Neurorehabilitation - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Neurologische ...

Neurorehabilitation - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Neurologische ...

Neurorehabilitation - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Neurologische ...


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ENRC<br />

1 st European<br />

NeuroRehabilitation<br />

Congress<br />

October 20-22, 2011<br />

The Kurhaus Meran,<br />

Merano, Italy<br />



Neues rund um<br />

<strong>Neurorehabilitation</strong><br />

im Hippocampus Verlag<br />

■<br />

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Ch. Dettmers, K. M. Stephan<br />

(Hrsg.)<br />

Motorische Therapie<br />

nach Schlaganfall<br />

Hardcover | 322 S. | zahlreiche<br />

Abbildungen und Tabellen<br />

€ 49,00<br />

ISBN 978-3-936817-70-6<br />

Ch. Dettmers, P. Bülau, C.<br />

Neglektdyslexien<br />

Weiller (Hrsg.)<br />

Rehabilitation der<br />

Multiplen Sklerose<br />

Hardcover | 339 S. | € 49,00<br />

ISBN 978-3-936817-38-6<br />

Iris-Katharina Penner (Hrsg.)<br />

Fatigue<br />

bei Multipler Sklerose<br />

Hardcover | 170 S. | zahlreiche<br />

Abbildungen und Tabellen<br />

€ 49,00<br />

ISBN 978-3-936817-32-4<br />

Bestellung: Sylvia Reuter<br />

Tel. +49 (0) 22 24.91 94 80<br />

Fax +49 (0) 22 24.91 94 82<br />

Rud do conulpu tatismo dolobore tion velenit wiscilit augiat praesequis alisl dolorer<br />

cinisi tatie velessit praestrud mod tat, consed et autat nonsequisit nit alis adignit<br />

vullamet ip enismolorem venim vullam, consequisi er si.<br />

Mincin hendigna faci tet autpat.<br />

Iduisim vulputpat lum incilit dolore tat wis dolenis et wis dui tat dit il ullan essectet,<br />

veniam irit aliquipis etuerilis dit niam, vel dio odoloborem et, commodo lutpat am,<br />

conulla feugait lortionsenim quisit, vulla ad tem vel ullum dolortisl eugait praessequi<br />

tat iurem velisl in henit eugait nis dolortie euguer iustisl ilisi.<br />

Uscilit veliquipit ute dunt nos nullaortie mod eum ea conulla autat, sustie dolor in<br />

endre molent augiam euipisl dionulputpat ipsuscin volutat, qu<br />

Für Neuropsychologen, Neurologen, Ergotherapeuten, Logopäden<br />

ISBN 978-3-936817-30-0<br />

sylvia.reuter@hippocampus.de<br />

www.hippocampus.de<br />

Lieferung versandkostenfrei!<br />

Christiane Gérard<br />

Kein Anschluss unter<br />

dieser Nummer!<br />

Hirngeschädigte „erreichen“<br />

und verstehen<br />

broschiert | 75 S. | € 19,80<br />

ISBN 978-3-936817-74-4<br />

Maria-Dorothea Heidler<br />

Neglektdyslexien<br />

Modelle – Diagnostik –<br />

Therapie<br />

broschiert, Spiralbindung | 148 S.<br />

€<br />

39,90<br />

ISBN 978-3-936817-69-0<br />

Ch. Dettmers, P. Bülau,<br />

C. Weiller (Hrsg.)<br />

Schlaganfall<br />

Rehabilitation<br />

Rehabilitation<br />

Hardcover | 440 S. | € 49,00<br />

ISBN 978-3-936817-20-1<br />

Bestellung über den Buchhandel oder direkt beim Verlag<br />

Maria-Dorothea Heidler Neglektdyslexien<br />

Maria-Dorothea Heidler<br />

Neglektdyslexien<br />

Modelle – Diagnostik – Therapie<br />

Hippocampus Verlag


WELCOME 2<br />

PrOgraMME at a gLanCE 4<br />

Organising COMMittEEs 10<br />

COntaCt adrEssEs 11<br />

List Of hOtELs 12<br />

gEnEraL infOrMatiOn 13<br />

infOrMatiOn fOr authOrs/ChairPErsOns 16<br />

sCiEntifiC PrOgraMME 18<br />

thursday 18<br />

friday 31<br />

saturday 45<br />

List Of inVitEd sPEaKErs 58<br />

List Of ExhibitOrs and sPOnsOrs 62

2<br />


dear Colleagues,<br />

it is our sincere pleasure to welcome you all to the first European neuro-<br />

rehabilitation Congress in Merano, south tyrol, italy. We are certain that Merano,<br />

which is located in the heart of the Alps, a region with three official languages,<br />

german, italian, and Ladin, is best suited to connect Europe’s East and<br />

West, north and south. historically, this region has always been a crossroad<br />

junction where different European cultures, languages, and civilizations met<br />

mostly (but not always) in a peaceful and constructive manner.<br />

during the past two decades developments in neuroscience have markedly<br />

increased, both in knowledge as well as in diagnostic and therapeutic armamentarium<br />

in neurorehabilitation. due to this evolution, various European<br />

countries have founded national neurorehabilitation societies, which have<br />

been active in organising local congresses and educational programs over<br />

the years.<br />

these European activities and experiences have been represented at the biannual<br />

congresses of the World federation of neurorehabilitation. in the interest<br />

of European traditions in neurorehabilitation, the austrian, dutch, german, italian,<br />

and swiss societies have decided to organize a common European meeting<br />

in order to share local particularities, experiences, evidence, and future<br />

plans in neurorehabilitation on a broader European spectrum. the multicultural<br />

and multinational European initiative is reflected by the congress venue.<br />

Our intention was to provide ample space and time especially for the young<br />

colleagues. in this line we are able to present more than 130 Posters, 2 digital<br />

Poster sessions, 6 Workshops, 6 Meet the Professor sessions, 3 Keynote<br />

Lectures, 1 Opening Lecture, and 18 Main sessions. the first European<br />

NeuroRehabilitation Congress 2011 should serve as a platform for scientific<br />

exchange of knowledge on a European level. at the same time it will set the<br />

stage for presentation of the recently founded European federation of neuro-<br />

rehabilitation societies (Efnrs), which respects national traditions while attempting<br />

to unify forces in order to advance neurorehabilitation in Europe.

We hope that our meeting will fulfill your expectations, and that you will perceive<br />

the first European neurorehabilitation Congress 2011 in Merano, south tyrol,<br />

italy, as an ideal opportunity to interact with colleagues from Europe and beyond<br />

and to share your experience with us.<br />

univ.-Prof. dr. Leopold saltuari<br />

Conference Chair<br />

dr. Claudio Corradini<br />

Local Organizer

4<br />

09:00 - 10:30<br />

10:30 - 12:00<br />

12:00 - 13:00<br />

Kursaal Lentner Czerny<br />

satellite symposium 1<br />

ssnn<br />

Ws 1: use of iCf domains in<br />

goal setting and assessment<br />

Ws 4: Motor control,<br />

evidence-based results in<br />

upper and lower extremities<br />

13:00 - 13:30 digital Poster session 1<br />

13:30 - 14:00<br />

14:00<br />

Official Opening of the<br />

Congress<br />

14:30 - 15:30 Opening Lecture<br />

15:30 - 16:00 Coffee break<br />

16:00 - 17:30<br />

17:30 - 19:00<br />

19:00<br />

PrOgraMME aT a gLaNCE<br />

ThurSday, OCTObEr 20 Th , 2011<br />

Ps01: neurorehabilitation<br />

and imaging<br />

Efnrs<br />

general assembly<br />

Ps02:<br />

Virtual reality<br />

dgnr<br />

general assembly<br />

Ps03:<br />

telerehabilitation<br />

dgnKn<br />

general assembly<br />

simultaneous interpretation facilities will be provided in the main lecture hall (“Kursaal”) for all<br />

plenary sessions. Languages covered will be german and italian.<br />

registration for Workshops (Ws 1 - 6) or Meet the Professor (MP 1 - 6) has to be done separately<br />

and is not included in the registration fees (only possible with a full conference registration)

PrOgraMME aT a gLaNCE<br />

ThurSday, OCTObEr 20 Th , 2011<br />

Ground floor Meeting room 1 Meeting room 2<br />

Lunch & Poster session 1<br />

Ws 2: Pain Control<br />

Ws 5: robotics in<br />

neurorehabilitation<br />

dgnr<br />

board Meeting<br />

Coffee break<br />

sirn<br />

general assembly<br />

Ws 3: Psychotherapy<br />

Concepts in neurorehabilitation<br />

Ws 6: tracheostomy<br />

management - a<br />

multidisciplinary approach<br />

Efnrs<br />

board Meeting<br />

Ögnr<br />

board Meeting

6<br />

Kursaal Lentner Czerny<br />

07:00 - 08:00 MP 1: Early rehabilitation<br />

08:00 - 08:30<br />

08:30 - 09:30 Keynote Lecture 1<br />

09:30 - 10:00 Coffee break<br />

10:00 - 11:30<br />

11:30 - 12:30<br />

Ps04:<br />

neuropsychology<br />

satellite symposium 2<br />

Medtronic<br />

Ps05: Mechanical devices in<br />

neurorehabilitation<br />

Ps06: round table -<br />

neurorehabilitation in Europe<br />

12:30 - 13:00 digital Poster session 2<br />

13:00 - 13:30<br />

13:30 - 15:00<br />

Ps07:<br />

acquired brain injury<br />

Ps08:<br />

European Curriculum<br />

15:00 - 15:30 Coffee break<br />

15:30 - 17:00<br />

17:00 - 18:30<br />

PrOgraMME aT a gLaNCE<br />

FrIday, OCTObEr 21 ST , 2011<br />

Ps10: best Practice in<br />

neurorehabilitation<br />

20:30 gala dinner<br />

Ps11: highlights of<br />

submitted abstracts 1<br />

satellite symposium 3<br />

hocoma<br />

Ps09:<br />

Peripheral nerve rehabilitation<br />

Ps12:<br />

neurophysiology<br />

simultaneous interpretation facilities will be provided in the main lecture hall (“Kursaal”) for all<br />

plenary sessions. Languages covered will be german and italian.<br />

registration for Workshops (Ws 1 - 6) or Meet the Professor (MP 1 - 6) has to be done separately<br />

and is not included in the registration fees (only possible with a full conference registration)

PrOgraMME aT a gLaNCE<br />

FrIday, OCTObEr 21 ST , 2011<br />

Ground floor Meeting room 1 Meeting room 2<br />

Lunch & Poster session 2<br />

MP 2: stroke rehabilitation MP 3: Parkinson rehabilitation<br />

Coffee break<br />

Coffee break

8<br />

07:00 - 08:00<br />

08:00 - 08:30<br />

08:30 - 09:30 Keynote Lecture 2<br />

Kursaal Lentner Czerny<br />

09:30 - 10:00 Coffee break<br />

10:00 - 11:30<br />

11:30 - 13:00<br />

13:00 - 14:30<br />

PrOgraMME aT a gLaNCE<br />

SaTurday, OCTObEr 22 Nd , 2011<br />

Ps13:<br />

neurosurgery<br />

Ps16:<br />

Cellular treatments<br />

Ps14:<br />

neuropharmacology<br />

Ps17: highlights of<br />

submitted abstracts 2<br />

(13:00 - 14:40)<br />

14:30 - 15:00 Coffee break<br />

15:00 - 16:00 Keynote Lecture 3<br />

16:00 - 16:30 Closing session<br />

MP 04:<br />

traumatic brain injury<br />

Ps15: Pediatric<br />

neurorehabilitation<br />

Ps18:<br />

neuromodulation<br />

simultaneous interpretation facilities will be provided in the main lecture hall (“Kursaal”) for all<br />

plenary sessions. Languages covered will be german and italian.<br />

registration for Workshops (Ws 1 - 6) or Meet the Professor (MP 1 - 6) has to be done separately<br />

and is not included in the registration fees (only possible with a full conference registration)

