektronski način dokumentiranja prodaje zagotavlja<br />

sproten vpogled v dogajanje z vozovnico, hiter prenos podatkov in<br />

manjše možnosti zlorab. najpomembnejše pri tem pa je, da so potnikovi<br />

kuponi za let shranjeni v elektronski obliki in tako varni pred izgubo.<br />

<strong>adria</strong> <strong>airways</strong> tudi na mobilnih telefonih<br />

Vsem uporabnikom pametnih telefonov sporočamo, da<br />

si lahko na svojem mobilnem brskalniku nastavite našo<br />

mobilno stran m.<strong>adria</strong>.si ali pa s skenerjem kod poskenirate<br />

qr kodo.<br />

če skenerja nimate, si ga lahko naložite na povezavi »http://www.i-nigma.<br />

com/download-nigmareader.html”. uporabniki iphona pa to najdete v istoru.<br />

mobilna stran prinaša: spremljanje statusa letov, informacije o voznem redu,<br />

informacije o naših destinacijah in informacije o vremenu na destinacijah.<br />

poleg tega pa lahko na tej strani najdete še: vodič za potnike, turistični<br />

vodnik, naše kontakte in različne povezave do sledenja prtljage, iskanja<br />

poslovnih salonov po letališčih in preverjanje milj v klubu miles&more.<br />

seveda pa so tu še novice in najbolj vroče cenovne ponudbe vozovnic ter<br />

»checkmytrip«, kjer lahko preverite svoje potovanje.<br />

Web Check-in<br />

V adrii <strong>airways</strong> se zavedamo, da je pri potovanju pogosto dragocena vsaka<br />

minuta. še posebej takrat, kadar nas na poti na letališče ovira gost promet.<br />

web check-in je novost, s katero boste prihranili čas pri okencu za prijavo<br />

na let, saj se nanj lahko prijavite že od doma, z delovnega mesta oziroma<br />

povsod, kjer je vzpostavljena internetna povezava. svoj planirani let lahko<br />

prijavite največ 24 ur in najmanj 60 minut pred poletom. storitev web-<br />

-check-in je trenutno možna le za določene lete adrie <strong>airways</strong>. V prihodnjih<br />

mesecih bomo obstoječim destinacijam postopoma dodajali še nove.<br />

Omejitve pri vnosu živil v eu<br />

potnikom svetujemo, naj pred potovanjem preverijo seznam artiklov,<br />

ki jih je mogoče vnesti na območje evropske skupnosti. strog nadzor<br />

nad uvozom mesa, mleka, rib, lupinarjev in drugih tovrstnih izdelkov<br />

je nujen za zaščito ljudi in živali pred boleznimi, ki se lahko prenašajo<br />

s temi živili.<br />

V primeru, da carinska služba pri rutinskem pregledu osebne prtljage<br />

ugotovi prisotnost nedovoljenih živil živalskega izvora, le-te zaseže. Informativni<br />

letak “kaj prinesti domov?” vam je na voljo na naši spletni strani.<br />

Več informacij lahko dobite na Glavnem uradu Vurs-a ali na njihovi spletni<br />

strani v poglavju javne objave/uvoz živil za osebno rabo.<br />

ročna prtljaga<br />

zaradi vaše varnosti in udobja vas vljudno prosimo, da upoštevate mednarodna<br />

pravila, ki potniku dovoljujejo imeti pri sebi en kos ročne prtljage v<br />

velikosti 55 x 40 x 23 cm in z največjo težo osem kilogramov.<br />

ročno prtljago namestite v za to namenjeni predal nad sedežem, težje kose<br />

pa, če je le mogoče, shranite pod sedež pred sabo. priporočamo vam, da<br />

predal s prtljago pazljivo odpirate, saj se lahko med poletom predmeti v<br />

njem premaknejo.<br />

na letalih Crj oddajte večjo ročno prtljago pred letalom. tam jo takoj po<br />

izstopu iz letala tudi prevzemite.<br />

varnostna pravila<br />

evropska unija je v letu 2006 sprejela nova varnostna pravila. ta omejujejo<br />

količino tekočin, ki jo lahko vzamete s seboj na letalo.<br />

V svoji ročni prtljagi lahko prenašate samo majhne količine tekočin, ki morajo<br />

biti shranjene v posamičnih posodah z največjo prostornino 100 mililitrov.<br />

te posode morate zapakirati v prozorno plastično vrečko, ki jo je mogoče<br />

znova ponovno zatesniti; prostornina vrečke posameznega potnika ne sme<br />

biti večja od enega litra. med tekočine spadajo: voda in druge pijače, juhe<br />

in sirupi; kreme, losjoni in olja; parfumi; razpršilci; geli, vključno z geli za lase<br />

in tuširanje; posode z vsebinami pod pritiskom, vključno s peno za britje ter

drugimi penami in dezodoranti; kreme, vključno z zobno kremo; mešanice<br />

tekočin in trdih snovi; črtalo za veke in tuš za trepalnice ter katerekoli druge<br />

snovi s podobno vsebnostjo.<br />

še vedno lahko tekočine prenašate v oddani prtljagi – nova pravila se nanašajo<br />

samo na ročno prtljago. V svoji ročni prtljagi lahko prenašate:<br />

• zdravila in nujno potrebna živila (vključno z otroško hrano), ki jih boste<br />

uporabljali med potovanjem; morda boste morali dokazati, da jih nujno<br />

potrebujete;<br />

• tekočine, kot so pijače in parfumi (kupite jih lahko bodisi v prodajalni na<br />

letališču v eu, ki je za točko, na kateri pokažete svoj vstopni karton, bodisi<br />

na letalu, ki ga upravlja prevoznik eu).<br />

če ste tekočine kupili zapakirane v posebni zatesnjeni vrečki, te vrečke<br />

pred varnostnim pregledom ne odpirajte, sicer lahko varnostno osebje na<br />

kontrolni točki njeno vsebino zaseže. če na letališču presedate na drug let,<br />

vrečke ne odpirajte pred varnostnim pregledom na transfernem letališču<br />

oziroma na zadnjem letališču, če presedate več kot enkrat.<br />

če imate kakršne koli dvome ali vprašanja, se pred potovanjem obrnite na<br />

svojega letalskega prevoznika ali potovalno agencijo.<br />

med letom<br />

napotki za varnost<br />

z najpomembnejšimi varnostnimi napotki vas bo pred poletom seznanilo<br />

naše kabinsko osebje, poleg tega pa boste v žepu sedeža pred sabo našli<br />

navodila za postopke v sili. ker se glede na tip letala ta navodila razlikujejo,<br />

vas prosimo, da jih pred vsakim poletom pazljivo preučite.<br />

med vzletanjem in pristajanjem si morate pripeti varnostni pas, zaradi varnosti<br />

in udobja pa vam priporočamo, da ostanete pripeti tudi med poletom.<br />

po pristanku počakajte na svojem sedežu, dokler se letalo popolnoma ne ustavi<br />

