Covered Bonds - DG Hyp

Covered Bonds - DG Hyp

Covered Bonds - DG Hyp


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done – and any idea that could help to boost secondary trading activity is therefore<br />

welcome.<br />

The proposals under debate would not advantage or disadvantage pfandbriefe relative to<br />

the covered bonds of other countries and jurisdictions. That said however, we are confident<br />

that German covered bonds along with French obligations foncières would be amongst the<br />

first issues that investors would be looking to trade on an electronic platform.<br />

Will the ECB ride to the rescue of the covered bonds market?<br />

At its May meeting, the European Central Bank (ECB) announced that it intends to buy in a<br />

total of EUR 60bn worth of covered bonds in order to support the market. The ECB will not<br />

release further details until its next meeting on 4 June. The only other thing we have been<br />

told for sure is that the ECB will restrict its purchases solely to euro-denominated covered<br />

bonds issued in the eurozone. Will this central-bank initiative have the potential to restore a<br />

higher level of market activity?<br />

We see this news, which is an extremely positive development in our opinion, initially having<br />

a primarily psychological benefit – it will have to, seeing that the promised volume of<br />

purchases of EUR 60bn is not going to be enough on its own to significantly move the<br />

market. The ECB has previously bought covered bonds for its own account. The pending<br />

buying will be qualitatively different however, since the principal objective will be to stabilise<br />

the market. And the initiative will work – to an extent, at least. By not revealing any more,<br />

the ECB has created a situation where every segment of the CB market is still hoping to get<br />

help.<br />

At this stage of the proceedings however, there are more questions than answers. Here is<br />

just a short list:<br />

� Which covered bond segments will benefit from the ECB’s buying, which types of<br />

cover assets will be affected, which maturities will the ECB buy, and from which<br />

groups of investors will it buy covered bonds?<br />

� At what price will the ECB buy in covered bonds?<br />

� How will the central bank define the term „covered bond“? Might the demarcation<br />

include RMBS?<br />

� How will the purchases be effected? If the main objective is to stabilise the<br />

market, the ECB is likely to intervene in the secondary market, either through<br />

direct purchases and/or through auctions; if stabilising the banks‘ funding<br />

operations and by extension the property market is the ECB’s main or a<br />

secondary objective, it is likely to act more through the primary market to boost<br />

issuance or through a combination of primary and secondary activity.<br />

� Over what period will the ECB buy covered bonds? Will the ECB retain the paper<br />

it acquires on the books through to maturity, or will it engage in some sort of<br />

„active portfolio management“ involving earlier sales?<br />

We do not expect the ECB announcement to trigger a rally that causes swap spreads to<br />

instantly tighten significantly. That said however, the positive effect of the initiative should at<br />

least ensure the market stabilises for a while at the current level and allow swap spreads to<br />

at least show the first signs of a tightening trend.<br />

EUR 60bn worth of covered bonds to<br />

be bought<br />

Psychological benefit above all<br />

Swap spreads to stabilise or tighten<br />

slightly<br />


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