PrOgraMME aT a gLaNCE<br />

SaTurday, OCTObEr 22 Nd , 2011<br />

Ground floor Meeting room 1 Meeting room 2<br />

MP 05:<br />

Multiple sclerosis<br />

Coffee break<br />

Lunch & Poster session 3 arge alp Meeting<br />

Coffee break<br />

MP 06: spasticity -<br />

multiprofessional management

10<br />


Congress President<br />

Leopold Saltuari, hochzirl/bolzano, austria/italy<br />

Local Organiser<br />

Claudio Corradini, brunico, italy<br />

Congress Secretary<br />

Markus Kofler, hochzirl, austria<br />

Scientific Committee<br />

Serafin Beer, Valens, switzerland<br />

heinrich Binder, Vienna, austria<br />

Claudio Corradini, brunico, italy<br />

roberto Dattola, Messina, italy<br />

alexander C.h. Geurts, nijmegen, the netherlands<br />

Volker Hömberg, düsseldorf, germany<br />

Eberhard Koenig, bad aibling, germany<br />

Markus Kofler, hochzirl, austria<br />

gert Kwakkel, amsterdam, the netherlands<br />

Jan Mehrholz, Kreischa, germany<br />

rene Müri, bern, switzerland<br />

giorgio Sandrini, Pavia, italy<br />

Leopold Saltuari, hochzirl/bolzano, austria/italy<br />

Erwin van Wegen, amsterdam, the netherlands<br />

daniel Zutter, Zihlschlacht, switzerland

CONTaCT addrESSES<br />

Conference Venue<br />

the Kurhaus Meran<br />

Entrance: freiheitsstraße 31 Corso Libertà<br />

39012 Meran – Merano, itaLy<br />

i: www.kurhaus.it<br />

Conference Secretariat<br />

pco tyrol congress<br />

Ms ina Kähler<br />

rennweg 3, 6020 innsbruck, austria<br />

from October 19 please contact us at the<br />

registration desk in Merano on:<br />

t: +39 0473 491955 f: +39 0473 491956<br />

E: enrc2011@cmi.at<br />

i: www.pco-tyrolcongress.at<br />

Exhibition Management and Sponsoring<br />

med.ex Medizinische ausstellungsgesellschaft<br />

mbh<br />

Mr Klaus Ehrenmüller<br />

rennweg 3, 6020 innsbruck, austria<br />

t: +43 (0)512 5936 1181, f: +43 (0)512 5936 1189<br />

E: klaus@medex.co.at<br />

i: www.medex.co.at<br />

Website<br />


12<br />

LIST OF hOTELS - (in alphabetical order)<br />

Belvita Hotel Adria<br />

gilmstraße 2<br />

t +39 0473 236610<br />

www.hotel-adria.com<br />

Hotel Aster<br />

dantestraße 40<br />

t +390473232458<br />

www.hotelaster.com<br />

Hotel Aurora<br />

Passerpromenade 38<br />

t +390473211800<br />

www.hotelaurora.bz<br />

Hotel Brunner<br />

Verdistraße 31/a<br />

t +390473 446150<br />

www.hotel-brunner.it<br />

Hotel Residence Flora<br />

xxx-april-straße 2<br />

t +390473 448335<br />

www.merano-flora.it<br />

Hotel Garni Domus Mea<br />

Piavestraße 8<br />

t +390473 236777<br />

www.domusmea.com<br />

Hotel Gruberhof<br />

Pfarrgasse 22<br />

t +390473 236511<br />

www.hotelgruberhof.com<br />

Hotel Meranerhof<br />

Manzonistraße 1<br />

t +3904732230230<br />

www.meranerhof.com<br />

Hotel Mignon<br />

grabmayrstraße 5<br />

t +39 0473 230353<br />

www.hotelmignon.com<br />

Hotel Castel Rundegg<br />

schennastraße 2<br />

t +390473234100<br />

www.rundegg.com<br />

Hotel Sittnerhof<br />

Verdistraße 58<br />

t +390473446331<br />

www.sittnerhof.it<br />

Hotel Therme Meran<br />

thermenplatz 1<br />

t +390473259000<br />

www.hotelthermemeran.it<br />

Hotel Westend<br />

speckbacherstraße 9<br />

t +390473 447654<br />

www.westend.it<br />

Hotel Garni Weingut<br />

schallhofweg 1/a<br />

t +390473 237807<br />

www.hotel-weingut.it<br />

Hotel Windsor<br />

rätiastraße 2<br />

t +390473 446556<br />



CME Credits<br />

The congress has been accredited with 4 CME-credits. You receive an official<br />

certificate of attendance recording your name in the list of attendees at the<br />

registration desk and filling in a questionnaire.<br />

Registration desk at the Kurhaus Meran<br />

The registration desk is located on the ground floor at the entrance (Freiheitsstrasse<br />

31 Corso Libertà) of the Kurhaus Meran. Opening hours are as follows:<br />

Wednesday, 19 October 17:00 – 19:00<br />

thursday, 20 October 08:00 – 18:00<br />

friday, 21 October 06:45 – 17:30<br />

saturday, 22 October 06:45 – 15:00<br />

On site registration fees<br />

on site<br />

Members of national societies* € 400,00<br />

non-Members € 450,00<br />

therapists / technicians / nurses € 300,00<br />

students** € 150,00<br />

Workshops*** € 30,00<br />

Meet the Professor*** € 20,00<br />

gala dinner tickets € 40,00<br />

* Membership of the societies applies to members of Ögnr, sirn, dgnr, dgnKn, sgnr, Wfnr and dsnr<br />

** up to 28 years of age at the time of the congress<br />

*** Workshops or Meet the Professor only possible with a full conference registration, attendance is limited<br />

Registration fees include the following unless otherwise specified:<br />

• admission to scientific sessions and poster presentations<br />

• admission to the industrial exhibition<br />

• printed material for the conference<br />

• abstracts<br />

• conference bag<br />

• coffee breaks<br />

• light lunches

14<br />


Workshops / Meet the Professor courses<br />

all Workshops and Meet the Professor courses take place in the early morning.<br />

registration for these courses has to be done separately and is not included in<br />

the registration fees, tickets may be bought at the registration desk.<br />

Language<br />

The official language of the congress is English, all presentations are given in<br />

English. simultaneous interpretation facilities will be provided in the main lecture<br />

hall (“Kursaal”) for all plenary sessions. Languages covered will be german and<br />

italian. no translation will be offered for parallel sessions. English is the preferred<br />

language for all oral communications. however, other languages will be allowed<br />

in parallel sessions if English is not possible.<br />

Coffee breaks and lunches<br />

Coffee and tea will be served during the official coffee breaks. In addition, light<br />

lunches will be served.<br />

Parking<br />

the closest and most convenient way of parking the car during the Congress<br />

is in one of the following car parks where congress delegates are eligible for a<br />

reduced day ticket:<br />

Therme Merano<br />

thermenplatz 9, 39012 Merano, itaLy<br />

Plaza Parking GmbH – accessible via goethestrasse<br />

Meinhard-straße 22, 39012 Merano, itaLy<br />

Kellerei Algund<br />

Lauben 218, 39012 Merano, itaLy<br />

Please ask at the registration desk for further information.<br />

Currency<br />

The official currency is the EURO (€). Major credit cards are accepted in many<br />

hotels, shops and restaurants. automatic teller machines (atMs) are also available<br />

throughout the city.


Internet Café<br />

free internet stations will be available in the exhibition area. there is no wireless<br />

access at the Kurhaus.<br />

Name badges<br />

all registered participants and exhibitors receive a name badge together with<br />

their registration documents. Please make sure to wear your badges at all times<br />

while attending the meeting, exhibition and social events.<br />

Weather / Climate<br />

the climate is remarkably mild due to the unusual geographical position of the<br />

basin in which the town lies and the fact that it is sheltered by the high peaks of<br />

the tessa Mountain group. the unique climate allows for an extraordinary presence<br />

of Mediterranean and tropical plants that form a striking visual departure<br />

from the typical alpine character normally found at these latitudes. On a sunny<br />

day in October the temperature in Merano can reach 20°C during the daytime<br />

and fall to 5°C during the night. you can enjoy very nice sunny days at the end<br />

of October; normally there are only about 3 rainy days during the whole month<br />

of October.<br />

Liability and insurance<br />

neither the organisers, nor the congress secretariat or other suppliers accept<br />

liability for any injury, loss or damage, arising from accidents or other situations<br />

during, or as a consequence of the congress. Kindly check your personal<br />


16<br />


Information for speakers<br />

the main rooms are equipped with data projector and a PC for PowerPointpresentation.<br />

Please make sure to bring your PowerPoint-presentation on an<br />

usb-stick to the speaker ready room well in advance, 3 hours prior to the start of<br />

your session at the very latest. do not bring your own laptop for the presentation.<br />

in case your presentation contains video sequences, please make sure to pack<br />

them with a standard codec and do not store them in a Qicktime format since<br />

this may not be compatible with PowerPoint-presentations.<br />

in order to be able to keep the time schedule, please make sure not to exceed<br />

the allotted speaking time.<br />

Information for chairpersons<br />

this conference is multi-tracked with very little time between sessions or to<br />

move from one session to another. Please note that it is essential that all chairs<br />

make sure the speakers strictly adhere to the allotted speaking time in order to<br />

avoid disadvantages for the next sessions and speakers.<br />

Information for presenters of posters and digital posters<br />

your poster should not exceed 90 cm in width and 140 cm in height (portrait<br />

format!) Mounting material will be provided on site. Please remember your poster<br />

number, panels will show these numbers.<br />

all posters will be displayed during the entire congress and should be mounted<br />

on Thursday, 20 October before the first poster session at 12:00 noon at the<br />

latest. Posters have to be on display during the whole congress and have to<br />

be taken down on saturday, 22 October by the end of the congress. Please<br />

note that all posters which have not been taken down by their presenters will be<br />

automatically removed. All poster boards are located on the ground floor and<br />

grouped by topics and poster numbers as indicated on the next page.<br />

Poster sessions are held on each day. Presenters are requested to be present at<br />

their poster site during their assigned session.


Overview of poster sessions:<br />

Poster Session 1: Thursday, October 20, 12:00 – 14:00<br />

P009 – P025 (robotics)<br />

P044 – P059 (neurophysiology and functional imaging)<br />

P074 – P079 (dysphagia and tracheostomy Management)<br />

dP01 – dP09 (digital Posters)<br />

Poster Session 2: Friday, October 21, 11:30 – 13:30<br />

P026 – P031 (spinal Cord injury and incontinence)<br />

P060 – P068 (traumatic brain injury and neurosurgery)<br />

P080 – P099 (best Practice guidelines and Miscellaneous)<br />

dP10 – dP18 (digital Posters)<br />

Poster Session 3: Saturday, October 22, 11:30 – 13:00<br />

P001 – P008 (Paediatric neurorehabilitation)<br />

P032 – P043 (neglect, Executive disorders and Vocational rehabilitation)<br />

P069 – P073 (neuropharmacology and Pain Control)<br />

P100 – P112 (spasticity)<br />

Poster prizes<br />

On occasion of its 25 th anniversary the austrian society of neurorehabilitation<br />

(Ögnr) awards three prizes at €1,000.- each for the best posters. the award<br />

ceremony takes place during the closing session on saturday afternoon.