oziroma dokler ne ugasne znak za obvezno uporabo varnostnih pasov.<br />

kapitan letala lahko podeli potniku, ki se v letalu neprimerno vede, tako<br />

imenovani rdečI karton. ta je namenjen vsem, ki s svojim vedenjem<br />

ovirajo delo kabinskega osebja, ne spoštujejo varnostnih pravil ali pa<br />

ogrožajo varnost in udobje potnikov. napad na varnost zračnega prometa<br />

je kaznivo dejanje po 330. členu kazenskega zakonika rs (kz-1), ki za<br />

tovrstna dejanja predpisuje zaporno kazen.<br />

uporaba elektronskih naprav<br />

V letalu ni dovoljeno uporabljati prenosnih telefonov (biti morajo popolnoma<br />

izključeni!), radijskih in televizijskih sprejemnikov, videoiger z daljinskim<br />

upravljanjem, računalniških tiskalnikov in drugih naprav, ki bi lahko z elektromagnetnimi<br />

valovi motile delovanje občutljivih letalskih instrumentov.<br />

druge elektronske naprave, denimo prenosne računalnike, Cd in dVd predvajalnike<br />

ter žepne kalkulatorje, je dovoljeno uporabljati le med poletom (če<br />

ne povzročajo motenj), med vzletanjem in pristajanjem pa ne. prosimo vas,<br />

da se pred uporabo elektronskih naprav posvetujete s kabinskim osebjem in<br />

dosledno upoštevate njihove napotke.<br />

nevarni predmeti<br />

po mednarodnih varnostnih predpisih potnikom v letalu ni dovoljeno<br />

imeti (ne pri sebi ne v prtljagi) orožja in drugih nevarnih predmetov, kot so:<br />

vnetljive tekočine, pločevinke s stisnjenim ali utekočinjenim plinom, lahko<br />

vnetljive snovi, vžigalice, ki niso označene kot varne, in podobno.<br />

Počutje in zdravje<br />

Vašemu dobremu počutju sta namenjena ventil za uravnavanje dotoka<br />

zraka in lučka za branje, ki sta nameščena nad sedežem. tam je tudi<br />

pozivni gumb, s katerim lahko po potrebi pokličete članico oziroma člana<br />

kabinskega osebja.<br />

V letalu je na voljo priročna lekarna, opremljena s sredstvi za nudenje prve<br />

pomoči. med poletom lahko včasih v ušesih občutite neprijeten pritisk, do<br />

česar prihaja zaradi sprememb višine in zračnega pritiska v letalu; težavo boste<br />

zlahka odpravili s poudarjenim požiranjem sline ali z nakazanim zehanjem.<br />

da bi se izognili težavam z ožiljem, ko gre za dolg polet, vam svetujemo, da<br />

se večkrat sprehodite po potniški kabini, med sedenjem pa delate vaje za<br />

raztezanje celega telesa.<br />

Postrežba med letom<br />

tudi na letalu bodo člani našega prijaznega osebja lepo poskrbeli za vas.<br />

odvisno od trajanja leta, destinacije in razreda v letalu vam bodo na voljo<br />

okusni obroki, postrežba pijače, časopisi in naš odlični In-Flight magazine,<br />

na letih izven eu pa boste lahko nakupovali tudi v našem »zračnem« <strong>adria</strong><br />

shopu. Hrana in pijača sta na rednih letih adrie <strong>airways</strong> že vključeni v voznino,<br />

na čarterskih poletih pa potnikom zaračunavamo alkoholne pijače<br />

po naslednjem ceniku:<br />

• pivo 0,33 l 2,50 €<br />

• vino 0,2 l 3,00 €<br />

• penina 0,25 l 3,50 €<br />

• Chivas regal 0,05 l 2,10 €<br />

• ostale miniature 1,80 €<br />

V kolikor pa bi imeli zaradi zdravstvenih, verskih ali ideoloških pogledov<br />

kakršnekoli zadržke do določene hrane, vam v adrii <strong>airways</strong> ponujamo<br />

pester izbor tako imenovanih posebnih obrokov. Izbor si lahko ogledate na<br />

naši spletni strani v rubriki Vodič za potnike; pomembno pa je, da svoje želje<br />

zaupate svetovalcu že ob rezervaciji oziroma nakupu vozovnice.<br />

alkohol v letalu<br />

V letalu ni dovoljeno uživanje alkoholnih pijač, ki jih prinesete s sabo. kabinsko<br />

osebje ne sme streči alkoholnih pijač osebam, ki kažejo znake vinjenosti,<br />

in osebam, mlajšim od 18 let. dobronamerno vas opozarjamo, da alkohol<br />

zaradi nekoliko nižjega zračnega pritiska med poletom deluje na telo hitreje<br />

in bolj intenzivno kot na tleh.<br />

po pristanku<br />

zamujena, izgubljena ali poškodovana prtljaga<br />

če bi med vašim potovanjem prišlo do<br />

nepravilnega ravnanja z vašo registrirano prtljago<br />

(velja tudi za prtljago, oddano pred<br />

letalom), zadevo takoj po prihodu prijavite<br />

na letališču pri ustrezni službi (Izgubljeno/<br />

najdeno, lost&Found, arrival service). telefonska<br />

številka pa je + 386 (0) 25 94 339.<br />

Center za stike s potniki<br />

V adrijinem Centru za stike s potniki lahko dobite<br />

vse informacije o naši ponudbi in novostih pa tudi pomoč ali nasvet.<br />

sem lahko potniki posredujete pritožbo ali odškodninski zahtevek, veseli<br />

pa bomo tudi pohvale. na naš center se lahko obrnete osebno, pisno, po<br />

elektronski pošti prc@<strong>adria</strong>.si ali po telefonu na brezplačno številko 080 13<br />

03 za klice znotraj slovenije oziroma kot doslej na telefonsko številko +386<br />

(0)1 369 11 33.<br />

najem avtomobila in hoteli<br />

na adrijini spletni strani smo pred kratkim dodali zavihek rent-a-car in<br />

Hoteli, ki vam omogočata najugodnejši najem vozila in rezervacijo hotelskih<br />

namestitev. zelo enostavno: obiščite www.<strong>adria</strong>.si in poiščite željeni zavihek.<br />

na voljo je nekaj deset tisoč hotelskih objektov na vseh celinah, od tistih z<br />

eno zvezdico do prestižnih mednarodnih verig. pri Budgetu lahko najamete<br />

vozilo na več kot 3.400 lokacijah v 128 državah po vsem svetu.<br />


124<br />


<strong>adria</strong> <strong>airways</strong> welcomes you aboard<br />

dear passenGers, your satIsFaCtIon Is our suCCess. In order to ensure tHat your adrIa FlIGHt Is as pleasant as possIBle, allow us<br />

to draw your attentIon to CertaIn poInts tHat are Important For your ComFort and saFety BeFore take-oFF, durInG tHe FlIGHt<br />

and aFter landInG.<br />

Before take-off<br />

economy and business class<br />

The majority of Adria routes are served by the following aircraft: Airbus A319 and<br />