18<br />


ThurSday, OCTObEr 20 Th , 2011<br />

09:00 – 10:30 WORKSHOPS 1 - 3<br />

WS 1: Use of ICF Domains in Goal Setting and Assessment<br />

Room Czerny<br />

Caterina Pistarini (Pavia, italy)<br />

alessandro giustini (arezzo, italy)<br />

beatrice aiachini (Pavia, italy)<br />

WS 2: Pain Control<br />

Meeting Room 1<br />

neurophysiology of pain<br />

giorgio sandrini (Pavia, italy)<br />

Pharmacological and minimal invasive pain therapy<br />

Wilfried ilias (Vienna, austria)<br />

WS 3: Psychotherapy Concepts in <strong>Neurorehabilitation</strong><br />

Meeting Room 2<br />

narrative neurorehabilitation. Why stories matter<br />

Maria gabriella Ceravolo (ancona, italy)<br />

the relationship between clinicians and client as a basis for<br />

successful rehabilitation<br />

frank humle (Copenhagen, denmark)<br />

Constructing self after brain injury<br />

Peter frommelt (berlin, germany)


ThurSday, OCTObEr 20 Th , 2011<br />

10:30 – 12:00 WORKSHOPS 4 - 6<br />

WS 4: Motor control, evidence-based results in upper and<br />

lower extremities<br />

Room Czerny<br />

Volker hömberg (düsseldorf, germany)<br />

WS 5: Robotics in <strong>Neurorehabilitation</strong><br />

Meeting Room 1<br />

Leopold saltuari (hochzirl/bolzano, austria/italy)<br />

WS 6: Tracheostomy management – a multidisciplinary<br />

approach<br />

Meeting Room 2<br />

antonio schindler (torino,italy)<br />

Wolfgang schlaegel (basel, switzerland)<br />

ulrike frank (Potsdam, germany)<br />

12:00 – 13:00 SATELLITE SYMPOSIUM 1<br />

Room Lentner<br />

Prospects in neuromodulation<br />

kindly sponsored by the society for the study of<br />

neuroprotection and neuroplasticity (ssnn)<br />

the Cars trial in stroke: final results<br />

Volker hömberg (düsseldorf, germany)<br />

the CaPtain trial in tbi: Outline and perspectives<br />

Peter Vos (nijmegen, the netherlands)<br />



20<br />


ThurSday, OCTObEr 20 Th , 2011<br />

12:00 – 14:00 LUNCH & POSTER SESSION 1<br />

Robotics<br />

P009 – P025 Robotics<br />

P044 – P059 Neurophysiology and Functional Imaging<br />

P074 – P079 Dysphagia and Tracheostomy Management<br />

P009<br />

Wrist robot-aided rehabilitation as tool for biomechanical study in chronic stroke<br />

patients<br />

s. Mazzoleni, M. filippi, L. Puzzolante, r. Crecchi, M.C. Carrozza, f. Posteraro<br />

(Pisa, italy)<br />

P010<br />

Computer-aided arm rehabilitation - using the Pablo®Plus system<br />

M. hartwig, a. Kollreider, d. ram (graz, austria)<br />

P011<br />

arMLabOr: a new approach in upper limb rehabilitation after stroke. Concept,<br />

acceptance, utilization and preliminary clinical results<br />

r. buschfort, s. hesse, a. hess (Olsberg, germany)<br />

P012<br />

a new robotic method to train wrist movements of stroke patients<br />

V. squeri, L. Masia, a. riva, P. Morasso (genova, italy)<br />

P013<br />

upper limb rehabilitation with a robotic system in stroke chronic patients: repetitive<br />

use and long term follow-up<br />

f. bovolenta, P. sale, M. agosti, P. Clerici, s. Cavazza, M. franceschini (Modena, italy)<br />

P014<br />

robot-aided therapy for upper limbs in patients with sub-acute stroke-related<br />

lesions<br />

P. sale, r. Lizio, C. del Percio, a. Pucello, f. infarinato, r. Luca, P. Enzo, M.<br />

franceschini (rome, italy)


ThurSday, OCTObEr 20 Th , 2011<br />

P015<br />

haptic and virtual reality interface for hand rehabilitation in persons with a stroke<br />

M. agostini, a. turolla, O. daud, s. Paolucci, g. sandrini, P. tonin, r. Oboe<br />

(Venice, italy)<br />

P016<br />

force interactions on an adaptive end-effector gait robot<br />

C. tomelleri, C. Werner, a. Waldner, s. hesse (bolzano, italy)<br />

P017<br />

Rehabilitation of sportsmen with robotic reconstruction walk in the first months<br />

after spinal cord injury<br />

V. daminov, E. Zimina, O. uvarova, a. Kuznetsov (Moscow, russia)<br />

P018<br />

Combined robotic locomotor training with different end-effector based devices<br />

on a sub-acute stroke patient: a case report<br />

V. hochgruber, s. Pulcini, C. tomelleri, s. hesse, a. Waldner (bolzano, italy)<br />

P019<br />

a systematic review about the effectiveness of treadmill training with or without<br />

body-weight-support and/or robot-assistance in persons with multiple sclerosis<br />

E. swinnen, d. beckwée, d. Pinte, r. Meeusen, J.-P. baeyens, E. Kerckhofs<br />

(brussles, belgium)<br />

P020<br />

bioprogressive postural optimization therapy in patients with neurological diseases<br />

r.g. bellomo, a. di stefano, V. galati, g. barassi, M. d‘amico, r. saggini<br />

(Chieti, italy)<br />

P021<br />

Weight-bearing distribution recovery after robot-driven gait orthosis training in<br />

ischemic stroke patients<br />

Ł. Oleksy, A. Poświata, P. Jureczko, E. Żak, W. Rycerski (Łancut, Poland)<br />

P022<br />

robot assisted gait training effects on brain damage subjects‘ balance and<br />

walking ability<br />

M. Lauri, V.r. tuulik-Leisi, h. Maas (tallinn, Estonia)<br />



22<br />


ThurSday, OCTObEr 20 Th , 2011<br />

P023<br />

is peroneal electrical stimulation superior to an ankle-foot orthosis in community-dwelling<br />

patients with a drop foot after stroke?<br />

a. geurts, r. van swigchem, J. den boer, V. Weerdesteyn (nijmegen, the<br />

netherlands)<br />

P024<br />

functional electrical stimulation in combination with robotic mechanic in patients<br />

with acute ischemic stroke<br />

O. uvarova, V. daminov, a. Kuznetsov (Moscow, russia)<br />

P025<br />

functional Electrical stimulation (fEs) can contribute to avoid Learned nonuse<br />

of foot-lifting in ambulatory individuals with hemiparesis after stroke<br />

t. Winter, b. Quentin (Potsdam, germany)<br />

Neurophysiology and Functional Imaging<br />

P044<br />

increased variability in sub-acute compared to chronic stroke patients when<br />

investigating short-latency interlimb coordination<br />

J.f. nielsen, P. stubbs (hammel, denmark)<br />

P045<br />

assessment of neural plasticity in robot assisted locomotor training with<br />

transcranial magnetic stimulation<br />

n. rybalko, V. daminov, a. Kuznetcov, E. Zimina, O. uvarova (Moscow, russia)<br />

P046<br />

stabilometric assessment of the effectiveness of rehabilitation treatment in<br />

Parkinson’s disease<br />

g. Paparella, s. rizzi, a. amadio, g. blasa, a. Martinuzzi (Pieve di soligo, italy)<br />

P047<br />

the relationship between posturography and gait impairments in stroke patients<br />

Ł. Oleksy, M. Drużbicki, A. Kwolek, A. Depa, A. Brzozowska-Magoñ,<br />

G. Przysada (Łancut, Poland)


ThurSday, OCTObEr 20 Th , 2011<br />

P048<br />

application and effects of modulated tMs for recovery of motor arm functions<br />

after stroke<br />

W. schupp, M. bentz, K. Pfeifer (herzogenaurach, germany)<br />

P049<br />

Effectiveness of transcranial direct current stimulation and mirror illusion on<br />

motor learning<br />

a. Matsuo, s. sahara, s. nakahara, y. hatta, M. hiyamizu, h. Maeoka,<br />

s. Morioka (nara, Japan)<br />

P050<br />

Motor neuron excitability after mirror therapy in hemiplegic stroke<br />

W. Kitisomprayoonkul, s. dahlan (bangkok, thailand)<br />

P051<br />

action observation effects on motor cortex excitability in stroke patients: a pilot<br />

tMs study<br />

M. Marangon, f. Piccione, M. fedeli, P. tonin (Venice, italy)<br />

P052<br />

immediate effects of a self-monitoring exercise on postural stability in healthy<br />

subjects<br />

K. yasuda, t. higuchi, t. Kawasaki, r. Watanabe, K. imanaka (tokyo, Japan)<br />

P053<br />

aubert effect: neural bases and clinical implications in recalibrating verticality<br />

perception after stroke<br />

d. Perennou, a. Marquer, C. reymond, V. Chauvineau, J. barra (grenoble, france)<br />

P054<br />

tDCS effect on EEG profile in response to semantic motor anomaly detection<br />

M. balconi, C. Caldiroli, s. Vitaloni (Milan, italy)<br />

P055<br />

sleep and vegetative state: a descriptive polysomnographic study<br />

g. Maggioni, d. arnaldi, a. Moglia, r. Manni, C. Pistarini (Pavia, italy)<br />



24<br />


ThurSday, OCTObEr 20 Th , 2011<br />

P056<br />

functional involvement of cerebral cortex in patients with sleep-wake disturbances<br />

after traumatic brain injury: a tMs study<br />

s.M. golaszewski, M. seidl, a.b. Kunz, f. Caleri, P. Lochner, s. Cataldo, f.<br />

gerstenbrand, E. trinka, r. nardone (salzburg, austria)<br />

P057<br />

the role of functional Mri in diagnosing severe chronic disorders of consciousness<br />

s. golaszewski, M. seidl, a.b. Kunz, M. Kronbichler, J. Crone, r. nardone, E.<br />

trinka, f. gerstenbrand (salzburg, austria)<br />

P058<br />

the “Extended Locked-in syndrome”<br />

f. gerstenbrand, s. golaszewski, M. seidl, a.b. Kunz, r. nardone, g. bauer,<br />

E. trinka (salzburg, austria)<br />

P059<br />

the functional anatomy of motor imagery in stroke<br />

E. Kraft, M. schaal, d. Lule, E. Koenig, K. scheidtmann (Munich, germany)<br />

Dysphagia and Tracheostomy Management<br />

P074<br />

removal of a tracheal canula as pivotal parameter of successful rehabilitation –<br />

results of a multi-center database<br />

f. Müller, J. Kneissl, M. schneider, C. Ledl, E. Walther, E. Wagner-sonntag,<br />

J. herzog (bad aibling, germany)<br />

P075<br />

fenestrated tracheal tubes - an unnecessary risk factor?<br />

C. Kilga, M. Kofler, L. Saltuari (Hochzirl, Austria)<br />

P076<br />

Effects of different therapeutic interventions on spontaneous swallowing<br />

frequency for tracheotomized patients<br />

J. Konradi, K. tremel, s. Welschehold (Mainz, germany)


ThurSday, OCTObEr 20 Th , 2011<br />

P077<br />

Kinematic analysis of hyoid bone and Vocal Cord after Laryngeal Electrical<br />

stimulation therapy in dysphagia<br />

h. nam, J. beom, b.M. Oh, t.r. han (seoul, south republic of Korea)<br />

P078<br />

Management of dysphagia in brain injuries: preliminary data of a multicentric<br />

italian study<br />

f. scarponi, g. silvestrelli, C. bertolino, i. trioli, L. iardello, V. Pingue, f. Palmerini,<br />

f. Corea, a. bellanti, f. Cannillo, P. Previdi, M. Zampolini (foligno, italy)<br />

P079<br />

Psychological outcomes of dysphagia and alternative nutritional ways in<br />

patients with post-acute vascular neurological injury and neurodegenerative<br />

syndromes<br />

M. rogina, M. gilardone, M. sozzi, L. Pisani, C. Mariani (Milan, italy)<br />

Digital Posters<br />

DP01 – DP09<br />

for detailed list see digital Poster session 1 on page 26<br />

12:00 – 13:00 EFNRS Board Meeting<br />

(European federation of neurorehabilitation societies)<br />

Meeting Room 2<br />



26<br />


ThurSday, OCTObEr 20 Th , 2011<br />

13:00 – 13:30 DIGITAL POSTER SESSION 1<br />

DP01 – DP09<br />

Room Czerny<br />

Chair: Othmar schuhfried (Vienna, austria)<br />

dobrivoje stokic (Jackson, usa),<br />

Jörg Wissel (beelitz-heilstätten, germany)<br />

DP01<br />

the effect of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on brain injured<br />

patients with dysphagia<br />

h.M. Kim, M.h. Chun, s.i. Lee, s.J. Lee, h.J. Kim, s.b. Kim<br />

(seoul, south republic of Korea)<br />

DP02<br />

design and implementation of a telerehabilitation system for the upper limb<br />

s. baldessarelli, a. Waldner, n. smania, s. hesse, C. Corradini, C. tomelleri<br />

(bolzano, italy)<br />

DP03<br />

assesment of a virtual teacher feedback for the recovery of the upper limb after<br />

stroke<br />

C. Zucconi, V. Valt, M. agostini, a. turolla, P. tonin, L. Piron (Venice, italy)<br />

DP04<br />

Outcome of traumatic brain injury after decompressive craniectomy and intensive<br />

rehabilitative treatment<br />

M. Lippert-grüner, C. Wedekind (bonn, germany)<br />

DP05<br />

functional ability of the upper limb after stroke: training the rate of force generation<br />

of selective movements versus task-related training<br />

C.i.E. renner, b. Lukats, s. hanna, r. Ludwig, C. brendel, h. hummelsheim<br />

(Leipzig, germany)<br />

DP06<br />

Effects of dynamic sitting interventions with the dynasit chair on tissue oxygenation<br />

in spinal cord injured individuals<br />

J. reenalda, P. Van geffen, g. snoek, M. Jannink, M.i. Jzerman, h. rietman<br />

(Enschede, the netherlands)


ThurSday, OCTObEr 20 Th , 2011<br />

DP07<br />

Sensitivity and specificity of standard senso-motor test inventories when<br />

applied in the context of post acute neurorehabilitation in patients with spastic<br />

paresis after stroke<br />

P. Kossmehl, C. Maertgen, n. Kuhle, E. Weber, r. Mueller-Kuhle, f. speth,<br />

r. Karl, J. Wissel (beelitz-heilstätten, germany)<br />

DP08<br />

short and valid assessment of apraxia in Parkinson’s disease: the apraxia<br />

screen of tuLia (ast)<br />

t. Vanbellingen, C. Lungu, g. Lopez, f. baronti, r. Müri, M. hallett, s. bohlhalter<br />

(bern, switzerland)<br />

DP09<br />

a study on the treatment of multimodal neglect by the use of real videos with<br />

optokinetic stimulation (OKs) in combination with alertness training<br />

V. Voelzke, s. boceva, a. turek, J. Wiebecke, L. Wischnjak, a. Petershofer<br />

(holthausen, germany)<br />

13:00 – 14:00 DGNR BOARD MEETING<br />

(deutsche gesellschaft <strong>für</strong> neurorehabilitation)<br />

Meeting Room 1<br />


Kursaal<br />

introduction<br />

Leopold saltuari<br />

Luis durnwalder<br />

governor of the Province of south tyrol<br />

Massimo Casciello<br />

General Director of Scientific and Technological Research at<br />

the italian Ministry of health<br />

richard theiner<br />

Minister of health for the Province of south tyrol<br />



28<br />


ThurSday, OCTObEr 20 Th , 2011<br />

14:30 – 15:30 OPENING LECTURE<br />

15:30 – 16:00 Coffee break<br />

Kursaal<br />

Chair: Leopold saltuari (hochzirl/bolzano, austria/italy)<br />

a neuroscience curriculum for neurorehabilitation training<br />

and continuing education improves clinical research and<br />

patient care<br />

bruce dobkin (Los angeles, usa)<br />

16:00 – 17:30 PARALLEL SESSIONS 01 – 03<br />

PS 01: <strong>Neurorehabilitation</strong> and Imaging<br />

Kursaal<br />

Chair: steven Laureys (Liège, belgium)<br />

rené Müri (bern, switzerland)<br />

16:00 – 16:30 brain function in disorders of consciousness<br />

steven Laureys (Liège, belgium)<br />

16:30 – 17:00 Mechanisms of recovery after stroke<br />

rüdiger seitz (düsseldorf, germany)<br />

17:00 – 17:15 O01<br />

Predictive value of peripheral stimulation on bOLd activity in<br />

acute ischemic stroke patients<br />

Paolo Manganotti, s.f. storti, E. formaggio, M. acler, g.<br />

Zoccatelli, f. Pizzini, f. alessandrini, P. bovi, a. beltramello,<br />

g. Moretto, a. fiaschi (Verona, italy)<br />

17:15 – 17:30 O02<br />

action observation in neurorehabilitation<br />

ferdinand binkofski (aachen, germany)


ThurSday, OCTObEr 20 Th , 2011<br />

PS 02: Virtual Reality<br />

Room Lentner<br />

Chair: alexander geurts (nijmegen, the netherlands)<br />

friedemann Müller (bad aibling, germany)<br />

16:00 – 16:20 the use of Wii console for the rehabilitation of upper<br />

extremities in stroke patients<br />

dejan b. Popovic, M. Kostic, M.b. Popovic (belgrade, serbia)<br />

16:20 – 16:40 Virtual reality applications in neurorehabilitation<br />

friedemann Müller (bad aibling, germany)<br />

16:40 – 17:00 Virtual rehabilitation<br />

Kynan Eng (Zurich, switzerland)<br />

17:00 – 17:15 O03<br />

Virtual reality training for the rehabilitation of lower limb motor<br />

dysfunction and neuropathic pain after spinal cord injury<br />

Michael Villiger, d. bohli, d. Kiper, P. Pyk, n. Estévez, s.<br />

Kollias, a. Curt, M.-C. hepp-reymond,<br />

s. hotz-boendermaker, K. Eng (Zurich, switzerland)<br />

17:15 – 17:30 O04<br />

restoring of walking with body Weight supported treadmill<br />

training and virtual reality in subjects with incomplete spinal<br />

cord injury<br />

giuliana de Maio, E. bizzarini, L. Chittaro, C. Cisotti,<br />

C. Malisan, L. Mauro, r. Menosso, C. Moschioni, C. Pinzini,<br />

r. sioni, a. Zampa (udine, italy)<br />



30<br />


ThurSday, OCTObEr 20 Th , 2011<br />

16:00 – 17:30 PS 03: Telerehabilitation<br />

Room Czerny<br />

Chair: Paolo tonin (Venice, italy)<br />

Mauro Zampolini (Perugia, italy)<br />

16:00 – 16:30 re-building healthcare systems in an era of exponential<br />

change: role of telerehabilitation<br />

Mateja de Leonni stanonik (Ljubljana, slovenia)<br />

16:30 – 17:00 telerehabilitation: challenges and results<br />

Paolo tonin (Venice, italy)<br />

17:00 – 17:30 Efficacy of motor telerehabilitation: a review<br />

andrea turolla (Venice, italy)<br />


DGNR General Assembly<br />

(deutsche gesellschaft <strong>für</strong> neurorehabilitation)<br />

Room Lentner<br />

DGNKN General Assembly<br />

(deutsche gesellschaft <strong>für</strong> neurotraumatologie und Klinische<br />

neurorehabilitation e. V.)<br />

Room Czerny<br />

award Ceremony and general assembly<br />

SIRN General Assembly<br />

(società italiana di riabilitazione neurologica)<br />

Meeting Room 1<br />

ÖGNR Board Meeting<br />

(Österreichische gesellschaft <strong>für</strong> neurorehabilitation)<br />

Meeting Room 2<br />


(European federation of neurorehabilitation societies)<br />



FrIday, OCTObEr 21 ST , 2011<br />

07:00 – 08:00 MEET THE PROFESSOR 1 - 3<br />

MP 1: Early Rehablitation<br />

Room Czerny<br />

rehabilitation potential - to hit a hot topic!<br />

heinrich binder (Vienna, austria)<br />

Ongoing progress in the assessment of dOC patients and<br />

their applicability in early rehabilitation<br />

dana boering (Meerbusch, germany)<br />

MP 2: Stroke Rehabilitation<br />

Meeting Room 1<br />

andreas Luft (Zurich, switzerland)<br />

MP 3: Parkinson Rehabilitation<br />

Meeting Room 2<br />

Matthias Oechsner (Zihlschlacht, switzerland)<br />

08:30 – 09:30 KEYNOTE LECTURE 1<br />

09:30 – 10:00 Coffee break<br />

Kursaal<br />

Chair: horst hummelsheim (Leipzig, germany)<br />

neurorehabilitation after stroke: current evidence and future<br />

directions<br />

gert Kwakkel (amsterdam, the netherlands)<br />


FRIDAY<br />

32<br />


FrIday, OCTObEr 21 ST , 2011<br />

10:00 – 11:30 PARALLEL SESSIONS 04 – 06<br />

PS 04: Neuropsychology<br />

Kursaal<br />

Chair: stefano Cappa (Milan, italy)<br />

stephanie Clarke (Lausanne, switzerland)<br />

10:00 – 10:30 hemispatial neglect: treatment with noninvasive cortical<br />

stimulation<br />

thomas nyffeler (bern, switzerland)<br />

10:30 – 11:00 anosognosia for hemiplegia: from treatment to mechanisms<br />

aikaterini fotopoulou (London, united Kingdom)<br />

11:00 – 11:15 Confabulation, disorientation and reality filtering – an update<br />

armin schnider (geneva, switzerland)<br />

11:15 – 11:30 Language rehabilitation<br />

stefano Cappa (Milan, italy)<br />

PS 05: Mechanical Devices in Neurorehabiliation<br />

Room Lentner<br />

Chair: Marco franceschini (rome, italy)<br />

robert riener (Zurich, switzerland)<br />

10:00 – 10:30 End-effector based machines in stroke rehabilitation: what is<br />

the evidence? (lower and upper limbs)<br />

stefan hesse (berlin, germany), andreas Waldner (bolzano, italy)<br />

10:30 – 11:00 Exoskeletal arm robotics for stroke rehabilitation: what are the<br />

chances?<br />

robert riener (Zurich, switzerland)<br />

11:00 – 11:30 robot-assisted therapy for upper limb in sub-acute stroke<br />

patients: a randomized control trial<br />

Marco franceschini (rome, itlay)


FrIday, OCTObEr 21 ST , 2011<br />

PS 06: Round Table - <strong>Neurorehabilitation</strong> in Europe:<br />

Representatives of National Societies<br />

Room Czerny<br />

Chair: alessandro giustini (arezzo, italy)<br />

Manfred freimüller (hermagor, austria)<br />

giorgio sandrini (Pavia, italy)<br />

gert Kwakkel (amsterdam, the netherlands)<br />

daniel Zutter (Zihlschlacht, switzerland)<br />

Michael barnes (north shields, united Kingdom)<br />

horst hummelsheim (Leipzig, germany)<br />

Eberhard Koenig (bad aibling, germany)<br />

Victor schklovsky (Moscow, russia)<br />

11:30 – 12:30 SATELLITE SYMPOSIUM 2<br />

Intrathecal baclofen treatment<br />

sponsored by Medtronic<br />

Kursaal<br />

itb: indications, objectives & functional recovery in low<br />

and high function patients<br />

Mauro Zampolini (Perugia, italy)<br />

Early implant of intrathecal baclofen in acquired brain injury<br />

federico Posteraro (Pisa, italy)<br />


FRIDAY<br />

34<br />


FrIday, OCTObEr 21 ST , 2011<br />

11:30 – 13:30 LUNCH & POSTER SESSION 2<br />

Ground floor<br />

P026 – P031 Spinal Cord Injury and Incontinence<br />

P060 – P068 Traumatic Brain Injury and Neurosurgery<br />

P080 - P099 Best Practice Guidelines and Miscellaneous<br />

Spinal Cord Injury and Incontinence<br />

P026<br />

results of a retrospective study: 25 new cases with sCi (tetraplegics) in three<br />

years (2008-2010) out of which 2 with post-traumatic syringomyelia (Pts)<br />

s. sivetidou, t. Loizidis, i. saramantos, f. armakola, M. segredou, E. bakas<br />

(athens, greece)<br />

P027<br />

a descriptive epidemiological study of spinal cord injury of 3 years (2008-2010)<br />

t. Loizidis, s. sivetidou, C. Mihut, a. Kotroni, a. Kaplas, E. bakas (athens, greece)<br />