A320, Bombardier Crj-200 Lr and Crj-900.<br />

A business-class ticket is issued according to the current business-class tariff and<br />

is valid for one year. The ticket can be booked, paid for and picked up at any time<br />

and includes other advantages such as changing the date of travel without additional<br />

charge, a larger free baggage allowance, the use of business lounges at<br />

airports, etc. Economy class is for passengers with economy-class tickets, which<br />

are cheaper and carry certain restrictions.<br />

online ticketing<br />

The cheapest and quickest way to book a flight and buy a ticket is to visit Adria’s<br />

website at www.<strong>adria</strong>.si. This only applies to flights operated by Adria. Online<br />

purchases are protected by a security certificate. Passengers receive their electronic<br />

tickets via e-mail.<br />

If you require a ticket that will also include other carriers, please contact our Call<br />

Centre for reservations and Ticket Sales on: 386 1 369 10 10 or 080 13 00.<br />

Travel with an electronic ticket<br />

you can travel with an electronic ticket on all Adria Airways<br />

scheduled flights. On purchasing a ticket, passengers receive<br />

a passenger coupon and itinerary in an Adria<br />

Airways cover. you can also receive the document<br />

via e-mail and print it yourself. you must<br />

keep this document with you throughout the<br />

journey. At the check-in, present your passport<br />

or identity card. The check-in personnel will<br />

issue you with your boarding pass. Electronic<br />

documentation of the ticket sale means that<br />

the ticket status can be verified at any time.<br />

It also facilitates rapid transfer of data and<br />

reduces the chance of abuse. Most importantly,<br />

there is no danger of losing the boarding pass, since it is stored<br />

in electronic form.<br />

<strong>adria</strong> <strong>airways</strong> on mobile phones<br />

To all smartphone users – we would like to inform you that<br />

you can now set our mobile site, m.<strong>adria</strong>.si, on your mobile<br />

browser or scan your qr code with a barcode scanner.<br />

If you do not have a barcode scanner, you can download<br />

one by clicking the following link<br />

iPhone users can find this in the iStore.<br />

The mobile site provides information on the following: flight status, timetables,<br />

destinations and weather conditions.<br />

In addition, you will also find the following: travellers guide, tourist guide, our<br />

contact details and various links to: baggage tracking, searches by airport<br />

business lounge, and frequent flyer miles in the Miles & More Club.<br />

Of course, you can also find news, the hottest ticket price bids and “checkmytrip”<br />

where you can check information on your trip.<br />

web check-in<br />

At Adria we are aware that every minute is precious when you are travelling.<br />

Especially when heavy traffic holds you up on the way to the airport. The web<br />

check-in service is a new service that lets you save time at the check-in desk: because<br />

you can check in from home or office – or anywhere with an Internet connection.<br />

you can check in as early as 24 hours and up to 60 minutes before your<br />

scheduled departure time. Web check-in is currently only available on selected<br />

Adria flights. In the coming months new destinations will gradually be added.<br />

restrictions on bringing food into the eu<br />

We advise passengers to check the list of articles that may be brought into the<br />

EU before travelling. Strict controls of the import of meat, milk, fish, shellfish<br />

and products derived from them is necessary to protect people and animals<br />

from the diseases that they can transmit.<br />

If customs officials discover prohibited foodstuffs of animal origin during<br />

routine luggage checks, they will be confiscated. The informative leaflet “What<br />

to bring home” is available on our website.<br />

More information is available from the veterinary Administration of the republic<br />

of Slovenia or on its website under the section Public<br />

Announcements/Import of Foodstuffs for Personal Use.<br />

carry-on baggage<br />

For your safety and comfort, we ask you to observe international rules that<br />

permit passengers to have one piece of carry-on baggage of a maximum size<br />

of 55 x 40 x 23 cm and a maximum weight of 8 kg.<br />

Carry-on baggage should be placed in the overhead bins. Heavier items may<br />

be stored under the seat in front of you if possible.<br />

We recommend that you take care when opening the overhead bins as items<br />

may have moved during the flight and may fall out.<br />

If your flight is on a Crj aircraft, larger items of carry-on baggage must be surrendered<br />

on boarding. They will be returned to you when you leave the aircraft.<br />

eu airport security rules<br />

In 2006 the European Union adopted new security rules that restrict the<br />

amount of liquids that passengers can take aboard aircraft.<br />

you are only allowed to take small quantities of liquids in your hand luggage.<br />

These liquids must be in individual containers with a maximum capacity of 100<br />

millilitres each. These containers must be packed in one transparent re-sealable<br />

plastic bag of not more than one litre capacity per passenger. Liquids include:<br />

water and other drinks, soups, syrups; creams, lotions and oils; perfumes; sprays;<br />

gels, including hair and shower gels; contents of pressurised containers, including<br />

shaving foam, other foams and deodorants; pastes, including toothpaste; liquidsolid<br />

mixtures; mascara; any other item of similar consistency.<br />

you can still:<br />

• pack liquids in bags that you check in – the new rules only affect hand luggage;

• carry in your hand luggage medicines and dietary requirements, including baby<br />

foods, for use during the trip. you may be asked for proof that they are needed;<br />

• buy liquids such as drinks and perfumes in an EU airport shop when located<br />

beyond the point where you show your boarding pass or on board an aircraft<br />

operated by an EU airline. If they are sold in a special sealed bag, do not open<br />

it before you are screened – otherwise the contents may be confiscated at the<br />

checkpoint. (If you transfer at an EU airport, do not open the bag before screening<br />

at your airport of transfer, or at the last one if you transfer more than once).<br />

• If you have any doubts, please ask your airline or travel agent in advance of travel.<br />

during the flight<br />

safety information<br />

Our cabin crew will give you important safety information before take-off. you<br />

will find instructions for emergency procedures in the pocket of the seat in front<br />

of you. Since these procedures differ depending on the type of aircraft, we ask<br />

you to read the instructions carefully before every flight.<br />

during take-off and landing you must fasten your seatbelt. For your<br />

own safety and comfort we also recommend that you<br />

leave it fastened during the flight. After landing, wait in<br />

your seat until the aircraft comes to a complete stop or<br />

until the seatbelt sign is switched off.<br />

The captain can issue a passenger who acts inappropriately<br />

on the aircraft with what is called a rEd<br />

CArd. The red card is intended for anyone whose<br />

behaviour obstructs the work of the cabin crew,<br />

who does not observ safety instructions or who<br />

threatens the safety and comfort of passengers.<br />

Unacceptable behaviour on board an aircraft is a<br />

violation of the law. Placing air traffic in jeopardy is a<br />

criminal offence in accordance with Article 330 of the<br />

Criminal Code of the republic of Slovenia (KZ-1), carrying<br />

with it the penalty of imprisonment.<br />

use of electronic devices<br />

Use of the following devices is not permitted aboard the aircraft: mobile<br />

phones (they must be switched off!), radios and televisions, video games with<br />

remote control, computer printers and other devices emitting electromagnetic<br />

waves which could interfere with sensitive aircraft systems.<br />

Other electronic devices such as portable computers, Cd and dvd players and<br />

pocket calculators may only be used during the flight (if they do not cause a disturbance).<br />