P028<br />

tibialis posterior electrical stimulation (tPEs) in faecal and urinary incontinence<br />

in a patient with myelomeningocele. a case report<br />

E. Orejas Monfort, a. López Jiménez, E. López dolado, M.a. Castrillo amores<br />

(Madrid, spain)<br />

P029<br />

treatment of faecal incontinence in a patient with cauda equina syndrome<br />

E. Orejas Monfort, a. Lopez Jimenez, M.L. Medina fernández (Madrid, spain)<br />

P030<br />

neurogenic bladder in multiple sclerosis<br />

E. Orejas Monfort, a. López Jiménez, M.a. Castrillo amores (Madrid, spain)<br />

P031<br />

neurogenic bowel in multiple sclerosis<br />

E. Orejas Monfort, a. López Jiménez, M.a. Castrillo amores (Madrid, spain)


FrIday, OCTObEr 21 ST , 2011<br />

Traumatic Brain Injury and Neurosurgery<br />

P060<br />

two years outcome and the level of professional reintegration after severe<br />

traumatic brain injury<br />

M. Lippert-grüner (bonn, germany)<br />

P061<br />

nonverbal therapeutic techniques in rehabilitation of individuals surviving<br />

traumatic and non-traumatic brain injuries<br />

t. gueye (Prague, Czech republic)<br />

P062<br />

Communicative deficit in traumatic brain injured patients: analysis of errors<br />

r. angeleri, M. Zettin, K. sacco, b.g. bara, f.M. bosco (turin, italy)<br />

P063<br />

tissue oxygen measurement for patients with severe brain injury as a part of<br />

multimodal monitoring: case reports<br />

r. gal, M. slezak, f. Otevrel, E. strazevska, M. Colonova (brno, Czech republic)<br />

P064<br />

Patients with intracerebral bleeding (iCb) plus hemicraniectomy (hC) or<br />

extraventricular drainage (EVd) / ventriculoperipheral shunt (VPs) have a good<br />

rehabilitation prognosis<br />

J. Jania, t. rommel, a.E.L. hartmann (Cologne, germany)<br />

P065<br />

rehabilitation of complex organic brain syndromes. first experience with deep<br />

brain stimulation (dbs)<br />

t. rommel, d. Lenartz, a. hartmann, V. sturm (Cologne, germany)<br />

P066<br />

Early rehabilitation in neurosurgery. results of a survey<br />

s. Welschehold, r. röder, J. Konradi (Mainz, germany)<br />

P067<br />

Long term rehabilitation of patients with disorientation and executive disorders<br />

due to acquired brain damage is effective<br />

s. bamborschke, u. Lenk, s. schlichting, s. Wenda, V. schmidt (berlin, germany)<br />


FRIDAY<br />

36<br />


FrIday, OCTObEr 21 ST , 2011<br />

P068<br />

Patients with malignant brain infarction and hemicraniectomy benefit<br />

from early rehabilitation<br />

a.E.L. hartmann, t. rommel, s. blarr (Cologne, germany)<br />

Best Practice Guidelines and Miscellaneous<br />

P080<br />

Mirror therapy for improving motor function after stroke - a systematic<br />

review carried out using Cochrane methodology<br />

h. thieme, J. Mehrholz, M. Pohl, J. behrens, C. dohle (Kreischa, germany)<br />

P081<br />

stroke rehabilitation outcome after thrombolysis<br />

E. urban, s. Vasarhelyi-toth (budapest, hungary)<br />

P082<br />

improvement of motor performance of upper limb by action observation<br />

therapy in stroke patients<br />

M. ikeoka, n. tokunaga, y. tezuka, a. Matsuo (Osaka, Japan)<br />

P083<br />

the assessment battery for communication: parallel forms for use<br />

in clinical settings<br />

f. bosco, r. angeleri, b. bara, M. Zuffranieri, K. sacco (turin, italy)<br />

P084<br />

Pragmatic assessment: the normative study of the assessment<br />

battery for communication<br />

i. gabbatore, r. angeleri, K. sacco, b.g. bara, f.M. bosco (turin, italy)<br />

P085<br />

Risk stratification for two-months dependence on ambulation in acute<br />

stroke patients: classification and regression tree analysis<br />

b. bernardini, s. ghirmai, g. Cerina, C. Corsini, M. Pagani, s. Marcheselli,<br />

C. Meinecke (rozzano, italy)


FrIday, OCTObEr 21 ST , 2011<br />

P086<br />

Educational model for promoting interest in physiatry among medical students:<br />

effect on awareness, enthusiasm, and motivation towards physiatric careers<br />

b. adeyemo, f. hameed, d. Weiss, n. Jain, C. spears, h. Chae (boston, usa)<br />

P087<br />

iCf-supported goal setting in neurorehabilitation helps in focussing on the<br />

domains interaction (d7) and social life (d9) in individual goal setting<br />

K. fheodoroff, g. tautscher-basnett, M. freimueller (hermagor, austria)<br />

P088<br />

The Austrian neurorehabilitation curriculum: first experiences<br />

K. fheodoroff, b. Mamoli, h. binder (hermagor, austria)<br />

P089<br />

assessment of trunk impairment in neuromuscular diseases: validity and<br />

reliability of trunk impairment scale and trunk control test<br />

y. Parlak demir, M. Kilinç, s. aksu yildirim, E. tan (ankara, turkey)<br />

P090<br />

Validity of video analysis to evaluate the effect of botulinum toxin a injection on<br />

the upper extremity functions in stroke patients<br />

W.J. Kim, W. Kumthornthip, b.M. Oh, E.J. yang, n.J. Paik<br />

(seoul, south republic of Korea)<br />

P091<br />

When might a cane be necessary for walking following a stroke?<br />

d. Perennou, b. guillebastre, b. sibille, a. Chrispin, P. rougier (grenoble, france)<br />

P092<br />

is locomotor training with body weight support better for walking than<br />

classical intensive neurorehabilitation? Controversies<br />

d. bartko, E. Ziakova, i. Combor, Z. Priesolova, Z. gombosova<br />

(ruzomberok, slovakia)<br />

P093<br />

arts in hOsPitaL. new philosophy in the management of patients<br />

D. Bartko, H. Binder, K. von Wild, I. Combor, Z. Gombosova, E. Žiakova<br />

(ruzomberok, slovakia)<br />


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FrIday, OCTObEr 21 ST , 2011<br />

P094<br />

department for acute geriatric and remobilisation under the direction of a specialist<br />

of physical medicine and rehabilitation in the context with neurogeriatric<br />

remobilisation<br />

C. angleitner, P. heise, s. traussnigg, P. golmayer, i. reiter (ried, austria)<br />

P095<br />

association of multiple sclerosis to other autoimmune disorders<br />

E. Orejas Monfort, M.a. Castrillo amores, a. López Jiménez (Madrid, spain)<br />

P096<br />

Low-cost treatment options in stroke rehabilitation<br />

s. hesse, C. Werner, a. bardeleben (berlin, germany)<br />

P097<br />

Cognitive rehabilitation through a web site<br />

a. gioacchino (Milan, italy)<br />

P098<br />

acquired brain injuries and tele-rehabilitation in umbria: feasibility study on a<br />

consecutive in-hospital population (2009-2010)<br />

f. Cannillo, d. Pisano, f. Corea, f. scarponi, a. Proietti, P. brustenghi,<br />

E. todeschini, M. Zampolini (foligno, italy)<br />

P099<br />

nursing education - skillslab at the neurological rehabilitation<br />

W. brunner (innsbruck, austria)<br />

Digital Posters<br />

DP10 – DP18<br />

for detailed list see digital Poster session 2 on the next page


FrIday, OCTObEr 21 ST , 2011<br />

12:30 – 13:00 DIGITAL POSTER SESSION 2<br />

DP10 – DP18<br />

Room Czerny<br />

Chair: Eberhard Koenig (bad aibling, germany)<br />

stuart yablon (Edmonton, Canada)<br />

DP10<br />

functional electrical stimulation assisted cycling – therapeutic effects on<br />

patients with subacute hemiparesis after stroke<br />

C. Krewer, P. bauer, E. Koenig, f. Müller (bad aibling, germany)<br />

DP11<br />

two alternative approaches to treat pusher behaviour following stroke<br />

J. bergmann, C. Krewer, K. rieß, f. Müller, K. Jahn, E. Koenig (bad aibling, germany)<br />

DP12<br />

Efficacy and safety of a hip flexion assist orthosis in adult hemiplegic<br />

stroke patients<br />

s. Carda, a. baricich, M. invernizzi, g. Cognolato, C. Cisari (novara, italy)<br />

DP13<br />

iM-hirob: robotic hippotherapy or improvement of impaired trunk function -<br />

preliminary results<br />

A. Mayr, M. Barth, M. Kofler, L. Saltuari (Hochzirl, Austria)<br />

DP14<br />

body-weight-supported treadmill walking in persons with multiple sclerosis and<br />

in healthy subjects: 3d-kinematics of the trunk and pelvis<br />

E. swinnen, J.-P. baeyens, r. Clijsen, s. ilsbroukx, b. gebara,<br />

J. Van nieuwenhoven, h. demeyer, i. hauchecorne, r. Meeusen, E. Kerckhofs<br />

(brussels, belgium)<br />

DP15<br />

Quantitative evaluation of the deficit of the hand position sense in stroke patients<br />

V. squeri, a. basteris, J. Zenzeri, P. giannoni, P. Morasso (genova, italy)<br />

DP16<br />

does Erd correlate with the strength of impairment after stroke?<br />

V. Kaiser, f. Pichiorri, f. de Vico fallani, d. Mattia, g r. Müller-Putz, C. neuper<br />

(graz, austria)<br />


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DP17<br />

a mental imagery fMri paradigm can predict recovery of consciousness in<br />

patients in a vegetative or minimally conscious state<br />

a. Markl, d. Vogel, t. yu, s. Lang, b. Kotchoubey, f. Müller (bad aibling, germany)<br />

DP18<br />

Vertebral hydatidosis as cause of spinal Cord injury (sCi): a case report<br />

E. Orejas Monfort, M.a. Castrillo amores (Madrid, spain)<br />

13:30 – 15:00 PARALLEL SESSIONS 07 – 09<br />

PS 07: Acquired Brain Injury<br />

Kursaal<br />

Chair: Paolo boldrini (treviso, italy)<br />

Peter Vos (nijmegen, the netherlands)<br />

13:30 – 14:00 acquired brain injury and quality of life<br />

rita formisano (rome, italy)<br />

14:00 – 14:30 traumatic brain injury: progress in protection and plasticity<br />

Peter Vos (nijmegen, the netherlands)<br />

14:30 – 15:00 O05<br />

the italian national registry for severe acquired brain injury:<br />

first data.<br />

Antonio de Tanti, R. Avesani, M. Khansefid, R. Formisano, P.<br />

boldrini, M. Zampolini, s. ferro (fontanellato, italy)<br />

PS 08: European Curriculum<br />

Room Lentner<br />

Chair: bruce dobkin (Los angeles, usa)<br />

13:30 – 13:50 towards a European curriculum for postgraduate training in<br />

neurorehabilitation<br />

Claudio Corradini (brunico, italy)<br />

13:50 – 14:30 Proposal for a pan-European curriculum for postgraduate<br />

training in neurorehabilitation<br />

Volker hömberg (düsseldorf, germany)<br />

14:30 – 15:00 discussion


FrIday, OCTObEr 21 ST , 2011<br />

PS 09: Peripheral Nerve Rehabilitation<br />

Room Czerny<br />

Chair: heinrich binder (Vienna, austria)<br />

Claudia Meinecke (Merano, italy)<br />

13:30 – 14:15 rehabilitation of brachial plexus injuries in adults and children<br />

nicola smania (Verona, italy)<br />

14:15 – 15:00 Peripheral nerve rehabilitation between repair and alleviation<br />

of suffering<br />

heinrich binder (Vienna, austria)<br />

15:00 – 15:30 Coffee break<br />

15:30 – 17:00 PARALLEL SESSIONS 10 – 12<br />

PS 10: Best Practice in <strong>Neurorehabilitation</strong><br />

Kursaal<br />

Chair: gert Kwakkel (amsterdam, the netherlands)<br />

thomas Platz (greifswald, germany)<br />

15:30 – 16:05 best practice guideline and clinical pathway formation for<br />

neurorehabilitation<br />

thomas Platz (greifswald, germany)<br />

16:05 – 16:40 best practice guidelines for restoration of stance and gait<br />

after stroke: first results from the DGNR study group<br />

Klaus Martin stephan (Meerbusch, germany)<br />

16:40 – 17:00 O06<br />

best practice guidance for the development of exercise<br />

after stroke services in community settings in the uK<br />

frederike van Wijck, C. best, J. dennis, s. dinan-young,<br />

M. smith, M. donaghy, h. fraser g. Mead (glasgow, uK)<br />


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FrIday, OCTObEr 21 ST , 2011<br />

15:30 – 17:00 PS 11: Highlights of submitted abstracts 1<br />

Room Lentner<br />

Chair: Carmelo Lentino (Pietraligure, italy)<br />

Jan Mehrholz (Kreischa, germany)<br />

15:30 – 15:40 O07<br />

Promoting brain-computer interface technology for stroke<br />

rehabilitation<br />

f. Pichiorri, f. de Vico fallani, g. Morone, f. Cincotti, M.<br />

Molinari, d. Mattia (rome, italy)<br />

15:40 – 15:50 O08<br />

Meta-analysis of the impact of repetitive transcranial<br />

magnetic stimulation and transcranial direct stimulation on<br />

stroke patients<br />

b. adeyemo, d. Macea, f. fregni (boston, usa)<br />

15:50 – 16:00 O09<br />

Combined transcranial direct current stimulation and robot-<br />

assisted arm training in subacute stroke patients<br />

a. Waldner, C. Werner, J. Mehrholz, C. tomelleri, M. Pohl,<br />

s. hesse (bolzano, italy)<br />

16:00 - 16:10 O10<br />

a novel robot-assisted upper-limb rehabilitation program in<br />

acute management of post-stroke patients: a randomized<br />

controlled trial<br />

s. Masiero, M. armani, g. ferlini, a. Chiasera, g. rosati, a.<br />

rossi, C. ferraro (Padova, italy)<br />

16:10 – 16:20 O11<br />

Loss of independent joint control in acute stroke quantified<br />

by the aCt3d system<br />

a. Kottink, M. Ellis, g. Prange, h. rietman, J. buurke, J.<br />

dewald (Enschede, the netherlands)<br />

16:20 – 16:30 O12<br />

stimulation of the proprioceptive system in neurorehabilitation<br />

s.M. golaszewski, M. seidl, a.b. Kunz, M. Christova, E. gal-<br />

lasch, r. nardone, f. gerstenbrand, E. trinka (salzburg, austria)


FrIday, OCTObEr 21 ST , 2011<br />

16:30 – 16:40 O13<br />

impairment of the rightsided homologous broca-area by<br />

repetitive transcranial magnet stimulation (rtMs) in patients<br />

with aphasia due to leftsided brain infarct leads to improve-<br />

ment of regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) and speech<br />

performance<br />

a.E.L. hartmann, i. rubi-fessen, n. Weiduschat, t. rommel,<br />

P. Kessler, W.d. heiß (Cologne, germany)<br />

16:40 – 16:50 O14<br />

Post-stroke fMri, a comparison of bOLd, cerebral blood<br />

flow, and cerebral blood volume responses<br />

J. blicher, C. stagg, J. O‘shea, L. Østergaard, b. Macintosh,<br />

h. Johansen-berg, P. Jezzard, M. donahue (aarhus, denmark)<br />

16:50 – 17:00 O15<br />

Plasticity and response to action observation: a longitudinal<br />

fMri study in patients with subcortical stroke<br />

i. brunner, J.s. skouen, L. Ersland, K. hugdahl, r. grüner<br />

(bergen, norway)<br />

15:30 – 17:00 PS 12: Neurophysiology<br />

Room Czerny<br />

Chair: roberto dattola (Messina, italy)<br />

Markus Kofler (Hochzirl, Austria)<br />

15:30 – 16:00 brain-computer interface: a new assistive device for<br />

communication and control?<br />

gernot Müller-Putz (graz, austria)<br />

16:00 – 16:30 functional reorganisation of cortical movement<br />

representations in motor learning<br />

Wolf Müllbacher (Vienna, austria)<br />

16:30 – 16:45 O16<br />

the effect of postural stability on motor evoked potentials of<br />

the activated hand is differently affected by cortical versus<br />

subcortical strokes<br />

Caroline i. E. renner, s. hanna, n. Engelmann,<br />

h. hummelsheim (Leipzig, germany)<br />


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FrIday, OCTObEr 21 ST , 2011<br />

16:45 – 17:00 O17<br />

action observation and motor imagery during immobilization:<br />

same or different effects?<br />

Michela bassolino, M. bove , V. Pippo, t. Pozzo, L.fadiga<br />

(genova, italy)<br />

17:00 – 18:30 SATELLITE SYMPOSIUM 3<br />

20:30 GALA DINNER<br />

Robotic therapy<br />

sponsored by hocoma<br />

Room Lentner<br />

Chair: andreas Luft (Zurich, switzerland)<br />

neuroscience-based robotic therapy?<br />

andreas Luft (Zurich, switzerland)<br />

the future of rehabilitation robotics<br />

robert riener (Zurich, switzerland)<br />

robots in practice<br />

andreas Mayr (hochzirl, austria)<br />



SaTurday, OCTObEr 22 Nd , 2011<br />

07:00 – 08:00 MEET THE PROFESSOR 4 - 6<br />

MP 4: Traumatic Brain Injury<br />

Room Czerny<br />

diffuse axonal injury<br />

Peter Vos (nijmegen, the netherlands)<br />

the rehabilitation of severe spasticity<br />

Mauro Zampolini (Perugia, italy)<br />

MP 5: Multiple Sclerosis<br />

Meeting Room 1<br />

Serafin Beer (Valens, Switzerland)<br />

MP 6: Spasticity - multiprofessional management<br />

Meeting Room 2<br />

Management of spasticity in spinal cord injury and multiple sclerosis<br />

anthony Ward (north staffordshire, united Kingdom)<br />

Management of spasticity in acquired brain injury<br />

Jörg Wissel (beelitz, germany)<br />

08:30 – 09:30 KEYNOTE LECTURE 2<br />

09:30 – 10:00 Coffee break<br />

Kursaal<br />

Chair: Volker hömberg (düsseldorf, germany)<br />

neuromodulation<br />

Leonardo Cohen (bethesda, usa)<br />



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SaTurday, OCTObEr 22 Nd , 2011<br />

10:00 – 11:30 PARALLEL SESSIONS 13 - 15<br />

PS 13: Neurosurgery<br />

Kursaal<br />

Chair: franz gerstenbrand (Vienna, austria)<br />

Klaus von Wild (Münster, germany)<br />

10:00 – 10:30 hrQOL and social re-entry following brain damage. Lessons<br />

from the international QOLibri -hrQOL assessment tool survey<br />

Klaus von Wild (Münster, germany)<br />

10:30 – 11:00 neurosurgery and neuromodulation in neurorehabilitation<br />

Wilhelm Eisner (innsbruck, austria)<br />

11:00 – 11:30 Ct-perfusion evaluation of cerebral haemodynamics pre- and<br />

post-cranioplasty<br />

andreas schwarz (bolzano, italy)<br />

PS 14: Neuropharmacology<br />

Room Lentner<br />

Chair: Leopold saltuari (hochzirl/bolzano, austria/italy)<br />

Paolo tonin (Venice, italy)<br />

10:00 – 10:40 Pharmacological treatment approaches in diminished state of<br />

consciousness<br />

federico Posteraro (Volterra, italy)<br />

10:40 – 11:15 Is there a place for specific pharmacological agents in<br />

neurorehabilitation?<br />

Volker hömberg (düsseldorf, germany)<br />

11:15 – 11:30 O18<br />

does L-dopa long-term administration induce dyskinesia in<br />

patients with brain injury and stroke?<br />

Hanns Peter Engl, M. Kofler, E. Quirbach, L. Saltuari (Hochzirl,<br />



SaTurday, OCTObEr 22 Nd , 2011<br />

PS 15: Pediatric <strong>Neurorehabilitation</strong><br />

Room Czerny<br />

Chair: adriano ferrari (reggio Emilia, italy)<br />

Kristina Müller (Meerbusch, germany)<br />

10:00 – 10:25 action observation training - a new tool for child rehabilitation<br />

adriano ferrari (reggio Emilia, italy)<br />

10:25 – 10:50 robot-assisted rehabilitation for children: has the future<br />

already started?<br />

andreas Meyer-heim (allfoltern am albis, switzerland)<br />

10:50 – 11:15 structural and functional imaging in congenital hemiparesis<br />

Martin staudt (Vogtareuth, germany)<br />

11:15 – 11:30 O19<br />

Validity and reliability of easy-to-apply hand function and<br />

capacity tests in children with cerebral palsy<br />

huub J. a. van hedel, K. Wick (Zurich, switzerland)<br />

11:30 – 13:00 LUNCH & POSTER SESSION 3<br />

Ground floor<br />

Pediatric <strong>Neurorehabilitation</strong><br />

P001 – P008 Pediatric <strong>Neurorehabilitation</strong><br />

P032 – P043 Neglect, Executive Disorders and<br />

Vocational Rehabilitation<br />

P069 – P073 Neuropharmacology and Pain Control<br />

P100 – P112 Spasticity<br />

P001<br />

6 months outcome after severe accidental hypothermia and cardiac arrest in 7<br />

teenagers<br />

L. agersnap, M. Wanscher, J. stjernholm, t. Lyngbye, J.f. nielsen (hammel, denmark)<br />



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SaTurday, OCTObEr 22 Nd , 2011<br />

P002<br />

EEg biofeedback as a new promising method in neurorehabilitation in slovakia<br />

E. Ziakova, d. bartko, s. Klobucka (bratislava, slovakia)<br />

P003<br />

assessment of balance impairments in children treated for posterior cavity<br />

brain tumors<br />

Ł. Oleksy, P. Jureczko, T. Łosień (Łancut, Poland)<br />

P004<br />

Evaluation of the effects of gait training with the use of active orthosis in a<br />

randomized group of children with cerebral palsy<br />

M. druzbicki, W. rusek, J. dudek, M. szczepanik, s. snela, M. bonikowski,<br />

a. Czernuszenko, E. Zak (rzeszów, Poland)<br />

P005<br />

Effect of robotic-assisted treadmill training (ratt) on gait and gross motor<br />

functions in patients with spastic cerebral palsy<br />

s. Klobucka, M. Kováè, E. Ziaková (bratislava, slovakia)<br />

P006<br />

impact of different walking speeds, levels of body-weight support and intensity<br />

instructions on leg muscle activity in children during Lokomat training<br />

K. bruetsch, f. renaud-dit-Louise, h. van hedel (affoltern am albis, switzerland)<br />

P007<br />

Validity and reliability of timed walking tests in children with neurological movement<br />

disorders<br />

h.J.a. van hedel, M. Leuenberger, C. Letsch (affoltern am albis, switzerland)<br />

P008<br />

treatment of urinary incontinence in a patient with anoxic encephalopathy<br />

E. Orejas Monfort, a. Lopez Jimenez, M.L. Medina fernández (Madrid, spain)


SaTurday, OCTObEr 22 Nd , 2011<br />

Neglect, Executive Disorders and Vocational Rehabilitation<br />

P032<br />

Music therapy of neglect-syndrome after stroke: functional and<br />

psychodynamic therapy approach<br />

b. roelcke, a. Lorz-Zitzmann, h. fausch, t. Ettlin (rheinfelden, switzerland)<br />

P033<br />

new approaches to the treatment of neglect: transcranial magnetic stimulation<br />