They may not be used during take-off and landing. Please check with the<br />

cabin crew before using electronic devices and be sure to follow their instructions.<br />

hazardous items<br />

Under international safety regulations air passengers may not transport, either<br />

on their person or in their luggage, weapons and other hazardous items such<br />

as flammable liquids, compressed or liquefied gas cylinders, highly inflammable<br />

materials, matches (except safety matches), and so on.<br />

comfort and health<br />

For your comfort, an adjustable air vent and a reading light are located above<br />

your seat. There is also a button which you can use to call a member of the<br />

cabin crew if necessary.<br />

The aircraft is equipped with a first aid kit. during the flight you may feel an<br />

uncomfortable pressure in your ears. This is caused by changes in altitudeand<br />

the air pressure in the aircraft; swallowing or yawning will help relieve the<br />

discomfort.<br />

In order to avoid vein problems associated with long flights, we advise you to<br />

take frequent walks up and down the cabin and to do stretching exercises for<br />

the whole body while seated.<br />

service during the flight<br />

Our friendly staff will also serve you while on board the aircraft. depending<br />

on the length of the flight, the destination and the class of travel, you will be<br />

offered tasty meals, drink service, newspapers and our outstanding InFlight<br />

magazine, and on longer flights you can also make purchases in our “airborne”<br />

Adria Shop. Meals and drinks are included in the ticket price on scheduled<br />

flights, while on charter flights passengers have to pay for alcoholic beverages:<br />

• Beer 0,33l 2,50 eur<br />

• Wine 0,2l 3,00 eur<br />

• Sparkling Wine 0,25l 3,50 eur<br />

• Chivas regal 0,05l 2,10 eur<br />

• Other miniature liquers 1,80 eur<br />

With a thought of each passanger we carefully prepaired a huge sellection of the<br />

so-called special meals which you could order. reason being either medical<br />

or religious, a matter or your life style or personal belief – there is<br />

something for each one of you. A variety of special meals is to<br />

be found on our website, just follow the Passanger guide tab.<br />

However, it is of significant importance to state you wish as<br />

soon as you book or purchase your ticket.<br />

After landing<br />

alcohol on board<br />

Consuming alcoholic beverages that you have<br />

brought on board the aircraft yourself is not permitted.<br />

The cabin crew is not allowed to serve alcohol<br />

to passengers who show signs of intoxication or to<br />

passengers under 18 years old. Please bear in mind that<br />

because of the lower air pressure during flight, alcohol<br />

has a faster and stronger effect than on the ground.<br />

Delayed, lost and damaged baggage<br />

If problems occur with your checked baggage during your journey (also applies<br />

to luggage surrendered on boarding), contact the appropriate service as<br />

soon as you arrive at the airport (Lost & Found, Arrival Service, etc.)<br />

Passenger Relations Centre<br />

Adria’s Passenger relations Centre provides you with news and information<br />

about our services and can also offer assistance and advice.<br />

Passengers can submit complaints or compensation claims, and praise is<br />

always welcome. you can contact the centre in person, in writing, by e-mail to<br />

prc@<strong>adria</strong>.si, and by phoning the free telephone number 080 13 03 if calling<br />

from Slovenia, +386 1 369 11 33 if calling from outside Slovenia.<br />

Car hire and hotels<br />

We have recently added two tabs to Adria’s website that enables you to book a<br />

hire car or hotel accomodation throughout the world at favourable rates. Simply<br />

visit www.<strong>adria</strong>.si, and click on the desired tab. Choose from among tens of<br />

thousands of hotels on every continent, ranging from one-star hotels to prestigious<br />

international hotel chains. Budget offers Adria Airways customers the best<br />

car hire deals in more than 3,400 destinations in 128 countries!<br />


126<br />


ostale storitve adrie <strong>airways</strong> - other services<br />

prevoz tovora<br />

Blagovna služba adrie <strong>airways</strong> odpremi vse pošiljke hitro in kakovostno<br />

do vseh letališč po svetu. V sodelovanju z drugimi prevozniki in s pomočjo<br />

računalniško podprtega rezervacijskega sistema spremljamo vsako pošiljko<br />

od sprejema do predaje naslovniku.<br />

naša blagovna služba in prodajna zastopništva v tujini vam bodo z<br />

veseljem pomagala odpremiti oz. dostaviti blago po najhitrejši in cenovno<br />

najugodnejši poti.<br />

adrIa CarGo, letališče ljubljana – prevoz tovora<br />

telefon: + 386 (04) 259 43 40, Faks + 386 (04) 202 30 30<br />

e-pošta: cargo@<strong>adria</strong>.si<br />

Cargo<br />

The Adria Airways cargo service provides fast, high-quality goods transport to<br />

every airport in the world. In conjunction with other carriers, and with the help of<br />

a computerised booking system, we monitor every item from reception to delivery.<br />

Our goods service and sales offices abroad will be happy to help you dispatch or<br />

deliver goods by the fastest and most competitively priced route.<br />

AdrIA CArgO, Ljubljana jože Pučnik Airport – Cargo Transport,<br />

Telephone: + 386 (04) 259 43 40, Fax: + 386 (04) 202 30 30,<br />

E-mail: jp.cargo@<strong>adria</strong>.si<br />

avio taxi – panoramski izleti<br />

z letalom piper turbo arrow pa-28r-201t s tremi sedeži za potnike lahko<br />

poletite do vseh večjih mest s špotnimi letališči v sloveniji in do bližnjih<br />

letališč sosednjih držav. za lete se lahko naročite po telefonu: 04 23 63 460<br />

(<strong>adria</strong> <strong>airways</strong> aviotaxi) ali 041 636 420 (tel. št. pilota).<br />

Čarterski prevozi<br />

Adria Airways ponuja potnikom, agencijam, podjetjem in drugim letalskim<br />

prevoznikom poleg svojih rednih linij tudi čarterske polete iz Ljubljane in vseh<br />

drugih (predvsem evropskih) letališč. Z vstopom v Evropsko unijo ponujamo<br />

agencijam, podjetjem in drugim letalskim prevoznikom tudi polete z vseh drugih<br />

evropskih letališč. Odlikujejo nas zlasti prilagodljivost, ažurnost, visoka kakovost<br />

in točnost poletov. E-pošta: charter@<strong>adria</strong>.si<br />

Charters<br />

In addition to its scheduled services, Adria Airways offers charter flights from<br />