E. Muñoz Marrón, D. Redolar-Ripoll, M. Boixadós, L.l. Andreu (Barcelona, Spain)<br />

P034<br />

Effectiveness of visuo-spatial training in reducing hemispatial neglect:<br />

a retrospective study on 514 stroke patients<br />

C. guariglia, a. Matano, P. Zoccolotti (rome, italy)<br />

P035<br />

Effects of left-cathodal, repetitive galvanic vestibular stimulation on neglect<br />

and pusher behavior - a single case study<br />

K. Volkening, i. Keller (bad aibling, germany)<br />

P036<br />

Vision-for-perception and vision-for-action in unilateral neglect: implications<br />

for rehabilitation<br />

M. balconi, d. Crivelli, C. ferrari, M. sozzi, L. Pisani (Milan, italy)<br />

P037<br />

Localization of lesions and recovery of unilateral spatial neglect in stroke<br />

patients: experimental study in right brain damage<br />

C. Fonte, V. Varalta, M. Gandolfi, E. Bigozzi, A. Cantagallo, G. Zanette,<br />

M. trentin, s. tamburin, a. Picelli, a. fiaschi, n. smania (Verona, italy)<br />

P038<br />

dual task and gait analysis in patients with mild cognitive impairment<br />

a. nascimbeni, M. rigano, s. Caruso, a. salatino, M. Carenza, a. raviolo,<br />

r. ricci (torino, italy)<br />

P039<br />

Can the cognitive rehabilitation facilitate the motor rehabilitation in<br />

Parkinson disease?<br />

C. Perin, C.M. Cornaggia, C.g. Cerri (Monza, italy)<br />



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SaTurday, OCTObEr 22 Nd , 2011<br />

P040<br />

anxiety disorder and rtMs effect on left dLPfC in memory retrieval process<br />

M. balconi, C. ferrari (Milan, italy)<br />

P041<br />

Components of neuropsychological rehabilitation of patients with brain injuries<br />

O. uvarova, V. daminov, i. Kulikova, a. Kuznetsov (Moscow, russia)<br />

P042<br />

stroke and psychiatric events<br />

C.M. Cornaggia, M. beghi, g. brambilla, r. Meroni, C. Perin, f. Peroni,<br />

J. santambrogio (Milan, italy)<br />

P043<br />

rehabilitation psychology: an essential discipline in neurorehabilitation<br />

E. Kerckhofs, C. Lafosse (brussels, belgium)<br />

Neuropharmacology and Pain Control<br />

P069<br />

Mobility and falls in patients with advanced Parkinson’s disease after switching<br />

to continuous intraduodenal levodopa/carbidopa infusion therapy during<br />

neurorehabilitation<br />

V. tomantschger, g. tautscher-basnett, M. freimueller (hermagor, austria)<br />

P070<br />

antiepileptic drugs for acute and chronic symptomatic epilepsy in patients with<br />

acute hemorrhagic brain injury. is there any effect? a revision of the literature<br />

and a proposal of a multicentre study<br />

C.M. Cornaggia, E. beghi, g. brambilla, C. Perin, J. santambrogio, M. beghi<br />

(Milan, italy)<br />

P071<br />

do not give up: long time rehabilitation plus plasmapheresis in a patient with<br />

limbic encephalopathy due to anti-nMda-receptor antibodies results in normalization<br />

of clinical condition<br />

a.E.L. hartmann, t. Mathaeus, s. harnier, M. frost, t. rommel (Cologne, germany)


SaTurday, OCTObEr 22 Nd , 2011<br />

P072<br />

restless leg syndrome in patients with spinal cord injury<br />

M. barrio, h. Kumru, E. Portell, J. benito, M. Vallès, J. santamaría, J. Vidal<br />

(barcelona, spain)<br />

P073<br />

Pain in multiple sclerosis<br />

E. Orejas Monfort, M.a. Castrillo amores, a. López Jiménez (Madrid, spain)<br />

Spasticity<br />

P100<br />

highly paretic patients within four to six weeks after stroke: an early botulinum<br />

Toxin A treatment may prevent a disabling finger flexor spasticity six months later<br />

s. hesse, h. Mach, s. behrend, s. fröhlich, i. Melzer, C. Werner (berlin, germany)<br />

P101<br />

functional goal attainment in patients with spasticity of the hand and wrist<br />

following stroke: the bOtOx® economic spasticity trial (bEst)<br />

J. Wissel, a. Ward, J. borg, n. Wright (beelitz-heilstätten, germany)<br />

P102<br />

functional effects of botulinum toxin treatment and subsequent stretching of<br />

spastic calf muscles: a study in patients with hereditary spastic paraparesis (hsP)<br />

a. geurts, M. de niet, V. Weerdesteyn (nijmegen, the netherlands)<br />

P103<br />

spasticity in Multiple sclerosis<br />

E. Orejas Monfort, a. Lopez Jimenez, M.a. Castrillo amores (Madrid, spain)<br />

P104<br />

high doses of botulinum toxin type a (btx-a) in the treatment of severe muscle<br />

spasticity<br />

g. ianieri, a. Manigrasso, L. Mastromauro, E. romanelli, r. Marvulli (bari, italy)<br />

P105<br />

high dose of botulinum toxin type a in the treatment of adult post-stroke spasticity<br />

d. intiso, V. simone, a. santamato, P. fiore, f. di rienzo, M. basciani<br />

(san giovanni rotondo, italy)<br />



52<br />


SaTurday, OCTObEr 22 Nd , 2011<br />

P106<br />

neurorehabilitation of a patient with pyramidal syndrome onset after hCV<br />

treatment with interferon 2a and ribavirin<br />

M. Loi, d. bossi, E. giovanazzi, a. Magistroni, M. Viggiano, L. Ciuffreda,<br />

E.C. barosio, a. Zaliani (Pavia, italy)<br />

P107<br />

Comparison of different methods for assessment of spasticity<br />

R. Kiechl, A. Mayr, L. Saltuari, T. Haslwanter, M. Kofler (Linz, Austria)<br />

P108<br />

use of inertial sensors to evaluate spasticity: need of a new tool in vegetative<br />

state patients?<br />

g. Maggioni, a. aiachini, i. sterpi, r. Colombo, C. Pistarini (Pavia, italy)<br />

P109<br />

Comparison to selected rehabilitation techniques used for decreasing<br />

muscle tonus<br />

P. sifta, V. bittner (Prague, Czech republic)<br />

P110<br />

Clinical risk management in intrathecal baclofen therapy<br />

G. D‘Aleo, C. Rifici, E. Sessa, L. Saltuari, P. Bramanti, M. Kofler (Messina, Italy)<br />

P111<br />

Catheter tip location for intrathecal baclofen infusion in spinal cord injury<br />

a. Viaene, E. Crombez, E. baert, g. hallaert, g. Vanderstraeten (ghent, belgium)<br />

P112<br />

itb (intrathecal baclofen) therapy in vegetative state patients with spasticity<br />

and vegetative crisis<br />

g. Maggioni, C. fassio, b. Cazzulani, C. Pistarini (Pavia, italy)


SaTurday, OCTObEr 22 Nd , 2011<br />

11:30 – 13:00 ARGE ALP MEETING<br />

Meeting Room 1<br />

Chair: Karl Kob (bolzano, italy)<br />

Presentation of the European Curriculum in neurorehabilitation<br />

13:00 – 14:30 PARALLEL SESSIONS 16 - 18<br />

PS 16: Cellular Treatments<br />

Kursaal<br />

Chair: ulrich bogdahn (regensburg, germany)<br />

Placido bramanti (Messina, italy)<br />

13:00 – 13:20 stem cell niches of the Cns: Cellular and molecular targets in<br />

neurodegeneration and ageing<br />

Ludwig aigner (salzburg, austria)<br />

13:20 – 13:40 restorative therapies following spinal cord injury<br />

norbert Weidner (heidelberg, germany)<br />

13:40 – 14:00 regenerative therapy after stroke<br />

sandra boy (regensburg, germany)<br />

14:00 – 14:20 initial observations on regenerative treatment in aLs<br />

ulrich bogdahn (regensburg, germany)<br />

14:20 – 14:30 discussion<br />



54<br />


SaTurday, OCTObEr 22 Nd , 2011<br />

13:00 – 14:40 PS 17: Highlights of submitted abstracts 2<br />

Room Lentner<br />

Chair: roberto Marenzi (Padova, italy)<br />

anselm reiners (Munich, germany)<br />

13:00 – 13:10 O20<br />

assessment of the necessities of persons with initially severe<br />

traumatic brain injuries about assistance of another person in<br />

activities of daily living<br />

Ž. Bakran, D. Tršinski, I. Dubroja, M. Varjaèiæ, S. Butkoviæ<br />

soldo (Krapinske toplice, Croatia)<br />

13:10 – 13:20 O21<br />

impact of participation on rehabilitation results: a multivariate<br />

study<br />

s. Paolucci, a. di Vita, r. Massicci, M. traballesi, C. guariglia<br />

(rome, italy)<br />

13:20 – 13:30 O22<br />

rehabiltation in elderly patients after stroke: is pain a<br />

manageable problem?<br />

L. akhmadeeva, V. tunik (ufa, russia)<br />

13:30 – 13:40 O23<br />

Clinical, electromyographic and radiological characterisation<br />

of Pisa syndrome in a group of subjects with Parkinson disease<br />

C. tassorelli, E. alfonsi, C. Pacchetti, a. Pichiecchio,<br />

M. allena, g. nappi, E. Martignoni, g. sandrini (Pavia, italy)<br />

13: 40 – 13:50 O24<br />

Can Mirror therapy be affected by neglect?<br />

M. sozzi, d. dinacci, L. Veronelli, V. ginex, f. Clerici, L. Pisani,<br />

C. Mariani (Milan, italy)<br />

13:50 – 14:00 O25<br />

Intensive aphasia therapy - first results of the Sunnaas<br />

constraint induced language therapy program<br />

f. becker, M. Kirmess, L. gunther, a.K. hvistendahl<br />

(nesoddtangen, norway)


SaTurday, OCTObEr 22 Nd , 2011<br />

14:00 – 14:10 O26<br />

Preliminary results of a comparison of reach training using<br />

rehab games and conventional exercises on arm movement<br />

ability in chronic stroke patients<br />

g. Prange, a. Kottink, t. Krabben, J. rietman, J. buurke<br />

(Enschede, the netherlands)<br />

14:10 – 14:20 O27<br />

is psychopathology directly related to the severity of an acute<br />

organic event?<br />

C.M. Cornaggia, r. Meroni, M. beghi, g. brambilla,<br />

C.g. Cerri, M. Clerici, f. dossena, C. Perin, f. Peroni,<br />

J. santambrogio (Milan, italy)<br />

14:20 – 14:30 O28<br />

Quality of life in Parkinson’s disease: the role of depression<br />

and coping style<br />

E. Kerckhofs, L. harnie (brussels, belgium)<br />

14:30 – 14:40 O29<br />

Munchausen or Munchausen by proxy? Paraplegia in an<br />

adolescent. a case report<br />

E. Orejas Monfort, E. López dolado, M.V. Quintas arribas<br />

(Madrid, spain)<br />



56<br />


SaTurday, OCTObEr 22 Nd , 2011<br />

13:00 – 14:30 PS 18: Neuromodulation<br />

Room Czerny<br />

Chair: Milan dimitrijevic (Ljubljana, slovenia)<br />

Walter Paulus (göttingen, germany)<br />

13:00 – 13:20 transcranial stimulation techniques for controlled<br />

neuromo dulation<br />

Walter Paulus (göttingen, germany)<br />

13:20 – 13:40 Non invasive brain stimulation for rehabilitation of motor deficits<br />

Joachim Liepert (allensbach, germany)<br />

13:40 – 14:00 non invasive brain stimulation in cognitive neurorehabilitation<br />

Carlo Miniussi (brescia, itlay)<br />

14:00 – 14:20 Spinal cord stimulation for sufficient control of spasticity in<br />

upper motor neuron diseases<br />

Michaela Pinter (Vienna, austria)<br />

14:20 – 14:30 discussion<br />

14:30 - 15:00 Coffee break<br />

15:00 – 16:00 KEYNOTE LECTURE 3<br />

Kursaal<br />

Chair: giorgio sandrini (Pavia, italy)<br />

action observation treatment: a new approach in<br />

neurorehabilitation<br />

giovanni buccino (Parma, italy)<br />

16:00 – 16:30 CLOSING SESSION<br />

Kursaal<br />

Best Poster Awards<br />


Die ZNS – Hannelore Kohl Stiftung vergibt im Jahr 2012 den<br />

Hannelore KoHl<br />

Förderpreis<br />

Hannelore Kohl Förderpreis 2012<br />

Der Preis ist mit EUR 10.000 dotiert. Der Förderpreis ist eine Auszeichnung <strong>für</strong> hervorragende<br />