Ljubljana and other (mainly European) airports to passengers, agencies, companies<br />

and other carriers. Now that Slovenia is part of the European Union, we<br />

can also offer flights from all other European airports to agencies, companies<br />

and other carriers. Adria charters offer flexibility, up-to-the-minute services,<br />

high quality and punctuality.<br />

E-mail: charter@<strong>adria</strong>.si<br />

uradni prevoznik dogodkov<br />

kot sodobna družba razumemo potrebe poslovnega vsakdanjika, ki se vse<br />

pogosteje odvija v globalnem prostoru. zato stopamo naproti tistim, ki<br />

organizirajo konference, kongrese, sejme ali druge mednarodne dogodke<br />

tako, da postanemo njihov uradni ekskluzivni prevoznik, udeležencem<br />

ter organizatorju pa nudimo posebne ugodnosti. preprosto, učinkovito<br />

in prilagojeno potrebam svojih uporabnikov poskrbimo za to, da poteka<br />

dogodek uspešno, udeleženci pa prispejo na cilj pravočasno,varno in<br />

zanesljivo. kot članica združenja star alliance Iahko za večje mednarodne<br />

kongrese zagotovimo produkt “Conventions plustm”, v sklopu katerega<br />

postane več članov združenja uradni prevoznik dogodka. za vse nadaljnje<br />

informacije smo dosegljivi po elektronski pošti: events@<strong>adria</strong>.si<br />

offiCial events Carrier<br />

As a modern company we understand the needs of modern business, which<br />

increasingly takes place in the global arena. For this reason we are ideally<br />

positioned to work with organisers of conferences, congresses, fairs and other<br />

international events by becoming their official exclusive carrier and offering<br />

discounted fares and other advantages to participants and organisers. With a<br />

simple, efficient approach adapted to the needs of our customers, we make sure<br />

that the event runs smoothly, with participants arriving at their destination on<br />

time, safely and reliably. As a Star Alliance member we offer the Conventions<br />

Plus service for major international conferences, which effectively makes all Star<br />

Alliance members the official carrier for the event. For more information write to<br />

us at: events@<strong>adria</strong>.si.<br />

aviotaxi – PanoramiC flights<br />

Our Piper Turbo Arrow PA-28r-201T, with its three passenger seats, can fly you<br />

to all major towns with sports airfields in Slovenia and to nearby airportsin<br />

neighbouring countries. To book flights, call us on: 04 23 63460 (Adria Airways<br />

Aviotaxi) or 041 636 420 (pilot).

spoznajte letenje v virtualnem svetu z našimi odličnimi inštruktorji<br />

V simulatorju letenja – v 30 minutah za samo 39 eur (ddv je vključen v<br />

ceno) – boste spoznali osnove letenja.<br />

za rezervacijo termina in dodatne informacije o obisku simulatorja pošljite<br />

e-mail na naslov: ales.bobnar@<strong>adria</strong>.si; Gsm: +386 (0) 41 604 116. letenje<br />

je možno po plačilu vnaprej in predhodni rezervaciji termina. Več o ponudbi<br />

preberite na spletni strani www.<strong>adria</strong><br />

partnerska kartICa<br />

diNERS cluB-AdRiA<br />

potniki s stalnim prebivališčem v republiki sloveniji se lahko odločite<br />

za skupno plačilno kartico diners Cluba in adrie <strong>airways</strong>. z uporabo<br />

partnerske plačilne kartice diners Club-<strong>adria</strong> lahko zbirate milje in koristite<br />

nagradne vozovnice in druge ugodnosti v programu miles & more. Vsak<br />

porabljen evro vam bo prinesel 1 miljo. dogovor, sklenjen med adrio in<br />

klubom miles & more, prinaša imetnikom partnerske kartice pomembno<br />

dodatno ugodnost: milje, zbrane z nakupi s plačilno kartico diners Club-<br />

-<strong>adria</strong>, ne zapadejo, če ste vsaj tri mesece član. kartica pa vam odpira vrata<br />

in nudi brezplačne storitve tudi v več kot 130 letaliških salonih po vsem<br />

svetu, kjer boste lahko v miru počakali na odhod svojega letala, brezplačno<br />

prelistali časopis, se osvežili z napitki, telefonirali ali poslali faks.<br />

Informacije: telefon 080 13 45,,<br />

learn to fly in a virtual world with our excellent instructors.<br />

In our flight simulator you can learn the basics of flying in just 30 minutes for a<br />

mere 39 euros (vAT included).<br />

To book a session and for more information about a visit to the simulator,<br />

e-mail us at the following address: ales.bobnar@<strong>adria</strong>.si; gSM: +386 (0)41<br />

604116. Booking essential. Payment in advance.<br />

For more information visit www.<strong>adria</strong><br />

klubi zvestobe - loyalty clubs<br />

dIners CluB<br />

AdRiA PARtNER cARd<br />

Passengers with permanent residence in Slovenia can obtain the joint diners<br />

Club and Adria Airways charge card. By using the diners Club – Adria Airways<br />

charge card, you can collect miles and enjoy bonus tickets and other privileges<br />

in the Miles & More programme. Every euro spent will give you one mile. The<br />

agreement between Adria and Miles & More brings partner card holders an<br />

important additional benefit: miles collected through purchases using the diners<br />

Club- Adria payment card will not lapse if you have been a member for at least<br />

three months, you use the card for at least one purchase each month and you<br />

settle your account balance on time. At the same time, the card opens the door<br />

to free services in more than 130 airport lounges around the world, where you<br />

can await your departure in tranquillity, browse through newspapers, enjoy a<br />

refreshing drink, make phone calls or send faxes.<br />

Information: Telephone: 080 13 45,,<br />


128<br />


star alliance<br />

star allIanCe<br />

partnerstvo<br />

<strong>adria</strong> <strong>airways</strong> je letalski prevoznik z več kot 50-letnimi izkušnjami v čarterskem<br />

in rednem prometu. uspešno sodeluje v evropskih integracijskih tokovih<br />

in se partnersko povezuje z drugimi letalskimi prevozniki. decembra<br />

2004 se je <strong>adria</strong> kot regionalna članica pridružila največjemu globalnemu<br />

združenju letalskih prevoznikov star allianceu, z januarjem 2010 pa je<br />

napredovala v polnopravno članico združenja.<br />

potnikom zagotavljamo vse prednosti, ki jih prinaša izboljšan dostop do<br />

svetovnega omrežja prevoznikov, združenih v star allianceu. V povezavi s<br />

partnerji vam omogočamo dostop do svetovne mreže poletov 25 letalskih<br />

prevoznikov, ki z več kot 20.500 leti dnevno povezujejo 1.290 destinacij v<br />

190 državah.<br />

poleg tega so vam na voljo ugodnosti, ki jih ponujajo prevozniki, člani star<br />