Leistungen des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses auf den Gebieten der Erforschung, Entwicklung<br />

und Erprobung von diagnostischen und therapeutischen Verfahren in der <strong>Neurorehabilitation</strong><br />

Schädelhirnverletzter sowie der Prävention von Schädelhirnverletzungen.<br />

Mit der Bewerbung und dem Lebenslauf sind 8 Exemplare Ihrer Arbeit in deutscher Sprache<br />

(wenn englisch, dann mit deutscher Kurzfassung) als Publikation in einer wissenschaftlichen<br />

Zeitschrift, als Dissertation- oder Habilitationsschrift, als Buch oder als noch nicht veröffentlichtes<br />

Manuskript einzureichen. Die Arbeiten dürfen bei Einreichung nicht älter als zwei Jahre<br />

sein. Sie sollen nicht anderweitig ausgezeichnet oder <strong>für</strong> eine Preisvergabe eingereicht sein.<br />

Die Arbeiten müssen bis zum 31. Dezember 2011 eingereicht werden.<br />

Rochusstraße 24 · 53123 Bonn<br />

Telefon: 0228 / 97 84 50 · Telefax: 0228 / 97 84 555<br />

E-Mail: info@hannelore-kohl-stiftung.de<br />


58<br />


Aiachini, Beatrice<br />

beatrice.aiachini@fsm.it<br />

(Pavia, italy)<br />

Aigner, Ludwig<br />

ludwig.aigner@pmu.ac.at<br />

(salzburg, austria)<br />

Barnes, Michael<br />

m.p.barnes@btinternet.com<br />

(north shields, uK)<br />

Beer, Serafin<br />

s.beer@klinik-valens.ch<br />

(Valens, switzerland)<br />

Binder, Heinrich<br />

heinrich.binder@wienkav.at<br />

(Vienna, austria)<br />

Boering, Dana<br />

boering@stmtk.de<br />

(Essen, germany)<br />

Bogdahn, Ulrich<br />

ulrich.bogdahn@medbo.de<br />

(regensburg, germany)<br />

Boldrini, Paolo<br />

paolo.boldrini@ospedalemotta.it<br />

(treviso, italy)<br />

Boy, Sandra<br />

sandra.boy@medbo.de<br />

(regensburg, germany)<br />

Bramanti, Placido<br />

bramanti.dino@gmail.com<br />

(Messina, italy)<br />

Buccino, Giovanni<br />

buccino@unicz.it<br />

(Parma, italy)<br />

Cappa, Stefano<br />

cappa.stefano@hsr.it<br />

(Milan, italy)<br />

Ceravolo, Maria Gabriella<br />

m.g.ceravolo@univpm.it<br />

(ancona, italy)<br />

Clarke, Stephanie<br />

stephanie.clarke@chuv.ch<br />

(Lausanne, switzerland)<br />

Cohen, Leonardo<br />

cohenl@ninds.nih.gov<br />

(bethesda, usa)<br />

Corradini, Claudio<br />

claudio.corradini@sb-bruneck.it<br />

(brunico, italy)<br />

Dattola, Roberto<br />

roberto.dattola@unime.it<br />

(Messina, italy)<br />

de Leonni Stanonik, Mateja<br />

mateja.deleonni@gmail.com<br />

(Ljubljana, slovenia)<br />

Dimitrijevic, Milan<br />

lepasrna@hotmail.com<br />

(Ljubljana, slovenia)<br />

Dobkin, Bruce<br />

bdobkin@mednet.ucla.edu<br />

(Los angeles, usa)<br />

Eisner, Wilhelm<br />

wilhelm.eisner@uki.at<br />

(innsbruck, austria)<br />

Eng, Kynan<br />

kynan@ini.phys.ethz.ch<br />

(Zurich, switzerland)<br />

Ferrari, Adriano<br />

adriano.ferrari@unimore.it<br />

(reggio Emilia, italy)<br />

Formisano, Rita<br />

r.formisano@hsantalucia.it<br />

(rome, italy)


Fotopoulou, Aikaterini<br />

a.fotopoulou@kcl.ac.uk<br />

(London, uK)<br />

Franceschini, Marco<br />

marco.franceschini@sanraffaele.it<br />

(rome, italy)<br />

Frank, Ulrike<br />

ufrank@uni-potsdam.de<br />

(Potsdam, germany)<br />

Freimüller, Manfred<br />

manfred.freimueller@gailtal-klinik.at<br />

(hermagor, austria)<br />

Frommelt, Peter<br />

p.frommelt@asklepios.com<br />

(berlin, germany)<br />

Gerstenbrand, Franz<br />

f.gerstenbrand@aon.at<br />

(Vienna, austria)<br />

Geurts, Alexander<br />

a.geurts@reval.umcn.nl<br />

(nijmegen, the netherlands)<br />

Giustini, Alessandro<br />

info@alessandrogiustini.it<br />

(arezzo, italy)<br />

Hesse, Stefan<br />

hesse@reha-hesse.de<br />

(berlin, germany)<br />

Hömberg, Volker<br />

hoemberg@eurostroke.eu<br />

(düsseldorf, germany)<br />

Humle, Frank<br />

frank@cfh.ku.dk<br />

(Copenhagen, denmark)<br />

Hummelsheim, Horst<br />

hummelsheim@sachsenklinik.de<br />

(bennewitz, germany)<br />

Ilias, Wilfried<br />

wilfried.ilias@bbwien.at<br />

(Vienna, austria)<br />

Kob, Karl<br />

karl@kob.bz.it<br />

(bolzano, italy)<br />

Koenig, Eberhard<br />

EKoenig@schoen-Kliniken.de<br />

(bad aibling, germany)<br />

Kofler, Markus<br />

markus.kofler@tilak.at<br />

(hochzirl, austria)<br />

Kwakkel, Gert<br />

g.kwakkel@planet.nl<br />

(amsterdam, the netherlands)<br />

Laureys, Steven<br />

steven.laureys@ulg.ac.be<br />

(Embourg, belgium)<br />

Lentino, Carmelo<br />

c.lentino@asl2.liguria.it<br />

(Pietraligure, italy)<br />

Liepert, Joachim<br />

j.liepert@kliniken-schmieder.de<br />

(allensbach, germany)<br />

Luft, Andreas<br />

andreas.luft@usz.ch<br />

(Zurich, switzerland)<br />

Marenzi, Roberto<br />

robmarenzi@libero.it<br />

(Padova, italy)<br />

Mehrholz, Jan<br />

jan.mehrholz@klinik-bavaria.de<br />

(dresden, germany)<br />

Meinecke, Claudia<br />

claudia.meinecke@asbmeran-o.it<br />

(Merano, italy)

60<br />


Meyer-Heim, Andreas<br />

andreas.meyer-heim@kispi.uzh.ch<br />

(affoltern am albis, switzerland)<br />

Miniussi, Carlo<br />

miniussi@med.unibs.it<br />

(brescia, italy)<br />

Müllbacher, Wolf<br />

Wolf.Muellbacher@khgh.at<br />

(Vienna, austria)<br />

Müller, Friedemann<br />

fmueller@schoen-kliniken.de<br />

(bad aibling, germany)<br />

Müller, Kristina<br />

mueller-hoemberg@t-online.de<br />

(Meerbusch, germany)<br />

Müller-Putz, Gernot<br />

gernot.mueller@tugraz.at<br />

(graz, austria)<br />

Müri, René<br />

rene.mueri@insel.ch<br />

(herzogenbuchsee, switzerland)<br />

Nyffeler, Thomas<br />

thomas.nyffeler@insel.ch<br />

(bern, switzerland)<br />

Oechsner, Matthias<br />

matthias.oechsner@helios-kliniken.ch<br />

(Zihlschlacht, switzerland)<br />

Paulus, Walter<br />

wpaulus@med.uni-goettingen.de<br />

(göttingen, germany)<br />

Pinter, Michaela<br />

michaela.pinter@me.com<br />

(Vienna, austria)<br />

Pistarini, Caterina<br />

caterina.pistarini@fsm.it;cpistarini@fsm.it<br />

(Pavia, italy)<br />

Platz, Thomas<br />

t.platz@bdh-klinik-greifswald.de<br />

(greifswald, germany)<br />

Popovic, Dejan<br />

dbp@etf.rs<br />

(belgrade, serbia)<br />

Posteraro, Federico<br />

f.posteraro@riabilitazione-volterra.it<br />

(Pisa, italy)<br />

Reiners, Anselm<br />

anselm.reiners@klinikum-muenchen.de<br />

(Munich, germany)<br />

Riener, Robert<br />

riener@mavt.ethz.ch<br />

(Zurich, switzerland)<br />

Saltuari, Leopold<br />

leopold.saltuari@tilak.at<br />

(hochzirl/bolzano, austria/italy)<br />

Sandrini, Giorgio<br />

giorgio.sandrini@unipv.it<br />

(Pavia, italy)<br />

Schindler, Antonio<br />

antonio.schindler@unimi.it<br />

(torino, italy)<br />

Schlaegel, Wolfgang<br />

schlaegel.belvedere@web.de<br />

(günzburg, germany)<br />

Schnider, Armin<br />

armin.schnider@hcuge.ch<br />

(geneva, switzerland)<br />

Schuhfried, Othmar<br />

othmar.schuhfried@meduniwien.ac.at<br />

(Vienna, austria)<br />

Schwarz, Andreas<br />

andreas.schwarz@asbz.it<br />

(bolzano, italy)


Seitz, Rüdiger<br />

seitz@neurologie.uni-duesseldorf.de<br />

(düsseldorf, germany)<br />

Smania, Nicola<br />

nicola.smania@univr.it<br />

(Verona, italy)<br />

Staudt, Martin<br />

mstaudt@schoen-kliniken.de<br />

(Vogtareuth, germany)<br />

Stephan, Klaus Martin<br />

stephan@stmtk.de<br />

(Meerbusch, germany)<br />

Stokic, Dobrivoje<br />

dstokic@mmrcrehab.org<br />

(Jackson, usa)<br />

Tassorelli, Cristina<br />

cristina.tassorelli@mondino.it<br />

(Pavia, italy)<br />

Tonin, Paolo<br />

paolo.tonin@ospedalesancamillo.net<br />

(Venice, italy)<br />

Turolla, Andrea<br />

andrea.turolla@ospedalesancamillo.net<br />

(Venice, italy)<br />

von Wild, Klaus<br />

kvw@neurosci.de<br />

(Münster, germany)<br />

Vos, Peter<br />

P.Vos@neuro.umcn.nl<br />

(nijmegen, the netherlands)<br />

Waldner, Andreas<br />

waldner.andreas@villamelitta.it<br />

(bozen, italy)<br />

Ward, Anthony<br />

anthony@bward2.freeserve.co.uk<br />

(shropshire, united Kingdom)<br />

Weidner, Norbert<br />

norbert.Weidner@med.uni-heidelberg.de<br />

(heidelberg, germany)<br />

Wissel, Jörg<br />

wissel@rehaklinik-beelitz.de<br />

(beelitz-heilstätten, germany)<br />

Yablon, Stuart<br />

doctory@earthlink.net<br />

(Edmonton, Canada)<br />

Zampolini, Mauro<br />

mauro.zampolini@tin.it<br />

(Perugia, italy)<br />

Zutter, Daniel<br />

daniel.zutter@helios-kliniken.ch<br />

(Zihlschlacht, switzerland)

62<br />


Premium Sponsor<br />

Sponsors and Exhibitors<br />

allergan s.P.a.<br />

bioness<br />

bionorica Ethics austria gmbh<br />

hocoma ag<br />

ipsen Pharma gmbh<br />

ipsen s.P.a.<br />

Khymeia srL<br />

Merz Pharma italia s.r.l.<br />

Motec Medical b.V.<br />

Otto bock healthcare Products gmbh<br />

P.a.n. Zentrum <strong>für</strong> Post-akute-neurorehabilitation im <strong>für</strong>st donnersmark-haus<br />

reha technologies gmbh-srl<br />

rehder/Partner gmbh<br />

sintetica s.a.<br />

tyromotion gmbh<br />

the organisers would like to thank all sponsors and exhibitors for supporting<br />

the first ENRC Congress in 2011!


64<br />



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