alliancea, kot so: prijava na let do končne destinacije, priznavanje statusa,<br />

vstop v letališke salone ter zbiranje in uveljavljanje točk ali milj v okviru<br />

programov za pogoste potnike. za številne destinacije po svetu so vam na<br />

voljo potovanja po ugodnejših cenah in posebna ponudba star alliancea<br />

round the world – potovanje okoli sveta. za več informacij smo vam na<br />

voljo na naših prodajnih mestih.<br />

letos praznuJemo 15. obletnico mreže star alliance.<br />

od skromnih začetkov leta 1997, ko je mrežo sestavljalo le pet letalskih prevoznikov,<br />

smo zrasli v združenje, ki svoje storitve ponuja s pomočjo več letalskih<br />

družb članic kot katerakoli druga mreža na svetu. na to smo zelo ponosni.<br />

Hkrati s številom pridruženih letalskih prevoznikov je raslo tudi število<br />

potnikov, ki redno letijo z nami. danes prevažamo 600 milijonov potnikov,<br />

ki z našo pomočjo potujejo med več kot 1.290 destinacijami in z več uveljavljenimi<br />

letalskimi prevozniki kot pri katerikoli drugi mreži.<br />

združenje star alliance ponuja tudi najugodnejše prednosti za pogoste<br />

potnike – dostopa do salonov in prednostne obravnave boste deležni pri<br />

vseh letalskih družbah članicah. poleg tega lahko zdaj še lažje zaslužite in<br />

porabite milje z eno samo kartico.<br />

zato se v imenu vseh pridruženih letalskih prevoznikov zahvaljujemo<br />

pogostim potnikom po vsem svetu.<br />

to si zaslužite.<br />

mark schwab<br />

generalni direktor star alliance services GmbH.<br />

od 14. maja naprej imate možnost, da na zadenete obisk<br />

enega od 27 festivalov po vsem svetu.<br />


PARtNERShiP<br />

Adria Airways has more than 50 years of experience in operating both charter<br />

and scheduled flights. We are successfully participating in the process<br />

of European integration and have established partnership arrangements<br />

with other air carriers. In december 2004 Adria joined the Star Alliance, the<br />

world’s largest airline alliance, as a regional member and later became a full<br />

member in january 2010.<br />

Our customers now benefit from improved access to the world-wide Star<br />

Alliance network. In connection with our partners, we offer access to a global<br />

network of flights on 25 airlines, which offer more than 20,500 flights daily<br />

serving 1,290 destinations in 190 countries.<br />

Moreover, our passengers enjoy customer benefits offered by Star Alliance<br />

member carriers, such as through check-in, status recognition, lounge access,<br />

frequent-flyer accrual and redemption. reduced-price flights are available<br />

for numerous destinations throughout the world, along with the Star<br />

Alliance round-the-World special offer. We will be glad to provide details at<br />

any Adria sales outlet.<br />

This year, we celeBraTe The sTar alliance neTworK’s 15Th<br />

anniversary.<br />

And having grown from just five airlines in 1997, we couldn’t be more proud<br />

to now offer our services across more member airlines than any other network<br />

in the world.<br />

As our member airlines have expanded, so has the number of frequent flyers<br />

that choose to fly with us. We now serve 600 million passengers, helping you<br />

travel more seamlessly between over 1,290 destinations and across more<br />

recognised airlines than any other network.<br />

The Star Alliance network offers the very best frequent flyer benefits so you<br />

can count on lounge access and priority treatment across all our member<br />

airlines. Plus, it’s never been easier to earn and burn miles on just one card.<br />

So on behalf of all our member airlines, to the frequent travellers around the<br />

world, we’d like to say thank you.<br />

you’ve earned it.<br />

Mark Schwab<br />

CEO Star Alliance Services gmbH.<br />

From 14th May, you can win the chance to celebrate at one of 27 global festivals<br />


doBrodošlI V mIles & more<br />

razlog več, Da poletite<br />

z aDrio airWays<br />

<strong>adria</strong> <strong>airways</strong> nudi svojim pogostim potnikom program miles & more in jim<br />

s tem omogoča pestrost zbiranja in uporabljanja milj v celotni mreži poletov<br />

članic zveze star alliance. sem spadajo tudi vse redne proge adrie <strong>airways</strong>.<br />

prijava<br />

prijavite se lahko s prijavnico, ki jo dobite na vseh prodajnih mestih in v<br />

letalih adrie <strong>airways</strong>, ali pa to storite na naslovu www.<strong>adria</strong>.si na naših<br />

spletnih straneh.<br />

zbiranje milj<br />

milje lahko zbirate na celotni mreži poletov članic zveze star alliance. dodatne<br />

milje lahko zbirate z bivanjem v hotelih, najemom vozil, telefoniranjem,<br />

nakupi v določenih trgovinah in z uporabo kreditnih kartic.<br />

podroben seznam vseh partnerjev, ki vas nagrajujejo v okviru miles & more<br />

programa najdete na v rubriki »earn miles«.<br />

zbrane milje so veljavne tri leta. člani miles & more v sloveniji lahko pridobijo<br />

nagradne milje tudi s partnersko plačilno kartico diners Club-<strong>adria</strong>. Vsak<br />

nakup v vrednosti 1 eur vam prinese eno miljo. čas veljavnosti zbranih milj<br />

je neomejen, če plačilno kartico uporabljate najmanj 3 mesece, opravite z njo<br />

vsak mesec vsaj en nakup in račune poravnate v roku.<br />

koriščenje milj<br />

zbrane milje lahko porabite za številne nagrade: nagradne vozovnice na progah<br />

članic star alliancea, potovanje v višjem razredu, počitniška potovanja,<br />

nakup različnih artiklov.<br />

Članske kartice<br />

z včlanitvijo postanete član programa in imetnik osnovne kartice. doseženo<br />

število zahtevanih statusnih milj, zbranih v koledarskem letu, zagotavlja višje<br />

nivoje članstva, kot so: srebrni član ali Frequent traveller, zlati član ali senator<br />

in Hon Circle member. Višji nivo članstva vam prinese posebne ugodnosti. te<br />

so prednost na čakalnih listah, prevoz večje količine prtljage, vstop v oslovne<br />

salone idr. člansko kartico imejte vedno pri roki, potrebujete jo za beleženje<br />

milj, uveljavljanje ugodnosti in naročanje nagrad. splošna pravila in pogoji<br />

programa miles & more so objavljeni na<br />

dobrodošli na poletih adrie <strong>airways</strong>, članice združenja star alliance!<br />

V klicnem centru miles & more na tel. št. (0)40 747 440 smo vam na voljo<br />

za posredovanje informacije o zbranih miljah, o novostih v klubu in za<br />

naročila nagradnih vozovnic ter drugih nagrad. navesti morate člansko<br />

številko in pIn kodo. V delovnem času od 8. do 18. ure vam bodo informacije<br />

na voljo v slovenskem jeziku, kasneje v angleškem ali nemškem.<br />

welCome to mIles & more<br />

oNE moRE REASoN foR<br />

flyiNG AdRiA AiRWAyS<br />

Adria Airways offers its frequent flyers the chance to join the Miles & More<br />

programme, which makes available a variety of ways to collect and use miles on<br />

the entire flight network of Star Alliance members. All Adria Airways scheduled<br />

services are included in this network.<br />

MILES & MORE<br />

registration<br />

you can join the programme by filling in the registration form available at all<br />

sales offices and on board Adria Airways aircraft, or by registering online at our<br />

website, www.<strong>adria</strong>.si.<br />

earning miles<br />

you can collect miles within the entire Star Alliance network. you can also collect<br />

additional miles through hotel stays, car rental, telephone calls, purchases at<br />

selected shops and using your credit cards. The complete list of all Miles & More<br />

partners can be found on in »Earn miles« section.<br />

Miles & More members in Slovenia can also receive award miles with the partner<br />

diners Club-Adria credit card. Every euro charged earns you 1 mile. Miles collected<br />

through purchases using the diners Club-Adria payment card will not<br />

lapse if you have been a member for at least three months, you use the card for<br />

at least one purchase each month and you settle your account balance on time.<br />

spending miles<br />

you can use the miles you have accumulated for various benefits: award tickets<br />

on Star Alliance member routes, upgrades to business class, holiday travel and<br />

various purchases.<br />

membership cards<br />

you become a member as soon as you join. Accumulating the required number<br />

of status miles in a calendar year leads to higher levels of membership: silver<br />

member or Frequent Traveller, gold member or Senator and HON Circle Member.<br />

A higher level of membership offers you special benefits, such as priority on<br />

waiting lists, excess baggage allowance, airport lounge access and so on.<br />

Miles are valid for three years. Always have your membership card on hand,<br />

because you’ll need it to register miles, claim benefits and request awards.<br />

general Terms and Conditions of the Miles & More programme can be found on<br /><br />

Welcome aboard Adria Airways, a Star Alliance member!<br />

For information on miles, latest news about programme and to order award<br />

tickets or other benefits, call the Miles & More call centre at +386 40 747 440.<br />

you’ll be asked for your membership number and PIN code. We’ll be happy to<br />

take your calls in Slovene from 8 am to 6 pm. Service is also available in English<br />

and german outside these hours.<br />


130<br />


prodaja vozovnic in rezervacije - ticket offices and booking<br />

<strong>adria</strong> <strong>airways</strong><br />

zGornjI BrnIk 130H<br />

4210 BrnIk - aerodrom<br />

poslovalnice / Sales offices:<br />

letališče jožeta pučnika<br />

ljubljana<br />

ljubljana jože pučnik<br />

airport<br />

<strong>adria</strong> <strong>airways</strong> sales office<br />

tel.: +386 (0)4 25 94 245<br />

Fax: +386 (0)4 23 63 461<br />

e-mail: adr.prodaja@<strong>adria</strong>.si<br />

amsteRDam<br />

<strong>adria</strong> <strong>airways</strong>, netherlands<br />

tel.: +31 20 625 11 22<br />

Fax: +32 2 753 23 37<br />

airport ticketing desk<br />

amsterdam schiphol airport<br />

aviapartner<br />

terminal 1<br />

tel.: +31 20 79 52 600<br />

Fax: +31 20 79 52 601<br />

e-mail: adr.amsairport@<strong>adria</strong>.si<br />

baRcelona<br />

<strong>adria</strong> <strong>airways</strong>, General sales agent<br />

kompas spain<br />

C/ paris, 162-164 entlo 2a<br />

08036 Barcelona<br />

tel.: + 34 93 246 67 77<br />

Fax: +34 93 245 41 88<br />

e-mail:<strong>adria</strong>.si<br />

belgRaDe<br />

<strong>adria</strong> <strong>airways</strong> General sales agent<br />

okI aIr InternatIonal<br />

airport “nikola tesla”<br />

11180 Belgrade 59<br />

tel/Fax: +381 11 2286457,<br />

2286458, 2097457<br />

e-mail:,<br />

adr.belgrade@<strong>adria</strong>.si<br />

bRussels<br />

<strong>adria</strong> <strong>airways</strong><br />

Brussels airport – Box 4<br />

1930 zaventem<br />

tel.: +32 (0)2 75 32 336<br />

Fax: +32 (0)2 75 32 337<br />

e-mail:<strong>adria</strong>.si<br />

<strong>adria</strong> <strong>airways</strong> ticket desk<br />

Flightcare row 5<br />

airport zaventem / Brussels<br />

tel.: +32 (0)2 75 32 335<br />

copenhagen<br />

<strong>adria</strong> <strong>airways</strong><br />

representative and Information<br />

a CVItan aB<br />

tings Gatan 2<br />

256 56 Helsingborg, sweden<br />

tel.: +46 (0)42 28 47 78<br />

Fax: +46 (0)42 14 47 78<br />

mobil: +46 708 28 47 78<br />

e-mail: adr.copenhagen@<strong>adria</strong>.si<br />

a.cvitan@<strong>adria</strong>-<strong>airways</strong>.se<br />

vozovnice: info@<strong>adria</strong>-<strong>airways</strong>.dk<br />

<strong>adria</strong> <strong>airways</strong> airport ticket desk<br />

Copenhagen airport<br />

terminal 2, Floor 2, office 230<br />

2770 kastrup, denmark<br />

tel. & Fax: +45 (0)32 51 59 59<br />

mobil: +46 708 28 47 78<br />

e-mail: adr.copenhagen@<strong>adria</strong>.si<br />

FRanKFuRt<br />

<strong>adria</strong> <strong>airways</strong><br />

Frankfurt airport<br />

terminal 1, Building 201<br />

room 201. 4043/4044<br />

p.o.Box 039, 60549 Frankfurt am main<br />

tel.: +49 (0)69 269 56 720, 269 56 721<br />

Fax: +49 (0)69 269 56 730<br />

e-mail: adr.frankfurt@<strong>adria</strong>.si<br />

<strong>adria</strong> <strong>airways</strong> airport ticket desk<br />

Frankfurt airport, terminal 1, Hall B<br />

sales desk 307<br />

p.o.Box 039, 60549 Frankfurt am main<br />

tel. +49 (0)69 269 56 722<br />

istanbul<br />

<strong>adria</strong> <strong>airways</strong><br />

aIrport oFFICe<br />

aCm<br />

atatürk International airport,<br />

departure level, Idl 38129 yesilkoy –<br />

Istanbul / turkey<br />

tel: +90 212 465 55 15<br />

Fax: +90 212 465 55 16<br />

mob: +90 0530 938 43 20<br />

e-mail:<strong>adria</strong>.si<br />

klicni center:<br />

tel: +386 (0)1 36 91 010, 080 13 00, Fax: +386 (0)4 25 94 573<br />

e-maIl: BookInG@adrIa.sI<br />

lonDon luton<br />

serviceair ticketing office<br />

departure area<br />

tel.: + 44 (0)1582 753377 int.356<br />

Fax.: +44 (0)1582 773388<br />

moscow<br />

<strong>adria</strong> <strong>airways</strong><br />

derbenevskaja 4<br />

115 114 moscow<br />

tel.: +7 495 727 08 85, 727 08 87<br />

Fax: +7 495 727 08 88<br />

e-mail:<strong>adria</strong>.si<br />

<strong>adria</strong> <strong>airways</strong><br />

sheremetyevo airport<br />

ticket office Bohemia<br />

2nd floor of terminal F<br />

ticketing +7 903 5613645,<br />

e-mail:,<br />

fax +7 495 578 8197<br />

supervisor on duty +7 916 267 2395,<br />

e-mail: svokkjp@<strong>adria</strong>.si<br />

munich<br />

prosimo, obrnite se na predstavništvo<br />

v Frankfurtu.<br />

please contact our office in Frankfurt.<br />

poDgoRica<br />

<strong>adria</strong> <strong>airways</strong>, General sales agent<br />

oki air montenegro<br />

Ivana Vujoševića 46<br />

81000 podgorica<br />

tel. & Fax: +382 20 201 201, 201 202,<br />

241 154<br />

mobil: +382 67 24 11 54<br />

e-mail: adr.podgorica@<strong>adria</strong>.si,<br /><br />

<strong>adria</strong> <strong>airways</strong> ticket office<br />

podgorica airport<br />

okI aIr montenegro<br />

tel. & Fax: +382 20 653074<br />

mobil: +382 67 24 11 54<br />

e-mail: adr.podgorica@<strong>adria</strong>.si<br />

pRistina<br />

<strong>adria</strong> representative office – town<br />

office<br />

pal palucij 3, 38000 pristina<br />

tel.: +381 (0)38 54 34 11<br />

tel. & Fax: +381 (0)38 54 32 85<br />

e-mail: adr.pristina@<strong>adria</strong>.si<br />

ticket issue at the airport<br />

tel.: +381 (0) 38 548 437<br />

Fax: +381 (0) 38 548 437<br />

mobile: +377 44 501 241<br />

saRajeVo<br />

<strong>adria</strong> <strong>airways</strong><br />

representative and Information<br />

Ferhadija 23<br />

71000 sarajevo<br />

tel.: +387 (0)33 23 21 25, 23 21 26<br />

Fax: +387 (0)33 23 36 92<br />

e-mail: adr.sarajevo@<strong>adria</strong>.si<br />

<strong>adria</strong> <strong>airways</strong> airport ticket desk<br />

sarajevo International airport<br />

tel. & Fax: +387 33 464 331<br />

sKopje<br />

<strong>adria</strong> <strong>airways</strong><br />

General sales: agent aam dooel<br />

ulica dame Gruev, Gradski zid, blok 4/8<br />

1000 skopje<br />

tel.: +389 (0)2 31 17 009, 32 29 975<br />

Fax: +389 (0)2 31 65 531<br />

e-mail: adr.skopje@<strong>adria</strong>.si<br />

<strong>adria</strong> <strong>airways</strong> airport ticket office<br />

skopje airport<br />

tel. +389 (0)2 25 50 133<br />

tel aViV<br />

<strong>adria</strong> <strong>airways</strong><br />

mIrus serVICes ltd<br />

el al BuIldInG<br />

32 Ben yehuda street<br />

8th Floor, room 822<br />

tel aviv 63432<br />

tel.: +972 (0)3 52 23 161<br />

Fax: +972 (0)3 52 40 895<br />

<strong>adria</strong> <strong>airways</strong> ticket desk<br />

Ben Gurion airport<br />

laufer aviation ltd.<br />

tel.: +972 (0)3 97 74 300<br />

Fax: +972 (0)3 97 12 022<br />

tiRana<br />

<strong>adria</strong> <strong>airways</strong> albania<br />

europian trade Center<br />

street Bajram Curi 19<br />

town office<br />

tel.: +355 4 227 4666<br />

tel. & Fax: +355 4 227 2666<br />

mobil off.: +355 6 94076614<br />

airport<br />

tel. & Fax: +355 4 238 1911<br />

mobil in rinas apt.: +355 6 94076611<br />

e-mail: adr.tirana@<strong>adria</strong>.si<br />

VeRona<br />

aIrport ValerIo Catullo Verona<br />

airport ticketing office<br />

departure area<br />

tel.: +390 45 8619 006<br />

Fax.: +390 45 8095 711<br />

e-mail:<br />

Vienna<br />

Fligt directors lufttransportvermittlung<br />

Ges.m.b.H<br />

a-1300 Vienna airport<br />

tel.: +43 (1) 879 8705<br />

Fax: +43 (1) 876 045311<br />

e-mail: pia.karlovic@<strong>adria</strong>.si<br /><br />

zagReb<br />

<strong>adria</strong> <strong>airways</strong><br />

praška 9<br />

10000 zagreb<br />

tel.: +385 (0)1 48 10 011, 48 10 016<br />

Fax: +385 (0)1 48 10 008<br />

e-mail: adr.zagreb@<strong>adria</strong>.si<br />

zÜRich<br />

<strong>adria</strong> <strong>airways</strong><br />

loewenstrasse 54/II.<br />

8001 zürich<br />

tel.: +41 (0)44 212 63 93<br />

Fax: +41 (0)44 212 52 66<br />

e-mail: adr.zurich@<strong>adria</strong>.si<br />

<strong>adria</strong> <strong>airways</strong> airport ticket office<br />

zürich airport<br />

terminal B-2-521<br />

tel.: +41 (0)43 81 64 437

Telekom Slovenije, d. d., 1546 Ljubljana<br />

Z vsem srcem!<br /><br />

Sara Isaković<br />

olimpijska podprvakinja

NoVA SeAT IBIZA.<br />

SEAT ALHAMBRA 1.4 TSI Reference 110 kW (150 KM) že od 25.569 €<br />

To mor'te<br />

sami probat!<br /><br />


Nova SEAT Ibiza Ł izjemnega videza s poudarjenimi linijami, novimi barvami in opremo, vključno s sprednjimi in<br />

zadnjimi LED-žarometi, ki ubrano dopolnjujejo eleganco in inovativnost. Najnovejši motorji TSI in TDI so zmogljivi<br />

in varčni, s čimer ustvarjajo harmonično povezavo med voznikom in cesto.<br />

Primož<br />

Kozmus<br />


Povprečna poraba 3,4Ł5,9 l/100 km, povprečne emisije CO 2 89Ł139 g/km.<br />

Porsche Slovenija d.o.o., Bravničarjeva 5, 1000 Ljubljana. Fotografija je simbolična.<br />

SLedITe NAM NA<br />


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